Plot Wyoming Cloud Radar data

In [2]:
# Load the needed packages
import os
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from scipy.stats import mstats

import awot
from awot.graph import FlightLevel, RadarVerticalPlot, RadarUtilityPlot

%matplotlib inline

Supply input data and plotting characteristics

In [3]:
file1 = ""
#file = ""
wcrf1 = os.path.join("/Users/guy/data/king_air/test2014/wcr", file1)

file = ""
wcrf2 = os.path.join("/Users/guy/data/king_air/owles2013/wcr/", file)

start_time = "2014-01-27 20:35:00"
end_time = "2014-01-27 20:40:00"

# Set the project name

#altmin, altmax = 1500., 8000.

altmin, altmax = 0., 3000.

refmin, refmax = -50., 30.
#velmin, velmax = -16., 16. # Nyquist
velmin, velmax = -3., 3. # Nyquist

Read in the radar data

In [4]:
wcr =

height_zdr does not exist in file...
height_ldr does not exist in file...
zdr does not exist in file...
ldr does not exist in file...

In [5]:
print("Reflectivity Min/Max = %f / %f \n"
      "Velocity Min/Max = %f / %f \n"
      "Altitude Min/Max = %f / %f \n"
      "Height Min/Max = %f / %f \n"
      "Surface Min/Max = %f / %f \n"%(
        wcr['altitude']['data'].min(), wcr['altitude']['data'].max(),
        wcr['height']['data'].min(), wcr['height']['data'].max(),
        wcr['surface']['data'].min(), wcr['surface']['data'].max()))
print(wcr['time']['data'].min(), wcr['time']['data'].max())

#wcr['fields']['reflectivity']['data'].shape, data['data'].shape
#qArr = mstats.mquantiles(wcr['fields']['reflectivity']['data'], prob=[5, 10, 25, 50, 75, 90, 95], axis=0)

['fields', 'tas', 'ground_speed', 'aircraft_wind', 'reflectivity_minimum', 'data_format', 'longitude', 'height', 'project', 'platform', 'flight_number', 'height_ldr', 'surface', 'aspect', 'time', 'latitude', 'altitude', 'height_zdr', 'beam_vector', 'metadata']
Reflectivity Min/Max = -54.610954 / 46.513153 
Velocity Min/Max = -15.402483 / 15.429156 
Altitude Min/Max = 1013.030029 / 2786.558594 
Height Min/Max = 66.791504 / 2905.298340 
Surface Min/Max = 0.000000 / 592.440918 

(datetime.datetime(2014, 1, 27, 20, 32, 10, 876783), datetime.datetime(2014, 1, 27, 21, 4, 56, 766817))

Make a vertical plot of reflectivity and velocity fields. Subset the first plot.

In [7]:
fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(2, 1, figsize=(7.5,7), sharex=True)

wcr_vp= RadarVerticalPlot(wcr)

wcr_vp.time_height_image('reflectivity', ax=ax1, plot_log10_var=False,
              start_time=start_time, end_time=end_time,
                         vmin=refmin, vmax=refmax,
                         cb_label=r'Reflectivity (dBZ)',
                         height_min=altmin, height_max=altmax, title=file,
                         ylab=r'Altitude (m)', ylabFontSize=12)
wcr_vp.time_height_image('velocity', ax=ax2, plot_log10_var=False,
#              start_time=start_time, end_time=end_time,
                         vmin=velmin, vmax=velmax,
                         cb_label=r'Doppler Velocity (m s$^{-1}$)',
                         height_min=altmin, height_max=altmax,
                         ylab=r'Altitude (m)', ylabFontSize=12,
                         xlab='UTC Time', xlabFontSize=12)

Now subset the second plot and apply discrete binned levels

In [8]:
fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(2, 1, figsize=(7.5,7), sharex=True)

wcr_vp= RadarVerticalPlot(wcr)

wcr_vp.time_height_image('reflectivity', ax=ax1, plot_log10_var=False,
                         vmin=refmin, vmax=refmax,
                         cb_label=r'Reflectivity (dBZ)',
                         height_min=altmin, height_max=altmax, title=file,
                         ylab=r'Altitude (m)', ylabFontSize=12)
wcr_vp.time_height_image('velocity', ax=ax2, plot_log10_var=False,
                         start_time=start_time, end_time="2014-01-27 20:45:00",
                         vmin=velmin, vmax=velmax,
                         cmap="PuOr_r", discrete_cmap_levels=np.linspace(-3, 3, num=13),
                         cb_label=r'Doppler Velocity (m s$^{-1}$)',
                         height_min=altmin, height_max=altmax,
                         ylab=r'Altitude (m)', ylabFontSize=12,
                         xlab='UTC Time', xlabFontSize=12)

Add a ground track distance to the Radar instance and apply instead of time series.

In [9]:
tg = awot.util.calc_ground_distance(wcr, method='great circle', add_to_dict=True)

In [10]:
fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(2, 1, figsize=(7.5,7), sharex=True)

wcr_vp.track_height_image('reflectivity', track_key='track_distance_ground', plot_track_km=True,
                          plot_log10_var=False, vmin=refmin, vmax=refmax,
                          cb_label=r'Reflectivity (dBZ)',
                          height_min=altmin, height_max=altmax, title=file,
                          ylab=r'Altitude (m)', ylabFontSize=12, ax=ax1)
wcr_vp.track_height_image('velocity', track_key='track_distance_ground', plot_track_km=True,
                          vmin=velmin, vmax=velmax,
#                          fill_surface=True,
                          cmap="PuOr_r", discrete_cmap_levels=np.linspace(-3, 3, num=13),
                          cb_label=r'Doppler Velocity (m s$^{-1}$)',
                          height_min=altmin, height_max=altmax,
                          ylab=r'Altitude (m)', ylabFontSize=12,
                          xlab='Track Distance', xlabFontSize=12, ax=ax2)

Minimum value of reflectivity = -54.611
Maximum value of reflectivity = 46.5132
Minimum value of velocity = -15.4025
Maximum value of velocity = 15.4292

Subset by time and plot in track distance

In [11]:
fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(2, 1, figsize=(7.5,7), sharex=True)

wcr_vp.track_height_image('reflectivity', track_key='track_distance_ground', plot_track_km=True,
                          plot_log10_var=False, vmin=refmin, vmax=refmax,
                          start_time=start_time, end_time="2014-01-27 20:45:00",
                          cb_label=r'Reflectivity (dBZ)',
                          height_min=altmin, height_max=altmax, title=file,
                          ylab=r'Altitude (m)', ylabFontSize=12, ax=ax1)
wcr_vp.track_height_image('velocity', track_key='track_distance_ground', plot_track_km=True,
                          vmin=velmin, vmax=velmax,
                         start_time=start_time, end_time="2014-01-27 20:45:00",
#                          fill_surface=True,
                          cmap="PuOr_r", discrete_cmap_levels=np.linspace(-3, 3, num=13),
                          cb_label=r'Doppler Velocity (m s$^{-1}$)',
                          height_min=altmin, height_max=altmax,
                          ylab=r'Altitude (m)', ylabFontSize=12,
                          xlab='Track Distance', xlabFontSize=12, ax=ax2)

Minimum value of reflectivity = -54.0004
Maximum value of reflectivity = 46.5132
Minimum value of velocity = -9.82693
Maximum value of velocity = 5.47219

You can also mix the types of plots in a panel. Make sure to turn off sharex if on and adjust the keywords accordingly. Note that due to scaling by Matplotlib the plots do not match up perfectly. By using the track_min and track_max keywords (commented out below), you can manually adjust the scaling.

In [12]:
fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(2, 1, figsize=(7.5,7), sharex=False)

wcr_vp.track_height_image('reflectivity', track_key='track_distance_ground', plot_track_km=True,
                          plot_log10_var=False, vmin=refmin, vmax=refmax,
                          start_time=start_time, end_time="2014-01-27 20:45:00",
#                          track_min=16., track_max=69.,
                          track_MinTicks=5., track_MajTicks=20.,
                          fill_surface=True, fill_color='beige',
                          cb_label=r'Reflectivity (dBZ)',
                          height_min=altmin, height_max=altmax, title=file,
                          ylab=r'Altitude (m)', ylabFontSize=12, ax=ax1)
                         vmin=velmin, vmax=velmax,
                         start_time=start_time, end_time="2014-01-27 20:45:00",
                         height_MinTicks=250., height_MajTicks=1000.,
                         fill_surface=True, fill_color='brown',
                         cmap="PuOr_r", discrete_cmap_levels=np.linspace(-3, 3, num=13),
                         cb_label=r'Doppler Velocity (m s$^{-1}$)',
                         height_min=altmin, height_max=altmax,
                         ylab=r'Altitude (m)', ylabFontSize=12,
                         xlab='Track Distance', xlabFontSize=12, ax=ax2)

Minimum value of reflectivity = -54.0004
Maximum value of reflectivity = 46.5132
(190, 2976) (190, 2976) (190, 2976) (2976,)
(190, 2976) (190, 2976) (190, 2976) (2976,)

Instantiate a RadarUtilityPlot instance for frequency calculations.

In [7]:
wcr_util = RadarUtilityPlot(wcr)

Now we can produce a bivariate frequency distribution using AWOT. The plot uses the RadarUtilityPlot class.

In [8]:
figC, axC0 = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(8, 5))

biv = wcr_util.plot_bivariate_frequency('reflectivity', 'height', start_time=start_time, end_time=end_time,
                                        xbinsminmax=(-40., 20.), ybinsminmax=(0., 3000.), nbinsx=100, nbinsy=390,
                                        mask_below=0.00001, plot_colorbar=True, plot_percent=True,
                                        x_min=-45., x_max=20., y_min=0, y_max = 2800.,
                                        xlab= "Reflectivity (dB${Z}$$_{e}$)", ylab="Height (m)", xpad=10,
                                        xlabFontSize=18, ylabFontSize=18,
                                        title="Frequency Distribution", titleFontSize=16,
                                        cb_fontsize=12, cb_ticklabel_size=14, cb_pad=.02, cmap='YlGnBu_r',
                                        ax=axC0, fig=figC)
#wcr_util.plot_quantiles('reflectivity', quantiles=[5, 10, 25, 50, 75, 90, 95], height_axis=1, 
#                        setup_axes=False, ax=axC0)


Produce CFADs - caclulating frequency at every height.

In [22]:
figC, (axZ, axW) = plt.subplots(1, 2, sharey=True, figsize=(8,6))

cfadZ = wcr_util.plot_cfad('reflectivity', height_axis=1,
                           xbinsminmax=(-40., 20.), nbinsx=61, plot_percent=True, plot_colorbar=True,
                           vmin=0., vmax=25,
                           xlab= "Reflectivity (dB${Z}$$_{e}$)", ylab="Height (m)", xpad=10,
                           xlabFontSize=16, ylabFontSize=16,
                           title="CFAD", titleFontSize=14,
                           cb_fontsize=18, cb_ticklabel_size=14, cb_pad=.02, cmap='YlGnBu_r',
                           mask_below=.01, ax=axZ)
cfadW = wcr_util.plot_cfad('velocity', height_axis=1,
                           xbinsminmax=(-5., 5.), nbinsx=51, plot_percent=True, plot_colorbar=True,
                           discrete_cmap_levels= [.1, .5, 1, 2, 5, 7, 10, 15, 25],
                           xlab= "Reflectivity (dB${Z}$$_{e}$)", xpad=10, xlabFontSize=16,
                           cb_fontsize=18, cb_ticklabel_size=18, cb_pad=.02, cmap='hot',
                           mask_below=.01, ax=axW)

Produce CFAD for time subset of flight

In [21]:
figC, ((axZ1, axW1)) = plt.subplots(1, 2, sharey=True, figsize=(8,6))

wcr_util.plot_cfad('reflectivity', height_axis=1, start_time=start_time, end_time=end_time,
                   xbinsminmax=(-40., 20.), nbinsx=61, plot_percent=True, plot_colorbar=True,
                   vmin=0., vmax=25,
                   xlab= "Reflectivity (dB${Z}$$_{e}$)", ylab="Height (m)", xpad=10,
                   xlabFontSize=16, ylabFontSize=16,
                   title="CFAD", titleFontSize=14,
                   cb_fontsize=18, cb_ticklabel_size=14, cb_pad=.02, cmap='YlGnBu_r',
                    mask_below=.01, ax=axZ1)
wcr_util.plot_cfad('velocity', height_axis=1, start_time=start_time, end_time=end_time,
                   xbinsminmax=(-5., 5.), nbinsx=51, plot_percent=True, plot_colorbar=True,
                   discrete_cmap_levels= [.1, .5, 1, 2, 5, 7, 10, 15, 25],
                   xlab= "Reflectivity (dB${Z}$$_{e}$)", xpad=10, xlabFontSize=16,
                   cb_fontsize=18, cb_ticklabel_size=18, cb_pad=.02, cmap='hot',
                   mask_below=.01, ax=axW1)

For fun let's reverse the time axis, because python is that cool

In [10]:
fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(2, 1, figsize=(7.5,7), sharex=True)

wcr_vp= RadarVerticalPlot(wcr)

wcr_vp.time_height_image('reflectivity', ax=ax1, plot_log10_var=False,
                         vmin=refmin, vmax=refmax,
                         cb_label=r'Reflectivity (dBZ)',
                         height_min=altmin, height_max=altmax, title=file,
                         ylab=r'Altitude (m)', ylabFontSize=12)
wcr_vp.time_height_image('velocity', ax=ax2, plot_log10_var=False,
                         start_time=start_time, end_time="2014-01-27 20:45:00",
                         vmin=velmin, vmax=velmax,
                         cmap="PuOr_r", discrete_cmap_levels=np.linspace(-3, 3, num=13),
                         cb_label=r'Doppler Velocity (m s$^{-1}$)',
                         height_min=altmin, height_max=altmax,
                         ylab=r'Altitude (m)', ylabFontSize=12,
                         xlab='UTC Time', xlabFontSize=12)

In [ ]: