In [1]:
import sys
import time
import subprocess
In [2]:
def bwa_index_ref(ref,out_dir):
## log files for standard out and error
log_file = open(out_dir + "/bwa_index_ref"+ time.strftime("-%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S.log"),'w')
stderr_file = open(out_dir + "/bwa_index_ref"+ time.strftime("-%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S.stder"),'w')
## run command
bwa_index_command = ["bwa","index",ref], stdout=log_file, stderr=stderr_file)
log_file.close(); stderr_file.close()
In [3]:
def bam_map_bwa_mem(ref, fq1, fq2, out_sam, out_dir, read_group):
''' Mapping paired-end reads to reference'''
## log files for standard out and error
sam_file = open(out_sam,'w')
stderr_file = open(out_dir + "/bwa_mem"+ time.strftime("-%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S.stder"),'w')
## run command
bwa_mem_command = ["bwa","mem","-t","8","-R",read_group, ref,fq1,fq2], stdout=sam_file, stderr=stderr_file)
sam_file.close(); stderr_file.close()
In [4]:
def sam_to_bam(in_sam, out_bam, out_dir):
'''Convert sam to bam'''
## log files for standard out and error
bam_file = open(out_bam,'w')
stderr_file = open(out_dir + "/samtools_view"+ time.strftime("-%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S.stder"),'w')
## run command
sam_to_bam_command = ["samtools","view","-b",in_sam], stdout=bam_file, stderr=stderr_file)
bam_file.close(); stderr_file.close()
In [5]:
def bam_sort(in_bam, out_sort, out_dir):
''' Sorting bam'''
## log files for standard out and error
out_file = open(out_sort,'w')
stderr_file = open(out_dir + "/bwa_sort"+ time.strftime("-%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S.stder"),'w')
## run command
bam_sort_command = ["samtools","sort","-T","sort_temp","-O", "bam", in_bam], stdout=out_file,stderr=stderr_file)
out_file.close(); stderr_file.close()
In [6]:
def bam_index(out_dir, bam):
''' index bam file'''
## log files for standard out and error
log_file = open(out_dir + "/bwa_index"+ time.strftime("-%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S.log"),'w')
stderr_file = open(out_dir + "/bwa_index"+ time.strftime("-%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S.stder"),'w')
## run command["samtools","index",bam],stdout=log_file,stderr=stderr_file)
log_file.close(); stderr_file.close()
In [7]:
fq1 = '../data/RM8375/MiSeq/fastq/SRR1555296T_1.fastq'
fq2 = '../data/RM8375/MiSeq/fastq/SRR1555296T_2.fastq'
ref = '../data/RM8375/ref/CFSAN008157.HGAP.fasta'
read_group = '@RG\tID:test\tSM:RM8375'
out_dir = './'
out_sam = 'SRR1555296T.sam'
out_bam = 'SRR1555296T.bam'
out_bam_sort = 'SRR1555296T.sort.bam'