Tutorial 5 (Example 1)


  • matplotlib

This is a tutorial for E-Cell4. Here, we show a simple equilibrium model as an example.

In [8]:
%matplotlib inline

In [9]:
from ecell4.core import *
# from ecell4.gillespie import GillespieWorld as world_type, GillespieSimulator as simulator_type
# from ecell4.ode import ODEWorld as world_type, ODESimulator as simulator_type
# from ecell4.lattice import LatticeWorld as world_type, LatticeSimulator as simulator_type
# from ecell4.bd import BDWorld as world_type, BDSimulator as simulator_type
# from ecell4.meso import MesoscopicWorld as world_type, MesoscopicSimulator as simulator_type
from ecell4.egfrd import EGFRDWorld as world_type, EGFRDSimulator as simulator_type

Set up parameters:

In [10]:
L, N, kd, U, D, radius = 1.0, 60, 0.1, 0.5, "1", "0.01"
volume = L * L * L
ka = kd * volume * (1 - U) / (U * U * N)

sp1, sp2, sp3 = Species("A", radius, D), Species("B", radius, D), Species("A_B", radius, D)
rr1, rr2 = create_binding_reaction_rule(sp1, sp2, sp3, ka), create_unbinding_reaction_rule(sp3, sp1, sp2, kd)

Create a model:

In [11]:
m = NetworkModel()

Create a world and simulator:

In [12]:
w = world_type(Real3(L, L, L))
w.add_molecules(Species("A"), N)
w.add_molecules(Species("B"), N)

sim = simulator_type(m, w)
sim.set_dt(1e-3) #XXX: This is too large to get the accurate result with BDSimulator.

Run a simulation:

In [13]:
next_time, dt = 0.0, 0.05
data = [(w.t(), w.num_molecules(sp1), w.num_molecules(sp2), w.num_molecules(sp3))]
for i in range(100):
    next_time += dt
    while (sim.step(next_time)): pass
    data.append((w.t(), w.num_molecules(sp1), w.num_molecules(sp2), w.num_molecules(sp3)))

Plot with Matplotlib:

In [14]:
import matplotlib.pylab as plt
from numpy import array

data = array(data)
plt.plot(data.T[0], data.T[1], "r-", label=sp1.serial())
plt.plot(data.T[0], data.T[2], "g--", label=sp2.serial())
plt.plot(data.T[0], data.T[3], "b:", label=sp3.serial())
plt.ylabel("Number Of Molecules")
plt.xlim(data.T[0][0], data.T[0][-1])
plt.legend(loc="best", shadow=True)