In [3]:
%load_ext autoreload
%autoreload 2

import os
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from browser import *

The autoreload extension is already loaded. To reload it, use:
  %reload_ext autoreload

In [4]:
exps = [
paths = [os.path.expanduser("~/nta/results/{}".format(e)) for e in exps]
df = load_many(paths)

In [5]:

(40, 62)

In [7]:

Experiment Name test_accuracy test_accuracy_max epoch_test_accuracy noise_accuracy noise_accuracy_max epoch_noise_accuracy mean_accuracy mean_accuracy_max epoch_mean_accuracy ... repetitions restore_supported stop sync_function test_batch_size test_batches_in_epoch upload_dir use_max_pooling weight_decay weight_sparsity
0 0 0.5866 0.6081 56 0.1426 0.2249 51 0.36460 0.40110 51 ... 10 False {'stop': 1} aws s3 sync `dirname {local_dir}` {remote_dir}... 128 100 s3://lsouza/ray/results True 0.0007 1.0
1 1 0.5894 0.5910 34 0.1533 0.2225 40 0.37135 0.39765 40 ... 10 False {'stop': 1} aws s3 sync `dirname {local_dir}` {remote_dir}... 128 100 s3://lsouza/ray/results True 0.0007 1.0
2 2 0.5736 0.6075 32 0.1573 0.2093 24 0.36545 0.39860 47 ... 10 False {'stop': 1} aws s3 sync `dirname {local_dir}` {remote_dir}... 128 100 s3://lsouza/ray/results True 0.0007 1.0
3 3 0.5413 0.6024 39 0.1015 0.2072 12 0.32140 0.38710 30 ... 10 False {'stop': 1} aws s3 sync `dirname {local_dir}` {remote_dir}... 128 100 s3://lsouza/ray/results True 0.0007 1.0
4 4 0.5781 0.6051 35 0.1633 0.1999 30 0.37070 0.39120 35 ... 10 False {'stop': 1} aws s3 sync `dirname {local_dir}` {remote_dir}... 128 100 s3://lsouza/ray/results True 0.0007 1.0

5 rows × 62 columns

In [14]:
(df.groupby(['dataset', 'name'])['test_accuracy_max', 'noise_accuracy_max', 
                                 'mean_accuracy_max', 'epochs']

test_accuracy_max noise_accuracy_max mean_accuracy_max epochs
dataset name
CIFAR100 C100_DenseBest 0.7240 0.2252 0.4684 98
C100_DenseBest_Linear 0.6078 0.2417 0.4174 66
C100_SparseBest 0.6885 0.2926 0.4644 92
C100_SparseBest_Linear 0.6913 0.2972 0.4706 93

In [15]:
(df.groupby(['dataset', 'name'])['test_accuracy_max', 'noise_accuracy_max', 
                                 'mean_accuracy_max', 'epochs']

test_accuracy_max noise_accuracy_max mean_accuracy_max epochs
dataset name
CIFAR100 C100_DenseBest 0.6132 0.2089 0.4009 55.5
C100_DenseBest_Linear 0.5997 0.2097 0.3918 50.6
C100_SparseBest 0.5459 0.2600 0.3893 64.3
C100_SparseBest_Linear 0.5575 0.2752 0.3894 65.6

In [16]:
def stats(arr):
    mean = np.mean(arr)
    std = np.std(arr)
    return [round(v, 4) for v in [mean-std, mean, mean+std]]

tunable_params = ['linear_percent_on']

In [29]:
filters = ((df['name']=='C100_SparseBest_Linear'))
    .sort_values('mean_accuracy_max', ascending=False)[tunable_params]

linear_percent_on    [0.534, 0.6674, 0.8008]
dtype: object

In [30]:
filters = ((df['name']=='C100_SparseBest_Linear'))
    .sort_values('mean_accuracy_max', ascending=False)[tunable_params]

linear_percent_on    [0.4005, 0.4927, 0.5849]
dtype: object

Search of optimal linear weight sparsity

In [32]:
exps = [

paths = [os.path.expanduser("~/nta/results/{}".format(e)) for e in exps]
df = load_many(paths)

In [33]:

(12, 62)

In [42]:

Experiment Name test_accuracy test_accuracy_max epoch_test_accuracy noise_accuracy noise_accuracy_max epoch_noise_accuracy mean_accuracy mean_accuracy_max epoch_mean_accuracy ... repetitions restore_supported stop sync_function test_batch_size test_batches_in_epoch upload_dir use_max_pooling weight_decay weight_sparsity
0 0_weight_sparsity=[0.615606968378589] 0.6942 0.6968 159 0.2254 0.2602 33 0.45980 0.46735 85 ... 6 False {'stop': 1} aws s3 sync `dirname {local_dir}` {remote_dir}... 128 100 s3://lsouza/ray/results True 0.0007 0.615607
1 1_weight_sparsity=[0.5108914633795211] 0.6916 0.6936 141 0.2281 0.2698 30 0.45985 0.46620 89 ... 6 False {'stop': 1} aws s3 sync `dirname {local_dir}` {remote_dir}... 128 100 s3://lsouza/ray/results True 0.0007 0.510891
2 2_weight_sparsity=[0.7383259279890858] 0.6997 0.7012 161 0.2225 0.2661 24 0.46110 0.46405 161 ... 6 False {'stop': 1} aws s3 sync `dirname {local_dir}` {remote_dir}... 128 100 s3://lsouza/ray/results True 0.0007 0.738326
3 3_weight_sparsity=[0.513634818975599] 0.6932 0.6944 156 0.2268 0.2515 122 0.46000 0.46825 122 ... 6 False {'stop': 1} aws s3 sync `dirname {local_dir}` {remote_dir}... 128 100 s3://lsouza/ray/results True 0.0007 0.513635
4 4_weight_sparsity=[0.2995260895161448] 0.6931 0.6949 103 0.2291 0.2681 34 0.46110 0.46510 117 ... 6 False {'stop': 1} aws s3 sync `dirname {local_dir}` {remote_dir}... 128 100 s3://lsouza/ray/results True 0.0007 0.299526
5 5_weight_sparsity=[0.3558040583351598] 0.6996 0.7018 150 0.2295 0.2665 69 0.46455 0.46750 85 ... 6 False {'stop': 1} aws s3 sync `dirname {local_dir}` {remote_dir}... 128 100 s3://lsouza/ray/results True 0.0007 0.355804
6 0_weight_sparsity=[0.712460875922671, 0.712460... 0.6952 0.6967 143 0.2024 0.2671 67 0.44880 0.47050 84 ... 6 False {'stop': 1} aws s3 sync `dirname {local_dir}` {remote_dir}... 128 100 s3://lsouza/ray/results True 0.0007 0.712461
7 1_weight_sparsity=[0.7331810324021211, 0.73318... 0.6898 0.6931 160 0.1850 0.2418 28 0.43740 0.45330 97 ... 6 False {'stop': 1} aws s3 sync `dirname {local_dir}` {remote_dir}... 128 100 s3://lsouza/ray/results True 0.0007 0.733181
8 2_weight_sparsity=[0.7007782122493296, 0.70077... 0.6943 0.6959 157 0.2004 0.2406 34 0.44735 0.45670 85 ... 6 False {'stop': 1} aws s3 sync `dirname {local_dir}` {remote_dir}... 128 100 s3://lsouza/ray/results True 0.0007 0.700778
9 3_weight_sparsity=[0.28786972025082924, 0.2878... 0.6997 0.7015 136 0.2078 0.2798 45 0.45375 0.45885 125 ... 6 False {'stop': 1} aws s3 sync `dirname {local_dir}` {remote_dir}... 128 100 s3://lsouza/ray/results True 0.0007 0.287870
10 4_weight_sparsity=[0.32698651710912197, 0.3269... 0.6964 0.7003 159 0.2098 0.2522 35 0.45310 0.45990 107 ... 6 False {'stop': 1} aws s3 sync `dirname {local_dir}` {remote_dir}... 128 100 s3://lsouza/ray/results True 0.0007 0.326987
11 5_weight_sparsity=[0.4413290626165175, 0.44132... 0.6968 0.7002 161 0.2487 0.2671 106 0.47275 0.47825 106 ... 6 False {'stop': 1} aws s3 sync `dirname {local_dir}` {remote_dir}... 128 100 s3://lsouza/ray/results True 0.0007 0.441329

12 rows × 62 columns

In [35]:
(df.groupby(['dataset', 'name'])['test_accuracy_max', 'noise_accuracy_max', 
                                 'mean_accuracy_max', 'epochs']

test_accuracy_max noise_accuracy_max mean_accuracy_max epochs
dataset name
CIFAR100 C100_SparseBest_Linear1_T 0.7018 0.2698 0.4683 164
C100_SparseBest_Linear2_T 0.7015 0.2798 0.4782 164

In [36]:
(df.groupby(['dataset', 'name'])['test_accuracy_max', 'noise_accuracy_max', 
                                 'mean_accuracy_max', 'epochs']

test_accuracy_max noise_accuracy_max mean_accuracy_max epochs
dataset name
CIFAR100 C100_SparseBest_Linear1_T 0.6971 0.2637 0.4664 164
C100_SparseBest_Linear2_T 0.6980 0.2581 0.4629 164

In [46]:
tunable_params = ['weight_sparsity']

In [68]:
filters = ((df['name']=='C100_SparseBest_Linear1_T'))
    .sort_values('mean_accuracy_max', ascending=False)[tunable_params]

3 0.3881
5 0.4950
0 0.6019

In [69]:
filters = ((df['name']=='C100_SparseBest_Linear1_T'))
    .sort_values('mean_accuracy_max', ascending=False)[tunable_params]

1 0.3371
4 0.5162
2 0.6954

In [70]:
filters = ((df['name']=='C100_SparseBest_Linear2_T'))
    .sort_values('mean_accuracy_max', ascending=False)[tunable_params]

11 0.3319
6 0.4936
10 0.6552

In [71]:
filters = ((df['name']=='C100_SparseBest_Linear2_T'))
    .sort_values('mean_accuracy_max', ascending=False)[tunable_params]

9 0.3712
8 0.5739
7 0.7767

In [ ]: