Robot Calibration

Nominal Robot

  • A nominal robot model:
    • Represents what the robot manufacturer intended as a kinematic model
    • Is mathematically ideal

In [1]:
from pybotics.robot import Robot
from pybotics.predefined_models import ur10

nominal_robot = Robot.from_parameters(ur10())

In [2]:
import pandas as pd

def display_robot_kinematics(robot: Robot):
    df = pd.DataFrame(robot.kinematic_chain.matrix)
    df.columns = ["alpha", "a", "theta", "d"]


alpha a theta d
0 0.000000 0.0 0.000000 118.0
1 1.570796 0.0 3.141593 0.0
2 0.000000 612.7 0.000000 0.0
3 0.000000 571.6 0.000000 163.9
4 -1.570796 0.0 0.000000 115.7
5 1.570796 0.0 3.141593 92.2

Real Robots

  • Real robots do not conform perfectly to the nominal parameters
  • Small errors in the robot model can generate large errors in Cartesian position
  • Sources of errors include, but are not limited to:
    • Kinematic errors
      • Mechanical tolerances
      • Angle offsets
    • Non-kinematic errors
      • Joint stiffness
      • Gravity
      • Temperature
      • Friction

In [3]:
import numpy as np
from copy import deepcopy

real_robot = deepcopy(nominal_robot)

# let's pretend our real robot has small joint offsets
# in real life, this would be a joint mastering issue (level-1 calibration)
for link in real_robot.kinematic_chain.links:
    link.theta += np.random.uniform(


alpha a theta d
0 0.000000 0.0 -0.001602 118.0
1 1.570796 0.0 3.140136 0.0
2 0.000000 612.7 0.000937 0.0
3 0.000000 571.6 0.001712 163.9
4 -1.570796 0.0 0.001548 115.7
5 1.570796 0.0 3.141530 92.2

Get Real (aka Measured) Poses

  • In real life, these poses would be measured using metrology equipment (e.g., laser tracker, CMM)

In [4]:
joints = []
positions = []
for i in range(1000):
    q = real_robot.random_joints()
    pose =

In [5]:

0 1 2 3 4 5
count 1000.000000 1000.000000 1000.000000 1000.000000 1000.000000 1000.000000
mean -0.024511 -0.090671 0.024519 0.013319 0.057824 0.002825
std 1.845469 1.810471 1.833426 1.839980 1.809561 1.826789
min -3.120738 -3.136021 -3.140768 -3.138327 -3.133358 -3.141046
25% -1.644452 -1.625226 -1.578201 -1.574109 -1.508009 -1.603747
50% -0.075271 -0.169728 -0.115088 0.011472 0.119836 0.036910
75% 1.610011 1.517423 1.630127 1.642295 1.594479 1.579081
max 3.135209 3.136369 3.123256 3.137543 3.135128 3.138303

In [6]:
pd.DataFrame(positions, columns=['x','y','z']).describe()

x y z
count 1000.000000 1000.000000 1000.000000
mean -1.557721 16.865645 157.122190
std 431.902411 443.597388 593.908420
min -1301.872708 -1305.844242 -1170.407200
25% -239.188266 -222.494618 -263.998275
50% -15.584041 15.233551 151.033202
75% 265.114264 274.892061 616.140406
max 1267.182128 1260.598491 1404.081554

Split Calibration and Validation Measures

  • A portion of the measured configurations and positions should be set aside for validation after calibration (i.e., optimization)
    • This is to prevent/check the optimized model for overfitting

In [7]:
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
split = train_test_split(joints, positions, test_size=0.3)

train_joints = split[0]
test_joints = split[1]

train_positions = split[2]
test_positions = split[3]

Get Nominal Position Errors

  • These nominal model is our starting point for calibration
  • The errors are in millimetres

In [8]:
from pybotics.optimization import compute_absolute_errors

nominal_errors = compute_absolute_errors(


count    300.000000
mean       1.261451
std        0.511057
min        0.331676
25%        0.871703
50%        1.143849
75%        1.693312
max        2.428211
dtype: float64


In [9]:
from pybotics.optimization import OptimizationHandler

# init calibration handler
handler = OptimizationHandler(nominal_robot)

# set handler to solve for theta parameters
kc_mask_matrix = np.zeros_like(nominal_robot.kinematic_chain.matrix, dtype=bool)
kc_mask_matrix[:,2] = True

handler.kinematic_chain_mask = kc_mask_matrix.ravel()

array([[False, False,  True, False],
       [False, False,  True, False],
       [False, False,  True, False],
       [False, False,  True, False],
       [False, False,  True, False],
       [False, False,  True, False]])

In [10]:
from scipy.optimize import least_squares
from pybotics.optimization import optimize_accuracy

# run optimization
result = least_squares(
    args=(handler, train_joints, train_positions),
)  # type: scipy.optimize.OptimizeResult

   Iteration     Total nfev        Cost      Cost reduction    Step norm     Optimality   
       0              1         6.5073e+02                                    4.68e+05    
       1              7         5.3649e+01      5.97e+02       4.34e-03       1.35e+05    
       2              9         2.1031e-01      5.34e+01       2.17e-03       3.23e+03    
       3             12         9.2586e-03      2.01e-01       2.71e-04       1.36e+03    
       4             15         2.1788e-04      9.04e-03       3.39e-05       2.15e+02    
       5             18         4.5223e-05      1.73e-04       4.24e-06       1.25e+02    
       6             20         1.2495e-06      4.40e-05       2.12e-06       3.44e+00    
       7             22         9.3713e-07      3.12e-07       1.06e-06       7.69e+00    
       8             24         4.6008e-07      4.77e-07       2.65e-07       7.89e+00    
       9             25         8.7686e-08      3.72e-07       2.65e-07       5.52e+00    
      10             28         1.8195e-08      6.95e-08       3.31e-08       2.70e+00    
`xtol` termination condition is satisfied.
Function evaluations 28, initial cost 6.5073e+02, final cost 1.8195e-08, first-order optimality 2.70e+00.


  • A calibrated robot model is never perfect in real life
    • The goal is often to reduce the max error under a desired threshold

In [11]:
calibrated_robot = handler.robot
calibrated_errors = compute_absolute_errors(


count    300.000000
mean       0.000007
std        0.000003
min        0.000001
25%        0.000004
50%        0.000007
75%        0.000009
max        0.000012
dtype: float64

In [12]:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

%matplotlib inline

plt.hist(nominal_errors, color="C0", label="Nominal")
plt.hist(calibrated_errors, color="C1", label="Calibrated")

plt.xlabel("Absolute Error [mm]")