A jupyter Notebook for spectral analysis of time-uncertain marine data

Table of Contents


This notebook works through the step of obtaining an ensemble of possible age models for the marine chronology and obtain the time-uncertain spectrum for the time series.

Running this Notebook


  1. Jupyter Notebook
  2. Python 3.4+ with the following modules:
    1. lipd (pip install lipd)
    2. numpy (standard with Anaconda Install)
    3. pandas (standard with Anaconda Install)
    4. matplotlib (standard with Anaconda Install)
  3. An up-to-date version of R installed on your computer
  4. The Bchron package. In a R console, type install.packages('Bchron')


A record in LiPD format. This notebook assumes that the column are organized using this format. To learn more about LiPD and utilities to format your dataset, vist this page.

Import a LiPD file

In [1]:
# Import the LiPD package and locate your files
from lipd.start import *

Where are your files stored?
1. Current Directory
2. Browse Computer
3. Downloads folder
4. Notebooks folder

Option: 4

In [2]:
# Load the LiPD file

Found: 1 LiPD file(s)
processing: MD02-2515.McClymont.2012.lpd
Process Complete


Get the data and metadata

In [3]:
import sys

# Get the metadata (To display lat/lon)

lipd_m = getMetadata("MD02-2515.McClymont.2012.lpd")

if not 'properties' in lipd_m['geo']:
    record = input("Enter the name of your record: ")
    record = lipd_m['geo']['properties']['siteName']

# Get the paleodata in a Panda DataFrame for ease of use

df_data_dict = filter_dfs("paleo measurement")
table_instance = 0
for  key, value in df_data_dict.items():
    if "measurement" in key:
        table_instance += 1
if table_instance == 1:
    for  key, value in df_data_dict.items():
        if "measurement" in key:
            df_data_l = value
            table_name = key
elif table_instance == 0:
    sys.exit("No DataMeasurementTable available.")
    print("There is more than one PaleoMeasurementTable available for this record.")
    for key, value in df_data_dict.items():
        if "measurement" in key:
    print("Which Table would you like to use?")
    for key, value in df_data_dict.items():
        if "measurement" in key:
    table_name = input("Enter the table name: ")
    df_data_l = df_data_dict[table_name]

Process Complete
Process Complete

In [4]:
# Get the chrondata in a panda dataframe for ease of use

df_data_dict = filter_dfs("chron measurement")
table_instance = 0
for  key, value in df_data_dict.items():
    if "measurement" in key:
        df_chron_l = value
        table_instance += 1
if table_instance == 1:
    for  key, value in df_data_dict.items():
        if "measurement" in key:
            df_chron_l = value        
elif table_instance == 0:
    sys.exit("No ChronMeasurementTable available.")
    print("There is more than one ChronMeasurementTable available for this record.")
    for key, value in df_data_dict.items():
        if "measurement" in key:
    print("Which Table would you like to use?")
    for key, value in df_data_dict.items():
        if "measurement" in key:
    table_name = input("Enter the table name: ")
    df_chron_l = df_data_dict[table_name]

Process Complete

In [5]:
# Get the radiocarbon and radiocarbon uncertainty

if not 'age14C' in df_chron_l:
    print('The LiPD file did not use the proper nomenclature.')
    print('Please, identify the columns in which the' +
            ' radiocarbon and associated uncertainty data are stored.')
    counter = 0
    for i in list(df_chron_l):
        print(counter, ": ", i)
        counter += 1
    radio_input = int(input("Enter the number of the column" +
        " containing the radiocarbon data: "))
    radiocarbon = df_chron_l.iloc[:,radio_input]
    radioU_input = int(input("Enter the number of the column" +
        " containing the radiocarbon uncertainty: "))
    radiocarbonU = df_chron_l.iloc[:,radioU_input]
    radiocarbon = df_chron_l.age14C
    radiocarbonU = df_chron_l.age14Cuncertainty

In [6]:
# Create a working directory

print("Enter the name of the new directory for the age model.")
print("If the directory doesn't exit, a folder will be created.")
print("If the directory already exists, files with the same name will be automatically overridden.")
print("If you want to create a different age model with different parameters, create a new directory.")
newfolder = input("Enter the name of the working directory for the new age model: ")

dir = os.getcwd()+'/'+newfolder
# Check whether the directory exists. If yes, print a warning
if not os.path.exists(dir):
    print("This directory already exists. All files will be overridden!")

Enter the name of the new directory for the age model.
If the directory doesn't exit, a folder will be created.
If the directory already exists, files with the same name will be automatically overridden.
If you want to create a different age model with different parameters, create a new directory.
Enter the name of the working directory for the new age model: AgeModel2

Reservoir Age Correction

Apply a reservoir age correction on top of the standard correction to the measured radiocarbon. The radiocarbon data for the local correction ΔR is taken from the 14CHRONO website and using the mean and standard error of the mean as the reservoir age correction and associated error.

In [7]:
# Get the latitude and longitude from the metadata

print("Latitude: " + str(lipd_m.get('geo').get('geometry').get('coordinates')[0]))
print("Longitude: " + str(lipd_m.get('geo').get('geometry').get('coordinates')[1]))

Latitude: 27.4835
Longitude: -112.0743

In [12]:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np  
import math

data = pd.read_clipboard()

# check your work

print("Don't forget to check your work!")

Don't forget to check your work!
MapNo Lon Lat DeltaR DeltaRErr Reference Locality ReservoirAge ReservoirErr distance (km)
NaN 272 -112.0000 26.6700 337 55 Goodfriend, :1997 Santa Inez Bay 637 56 91
NaN 268 -111.0000 28.0000 356 50 Goodfriend, :1997 Guaymas 658 50 120
NaN 271 -111.0000 28.0000 450 50 Goodfriend, :1997 Pajaro Island 738 51 120
NaN 273 -111.0000 28.0000 400 50 Ingram, B L :1996 Miramar Beach, Guaymas 688 51 120
NaN 274 -111.0000 28.0000 226 50 Goodfriend, :1997 Guaymas 528 50 120
NaN 275 -111.0000 28.0000 153 50 Goodfriend, :1997 Guaymas 515 50 120
NaN 267 -110.8356 27.8196 460 50 Goodfriend, :1997 Guaymas 828 51 128
NaN 264 -111.9671 28.7869 536 53 Berger, R, T:1966 Kino Bay, Sonora, Mexico 839 54 145
NaN 265 -111.0000 26.0000 553 54 Berger, R, T:1966 Carmen Is., Gulf of California, Mexico 901 54 196
NaN 266 -111.0000 26.0000 450 60 Ingram, B L :1996 Carmen Is., Gulf of California, Mexico 738 61 196

In [13]:
# Calculate the average DR and standard error of the mean

corr = data.mean()['DeltaR']
corr_err = data.std()['DeltaR'] 
datapoints = data.shape[0]
max_dist = data.max()['distance (km)']

In [14]:
# Save to a text file

# Save the data to a textfile and generate a log
data.to_csv(os.path.join(dir,"Reservoir_Age.txt"),sep=' ', index=False, 
           header = True)
text_file = open(os.path.join(dir,"ReservoirAgeCorr_Info.txt"),"w")
text_file.write("The reservoir age correction was estimated from the \
chrono database.\n")
text_file.write("The reservoir age corrections was estimated on " +
                str(datapoints) + " datapoints.\n")
text_file.write("DR = " + str(math.floor(corr)) + " years.\n")
text_file.write("DR sigma = " + str(math.floor(corr_err)) + " years, expressed as the standard \
error of the mean.\n")
text_file.write("The maximum distance between the core location and \
measured reservoir ages is " + str(max_dist) + "km.\n")

In [15]:
# Perform the correction

corr_14C = np.floor((radiocarbon - corr).values)
err_14C = np.floor(np.sqrt(radiocarbonU**2 + corr_err**2).values)

Prepare Bchron data and metadata

The next cell prepares the text file necessary for the Bchron run.

In [16]:
# Generate the radiocarbon data for Bchron input

# Get the Id column
Id = []
for i in np.arange(0,corr_14C.size,1):
    Id.append(record + '_' + str(i+1))
if len([list(df_chron_l).index(header) for header in list(df_chron_l) if 'depth' in header.lower()]) > 1:
    print("Too many depth columns, refine the search")
    for header in list(df_chron_l):
        if 'depth' in header.lower():
    depth_column_name = input("Enter the name of the depth column of interest: ")
    depth_column_name = [header for header in list(df_chron_l) if 'depth' in header.lower()][0]
# create the dataframe

radio = pd.DataFrame({'Id': Id,
                    'ages' : corr_14C,
                    'ageSds' : err_14C,
                    'position' : df_chron_l[depth_column_name],
                    'CalCurves' : 'marine13'})

In [17]:
# Save it to a text file

radio.to_csv(dir +'/'+ record +'_radiocarbon.txt', sep = '\t', index = False, header = True)

# Let's generate the positions for the new age model

df_data_l.to_csv(dir + '/' + record + '_depth.txt',
                columns = [header for header in list(df_data_l) if 'depth' in header.lower()], 
                index = False, header = False)

In [18]:
# Return some strings for use in Bchron
radio_text = record + '_radiocarbon.txt'
depth_text = record + '_depth.txt'

Bchron Run

In [20]:
# Let Python and R communicate with each other

%load_ext rpy2.ipython

Setup some of Bchron optional arguments. Set the collection age of the core if known and the number of simulations to 10000 to get 1000 age model samples back

In [21]:
iter = 10000
max_t = -52

# Pass the needed variable into R

%R -i iter
%R -i dir
%R -i radio_text
%R -i depth_text
%R -i max_t
%R -i record

Perform the Bchron run and return the plot

In [ ]:

library("Bchron", lib.loc="/Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/3.2/Resources/library")
radiocarbon_data <- read.delim(radio_text)
depth_data <- read.table(depth_text, quote="\"")
plot(run,main=record,xlab='Age (cal years BP)',ylab='Depth (cm)',las=1)

/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.4/lib/python3.4/site-packages/rpy2/rinterface/__init__.py:185: RRuntimeWarning: Loading required package: inline

  warnings.warn(x, RRuntimeWarning)
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Check your work

It is possible that the radiocarbon dates provided by the original contributor were already corrected for the reservoir age of the ocean. A simple check is to plot the median age model from Bchron vs the original age model for the core.

If there is an evident ~400 year offset between the two, then enter "intcal13" instead of "marine13" in the radiocarbon table (the "radio" dataframe in this notebook).

In [ ]:
#Pass the depth and age variables back into python
depth = %R run$predictPositions
age = %R run$thetaPredict

# Calculate the mean
age_mean = np.mean(age, axis = 0)
age_median = np.median(age,axis = 0)

# Make sure that there is only one depth/age column, otherwise refine the search

if len([list(df_data_l).index(header) for header in list(df_data_l) if 'depth' in header.lower()]) > 1:
    print("Too many depth columns, refine the search")
    for header in list(df_data_l):
        if 'depth' in header.lower():
    depth_column_name = input("Enter the name of the depth column of interest: ")
    depth_column_name = [header for header in list(df_data_l) if 'depth' in header.lower()][0]
if len([list(df_data_l).index(header) for header in list(df_data_l) if 'age' or 'yr' in header.lower()]) > 1: 
    print("Too many age columns, refine the search")
    for header in list(df_data_l):
        if 'age' or 'yr' in header.lower():
    age_column_name = input("Enter the name of the age column of interest: ")
    age_column_name = [header for header in list(df_data_l) if 'age' in header.lower()][0]  
# Make the plot
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib notebook
line1, = plt.plot(depth,age_median, label ='Bchron Median Age')
line2, = plt.plot(depth,age_mean, label ='Bchron Mean Age')
line3, = plt.plot(df_data_l[depth_column_name],df_data_l[age_column_name],label ='Original Age')

In [ ]:

Age model plot

Plot the age model with the uncertainty cloud and save the resulting graph in the Figures subdirectory.

In [ ]:
# Calculate the quantiles
from scipy.stats.mstats import mquantiles
chronQ  = mquantiles(age, prob=[0.025, 0.5, 0.975], axis=0)
nchrons = age.shape[0]

# Plot it out
%matplotlib notebook
import seaborn as sns; 
import matplotlib.patches as mpatches
sns.set(style='whitegrid', palette='Set2')
ax = plt.axes()
plt.fill_between(depth, chronQ[0,:], chronQ[2,:], facecolor='Silver',edgecolor='Silver',lw=0.0)  # see http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14143092/why-does-matplotlib-fill-between-draw-edgelines-only-on-a-pdf
CI = mpatches.Patch(color='silver') # create proxy artist for labeling
lbl = ('95% CI','median','sample paths')
med, = ax.plot(depth,chronQ[1,],color = 'black', lw=3.0) 

#plot a few random paths
nl = 10
idx = np.random.randint(nchrons+1, size=nl)
l = plt.plot(depth,age[idx,:].T,lw=0.5,color = 'Purple')

# plot the legend
lg = plt.legend((CI,med,l[1]),lbl,loc='upper left'); lg.draw_frame(False)
plt.grid(axis='y'); plt.ylim(0,10000);  plt.xlim(0,200)
plt.xlabel(r'Depth in core (cm)',fontsize=14); plt.ylabel(r'Calendar Age (Yr BP)',fontsize=14);

In [ ]:
# OPTIONAL: save the figure
# Create the figure directory
if not os.path.exists(dir+'/Figures'):

# Save the figure
                bbox_inches='tight',pad_inches = 0.25)

print("Once you're done saving the figure, make sure you press stop on the maplotlib notebook to stop interacting with it!")

Spectral Analysis

Use the Lomb-Scargle periodogram for unevenly-spaced time series from the scipy package.

In [22]:
# Remove missing values for further analysis

if len([list(df_data_l).index(header) for header in list(df_data_l) if 'uk37' in header.lower()]) > 1: 
    print("Too many proxy columns, refine the search")
    for header in list(df_data_l):
        if 'uk37' in header.lower():
    y_axis_column = input("Enter the name of the proxy column of interest: ")
    y_axis_column = [header for header in list(df_data_l) if 'mg/ca' in header.lower()][0]
print("Missing values are indicated by " + str(lipd_m['paleoData']['paleo']['paleoMeasurementTable']
      [[substring for substring in table_name.split('.') if 'table' in substring.lower()][0]]['missingValue']) + '.') 
print("Adapt the code in the cell below to filter the values out.")

Too many proxy columns, refine the search
sst - uk37
Enter the name of the proxy column of interest: uk37
IndexError                                Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-22-bcceabc6fa82> in <module>()
     12 print("Missing values are indicated by " + str(lipd_m['paleoData']['paleo']['paleoMeasurementTable']
---> 13       [[substring for substring in table_name.split('.') if 'table' in substring.lower()][0]]['missingValue']) + '.') 
     14 print("Adapt the code in the cell below to filter the values out.")

IndexError: list index out of range

In [23]:
# Get the index of the actual values if Holocene
nan_index = []
for n,i in enumerate (df_data_l[y_axis_column]):
    if i > 0 and chronQ[1,n]<=10000:
# Get the y values
y_values  = df_data_l[y_axis_column].iloc[nan_index]
# Get the x values
chronQ_nan = chronQ[:,nan_index]
age_nan = age[:,nan_index]

# Detrend and standardize the data
import scipy.signal as signal
y_values_detrended = signal.detrend(y_values)
y_values_std = (y_values_detrended-np.mean(y_values_detrended))/np.std(y_values_detrended)

In [24]:
# Define the array of frequencies for which to compute the periodogam

print('Warning! This cell takes 15-20 minutes to run depending on the length of the dataset')

ofac = 4 # oversampling value
hifac = 1 # highest frequency that can be analyzed/Nyquist frequency
int = np.nanmean(np.diff(mquantiles(age_nan, prob=[0.5], axis=0)))
step = ((2*int)**(-1))/(age_nan.shape[1]*ofac) # step size for the frequency verctor
f = np.arange(2*np.pi*step, 2*np.pi*(hifac*(2*int)**(-1)), step)

# compute the periodogram for each age model realization

pgram = np.zeros((age_nan.shape[0],f.shape[0])) # pre-allocate the space   
for index in np.arange(0,age_nan.shape[0],1):
    pgram[index,:] = signal.lombscargle(age_nan[index,:],y_values_std,f)

pgram_norm = np.sqrt(4*(pgram/y_values.shape[0]))
pgramQ  = mquantiles(pgram_norm, prob=[0.025,0.975], axis=0)

Warning! This cell takes 15-20 minutes to run depending on the length of the dataset

In [25]:
# Make a plot of the confidence bands along a few random periodograms

%matplotlib notebook
ax = plt.axes()
plt.fill_between(2*np.pi/f, pgramQ[1,:], pgramQ[0,:], facecolor='Silver',edgecolor='Silver',lw=0.0)  # see http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14143092/why-does-matplotlib-fill-between-draw-edgelines-only-on-a-pdf
CI = mpatches.Patch(color='silver') # create proxy artist for labeling
lbl = ('95% CI','sample paths')

#plot a few random paths
nl = 5
idx = np.random.randint(nchrons+1, size=nl)
l = plt.plot(2*np.pi/f,pgram_norm[idx,:].T,lw=0.5,color = 'Purple')

# plot the legend
#lg = plt.legend((CI,l[1]),lbl,loc='upper left'); lg.draw_frame(False)
plt.grid(axis='y'); plt.xlim(0,5000) #plt.ylim(0,10000);  plt.xlim(0,900)
plt.xlabel(r'Period (years)',fontsize=14); plt.ylabel(r'Power',fontsize=14);

In [26]:
# OPTIONAL: save the figure
# Create the figure directory
if not os.path.exists(dir):

# Save the figure
                bbox_inches='tight',pad_inches = 0.25)

print("Once you're done saving the figure, make sure you press stop on the maplotlib notebook to stop interacting with it!")

Once you're done saving the figure, make sure you press stop on the maplotlib notebook to stop interacting with it!


Summarize the results below and export various csv file for further use

In [27]:
# Find the peaks for each Monte-Carlo age models and the percent variance in each band of interest
from detect_peaks import detect_peaks
from scipy.integrate import simps

# initiate the matrices
peak_sub1 = np.zeros(age_nan.shape[0])
peak_sub2 = np.zeros(age_nan.shape[0])
peak_sub3 = np.zeros(age_nan.shape[0])

percent_var1 = np.zeros(age_nan.shape[0])
percent_var2 = np.zeros(age_nan.shape[0])
percent_var3 = np.zeros(age_nan.shape[0])

for index in np.arange(0,age_nan.shape[0],1): #step over all the possible spectres 
    # Concentrate on the 900-1200 yr band
    pgram_sub1 = pgram_norm[index , np.min(np.where(2*np.pi/f<1200)):np.max(np.where(2*np.pi/f>900))]
    f_sub1 = f[np.min(np.where(2*np.pi/f<1200)):np.max(np.where(2*np.pi/f>900))]
    ind_sub1 = detect_peaks(pgram_sub1, show = False, mpd = pgram_sub1.shape[0])
    if not ind_sub1:
        peak_sub1[index] = np.nan
        percent_var1[index]= np.nan
        peak_sub1[index] = 2*np.pi/f_sub1[ind_sub1]
        percent_var1[index] = simps(pgram_sub1,f_sub1)/simps(pgram_norm[index,:], f)

    # Concentrate on the 1200-2000 yr band
    pgram_sub2 = pgram_norm[index , np.min(np.where(2*np.pi/f<2000)):np.max(np.where(2*np.pi/f>1200))]
    f_sub2 = f[np.min(np.where(2*np.pi/f<2000)):np.max(np.where(2*np.pi/f>1200))]
    ind_sub2 = detect_peaks(pgram_sub2, show = False, mpd = pgram_sub2.shape[0])
    if not ind_sub2:
        peak_sub2[index] = np.nan
        percent_var2[index]= np.nan
        peak_sub2[index] = 2*np.pi/f_sub2[ind_sub2]
        percent_var2[index] = simps(pgram_sub2,f_sub2)/simps(pgram_norm[index,:], f)

    # Concentrate on the 2000-3000 yr band
    pgram_sub3 = pgram_norm[index , np.min(np.where(2*np.pi/f<3000)):np.max(np.where(2*np.pi/f>2000))]
    f_sub3 = f[np.min(np.where(2*np.pi/f<3000)):np.max(np.where(2*np.pi/f>2000))]
    ind_sub3 = detect_peaks(pgram_sub3, show = False, mpd = pgram_sub3.shape[0])
    if not ind_sub3:
        peak_sub3[index] = np.nan
        percent_var3[index]= np.nan
        peak_sub3[index] = 2*np.pi/f_sub3[ind_sub3]
        percent_var3[index] = simps(pgram_sub3,f_sub3)/simps(pgram_norm[index,:], f)

In [28]:
# Export the age as csv

# Create a text file summarizing the statistics of the spectral analysis
text_file = open(os.path.join(dir,record+"_Spectral_Analysis_Summary.txt"),"w")
text_file.write("900-1200 year band")
text_file.write("\n\nThere is a peak in this frequency band in " + \
                str(round(np.count_nonzero(~np.isnan(peak_sub1))/age_nan.shape[0]*100,0))+ \
                "% of the Monte-Carlo simulations.")
text_file.write("\nThe median periodicity is " + str(round(mquantiles(peak_sub1,prob=0.5,axis=0)[0],0)) +\
               " years with a 95% confidence band of " + str(round(mquantiles(peak_sub1,prob=0.025,axis=0)[0],0)) +\
               " - " +str(round(mquantiles(peak_sub1,prob=0.975,axis=0)[0],0)) + " years.")
text_file.write("\nThis frequency band represents between " + str(round(np.nanmin(percent_var1*100),1)) +\
                " and " + str(round(np.nanmax(percent_var1*100),1))+ "% of the total variance.")
text_file.write("\n\n1200-2000 year band")
text_file.write("\n\nThere is a peak in this frequency band in " + \
                str(round(np.count_nonzero(~np.isnan(peak_sub2))/age_nan.shape[0]*100,0))+ \
                "% of the Monte-Carlo simulations.")
text_file.write("\nThe median periodicity is " + str(round(mquantiles(peak_sub2,prob=0.5,axis=0)[0],0)) +\
               " years with a 95% confidence band of " + str(round(mquantiles(peak_sub2,prob=0.025,axis=0)[0],0)) +\
               " - " +str(round(mquantiles(peak_sub2,prob=0.975,axis=0)[0],0)) + " years.")
text_file.write("\nThis frequency band represents between " + str(round(np.nanmin(percent_var2*100),1)) +\
                " and " + str(round(np.nanmax(percent_var2*100),1))+ "% of the total variance.")
text_file.write("\n\n2000-3000 year band")
text_file.write("\n\nThere is a peak in this frequency band in " + \
                str(round(np.count_nonzero(~np.isnan(peak_sub3))/age_nan.shape[0]*100,0))+ \
                "% of the Monte-Carlo simulations.")
text_file.write("\nThe median periodicity is " + str(round(mquantiles(peak_sub3,prob=0.5,axis=0)[0],0)) +\
               " years with a 95% confidence band of " + str(round(mquantiles(peak_sub3,prob=0.025,axis=0)[0],0)) +\
               " - " +str(round(mquantiles(peak_sub3,prob=0.975,axis=0)[0],0)) + " years.")
text_file.write("\nThis frequency band represents between " + str(round(np.nanmin(percent_var3*100),1)) +\
                " and " + str(round(np.nanmax(percent_var3*100),1))+ "% of the total variance.")

# Create another text file to look for the number easily
text_file = open(os.path.join(dir,record+"_spectral.txt"),"w")
text_file.write(str(round(mquantiles(peak_sub1,prob=0.5,axis=0)[0],0)) + "," +\
               + "," + str(round(np.count_nonzero(~np.isnan(peak_sub1))/age_nan.shape[0]*100,1)) + "," +\
text_file.write("\n"+ str(round(mquantiles(peak_sub2,prob=0.5,axis=0)[0],0)) + "," +\
               + "," + str(round(np.count_nonzero(~np.isnan(peak_sub2))/age_nan.shape[0]*100,1)) + "," +\
text_file.write("\n"+ str(round(mquantiles(peak_sub3,prob=0.5,axis=0)[0],0)) + "," +\
               + "," + str(round(np.count_nonzero(~np.isnan(peak_sub3))/age_nan.shape[0]*100,1)) + "," +\

Programmer's corner

Use the cell below to have a look at the data and variables in the workspace

In [27]:

Variable               Type                  Data/Info
CI                     Patch                 Patch'>
COMPARISONS            dict                  n=6
Convert                type                  <class 'lipd.pkg_resource<...>eseries.Convert.Convert'>
DATA_FRAMES            list                  n=8
EMPTY                  list                  n=9
Id                     list                  n=4
LiPD                   type                  <class 'lipd.pkg_resources.lipd.LiPD.LiPD'>
LiPD_Library           type                  <class 'lipd.pkg_resource<...>PD_Library.LiPD_Library'>
NOAA_DATA_LINES        list                  n=3
NOAA_EMPTY             list                  n=5
NOAA_KEYS              list                  n=3
NOAA_VAR_LINES         list                  n=8
RE_SHEET               SRE_Pattern           re.compile('(paleo|chron)<...>]*(\\d+)', re.IGNORECASE)
TS                     function              <function TS at 0x112d78ae8>
TimeSeries             type                  <class 'lipd.pkg_resource<...>s.TimeSeries.TimeSeries'>
TimeSeries_Library     type                  <class 'lipd.pkg_resource<...>rary.TimeSeries_Library'>
age                    ndarray               1000x291: 291000 elems, type `float64`, 2328000 bytes (2.22015380859375 Mb)
age_column_name        str                   age
age_mean               ndarray               291: 291 elems, type `float64`, 2328 bytes
age_median             ndarray               291: 291 elems, type `float64`, 2328 bytes
age_nan                ndarray               1000x48: 48000 elems, type `float64`, 384000 bytes (375.0 kb)
all_cap_re             SRE_Pattern           re.compile('([a-z0-9])([A-Z])')
ax                     AxesSubplot           Axes(0.125,0.1;0.775x0.8)
browse_dialog          function              <function browse_dialog at 0x104903c80>
check_file_age         function              <function check_file_age at 0x104903bf8>
check_ts               function              <function check_ts at 0x112d78a60>
chronQ                 MaskedArray           [[  1229.62    1291.215  <...>   42244.7    42895.775]]
chronQ_nan             MaskedArray           [[  1229.62    1291.215  <...>   10550.785  10602.57 ]]
collapseTimeSeries     function              <function collapseTimeSeries at 0x112d787b8>
collections            module                <module 'collections' fro<...>collections/__init__.py'>
convert                Convert               <lipd.pkg_resources.times<...>rt object at 0x112a52b38>
corr                   float64               -3.85714285714
corr_14C               ndarray               4: 4 elems, type `float64`, 32 bytes
corr_err               float64               61.2973297735
counter                int                   7
cp                     module                <module 'copy' from '//an<...>a/lib/python3.5/copy.py'>
create_logger          function              <function create_logger at 0x104451c80>
create_tmp_dir         function              <function create_tmp_dir at 0x104903a60>
csv                    module                <module 'csv' from '//ana<...>da/lib/python3.5/csv.py'>
data                   DataFrame                 Unnamed: 0  MapNo    <...> 71           1699  NaN  
datapoints             int                   14
datetime               module                <module 'datetime' from '<...>b/python3.5/datetime.py'>
deepcopy               function              <function deepcopy at 0x101dc7048>
depth                  ndarray               291: 291 elems, type `float64`, 2328 bytes
depth_column_name      str                   depth
depth_text             str                   MD01-2390_depth.txt
df_chron_l             DataFrame                    age  cal age  dept<...>sacculifer and G. ruber  
df_data_dict           dict                  n=1
df_data_l              DataFrame                  Mg/Ca  Mg/Ca-sst  Mg<...>\n[291 rows x 13 columns]
dictConfig             function              <function dictConfig at 0x104452d90>
dir                    str                   /Users/deborahkhider/Docu<...>390.Steinke.2008/AgeModel
dir_cleanup            function              <function dir_cleanup at 0x104903b70>
doi                    function              <function doi at 0x11290c1e0>
err_14C                ndarray               4: 4 elems, type `float64`, 32 bytes
excel                  function              <function excel at 0x1129e9048>
extractTimeSeries      function              <function extractTimeSeries at 0x112d78730>
f                      ndarray               100000: 100000 elems, type `float64`, 800000 bytes (781.25 kb)
file_from_path         function              <function file_from_path at 0x104451ea0>
filedialog             module                <module 'tkinter.filedial<...>5/tkinter/filedialog.py'>
filter_dfs             function              <function filter_dfs at 0x112d782f0>
find                   function              <function find at 0x112d789d8>
first_cap_re           SRE_Pattern           re.compile('(.)([A-Z][a-z]+)')
getCsv                 function              <function getCsv at 0x112d786a8>
getMetadata            function              <function getMetadata at 0x112d78620>
get_filtered_dfs       function              <function get_filtered_dfs at 0x1128d2ea0>
get_google_csv         function              <function get_google_csv at 0x1049308c8>
get_matches            function              <function get_matches at 0x112d78048>
get_numpy              function              <function get_numpy at 0x112d78b70>
header                 str                   uk37.wint-sst
i                      float64               -999.0
idx                    ndarray               10: 10 elems, type `int64`, 80 bytes
index                  int64                 999
iter                   int                   10000
key                    str                   MD01-2390.Steinke.2008.ch<...>ron1MeasurementTable1.csv
l                      list                  n=10
lbl                    tuple                 n=3
lg                     Legend                Legend
line1                  Line2D                Line2D(Bchron Median Age)
line2                  Line2D                Line2D(Bchron Mean Age)
line3                  Line2D                Line2D(Original Age)
lipd_lib               LiPD_Library          <lipd.pkg_resources.lipd.<...>ry object at 0x104405c18>
lipd_m                 dict                  n=9
lipd_to_df             function              <function lipd_to_df at 0x112d78378>
lipd_to_dfs            function              <function lipd_to_dfs at 0x10544eea0>
list_files             function              <function list_files at 0x104903ae8>
loadLipd               function              <function loadLipd at 0x112d781e0>
loadLipds              function              <function loadLipds at 0x112d78268>
logger_convert         Logger                <logging.Logger object at 0x112903898>
logger_directory       Logger                <logging.Logger object at 0x10444f8d0>
logger_lipd_lib        Logger                <logging.Logger object at 0x1128f5ef0>
logger_pdslib          Logger                <logging.Logger object at 0x104912208>
logger_start           Logger                <logging.Logger object at 0x112a699e8>
logger_ts_lib          Logger                <logging.Logger object at 0x11290e2e8>
logging                module                <module 'logging' from '/<...>3.5/logging/__init__.py'>
math                   module                <module 'math' from '//an<...>h.cpython-35m-darwin.so'>
max_dist               float64               1699.0
max_t                  int                   -51
med                    Line2D                Line2D(_line0)
mpatches               module                <module 'matplotlib.patch<...>s/matplotlib/patches.py'>
mquantiles             function              <function mquantiles at 0x11efb36a8>
n                      int                   290
nan_index              list                  n=48
nchrons                int                   1000
newfolder              str                   AgeModel
nl                     int                   10
noaa                   function              <function noaa at 0x112a58bf8>
np                     module                <module 'numpy' from '//a<...>kages/numpy/__init__.py'>
ntpath                 module                <module 'ntpath' from '//<...>lib/python3.5/ntpath.py'>
os                     module                <module 'os' from '//anac<...>nda/lib/python3.5/os.py'>
path                   str                   /Users/deborahkhider/Docu<...>PD/MD01-2390.Steinke.2008
pd                     module                <module 'pandas' from '//<...>ages/pandas/__init__.py'>
pgram                  ndarray               1000x100000: 100000000 elems, type `float64`, 800000000 bytes (762.939453125 Mb)
pgramQ                 MaskedArray           [[ 0.13630784  0.13523561<...>.3488275\n   0.3488858 ]]
pgram_norm             ndarray               1000x100000: 100000000 elems, type `float64`, 800000000 bytes (762.939453125 Mb)
plt                    module                <module 'matplotlib.pyplo<...>es/matplotlib/pyplot.py'>
quit                   function              <function quit at 0x112d78e18>
radio                  DataFrame               CalCurves           Id <...>  82.0  14083.0     557.5
radioU_input           int                   3
radio_input            int                   0
radio_text             str                   MD01-2390_radiocarbon.txt
radiocarbon            Series                0     1505.0\n1     3550.<...>Name: age, dtype: float64
radiocarbonU           Series                0    35.0\n1    35.0\n2  <...>e: error+, dtype: float64
re                     module                <module 're' from '//anac<...>nda/lib/python3.5/re.py'>
re_calib_invalid       SRE_Pattern           re.compile('calibration(\<...>\w+)|calibration_(\\w+)')
re_chron_var_header    SRE_Pattern           re.compile('(\\w+\\S+)[\\<...>?:\\()?(\\w+)?(?:\\)))?')
re_clim_invalid        SRE_Pattern           re.compile('climateinterp<...>teinterpretation_(\\w+)')
re_doi                 SRE_Pattern           re.compile('\\b(10[.][0-9<...>?!["&\\\'<>,])\\S)+)\\b')
re_filter_expr         SRE_Pattern           re.compile('((\\w+_?)\\s*<...>+.?\\d*)[\\"\\s&\\\']*)')
re_fund_invalid        SRE_Pattern           re.compile('agency|grant|<...>ng_agency|funding_grant')
re_fund_valid          SRE_Pattern           re.compile('funding(\\d)_(grant|agency)')
re_geo_invalid         SRE_Pattern           re.compile('geo(\\w+)|geo_(\\w+)')
re_misc_fetch          SRE_Pattern           re.compile('(geo_(\\w+)|c<...>\\w+)|paleoData_(\\w+))')
re_name_unit           SRE_Pattern           re.compile('([\\-]?\\d+)?<...>[(]?\\s*(\\w+)?\\s*[)]?')
re_name_unit_range     SRE_Pattern           re.compile('([\\-]?\\d+)[\\s\\(]*(?!to)(\\w+)*')
re_paleo_invalid       SRE_Pattern           re.compile('paleodata(\\w<...>\w+)|measurement_(\\w+)')
re_pandas_x_num        SRE_Pattern           re.compile('(year\\d?|age\\d?|depth\\d?)\\b')
re_pandas_x_und        SRE_Pattern           re.compile('(year|age|depth){1}[_]{1}.*')
re_pub_cc              SRE_Pattern           re.compile('pub(\\w+)')
re_pub_fetch           SRE_Pattern           re.compile('pub1_(citatio<...>DataUrl|abstract|pages)')
re_pub_h               SRE_Pattern           re.compile('pub_(\\w+)')
re_pub_invalid         SRE_Pattern           re.compile('pub_(\\w+)|pu<...>ub(\\d)(\\w+)|pub(\\w+)')
re_pub_n               SRE_Pattern           re.compile('pub(\\d)(\\w+)')
re_pub_nh              SRE_Pattern           re.compile('pub(\\d)_(\\w+)')
re_pub_valid           SRE_Pattern           re.compile('pub(\\d)_(cit<...>DataUrl|abstract|pages)')
re_var                 SRE_Pattern           re.compile('#{2}\\s*(\\S+<...>)(?:\\s+)([\\w\\W\\s]+)')
re_var_split           SRE_Pattern           re.compile('(\\S+)(?:\\s+)([\\w\\W\\s]+)')
record                 str                   MD01-2390
removeLipd             function              <function removeLipd at 0x112d78d08>
removeLipds            function              <function removeLipds at 0x112d78d90>
saveLipd               function              <function saveLipd at 0x112d78bf8>
saveLipds              function              <function saveLipds at 0x112d78c80>
setDir                 function              <function setDir at 0x104411598>
set_source             function              <function set_source at 0x104903d08>
showCsv                function              <function showCsv at 0x112d78488>
showDfs                function              <function showDfs at 0x112d78950>
showLipds              function              <function showLipds at 0x112d78598>
showMetadata           function              <function showMetadata at 0x112d78510>
showTso                function              <function showTso at 0x112d78840>
showTsos               function              <function showTsos at 0x112d788c8>
shutil                 module                <module 'shutil' from '//<...>lib/python3.5/shutil.py'>
signal                 module                <module 'scipy.signal' fr<...>cipy/signal/__init__.py'>
sns                    module                <module 'seaborn' from '/<...>ges/seaborn/__init__.py'>
sys                    module                <module 'sys' (built-in)>
table_instance         int                   1
table_name             str                   MD01-2390.Steinke.2008.pa<...>leo1MeasurementTable1.csv
tempfile               module                <module 'tempfile' from '<...>b/python3.5/tempfile.py'>
text_file              TextIOWrapper         <_io.TextIOWrapper name='<...>ode='w' encoding='UTF-8'>
time                   module                <module 'time' (built-in)>
tkinter                module                <module 'tkinter' from '/<...>3.5/tkinter/__init__.py'>
translate_expression   function              <function translate_expression at 0x112d73f28>
ts_lib                 TimeSeries_Library    <lipd.pkg_resources.times<...>ry object at 0x104405c88>
ts_to_df               function              <function ts_to_df at 0x112d78400>
ts_to_dfs              function              <function ts_to_dfs at 0x1128d2c80>
update_changelog       function              <function update_changelog at 0x1044119d8>
value                  DataFrame                    age  cal age  dept<...>sacculifer and G. ruber  
y_axis_column          str                   Mg/Ca.ss
y_values               Series                0     4.46\n1     4.37\n2<...> Mg/Ca.ss, dtype: float64
y_values_detrended     ndarray               48: 48 elems, type `float64`, 384 bytes
y_values_std           ndarray               48: 48 elems, type `float64`, 384 bytes

In [37]:

array([[ array([  12.5,   17.5,   22.5,   27.5,   32.5,   37.5,   42.5,   47.5,
         52.5,   57.5,   62.5,   67.5,   72.5,   77.5,   82.5,   87.5,
         92.5,   97.5,  102.5,  107.5,  112.5,  117.5,  127.5,  137.5,
        142.5,  147.5,  152.5,  167.5,  177.5,  187.5,  197.5,  202.5,
        207.5,  212.5,  217.5,  222.5,  227.5,  232.5,  237.5,  242.5,
        247.5,  252.5,  257.5,  262.5,  267.5,  272.5,  277.5,  282.5])],
       [ array([[  1704.,   1905.,   2105., ...,   8384.,   8456.,   8527.],
       [  1371.,   1458.,   1544., ...,  10389.,  10473.,  10558.],
       [  1453.,   1600.,   1747., ...,  10116.,  10210.,  10304.],
       [  1435.,   1596.,   1756., ...,   9701.,   9859.,  10018.],
       [  1393.,   1536.,   1680., ...,   7125.,   7224.,   7506.],
       [  1398.,   1555.,   1711., ...,   9687.,   9847.,  10008.]])]], dtype=object)

In [18]:

array([[  4751.,   4774.,   4880., ...,  29271.,  29274.,  29275.],
       [  5568.,   5581.,   5600., ...,  29592.,  29612.,  29625.],
       [  5638.,   5664.,   5697., ...,  29937.,  29951.,  29960.],
       [  5899.,   5908.,   5920., ...,  32087.,  32117.,  32137.],
       [  5680.,   5684.,   5744., ...,  29762.,  29772.,  29778.],
       [  5009.,   5030.,   5057., ...,  29874.,  29886.,  29893.]])

In [ ]: