Interactively test the spherical Voronoi algorithm implementation proposed by Ross Hemsley at PyData London 2015
In [62]:
%load_ext autoreload
%autoreload 2
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
import voronoi_utility
import numpy as np
import scipy as sp
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
In [63]:
#pre-requisite step: generate the random coordinates on the sphere
prng = np.random.RandomState(117)
random_coordinate_array = voronoi_utility.generate_random_array_spherical_generators(1000,1.0,prng)
In [64]:
#confirm reasonable distribution of points on the unit sphere
fig_initial_sphere = plt.figure()
ax = fig_initial_sphere.add_subplot('111', projection = '3d')
ax.scatter(random_coordinate_array[...,0], random_coordinate_array[...,1], random_coordinate_array[...,2], c = 'blue', edgecolor = 'none')
In [65]:
#step 1: place an additional generator at the centre of the sphere (the origin of the coordinate system)
random_coordinate_array = np.concatenate((random_coordinate_array, np.zeros((1,3))))
In [66]:
#confirm appropriate coordinates for the center (in red)
fig_additional_generator = plt.figure()
ax = fig_additional_generator.add_subplot('111', projection = '3d')
ax.scatter(random_coordinate_array[:-1,0], random_coordinate_array[:-1,1], random_coordinate_array[:-1,2], c = 'blue', edgecolor = 'none')
ax.scatter(random_coordinate_array[-1,0], random_coordinate_array[-1,1], random_coordinate_array[-1,2], c = 'red', edgecolor = 'none')
In [67]:
#step 2: perform 3D Delaunay triangulation on data set that includes the extra generator
tri = sp.spatial.Delaunay(random_coordinate_array)
In [68]:
#confirm reasonable-looking tetrahedralization of sphere
fig_initial_tetrahedralization = plt.figure()
ax = fig_initial_tetrahedralization.add_subplot('111', projection = '3d')
for simplex in tri.points[tri.simplices]:
ax.scatter(simplex[...,0], simplex[...,1], simplex[...,2], c = 'k', edgecolor = 'none')
ax.scatter(random_coordinate_array[...,0], random_coordinate_array[...,1], random_coordinate_array[...,2], c = 'blue', edgecolor = 'none', s = 70, alpha = 0.25)
Although connecting the tetrahedra in a non-intersecting fashion would probably be a bit more work, the superposition of generators on the tetrahedral vertices is sensible given that each generator should indeed be a vertex in the 3D tetrahedralization.
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#step 3a: produce circumspheres / circumcenters of tetrahedra from 3D Delaunay
#based on some rough testing, it turns out that ALL simplices (tetrahedra) have one vertex at the origin [I think Ross was trying to explain this to me at PyData London 2015]
#the unit normal to the outer Delaunay facet (on sphere surface) is a Voronoi vertex (as in my previous algorithm)
#because each tetrahedron contains the origin as a vertex, the circumcenter is located halfway between the origin and the Voronoi vertex [othwerise the other vertices would illegally be located inside the circumsphere]
#furthermore, if we exclude the tetrahedral vertex at the origin, the remaining three vertices form a face (triangle) on the sphere surface, the circumcenter of which may be projected to the sphere surface to produce the coordinates of the corresponding Voronoi vertex
import circumcircle
list_circumcenter_coordinates = []
for simplex in tri.points[tri.simplices]: #iterate over tetrahedra
#need to find circumcenter of tetrahedron circumsphere
tetrahedron_circumsphere_circumcenter = circumcircle.calc_circumcenter_circumsphere_tetrahedron_2(simplex)
array_circumcenter_coords = np.array(list_circumcenter_coordinates)
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#I'm pretty sure the circumcenter coords should fall within the unit sphere because the circumsphere of the simplex should not contain any generators
#do some isolated plotting to test this out
In [123]:
first_tetrahedron = tri.points[tri.simplices][0]
first_circumcenter = circumcircle.calc_circumcenter_circumsphere_tetrahedron_2(first_tetrahedron)
fig_test_circumcenter = plt.figure()
ax = fig_test_circumcenter.add_subplot('111', projection = '3d')
ax.scatter(first_tetrahedron[...,0], first_tetrahedron[...,1], first_tetrahedron[...,2], c = 'k')
ax.scatter(first_circumcenter[...,0], first_circumcenter[...,1], first_circumcenter[...,2], c= 'blue', edgecolor = 'none')
In [124]:
#ok, the circumcenter of circumsphere calculation is now starting to look more reasonable with the new implementation
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#plot the full set of circumcenter coordinates to confirm that they are all looking reasonable relative to the generators
fig_test_all_circumcenters = plt.figure()
ax = fig_test_all_circumcenters.add_subplot('111', projection = '3d')
ax.scatter(array_circumcenter_coords[...,0], array_circumcenter_coords[...,1], array_circumcenter_coords[...,2], c = 'blue', edgecolor = 'none', label = 'tetrahedron circumcenters')
ax.scatter(random_coordinate_array[...,0], random_coordinate_array[...,1], random_coordinate_array[...,2], c = 'black', edgecolor = 'none', label = 'generators')
In [137]:
#attempt to project the tetrahedron circumcenters up to the surface of the sphere, to produce the Voronoi vertices
# based on
radius = 1.0
array_vector_lengths = sp.spatial.distance.cdist(array_circumcenter_coords,np.zeros((1,3)))
array_Voronoi_vertices = (radius / np.abs(array_vector_lengths)) * array_circumcenter_coords
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#confirm reasonable positions for Voronoi vertices relative to generators by visual inspection:
fig_assess_Voronoi_vertices = plt.figure()
ax = fig_assess_Voronoi_vertices.add_subplot('111', projection = '3d')
ax.scatter(array_Voronoi_vertices[...,0], array_Voronoi_vertices[...,1], array_Voronoi_vertices[...,2], c = 'blue', edgecolor = 'none', label = 'Voronoi vertices')
ax.scatter(random_coordinate_array[...,0], random_coordinate_array[...,1], random_coordinate_array[...,2], c = 'black', edgecolor = 'none', label = 'generators')
In [290]:
#attempt to use the Delaunay tetrahedralization neighbour information to connect the Voronoi vertices around the generators (i.e., to produce the Voronoi regions)
#still a work in progress
def filter_tetrahedron_to_triangle(current_tetrahedron_coord_array):
current_triangle_coord_array = [] #initialize as a list
for row in current_tetrahedron_coord_array: #ugly to use for loop for this, but ok for now!
if row[0] == 0 and row[1] == 0 and row[2] == 0: #filter out origin row
current_triangle_coord_array = np.array(current_triangle_coord_array)
return current_triangle_coord_array
array_tetrahedra = tri.points[tri.simplices]
num_generators = len(tri.points) - 1 #don't want to work with the dummy generator at the origin
gen_counter = 0
list_of_sublists_of_tetrahedron_indices_surrounding_each_generator = []
for generator in tri.points[:-1]: #don't want to work with the dummy generator at the origin (which is the last point in the generator set)
#print 'generator:', generator
#identify the simplices (tetrahedra minus origin = triangles) that contain a given generator as a vertex
indices_of_triangles_surrounding_generator = np.unique(np.where(tri.points[tri.simplices] == generator)[0])
#print 'number of triangles surrounding generator:', len(indices_of_triangles_surrounding_generator)
#print 'indices_of_triangles_surrounding_generator:', indices_of_triangles_surrounding_generator
#pick any one of the triangles surrounding the generator and pick a non-generator vertex
first_tetrahedron_index = indices_of_triangles_surrounding_generator[0]
first_tetrahedron = array_tetrahedra[first_tetrahedron_index]
#print 'first_tetrahedron:', first_tetrahedron
first_triangle = filter_tetrahedron_to_triangle(first_tetrahedron)
#print 'first_triangle:', first_triangle #first triangle has index 0 in the indices_of_triangles_surrounding_generator
#pick one of the two non-generator vertices in the first triangle
indices_non_generator_vertices_first_triangle = np.unique(np.where(first_triangle != generator)[0])
#print 'indices_non_generator_vertices_first_triangle:', indices_non_generator_vertices_first_triangle
ordered_list_tetrahedron_indices_surrounding_current_generator = [first_tetrahedron_index]
#determine the appropriate ordering of Voronoi vertices to close the Voronoi region (polygon) by traversing the Delaunay neighbour data structure from scipy
vertices_remaining = len(indices_of_triangles_surrounding_generator) - 1
#choose the neighbour opposite the first non-generator vertex of the first triangle
neighbour_tetrahedral_index = tri.neighbors[first_tetrahedron_index][indices_non_generator_vertices_first_triangle[0]]
#print 'neighbour_tetrahedral_index:', neighbour_tetrahedral_index
#print 'ordered_list_tetrahedron_indices_surrounding_current_generator:', ordered_list_tetrahedron_indices_surrounding_current_generator
vertices_remaining -= 1
#for all subsequent triangles it is the common non-generator vertex with the previous neighbour that should be used to propagate the connection chain to the following neighbour
#the common vertex with the previous neighbour is the the vertex of the previous neighbour that was NOT used to locate the current neighbour
#since there are only two candidate vertices on the previous neighbour and I've chosen to use the vertex with index 0, the remaining vertex on the previous neighbour is the non-generator vertex with index 1
common_vertex_coordinate = first_triangle[indices_non_generator_vertices_first_triangle[1]]
#print 'first common_vertex_coordinate:', common_vertex_coordinate
while vertices_remaining > 0:
#print 'common_vertex_coordinate:', common_vertex_coordinate
current_tetrahedron_index = ordered_list_tetrahedron_indices_surrounding_current_generator[-1]
current_tetrahedron_coord_array = array_tetrahedra[current_tetrahedron_index]
#it seems that it is not quite guaranteed that the last row of the tetrahedron is the origin point (though this is usually the case) -- will need a more robust filter to remove the origin and produce the relevant triangular simplex
current_triangle_coord_array = filter_tetrahedron_to_triangle(current_tetrahedron_coord_array)
#print 'current_triangle_coord_array:', current_triangle_coord_array
#print 'current_tetrahedron_coord_array', current_tetrahedron_coord_array
indices_candidate_vertices_current_triangle_excluding_generator = np.unique(np.where(current_triangle_coord_array != generator)[0])
#print 'indices_candidate_vertices_current_triangle_excluding_generator:', indices_candidate_vertices_current_triangle_excluding_generator
array_candidate_vertices = current_triangle_coord_array[indices_candidate_vertices_current_triangle_excluding_generator]
#if len(indices_candidate_vertices_current_triangle_excluding_generator) > 2:
# print 'violating array:', array_candidate_vertices
# print 'generator', generator
# print 'current_triangle_coord_array', current_triangle_coord_array
# print 'current_tetrahedron_coord_array', current_tetrahedron_coord_array
#print 'array_candidate_vertices:', array_candidate_vertices
#print 'current_tetrahedron_coord_array:', current_tetrahedron_coord_array
current_tetrahedron_index_for_neighbour_propagation = np.unique(np.where(current_tetrahedron_coord_array == common_vertex_coordinate)[0])
#print 'current_tetrahedron_index_for_neighbour_propagation:', current_tetrahedron_index_for_neighbour_propagation
next_tetrahedron_index_surrounding_generator = tri.neighbors[current_tetrahedron_index][current_tetrahedron_index_for_neighbour_propagation][0]
if next_tetrahedron_index_surrounding_generator == -1: #debug -- trying to deal with case of 'boundary' simplex -- whatever that means on the sphere!!
#print 'problematic array_candidate_vertices:', array_candidate_vertices
#print 'related common_vertex_coordinate:', common_vertex_coordinate
full_list_neighbour_indices_current_tetrahedron = tri.neighbors[current_tetrahedron_index]
for neighbour_index in full_list_neighbour_indices_current_tetrahedron:
if neighbour_index != -1 and neighbour_index not in ordered_list_tetrahedron_indices_surrounding_current_generator:
next_tetrahedron_index_surrounding_generator = neighbour_index
#print 'next_tetrahedron_index_surrounding_generator:', next_tetrahedron_index_surrounding_generator
common_vertex_coordinate = array_candidate_vertices[array_candidate_vertices != common_vertex_coordinate] #for the next iteration
#print 'ordered_list_tetrahedron_indices_surrounding_current_generator:', ordered_list_tetrahedron_indices_surrounding_current_generator
vertices_remaining -= 1
gen_counter += 1
print 'generator', gen_counter, 'of', num_generators
In [291]:
#plot to confirm that the above algorithm is working for a single generator and its surrounding Voronoi vertices:
fig_test_ordering_single_voronoi_polygon = plt.figure()
ax = fig_test_ordering_single_voronoi_polygon.add_subplot('111', projection = '3d')
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d.art3d import Poly3DCollection
voronoi_region_vertices_ordered = array_Voronoi_vertices[ordered_list_tetrahedron_indices_surrounding_current_generator]
print voronoi_region_vertices_ordered
polygon = Poly3DCollection([voronoi_region_vertices_ordered], alpha = 0.5)
ax.scatter(voronoi_region_vertices_ordered[...,0], voronoi_region_vertices_ordered[...,1], voronoi_region_vertices_ordered[...,2], c = 'k', s = 10)
ax.scatter(generator[...,0], generator[...,1], generator[...,2], c= 'red', edgecolor = 'none')
ax.azim = 0
ax.elev = -180
So, I appear to have successfully constructed the Voronoi cell for the first generator using the algorithm Ross proposed, with proper ordering of Voronoi vertices. Now need to produce the overall spherical Voronoi diagram and probably also select a subset of the Voronoi regions for visual inspection in this manner.
In [295]:
#plot the spherical Voronoi diagram
fig_spherical_Voronoi = plt.figure()
ax = fig_spherical_Voronoi.add_subplot('111', projection = '3d')
import matplotlib.colors as colors
for list_tetrahedron_indices_around_current_generator in list_of_sublists_of_tetrahedron_indices_surrounding_each_generator:
random_color = colors.rgb2hex(sp.rand(3))
current_voronoi_region_vertices_ordered = array_Voronoi_vertices[list_tetrahedron_indices_around_current_generator]
polygon = Poly3DCollection([current_voronoi_region_vertices_ordered], alpha = 1.0)
In [297]:
#check that the surface area reconstituted from the full set of Voronoi polygons is close to the theoretical surface area of the a unit sphere:
total_surface_area = 0
for list_tetrahedron_indices_around_current_generator in list_of_sublists_of_tetrahedron_indices_surrounding_each_generator:
current_voronoi_region_vertices_ordered = array_Voronoi_vertices[list_tetrahedron_indices_around_current_generator]
total_surface_area += voronoi_utility.calculate_surface_area_of_a_spherical_Voronoi_polygon(current_voronoi_region_vertices_ordered, 1.0)
import math
theoretical_surface_area = 4.0 * math.pi
print 'total_surface_area', total_surface_area
print 'theoretical_surface_area', theoretical_surface_area
print 'percent surface area reconstitution:', (total_surface_area / theoretical_surface_area) * 100.
Can't get any better than that!
In [298]:
#just to be absolutely sure, up next I'll want to plot a subset of the Voronoi regions and their associated generators, but I can't imagine there are any self-intersecting Voronoi polygons now that we have full reconstitution
In [311]:
fig_panel_zoom_voronoi_regions = plt.figure()
subplot_number = 1
array_random_indices = np.random.randint(random_coordinate_array.shape[0], size = 30)
for generator_index in array_random_indices:
ax = fig_panel_zoom_voronoi_regions.add_subplot(6,5,subplot_number, projection = '3d')
list_tetrahedron_indices_around_current_generator = list_of_sublists_of_tetrahedron_indices_surrounding_each_generator[generator_index]
current_voronoi_region_vertices_ordered = array_Voronoi_vertices[list_tetrahedron_indices_around_current_generator]
generator = random_coordinate_array[generator_index]
ax.scatter(generator[...,0], generator[...,1], generator[...,2], c= 'k', edgecolor = 'none')
polygon = Poly3DCollection([current_voronoi_region_vertices_ordered], alpha = 0.4)
ax.set_xlim((generator[...,0].min() - 0.1, generator[...,0].max() + 0.1))
ax.set_ylim((generator[...,1].min() - 0.1, generator[...,1].max() + 0.1))
ax.set_zlim((generator[...,2].min() - 0.1, generator[...,2].max() + 0.1))
subplot_number += 1
The results look excellent -- I don't see any indication of issues with the randomly-selected Voronoi regions, after accounting for 3D perspectives, etc.
In [338]:
#now test implementation of above improvements into the main module
voronoi_instance = voronoi_utility.Voronoi_Sphere_Surface(random_coordinate_array[:-1,...], 1.0) #allow the main module to add the zero point back in
In [339]:
dictionary_voronoi_polygon_vertices = voronoi_instance.voronoi_region_vertices_spherical_surface()
In [342]:
#plot to confirm that the overall spherical Voronoi diagram generated by the main module looks reasonable
fig_main_module_spherical_Voronoi = plt.figure()
ax = fig_main_module_spherical_Voronoi.add_subplot('111', projection = '3d')
for generator_index, voronoi_region in dictionary_voronoi_polygon_vertices.iteritems():
#print voronoi_region
random_color = colors.rgb2hex(sp.rand(3))
polygon = Poly3DCollection([voronoi_region], alpha = 1.0)
In [343]:
#overall spherical Voronoi diagram produced by the main module look excellent using the new algorithm
#now check the reconstituted surface area
dictionary_surface_areas_per_generator_Voronoi_region = voronoi_instance.voronoi_region_surface_areas_spherical_surface()
In [344]:
reconstituted_surface_area = sum(dictionary_surface_areas_per_generator_Voronoi_region.itervalues())
percent_surface_area_reconstituted = (reconstituted_surface_area / (4 * math.pi)) * 100.0
print 'percent_surface_area_reconstituted:', percent_surface_area_reconstituted
In [345]:
#again, excellent, now check a random subset of the polygons up close:
fig_main_module_polygon_check = plt.figure()
subplot_number = 1
for generator_index in array_random_indices:
ax = fig_main_module_polygon_check.add_subplot(6,5,subplot_number, projection = '3d')
voronoi_region_vertices_ordered = dictionary_voronoi_polygon_vertices[generator_index]
generator = random_coordinate_array[generator_index]
ax.scatter(generator[...,0], generator[...,1], generator[...,2], c= 'k', edgecolor = 'none')
polygon = Poly3DCollection([voronoi_region_vertices_ordered], alpha = 0.4)
ax.set_xlim((generator[...,0].min() - 0.1, generator[...,0].max() + 0.1))
ax.set_ylim((generator[...,1].min() - 0.1, generator[...,1].max() + 0.1))
ax.set_zlim((generator[...,2].min() - 0.1, generator[...,2].max() + 0.1))
subplot_number += 1
In [347]:
#looks excellent, now I think the main module (with its improved implementation) is ready for testing with real (experimental / computational) data
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