Procedurally build and simulate a flight. This is my attempt to use the open aerospace rocket documentation tool to describe a rocket and generate JSBSim configuration to simulate its flight.
View the raw jupyter notebook: rocket.ipynb
You can run it yourself by cloning this repo and install requirements:
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
Then run jupyter to edit/run the document in your browser:
$ jupyter notebook
The idea is that you can make up some numbers ("what if I built a rocket with this much thrust?") and this script will parametrically design an entire rocket. Then using openrocketdoc, generate a valid JSBSim case and run JSBSim for you, generating flight simulation output.
Just put in numbers for the engine design and then run the notebook!
Pick an engine design. Well define it based on a desired Isp, thrust, and burn time.
In [ ]:
import locale
from openrocketdoc import document
from openrocketdoc import writers
locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, 'en_US.UTF-8')
thrust = 1555.0 # N
burn_time = 10.0 # s
isp = 214.0 # s
# Create an engine document
engine = document.Engine('Python Motor')
# Set our design
engine.Isp = isp
engine.thrust_avg = thrust
engine.t_burn = burn_time
# Print setup
print("Engine Design parameters:\n")
print(" Input | Number | Units ")
print(" -------------- | --------: | :---- ")
print(" %14s | %8.1f | %s" % ("Isp", engine.Isp, "s"))
print(" %14s | %s | %s" % ("Thrust", locale.format("%8.1f", engine.thrust_avg, grouping=True), "N"))
print(" %14s | %8.1f | %s" % ("Burn Time", engine.t_burn, "s"))
All we need to do is create an openrocketdoc Engine with those basic numbers:
from openrocketdoc import document
engine = document.Engine('My Rocket Motor')
engine.Isp = 214.0
engine.thrust_avg = 1555.0
engine.t_burn = 10.0
Everything else can be computed from that engine class:
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# The Open Rocket Document can compute useful values based on what we defined above.
print("\nOur computed engine will need %0.1f kg of propellent." % engine.m_prop, )
print("It has a total impulse of %s Ns. That would make it a '%s'(%0.0f%%) class motor." % (
locale.format("%d", engine.I_total, grouping=True),
jsbsim_engine_file = writers.JSBSimEngine.dump(engine)
print("\nGenerated JSBSim engine document:\n\n```xml")
Now we know how much propellent, guess the density and come up with some parametric rocket design. If we compute some numbers based on a guess of the density of our propellent, we can build up a full rocket desgin from our engine
. The only hardcoded magic is a prefered lenght-to-diameter ratio.
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prop_density = 1750 # kg/m3 Roughtly HTPB composite solid density[1]
LD = 10 # Length to width ratio
Nose_LD = 5
# [1]
print("Rocket Design parameters:\n")
print(" Input | Number | Units ")
print(" ---------------------- | --------: | :---- ")
print(" %22s | %s | %s" % ("Propellent Density", locale.format("%8.1f", engine.thrust_avg, grouping=True), "kg/m3"))
print(" %22s | %8.1f | " % ("Motor L/D ratio", 10))
print(" %22s | %8.1f | " % ("Nosecone L/D ratio", 5))
In [ ]:
from math import pi
# volume of propellent needed
prop_volume = engine.m_prop/prop_density
# Solve for the radius/length of the fuel grain (assume solid, end burning)
engine.diameter = 2*(prop_volume/ (2*LD*pi))**(1/3.0)
engine.length = engine.diameter * LD
# Add a nose
nose = document.Nosecone(
document.Noseshape.TANGENT_OGIVE, # Shape
1.0, # shape_parameter
1.5, # mass
engine.diameter * Nose_LD,
# Payload section
payload = document.Bodytube(
"Payload", # Name
2.5, # mass
0.33, # length
# Body section the size of the engine
body = document.Bodytube(
"Body", # Name
1.5, # mass
body.components = [engine]
# Rocket:
rocket = document.Rocket("Rocket")
rocket.aero_properties['CD'] = [0.6]
stage0 = document.Stage("Sustainer")
stage0.components = [nose, payload, body]
rocket.stages = [stage0]
# Print:
print("Computed rocket length: %0.1f meters, diameter: %0.2f mm\n" % ((nose.length + payload.length + body.length), (engine.diameter*1000.0)))
print("Generated diagram of the rocket, with a nosecone, fixed length dummy payload section, and motor:")
from IPython.display import SVG, display
In [ ]:
jsbsim_aircraft_file = writers.JSBSimAircraft.dump(rocket)
print("Generated JSBSim 'Aircraft' document:\n\n```xml")
JSBSim needs several files in directories with a particular file structure. We simply write the files above to the filesystem appropriate places. A generic run.xml
and init.xml
files are already here. They're almost completely independent from the rocket definitions, the only thing "hard coded" is the name of the rocket (which has to match the filename).
In [ ]:
import os
aircraft_path = os.path.join("aircraft", rocket.name_slug)
engine_path = "engine"
if not os.path.exists(aircraft_path):
if not os.path.exists(engine_path):
aircraft_filename = rocket.name_slug + '.xml'
with open(os.path.join(aircraft_path, aircraft_filename), 'w') as outfile:
engine_filename = engine.name_slug + '.xml'
with open(os.path.join(engine_path, engine_filename), 'w') as outfile:
nozzle_filename = engine.name_slug + '_nozzle.xml'
with open(os.path.join(engine_path, nozzle_filename), 'w') as outfile:
outfile.write("""<?xml version="1.0"?>
<nozzle name="Nozzle">
<area unit="M2"> 0.001 </area>
In [ ]:
import subprocess
import time
# Run JSBSim using Popen
p = subprocess.Popen(["JSBSim", "--logdirectivefile=output_file.xml", "--script=run.xml"])
time.sleep(10) # let it run
In [ ]:
import csv
# Read data from JSBSim
FPS2M = 0.3048
LBF2N = 4.44822
LBS2KG = 0.453592
max_alt = 0
max_alt_time = 0
sim_time = []
measured_accel_x = []
sim_vel_up = []
sim_alt = []
with open('data.csv') as datafile:
reader = csv.reader(datafile, delimiter=',')
for row in reader:
# ignore first line
if row[0][0] == 'T':
time = float(row[0]) # s
alt = float(row[1]) # m
thrust = float(row[2]) * LBF2N # N
weight = float(row[3]) * LBS2KG # kg
vel = float(row[4]) * FPS2M # m/s
vel_down = float(row[5]) * FPS2M # m/s
downrange = float(row[6]) * FPS2M # m
aoa = float(row[7]) # deg
force_x = float(row[8]) * LBF2N # N
# compute measured accel (IMU)
# max alt
if alt > max_alt:
max_alt = alt
max_alt_time = time
print("The apogee (maximum altitude) of this flight was %0.1f km above sea level" % (max_alt/1000.0))
In [ ]:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
fig, ax1 = plt.subplots(figsize=(18,7))
plt.title(r"Simulated Rocket Altitude")
plt.ylabel(r"Altitude MSL [meters]")
plt.xlabel(r"Time [s]")
plt.plot(sim_time, sim_alt, lw=1.8, alpha=0.6)
plt.ylim([sim_alt[0]-500,max_alt + 1000])
plt.xlim([0, max_alt_time])
In [ ]:
fig, ax1 = plt.subplots(figsize=(18,7))
plt.title(r"Simulated Rocket Velocity")
plt.ylabel(r"Velocity [m/s]")
plt.xlabel(r"Time [s]")
plt.plot(sim_time, sim_vel_up, lw=1.8, alpha=0.6)
#plt.ylim([sim_alt[0]-500,max_alt + 1000])
plt.xlim([0, max_alt_time])