In [1]:
import pandas as pd
import os
import seaborn as sns
import json
import tensorflow as tf
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from pathlib import Path
import scipy
import math
In [4]:
In [2]:
ACC_CEIL = 88.88
MAX_MB = 350000
RSM_BASE = base='/Users/jeremygordon/Google Drive/Professional/Work Places/Internships Fellowships/2019 Numenta/rsm_highlights/'
def get_event_filename(dir, base='/Users/jeremygordon/Google Drive/Professional/Work Places/Internships Fellowships/2019 Numenta/rsm_highlights/SMNIST/'):
for path in os.listdir(base + dir):
if 'events' in path:
return base + dir + '/' + path
print("No event for %s" % dir)
def downsample_arr(arr, factor=2):
pad_size = math.ceil(float(arr.size)/factor)*factor - arr.size
b_padded = np.append(arr, np.zeros(pad_size)*np.NaN)
return scipy.nanmean(b_padded.reshape(-1, factor), axis=1)
def get_curve(filename, downsample=0):
xaxis = []
accs = []
rsm = "RSMTune" in filename
event_count = 0
for event in tf.compat.v1.train.summary_iterator(filename):
for value in event.summary.value:
if 'acc' in value.tag:
acc = value.simple_value
event_count += 1
xaxis = np.array(xaxis)
accs = np.array(accs)
if rsm:
xaxis *= 100 # As per batches_in_epoch
if downsample:
accs = downsample_arr(accs, factor=downsample)
xaxis = downsample_arr(xaxis, factor=downsample)
return xaxis, accs
In [ ]:
def get_result_curve(filename):
xaxis = []
val_interp_ppl = []
val_loss = []
for event in tf.compat.v1.train.summary_iterator(filename):
if not xaxis or xaxis[-1] != event.step:
for value in event.summary.value:
if 'val_interp_ppl' in value.tag:
ppl = value.simple_value
elif 'val_loss' in value.tag:
loss = value.simple_value
return xaxis, val_interp_ppl, val_loss
for dirname in [
filename = get_event_filename(dirname, base='./PTB/Ablation/')
xaxis, val_interp_ppl, val_loss = get_result_curve(filename)
print(dirname, 'best ppl', min(val_interp_ppl))
In [15]:
def mean_sd_series_in_folder(folder, key='train_acc', rsm=False, downsample=None):
if downsample is None:
downsample=3 if rsm else 20
series = []
xaxis = None
count = 0
for path in os.listdir(folder):
if os.path.isdir(folder + '/' + path):
filename = get_event_filename(path, base=folder + '/')
xaxis = []
vals = []
for event in tf.compat.v1.train.summary_iterator(filename):
if not xaxis or xaxis[-1] != event.step:
for value in event.summary.value:
if key in value.tag:
val = value.simple_value
if series and len(vals) > len(series[-1]):
vals = vals[:len(series[-1])]
count += 1
series = np.stack(series)
xaxis = np.array(xaxis)
mean = np.mean(series, axis=0)
mins = np.min(series, axis=0)
maxs = np.max(series, axis=0)
se = np.std(series, axis=0) / count
if rsm:
xaxis *= 100 # As per batches_in_epoch
if downsample:
mean = downsample_arr(mean, factor=downsample)
se = downsample_arr(se, factor=downsample)
mins = downsample_arr(mins, factor=downsample)
maxs = downsample_arr(maxs, factor=downsample)
xaxis = downsample_arr(xaxis, factor=downsample)
sd = (se * count).mean()
return xaxis[:len(mean)], mean, se, sd, count, mins, maxs
def plot_mean_sd(ax, xaxis, vals, ses, sd, label, color, mins, maxs, dashes=(None, None), alpha=0.08, with_range=False):
ax.plot(xaxis, vals, label=label, c=color, dashes=dashes, linewidth=LW)
ax.fill_between(xaxis, vals-ses, vals+ses, alpha=alpha, color=color)
if with_range:
ax.fill_between(xaxis, mins, maxs, alpha=alpha/2, color=color)
print(label, "SD %.3f" % sd, "Best mean LSTM %.3f" % vals.max(), "best max %.3f" % maxs.max(), "mean %% of ceil %.3f" % (vals.max() / ACC_CEIL))
LW = 0.7
fig, axs = plt.subplots(3, 1, dpi=250, figsize=(8, 9))
### Showing bRSM and best LSTM in plt 1
xaxis, mean, se, sd, count, mins, maxs = mean_sd_series_in_folder(RSM_BASE + "SMNIST/Best RSM/pbRSM", key='acc', rsm=True)
plot_mean_sd(axs[0], xaxis, mean, se, sd, "bRSM (partitioned)", 'red', mins, maxs, with_range=True)
xaxis, mean, se, sd, count, mins, maxs = mean_sd_series_in_folder(RSM_BASE + "SMNIST/Best RSM/bRSM", key='acc', rsm=True)
plot_mean_sd(axs[0], xaxis, mean, se, sd, "bRSM", 'red', mins, maxs, dashes=(1, 1), with_range=True)
# BEST_LSTM = "mbs 100 k2 30"
# label = "$mbs=100$ $k_2=30$"
BEST_LSTM = "mbs cont k2 30"
label = "$mbs=cont$ $k_2=30$"
color_dash = ("#0000CC", (None, None))
xaxis, mean, se, sd, count, mins, maxs = mean_sd_series_in_folder(RSM_BASE + 'SMNIST/LSTM Variance/nhid450/' + BEST_LSTM)
plot_mean_sd(axs[0], xaxis, mean, se, sd, "LSTM (%s)" % (label), color_dash[0], mins, maxs, color_dash[1], with_range=True)
axs[0].set_title("Learning curves for ssMNIST 8x9 grammar")
### Showing variation in LSTM config in plt 2
for config, color, dashes in [
("mbs cont k2 30", "#0000CC", None),
#("mbs 150 k2 30", "#0055DD", (1, 1)),
("mbs 100 k2 30", "#0055DD", (2, 1)),
("mbs 50 k2 30", "#44CC77", (4, 1)),
("mbs 30 k2 30", "#AA55DD", (5, 1, 1, 1)),
xaxis, mean, se, sd, count, mins, maxs = mean_sd_series_in_folder(RSM_BASE + 'SMNIST/LSTM Variance/nhid450/' + config)
if xaxis is not None:
if dashes is None:
dashes = (None, None)
label=config.replace(" k2 30", "").replace(" ", "=")
plot_mean_sd(axs[1], xaxis, mean, se, sd, label, color, mins, maxs, dashes, with_range=True)
axs[1].set_title("LSTM tBPTT with $k_2=30$, varying $mbs$")
for config, color, dashes in [
("mbs 100 k2 20", "#44CC77", None),
("mbs 100 k2 30", "#0055DD", (2, 1)),
("mbs 100 k2 50", "#AA55DD", (4, 1)),
xaxis, mean, se, sd, count, mins, maxs = mean_sd_series_in_folder(RSM_BASE + 'SMNIST/LSTM Variance/nhid450/' + config)
if xaxis is not None:
if dashes is None:
dashes = (None, None)
label=config.replace("mbs 100 ", "").replace(" ", "=").replace("k2", "$k_2$")
plot_mean_sd(axs[2], xaxis, mean, se, sd, label, color, mins, maxs, dashes, with_range=True)
axs[2].set_title("LSTM tBPTT with $mbs=100$, varying $k_2$")
for ax in axs:
ax.legend(loc='lower right')
ax.set_ylabel("Accuracy (%)")
ax.set_ylim((0, 100))
ax.set_xlim((0, MAX_MB))
ax.plot([0, MAX_MB], [ACC_CEIL, ACC_CEIL], c='gray', dashes=[4, 2], linewidth=LW)
In [ ]:
In [64]:
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, dpi=250, figsize=(8, 4))
xaxis, mean, se, sd, count, mins, maxs = mean_sd_series_in_folder(RSM_BASE + 'SMNIST/Fixed SMNIST/bRSM', key='acc', rsm=True)
plot_mean_sd(ax, xaxis, mean, se, sd, "bRSM", 'red', mins, maxs, (1, 1), with_range=True, alpha=0.1)
xaxis, mean, se, sd, count, mins, maxs = mean_sd_series_in_folder(RSM_BASE + 'SMNIST/Fixed SMNIST/LSTM cont', downsample=0)
plot_mean_sd(ax, xaxis, mean, se, sd, "LSTM mbs=cont $k_2=30$", '#0055DD', mins, maxs, (2, 1), with_range=True, alpha=0.1)
ax.set_title("Learning curves for ssMNIST 8x9 grammar (fixed MNIST digits)")
ax.legend(loc='lower right')
ax.set_ylabel("Accuracy (%)")
ax.set_ylim((0, 100))
ax.set_xlim((0, 35000))
ax.plot(ax.get_xlim(), [ACC_CEIL, ACC_CEIL], c='gray', dashes=[4, 2], linewidth=0.9)