In [89]:
import matplotlib.pylab as plt
%matplotlib inline
from matplotlib import ticker
from glob import glob
import numpy as np
import os
import pandas as pd
from scipy.stats import linregress, pearsonr, spearmanr
import nibabel as nib
import urllib
import seaborn as sns
sns.set_context('notebook', font_scale=2)
In [65]:
behav_data_f = '../Phenotypic_V1_0b_preprocessed.csv'
df = pd.read_csv(behav_data_f)
Our measure of interest is func_perc_fd so lets get rid of all participants who don't have a value!
We also want to make sure our data has the data so lets get rid of all participants who's file ID is "no_filename".
We also want to know the age in years for each participant.
In [66]:
df = df.loc[df['func_perc_fd'].notnull(), :]
df = df.loc[df['FILE_ID']!='no_filename', :]
df['AGE_YRS'] = np.floor(df['AGE_AT_SCAN'])
We want to see how similar the average connectivity values are when there are no differences between the groups.
Therefore we need to split participants into matched samples.
What do they need to be matched on?!
We also want to make sure that we sample evenly from the distribution of motion. This will prevent us from over sampling the low motion people, for which we have more data on.
We're going to systematically change the upper threshold of the percent of volumes that exceed 0.2mm frame to frame dispacement.
And we're also going to select our lower and upper age limits. NOTE that these are inclusive boundaries. So for example a lower limit of 6 and an upper limit of 10 will include participants who are 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 years old.
In [24]:
motion_thresh = 80
df_samp_motion = df.loc[df['func_perc_fd']<motion_thresh, :]
In [25]:
age_l, age_u = 6, 18
df_samp = df_samp_motion.loc[(df_samp_motion['AGE_YRS']>=age_l) & (df_samp_motion['AGE_YRS']<=age_u), :]
In [26]:
plt.hist(np.array(df_samp ["func_perc_fd"]),bins=40)
To do this we are going to:
First we will sort our sample based on motion ('Func_perc_fd')
In [7]:
##sort subjects based on motion
sort_column_list = ['func_perc_fd']
df_motion_sorted = df_samp.sort_values(by=sort_column_list)
#check that sorted worked!
df = df_motion_sorted[['func_perc_fd', "SUB_ID"]]
In [8]:
##rank subjects by motion
r_df.columns = ['rank']
r_df['newcol'] = df_motion_sorted.index
r_df.set_index('newcol', inplace=True)
r_df.index.names = [None]
df_motion_sorted_rank=pd.concat ([r_df,df_motion_sorted], axis=1)
Let's check to make sure we correctly sorted our subjects by motion
In [9]:
plt.scatter(np.array(df_motion_sorted_rank["rank"]), np.array(df_motion_sorted_rank['func_perc_fd']))
Now, based on our sample of motion, create motion quartile cutoffs
In [27]:
##create bins of subjects in quartiles
Then create bins of subjects by motion quartile cutoffs
In [11]:
second=df_motion_sorted_rank[(df_motion_sorted_rank['rank']>chunk1) & (df_motion_sorted_rank['rank']<=chunk2)]
third=df_motion_sorted_rank[(df_motion_sorted_rank['rank']>chunk2) & (df_motion_sorted_rank['rank']<=chunk3)]
Look at what our sampling look like
In [12]:
motion_boundaries = (first.func_perc_fd.max(), second.func_perc_fd.max(), third.func_perc_fd.max())
for boundary in motion_boundaries:
print boundary
In [13]:
for boundary in motion_boundaries:
plt.plot((boundary, boundary), (0,350), 'k-')
In [28]:
first_rand = first.reindex(np.random.permutation(first.index))
second_rand = second.reindex(np.random.permutation(second.index))
third_rand = third.reindex(np.random.permutation(third.index))
fourth_rand = fourth.reindex(np.random.permutation(fourth.index))
In [29]:
#Only keep the top 2*n/4 participants.
first_samp_2n = first_rand.iloc[:n_samp, :]
second_samp_2n = second_rand.iloc[:n_samp, :]
third_samp_2n = third_rand.iloc[:n_samp, :]
fourth_samp_2n = fourth_rand.iloc[:n_samp, :]
In [30]:
#append these together
frames = [first_samp_2n, second_samp_2n, third_samp_2n,fourth_samp_2n]
final_df = pd.concat(frames)
In [31]:
sort_column_list = ['DSM_IV_TR', 'DX_GROUP', 'SITE_ID', 'SEX', 'AGE_AT_SCAN']
df_samp_2n_sorted = final_df.sort_values(by=sort_column_list)
In [32]:
df_grp_A = df_samp_2n_sorted.iloc[::2, :]
df_grp_B = df_samp_2n_sorted.iloc[1::2, :]
In [90]:
from abide_motion_wrapper import split_two_matched_samples
df_A, df_B = split_two_matched_samples(df, 80, 6, 18, 200)
print df_A[['AGE_AT_SCAN', 'DX_GROUP', 'SEX']].describe()
print df_B[['AGE_AT_SCAN', 'DX_GROUP', 'SEX']].describe()
In [42]:
## to grab data
for f_id in df.loc[:, 'FILE_ID']:
if not (f_id == "no_filename") and not os.path.isfile("../DATA/{}_rois_aal.1D".format(f_id)):
print f_id
testfile = urllib.URLopener()
folder). Each column is a AAL ROI and the rows below correspond to its average time series.
In [68]:
## looking at an example aal time series file for one subject
test = '../DATA/NYU_0051076_rois_aal.1D'
tt = pd.read_csv(test, sep='\t')
In [69]:
def make_group_corr_mat(df):
This function reads in each subject's aal roi time series files and creates roi-roi correlation matrices
for each subject and then sums them all together. The final output is a 3d matrix of all subjects
roi-roi correlations, a mean roi-roi correlation matrix and a roi-roi covariance matrix.
**NOTE WELL** This returns correlations transformed by the Fisher z, aka arctanh, function.
for i, (sub, f_id) in enumerate(df[['SUB_ID', 'FILE_ID']].values):
# read each subjects aal roi time series files
ts_df = pd.read_table('../DATA/{}_rois_aal.1D'.format(f_id))
# create a correlation matrix from the roi all time series files
corr_mat_r = ts_df.corr()
# the correlations need to be transformed to Fisher z, which is
# equivalent to the arctanh function.
corr_mat_z = np.arctanh(corr_mat_r)
# for the first subject, create a correlation matrix of zeros
# that is the same dimensions as the aal roi-roi matrix
if i == 0:
all_corr_mat = np.zeros([corr_mat_z.shape[0], corr_mat_z.shape[1], len(df)])
# now add the correlation matrix you just created for each subject to the all_corr_mat matrix (3D)
all_corr_mat[:, :, i] = corr_mat_z
# create the mean correlation matrix (ignore nas - sometime there are some...)
av_corr_mat = np.nanmean(all_corr_mat, axis=2)
# create the group covariance matrix (ignore nas - sometime there are some...)
var_corr_mat = np.nanvar(all_corr_mat, axis=2)
return all_corr_mat, av_corr_mat, var_corr_mat
Make the group correlation matrices for the two different groups.
In [70]:
M_grA, M_grA_av, M_grA_var = make_group_corr_mat(df_A)
M_grB, M_grB_av, M_grB_var = make_group_corr_mat(df_B)
In [72]:
sub, f_id = df[['SUB_ID', 'FILE_ID']].values[0]
ts_df = pd.read_table('../DATA/{}_rois_aal.1D'.format(f_id))
corr_mat_r = ts_df.corr()
corr_mat_z = np.arctanh(corr_mat_r)
r_array = np.triu(corr_mat_r, k=1).reshape(-1)
z_array = np.triu(corr_mat_z, k=1).reshape(-1)
sns.distplot(r_array[r_array<>0.0], label='r values')
sns.distplot(z_array[z_array<>0.0], label='z values')
plt.axvline(c='k', linewidth=0.5)
plt.title('Pairwise correlation values\nfor an example subject')
In [73]:
fig, ax_list = plt.subplots(1,2)
ax_list[0].imshow(M_grA_av, interpolation='none', cmap='RdBu_r', vmin=-1, vmax=1)
ax_list[1].imshow(M_grB_av, interpolation='none', cmap='RdBu_r', vmin=-1, vmax=1)
for ax in ax_list:
fig.suptitle('Comparison of average\nconnectivity matrices for two groups')
In [79]:
indices = np.triu_indices_from(M_grA_av, k=1)
grA_values = M_grA_av[indices]
grB_values = M_grB_av[indices]
min_val = np.min([np.min(grA_values), np.min(grB_values)])
max_val = np.max([np.max(grA_values), np.max(grB_values)])
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(6,5))
ax.plot([np.min(grA_values), np.max(grA_values)], [np.min(grA_values), np.max(grA_values)], c='k', zorder=-1)
ax.scatter(grA_values, grB_values, color=sns.color_palette()[3], s=10, edgecolor='face')
ticks = ticker.MaxNLocator(5)
plt.xlabel('average roi-roi matrix group A ',fontsize=15)
plt.ylabel('average roi-roi matrix group B',fontsize=15)
ax.set_title('Correlation between average\nmatrices for two groups')
Looks very similar!
We expect them to be (about) exactly the same, thus we are going to see how far off the relationship is between these two correlation matrices to the unity line. This is a twist on the classical R squared. You can read more about it here:
In [80]:
def calc_rsq(av_corr_mat_A, av_corr_mat_B):
From wikipedia:
Rsq = 1 - (SSres / SStot)
SSres is calculated as the sum of square errors (where the error
is the difference between x and y).
SStot is calculated as the total sum of squares in y.
# Get the data we need
inds = np.triu_indices_from(av_corr_mat_B, k=1)
x = av_corr_mat_A[inds]
y = av_corr_mat_B[inds]
# Calculate the error/residuals
res = y - x
SSres = np.sum(res**2)
# Sum up the total error in y
y_var = y - np.mean(y)
SStot = np.sum(y_var**2)
# R squared
Rsq = 1 - (SSres/SStot)
return Rsq
In [81]:
indices = np.triu_indices_from(M_grA_av, k=1)
grA_values = M_grA_av[indices]
grB_values = M_grB_av[indices]
min_val = np.min([np.nanmin(grA_values), np.nanmin(grB_values)])
max_val = np.max([np.nanmax(grA_values), np.nanmax(grB_values)])
mask_nans = np.logical_or(np.isnan(grA_values), np.isnan(grB_values))
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(6,5))
color = sns.color_palette()[5],
scatter_kws={'s' : 10, 'edgecolor' : 'face'},
ax.plot([min_val, max_val], [min_val, max_val], c='k', zorder=-1)
ax.axhline(0, color='k', linewidth=0.5)
ax.axvline(0, color='k', linewidth=0.5)
ticks = ticker.MaxNLocator(5)
ax.set_title('Correlation between average\nmatrices for two groups\nblack line = unity line\nblue line = best fit line')
This looks like a very good fit!
Let's check what the actual Rsq is with our function - we expect it to be super high!
In [82]:
Rsq=calc_rsq( M_grA_av, M_grB_av)
In [83]:
def split_half_outcome(df, motion_thresh, age_l, age_u, n, n_perms=100):
This function returns the R squared of how each parameter affects split-half reliability!
It takes in a dataframe, motion threshold, an age upper limit(age_u) an age lower limit (age_l), sample size (n),
and number of permutations (n_perms, currently hard coded at 100). This function essentially splits a data frame
into two matched samples (, then creates mean roi-roi correlation matrices per sample
( and then calculates the R squared ( between the two samples'
correlation matrices and returns all the permuation coefficients of determinations in a dataframe.
#set up data frame of average R squared to fill up later
Rsq_list = []
#Do this in each permutation
for i in range(n_perms):
#create two matched samples split on motion_thresh, age upper, age lower, and n
df_A, df_B = split_two_matched_samples(df, motion_thresh, age_l, age_u, n)
#make the matrix of all subjects roi-roi correlations, make the mean corr mat, and make covariance cor mat
#do this for A and then B
all_corr_mat_A, av_corr_mat_A, var_corr_mat_A = make_group_corr_mat(df_A)
all_corr_mat_B, av_corr_mat_B, var_corr_mat_B = make_group_corr_mat(df_B)
#calculate the R squared between the two matrices
Rsq = calc_rsq(av_corr_mat_A, av_corr_mat_B)
#print "Iteration " + str(i) + ": R^2 = " + str(Rsq)
#build up R squared output
Rsq_list += [Rsq]
return np.array(Rsq_list)
In [84]:
rsq_list = split_half_outcome(df, 50, 6, 18, 20, n_perms=100)
In [85]:
sns.distplot(rsq_list )
This is not a normal distribution, so when we want to plot the average Rsq value for a certain combination of age, motion cutoff and n, we should take the median of Rsq not the mean
The function iterates through different sample sizes, age bins, and motion cutoffs for a specific amount of permutations and:
Note: the output csvs will be saved in RESULTS
and will be labeled based on their specific input criteria. So for example, if the motion threshold was 50, age lower was 6, age upper was 10 and n=20, the csv output would be rsq_050pct_020subs_06to08.csv
In [86]:
def abide_motion_wrapper(motion_thresh, age_l, age_u, n, n_perms=1000, overwrite=True):
behav_data_f = '../Phenotypic_V1_0b_preprocessed1.csv'
f_name = 'RESULTS/rsq_{:03.0f}pct_{:03.0f}subs_{:02.0f}to{:02.0f}.csv'.format(motion_thresh, n, age_l, age_u)
# By default this code will recreate files even if they already exist
# (overwrite=True)
# If you don't want to do this though, set overwrite to False and
# this step will skip over the analysis if the file already exists
if not overwrite:
# If the file exists then skip this loop
if os.path.isfile(f_name):
df = read_in_data(behav_data_f)
rsq_list = split_half_outcome(df, motion_thresh, age_l, age_u, n, n_perms=n_perms)
#print "R Squared list shape: " + str(rsq_list.shape)
med_rsq = np.median(rsq_list)
rsq_CI = np.percentile(rsq_list, 97.5) - np.percentile(rsq_list, 2.5)
columns = [ 'motion_thresh', 'age_l', 'age_u', 'n', 'med_rsq', 'CI_95' ]
results_df = pd.DataFrame(np.array([[motion_thresh, age_l, age_u, n, med_rsq, rsq_CI ]]),
you will need to use
loops through age, motion, and sample sizes of interest. To actually run the code (looping through all iteration) run
. This is also where you can choose how to submit jobs (and parralalize or not)
This code grabs and formats the data for plotting into a summary file call SummaryRsqs.csv
that has columns for: motion threshold, median Rsq, 95% CI for R sqr, sample size, age lower, and age upper. It will be in the RESULTS
In [ ]:
columns = [ 'motion_thresh', 'med_rsq', 'CI_95', 'n', 'age_l', 'age_u']
results_df = pd.DataFrame(columns = columns)
for f in glob('RESULTS/*csv'):
temp_df = pd.read_csv(f, index_col=0)
results_df = results_df.append(temp_df)
results_df.to_csv('RESULTS/SummaryRsqs.csv', index=None, columns=columns)