In [1]:
%matplotlib inline
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from skimage.transform import SimilarityTransform, warp
from import camera
from scipy.optimize import minimize, differential_evolution
from similarityMeasures import MutualInformation, NormalizedMutualInformation, CorrelationCoefficient
In [2]:
src = camera().astype(np.float)
In [44]:
src = camera().astype(np.float)
trg = src + 5 * np.random.randn(src.shape[0],src.shape[1])
fig, axes = plt.subplots(1,2, figsize=(7,7))
for ax, imp in zip(axes.flatten(), [src, trg]):
In [45]:
# Compute Joint Histogram
H, _, _= np.histogram2d(src.ravel(), trg.ravel(), bins = 512)
# Calculate Similarity Measure
MI = MutualInformation((1,1))
NMI = NormalizedMutualInformation((1,1))
MI_val = MI.__call__(H)
NMI_val = NMI.__call__(H)
print('Mutual Information (between src and trg) = %f \nNormalized Mutual Information = %f.'
%( MI.__call__(H), NMI.__call__(H)))
Try to find $\sigma$ by optimizing NMI/MI between trg
and src
+ $\sigma * N(0,1)$.
Ground truth is $\sigma = 21$
In [49]:
# let's optimize
def evaluteSim(sim, P, Q):
H, _, _ = np.histogram2d(P.ravel(), Q.ravel(), bins = 512)
return sim.__call__(H)
def objectiveFunc(params):
trs = src + params[0]*np.random.randn(src.shape[0],src.shape[1])
sim = evaluteSim(NMI, trg, trs)
# print('Similarity Measure = %f \n' %(sim))
# print(trans.params)
return -sim
# simplex minimization
initial_params = [10.]
options = dict([('xtol', 1e-10),('ftol', 1e-10), ('disp', True)])
results = minimize(objectiveFunc, initial_params, method = 'Powell', options=options)
# # conjugate-Gradient
# initial_params = [1.]
# options = dict([('disp', True)])
# results = minimize(objectiveFunc, initial_params, method = 'CG',options=options)
# # differential Evolution
# bounds = [(-50,50)]
# results = differential_evolution(objectiveFunc,bounds,
# strategy='best1bin',maxiter=int(1e2),popsize=10,mutation=(0.75,1.),
# disp=True,polish='False',tol=1e-3)
In [50]:
In [51]:
fig,ax = plt.subplots(1,2)
ax[0].imshow(src - results.x * np.random.randn(src.shape[0],src.shape[1]),cmap='bone')
ax[1].imshow(trg, cmap='bone')
In [ ]: