In [1]:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
In [2]:
class Minmax(object):
This is a simple MinMax algorithm with score-Hashing and Alpha Beta pruning.
The score evaluates a heuristic.
count = 0
DIC ={}
def __init__(self):
#load a DIC with some precalculated values values
self.DIC = self.load_obj('scores')
except (RuntimeError, TypeError, NameError, OSError, IOError):
self.DIC = {}
print '--> no scores.pkl available. Now it takes way longer to build the tree!!'
def save_obj(self, obj, name ):
import pickle
save a data object
with open(name + '.pkl', 'wb') as f:
pickle.dump(obj, f, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
def load_obj(self, name):
loads a data object
import pickle
with open(name + '.pkl', 'rb') as f:
return pickle.load(f)
def get_hash_key(self, board):
This function creates a hashkey for a board so it can be stored in the dictionary.
string_flat=np.char.mod('%d', b)
key = "".join(string_flat)
return key
#heuristic to evaluate the next best move
def score(self, state, depth, cur_player):
heuristic function that uses Hashing for the scores if they are already calculated
state: current gameState
depth: current depth
cur_player: current player
we are using a simple heuristic here,
just counting and punishing good and reward good moves with a weight.
score = num of(four in row)*1000+ num of(three in row)* 100+ num of(two in row)*10
- num of opponent(four in row)*100000- num of opponent(three in row)*100-
num of opponent(two in row)*10
returns the score
if cur_player == 1:
oponent = 2
oponent = 1
hash_key = self.get_hash_key(state)
# Score already calculated
if hash_key in self.DIC:
return self.DIC[hash_key]
# else calculate
#counting the number of good four/threes/twos in a row/column/diag
_ , b = zip(*(move_was_winning_move(state, cur_player, e) for e in range(2,5)))
_ , c = zip(*(move_was_winning_move(state, oponent, f) for f in range(2,5)))
score = b[2]*1000+b[1]*100+b[0]*10-c[2]*100000-c[1]*100-c[0]*10
#and put in DIC
self.DIC[hash_key] = score
return score
def listofmoves(self, gameState):
returns a list of possible moves = column not full and orders it with middle first
gameState: current gamestate
return: list of possible moves
for i in range(gameState.shape[1]):
if 0 in gameState[:,i]:
return sorted(l, key=lambda x:abs(x-m))
def min_play(self, board, depth, alpha ,beta , cur_player):
recursively building a the tree, min part of minmax
minimzing the score, moving the oponent
board: a gameState
depth: depth parameter of search tree
cur_player: the current_player's number
return best score
self.count = self.count+1
#eval current player
if cur_player == 1:
oponent = 2
oponent = 1
#max depth
if depth == 0:
return self.score(board, depth, cur_player)
#all full
if not move_still_possible(board):
return self.score(board, depth, cur_player)
#or winner
winningmove, _ = move_was_winning_move(board, cur_player, 4)
if winningmove:
return self.score(board, depth, cur_player)
best_score = np.inf
#get all available moves
moves = self.listofmoves(board)
best_move = moves[0]
if len(moves) == 0:
return self.score(board, depth, cur_player)
for eachmove in moves:
#copy board and move oponent
boardcopy = board.copy()
board_i, _ , _ = move(boardcopy, oponent, eachmove)
#build recursivley max
score = self.max_play(board_i, depth-1,alpha ,beta , cur_player)
#compare scores MIN
#if score < best_score:
# best_move = eachmove
# best_score = score
#print 'if', best_move, best_score
#with alpha - beta
if score < beta:
beta = score
#best_move = eachmove
if beta <= alpha:
return beta
return beta#, best_move
def max_play(self, board, depth, alpha ,beta , cur_player):
recursively building a the tree, max part of minmax
maximizing the score
board: a gameState
depth: depth parameter of search tree
cur_player: the current_player's number
return best score
self.count = self.count+1
#eval current player
if cur_player == 1:
oponent = 2
oponent = 1
#max depth
if depth == 0:
return self.score(board, depth, cur_player)
#all full
elif not move_still_possible(board):
return self.score(board, depth, cur_player)
#or winner
winningmove, _ = move_was_winning_move(board, cur_player, 4)
if winningmove:
return self.score(board, depth, cur_player)
best_score = -np.inf
#get all available moves
moves = self.listofmoves(board)
best_move = moves[0]
if len(moves) == 0:
return self.score(board, depth, cur_player)
for eachmove in moves:
#copy board and move player
boardcopy = board.copy()
board_i, _ , _ = move(boardcopy, cur_player, eachmove)
#build recursivley min
score = self.min_play(board_i, depth-1,alpha ,beta , cur_player)
#compare scores MAX
#if score > best_score:
# best_move = eachmove
# best_score = score
#print 'if', best_move, best_score
#with alpha-beta
if score > alpha:
alpha = score
#best_move = eachmove
if alpha >= beta:
return alpha
return alpha #, best_move
def minmax(self, board, cur_player, depth=4, alpha=-np.inf, beta=np.inf):
recursively building a the tree with alpha beta pruning
may not be the best choice but everyone keeps saying: memory is cheap
board: a gameState
depth: depth parameter of search tree
cur_player: the current_player's number
return best score, best move
self.count = self.count+1
#eval current player
if cur_player == 1:
oponent = 2
oponent = 1
best_score = -np.inf
#get all available moves
moves = self.listofmoves(board)
best_move = moves[0]
#for each move do
for eachmove in moves:
#print eachmove
#copy board and move
boardcopy = board.copy()
#build recursivley
board_i, _ , _ = move(boardcopy, cur_player, eachmove)
score = self.min_play(board_i, depth-1 ,alpha ,beta, cur_player)
#compare scores
if score > alpha:
alpha = score
best_move = eachmove
if alpha >= beta:
return alpha
return alpha, best_move
In [3]:
#import numpy as np
def move_is_correct(grid,num):
@param grid: 6x7 grid containing the current game state
@param num: column
returns True if move is allowed on that column
#if 0 is in column
if 0 in grid[:,num]:
#move is allowed
return True
return False
def move_still_possible(S):
@param S: 6x7 grid containing the current game state
returns True if grid contains no 0, therefore no move possible anymore
return not(S[S==0].size == 0)
def move(S,p,col_num):
@param S: 6x7 grid containing the current game state
@param p: current player
@param col_num: column number
sets the player's number on the grid and returns the grid
#sanity check
if 0 in S[:,col_num]:
y = np.where(S[:,col_num]==0)[0][-1]
S[y,col_num] = p
return S , y, col_num
return S, None, None
def move_at_random(S):
@param S: 6x7 grid containing the current game state
moves at random
return np.random.randint(0,S.shape[1])
#neat and ugly but the fastest way to search a matrix for a vector is a string find
player1=[' ','1', '1 1', '1 1 1', '1 1 1 1']
oponent=[' ','1', '2 2', '2 2 2', '2 2 2 2']
def move_was_winning_move(S, p, num):
@param S: 6x7 grid containing the current game state
@param p: current player
@param num: how many occurences to count
combines all the allowed formations of the grid and string_finds with
the currents player vector. Returns true if match.
return: True or False whether move was winning move or not,
and count of occurences
if p == 1:
match = player1[num]
match = oponent[num]
#for every possible diag
for i in range(-2,4):
l.append(np.diag(S,k = i))
#left to right
#top to bottom
#convert to string
stringmatrix =''.join(np.array_str(e) for e in l)
#count the occurences
counter = stringmatrix.count(match)
#print stringmatrix
#if four in a row
if num == 4 and counter == 1:
return True, counter
return False, counter
# relate numbers (1, -1, 0) to symbols ('x', 'o', ' ')
symbols = {1:'m', 2:'r', 0:' '}
# print game state matrix using symbols
def print_game_state(S):
B = np.copy(S).astype(object)
for n in [1, 2, 0]:
B[B==n] = symbols[n]
print B
if __name__ == '__main__':
# initialize 6x7 connectfour board
# initialize array that counts how often a cell contributed to a win
final = np.zeros((6,7), dtype = float)
outcomes = []
mvcntrlist = []
nodeslist = []
print 'This is a Minmax vs Random Connect Four simulation: '
difficulty = int(raw_input('Difficulty: '))
for i in range(10):
gameState = np.zeros((6,7), dtype=int)
# initialize player number, move counter
player = 1
mvcntr = 1
# initialize flag that indicates win
noWinnerYet = True
m = Minmax()
size = len(m.DIC)
while move_still_possible(gameState) and noWinnerYet:
while True:
# get player symbol
name = symbols[player]
#print '%s moves' % name
# move with Minmax
if player == 1:
_ , col_num = m.minmax(gameState, 1, difficulty, -np.inf, np.inf)
# let player move at random
col_num = move_at_random(gameState)
if move_is_correct(gameState, col_num):
gameState, _ , _ = move(gameState,player,col_num)
# print current game state
# evaluate game state
winningmove, _ = move_was_winning_move(gameState, player, 4)
if winningmove:
# determine who won
winner = player
# get the positions of the fields the winner selected
xp, yp = np.where(gameState == winner)
# update "final" which counts how often a cell contributed
# to a win
final[xp,yp] +=1
#for i in range(0, len(xp)):
# final[xp[i], yp[i]] += 1
noWinnerYet = False
#add to list which winner
#how many moves
#how many nodes
# switch player and increase move counter
if player == 1:
player = 2
elif player == 2:
player = 1
mvcntr += 1
if noWinnerYet:
#save new DIC to increase
if size < len(m.DIC):
#print 'game ended in a draw'
print i
print 'length of DIC:',len(m.DIC)
print 'number of nodes:', m.count
print 'Finished'
# normalize the count data and store it on disk
normed_final = final / np.sum(final, dtype=np.float)
print normed_final
np.savetxt("normed_count.csv", normed_final, delimiter=",")
In [4]:
data = normed_final
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
heatmap = ax.pcolor(data)
cbar = plt.colorbar(heatmap)
plt.title('Heatmap after 200 games \n')
In [6]:
his = plt.hist(outcomes,bins=3)
offset = -.18
plt.title("1st Tournament, draws and wins, depth="+str(difficulty))
#plt.xlabel("left: o wins, middle: draw, right: x wins")
plt.ylabel("# Games")
axes = plt.gca()
axes.set_ylim([1,len(outcomes)+1]) # y axis should include all 2000 games
axes.set_xticklabels( ('Random', 'Minmax', 'draw') )
In [7]:
outcomes.count(0), outcomes.count(1), outcomes.count(2)
In [8]:
his = plt.hist(mvcntrlist,bins=max(mvcntrlist))
plt.title("1st Tournament, # of moves, depth="+str(difficulty))
#plt.xlabel("left: o wins, middle: draw, right: x wins")
plt.ylabel("# Games")
plt.xlabel('# of moves')
axes = plt.gca()
In [9]:
his = plt.hist(nodeslist,bins=max(nodeslist))
plt.title("1st Tournament, # of nodes , depth="+str(difficulty))
#plt.xlabel("left: o wins, middle: draw, right: x wins")
plt.ylabel("# Games")
plt.xlabel('# of nodes')
axes = plt.gca()
with command: python -m cProfile -s cumtime
11008374 function calls (10559783 primitive calls) in 14.654 seconds
10845027 function calls (10398214 primitive calls) in 12.555 seconds
8587527 function calls (8188635 primitive calls) in 7.127 seconds
3336653 function calls (3330229 primitive calls) in 4.693 seconds
10010685 function calls (9583101 primitive calls) in 9.372 seconds
19532712 function calls (18898637 primitive calls) in 24.994 seconds
69043885 function calls (67314936 primitive calls) in 118.056 seconds
In [14]:
import time
def timing(f):
def wrap(*args):
time1 = time.time()
ret = f(*args)
time2 = time.time()
print '%s function took %0.3f ms' % (f.func_name, (time2-time1)*1000.0)
return ret
return wrap
In [15]:
In [21]:
m = Minmax()
def do_work(dif):
return m.minmax(testgame, 1, dif, -np.inf, np.inf)
In [25]:
for i in range(1,7):
In [33]:
In [37]:
plt.title('Time per Depth for building Minmax tree')
plt.ylabel('time in ms')
In [ ]: