Data can be dowloaded from The article and description is at
In [1]:
import pandas as pd
#stroke = pd.read_csv("data/IST_data.csv", true_values='Y', false_values='N', na_values='U', skipinitialspace=True,low_memory=False)
stroke_processed = pd.read_csv('data/stroke.csv', low_memory=False) #this mixed type warning if i dont include the low memory, why exactly?
class IST():
def __init__(self, drug='RXHEP'):
stroke = stroke_processed[np.isfinite(stroke_processed[outcome])]
self.arm_id = list(stroke_processed[drug].unique())
random.shuffle(self.arm_id) #assign random index to each arm, so bugs that prefer a index cant help
self.arms = [stroke[stroke[drug] == arm][['actual'+drug,outcome]].values for arm in self.arm_id]
self.arm_samples = [len(a) for a in self.arms]
def draw_subject(self):
r= [ random.randint(0,h) for h in self.arm_samples]
return [(self.arm_id.index(self.arms[i][rr][0]),self.arms[i][rr][1]) for i,rr in enumerate(r)]
In [2]:
%load_ext autoreload
%autoreload 2
from multiprocessing import Pool
from IPython.display import display, HTML
from IPython.display import clear_output
from scipy import stats
import numpy as np
from numpy import random
from pymc import rbeta
import scikits.bootstrap as boot
import seaborn as sns
%matplotlib inline
import math
from __future__ import division
import pprint
import numba # we need the very latest numba to do this with jit classes, TODO later
import Cython
import sys
#from collections import deque
In [3]:
#utility functions
def ci(v):
cie= v, np.mean )
return cie[0],cie[1]
def display_results(r):
display(r.groupby(["drug","base bandit"]).agg([ np.mean, np.median, np.min, np.max, np.std, ci]))
display(r.groupby(["drug","high estimator"]).agg([np.mean,np.median,np.min, np.max, np.std, ci]))
display(r.groupby(["drug","high estimator","base bandit"]).agg([ np.mean,np.median, np.min, np.max, np.std, ci]))
display(r.groupby(["high estimator","base bandit"]).agg([ np.mean,np.median, np.min, np.max, np.std, ci]))
def sigmoid(x):
return 1 / (1 + np.exp(-x))
def potentials_to_probs(x):
return sigmoid(x)/sigmoid(x).sum()
def online_mean(old,v,n):
return ((n - 1) / float(n)) * old + (1 / float(n)) * v
def decay_avg(old,v,n, g=0):
return ((n - (1+g)) / float(n)) * old + ((1+g) / float(n)) * v
# tune g online to achieve good prediction of conditional reward given chosen action
def stochastic_argmax(x):
"""returns the index of a max value, if there are multiple, picks one uniformly at random"""
# cleaner but cant numba: return np.random.choice(np.where( x >= x[x.argmax()] )[0])
candidates = np.where( x >= x[x.argmax()] )[0]
return ( candidates[np.random.randint(0,len(candidates))])
#much faster than np.random.choice ?
def categorical_draw(probs):
z = random.random()
cum_prob = 0.0
for i in range(probs.shape[0]):
cum_prob += probs[i]
if cum_prob > z: return i
return probs.shape[0] - 1
def beta(svec,fvec):
v = np.zeros(svec.shape[0])
for i in range(svec.shape[0]):
v[i] = random.beta(svec[i],fvec[i])
return v
In [4]:
class Bandit(object):
def __init__(self, n_arms):
self.n_arms = n_arms
self.values = np.ones(n_arms,dtype=np.float64)
self.counts = np.ones(n_arms, dtype=np.float64)
def update_reward(self, chosen_arm, reward, probability=1):
#reward= 1/probability
self.counts[chosen_arm] += 1
self.values[chosen_arm] = online_mean(self.values[chosen_arm],reward,self.counts[chosen_arm])
class RandomBandit(Bandit):
def select_arm(self):
return int(random.random()*self.n_arms)
class ThompsonBeta():
def __init__(self, n_arms):
self.n_arms = n_arms
self.sucess = np.zeros(n_arms,dtype=np.float64)
self.failures = np.zeros(n_arms, dtype=np.float64)
def update_reward(self, chosen_arm, reward, probability=1):
if reward == 1:self.sucess[chosen_arm] += 1/probability
else: self.failures[chosen_arm] += 1/probability
def select_arm(self):
return stochastic_argmax( beta(1 + self.sucess, 1 + self.failures) ) #uniform prior, for jeffreys prior do 0.5 instead of 1
def get_probs(self):
return (1 + self.sucess )/( 2 + self.failures + self.sucess )
class Softmax(Bandit):
def select_arm(self):
t = sum(self.counts) + 1
temperature = 1 / math.log(t + 0.0000001) # or 0.1
mv = np.max(self.values)
z = np.sum(np.exp((self.values-mv) / temperature))
probs = np.exp((self.values-mv) / temperature) / z
return categorical_draw(probs)
class EpsilonGreedy(Bandit):
def select_arm(self):
t = sum(self.counts) + 1
epsilon = 1 / math.log(t + 0.0000001) # or jus 0.1
if random.random() > epsilon: return stochastic_argmax(self.values)
else: return random.randint(self.n_arms)
class UCB1(Bandit):
def select_arm(self):
if np.min(self.counts) == 0:
chosen_arm = np.argmin(self.counts)
ucb_values = np.zeros(self.n_arms)
total_counts = np.sum(self.counts)
for arm in range(self.n_arms):
ucb_values[arm] = self.values[arm] + math.sqrt((2 * np.log(total_counts)) / self.counts[arm])
chosen_arm = stochastic_argmax(ucb_values)
return chosen_arm
class Exp3V():
def __init__(self, n_arms):
self.n_arms = n_arms
self.weights = np.zeros(n_arms, dtype=np.float64)
self.probs = np.zeros(n_arms, dtype=np.float64)
def select_arm(self):
return np.exp(categorical_draw(self.probs))
def get_probs(self):
return np.exp(self.probs)
def update_reward(self, chosen_arm, reward, probability=1):
gamma=0.0085 #0.0085 seems to have come from the bound optimized parameters, but how?
logreward = log(reward) - log(probability)
self.weights[chosen_arm] = self.weights[chosen_arm] + np.log(gamma) + (logreward - self.probs[chosen_arm])
self.probs = self.weights - logsumexp(self.weights)
In [8]:
def make_derivative_bandits(base_algos):
for b in base_algos:
class chosen(b):
def update(self, chosen, actual,reward):
class actual(b):
def update(self, chosen, actual,reward):
class comply_only(b):
def update(self, chosen_arm, actual_arm,reward):
if chosen_arm == actual_arm:
self.update_reward( actual_arm,reward)
class DoubleBanditRecycle():
def __init__(self, n_arms, base_algo=b,higher_algo=Exp3V):#b
self.n_arms = n_arms
self.low_bandits = [base_algo(n_arms),base_algo(n_arms),base_algo(n_arms)]
self.high_bandit = higher_algo(len(self.low_bandits))
self.prev_high_chosen = []
self.unused_samples = [[] for i in range(n_arms)]
def update(self, chosen, actual, reward):
if self.prev_high_chosen[0] == 0: self.low_bandits[0].update_reward(chosen,reward,self.high_bandit.get_probs()[0]) # asimptotically good no matter what
else: self.unused_samples[chosen].append(reward)
self.low_bandits[1].update_reward(actual,reward) # finite sample better when noncmopliance indepedent of rewards
if chosen==actual: self.low_bandits[2].update_reward(chosen,reward)# good when noncompliers have different distribution of rewards than compliers
def select_arm(self):
choices = [self.low_bandits[i].select_arm() for i in range(len(self.low_bandits))]
self.prev_high_chosen =[self.high_bandit.select_arm()] # [i for i, v in enumerate(choices) if v == chosen]
if self.prev_high_chosen[0] != 0: #it is not normally when chosen would play
if min([len(a) for a in self.unused_samples]) > 0: #but we can still give it feedback, becuase we chose this before, so know how it woudl work out (IID)
reward= self.unused_samples[choices[0]].pop()
self.low_bandits[0].update_reward(choices[0],reward, self.high_bandit.get_probs()[0])
return choices[self.prev_high_chosen[0]]
class ThompsonBounded():#with recycle
def __init__(self, n_arms, base_algo=b,higher_algo=ThompsonBeta):#b
self.n_arms = n_arms
self.chosen_bounding = ThompsonBeta(n_arms)
self.low_bandits = [base_algo(n_arms)]
self.prev_bound_used = True
self.unused_samples = [[] for i in range(n_arms)]
def update(self, chosen, actual, reward):
if self.prev_bound_used:
self.chosen_bounding.update_reward(chosen,reward, sum(self.chosen_bounding.get_probs()**2) )
self.low_bandits[0].update_reward(actual,reward) # finite sample better when noncmopliance indepedent of rewards
def select_arm(self): #aethetic of the while
choices = [self.low_bandits[0].select_arm()]
if (self.chosen_bounding.select_arm() == self.chosen_bounding.select_arm()):
bound_chose = self.chosen_bounding.select_arm()
if min([len(a) for a in self.unused_samples]) > 0: #but we can still give it feedback, becuase we chose this before, so know how it woudl work out (IID)
# use that to feed and continue since we can preserve the bound without taking away from the uncert base
reward= self.unused_samples[bound_chose].pop()
self.chosen_bounding.update_reward(bound_chose,reward, sum(self.chosen_bounding.get_probs()**2) )
self.prev_bound_used = True
return bound_chose #doesnt matter whic one we use, by construction, so we use 0
self.prev_bound_used = False
return choices[0]
return resulting_algos
base_name = ["Exp3V", "EpsilonGreedy","UCB1","ThompsonBeta"]
high_name = ["chosen","actual","comply","HB","TB"]
In [9]:
def sim(drug, DGP=IST ,nsim=250, T=10001, steps=10):
columns=['base bandit','high estimator',"surplus",'drug','t']
results = pd.DataFrame(np.zeros((nsim*steps*len(all_algos), len(columns))), columns=columns) #hardcodes 20 algos*baselines, nasty
for s in range(nsim):
k = len(dgp.draw_subject())
bandit_instances = [b(k) for b in all_algos]
mean_rewards = 0
for t in range(T):
r = dgp.draw_subject()
mean_rewards += np.sum([v/k for a,v in r])
for i,a in enumerate(bandit_instances):
chosen = int(a.select_arm())
actual,reward = r[chosen]
rewards[i]+= reward
if (t%int(T/steps) == 0) and (t>0):
for i in range(len(all_algos)):
results.iloc[counter] = pd.Series( {
'base bandit':base_name[i//len(high_name)] ,
'high estimator':high_name[i%len(high_name)],
'surplus':rewards[i] - mean_rewards ,
return results
In [ ]:
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In [13]:
%%timeit -r 1
inputs = ["RXASP","RXHEP"] #number of replications 1/2 cores
results = pd.DataFrame(columns=['base bandit','high estimator',"surplus",'drug','t'])
with Pool(1) as p: #how many cores do we wan to use
partial_results=(, inputs))
for p in partial_results:
results = pd.concat([p,results] )
#display_results(results.loc[results['t'] == 10000].drop('t',1))
#display_results(results.loc[results['t'] == 10000])
g = sns.factorplot(x='t', y="surplus", hue="high estimator", data=results,
size=6, palette="muted", row="base bandit") #
g.set_ylabels("lives saved")
g = sns.factorplot(x='t', y="surplus", hue="high estimator", data=results,
size=6, palette="muted", row="drug",col="base bandit") #
g.set_ylabels("lives saved")
In [ ]:
# g = sns.factorplot(x='t', y="surplus", hue="high estimator", data=results,
# size=6, palette="muted", row="base bandit") #
# g.despine(left=True)
# g.set_ylabels("lives saved")
# g.savefig("figs/Fig1.png")
g = sns.factorplot(x='t', y="surplus", hue="high estimator", data=results,
size=6, palette="muted", row="drug",col="base bandit") #
g.set_ylabels("lives saved")
In [ ]:
results.groupby(["drug","high estimator"]).agg([np.mean,np.median,np.min, np.max, np.std, ci]).to_latex()
#results.groupby(["drug","high estimator","base bandit"]).agg([ np.mean,np.median, np.min, np.max, np.std, ci])
In [11]:
# 2(Linear regret; harmful treatment).Suppose there are two sub-populations: the first consists ofrich,
#healthy patients who always take the treatment.
#Thesecond consists of poor,less healthy patients who only takethe treatment if prescribed.
# Finally, suppose the treatmentreduceswellbeing by0:25on some metric.
class ExampleTwo():
def __init__(self,foo):
self.n_arms = 2
def draw_subject(self):
if random.random() > 0.5: user_type = "rich"
else: user_type = "poor"
if user_type == "rich":
# if they didnt take it they would all do well, but they all take it so only 0.75 chance
outcome = random.binomial(1,0.75)
r=[(1, outcome) for i in range(self.n_arms)]
else: #poor, they only take them if told, which brings them down from 0.5 chance to 0.75
reward = [random.binomial(1,0.5),random.binomial(1,0.25)]
r= [(i, reward[i]) for i in range(self.n_arms)]
return r
example2 = sim( nsim=100, T=10001, DGP=ExampleTwo , drug="example 2")
display_results(example2.loc[example2['t'] == 10000].drop('t',1))
In [ ]:
open('tables/ex2.tex', 'w').write( example2.groupby(["high estimator","base bandit"]).agg([np.mean,np.median,np.min, np.max, np.std, ci]).to_latex() )
In [ ]:
g = sns.factorplot(x='t', y="surplus", hue="high estimator", data=example2,
size=6, palette="muted", col="base bandit") #
g.set_ylabels("lives saved")
In [ ]:
class NoncomplianceForBestArm():
def __init__(self,foo ):
self.arm_value = np.random.random(n_arms)#0.5+0.25*
self.n_arms = n_arms
def draw_subject(self):
prefered_arm = stochastic_argmax(self.arm_value)
prefered_reward = random.binomial(1,self.arm_value[prefered_arm])
r = []
for i in range(self.n_arms):
if self.arm_value[i] / self.arm_value[prefered_arm] < random.random(): #informative noncompliance
else: #compliers
r.append((i, random.binomial(1,self.arm_value[i])))
return r
example3= sim( nsim=100, T=10001, DGP=NoncomplianceForBestArm , drug="Better arm")
#display_results(example3.loc[example3['t'] == 10000].drop('t',1))
In [ ]:
open('tables/ex3.tex', 'w').write( example3.groupby(["high estimator","base bandit"]).agg([np.mean,np.median,np.min, np.max, np.std, ci]).to_latex() )
In [ ]:
g = sns.factorplot(x='t', y="surplus", hue="high estimator", data=example3,
size=6, palette="muted", col="base bandit") #
In [ ]:
In [ ]:
#always or never takers. current simulation model is not rich enough for defiers, todo?
class IndependentNoncomplianceAndRewards():
def __init__(self,foo):
self.arm_value = 0.9+0.1*np.random.random(int(n_arms))
# todo add effect_magnitude=1
self.n_arms = n_arms
def draw_subject(self):
if random.random()<0.9: #compliers
r=[(i, random.binomial(1,self.arm_value[i])) for i in range(self.n_arms)]
else: #always takers
actual = categorical_draw(self.arm_value)
reward = random.binomial(1,self.arm_value[actual])
r= [(actual, reward) for i in range(self.n_arms)]
return r
example4= sim( nsim=100, T=10001, DGP=IndependentNoncomplianceAndRewards , drug="example")
#display_results(example4.loc[example4['t'] == 10000].drop('t',1))
In [ ]:
g = sns.factorplot(x='t', y="surplus", hue="high estimator", data=example4,
size=6, palette="muted", col="base bandit") #
In [ ]:
#REMEMBER TO SET EXP3V appropiately before running this (TODO: document how the exp3 constant is set!)
class IndependentNoncomplianceAndRewards():
def __init__(self,foo):
self.arm_value = np.random.random(int(n_arms))
# todo add effect_magnitude=1
self.n_arms = n_arms
def draw_subject(self):
if random.random()>0.5: #compliers
r=[(i, random.binomial(1,self.arm_value[i])) for i in range(self.n_arms)]
else: #always takers
actual = categorical_draw(self.arm_value)
reward = random.binomial(1,self.arm_value[actual])
r= [(actual, reward) for i in range(self.n_arms)]
return r
example5= sim( nsim=1000, T=12, DGP=IndependentNoncomplianceAndRewards , drug="example")
display_results(example5.loc[example5['t'] == 11].drop('t',1))
In [ ]:
g = sns.factorplot(x='t', y="surplus", hue="high estimator", data=example5,
size=6, palette="muted", col="base bandit") #
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