Seq2Seq Recurrent Neural Networks in Python

A demo of grapheme to phoneme with LSTMs

The applications and code shown in this presentation are from

Intuition behind recurrent neural networks (RNNs)

Traditional Neural Networks do not persist information

  • When we think, we do not read every word independently; their meaning is gleaned from the context of the words that have come before them

RNNs attempt to solve this issue

  • Neural networks with loops, so information can persist from cell to cell. (image courtesy of Christopher Olah) RNN

Many types and applications of them

Seq2Seq Encoder-Decoder

Core question - can we condition generated words on some input to get some meaningful response?

  • Yes! Encoder-decoders are used for machine translation, conversation generation, and image captioning. Conversation

Grapheme to Phoneme

Given a word, how do we pronounce it?

  • Grapheme refers to the orthographic spelling, phoneme is the sounds
  • for example: green is mapped to G R IY N

Let's use RNNs to generate a phonemes from graphemes!

  • this is super useful --- imagine a machine being able to pronounce novel words that it has never seen before.


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