Predicting TCS Stock Performance

In this jupyter notebook, we will be training linear models for predicting TCS stock price based on 2016 trading data.

Lets Get Data

Get the historic data of TCS scrip from NSE

  • choose Price, Volume and Delivery Position data as it provides insight into investors pulse
  • Enter Symbol 'TCS' and select series equity 'EQ'
  • Get data for past 365 days
  • Click get data and then download full data

In [1]:
# load ammo
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from sklearn import preprocessing
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split, cross_val_score

Loading data into DataFrame

Assuming the downloaded data is in your current working directory, the dataset should have name like this 01-01-2016-TO-30-12-2016TCSEQN.csv

In [2]:
# loading data sec_bhavdata_full.csv
# column name is present in data 
df = pd.read_csv('01-01-2016-TO-30-12-2016TCSEQN.csv')

(247, 15)
Symbol                     object
Series                     object
Date                       object
Prev Close                float64
Open Price                float64
High Price                float64
Low Price                 float64
Last Price                float64
Close Price               float64
Average Price             float64
Total Traded Quantity       int64
Turnover in Lacs          float64
No. of Trades               int64
Deliverable Qty             int64
% Dly Qt to Traded Qty    float64
dtype: object

In [3]:
# let see what we got here

Prev Close Open Price High Price Low Price Last Price Close Price Average Price Total Traded Quantity Turnover in Lacs No. of Trades Deliverable Qty % Dly Qt to Traded Qty
count 247.000000 247.000000 247.000000 247.000000 247.000000 247.000000 247.000000 2.470000e+02 247.000000 247.000000 2.470000e+02 247.000000
mean 2419.522065 2418.992105 2442.333198 2392.198785 2419.567611 2419.233401 2417.921984 1.091715e+06 26337.458381 60466.882591 7.133274e+05 65.055506
std 139.226738 137.641631 136.705273 139.659422 138.700465 139.264575 137.672694 5.897982e+05 14181.076781 26322.564829 3.817986e+05 7.950901
min 2101.150000 2116.900000 2140.000000 2051.900000 2120.000000 2101.150000 2110.240000 4.267600e+04 1021.550000 3032.000000 1.707300e+04 40.010000
25% 2319.550000 2315.250000 2340.550000 2291.250000 2318.500000 2319.550000 2317.545000 7.268340e+05 17627.255000 43728.500000 4.482740e+05 59.905000
50% 2420.050000 2411.000000 2434.900000 2401.100000 2421.400000 2418.100000 2419.990000 9.394940e+05 22598.580000 54342.000000 6.150090e+05 64.730000
75% 2521.100000 2521.275000 2543.500000 2495.175000 2522.650000 2521.100000 2514.875000 1.241949e+06 30405.365000 70264.000000 8.483030e+05 71.515000
max 2738.450000 2738.000000 2744.800000 2702.050000 2740.000000 2738.450000 2732.860000 4.168183e+06 102712.190000 185897.000000 2.506173e+06 85.080000

TCS being largest company by market capitalization it maintains very high liquidity so we will have data for all the trading days of 2016.

In [4]:

Symbol Series Date Prev Close Open Price High Price Low Price Last Price Close Price Average Price Total Traded Quantity Turnover in Lacs No. of Trades Deliverable Qty % Dly Qt to Traded Qty
0 TCS EQ 01-Jan-2016 2436.85 2439.00 2439.0 2412.25 2414.1 2416.4 2423.73 356131 8631.65 15545 246115 69.11
1 TCS EQ 04-Jan-2016 2416.40 2410.15 2414.0 2366.05 2373.0 2369.6 2381.76 935092 22271.61 72341 615009 65.77

In [5]:

Symbol Series Date Prev Close Open Price High Price Low Price Last Price Close Price Average Price Total Traded Quantity Turnover in Lacs No. of Trades Deliverable Qty % Dly Qt to Traded Qty
245 TCS EQ 29-Dec-2016 2313.4 2303.0 2359.9 2303.00 2355.00 2351.70 2346.25 981758 23034.45 64945 575262 58.60
246 TCS EQ 30-Dec-2016 2351.7 2354.9 2378.6 2345.65 2366.55 2365.55 2366.64 702874 16634.48 44979 456203 64.91

Exploring dataset

Lets see how the scrip has performed over the year

In [6]:
df['Average Price'].plot(color='black',linewidth=0.7)
df['High Price'].plot(color='green', linewidth=0.5)
df['Low Price'].plot(color='red', linewidth=0.5,)
plt.plot([df['Average Price'].mean()]*247, 'b--')

We see a lot of swing in the price, the stock started & ended the year in the same range.

In [7]:
df['Average Price'].plot(color='black',linewidth=0.7)
df['Open Price'].plot(color='green', linewidth=0.5)
df['Close Price'].plot(color='red', linewidth=0.5,)
plt.plot([df['Average Price'].mean()]*247, 'b--')

Feature Selection

Lets build a simple model based on open, high, low, close and average price features to pridect next day average price

In [8]:
# feature and label selection
features = ['Open Price','High Price','Low Price','Close Price','Average Price']
label = ['Average Price']

# prepare dataset with only required columns
# label is the avg. price shifted to next day
dataset = df[features].assign(label=df[label].shift(-1))

In [9]:
# lets check head of the dataset, now the label is previous days avg. price

Open Price High Price Low Price Close Price Average Price label
0 2439.00 2439.00 2412.25 2416.40 2423.73 2381.76
1 2410.15 2414.00 2366.05 2369.60 2381.76 2353.54
2 2385.00 2386.60 2341.00 2348.95 2353.54 2374.18
3 2350.20 2386.15 2350.20 2381.60 2374.18 2367.71
4 2370.00 2382.90 2360.00 2371.25 2367.71 2396.08

In [10]:
# the last label is nan cause we shifted the label

Open Price High Price Low Price Close Price Average Price label
245 2303.0 2359.9 2303.00 2351.70 2346.25 2366.64
246 2354.9 2378.6 2345.65 2365.55 2366.64 NaN

In [11]:
# drop last datapoint as it lacks label

(247, 6)
(246, 6)

Preprocessing Data

we will scale the features for obvious performace upgrade

In [12]:
# separate data and target label
data = dataset[features].values
target = dataset['label'].values

# scale the dataset to ease model
data_scaled = preprocessing.scale(data)

Train and Test Data

Split data into train and test, with train data representing 70%

In [13]:
test_size = 0.3 # hold out 30% for prediction
random_state = 42 # answer to the univers could be better choice :P

X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(data_scaled,target,test_size=test_size,random_state=random_state)

X_train.shape, y_train.shape

((172, 5), (172,))

In [14]:
X_test.shape, y_test.shape

((74, 5), (74,))

Model Selection

Let us run this data through few linear models to compare their relative preformace. We will choose top two models

In [15]:
# lets use multiple models and determine their merit with kfold cross validation
from sklearn.svm import SVR
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression

models = []
models.append(('Linear Regression',LinearRegression()))
models.append(('SVR Linear',SVR(kernel='linear')))
models.append(('SVR Ploy',SVR(kernel='poly')))
models.append(('SVR RBF',SVR(kernel='rbf')))

Cross Validation

I tried cv with shuffling(by explicitly using KFold class) and without shuffling(by just passing cv=10), the models performed significantly worse when shuffled, mainly because this is a time series problem and we are not using the key feature Date which I'm saving it for later.

Model evaluation metric for out problem would be Mean Squard Error

In [16]:
# lets evaluate models 
results = []
names = []
scoring = 'neg_mean_squared_error'

# kfold with shuffling
from sklearn.model_selection import KFold
num_splits = 10
kf = KFold(n_splits=num_splits,shuffle=True,random_state=random_state)

# kfold without shuffling
cv_fold = 10

# if you wish to try cv will shuffling pass kf to cv instead of sv_fold

for name, model in models:
    result = cross_val_score(model, X_train, y_train, cv=cv_fold,scoring=scoring)
    msg = "{:20} : mean = {:.5f}  std = {:.5f}".format(name,result.mean(),result.std())

Linear Regression    : mean = -804.93089  std = 291.70783
SVR Linear           : mean = -985.02259  std = 325.78073
SVR Ploy             : mean = -5832.65408  std = 2263.04877
SVR RBF              : mean = -12455.62543  std = 3957.33056

Comparing CV Score

In [17]:
# Compare Algorithms
fig = plt.figure()
fig.suptitle('Algorithm Comparison')
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)

As we can see in the comparison Linear Regressionand and SVR with Linear Kernel have higest accuracy and very low deviation. SVR Poly and SVR RBF are bad idea if you gonna put your money on this :P

Choosing Final Models

I have set MSE threshold to -1000 which shoudl get us LR and SVR-Linear

In [18]:
# lets predict
accuracy_threshold = -1000
cv_models = []
cv_results = []
cv_names = []

for model,result in zip(models,results):
    if result.mean() > accuracy_threshold:
        print('adding model... {}'.format(model[0]))

adding model... Linear Regression
adding model... SVR Linear

In [19]:
# lets have a closer look at the 'relatively' good models
fig = plt.figure()
fig.suptitle('Final Algorithm Comparison')
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)

there are some outlies but the inter quartail range is short (compared to the one trained on shuffled features)

Predicting Test Set

In [20]:
# make prediction on test set
from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error
predictions = []
mseResult = []
for name,model in cv_models:,y_train)
    prediction = model.predict(X_test)
    mse = mean_squared_error(y_test,prediction)
    msg = "{:20} : mae = {:.5f}".format(name,mse)

Linear Regression    : mae = 867.23876
SVR Linear           : mae = 1028.96210

The predicton MSE is in line with what we seen in cross validation

In [21]:
df_predictions = pd.DataFrame(np.transpose(predictions),columns=['Linear Reg','SVR Linear'])
df_predictions = df_predictions.assign(y_test=y_test)

Linear Reg SVR Linear y_test
0 2317.573720 2303.110227 2317.45
1 2364.197795 2365.639535 2325.68
2 2427.973945 2422.513061 2423.88
3 2514.182910 2503.545917 2554.51
4 2625.602555 2629.699464 2610.69

In [22]:
df_predictions['Linear Reg'].plot(color='green',linewidth=0.5)
df_predictions['SVR Linear'].plot(color='red', linewidth=0.5)
df_predictions['y_test'].plot(color='black', linewidth=0.5,)

We can see the Linear Regression is tracing the actual value more conservatively while SVR overshooting in most of the time

That's all folks will try out ensemble later