In [36]:
from traitlets.config.manager import BaseJSONConfigManager
path = "/home/ubuntu/.jupyter/"
cm = BaseJSONConfigManager(config_dir=path)
cm.update('livereveal', {
'theme': 'beige',
'transition': 'cube',
'start_slideshow_at': 'selected',
In [249]:
%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib
import numpy as np
import shapely
import shapely.geometry
from shapely.geometry import shape
from shapely.geometry import Point, LineString, Polygon, MultiPolygon
from shapely.wkt import dumps, loads
from shapely.wkb import dumps, loads
import sys
import MySQLdb
import sqlalchemy
import os
import csv
from sqlalchemy import *
from sqlalchemy.orm import *
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base
import geoalchemy2
from shapely.validation import explain_validity
from matplotlib.patches import Polygon
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
#import pysal
import pylab as pl
In [107]:
import random
#grab a random color for coloring a figure
def get_random_color():
r = lambda: random.randint(0,255)
return('#%02X%02X%02X' % (r(),r(),r()))
#initialize the figure and draw the shape
def plot(shapelyGeometries, color_dict={"fill":"#AADDCC", "line":"#666666","hole_fill":"#ffffff", "hole_line":"#999999" }):
'Plot shapelyGeometries'
figure = pl.figure(num=None, figsize=(7, 3), dpi=180)
axes = pl.axes()
axes.set_aspect('equal', 'datalim')
draw(shapelyGeometries, color_dict)
#Check the type and break up multipolygons
def draw(gs, color_dict):
'Draw shapelyGeometries'
# Handle single and lists of geometries
gs = iter(gs)
except TypeError:
gs = [gs]
#Route polygons and multipolygons to the right place
for g in gs:
gType = g.geom_type
if gType.startswith('Multi') or gType == 'GeometryCollection':
draw(g.geoms, color_dict)
draw_(g, color_dict)
#Break the shape into its interior and exterior rings
def draw_(g, color_dict):
'Draw a shapelyGeometry; thanks to Sean Gilles'
gType = g.geom_type
if gType == 'Point':
pl.plot(g.x, g.y, 'k,')
elif gType == 'LineString':
x, y = g.xy
pl.plot(x, y, 'b-', color=color_dict["line"])
elif gType == 'Polygon':
#can draw parts as multiple colors
if not color_dict:
"hole_line":"#999999" }
x, y = g.exterior.xy
pl.fill(x, y, color=color_dict["fill"], aa=True)
pl.plot(x, y, color=color_dict["line"], aa=True, lw=1.0)
for hole in g.interiors:
x, y = hole.xy
pl.fill(x, y, color=color_dict["hole_fill"], aa=True)
pl.plot(x, y, color=color_dict["hole_line"], aa=True, lw=1.0)
In [108]:
lat = float(40.4082978)
lng = float(-79.94710909999999)
my_point = Point(lng, lat)
print my_point
In [109]:
radius = my_point.buffer(.01)
In [110]:
print radius
In [111]:
lineString1 = LineString(((-3, -5), (3, 5)))
print lineString1
In [112]:
polygon0 = shapely.geometry.Polygon(
((1, 1), (5, 1), (5, 5), (1, 5), (1, 1)), # Shell
print polygon0
print polygon0.area
In [113]:
polygon1 = shapely.geometry.Polygon(
((1, 1), (5, 1), (5, 5), (1, 5), (1, 1)), # Shell
((2, 2), (2, 3), (3, 3), (3, 2), (2, 2)), # Hole
((3, 3), (3, 4), (4, 4), (4, 3), (3, 3)), # Hole
print polygon1.area
print polygon1
You can use polygons to carve holes in other polygons.
In [114]:
pt = Point(0,0)
circle = pt.buffer(.5)
small_circle = pt.buffer(.25)
plot([circle, small_circle, pt], color_dict=None)
In [115]:
donut = circle.difference(small_circle)
plot(donut, color_dict=None)
In [116]:
circle = Point(5,2.5).buffer(2)
plot([circle, polygon1], color_dict=None)
In [117]:
In [118]:
circle2 = Point(7,7).buffer(2)
plot([circle2, polygon1], color_dict=None)
In [119]:
new_multipolygon = polygon1.union(circle2)
print new_multipolygon.type
print "CIRCLE AREA: %f" % (circle2.area)
print "POLYGON AREA: %f" % (polygon1.area)
print "MULTIPOLYGON AREA: %f" % (new_multipolygon.area)
In [120]:
from shapely.ops import cascaded_union, unary_union
buffered_points_list = []
circle_set = range(5);
for x in circle_set:
plot(buffered_points_list, color_dict=None)
In [121]:
union_shape = cascaded_union(buffered_points_list)
plot(union_shape, color_dict=None)
In [122]:
circle_a = Point(0,0).buffer(1)
circle_b = Point(.5,0).buffer(1)
print circle_a.area
plot([circle_a, circle_b], color_dict=None)
In [123]:
overlap = circle_a.intersection(circle_b)
print overlap.area
In [124]:
print circle_a.overlaps(circle_b)
plot([circle_a, circle_b], color_dict=None)
In [250]:
circle_c = Point(2,0).buffer(1)
print circle_a.overlaps(circle_c)
plot([circle_a, circle_c], color_dict=None)
In [126]:
square = shapely.geometry.Polygon(
((1, 1), (2, 1), (2, 2), (1, 2), (1, 1)), # Shell
print circle_a.touches(square)
plot([circle_a, square], color_dict=None)
In [127]:
square = shapely.geometry.Polygon(
((1, -1), (2, -1), (2, 2), (1, 2), (1, -1)), # Shell
print circle_a.touches(square)
plot([circle_a, square], color_dict=None)
In [128]:
circle_d = Point(1,0).buffer(.5)
print circle_b.within(circle_a)
plot([circle_a, circle_d], color_dict=None)
In [129]:
circle_e = Point(0,0).buffer(.5)
print circle_e.within(circle_a)
plot([circle_a, circle_e], color_dict=None)
In [160]:
import fiona
def get_from_fiona(filename, id_attr):
from shapely.geometry import shape
data = {}
c =, 'r')
for shape_data in c:
name = shape_data['properties'][id_attr]
parsed_shape = shape(shape_data['geometry'])
data[name] = parsed_shape
return data
In [168]:
#This function will help total up a count of all exterior ring points in a polygon or multipolygon
def points(s):
if s.type == 'Polygon':
return len(s.exterior.coords)
if s.type == 'Point':
return s
x = 0
for g in s.geoms:
if g.type != 'Point' and g.type != 'LineString':
x += len(g.exterior.coords)
return x
In [170]:
state_dict = get_from_fiona("data/cb_2013_us_state_500k.shp", "NAME")
michigan = state_dict["Michigan"]
print "Points: " + str(points(michigan))
OrderedDict([(u'STATEFP', u'04'), (u'STATENS', u'01779777'), (u'AFFGEOID', u'0400000US04'), (u'GEOID', u'04'), (u'STUSPS', u'AZ'), (u'NAME', u'Arizona'), (u'LSAD', u'00'), (u'ALAND', 294205037082), (u'AWATER', 1027846143)]) OrderedDict([(u'STATEFP', u'05'), (u'STATENS', u'00068085'), (u'AFFGEOID', u'0400000US05'), (u'GEOID', u'05'), (u'STUSPS', u'AR'), (u'NAME', u'Arkansas'), (u'LSAD', u'00'), (u'ALAND', 134772954601), (u'AWATER', 2958815561)]) OrderedDict([(u'STATEFP', u'08'), (u'STATENS', u'01779779'), (u'AFFGEOID', u'0400000US08'), (u'GEOID', u'08'), (u'STUSPS', u'CO'), (u'NAME', u'Colorado'), (u'LSAD', u'00'), (u'ALAND', 268432676592), (u'AWATER', 1170523775)]) OrderedDict([(u'STATEFP', u'09'), (u'STATENS', u'01779780'), (u'AFFGEOID', u'0400000US09'), (u'GEOID', u'09'), (u'STUSPS', u'CT'), (u'NAME', u'Connecticut'), (u'LSAD', u'00'), (u'ALAND', 12541965607), (u'AWATER', 1815409624)]) OrderedDict([(u'STATEFP', u'11'), (u'STATENS', u'01702382'), (u'AFFGEOID', u'0400000US11'), (u'GEOID', u'11'), (u'STUSPS', u'DC'), (u'NAME', u'District of Columbia'), (u'LSAD', u'00'), (u'ALAND', 158347880), (u'AWATER', 18636405)]) OrderedDict([(u'STATEFP', u'13'), (u'STATENS', u'01705317'), (u'AFFGEOID', u'0400000US13'), (u'GEOID', u'13'), (u'STUSPS', u'GA'), (u'NAME', u'Georgia'), (u'LSAD', u'00'), (u'ALAND', 148962779995), (u'AWATER', 4947803555)]) OrderedDict([(u'STATEFP', u'16'), (u'STATENS', u'01779783'), (u'AFFGEOID', u'0400000US16'), (u'GEOID', u'16'), (u'STUSPS', u'ID'), (u'NAME', u'Idaho'), (u'LSAD', u'00'), (u'ALAND', 214045724209), (u'AWATER', 2397731902)])
In [171]:
state_dict = get_from_fiona("data/tl_2016_us_state.dbf", "NAME")
weird_michigan = state_dict["Michigan"]
print "Points: " + str(points(weird_michigan))
In [174]:
sim_michigan0 = michigan.simplify(0.0001)
print "Points: " + str(points(sim_michigan0))
In [175]:
sim_michigan1 = michigan.simplify(0.001)
print "Points: " + str(points(sim_michigan1))
In [176]:
sim_michigan2 = michigan.simplify(0.03)
print "Points: " + str(points(sim_michigan2))
In [177]:
sim_michigan3 = michigan.simplify(0.1)
print "Points: " + str(points(sim_michigan3))
In [178]:
sim_michigan4 = michigan.simplify(1)
print "Points: " + str(points(sim_michigan4))
In [179]:
sim_michigan5 = michigan.simplify(.1, preserve_topology=False)
print "Points: " + str(points(sim_michigan5))
In [157]:
In [186]:
centroid_point = michigan.centroid
plot([michigan, centroid_point.buffer(1), centroid_point.buffer(.75), centroid_point.buffer(.5)], color_dict=None)