In [ ]:
import warnings
import pandexo.engine.justplotit as jpi
import pickle as pk

Plot 1D Data with Errorbars

Multiple plotting options exist within jwst_1d_spec

1. Plot a single run

In [ ]:
#load in output from run
out = pk.load(open('singlerun.p','rb'))
#for a single run 
x,y, e = jpi.jwst_1d_spec(out, R=100, num_tran=1, model=False, x_range=[1,12])
2. Plot several runs from parameters space run 

In [ ]:
#load in output from multiple runs
multi = pk.load(open('three_nirspec_modes.p','rb'))

#get into list format 
list_multi = [multi[0]['NIRSpec G140M'], multi[1]['NIRSpec G235M'], multi[2]['NIRSpec G395M']]

x,y,e = jpi.jwst_1d_spec(list_multi, R=100, model=False, x_range=[1,5])

Plot Noise

Several functions exist to plot various outputs.

See jwst_1d_bkg, jwst_1d_snr, jwst_1d_flux,

In [ ]:
x,y = jpi.jwst_noise(out)

Plot 2D Saturation Profile

See also jwst_2d_sat to plot saturation profile

In [ ]:
data = jpi.jwst_2d_sat(out)

In [ ]: