Scanning tail radar sweep plot

This scripts shows an example of plotting a sweep file from the NOAA P-3 or G-IV aircraft (also may work with older Eldora data if in correct format).

Note the data shown is not QC'd</li>

In [1]:
# Load the needed packages
from glob import glob
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

import awot
from awot.graph import RadarSweepPlot

%matplotlib inline

Plot a cfradial formatted sweep file from the NOAA P-3. This should work on data from 2012 onward.

First, we'll plot the data track-relative. This type of plot projects the data onto a coordinate system about the aircraft track (removes tilt angles).

Note that no correction is made to ground level (i.e. aircraft location is zero point)

In [2]:
fnc = '/Users/guy/data/p3radar/HRD_test/20120828/cfradial/'

RadName = 'NOAA P-3 Tail Radar'

cbTx = 'NOAA P-3 Reflectivity '
tTx = "Track relative sweep display"

Field1, Field2 = 'DBZ', 'VEL'
FLim1, FLim2 = (0., 60.), (-40., 40.)
RngRings = [15., 30., 46., 60.]
RngLim = (-70., 70.)
HtLim = (-10.,20.)
dMax = 45.

# Creating axes outside seems to screw up basemap
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(8, 4))

# Get the tail radar data and map it to an AWOT radar instance
# If false it retains the Py-ART radar instance
r =, map_to_awot=True, platform='noaap3')
# Create a RadarSweepPlot instance and add track-relative plot
rgp = RadarSweepPlot(r)
rgp.plot_track_relative(Field1, mask_procedure=None, mask_tuple=None,
                        cb_pad=.02, cb_orient='vertical', cb_label=cbTx+"(dBZ)",
                        ylims=(-10.,15.), title=tTx, ax=ax, fig=fig)

(-72.568491740752876, 72.568491740752876) (-10.0, 15.0)
<matplotlib.collections.QuadMesh at 0x110750c50>

Now let's plot the same data, but in an earth relative coordinate system. Notice that depending on aircraft orientation, the plot may change.

In [3]:
fnc = '/Users/guy/data/p3radar/HRD_test/20120828/cfradial/'

RadName = 'NOAA P-3 Tail Radar'

tTx = "Earth relative sweep display"

# Creating axes outside seems to screw up basemap
fig2, ax2 = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(8, 4))

# Create a RadarSweep
rgp.plot_earth_relative(Field1, mask_procedure=None, mask_tuple=None,
                        cb_pad=.02, cb_orient='vertical', cb_label=cbTx+"(dBZ)",
                        ylims=(-10.,15.), title=tTx, ax=ax2, fig=fig2)

(-32.218344829857259, 32.218344829857259) (-10.0, 15.0)
<matplotlib.collections.QuadMesh at 0x110d84990>

By using Py-ART as the reader for the sweep files, a Sigmet file can also be used.

The following data is from the NOAA P-3, collected during Hurrican Arthur (2014).

In [4]:
fSig = '/Users/guy/data/p3radar/arthur/data/raw/2TA140705120336.RAWTR67'

Field = 'reflectivity'
tTx = "Using a Sigmet format sweep"

# Creating axes outside seems to screw up basemap
fig3, ax3 = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(8, 4))

# Get the tail radar data
rsig =, map_to_awot=True, platform='noaap3')

# Create a RadarSweep
rgp = RadarSweepPlot(rsig)

rgp.plot_track_relative(Field, mask_procedure=None, mask_tuple=None,
                        cb_pad=.02, cb_orient='vertical', cb_label=cbTx+"(dBZ)",
                        ylims=(-10.,15.), title=tTx, ax=ax3, fig=fig3)

(-66.170851944390648, 66.170851944390648) (-10.0, 15.0)
/Users/guy/anaconda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/numpy/core/ DeprecationWarning: using a non-integer number instead of an integer will result in an error in the future
  strides=strides, order=order)
<matplotlib.collections.QuadMesh at 0x111c3b310>

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