Linear state-space model

This example is also available as an IPython notebook or a Python script.

In linear state-space models a sequence of $M$-dimensional observations $\mathbf{Y}=(\mathbf{y}_1,\ldots,\mathbf{y}_N)$ is assumed to be generated from latent $D$-dimensional states $\mathbf{X}=(\mathbf{x}_1,\ldots,\mathbf{x}_N)$ which follow a first-order Markov process:

$$ \begin{aligned} \mathbf{x}_{n} &= \mathbf{A}\mathbf{x}_{n-1} + \text{noise} \,, \\ \mathbf{y}_{n} &= \mathbf{C}\mathbf{x}_{n} + \text{noise} \,, \end{aligned} $$

where the noise is Gaussian, $\mathbf{A}$ is the $D\times D$ state dynamics matrix and $\mathbf{C}$ is the $M\times D$ loading matrix. Usually, the latent space dimensionality $D$ is assumed to be much smaller than the observation space dimensionality $M$ in order to model the dependencies of high-dimensional observations efficiently.

First, let us generate some toy data:

In [1]:
import numpy as np

M = 30
N = 400

w = 0.3
a = np.array([[np.cos(w), -np.sin(w), 0, 0], 
              [np.sin(w), np.cos(w),  0, 0], 
              [0,         0,          1, 0],
              [0,         0,          0, 0]])
c = np.random.randn(M,4)
x = np.empty((N,4))
f = np.empty((M,N))
y = np.empty((M,N))
x[0] = 10*np.random.randn(4)
f[:,0] =,x[0])
y[:,0] = f[:,0] + 3*np.random.randn(M)
for n in range(N-1):
    x[n+1] =,x[n]) + np.random.randn(4)
    f[:,n+1] =,x[n+1])
    y[:,n+1] = f[:,n+1] + 3*np.random.randn(M)

The linear state-space model can be constructed as follows:

In [2]:
from bayespy.inference.vmp.nodes.gaussian_markov_chain import GaussianMarkovChain
from bayespy.inference.vmp.nodes.gaussian import GaussianARD
from bayespy.inference.vmp.nodes.gamma import Gamma
from import SumMultiply

D = 10

# Dynamics matrix with ARD
alpha = Gamma(1e-5,
A = GaussianARD(0,

# Latent states with dynamics
X = GaussianMarkovChain(np.zeros(D),         # mean of x0
                        1e-3*np.identity(D), # prec of x0
                        A,                   # dynamics
                        np.ones(D),          # innovation
                        n=N,                 # time instances
X.initialize_from_value(np.zeros((N,D))) # just some empty values, X is
                                         # updated first anyway

# Mixing matrix from latent space to observation space using ARD
gamma = Gamma(1e-5,
C = GaussianARD(0,
# Initialize nodes (must use some randomness for C, and update X before C)

# Observation noise
tau = Gamma(1e-5,

# Observations
F = SumMultiply('i,i',
Y = GaussianARD(F,

An inference machine using variational Bayesian inference with variational message passing is then construced as

In [3]:
from bayespy.inference.vmp.vmp import VB
Q = VB(X, C, gamma, A, alpha, tau, Y)

Observe the data partially (80% is marked missing):

In [4]:
from bayespy.utils import random

# Add missing values randomly (keep only 20%)
mask = random.mask(M, N, p=0.2)
Y.observe(y, mask=mask)

Then inference (100 iterations) can be run simply as

In [5]:

Iteration 1: loglike=-3.118644e+04 (0.210 seconds)
Iteration 2: loglike=-1.129540e+04 (0.210 seconds)
Iteration 3: loglike=-9.139376e+03 (0.210 seconds)
Iteration 4: loglike=-8.704676e+03 (0.220 seconds)
Iteration 5: loglike=-8.531889e+03 (0.200 seconds)
Iteration 6: loglike=-8.386198e+03 (0.210 seconds)
Iteration 7: loglike=-8.255826e+03 (0.210 seconds)
Iteration 8: loglike=-8.176274e+03 (0.210 seconds)
Iteration 9: loglike=-8.139579e+03 (0.210 seconds)
Iteration 10: loglike=-8.117779e+03 (0.210 seconds)

Speeding up with parameter expansion

VB inference can converge extremely slowly if the variables are strongly coupled. Because VMP updates one variable at a time, it may lead to slow zigzagging. This can be solved by using parameter expansion which reduces the coupling. In state-space models, the states $\mathbf{x}_n$ and the loadings $\mathbf{C}$ are coupled through a dot product $\mathbf{Cx}_n$, which is unaltered if the latent space is rotated arbitrarily:

$$ \mathbf{y}_n = \mathbf{C}\mathbf{x}_n = \mathbf{C}\mathbf{R}^{-1}\mathbf{R}\mathbf{x}_n \,. $$

Thus, one intuitive transformation would be $\mathbf{C}\rightarrow\mathbf{C}\mathbf{R}^{-1}$ and $\mathbf{X}\rightarrow\mathbf{R}\mathbf{X}$. In order to keep the dynamics of the latent states unaffected by the transformation, the state dynamics matrix $\mathbf{A}$ must be transformed accordingly:

$$ \mathbf{R}\mathbf{x}_n = \mathbf{R}\mathbf{A}\mathbf{R}^{-1} \mathbf{R}\mathbf{x}_{n-1} \,, $$

resulting in a transformation $\mathbf{A}\rightarrow\mathbf{R}\mathbf{A}\mathbf{R}^{-1}$. For more details, refer to *Fast Variational Bayesian Linear State-Space Model (Luttinen, 2013).

In BayesPy, the transformations can be used as follows:

In [6]:
# Import the parameter expansion module
from bayespy.inference.vmp import transformations

# Rotator of the state dynamics matrix
rotA = transformations.RotateGaussianARD(Q['A'], Q['alpha'])
# Rotator of the states (includes rotation of the state dynamics matrix)
rotX = transformations.RotateGaussianMarkovChain(Q['X'], rotA)
# Rotator of the loading matrix
rotC = transformations.RotateGaussianARD(Q['C'], Q['gamma'])
# Rotation optimizer
R = transformations.RotationOptimizer(rotX, rotC, D)

Note that it is crucial to select the correct rotation class which corresponds to the particular model block exactly. The rotation can be performed after each full VB update:

In [7]:
for ind in range(10):

Iteration 11: loglike=-8.100983e+03 (0.210 seconds)
Iteration 12: loglike=-7.622913e+03 (0.210 seconds)
Iteration 13: loglike=-7.452057e+03 (0.200 seconds)
Iteration 14: loglike=-7.385975e+03 (0.200 seconds)
Iteration 15: loglike=-7.351449e+03 (0.210 seconds)
Iteration 16: loglike=-7.331026e+03 (0.210 seconds)
Iteration 17: loglike=-7.317997e+03 (0.200 seconds)
Iteration 18: loglike=-7.309212e+03 (0.200 seconds)
Iteration 19: loglike=-7.303074e+03 (0.210 seconds)
Iteration 20: loglike=-7.298661e+03 (0.210 seconds)

If you want to implement your own rotations or check the existing ones, you may use debugging utilities:

In [8]:
for ind in range(10):

Iteration 21: loglike=-7.295401e+03 (0.210 seconds)
Norm of numerical gradient: 3905.05
Norm of function gradient:  3905.05
Gradient relative error = 6.39002e-05 and absolute error = 0.249533
Iteration 22: loglike=-7.292861e+03 (0.210 seconds)
Norm of numerical gradient: 6245.37
/home/jluttine/workspace/bayespy/bayespy/inference/vmp/ UserWarning: Rotation gradient has relative error 6.39002e-05
  warnings.warn("Rotation gradient has relative error %g" % err)
/home/jluttine/workspace/bayespy/bayespy/inference/vmp/ UserWarning: Rotation gradient has relative error 7.56396e-05
  warnings.warn("Rotation gradient has relative error %g" % err)
Norm of function gradient:  6245.43
Gradient relative error = 7.56396e-05 and absolute error = 0.472397
Iteration 23: loglike=-7.290841e+03 (0.210 seconds)
Norm of numerical gradient: 3984.43
Norm of function gradient:  3984.43
Gradient relative error = 6.78117e-05 and absolute error = 0.270191
Iteration 24: loglike=-7.289243e+03 (0.210 seconds)
Norm of numerical gradient: 13053.7
/home/jluttine/workspace/bayespy/bayespy/inference/vmp/ UserWarning: Rotation gradient has relative error 6.78117e-05
  warnings.warn("Rotation gradient has relative error %g" % err)
/home/jluttine/workspace/bayespy/bayespy/inference/vmp/ UserWarning: Rotation gradient has relative error 2.65118e-05
  warnings.warn("Rotation gradient has relative error %g" % err)
Norm of function gradient:  13053.8
Gradient relative error = 2.65118e-05 and absolute error = 0.346078
Iteration 25: loglike=-7.287794e+03 (0.200 seconds)
Norm of numerical gradient: 4144.61
Norm of function gradient:  4144.59
Gradient relative error = 7.02612e-05 and absolute error = 0.291205
Iteration 26: loglike=-7.286531e+03 (0.210 seconds)
Norm of numerical gradient: 5821.72
/home/jluttine/workspace/bayespy/bayespy/inference/vmp/ UserWarning: Rotation gradient has relative error 7.02612e-05
  warnings.warn("Rotation gradient has relative error %g" % err)
/home/jluttine/workspace/bayespy/bayespy/inference/vmp/ UserWarning: Rotation gradient has relative error 4.57892e-05
  warnings.warn("Rotation gradient has relative error %g" % err)
Norm of function gradient:  5821.73
Gradient relative error = 4.57892e-05 and absolute error = 0.266572
Iteration 27: loglike=-7.285469e+03 (0.210 seconds)
Norm of numerical gradient: 15766.4
Norm of function gradient:  15766.4
Gradient relative error = 3.5184e-05 and absolute error = 0.554724
Iteration 28: loglike=-7.284584e+03 (0.200 seconds)
Norm of numerical gradient: 5782.51
/home/jluttine/workspace/bayespy/bayespy/inference/vmp/ UserWarning: Rotation gradient has relative error 3.5184e-05
  warnings.warn("Rotation gradient has relative error %g" % err)
/home/jluttine/workspace/bayespy/bayespy/inference/vmp/ UserWarning: Rotation gradient has relative error 5.61705e-05
  warnings.warn("Rotation gradient has relative error %g" % err)
Norm of function gradient:  5782.51
Gradient relative error = 5.61705e-05 and absolute error = 0.324807
Iteration 29: loglike=-7.283818e+03 (0.210 seconds)
Norm of numerical gradient: 9067.22
Norm of function gradient:  9067.21
Gradient relative error = 2.4973e-05 and absolute error = 0.226435
Iteration 30: loglike=-7.283121e+03 (0.200 seconds)
Norm of numerical gradient: 9594.54
/home/jluttine/workspace/bayespy/bayespy/inference/vmp/ UserWarning: Rotation gradient has relative error 2.4973e-05
  warnings.warn("Rotation gradient has relative error %g" % err)
/home/jluttine/workspace/bayespy/bayespy/inference/vmp/ UserWarning: Rotation gradient has relative error 5.43175e-05
  warnings.warn("Rotation gradient has relative error %g" % err)
Norm of function gradient:  9594.62
Gradient relative error = 5.43175e-05 and absolute error = 0.521151