HDF5 + Python

What Exactly Is HDF5?

HDF5 is a great mechanism for storing large numerical arrays of homogenous type, for data models that can be organized hierarchically and benefit from tagging of datasets with arbitrary metadata. It’s quite different from SQL-style relational databases. HDF5 has quite a few organizational tricks up its sleeve (see Chapter 8, for example), but if you find yourself needing to enforce relationships between values in various tables, or wanting to perform JOINs on your data, a relational database is probably more appropriate. Likewise, for tiny 1D datasets you need to be able to read on machines without HDF5 installed. Text formats like CSV (with all their warts) are a reasonable alternative.

HDF5 is just about perfect if you make minimal use of relational features and have a need for very high performance, partial I/O, hierarchical organization, and arbitrary metadata.

So what, specifically, is “HDF5”? I would argue it consists of three things:

  • A file specification and associated data model.
  • A standard library with API access available from C, C++, Java, Python, and others.
  • A software ecosystem, consisting of both client programs using HDF5 and “analysis platforms” like MATLAB, IDL, and Python.

... the three main elements of the HDF5 data model: datasets, array-like objects that store your numerical data on disk; groups, hierarchical containers that store datasets and other groups; and attributes, user-defined bits of metadata that can be attached to datasets (and groups!). Python and HDF by Andrew Collette

From HDF5 site

In [1]:
# This examaple creates an HDF5 file dset.h5 and an empty datasets /dset in it.
import h5py
# Create a new file using defaut properties.
file = h5py.File('output/dset.h5','w')
# Create a dataset under the Root group.
dataset = file.create_dataset("dset",(4, 6), h5py.h5t.STD_I32BE)
print("Dataset dataspace is", dataset.shape)
print("Dataset Numpy datatype is", dataset.dtype)
print("Dataset name is", dataset.name)
print("Dataset is a member of the group", dataset.parent)
print("Dataset was created in the file", dataset.file)
# Close the file before exiting

Dataset dataspace is (4, 6)
Dataset Numpy datatype is >i4
Dataset name is /dset
Dataset is a member of the group <HDF5 group "/" (1 members)>
Dataset was created in the file <HDF5 file "dset.h5" (mode r+)>

In [2]:
# This example writes data to the existing empty dataset created by h5_crtdat.py and then reads it back.
import h5py
import numpy as np
# Open an existing file using default properties.
file = h5py.File('output/dset.h5','r+')
# Open "dset" dataset under the root group.
dataset = file['/dset']
# Initialize data object with 0.
data = np.zeros((4,6))
# Assign new values
for i in range(4):
    for j in range(6):
        data[i][j]= i*6+j+1	 
# Write data
print("Writing data...")
dataset[...] = data
# Read data back and print it.
print("Reading data back...")
data_read = dataset[...]
print("Printing data...")
# Close the file before exiting
for item in dataset.attrs.keys():
    print (dataset.attrs[item])

Writing data...
Reading data back...
Printing data...
[[ 1  2  3  4  5  6]
 [ 7  8  9 10 11 12]
 [13 14 15 16 17 18]
 [19 20 21 22 23 24]]

In [3]:
# This examaple creates and writes two attributes on the "dset" dataset created by h5_crtdat.py.
import h5py
import numpy as np
# Open an existing file using defaut properties.
file = h5py.File('output/dset.h5','r+')
# Open "dset" dataset.
dataset = file['/dset']
# Create string attribute.
attr_string = "Meter per second"
dataset.attrs["Units"] = attr_string
# Create integer array attribute.
attr_data = np.zeros((2))
attr_data[0] = 100
attr_data[1] = 200
dataset.attrs.create("Speed", attr_data, (2,), h5py.h5t.STD_I32BE)
# Close the file before exiting
for item in dataset.attrs.keys():
    print (item, dataset.attrs[item])

Units Meter per second
Speed [100 200]

In [4]:
# This example creates an HDF5 file group.h5 and a group MyGroup in it 
# using H5Py interfaces to the HDF5 library. 
import sys
import h5py

# Uncomment the next line if you want to save the output from this script to a file named "out".
#sys.stdout = open('out', 'w')
# Use 'w' to remove existing file and create a new one; use 'w-' if
# create operation should fail when the file already exists.
print("Creating an HDF5 file with the name group.h5...")
file = h5py.File('group.h5','w')
# Show the Root group which is created when the file is created.
print("When an HDF5 file is created, it has a Root group with the name '",file.name,"'.")
# Create a group with the name "MyGroup"
print("Creating a group MyGroup in the file...")
group = file.create_group("MyGroup")
# Print the content of the Root group
print("An HDF5 group is a container for other objects; a group is similar to Python dictionary with the keys being the links to the group members.")
print("Show the members of the Root group using dictionary key method:", file.keys())
# Another way to show the content of the Root group.
print("Show the members of the Root group using the list function:", list(file))
# Close the file before exiting; H5Py will close the group.

Creating an HDF5 file with the name group.h5...
When an HDF5 file is created, it has a Root group with the name ' / '.
Creating a group MyGroup in the file...
An HDF5 group is a container for other objects; a group is similar to Python dictionary with the keys being the links to the group members.
Show the members of the Root group using dictionary key method: KeysView(<HDF5 file "group.h5" (mode r+)>)
Show the members of the Root group using the list function: ['MyGroup']

In [5]:
# This example creates HDF5 file group.h5 and group MyGroup in it.
# Absolute and relative paths are used to create groups in MyGroup. 
import sys
import h5py

# Use 'w' to remove existing file and create a new one; use 'w-' if
# create operation should fail when the file already exists.
print("Creating HDF5 file group.h5...")
file = h5py.File('group.h5','w')
# Create a group with the name "MyGroup"
print("Creating group MyGroup in the file...")
group = file.create_group("MyGroup")
# Create group "Group_A" in group MyGroup
print("Creating group Group_A in MyGroup using absolute path...")
group_a = file.create_group("/MyGroup/Group_A")
# Create group "Group_B" in group MyGroup
print("Creating group Group_B in MyGroup using relative path...")
group_b = group.create_group("Group_B")
# Print the contents of MyGroup group
print("Printing members of MyGroup group:", group.keys())
# Close the file before exiting; H5Py will close the groups we created.

Creating HDF5 file group.h5...
Creating group MyGroup in the file...
Creating group Group_A in MyGroup using absolute path...
Creating group Group_B in MyGroup using relative path...
Printing members of MyGroup group: KeysView(<HDF5 group "/MyGroup" (2 members)>)

In [6]:
# This example writes data to the existing empty dataset created by h5_crtdat.py and then reads it back.
import h5py
import numpy as np
# Open an existing file using defaut properties.
file = h5py.File('group.h5','r+')
# Open "MyGroup" group and create dataset dset1 in it.
print("Creating dataset dset1 in MyGroup group...")
dataset1 = file.create_dataset("/MyGroup/dset1", (3,3), dtype = h5py.h5t.STD_I32BE) 
# Initialize data and write it to dset1.
data = np.zeros((3,3))
for i in range(3):
    for j in range(3):
        data[i][j] = j + 1
print("Writing data to dset1...")
dataset1[...] = data

# Open "MyGroup/Group_A" group and create dataset dset2 in it.
print("Creating dataset dset2 in /MyGroup/Group_A group...")
group = file['/MyGroup/Group_A']
dataset2 = group.create_dataset("dset2", (2,10), dtype = h5py.h5t.STD_I16LE)
# Initialize data and write it to dset2.
data = np.zeros((2,10))
for i in range(2):
    for j in range(10):
        data[i][j] = j + 1	 
print("Writing data to dset2...")
dataset2[...] = data
# Close the file before exiting.

Creating dataset dset1 in MyGroup group...
Writing data to dset1...
Creating dataset dset2 in /MyGroup/Group_A group...
Writing data to dset2...

In [7]:
This example illustrates how to create a compressed dataset.

Tested with:
    Fedora 18:
        HDF5 1.8.9, Python 2.7.3, Numpy 1.7.1, h5py 2.1.3
    Fedora 18:
        HDF5 1.8.9, Python 3.3.0, Numpy 1.7.1, h5py 2.1.3
    Mac OS X 10.6.8:
        HDF5 1.8.10, Python 3.2.5, Numpy 1.7.1, h5py 2.1.3
import sys

import numpy as np
import h5py

FILE = "output/cmprss.h5"
DATASET = "Compressed_Data"

# Strings are handled very differently between python2 and python3.
if sys.hexversion >= 0x03000000:
    FILE = FILE.encode()
    DATASET = DATASET.encode()

DIM0 = 100
DIM1 = 20

def run():
    # Create a file.
    fid = h5py.h5f.create(FILE)

    # Create dataset "Compressed Data" in the group using absolute names.
    dims = (DIM0, DIM1)
    space_id = h5py.h5s.create_simple(dims)

    dcpl = h5py.h5p.create(h5py.h5p.DATASET_CREATE)

    # Datasets must be chunked for compression.
    cdims = (20, 20)

    # Set ZLIB / DEFLATE compression using compression level 6.

    dset = h5py.h5d.create(fid, DATASET,
                           space_id, dcpl, h5py.h5p.DEFAULT)

    buf = np.zeros((DIM0, DIM1))
    for i in range(DIM0):
        buf[i] = i + np.arange(DIM1)

    dset.write(h5py.h5s.ALL, h5py.h5s.ALL, buf)

    # Now reopen the file and dataset.
    fid = h5py.h5f.open(FILE)
    dset = h5py.h5d.open(fid, DATASET)

    dcpl = dset.get_create_plist()

    numfilt = dcpl.get_nfilters()
    print("Number of filters associated with dataset:  %d" % numfilt)

    for j in range(numfilt):
        code, flags, values, name = dcpl.get_filter(j)

    newdata = np.zeros((DIM0, DIM1))
    dset.read(h5py.h5s.ALL,h5py.h5s.ALL, newdata)


Number of filters associated with dataset:  1
[[   0.    1.    2. ...,   17.   18.   19.]
 [   1.    2.    3. ...,   18.   19.   20.]
 [   2.    3.    4. ...,   19.   20.   21.]
 [  97.   98.   99. ...,  114.  115.  116.]
 [  98.   99.  100. ...,  115.  116.  117.]
 [  99.  100.  101. ...,  116.  117.  118.]]

In [ ]:

From NexPy

In [8]:
#!/usr/bin/env python
'''uses h5py to build the verysimple.nx5 data file'''

import h5py

angle = [18.9094, 18.9096, 18.9098, 18.91,  18.9102, 
         18.9104, 18.9106, 18.9108, 18.911, 18.9112, 
         18.9114, 18.9116, 18.9118, 18.912, 18.9122]
diode = [1193, 4474, 53220, 274310, 515430, 827880, 
         1227100, 1434640, 1330280, 1037070, 598720, 
         316460, 56677, 1000, 1000]

f = h5py.File('output/verysimple.nx5', 'w')
f.attrs['default'] = 'entry'

nxentry = f.create_group('entry')
nxentry.attrs["NX_class"] = 'NXentry'
nxentry.attrs['default'] = 'data'

nxdata = nxentry.create_group('data')
nxdata.attrs["NX_class"] = 'NXdata'
nxdata.attrs['signal'] = 'counts'
nxdata.attrs['axes'] = 'two_theta'
nxdata.attrs['two_theta_indices'] = [0,]

tth = nxdata.create_dataset('two_theta', data=angle)
tth.attrs['units'] = 'degrees'
tth.attrs['long_name'] = 'photodiode counts'

counts = nxdata.create_dataset('counts', data=diode)
counts.attrs['units'] = 'counts'
counts.attrs['long_name'] = 'two_theta (degrees)'


In [9]:
#!/usr/bin/env python
Writes the simplest NeXus HDF5 file using h5py 

Uses method accepted at 2014NIAC
according to the example from Figure 1.3 
in the Introduction chapter

import h5py
import numpy

buffer = numpy.loadtxt('output/input.dat').T
tthData = buffer[0]                             # float[]
countsData = numpy.asarray(buffer[1],'int32')   # int[]

f = h5py.File('output/writer_1_3.hdf5', "w")  # create the HDF5 NeXus file
# since this is a simple example, no attributes are used at this point

nxentry = f.create_group('Scan')
j = f.create_group('blahblah')
nxentry.attrs["NX_class"] = 'NXentry'
nxdata = nxentry.create_group('data')
nxdata.attrs["NX_class"] = 'NXdata'
nxdata.attrs['signal'] = "counts"
nxdata.attrs['axes'] = "two_theta"
nxdata.attrs['two_theta_indices'] = [0,]

tth = nxdata.create_dataset("two_theta", data=tthData)
tth.attrs['units'] = "degrees"

counts = nxdata.create_dataset("counts", data=countsData)
counts.attrs['units'] = "counts"

f.close()   # be CERTAIN to close the file

In [10]:
# basic writer

'''Writes a NeXus HDF5 file using h5py and numpy'''

import h5py    # HDF5 support
import numpy

print("Write a NeXus HDF5 file")
fileName = "output/prj_test.nexus.hdf5"
timestamp = "2017-01-23T17:17:04-0500"

# load data from two column format
data = numpy.loadtxt('output/input.dat').T
mr_arr = data[0]
i00_arr = numpy.asarray(data[1],'int32')

# create the HDF5 NeXus file
f = h5py.File(fileName, "w")
# point to the default data to be plotted
f.attrs['default']          = 'entry'
# give the HDF5 root some more attributes
f.attrs['file_name']        = fileName
f.attrs['file_time']        = timestamp
f.attrs['instrument']       = 'APS USAXS at 32ID-B'
f.attrs['creator']          = 'BasicWriter.py'
f.attrs['NeXus_version']    = '4.3.0'
f.attrs['HDF5_Version']     = h5py.version.hdf5_version
f.attrs['h5py_version']     = h5py.version.version

# create the NXentry group
nxentry = f.create_group('entry')
nxentry.attrs['NX_class'] = 'NXentry'
nxentry.attrs['default'] = 'mr_scan'
nxentry.create_dataset('title', data='1-D scan of I00 v. mr')

# create the NXentry group
nxdata = nxentry.create_group('mr_scan')
nxdata.attrs['NX_class'] = 'NXdata'
nxdata.attrs['signal'] = 'I00'      # Y axis of default plot
nxdata.attrs['axes'] = 'mr'         # X axis of default plot
nxdata.attrs['mr_indices'] = [0,]   # use "mr" as the first dimension of I00

# X axis data
ds = nxdata.create_dataset('mr', data=mr_arr)
ds.attrs['units'] = 'degrees'
ds.attrs['long_name'] = 'USAXS mr (degrees)'    # suggested X axis plot label

# Y axis data
ds = nxdata.create_dataset('I00', data=i00_arr)
ds.attrs['units'] = 'counts'
ds.attrs['long_name'] = 'USAXS I00 (counts)'    # suggested Y axis plot label

f.close()   # be CERTAIN to close the file

print("wrote file:", fileName)

Write a NeXus HDF5 file
wrote file: output/prj_test.nexus.hdf5

In [11]:
#Basic Reader
'''Reads NeXus HDF5 files using h5py and prints the contents'''

import h5py    # HDF5 support

fileName = "output/prj_test.nexus.hdf5"
f = h5py.File(fileName,  "r")
for item in f.attrs.keys():
    print(item + ":", f.attrs[item])
mr = f['/entry/mr_scan/mr']
i00 = f['/entry/mr_scan/I00']
print("%s\t%s\t%s" % ("#", "mr", "I00"))
for i in range(len(mr)):
    print("%d\t%g\t%d" % (i, mr[i], i00[i]))

default: entry
file_name: output/prj_test.nexus.hdf5
file_time: 2017-01-23T17:17:04-0500
instrument: APS USAXS at 32ID-B
creator: BasicWriter.py
NeXus_version: 4.3.0
HDF5_Version: 1.8.17
h5py_version: 2.6.0
#	mr	I00
0	17.9261	1037
1	17.9259	1318
2	17.9258	1704
3	17.9256	2857
4	17.9254	4516
5	17.9252	9998
6	17.9251	23819
7	17.9249	31662
8	17.9247	40458
9	17.9246	49087
10	17.9244	56514
11	17.9243	63499
12	17.9241	66802
13	17.9239	66863
14	17.9237	66599
15	17.9236	66206
16	17.9234	65747
17	17.9232	65250
18	17.9231	64129
19	17.9229	63044
20	17.9228	60796
21	17.9226	56795
22	17.9224	51550
23	17.9222	43710
24	17.9221	29315
25	17.9219	19782
26	17.9217	12992
27	17.9216	6622
28	17.9214	4198
29	17.9213	2248
30	17.9211	1321

Links are pointers to existing data somewhere else. The concept is very much like symbolic links in a unix filesystem. The NeXus definition sometimes requires to have access to the same data in different groups in the same file.

In [12]:
# Refer to the above picture
#!/usr/bin/env python
Writes a simple NeXus HDF5 file using h5py with links
according to the example from Figure 2.1 in the Design chapter

import h5py
import numpy

buffer = numpy.loadtxt('output/input.dat').T
tthData = buffer[0]                             # float[]
countsData = numpy.asarray(buffer[1],'int32')   # int[]

f = h5py.File('output/writer_2_1.hdf5', "w")  # create the HDF5 NeXus file
f.attrs['default'] = 'entry'

nxentry = f.create_group('entry')
nxentry.attrs['NX_class'] = 'NXentry'
nxentry.attrs['default'] = 'data'

nxinstrument = nxentry.create_group('instrument')
nxinstrument.attrs['NX_class'] = 'NXinstrument'

nxdetector = nxinstrument.create_group('detector')
nxdetector.attrs['NX_class'] = 'NXdetector'

# store the data in the NXdetector group
ds_tth = nxdetector.create_dataset('two_theta', data=tthData)
ds_tth.attrs['units'] = 'degrees'
ds_counts = nxdetector.create_dataset('counts', data=countsData)
ds_counts.attrs['units'] = 'counts'

# create the NXdata group to define the default plot
nxdata = nxentry.create_group('data')
nxdata.attrs['NX_class'] = 'NXdata'
nxdata.attrs['signal'] = 'counts'
nxdata.attrs['axes'] = 'two_theta'
nxdata.attrs['two_theta_indices'] = [0,]

source_addr = '/entry/instrument/detector/two_theta'    # existing data
target_addr = 'two_theta'                               # new location
ds_tth.attrs['target'] = source_addr                    # a NeXus API convention for links
nxdata._id.link(source_addr, target_addr, h5py.h5g.LINK_HARD)

source_addr = '/entry/instrument/detector/counts'       # existing data
target_addr = 'counts'                                  # new location
ds_counts.attrs['target'] = source_addr                 # a NeXus API convention for links
nxdata._id.link(source_addr, target_addr, h5py.h5g.LINK_HARD)

f.close()   # be CERTAIN to close the file

TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-12-d659d61e3b82> in <module>()
     43 target_addr = 'two_theta'                               # new location
     44 ds_tth.attrs['target'] = source_addr                    # a NeXus API convention for links
---> 45 nxdata._id.link(source_addr, target_addr, h5py.h5g.LINK_HARD)
     47 source_addr = '/entry/instrument/detector/counts'       # existing data

h5py/_objects.pyx in h5py._objects.with_phil.wrapper (/home/ilan/minonda/conda-bld/work/h5py/_objects.c:2696)()

h5py/_objects.pyx in h5py._objects.with_phil.wrapper (/home/ilan/minonda/conda-bld/work/h5py/_objects.c:2654)()

h5py/h5g.pyx in h5py.h5g.GroupID.link (/home/ilan/minonda/conda-bld/work/h5py/h5g.c:3807)()

TypeError: expected bytes, str found

In [13]:
# external link
#!/usr/bin/env python
Writes a NeXus HDF5 file using h5py with links to data in other HDF5 files.

This example is based on ``writer_2_1``.

import h5py
import numpy

FILE_HDF5_MASTER = 'output/external_master.hdf5'
FILE_HDF5_ANGLES = 'output/external_angles.hdf5'
FILE_HDF5_COUNTS = 'output/external_counts.hdf5'


# get some data
buffer = numpy.loadtxt('output/input.dat').T
tthData = buffer[0]                             # float[]
countsData = numpy.asarray(buffer[1],'int32')   # int[]

# put the angle data in an external (non-NeXus) HDF5 data file
f = h5py.File(FILE_HDF5_ANGLES, "w")
ds = f.create_dataset('angles', data=tthData)
ds.attrs['units'] = 'degrees'
f.close()    # be CERTAIN to close the file

# put the detector counts in an external HDF5 data file 
# with *incomplete* NeXus structure (no NXdata group)
f = h5py.File(FILE_HDF5_COUNTS, "w")
nxentry = f.create_group('entry')
nxentry.attrs['NX_class'] = 'NXentry'
nxinstrument = nxentry.create_group('instrument')
nxinstrument.attrs['NX_class'] = 'NXinstrument'
nxdetector = nxinstrument.create_group('detector')
nxdetector.attrs['NX_class'] = 'NXdetector'
ds = nxdetector.create_dataset('counts', data=countsData)
ds.attrs['units'] = 'counts'
# link the "two_theta" data stored in separate file
local_addr = nxdetector.name+'/two_theta'
f[local_addr] = h5py.ExternalLink(FILE_HDF5_ANGLES, '/angles')

# create a master NeXus HDF5 file
f = h5py.File(FILE_HDF5_MASTER, "w")
f.attrs['default'] = 'entry'
nxentry = f.create_group('entry')
nxentry.attrs['NX_class'] = 'NXentry'
nxentry.attrs["default"] = 'data'
nxdata = nxentry.create_group('data')
nxdata.attrs['NX_class'] = 'NXdata'

# link in the signal data
local_addr = '/entry/data/counts'
external_addr = '/entry/instrument/detector/counts'
f[local_addr] = h5py.ExternalLink(FILE_HDF5_COUNTS, external_addr)
nxdata.attrs['signal'] = 'counts'

# link in the axes data
local_addr = '/entry/data/two_theta'
f[local_addr] = h5py.ExternalLink(FILE_HDF5_ANGLES, '/angles')
nxdata.attrs['axes'] = 'two_theta'
nxdata.attrs['two_theta_indices'] = [0,]

local_addr = '/entry/instrument'
f[local_addr] = h5py.ExternalLink(FILE_HDF5_COUNTS, '/entry/instrument')


In [ ]: