In [1]:
import pandas as pd
import bokeh
import sys

print("Pandas version: \n\t{}".format(pd.__version__))
print("Bokeh version: \n\t{}".format(bokeh.__version__))
print("Python version: \n\t{}".format(sys.version))

Pandas version: 
Bokeh version: 
Python version: 
	3.4.5 |Anaconda custom (x86_64)| (default, Jul  2 2016, 17:47:57) 
[GCC 4.2.1 Compatible Apple LLVM 4.2 (clang-425.0.28)]

In [2]:
from bokeh.plotting import figure, output_notebook, show
#Show plot in this Jupyter notebook

Loading BokehJS ...

In [13]:

# prepare some data
x = [0.1, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0]
y0 = [i**2 for i in x]
y1 = [10**i for i in x]
y2 = [10**(i**2) for i in x]

# create a new plot
p = figure(
   y_axis_type="log", y_range=[0.001, 10**11], title="log axis example",
   x_axis_label='sections', y_axis_label='particles'

# add some renderers
p.line(x, x, legend="y=x")#plot a line corresponding to the (x,y) coordinates, x, legend="y=x", fill_color="white", size=12) #place each (x,y) on the line as a circle with specified fill and size 

p.line(x, y0, legend="y=x^2", line_width=6) #note use of line width

p.line(x, y1, legend="y=10^x", line_color="red") #note use of line color, y1, legend="y=10^x", fill_color="red", line_color="red", size=6)

p.line(x, y2, legend="y=10^x^2", line_color="orange", line_dash="10 10") # note use of line dash

# show the results
# This will not render in github

# workaround?

Take a screenshot, store it in the images directory

In [14]:
from IPython.core.display import Image, display
display(Image('images/simple-xy-plot.png', width=600, unconfined=True))

Can also display using Markdown

<img src="images/simple-xy-plot.png",width=600,height=300>