In the mini-project, you'll learn the basics of text analysis using a subset of movie reviews from the rotten tomatoes database. You'll also use a fundamental technique in Bayesian inference, called Naive Bayes. This mini-project is based on Lab 10 of Harvard's CS109 class. Please free to go to the original lab for additional exercises and solutions.
In [1]:
%matplotlib inline
import numpy as np
import scipy as sp
import matplotlib as mpl
import as cm
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns
from six.moves import range
# Setup Pandas
pd.set_option('display.width', 500)
pd.set_option('display.max_columns', 100)
pd.set_option('display.notebook_repr_html', True)
# Setup Seaborn
In [2]:
critics = pd.read_csv('./critics.csv')
#let's drop rows with missing quotes
critics = critics[~critics.quote.isnull()]
In [3]:
n_reviews = len(critics)
n_movies = critics.rtid.unique().size
n_critics = critics.critic.unique().size
print("Number of reviews: {:d}".format(n_reviews))
print("Number of critics: {:d}".format(n_critics))
print("Number of movies: {:d}".format(n_movies))
In [4]:
df = critics.copy()
df['fresh'] = df.fresh == 'fresh'
grp = df.groupby('critic')
counts = grp.critic.count() # number of reviews by each critic
means = grp.fresh.mean() # average freshness for each critic
means[counts > 100].hist(bins=10, edgecolor='w', lw=1)
plt.xlabel("Average Rating per critic")
plt.ylabel("Number of Critics")
plt.yticks([0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10]);
Answer: The histogram suggests a binomial distribution. What's interesting about it is its uneven nature, where both the minimum and maximum points can be found in the center of the curve.
In [5]:
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import CountVectorizer
# We'll instantiate a CountVectorizer and then call its instance method fit_transform,
# which does two things: it learns the vocabulary of the corpus and extracts word count features.
# In a way, what we're doing is converting a collection of text documents to a matrix of
# token counts.
text = ['Hop on pop', 'Hop off pop', 'Hop Hop hop']
print("Original text is\n{}".format('\n'.join(text)))
vectorizer = CountVectorizer(min_df=0)
# call `fit` to build the vocabulary
# call `transform` to convert text to a bag of words
x = vectorizer.transform(text)
# CountVectorizer uses a sparse array to save memory, but it's easier in this assignment to
# convert back to a "normal" numpy array
x = x.toarray()
print("Transformed text vector is \n{}".format(x))
# `get_feature_names` tracks which word is associated with each column of the transformed x
print("Words for each feature:")
# Notice that the bag of words treatment doesn't preserve information about the *order* of words,
# just their frequency
In [6]:
def make_xy(critics, vectorizer=None):
#Your code here
if vectorizer is None:
vectorizer = CountVectorizer()
X = vectorizer.fit_transform(critics.quote)
X = X.tocsc() # some versions of sklearn return COO format
y = (critics.fresh == 'fresh').values.astype(
return X, y
X, y = make_xy(critics)
Exercise: Implement a simple Naive Bayes classifier:
What do you notice? Is this a good classifier? If not, why not?
In [7]:
#your turn
# With these counts as features, we can go to the next steps: training a classifier.
# Naïve Bayes classifier applies the Bayes theorem with naïve independence assumptions.
# That is, each feature (in this case word counts) is independent from every other one
# and each one contributes to the probability that an example belongs to a particular class.
# Now, split the data set into a training and test set.
import numpy as np
from sklearn.cross_validation import train_test_split
from sklearn.naive_bayes import MultinomialNB
from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score
classifier = MultinomialNB()
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, test_size=0.33, random_state=40), y_train)
prediction = classifier.predict(X_test)
print("Classifier's accuracy score on training data is %2.2F%%" % (accuracy_score(y_train,classifier.predict(X_train))*100))
print("Classifier's accuracy score on test data is %2.2F%%" % (accuracy_score(y_test,prediction)*100))
# Answer:
# The classifier did better on the training set than the test set suggesting an overfitting
# of the model.
We need to know what value to use for $\alpha$, and we also need to know which words to include in the vocabulary. As mentioned earlier, some words are obvious stopwords. Other words appear so infrequently that they serve as noise, and other words in addition to stopwords appear so frequently that they may also serve as noise.
First, let's find an appropriate value for min_df
for the CountVectorizer
. min_df
can be either an integer or a float/decimal. If it is an integer, min_df
represents the minimum number of documents a word must appear in for it to be included in the vocabulary. If it is a float, it represents the minimum percentage of documents a word must appear in to be included in the vocabulary. From the documentation:
min_df: When building the vocabulary ignore terms that have a document frequency strictly lower than the given threshold. This value is also called cut-off in the literature. If float, the parameter represents a proportion of documents, integer absolute counts. This parameter is ignored if vocabulary is not None.
Exercise: Construct the cumulative distribution of document frequencies (df). The $x$-axis is a document count $x_i$ and the $y$-axis is the percentage of words that appear less than $x_i$ times. For example, at $x=5$, plot a point representing the percentage or number of words that appear in 5 or fewer documents.
Exercise: Look for the point at which the curve begins climbing steeply. This may be a good value for `min_df`. If we were interested in also picking `max_df`, we would likely pick the value where the curve starts to plateau. What value did you choose?
In [8]:
# Construct the cumulative distribution of document frequencies (df). The
# x-axis is a document count xi and the y-axis is the percentage of words
# that appear less than xi times.
# We first want to sum the documents.
cumulative = X.sum(axis=0)
# Now, sum up the number of times the words appear in document using a dictionary
words_in_doc_freq = {}
for i in range(cumulative.max() +1):
words_in_doc_freq[i] = np.sum(cumulative < i)
# Plot the dictionary items
for key, value in words_in_doc_freq.items():
plt.xlabel('Document Frequencies', fontsize=12)
plt.ylabel('Percent WOrds that Appear Less Than Document Frequencies', fontsize=12)
The parameter $\alpha$ is chosen to be a small value that simply avoids having zeros in the probability computations. This value can sometimes be chosen arbitrarily with domain expertise, but we will use K-fold cross validation. In K-fold cross-validation, we divide the data into $K$ non-overlapping parts. We train on $K-1$ of the folds and test on the remaining fold. We then iterate, so that each fold serves as the test fold exactly once. The function cv_score
performs the K-fold cross-validation algorithm for us, but we need to pass a function that measures the performance of the algorithm on each fold.
In [9]:
from sklearn.cross_validation import KFold
def cv_score(clf, X, y, scorefunc):
result = 0.
nfold = 5
for train, test in KFold(y.size, nfold): # split data into train/test groups, 5 times[train], y[train]) # fit the classifier, passed is as clf.
result += scorefunc(clf, X[test], y[test]) # evaluate score function on held-out data
return result / nfold # average
We use the log-likelihood as the score here in scorefunc
. The higher the log-likelihood, the better. Indeed, what we do in cv_score
above is to implement the cross-validation part of GridSearchCV
The custom scoring function scorefunc
allows us to use different metrics depending on the decision risk we care about (precision, accuracy, profit etc.) directly on the validation set. You will often find people using roc_auc
, precision, recall, or F1-score
as the scoring function.
In [10]:
def log_likelihood(clf, x, y):
prob = clf.predict_log_proba(x)
rotten = y == 0
fresh = ~rotten
return prob[rotten, 0].sum() + prob[fresh, 1].sum()
We'll cross-validate over the regularization parameter $\alpha$.
Let's set up the train and test masks first, and then we can run the cross-validation procedure.
In [11]:
from sklearn.cross_validation import train_test_split
_, itest = train_test_split(range(critics.shape[0]), train_size=0.7)
mask = np.zeros(critics.shape[0], dtype=np.bool)
mask[itest] = True
Exercise: What does using the function `log_likelihood` as the score mean? What are we trying to optimize for?
Exercise: Without writing any code, what do you think would happen if you choose a value of $\alpha$ that is too high?
Exercise: Using the skeleton code below, find the best values of the parameter `alpha`, and use the value of `min_df` you chose in the previous exercise set. Use the `cv_score` function above with the `log_likelihood` function for scoring.
In [12]:
# 1) Using the log_likelihood as the score means that the size of the dataset is taken
# into account to measure fit robustness. It returns the sum of the logs of the
# predicted probabilities, the higher the score the better.
# 2) Using n as the vocabulary size, the probability estimate (N+alpha)/(N+alpha+n).
# Choosing an alpha too high means that both the probability estimates and
# log_likelihood function will converge around the middle. This implies a poor
# prediction.
In [13]:
from sklearn.naive_bayes import MultinomialNB
#the grid of parameters to search over
alphas = [.1, 1, 5, 10, 50]
best_min_df = 0.001 # YOUR TURN: put your value of min_df here.
#Find the best value for alpha and min_df, and the best classifier
best_alpha = None
for alpha in alphas:
vectorizer = CountVectorizer(min_df=best_min_df)
Xthis, ythis = make_xy(critics, vectorizer)
Xtrainthis = Xthis[mask]
ytrainthis = ythis[mask]
# your turn
# Train and test a MultinomialNB classifier
classifier = MultinomialNB()
scr = cv_score(classifier, Xtrainthis, ytrainthis, log_likelihood)
if scr > maxscore:
maxscore = scr
best_alpha = alpha
best_min_df = best_min_df
print("best alpha: {}".format(best_alpha))
print("maxscore: {}".format(maxscore))
print("best min df: {}".format(best_min_df))
Exercise: Using the best value of `alpha` you just found, calculate the accuracy on the training and test sets. Is this classifier better? Why (not)?
In [14]:
vectorizer = CountVectorizer(min_df=best_min_df)
X, y = make_xy(critics, vectorizer)
clf = MultinomialNB(alpha=best_alpha).fit(xtrain, ytrain)
#your turn. Print the accuracy on the test and training dataset
training_accuracy = clf.score(xtrain, ytrain)
test_accuracy = clf.score(xtest, ytest)
print("Accuracy on training data: {:2f}".format(training_accuracy))
print("Accuracy on test data: {:2f}".format(test_accuracy))
# Based on the results, the accuracy of this classifier isn't any
# better than before because the accuracy on test data is still
# less than the accuracy of the training data.
In [15]:
from sklearn.metrics import confusion_matrix
print(confusion_matrix(ytest, clf.predict(xtest)))
We use a neat trick to identify strongly predictive features (i.e. words).
In [16]:
words = np.array(vectorizer.get_feature_names())
x = np.eye(xtest.shape[1])
probs = clf.predict_log_proba(x)[:, 0]
ind = np.argsort(probs)
good_words = words[ind[:10]]
bad_words = words[ind[-10:]]
good_prob = probs[ind[:10]]
bad_prob = probs[ind[-10:]]
print("Good words\t P(fresh | word)")
for w, p in zip(good_words, good_prob):
print("{:>20}".format(w), "{:.2f}".format(1 - np.exp(p)))
print("Bad words\t P(fresh | word)")
for w, p in zip(bad_words, bad_prob):
print("{:>20}".format(w), "{:.2f}".format(1 - np.exp(p)))
Exercise: Why does this method work? What does the probability for each row in the identity matrix represent
Answer: This method can be considered to be very detailed because it computes the probability for every word. The probability for each row in the matrix represent a positive review being given only if the word is present.
In [17]:
x, y = make_xy(critics, vectorizer)
prob = clf.predict_proba(x)[:, 0]
predict = clf.predict(x)
bad_rotten = np.argsort(prob[y == 0])[:5]
bad_fresh = np.argsort(prob[y == 1])[-5:]
print("Mis-predicted Rotten quotes")
for row in bad_rotten:
print(critics[y == 0].quote.iloc[row])
print("Mis-predicted Fresh quotes")
for row in bad_fresh:
print(critics[y == 1].quote.iloc[row])
In [18]:
#your turn
text = pd.DataFrame([['CNN','rotten',0,'CNN','This movie is not remarkable, touching, or superb in any way','CNN',222,'CNN']],
all_dataset = pd.concat([critics,text])
vectorizer = CountVectorizer(min_df=best_min_df)
X, y = make_xy(all_dataset, vectorizer)
prob = classifier.predict(X)[-1]
# Since I used the best_min_df for my classifier, I did expect
# the probability to be greatly improved to be closer to 100%
TF-IDF stands for
Term-Frequency X Inverse Document Frequency
In the standard CountVectorizer
model above, we used just the term frequency in a document of words in our vocabulary. In TF-IDF, we weight this term frequency by the inverse of its popularity in all documents. For example, if the word "movie" showed up in all the documents, it would not have much predictive value. It could actually be considered a stopword. By weighing its counts by 1 divided by its overall frequency, we downweight it. We can then use this TF-IDF weighted features as inputs to any classifier. TF-IDF is essentially a measure of term importance, and of how discriminative a word is in a corpus. There are a variety of nuances involved in computing TF-IDF, mainly involving where to add the smoothing term to avoid division by 0, or log of 0 errors. The formula for TF-IDF in scikit-learn
differs from that of most textbooks:
where $n_{td}$ is the number of times term $t$ occurs in document $d$, $\vert D \vert$ is the number of documents, and $\vert d : t \in d \vert$ is the number of documents that contain $t$
In [19]:
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfVectorizer
tfidfvectorizer = TfidfVectorizer(min_df=1, stop_words='english')
There are several additional things we could try. Try some of these as exercises:
Exercise: Try a few of these ideas to improve the model (or any other ideas of your own). Implement here and report on the result.
In [20]:
# Your turn
# Build a Naive Bayes model that uses TF-IDF weighting instead of word counts.
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfVectorizer
tfidfvectorizer = TfidfVectorizer(min_df=1, stop_words='english')
X, y = make_xy(critics, tfidfvectorizer)
clsf = MultinomialNB(alpha=best_alpha).fit(xtrain, ytrain)
# your turn.
# Print the accuracy on the test and training dataset
training_accuracy = clsf.score(xtrain, ytrain)
test_accuracy = clsf.score(xtest, ytest)
print("Accuracy on training data: %0.2f" % (training_accuracy))
print("Accuracy on test data: %0.2f" % (test_accuracy))