In [13]:
# treeEnsembles.r
# MWL, Lecture 2
# Author(s): [Phil Snyder]

An ensemble is a predictor that obtains its predictions by taking a weighted average of multiple single predictors. We will look at three different types of tree-based ensembles: bagging, random forests, and boosting with trees. Both random forests and boosting are methods used in industry every day - and can be very powerful predictors.

In [14]:

partition <- sample(nrow(spam), floor(0.7 * nrow(spam)))
trainData <- spam[partition,]
testData <- spam[-partition,]


Bagging is a portmanteau of 'bootstrap aggregation'. 'Bootstrap' is a sampling method where you sample from a data set with replacement. Usually your sample size is equivalent to the size of the original data set. 'Aggregation' refers to the fact that we are aggregating or averaging the predictors (in the case of classification, by having them take a vote on the class) trained on our bootstrap samples. Typically bagging only helps in the case of high variance predictors (such as decision trees) because it reduces variance while maintaining bias (again, see bias-variance trade-off). More info available in [ESL 8.7].

In [15]:
install.packages("ipred", repos="")
bagg <- bagging(spam ~ ., trainData, nbagg=50) # 50 trees
# Of course, normally we would do CV to find the optimal parameters 
# (implicit here are the rpart parameters)
baggPredictions <- predict(bagg, testData)
baggResults <- table(baggPredictions == testData$spam) / length(baggPredictions)

The downloaded source packages are in
Updating HTML index of packages in '.Library'
Making 'packages.html' ... done
Warning message:
In | longer object length is not a multiple of shorter object lengthWarning message:
In `==.default`(baggPredictions, testData$spam): longer object length is not a multiple of shorter object length

Random Forests

Random Forests are similar to bagging, except each tree is only trained on a random subset of the dimensions of the original dataset. For example, if our data had dimensions V1, ..., V10 we might train the first tree on dimensions V1, V4, V8 and our second tree on V2, V4, V5, etc. We do this so that our individual trees become less correlated. The correlation between trees limits how good of a predictor we may obtain by averaging their individual predictions. You may also think of the individual trees in a random forest as being 'experts' in a specific domain. The more limited the domain of the expert, the deeper and more refined the experts knowledge becomes in that domain. For more info see [ESL 15].

In [16]:
#install.packages("randomForest", repos="")
rf <- randomForest(spam ~ ., trainData, ntree=80) # 80 trees trained on random dimensions
# in classification, by default we randomly select m = floor(sqrt(p)) dimensions to train on
# where p is the # of dimensions in our original dataset.
rfPredictions <- predict(rf, testData)
rfResults <- table(rfPredictions == testData$spam) / length(rfPredictions)

     FALSE       TRUE 
0.05141202 0.94858798 

This is our best predictor yet, though random forests have their limits. If the dimensions of our data have very little to do with how the class is determined, then it's likely many of the trees will make decisions based on useless information, adding noise to our predictions.


Here we will do boosting with decision trees, though it is possible to do boosting with different predictors. The general idea behind boosting is that each data point in the training set is given a weight. At first these weights are all equal. We then fit a tree to the train data. For every data point that the tree classifies incorrectly, we increase its weight. We then fit a second tree to the data. The second tree gives the data points with greater weight greater importance, and is less likely to classify them incorrectly. The process then repeats, iterating sequentially through each dimension. This will perhaps become more clear when we talk about loss/objective functions. For more info see [ESL 10].

In [17]:
install.packages("adabag", repos="")
boost <- boosting(spam ~ ., trainData, mfinal=100) # 100 boosted trees
boostPredictions <- predict(boost, testData)
boostResults <- table(boost$class == testData$spam) / length(boost$class)

The downloaded source packages are in
Updating HTML index of packages in '.Library'
Making 'packages.html' ... done
Warning message:
In | longer object length is not a multiple of shorter object lengthWarning message:
In `==.default`(boost$class, testData$spam): longer object length is not a multiple of shorter object length
    FALSE      TRUE 
0.4888199 0.5111801 

Boosting is a powerful idea, and we will generalize it to other predictors later.

You may have noticed that it took a fair amount of time to fit our models to the data. This is where the 'computer science' portion of machine learning comes into play. The most powerful predictors (usually ensembles, or various forms of neural nets, or both) can take days to train, even with extreme computational optimization. Next lecture we will take a closer look at the optimization of our model parameters as well as some more archetypical concepts in machine learning.