
All parts of the tutorial are presented to be run in IPython. The required packages are only imported ones but used in all sections.


First import the needed packages and modules. From the electrode package, a set of electrodes form a System. Here, the electrodes are either PointPixelElectrodes for point approximations or PolygonPixelElectrodes for polygonal structures.

In [1]:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt, numpy as np, scipy.constants as ct
from electrode import (System, PolygonPixelElectrode, euler_matrix,
    PointPixelElectrode, PotentialObjective,
    PatternRangeConstraint, shaped)

np.set_printoptions(precision=2) # have numpy print fewer digits

%pylab inline

Populating the interactive namespace from numpy and matplotlib

Linear surface trap

Let's start with a very simple five-wire linear surface electrode trap.

We start with a function that returns a parametrized system of surface electrodes. This way different designs can be compared quickly and the design parameter space can be explored.

There ware two rf wires running along x with width in the y direction of top and bottom. Between them, there is a long dc electrode c of width mid. Above and below the rf electrodes there are three dc electrodes tl, tm, tr and bl, bm, br to provide stray field compensation, axial confinement and knobs to change the curvature tensor.

In [2]:
def five_wire(edge, width, top, mid, bot):
    e, r, t, m, b = edge, width/2, top + mid/2, mid/2, -bot - mid/2
    electrodes = [
        ("tl", [[(-e, e), (-e, t), (-r, t), (-r, e)]]),
        ("tm", [[(-r, e), (-r, t), (r, t), (r, e)]]),
        ("tr", [[(r, e), (r, t), (e, t), (e, e)]]),
        ("bl", [[(-e, -e), (-r, -e), (-r, b), (-e, b)]]),
        ("bm", [[(-r, -e), (r, -e), (r, b), (-r, b)]]),
        ("br", [[(r, -e), (e, -e), (e, b), (r, b)]]),
        ("r", [[(-e, t), (-e, m), (e, m), (e, t)],
               [(-e, b), (e, b), (e, -m), (-e, -m)]]),
        ("c",  [[(-e, m), (-e, -m), (e, -m), (e, m)]]),
    s = System([PolygonPixelElectrode(name=n, paths=map(np.array, p))
                for n, p in electrodes])
    s["r"].rf = 1.
    return s

Now we can retrieve such a system and plot the electrodes' shapes, and the rf voltages on them.

In [3]:
s = five_wire(5, 2., 1., 1., 1.)

fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 2)
s.plot_voltages(ax[1], u=s.rfs)

r = 5
for axi in ax.flat:
    axi.set_xlim(-r, r)
    axi.set_ylim(-r, r)

To trap an ion in this trap, we find the potential minimum in x0 the yz plane (axis=(1, 2)) and perform a analysis of the potential landscape at and around this minimum assuming some typical operating parameters. Again, we constrain the search for the minimum and the saddle point to the yz plane since there is no adequate axial confinement yet.

In [4]:
l = 30e-6 # µm length scale
u = 20. # V rf peak voltage
m = 25*ct.atomic_mass # ion mass
q = 1*ct.elementary_charge # ion charge
o = 2*np.pi*100e6 # rf frequency in rad/s
s["r"].rf = u*np.sqrt(q/m)/(2*l*o)

x0 = s.minimum((0, 0, 1.), axis=(1, 2))

for line in s.analyze_static(x0, axis=(1, 2), m=m, q=q, l=l, o=o):

 f=100 MHz, m=25 amu, q=1 qe, l=30 µm, scale=0.0521 V'/V_SI
 analyze point: [  0.00e+00   2.28e-17   8.36e-01]
               ([  0.00e+00   6.85e-16   2.51e+01] µm)
 minimum is at offset: [ 0.  0.  0.]
                      ([ 0.  0.  0.] µm)
 dc electrical: 0 eV
 rf pseudo: 1e-16 eV
 saddle offset: [  1.17e-04   2.76e-05   7.21e-01]
               ([  3.51e-03   8.29e-04   2.16e+01] µm)
 saddle height: 0.0099 eV
 dc electrical: [ 0.  0.  0.] eV/l
               ([ 0.  0.  0.] eV/m)
 rf pseudo: [  0.00e+00   0.00e+00  -8.48e-09] eV/l
           ([ 0.  0. -0.] eV/m)
 pp+dc normal curvatures: [  1.01e-05   3.58e-01   3.62e-01]
 motion is bounded: True
 pseudopotential modes:
  a: 0.0331 MHz, [ 1.  0.  0.]
  b: 6.233 MHz, [ 0.  0.  1.]
  c: 6.267 MHz, [ 0.  1.  0.]
  euler angles (rzxz): [ 180.   90.    0.] deg
 mathieu modes:
  a: 0.03311 MHz, [  1.00e+00   6.19e-19   3.65e-19]
  b: 6.272 MHz, [ -6.89e-16  -9.47e-13   9.83e-01]
  c: 6.306 MHz, [  4.19e-16   9.83e-01  -6.78e-13]
  euler angles (rzxz): [  1.80e+02   9.00e+01   2.13e-17] deg
 heating for 1 nV²/Hz white uncorrelated on each electrode:
  field-noise psd: [  9.35e-13   5.52e-12   1.35e-10] V²/(m² Hz)
  a: ndot=6587 /s, S_E*f=3.094e-08 (V² Hz)/(m² Hz)
  b: ndot=4839 /s, S_E*f=0.0008159 (V² Hz)/(m² Hz)
  c: ndot=197.2 /s, S_E*f=3.362e-05 (V² Hz)/(m² Hz)

The seven dc electrodes (three top, three bottom and the center wire) can be used to apply electrical fields and electrical curvatures to compensate stray fields and confine the ion axially.

The shim() method can be used to calculate voltage vectors for these dc electrodes that are result in orthogonal effects with regards to some cartesian partial derivatives at certain points. To use it we build a temporary new system s1 holding only the dc electrodes. Since these dc electrode instances also appear in our primary system s, changes in voltages are automatically synchronized between the two systems.

We then can calculate the shim voltage vectors that result in unit changes of each of the partial derivatives y, z, xx, xy, xz, yy, yzz at x0 and plot the voltage distributions. We disturb the x0 position slightly to avoid numerical problems due to the high symmetry of the trap.

In [5]:
s1 = System([e for e in s if not e.rf])
derivs = "y z xx xy xz yy yzz".split()
u = s1.shims([(x0 + 1e-3, None, deriv) for deriv in derivs])
fig, ax = plt.subplots(3, len(derivs)//2, figsize=(14, 14))
for d, ui, axi in zip(derivs, u, ax.flat):
    with s1.with_voltages(dcs=ui):
        axi.set_xlim(-r, r)
        axi.set_ylim(-r, r)
        um = ui[np.argmax(np.fabs(ui))]
        axi.set_title("%s, max=%g" % (d, um))

Rf/dc pattern optimization

Define a function that generates the pixels and electrode. Here we return pixel electrodes with n pixels per unit length in a hexagonal pattern.

If points is True, each pixel is approximated as a point else each pixel is a hexagon.

In [6]:
def hextess(n, points):
    x= np.vstack([[i + j*.5, j*3**.5*.5]
        for j in range(-n - min(0, i), n - max(0, i) + 1)]
        for i in range(-n, n + 1))/(n + .5) # centers
    if points:
        a = np.ones(len(x))*3**.5/(n + .5)**2/2 # areas
        return [PointPixelElectrode(points=[xi], areas=[ai]) for
                xi, ai in zip(x, a)]
        a = 1/(3**.5*(n + .5)) # edge length
        p = x[:, None] + [[a*np.cos(phi), a*np.sin(phi)] for phi in
            np.arange(np.pi/6, 2*np.pi, np.pi/3)]
        return [PolygonPixelElectrode(paths=[i]) for i in p]

Now define a function that returns a System instance with a single hexagonal rf pixel electrode.

The pixel factors (whether a pixel is grounded or at rf) are optimized to yield three trapping sites forming an equilateral triangle with

  • n pixels per unit length,
  • trap separation d,
  • trap height h above the surface electrodes, and
  • trapping frequencies with a ratio 2:1:1 (radial being the strongest).

In [7]:
def threefold(n, h, d, points=True):
    s = System(hextess(n, points))
    ct = []
    ct.append(PatternRangeConstraint(min=0, max=1.))
    for p in 0, 4*np.pi/3, 2*np.pi/3:
        x = np.array([d/3**.5*np.cos(p), d/3**.5*np.sin(p), h])
        r = euler_matrix(p, np.pi/2, np.pi/4, "rzyz")[:3, :3]
        for i in "x y z xy xz yz".split():
            ct.append(PotentialObjective(derivative=i, x=x,
                                         rotation=r, value=0))
        for i, v in ("xx", 1), ("yy", 1):
            ct.append(PotentialObjective(derivative=i, x=x,
                                         rotation=r, value=v))
    s.rfs, c = s.optimize(ct)
    return s, c

points, n, h, d = True, 12, 1/8., 1/4.
s, c = threefold(n, h, d, points)

     pcost       dcost       gap    pres   dres   k/t
 0:  1.8926e-01 -4.9783e+02  5e+02  9e-14  3e-15  1e+00
 1:  1.5552e-01 -5.6524e+01  6e+01  9e-15  4e-15  1e-01
 2: -2.9777e-01 -2.0601e+01  2e+01  4e-14  2e-15  2e-02
 3: -4.4200e-01 -3.2442e+00  3e+00  6e-14  6e-16  3e-03
 4: -5.0508e-01 -3.0367e+00  3e+00  7e-14  6e-16  3e-03
 5: -7.9738e-01 -1.1889e+00  4e-01  2e-14  2e-16  4e-04
 6: -9.2171e-01 -1.0940e+00  2e-01  2e-14  1e-16  2e-04
 7: -9.1804e-01 -1.0767e+00  2e-01  2e-13  1e-16  2e-04
 8: -9.2821e-01 -1.0773e+00  1e-01  1e-13  2e-16  2e-04
 9: -9.4948e-01 -1.0497e+00  1e-01  1e-13  2e-16  1e-04
10: -9.8984e-01 -1.0090e+00  2e-02  3e-14  8e-17  2e-05
11: -9.9464e-01 -1.0015e+00  7e-03  5e-14  1e-16  7e-06
12: -9.9554e-01 -9.9939e-01  4e-03  5e-13  1e-16  4e-06
13: -9.9692e-01 -9.9755e-01  6e-04  1e-13  1e-16  7e-07
14: -9.9721e-01 -9.9722e-01  1e-05  3e-13  1e-16  1e-08
15: -9.9721e-01 -9.9721e-01  1e-07  2e-13  2e-16  1e-10
Optimal solution found.

Analysis of the result. c is the obtained strength of the constraints, the rf field should vanish and the rf curvature should be (2, 1, 1).

In [8]:
x0 = np.array([d/3**.5, 0, h])
print("c:", c)
print("rf'/c:", s.electrical_potential(x0, "rf", 1)[0]/c)
"rf''/c:", s.electrical_potential(x0, "rf", 2)[0]/c

c: 8.35200136634
rf'/c: [ -4.72e-16   2.93e-16  -6.26e-16]
 array([ -2.00e+00,   1.48e-15,  -8.33e-15,   1.00e+00,   9.95e-17]))

Plot the electrode pattern, white is ground, black/red is rf.

In [9]:
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
s.plot_voltages(ax, u=s.rfs)

Some textual analysis of one of the trapping sites.

In [10]:
l = 320e-6 # length scale, hexagon radius
u = 20. # peak rf voltage
o = 2*np.pi*50e6 # rf frequency
m = 24*ct.atomic_mass # ion mass
q = 1*ct.elementary_charge # ion charge
s.rfs *= u*np.sqrt(q/m)/(2*l*o)

for line in s.analyze_static(x0, l=l, o=o, m=m, q=q):

 f=50 MHz, m=24 amu, q=1 qe, l=320 µm, scale=0.00997 V'/V_SI
 analyze point: [ 0.14  0.    0.12]
               ([ 46.19   0.    40.  ] µm)
 minimum is at offset: [ 0.  0.  0.]
                      ([ 0.  0.  0.] µm)
 dc electrical: 0 eV
 rf pseudo: 2.4e-30 eV
 saddle offset: [-0.14 -0.    0.42]
               ([ -46.15   -1.4   135.72] µm)
 saddle height: 0.0064 eV
 dc electrical: [ 0.  0.  0.] eV/l
               ([ 0.  0.  0.] eV/m)
 rf pseudo: [  5.55e-15   2.01e-15  -3.85e-15] eV/l
           ([  1.73e-11   6.27e-12  -1.20e-11] eV/m)
 pp+dc normal curvatures: [  5.55   5.55  22.2 ]
 motion is bounded: True
 pseudopotential modes:
  a: 2.349 MHz, [ -1.03e-15  -1.00e+00   3.14e-02]
  b: 2.349 MHz, [ -8.77e-15  -3.14e-02  -1.00e+00]
  c: 4.698 MHz, [  1.00e+00  -1.31e-15  -8.73e-15]
  euler angles (rzxz): [  90.    90.   178.2] deg
 mathieu modes:
  a: 2.357 MHz, [  5.48e-16   9.25e-01   3.12e-01]
  b: 2.357 MHz, [ -3.37e-15  -2.32e-03   9.88e-01]
  c: 4.766 MHz, [  9.61e-01  -4.21e-16   2.69e-15]
  euler angles (rzxz): [ 90.    90.    17.53] deg
 heating for 1 nV²/Hz white uncorrelated on each electrode:
  field-noise psd: [  6.57e-12   6.48e-12   1.35e-11] V²/(m² Hz)
  a: ndot=706.1 /s, S_E*f=1.615e-05 (V² Hz)/(m² Hz)
  b: ndot=1359 /s, S_E*f=3.108e-05 (V² Hz)/(m² Hz)
  c: ndot=309.5 /s, S_E*f=2.893e-05 (V² Hz)/(m² Hz)

Plot the horizontal logarithmic pseudopotential at the ion height and the logarithmic pseudopotential and the separatrix in the xz plane.

In [11]:
n = 50
xyz = np.mgrid[-d:d:1j*n, -d:d:1j*n, h:h+1]
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 2, subplot_kw=dict(aspect="equal"))
pot = shaped(s.potential)(xyz)
v = np.arange(-15, 3)
x, y, p = (_.reshape(n, n) for _ in (xyz[0], xyz[1], pot))
ax[0].contour(x, y, np.log2(p), v, cmap=plt.cm.hot)

(xs1, ps1), (xs0, ps0) = s.saddle(x0+1e-2), s.saddle([0, 0, .8])
print("main saddle:", xs0, ps0)
xyz = np.mgrid[-d:d:1j*n, 0:1, .7*h:3*h:1j*n]
pot = shaped(s.potential)(xyz)
x, z, p = (_.reshape(n, n) for _ in (xyz[0], xyz[2], pot))
ax[1].contour(x, z, np.log2(p), v, cmap=plt.cm.hot)
ax[1].contour(x, z, np.log2(p), np.log2((ps1, ps0)), color="black")

main saddle: [  1.14e-08  -1.11e-08   5.49e-01] 0.00642773798929
<matplotlib.contour.QuadContourSet at 0x7ff2780ca048>

In [ ]: