This is an open source project. Contributers welcome, contact
Nate if interested.
Research Proposal:
Introduction (Prior Work):
Based on the article "Hippocampal network dynamics constrain the time lag between
pyramidal cells across modified environments" by Diba and Buzsáki:
Electrophysiology data availible openly
Currently: C++ and
Previously: Python and
Izhikevich neurons
Spiking Neural Network
Reinforcement Learning
- Specifically the neural activity occuring during behavior tasks recorded with the rats will be modeled with reinforcement learning.
Oscillation Codes
Results (Goal):
This inital work aims to capture some meaningful elements of neural activity in the hippocampus, not to represent itself as a complete hippocampus simulation. An objective is from model neurons of the relevant type to train the network to have similar behavior experimentally reported.
- Input:
Simulated sensory input representing position of mice
- Output:
Have network trained to create results reported in article. See key points below for some examples of areas to further research that the trained model will work on representing.
This work is intended to be created in a way that can be extended into bigger and more complex simulations. More experimental data can be used and the simulation can be modified to match it. The code can integrate into other researcher's systems.
Future Work:
GPU computing using CUDA
Larger neural net based on smaller one here
Modularize the simulation to be included in larger systems