This notebook contains Theano exercices not related to machine learning.
The exercices work in the following way:
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# Exercices 1
# This exercice requires you to create Theano variables and
# perform some computation on them.
import numpy as np
from theano import function
raise NotImplementedError("TODO: add any other imports you need")
def make_scalar():
Returns a new Theano scalar.
raise NotImplementedError("TODO: implement this function.")
def log(x):
Returns the logarithm of a Theano scalar x.
raise NotImplementedError("TODO: implement this function.")
def add(x, y):
Adds two theano scalars together and returns the result.
raise NotImplementedError("TODO: implement this function.")
# The following code will use your code and test it.
a = make_scalar()
b = make_scalar()
c = log(b)
d = add(a, c)
f = function([a, b], d)
a = np.cast[a.dtype](1.)
b = np.cast[b.dtype](2.)
actual = f(a, b)
expected = 1. + np.log(2.)
assert np.allclose(actual, expected)
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# Exercices 2
# This exercice requires you to make Theano variables,
# elemwise multiplication and matrix/vector dot product.
import numpy as np
from theano import function
raise NotImplementedError("TODO: add any other imports you need")
def make_vector():
Returns a new Theano vector.
raise NotImplementedError("TODO: implement this function.")
def make_matrix():
Returns a new Theano matrix.
raise NotImplementedError("TODO: implement this function.")
def elemwise_mul(a, b):
a: A theano matrix
b: A theano matrix
Returns the elementwise product of a and b
raise NotImplementedError("TODO: implement this function.")
def matrix_vector_mul(a, b):
a: A theano matrix
b: A theano vector
Returns the matrix-vector product of a and b
raise NotImplementedError("TODO: implement this function.")
# The following code will use your code and test it.
a = make_vector()
b = make_vector()
c = elemwise_mul(a, b)
d = make_matrix()
e = matrix_vector_mul(d, c)
f = function([a, b, d], e)
rng = np.random.RandomState([1, 2, 3])
a_value = rng.randn(5).astype(a.dtype)
b_value = rng.rand(5).astype(b.dtype)
c_value = a_value * b_value
d_value = rng.randn(5, 5).astype(d.dtype)
expected =, c_value)
actual = f(a_value, b_value, d_value)
assert np.allclose(actual, expected)
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# Exercices 3
# This exercice requires you to create Theano tensor variables, do
# broadcastable addition and to compute the max over part of a tensor.
import numpy as np
from theano import function
raise NotImplementedError("TODO: add any other imports you need")
def make_tensor(dim):
Returns a new Theano tensor with no broadcastable dimensions.
dim: the total number of dimensions of the tensor.
(You can use any dtype you like)
raise NotImplementedError("TODO: implement this function.")
def broadcasted_add(a, b):
a: a 3D theano tensor
b: a 4D theano tensor
Returns c, a 4D theano tensor, where
c[i, j, k, l] = a[l, k, i] + b[i, j, k, l]
for all i, j, k, l
raise NotImplementedError("TODO: implement this function.")
def partial_max(a):
a: a 4D theano tensor
Returns b, a theano matrix, where
b[i, j] = max_{k,l} a[i, k, l, j]
for all i, j
raise NotImplementedError("TODO: implement this function.")
# The following code uses your code and tests it.
a = make_tensor(3)
b = make_tensor(4)
c = broadcasted_add(a, b)
d = partial_max(c)
f = function([a, b], d)
rng = np.random.RandomState([1, 2, 3])
a_value = rng.randn(2, 2, 2).astype(a.dtype)
b_value = rng.rand(2, 2, 2, 2).astype(b.dtype)
c_value = np.transpose(a_value, (2, 1, 0))[:, None, :, :] + b_value
expected = c_value.max(axis=1).max(axis=1)
actual = f(a_value, b_value)
assert np.allclose(actual, expected), (actual, expected)
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# Exercices 4
# This exercice requires you to compile a Theano function and
# call it to execute "x + y".
from theano import tensor as T
raise NotImplementedError("TODO: add any other imports you need")
def evaluate(x, y, expr, x_value, y_value):
x: A theano variable
y: A theano variable
expr: A theano expression involving x and y
x_value: A numpy value
y_value: A numpy value
Returns the value of expr when x_value is substituted for x
and y_value is substituted for y
raise NotImplementedError("TODO: implement this function.")
# The following code uses your code and tests it.
x = T.iscalar()
y = T.iscalar()
z = x + y
assert evaluate(x, y, z, 1, 2) == 3
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# Exercices 5
# This exercice makes you use shared variables. You must create them
# and update them by swapping 2 shared variables values.
import numpy as np
raise NotImplementedError("TODO: add any other imports you need")
def make_shared(shape):
Returns a theano shared variable containing a tensor of the specified
You can use any value you want.
raise NotImplementedError("TODO: implement the function")
def exchange_shared(a, b):
a: a theano shared variable
b: a theano shared variable
Uses get_value and set_value to swap the values stored in a and b
raise NotImplementedError("TODO: implement the function")
def make_exchange_func(a, b):
a: a theano shared variable
b: a theano shared variable
Returns f
where f is a theano function, that, when called, swaps the
values in a and b
f should not return anything
raise NotImplementedError("TODO: implement the function")
# The following code will use your code and test it.
a = make_shared((5, 4, 3))
assert a.get_value().shape == (5, 4, 3)
b = make_shared((5, 4, 3))
assert a.get_value().shape == (5, 4, 3)
a.set_value(np.zeros((5, 4, 3), dtype=a.dtype))
b.set_value(np.ones((5, 4, 3), dtype=b.dtype))
exchange_shared(a, b)
assert np.all(a.get_value() == 1.)
assert np.all(b.get_value() == 0.)
f = make_exchange_func(a, b)
rval = f()
assert isinstance(rval, list)
assert len(rval) == 0
assert np.all(a.get_value() == 0.)
assert np.all(b.get_value() == 1.)
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# Exercices 6
# This exercice makes you use Theano symbolic grad
from theano import tensor as T
def grad_sum(x, y, z):
x: A theano variable
y: A theano variable
z: A theano expression involving x and y
Returns dz / dx + dz / dy
raise NotImplementedError("TODO: implement this function.")
# The following code will use your code and test it.
x = T.scalar()
y = T.scalar()
z = x + y
s = grad_sum(x, y, z)
assert s.eval({x: 0, y: 0}) == 2
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# Exercice 7
# This code has a bug. Run this cell to see it.
# Use Theano flags (easy in shell, harder in ipython) or extra parameters to a function
# to find the cause and fix it.
# Do not find the bug by inspecting the code. This is to show you how to find a bug
# in more complicated cases when code inspection doesn't work well.
import numpy as np
from theano import function
from theano import tensor as T
a = T.vector()
b = T.log(a)
c = T.nnet.sigmoid(b)
d = T.sqrt(c)
e = T.concatenate((d, c), axis=0)
f = b * c * d
g = e + f
h = g / c
fn = function([a], h, mode='FAST_COMPILE')
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# Exercice 8
# This exercice is different. The initial version already works.
# You must modify it as described below and it should still give the same output.
# Modify and execute the polynomial example to have the reduction (the sum() call) done by scan.
import numpy
import theano
import theano.tensor as T
coefficients = theano.tensor.vector("coefficients")
x = T.scalar("x")
max_coefficients_supported = 10000
# Generate the components of the polynomial
components, updates = theano.scan(fn=lambda coeff, power, free_var:
coeff * (free_var ** power),
sequences=[coefficients, full_range],
polynomial = components.sum()
calculate_polynomial = theano.function(inputs=[coefficients, x],
test_coeff = numpy.asarray([1, 0, 2], dtype=numpy.float32)
print(calculate_polynomial(test_coeff, 3))
# 19.0
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