<food name="Belgian Waffles">
<description>two of our famous Belgian Waffles with plenty of real maple syrup</description
<food name="Strawberry Belgian Waffles">
<description>light Belgian waffles covered with strawberries and whipped cream</description>
<food name="Berry-Berry Belgian Waffles">
<description>light Belgian waffles covered with an assortment of fresh berries and whipped cream</description>
<food name="French Toast">
<description>thick slices made from our homemade sourdough bread</description>
<food name="Homestyle Breakfast">
<description>two eggs, bacon or sausage, toast, and our ever-popular hash browns</description>
In [1]:
# import the appropriate libraries
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET # xml processing
In [2]:
# read the XML file
tree = ET.parse('input/menu.xml')
In [4]:
print('tree element:\t', tree)
In [82]:
# get the root of the tree
root = tree.getroot()
In [83]:
print 'root element:\t ', root
In [84]:
# here is the name of the root element
In [85]:
# get the children of breakfast_menu, the next level down the tree
children = root.getchildren()
In [86]:
for child in children:
print (child.tag)
In [87]:
# for each child (node), get it's children and print out their names (tags)
for child in children:
grand_children = child.getchildren()
print (child.tag, '\t', child.attrib)
for grand_child in grand_children:
print (grand_child.tag)
In [88]:
# make a list of all the <food> tags
food_tags = root.findall('food')
print ('number of food tags = ', len(food_tags))
In [89]:
# print the <food> tags - it's not what you would expect
print (food_tags)
In [90]:
# access the enties in the list
first_food_item = food_tags[0]
print ('the first child node is:\t', first_food_item)
In [91]:
# here's how we can view a child node's content
In [92]:
section = 'food'
tag = 'price'
node = root.find(section)
subnode = node.find(tag)
print ("Path to Price subnode of Food node:")
print ("Root:", str(root), " Node: ", node, "Subnode: ", subnode)
In [93]:
#node = root.find('food')
#subnode = node.find('prince')
#subsubnode = subnode.find('curr')
In [94]:
#Specify the path to the 'name' attribute of the 'food' node
node = root.find(section)
attribute = node.attrib['name']
print ("Path to Name attribute of Food node:")
print ("Root:", str(root), " Node: ", node, "Attribute: ", attribute)
In [95]:
#Find the attributes of each food node
print "All nodes, subnodes and attributes:"
for node in root:
print (node.tag, node.attrib)
for subnode in node:
print (subnode.tag, subnode.text)
In [96]:
#Add a new attribute to each food tag
for node in tree.iter(tag='food'):
node.set('category', 'breakfast')
In [97]:
# you can search by name
name = 'Belgian Waffles'
for selected_name in root.findall("./food/[@name='%s']" % name):
#print the description associated with the selected name
print "Found Belgian Waffles!"
print name, ":", selected_name.find('description').text
In [98]:
#find a specific node
#and update a subnode
for node in tree.iter(tag='food'):
if node.attrib['name'] == 'French Toast':
subnode = node.find('price')
print ("Subnode text: ", subnode.text)
subnode.text = '$6.50'
print ("Modified subnode text: ", subnode.text)
In [99]:
#Add a new subelement to the root
new_name = 'Three-Egg Omlette'
new_price = '$7.95'
new_description = 'three-egg omlette with your choice of meat, cheese and vegetables'
new_calories = '900'
food_node = ET.SubElement(root, 'food', {'name':new_name})
price_subnode = ET.SubElement(food_node, 'price')
price_subnode.text = new_price
description_subnode = ET.SubElement(food_node, 'description')
description_subnode.text = new_description
calories_subnode = ET.SubElement(food_node, 'calories')
calories_subnode.text = new_calories
In [100]:
#<el name='x'> 4 </el>
#<price amount='5.5' cur='$$'/>
In [106]:
#Write out the modified xml
xmltodict is another simple library that aims at making XML feel like working with JSON.
In [5]:
import xmltodict
with open('input/menu.xml') as fd:
doc = xmltodict.parse(fd.read())
In [6]:
untangle is a simple library which takes an XML document and returns a Python object which mirrors the nodes and attributes in its structure
In [3]:
import untangle
obj = untangle.parse('input/menu.xml')
In [ ]: