Fishbowl: an enhanced interactive Shell for Common Lisp

(C) 2015 Frederic Peschanski -- CC-BY-SA 3.0

This document is a short presentation of Fishbowl which is, technically-speaking, a Common Lisp implementation of an IPython kernel. So what does this means in practice ? Let's see.

A (somewhat poor man's) distributed Lisp REPL

Basically IPython is a better shell (understand REPL) for the Python programming language. So what the is the relationship with Lisp ? Well, the IPython architecture allows distributed (unsecure !) interactions between :

  • clients -- called frontends -- that manage the user-part of the interactions : reading expressions, printing results and such, and

    • servers -- called kernels -- that actually perform the computations.

So in an IPython REPL, the frontends play the R and P parts, while the kernels play the E part.

Fishbowl is thus the Eval part while the existing IPython frontends can be used for Reading and Printing.

Basic interactions would look like the following :

In [1]:
(+ 2 12)


Things happen like these :

  • first, the frontend reads the Lisp expression (+ 2 12)

  • this expression is sent, through the network (ZMQ sockets to be precise), to the Fishbowl kernel, which performs the corresponding computation (thanks to the eval function of course).

  • the resuling value 14 is then sent back to the frontend for printing, and that's it.

In case the expression yields side effects, such as writing a file, these are actually performed by Fishbowl so one should take care servicing kernels only on private networks ! The standard output and error streams are captured and thus visible from the frontend side.

In [2]:
(format t "I compute (+ 2 12), yielding ~A" (+ 2 12))

I compute (+ 2 12), yielding 14

The second expression, namely In [2], yields the NIL value, namely Out [2], but the formatted string written on the *standard-output* stream is also printed.

Errors are also printed,as the following (counter-)example shows :

In [3]:
(/ 2 0)

  #<DIVISION-BY-ZERO {1006865443}>

We remark that, at least in the current version, Fishbowl does not support interactions with the Lisp debugger.

This is a good moment to stay something important :

Fishbowl is not intended as a replacement for SlimE or SlimV.

Indeed, this would imply replacing Emacs of Vim for starting with ...

At the very best, Fishbowl (together with the IPython frontend) could be seen as a replacement for the basic REPL of most Common Lisp implementations (as for now without the debugger). An interface with Swank (the "kernel" part of SlimE/V) would be a strong improvement here, but that is only for now a wish (contributors welcome !).

Some features might already prove useful. First and foremost, the distributed architecture of IPython/Fishbowl allows to connect multiple frontends to multiple kernels, as well as exchanging Data. Since IPython kernels exist for a growing number of programming languages (Python, Ruby, Julia, Ocaml, Haskell, etc.), this opens many possibilities such as writing interactive distributed applications developped in a multi-languages environment (which appeals much more to me than the everything-in-javascript trend of the moment).

But a question remains: is Fishbowl bringing something to the Lisp table ? Obviously, a not-really-better REPL does not. The main reason why Fishbowl was written in the first place is for supporting IPython notebooks.

A Lisp environment for interactive documents

So what is a notebook ? Well, that's easy, this is what you are reading now !

It is a document mixing :

  • Markdown-formatted text (optionally including Latex/Mathjax formulas)

  • Computations described in various language, Common Lisp as far as Fishbowl is concerned.

For example, Leonardo may write a fantastically clever algorithm for an important computation :

In [4]:
(defun fibonacci (n)
    (if (<= n 1)
        (+ (fibonacci (- n 2)) (fibonacci (- n 1)))))


And then, Leonardo can answer one of its most desired question :

In [5]:
(fibonacci 10)


In [6]:
(loop for k below 10 collect (fibonacci k))

(1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55)

and then, comment about such computations, such that making conjectures or wonderings...

What about $\lim_{k \rightarrow +\infty} \frac{F_{k+1}}{F_k}$ with $F_k$ the $k$-th term of the Fibonacci serie ?

Well, let's check this ...

In [7]:
(loop for k from 2 below 20 collect (/ (fibonacci (1+ k)) (fibonacci k)))

(3/2 5/3 8/5 13/8 21/13 34/21 55/34 89/55 144/89 233/144 377/233 610/377
 987/610 1597/987 2584/1597 4181/2584 6765/4181 10946/6765)

Oops ... don't want the exact rational values but approximations ...

In [8]:
 for k from 2 below 20 
 collect (float (/ (fibonacci (1+ k)) (fibonacci k))))

(1.5 1.6666666 1.6 1.625 1.6153846 1.6190476 1.617647 1.6181818 1.6179775
 1.6180556 1.6180258 1.6180371 1.6180328 1.6180345 1.6180338 1.618034 1.618034

What is this value $1.618034$ ? ... seems not far from ... $\frac{1+\sqrt{5}}{2}$

In [9]:
(/ (+ 1 (sqrt 5))


Don't you think this number looks shiny ?

This (probably unsuccessful) half-joke at least summarizes the way I am using notebooks in my own teaching and research work.

At the technical level, the IPython notebook server is simply a frontend developped as a complete web application that can connect to any kernel, among which of course Fishbowl.

Multi-format document processing

The internal representation of a notebook is a JSON document with a very simple structure. Hence, it is very easy to convert the notebook file to various representations. This can be done at the JSON level but there are higher-level tools to ease such conversion.

PDF document

To generate a PDF document, the default is to simply use IPython's nbconvert tool :

ipython3 nbconvert <myfile>.ipynb --to latex --post pdf

This will generate a file <myfile>.pdf that is in general quite readable. The process is to generate first a pandoc markdown document from the JSon representation, and then relying pandoc to generate a Latex document that is finally processed by a latex tool (by default pdflatex) to generate the final document. A lot of machinery but this works remarkably well ! You can see for yourself with the AboutFishbowl.pdf document generated from the present notebook.

Rich display

The notebook provide rich display for textual and graphical data. The package fishbowl-user provides a few functions for producing displayable data in Lisp.

By default, the Lisp backend works in the fishbowl-user package, which we can check right away:

In [10]:


Customized plain text

By default, the data produced by the Lisp kernel is formatted as in (format t "~S" <data>), i.e. roughly the same way the Lisp REPL works. The produced Lisp string is then encoded as a JSON string and sent back to the frontend(s).

Let's see what happens with a string.

In [11]:
"this is a string with a
new line"

"this is a string with a
new line"

Suppose now we would like to define a particular kind of string where new lines are replaced (in the shown output) by JSon new lines, i.e. the string "\n".

The simplest way to do so is to create a CLOS class to encoded our special strings.

In [12]:
(defclass custom-string ()
    ((content :initarg :content :reader cstr-content)))


In [13]:
(defun custom-string (str)
    (make-instance 'custom-string :content str))


Now, we have to specialize a generic method render-plain to produce our customized strings.

In [14]:
(defmethod render-plain ((str-obj custom-string))
    (let ((ncontent (make-array (length (cstr-content str-obj)) 
                                :element-type 'character :fill-pointer 0 :adjustable t)))
        (loop for char across (cstr-content str-obj)
              for index from 0
              do (cond ((char= char #\Newline)
                        (vector-push-extend #\\ ncontent)
                        (vector-push-extend #\n ncontent))
                       (t (vector-push-extend char ncontent))))
         (format nil "\"~A\"" ncontent)))


Let's try our customized strings ...

In [15]:
(custom-string "this is a customized string with a
 new line")

"this is a customized string with a\n new line"

Programmatically-generated Latex

A nice feature of the notebook is that one may use Latex to describe mathematical formulas. This can be done in the markdown cells, by directly writing the formulas.

For example: $\frac{17}{48}$ will give: $\frac{17}{48}$

It is also possible to generate latex on the kernel side using Lisp code. The latex function simplifies the process :

In [16]:
(latex "$\\frac{17}{48}$")


Note that the backslash must be escaped in the Lisp string. Thanks to this latex function, we can generate latex content programmatically, as in the following example :

In [17]:
(defun show-fraction (num den)
    (latex (format nil "$\\frac{~A}{~A}$" num den)))


In [18]:
(show-fraction 17 48)


Raw HTML content

It is of course also possible to generate raw HTML content directly from Lisp. This is not recommanded however in the case the intent is to generate beautiful printouts of the notebook. But the HTML generation can be useful at times.

In [19]:
(html "<h3 style=\"color:red\">Important</h3>
       <p style=\"color:blue\">Fishbowl is <strong style=\"color:green\">nice</strong>.</p>")



Fishbowl is nice.

You can of course use your favorite HTML framework to generate your content. Here is an example.

In [20]:
(ql:quickload "cl-markup")


In [21]:
(html (markup:markup
       (:table :border 0 :cellpadding 4
               (loop for i below 25 by 5
                     collect (markup:markup 
                              (:tr :align "right"
                                   (loop for j from i below (+ i 5)
                                         collect (markup:markup
                                                  (:td :bgcolor
                                                       (if (oddp j) "pink" "green")
                                                       (format nil "~@R" (1+ j)))))))))))


Remark that the table is not visible in the generated PDF. For non-textual content it is actually preferable to use images.

Vector images as SVG

There are two types of computerized representation for images: bitmap and vectorial. Nowadays, the popular format for vector images is SVG (\emph{Scalable Vector Graphics}). If a few years back the support for svg images was quiet imperfect, modern browsers and tools have somewhat settled on how svg images should render.

Basically a SVG is a W3C recommendation and is thus an XML-based format. The advantage is that the format is open (as opposed to proprietary) not tied to a specific tools. Hence anyone can create a SVG image using a simple text editor. Of course, Fishbowl and then the notebook can interpret this textual description as an image.

Let's try ...

In [22]:
(svg "<svg height=\"400\" width=\"450\">
<path id=\"lineAB\" d=\"M 100 350 l 150 -300\" stroke=\"red\" stroke-width=\"3\" fill=\"none\" />
  <path id=\"lineBC\" d=\"M 250 50 l 150 300\" stroke=\"red\" stroke-width=\"3\" fill=\"none\" />
  <path d=\"M 175 200 l 150 0\" stroke=\"green\" stroke-width=\"3\" fill=\"none\" />
  <path d=\"M 100 350 q 150 -300 300 0\" stroke=\"blue\" stroke-width=\"5\" fill=\"none\" />
  <!-- Mark relevant points -->
  <g stroke=\"black\" stroke-width=\"3\" fill=\"black\">
    <circle id=\"pointA\" cx=\"100\" cy=\"350\" r=\"3\" />
    <circle id=\"pointB\" cx=\"250\" cy=\"50\" r=\"3\" />
    <circle id=\"pointC\" cx=\"400\" cy=\"350\" r=\"3\" />
  <!-- Label the points -->
  <g font-size=\"30\" font=\"sans-serif\" fill=\"black\" stroke=\"none\" text-anchor=\"middle\">
    <text x=\"100\" y=\"350\" dx=\"-30\">A</text>
    <text x=\"250\" y=\"50\" dy=\"-10\">B</text>
    <text x=\"400\" y=\"350\" dx=\"30\">C</text>


Of course, it is quite cumbersome to write full pictures in a string encoding an xml document ! Pictures can be obtained more interesting in a programmatic manner, either building a string or relying on a third-party library. This could be an XML library but there is also a nifty cl-svg library that we might use.

In [23]:
(ql:quickload "cl-svg")


In [24]:
(defparameter *scene* 
    (let* ((scene (svg:make-svg-toplevel 'svg:svg-1.1-toplevel :height 200 :width 200))
           (lg1 (svg:make-linear-gradient scene (:id :generate
                                         :x1 "0%" :y1 "0%" :x2 "100%" :y2 "100%")
                (svg:stop :color "green" :offset "0%")
                (svg:stop :color "blue" :offset "50%")
                (svg:stop :color "red" :offset "100%"))))
     (svg:title scene "SVG test: gradients")
     (svg:draw scene (:rect :x 10 :y 10 :height 200 :width 200)
               :fill (svg:xlink-href lg1))


In [25]:
(svg (with-output-to-string (out)
         (svg:stream-out out *scene*))))

SVG test: gradients

Finally, it is perhaps easier to load a SVG picture directly from a file.

In [26]:
(svg-from-file "profile/fishbowl-small.svg")

( ( Common Lisp image/svg+xml Openclipart Fishbowl 2010-05-11T04:48:20 A simple fishbowl, with water only. Drawn in Inkscape. J_Alves aquarium fish fish tank fishbowl pet

Bitmap images as PNG

In [ ]:

To be continued ...

In [ ]: