Visual Summaries of Data

To do:

  • add more info on KDE
  • add part about PCA and t-SNE

Numerical summaries are great, but: humans are excellent at pattern recognition! For exploratory data analysis, letting the brain do the work can be very useful. In this tutorial, we'll explore visual summaries of data. Many of these might be familiar to you!

Plotting Basics

At the same time, we will also explore two plotting libraries for python: matplotlib and seaborn. Matplotlib is a very general, very powerful plotting library, but its interface can also often be a bit confusing. Seaborn is built on top of matplotlib: it tries to simplify commonly-used visualisation tasks into something that's easier to handle and looks better than it would be with the standard matplotlib interface alone.

Let's import some packages we'll need. iPython has a magic function that will make the figures we'll produce below appear in the notebook itself:

In [1]:
%matplotlib inline

In [2]:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

import numpy as np

Here's a simple line plot:

In [3]:
## make a simple sine curve
x = np.linspace(0.0, 5.0, 1000)
y = np.sin(2.*np.pi*x/2.0)

## plot x and y

## set some labels
plt.title("A Sine Curve")

## set the ranges of the x- and y-axes
plt.xlim(0.0, 5.0)
plt.ylim(-1.0, 1.0)

(-1.0, 1.0)

The simple line plt.plot makes a plot, but does a whole lot of magic in the background. We can do the same by instantiating an Axes object:

In [4]:
## make a figure
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(9,6))

## make an Axes object in the figure
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)

## now do the plot

## set some labels
ax.set_title("A Sine Curve")

## set the ranges of the x- and y-axes
ax.set_xlim(0.0, 5.0)
ax.set_ylim(-1.0, 1.0)

(-1.0, 1.0)

Notice how the second way allows us to specify more parameters (for example, the size of the figure) as well as allows us to make more than one subplot. Also, notice how the syntax for setting the labels as well as ranges of x- and y-axis have changed: they're now an attribute of the Axes object and have acquired a set_ in front of each of them!

Adding Seaborn to the mix

Seaborn has its own plotting functionality, but at the simplest level, importing seaborn will change the pre-sets for what the plot will look like:

In [5]:
import seaborn as sns

Let's see what our first plot looks like now:

In [6]:
## make a figure
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(9,6))

## make an Axes object in the figure
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)

## now do the plot

## set some labels
ax.set_title("A Sine Curve")

## set the ranges of the x- and y-axes
ax.set_xlim(0.0, 5.0)
ax.set_ylim(-1.0, 1.0)

(-1.0, 1.0)

The figure now has a dark background, and the colour scheme has changed, too! Seaborn does a lot of cool stuff that will improve overall aesthetics of figures.

You can control the overall look of your plot by choosing one of the five seaborn style presets: darkgrid, whitegrid, dark, white, and ticks:

In [7]:

Using the above command will generally change the look of all plots that follow it. If you want to temporarily change the style for a single plot, use this syntax:

In [8]:
with sns.axes_style("dark"):
    ## make a figure
    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(9,6))
    ## make an Axes object in the figure
    ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
    ## now do the plot

Exercise: try out the seaborn pre-sets and pick whichever you like best!

In addition to having style presets, seaborn also allows for different presentation modes: a figure for a paper should probably look different from a figure for a presentation! You can set these using the set_context command; the available options are: paper, notebook, talk, and poster.

Notice in the command below, I've also included the font_scale keyword. Unsurprisingly, this allows you to control the scale of the axis tick labels and axis labels.

In [9]:
sns.set_context("notebook", font_scale=1.5)

In [10]:
## make a figure
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(9,6))

## make an Axes object in the figure
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)

## now do the plot

[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x1094a74d0>]

Exercise: Try out the different seaborn presets. What changes when you change the context?

A Note on Colour

One of the most important (but often overlooked) decisions to make when making plots is which colour palette to choose. Using the wrong colourmap might make you miss important features in your data, because they way colour was used (and the way our brain perceives it!) may effectively hide these features. What may have looked good on the screen might not in paper (and yes! some of us still print papers out!). What may have looked good in colour make look completely scrambled when converted to greyscale. Some colour combinations may put some readers (for example colourblind ones) at a disadvantage. For a good introduction into the topic (and why you should avoid a rainbow colour palette) can be found here: and here

Seaborn has some great tools to play around with colourmaps. Here's the seaborn default colour palette, which your plots will automatically adopt when you import seaborn:

In [11]:
## get the current color palette
current_palette = sns.color_palette()


I invite you to have a look at the relevant part of the seaborn documentation for more information on how to manipulate this colourmap or implement a different one:

I personally like the colourblind palette:

In [12]:
current_palette = sns.color_palette("colorblind")

You can set the (standard) colour palette in seaborn with:

In [13]:

Adding some astronomy data

This is the same code you encountered before, which will download some SDSS photometry data.

In [14]:
import os
import requests 

# get some CSV data from the SDSS SQL server
URL = ""

cmd = """
    p.u, p.g, p.r, p.i, p.z, s.class, s.z, s.zerr
    PhotoObj AS p
    SpecObj AS s ON s.bestobjid = p.objid
    p.u BETWEEN 0 AND 19.6 AND
    p.g BETWEEN 0 AND 20 AND
    (s.class = 'STAR' OR s.class = 'GALAXY' OR s.class = 'QSO')
if not os.path.exists('all_colors.csv'):
    cmd = ' '.join(map(lambda x: x.strip(), cmd.split('\n')))
    response = requests.get(URL, params={'cmd': cmd, 'format':'csv'})
    with open('all_colors.csv', 'w') as f:

In [15]:
import pandas as pd
df = pd.read_csv("all_colors.csv",skiprows=1)

Visualizing Univariate Data

Now that we've got the basics out of the way, let's look at some ways to visualize univariate data. How we visualize data depends to first order on whether it is continuous or categorical data.

Continuous Data

Let's look at some continuous data first. We'll randomly sample 100000 times from a Gaussian distribution with a mean of 3 and a standard deviation of 0.5 to produce some continuous data.

In [17]:
## Don't have a data set yet, make some dummy data
#x = np.random.normal(loc=3.0, scale=0.5, size=100000)
galaxies = df[df["class"] == "GALAXY"]

In [18]:
x = np.array(galaxies["r"])

Now how to look at that data? The most obvious visualization you might do (and you might have done in the past), is called a histogram: define some bins, then cound all the data points that fall within each bin, and make a bar plot:

In [19]:
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(9,6))
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
ax.hist(x, bins=100, normed=False);

The keyword bins determines into how many bins to chop the data set, the keyword normed sets whether the output histogram is noramlized such that it integrates up to 1 or not. The matplotlib default is 10 for bins, which will be fairly low for most applications and data sets, and False for normed. If only bins is set, the method will take the smallest and the largest value in the data set and evenly distribute bins within those ranges. It is also possible to set the range manually:

In [20]:
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(9,6))
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
ax.hist(x, bins=30, range=[16.0,24.]);

Or just set the bin edges manually:

In [21]:
## set the bin edges manually
bin_edges = [12.0, 14.0, 14.2, 15.4, 17.5, 17.8, 19.4, 20.0, 24.0]

fig = plt.figure(figsize=(9,6))
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
ax.hist(x, bins=bin_edges);

A word of caution: what your data will look like strongly depends on how fine-grained you choose your binning. If it is too coarse, you might miss interesting features in the data. If it is too fine, noise may hide some of the overall structure you're interested in.

Let me demonstrate:

In [22]:
## new data set:
## Don't have a data set yet, make some dummy data
x2 = np.random.normal(loc=16., scale=0.1, size=400)

## add both data sets together
xnew = np.hstack([x,x2])

## plot the histogram
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(9,6))
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
ax.hist(xnew, bins=20, histtype="stepfilled");

Looks almost exactly like the first histogram we made, right?

Exercise: Now change the number of bins and watch what happens (FYI: set histtype="stepfilled" to remove the annoying outlines of bins)! Try both very big and very small numbers as well as a few in between.

There is no a-priori good answer to what the right bin size should be! If you don't know ahead of time what's in your data, it usually pays to try out a few bin sizes to get a feel for the structure. If that's not good enough, you can make a histogram with variable bin edges, where the width of the bin effectively depends on structure within the data. One such method is Bayesian Blocks ( The basic implementation below comes from, there is a better one in the python package AstroML (

In [23]:
def bayesian_blocks(t):
    """Bayesian Blocks Implementation

    By Jake Vanderplas.  License: BSD
    Based on algorithm outlined in

    t : ndarray, length N
        data to be histogrammed

    bins : ndarray
        array containing the (N+1) bin edges

    This is an incomplete implementation: it may fail for some
    datasets.  Alternate fitness functions and prior forms can
    be found in the paper listed above.
    # copy and sort the array
    t = np.sort(t)
    N = t.size

    # create length-(N + 1) array of cell edges
    edges = np.concatenate([t[:1],
                            0.5 * (t[1:] + t[:-1]),
    block_length = t[-1] - edges

    # arrays needed for the iteration
    nn_vec = np.ones(N)
    best = np.zeros(N, dtype=float)
    last = np.zeros(N, dtype=int)

    # Start with first data cell; add one cell at each iteration
    for K in range(N):
        # Compute the width and count of the final bin for all possible
        # locations of the K^th changepoint
        width = block_length[:K + 1] - block_length[K + 1]
        count_vec = np.cumsum(nn_vec[:K + 1][::-1])[::-1]

        # evaluate fitness function for these possibilities
        fit_vec = count_vec * (np.log(count_vec) - np.log(width))
        fit_vec -= 4  # 4 comes from the prior on the number of changepoints
        fit_vec[1:] += best[:K]

        # find the max of the fitness: this is the K^th changepoint
        i_max = np.argmax(fit_vec)
        last[K] = i_max
        best[K] = fit_vec[i_max]

    # Recover changepoints by iteratively peeling off the last block
    change_points =  np.zeros(N, dtype=int)
    i_cp = N
    ind = N
    while True:
        i_cp -= 1
        change_points[i_cp] = ind
        if ind == 0:
        ind = last[ind - 1]
    change_points = change_points[i_cp:]

    return edges[change_points]

Let's use this algorithm on the data set above:

In [24]:
edges = bayesian_blocks(xnew)

This just gives us the bin edges, but we can use these with the standard histogram function to make the plot:

In [25]:
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(9,6))
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
ax.hist(xnew, bins=edges, histtype="stepfilled");

Another way to represent univariate data are rug plots. Matplotlib doesn't have a direct way to do one, but you can fudge it with using vlines:

In [26]:
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
ax.vlines(x[::100], 0.0, 0.1, lw=1, color="black")
ax.set_xlim(np.min(x), np.max(x))
ax.set_ylim(0, 1)

(0, 1)

Seaborn does have a command to make rug plots:

In [27]:
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
sns.rugplot(x[::100].T, height=0.05, axis='x', ax=ax, color=current_palette[0])

(0, 1)

More interestingly, and in many cases more useful than a histogram is a kernel density estimation (KDE). KDE is a non-parametric way to estimate the density of a distribution, based on a random sample (the data) and a kernel function.

Given some data $\bf{x} = \{x_1, x_2, ..., x_n\}$, the kernel density estimate of the function in question is

$\mathrm{KDE}(x) = \frac{1}{nh} \sum_{i=1}^N{K(\frac{x - x_i}{h})}$.

There are many different kernel functions that can be used, but for its properties, using a standard Gaussian is common. The kernel has a smoothing parameter $h$ works analogously to the number of bins in the histograms above and that determines how smooth the resulting function will be: both underfitting and overfitting can be a problem here! There exist a few rules of thumb to estimate the smoothness, depending on the kernel you use.

In python, scipy.stats includes a function that allows for kernel density estimation using a Gaussian. The keyword bw_method gives the rule for estimating the smoothing. This can be one of two rules of thumb ("scott" or "silverman"), a scalar or a self-supplied function.

In [28]:
import scipy.stats

## do the kernel density estimation on the data
kde = scipy.stats.gaussian_kde(x, bw_method="scott")

## x-coordinate for the kernel density estimate
x_kde = np.linspace(np.min(x), np.max(x), 1000)

## the KDE at positions x_kde
y_kde = kde(x_kde)

fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
## plot a smaller sample of the data as a rugplot
sns.rugplot(x[::50].T, height=0.05, axis='x', ax=ax, color=current_palette[0])

## plot the kernel density estimate
ax.plot(x_kde, y_kde, color=current_palette[1], label="KDE")

plt.legend() ## add a legend

<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x10a4defd0>

Exercise: Play around with the number of data points included in the KDE, as well as the bandwith used (play with a scalar bandwidth). How many data points do you need to estimate the probability density function that we used to create the data? How well do the two different estimation rules for the smoothing parameter do?

In seaborn, you can use the function kdeplot to plot a kernel density estimate, which will be slightly prettier (and shorter!) than what we achieved in pure scipy + matplotlib above:

In [29]:
sns.kdeplot(x, bw="scott", shade=True)

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x10a4c2390>

Seaborn also has some code that combines all three: rug plots, kernel density estimates and histograms. By default, it will make a histogram and a kernel density estimate, but the boolean keywords hist, kde and rug turn the respective components on and off.

In [30]:
sns.distplot(x, bins=40, hist=True, kde=True, rug=False);

Remember how we fit parametric distributions to samples of data back in the first part of the tutorial? That's right, seaborn can do that, too, for any of the distributions given in scipy.stats!

In [31]:
sns.distplot(x, kde=False, fit=scipy.stats.norm);

Categorical or Discrete Data

Unlike continuous data, categorical data doesn't follow (necessarily) a statistical distribution. So how can we visualize categorical data?

Well, the obvious analogy to the histogram is a bar plot (but now we cannot choose the number of bins: they will be set by the number of categories we have!).

Let's make some categorical data and then show a bar plot. We will sample from a Poisson distribution, which is a discrete statistical distribution (that is, one can only sample at integer intervals). Note that if our categorical data has errors, then you can use yerr to include these in the bar plot.

In [32]:
x = np.random.poisson(10, size=10000)

## count all occurrences of integers in x
y = np.bincount(x)

In [33]:
## make some categorical data:
x = np.random.poisson(10000)

fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)[0]), y, yerr=50.0)

<Container object of 25 artists>

In [34]:
n_galaxies = len(df[df["class"] == "GALAXY"])
n_stars = len(df[df["class"] == "STAR"])
n_qsos = len(df[df["class"] == "QSO"])

In [35]:
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)

ind = np.arange(3)  # the x locations for the groups
width = 0.35       # the width of the bars
# add some text for labels, title and axes ticks[0,1,2], [n_galaxies, n_stars, n_qsos])
ax.set_xticklabels( ("Galaxies", "Stars", "QSOs") )

[<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x109e4ea50>,
 <matplotlib.text.Text at 0x109812910>,
 <matplotlib.text.Text at 0x10a065610>]

Wait, but my data is multi-dimensional!

There's only so much one can do with univariate data. Most of the data you will encounter is multi-variate anyway, so let's look at some ways we can visualize those. Note that while bivariate data is relative straightforward, visualizing multi-variate data can be a whole lot harder (your screen is flat, after all!).

Continuous data

As before, let's look at some methods to visualize continuous data first. The simplest visualization (and often used) for bivariate data is a scatter plot:

In [38]:
## bivariate data
#x = np.random.multivariate_normal(mean=[1.0, 2.0], cov=[[0.5, -1.0], [0.2, 0.1]], size=1000)
x = np.vstack([df["u"], df["i"]]).T

fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
ax.scatter(x[::10,0], x[::10,1])

<matplotlib.collections.PathCollection at 0x10a4710d0>

The problem with a scatter plot is that for many data points, it may not be all that informative. Let me demonstrate:

In [39]:
## same thing, just with more data points!
#x = np.random.multivariate_normal(mean=[1.0, 2.0], cov=[[0.5, -1.0], [0.2, 0.1]], size=100000)

fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
ax.scatter(x[:,0], x[:,1])

<matplotlib.collections.PathCollection at 0x10a7d25d0>

Our figure is now one big blob of data points. We can still see the correlations between the two components, but not really the slope of the distribution.

In this case, a 2D histogram may be the better option:

In [40]:
import as cm

fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
ax.hist2d(x[:,0], x[:,1], bins = 50, cmap=cm.BuPu, range=[[16.,19.6], [15,20]]);

Looks better! The same keywords that apply to hist also apply to hist2d. If square bins are not your kind of thing, you may want to use hexbin instead (which I personally find more appealing). Notice that hexbin exchanges the keyword range with extent.

In [41]:
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
plt.hexbin(x[:,0], x[:,1],gridsize=40, cmap=cm.BuPu, extent=[16.,19.6, 15,20]);

Wouldn't it be nice if we could also plot some histograms displaying the two individual distributions? In seaborn, you can do just that (you can also do it in matplotlib directly, but it's a lot messier. Trust me, I've tried). The keyword kind sets the kind of plot you'd like to see, one of {“scatter” | “reg” | “resid” | “kde” | “hex” }. If you have keywords you'd like to pass on to the matplotlib-functions that create the individual joint plot (in the middle) and marginal plots (on the sides), you can put them into a dictionary in the variables joint_kws and marginal_kws like I've done below:

In [42]:
sns.jointplot(x=x[:,0], y=x[:,1], 
              kind="hex", xlim=[16.,19.6], ylim=[15,20],
              joint_kws={"gridsize":30, "cmap":cm.BuPu,
                        "extent":[16.,19.6, 15,20]}, 
              marginal_kws={"bins":20, "hist":{"range":[16.,19.6, 15,20]}});

Density estimation like we've done above works in 2D, too. In matplotlib, it's slightly more involved due to the way we need to lay out the 2D grid:

In [43]:
X1, X2 = np.mgrid[np.min(x[::10,0]):np.max(x[::10,0]):100j, np.min(x[::10,1]):np.max(x[::10,1]):100j]
pos = np.vstack([X1.ravel(), X2.ravel()])
kde = scipy.stats.gaussian_kde(x[::10].T)
Xnew = np.reshape(kde(pos).T, X1.shape)
plt.imshow(Xnew, interpolation="none", cmap=cm.BuPu, zorder=10)

<matplotlib.image.AxesImage at 0x10b4c72d0>

In seaborn, do the same, but either in kdeplot as for the 1D example, or in jointplot as above:

In [44]:
sns.kdeplot(x[::10,0], x[::10,1],shade=False)

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x10b2a7b10>

In [45]:
sns.jointplot(x=x[::10,0], y=x[::10,1], kind="kde");

What if we have even more dimensions? Well, then you quickly run out of dimensions to plot your figure in, because our screens happen to be two-dimensional. Visualizations that include 3D projections are possible, but then, many data sets have even more dimensions.

Fear not, there are a few things you can do. Let's start with categorical data for a change. Bar plots are useful if all you have is a number of instances per category. But what if for each category, you've measured a quantity? Take, for example, our SDSS data set: for each of the galaxies, stars and quasars, we've measured some magnitudes. Each variable now has a distribution attached to it. Of course, we could make a bar plot of, say, the means, but that would loose a lot of potentially valuable information.

Here's where seaborn comes in really handy, because it offers some advanced plotting that would be much harder to achieve in matplotlib. One such example is the box plot.

At this point, it's also worth mentioning that seaborn has great integration with pandas, which is useful for these advanced plots:

In [46]:
sns.stripplot(x="class", y="r", data=df,
                    size=4, jitter=True, edgecolor="gray")

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x10b5e14d0>

But much like the 2D scatter plot, for many data points, this has the problem that things become hard to see! Let's make a box plot instead, which is tidier and allows for reading off some summary statistics at a quick glance:

In [47]:
sns.boxplot(x="class", y="r", data=df, orient="v")

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x105f71510>

The boxes denote the interquartile range (remember that one?), the black line in the middle the median. The whiskers extend past the IQR by a factor of 1.5, which you can change with the whis keyword. Any data points that lie beyond are shown as scatter points to show outliers. Did you notice how the distribution for the hamsters has outliers only on one side? That's because the sample is drawn from a log-normal distribution, which isn't symmetric (unlike the other two, which are combinations of Gaussians).

The box plot is basically the visual equivalent of Tukey's five-number summary. Even so, it only shows very coarse summaries of the data which are great for some comparisons, but not for others. For even more information in your figures, try a violin plot, which will show instead a kernel density estimate of the distribution that you sampled from:

In [48]:
sns.violinplot(x="class", y="r", data=df, scale="width");

We can add another (categorical) variable to this plot using the hue parameter, but our data set doesn't have one, so let's invent it:

In [49]:
df["aliens"] = np.random.choice(["green", "blue"], size=len(df))

In [50]:
sns.violinplot(x="class", y="r", hue="aliens", split=True, data=df, scale="count");

This plot also shows you the median and IQR as the box plot above, but additionally, you can now get an idea what the distribution looks like. The scale keyword determines whether the the violins will be scaled to have the same area, scaled to the number of counts in each sample, or all have the same width.

If you have even more complicated data sets, seaborn allows for some superior integration using FacetGrid. This allows easy plotting of a large number of categorical variables (you can specify a row keyword, too) in a uniform way for an overview over a complicated data set.

In [51]:
g = sns.FacetGrid(df, col="class")
g = (, "aliens", "r")
      .set_axis_labels("aliens", "r"))

But what if you have a high-dimensional space of continuous variables? Well, there are a few ways to deal with that: for example, you can pairwise-plot the individual dimensions against each other in a series of scatter plots. Again, this is possible to do with some fiddling in matplotlib, but seaborn has an easy function for it:

In [52]:
sns.pairplot(df[["u","g", "r"]], kind="scatter")

<seaborn.axisgrid.PairGrid at 0x10925a110>

Or, slightly more complicated, including KDEs:

In [53]:
g = sns.PairGrid(df[["u", "g", "r"]], diag_sharey=False)
g.map_lower(sns.kdeplot, cmap="Blues_d")
g.map_diag(sns.kdeplot, lw=3)

/opt/local/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/site-packages/matplotlib/axes/ UserWarning: No labelled objects found. Use label='...' kwarg on individual plots.
  warnings.warn("No labelled objects found. "
<seaborn.axisgrid.PairGrid at 0x106021310>

Finally, as a short heads up for Wednesday (probably), if you have high-dimensional data, you can visualize it by projecting it into a low-dimensional space via some dimensionality reduction. There are many different techniques out there for that sort of thing, and many rely on some method to calculate distances between data points in high dimensions, and then projecting the data into lower dimensions such that the distances are conserved (or if they are not conserved, are changed in some meaningful way).

One popular method for dimensionality reduction is Principal Component Analysis (PCA), which projects the data onto a new set of orthogonal axes defined in such a way that they explain as much variance as possible (in decreasing order). If the number of output dimensions is equal to the number of input dimensions, then no information is lost. If the number of output dimensions is smaller, then some information is lost in the transformation.

In python, PCA is implemented in scikit-learn, which you will learn more about on Wednesday:

In [59]:
from sklearn import decomposition

x = np.array(df[["u", "g", "r", "i", "z"]])

pca = decomposition.PCA(n_components=2)

## transform the data into the new coordinate system
x_red = pca.transform(x)

## make a new data frame:
df_pca = pd.DataFrame({"PCA_1":x_red[:,0], "PCA_2":x_red[:,1], "class":df["class"]})

In [77]:
galaxies = df_pca[df_pca["class"] == "GALAXY"]
stars = df_pca[df_pca["class"] == "STAR"]
qsos = df_pca[df_pca["class"] == "QSO"]

current_palette = sns.color_palette("colorblind")

fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
ax.scatter(galaxies["PCA_1"], galaxies["PCA_2"], 
           color=current_palette[0], alpha=0.7,
ax.scatter(stars["PCA_1"], stars["PCA_2"], 
           color=current_palette[1], alpha=0.7,
ax.scatter(qsos["PCA_1"], qsos["PCA_2"], 
           color=current_palette[2], alpha=0.7,
plt.legend(loc="upper left")

<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x10a1f8050>

PCA doesn't separate the different classes particularly well (but that might have been the case in the original data set, too).

An alternative to PCA for dimensionality reduction is t-distributed stochastic neighbour embedding (t-SNE), which is also implemented in scikit-learn. t-SNE is more expensive to compute than PCA, so we'll use a smaller data set here:

In [75]:
from sklearn import manifold

x_small = x[::20]

tsne = manifold.TSNE(n_components=2)

## transform the data into the new coordinate system
x_red = tsne.fit_transform(x_small)

## make a new data frame:
df_tsne = pd.DataFrame({"TSNE_1":x_red[:,0], "TSNE_2":x_red[:,1], "class":df["class"][::20]})

In [78]:
galaxies = df_tsne[df_tsne["class"] == "GALAXY"]
stars = df_tsne[df_tsne["class"] == "STAR"]
qsos = df_tsne[df_tsne["class"] == "QSO"]

current_palette = sns.color_palette("colorblind")

fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
ax.scatter(galaxies["TSNE_1"], galaxies["TSNE_2"], 
           color=current_palette[0], alpha=0.7,
ax.scatter(stars["TSNE_1"], stars["TSNE_2"], 
           color=current_palette[1], alpha=0.7,
ax.scatter(qsos["TSNE_1"], qsos["TSNE_2"], 
           color=current_palette[2], alpha=0.7,
plt.legend(loc="upper right")

<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x10ff33b10>

You might learn more about these methods on Wednesday, so stay tuned.

That's all of the visualization part! Now it's up to you to get hacking! Have fun!


Feel free to play around more with the data set above. We've only scratched the surface of what you can do with it, and with a little bit of domain knowledge (that is, astronomy), you can get a lot more out of this!

For those of you who are bored of astronomy, I'd like to suggest another dataset for you to play with:

This is a by-state version of all names as registered in the US for social security purposes since 1910! I think this is an incredibly fun data set to play with, including lots of categorical data. For each name, and every year, you've got the number of people registered with that name, the gender of the name and the state of registration.

Below, I've put an example of getting out some information. First read the data into a data frame, then pick one specific name, and plot some information to the screen. It uses a seaborn function we haven't seen yet: tsplot, which makes fancy time series plots.

First, download the data, put it into a folder of your choice and unzip it.

In [81]:
import glob

## find all the files in the data set
## make sure the string in data_dir ends with a /
data_dir = "/path/to/data/set/"
name_files = glob.glob(data_dir+"*.TXT")

df = pd.read_csv(name_files[0],names=["state", "gender", "year", "name", "counts"])
for f in name_files[1:]:
    df = df.append(pd.read_csv(f,names=["state", "gender", "year", "name", "counts"]))

In [82]:
## count all the elements in the data frame

state     5647426
gender    5647426
year      5647426
name      5647426
counts    5647426
dtype: int64

In [83]:
## we're going to find all entries for the name Lucy and 
## put them into a new data frame:
df_lucy = df[df["name"] == "Lucy"]

## plotting the time series directly from the Data Frame is 
## hard, so we're going to sum the counts up for all states:
all_years = np.unique(df_lucy["year"]) ## all years in the data set

all_counts = np.zeros_like(all_years)
for i,y in enumerate(all_years):
    all_counts[i] = df_lucy[df_lucy["year"] == y]["counts"].sum()

In [84]:
## now we can plot the time series:
sns.tsplot(all_counts, time=all_years, err_style="unit_traces")

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x10fb7ae50>

But now it's your turn! Get creative and get hacking! Can you find your own name (or your favourite name)? Can you compute the probability in 2006 of someone having the same name as you? Can you find correlations between names over time?