This code is supporting material for the book Building Machine Learning Systems with Python by Willi Richert and Luis Pedro Coelho published by PACKT Publishing
It is made available under the MIT License
In [1]:
import timeit
normal_py_sec = timeit.timeit('sum(x*x for x in range(1000))',
naive_np_sec = timeit.timeit('sum(na*na)',
setup="import numpy as np; na=np.arange(1000)",
good_np_sec = timeit.timeit('',
setup="import numpy as np; na=np.arange(1000)",
print("Normal Python: %f sec" % normal_py_sec)
print("Naive NumPy: %f sec" % naive_np_sec)
print("Good NumPy: %f sec" % good_np_sec)
In [ ]: