In [14]:
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from PIL import Image
import collections, math, os

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline

In [ ]:
#crop test images by detections_full_AGNOSTICnms.pkl 取同类中score最高的,按类的数量加权平均

RFCN_MODEL = 'resnet101_rfcn_ohem_iter_30000'

import pickle 
with open('../data/RFCN_detections/detections_full_AGNOSTICnms_'+RFCN_MODEL+'.pkl','rb') as f:
    detections_full_AGNOSTICnms = pickle.load(f, encoding='latin1') 
outputs = []
count = np.zeros(len(detections_full_AGNOSTICnms))

for im in range(len(detections_full_AGNOSTICnms)):
    if im%1000 == 0:
    detects_im = detections_full_AGNOSTICnms[im]
    score_max = np.max(detects_im[:,5:], axis=1)
    inds = np.argmax(detects_im[:,5:], axis=1)
    labels = [FISH_CLASSES[ind+1] for ind in inds]
    columns = ['box1', 'box2', 'box3', 'box4']
    detects_im_df = pd.DataFrame(detects_im, columns=columns)
    detects_im_df['max_cls'] = labels
    detects_im_df['max_score'] = score_max
    detects_im_df = detects_im_df[detects_im_df["max_score"]>=CONF_THRESH]  
    detects_im_df['Counts'] = detects_im_df.groupby(['max_cls'])['max_cls'].transform('count')
    idx = detects_im_df.groupby(['max_cls'])['max_score'].transform(max) == detects_im_df['max_score']
    detects_im_df = detects_im_df[idx]
    detects_im_array = detects_im_df[columns].as_matrix()
    count[im] = detects_im_array.shape[0]
    if detects_im_array.shape[0] == 0:
        ind = np.argmax(score_max)
        outputs_im = detects_im[[ind], :]
        outputs_im = detects_im_array

print(sum([outputs[i].shape[0] for i in range(len(outputs))]))

In [ ]:
count8 = count

In [ ]:

In [ ]:

In [ ]:
diff = [(count5[i]-count9[i])>0 and count9[i]!=0 for i in range(4777)]
ims_diff = []
for i in range(1,2):
    if diff[i] == True:


In [ ]:
#visualize test image crop

with open("../RFCN/ImageSets/Main/test.txt","r") as f:
    ims = f.readlines()
test_files = [im[:-1]+'.jpg' for im in ims]

for j in np.ndarray.tolist(np.where(count==0)[0][-10:]):
    dets = outputs[j]
    im ="../RFCN/JPEGImages/"+test_files[j])
    im = np.asarray(im)
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(8, 5))
    ax.imshow(im, aspect='equal')
    for i in range(dets.shape[0]):
        bbox = dets[i, :4]
        score = np.amax(dets[i,4:])
        index = np.argmax(dets[i,4:])
        class_name = FISH_CLASSES[index]
        #if not (bbox[0] == 0 and bbox[1] == 0 and bbox[2] == 0 and bbox[3] == 0):
        ax.add_patch(plt.Rectangle((bbox[0], bbox[1]),
                          bbox[2] - bbox[0],
                          bbox[3] - bbox[1], fill=False,
                          edgecolor='red', linewidth=3.5))
        ax.text(bbox[0], bbox[1] - 2,
                '{:s} {:.3f}'.format(class_name, score),
                bbox=dict(facecolor='blue', alpha=0.5),
                fontsize=14, color='white')

    ax.set_title(('Image {} detections with '
                  'p({} | box) >= {:.1f}').format(j, class_name, CONF_THRESH),fontsize=14)

In [2]:
#submission from detections_full_AGNOSTICnms.pkl 取同类中score最高的,按类的数量加权平均

RFCN_MODEL = 'resnet101_rfcn_ohem_iter_30000'

import pickle 
with open('../data/RFCN_detections/detections_full_AGNOSTICnms_'+RFCN_MODEL+'.pkl','rb') as f:
    detections_full_AGNOSTICnms = pickle.load(f, encoding='latin1') 
outputs = np.ndarray((len(detections_full_AGNOSTICnms), len(FISH_CLASSES)), dtype=np.float64)
count = np.zeros(len(detections_full_AGNOSTICnms))

for im in range(len(detections_full_AGNOSTICnms)):
#for im in range(2,3):
    if im%1000 == 0:
    detects_im = detections_full_AGNOSTICnms[im]
    score_max = np.max(detects_im[:,5:], axis=1)
    inds = np.argmax(detects_im[:,5:], axis=1)
    labels = [FISH_CLASSES[ind+1] for ind in inds]
    columns = ['box1', 'box2', 'box3', 'box4']
    detects_im_df = pd.DataFrame(detects_im, columns=columns)
    detects_im_df['max_cls'] = labels
    detects_im_df['max_score'] = score_max
    detects_im_df = detects_im_df[detects_im_df["max_score"]>=CONF_THRESH]
    count[im] = detects_im_df.shape[0]
    detects_im_df['Counts'] = detects_im_df.groupby(['max_cls'])['max_cls'].transform('count')
    idx = detects_im_df.groupby(['max_cls'])['max_score'].transform(max) == detects_im_df['max_score']
    detects_im_df = detects_im_df[idx]
    l = FISH_CLASSES.copy()
    detects_im_array = detects_im_df[l].as_matrix()
    count[im] = detects_im_array.shape[0]
    if detects_im_array.shape[0] == 0:
        ind = np.argmax(score_max)
        outputs_im = detects_im[ind,4:12]
        outputs_im = np.average(detects_im_array[:,:-1], axis=0, weights=detects_im_array[:,-1], returned=False)
    outputs[im] = outputs_im


In [3]:

Counter({0.0: 682, 1.0: 4057, 2.0: 38})

In [4]:
# CLIP_THRESH = 0.02
# outputs_cliped = np.clip(outputs, CLIP_THRESH, 1, out=None)
# outputs_cliped = outputs_cliped/np.sum(outputs_cliped, axis=1, keepdims=True)
# test_preds = outputs_cliped[:1000]
# train_preds = outputs_cliped[1000:]

T = 2.5
outputs_T = np.exp(np.log(outputs)/T)
outputs_T = outputs_T/np.sum(outputs_T, axis=1, keepdims=True)
test_preds = outputs_T[:1000]
train_preds = outputs_T[1000:]

with open("../RFCN/ImageSets/Main/test.txt","r") as f:
    ims = f.readlines()
test_files = [im[:-1]+'.jpg' for im in ims[:1000]]
train_files = [im[:-1] for im in ims[1000:]]
with open("../RFCN/ImageSets/Main/train_test.txt","r") as f:
    train_file_labels = f.readlines()

log_losses = []
for i in range(len(train_preds)):
    im = train_files[i]
    for im_label in train_file_labels:
        if im == im_label[:9]:
            label = im_label[10:-1]
            index = FISH_CLASSES.index(label)
log_loss = sum(log_losses) / float(len(log_losses))
print('logloss of train is', log_loss )

import datetime

submission = pd.DataFrame(test_preds, columns=FISH_CLASSES)
#submission.loc[:, 'image'] = pd.Series(test_files, index=submission.index)
submission.insert(0, 'image', test_files)

now =
# info = 'RFCN_AGONOSTICnms_clsMaxAve_resnet101_rfcn_ohem_iter_30000_conf{:.1f}_'.format(CONF_THRESH) + 'clip{:.2f}_'.format(CLIP_THRESH) + '{:.4f}'.format(log_loss)
info = 'RFCN_AGONOSTICnms_clsMaxAve_'+RFCN_MODEL+'_conf{:.2f}_T{}_'.format(CONF_THRESH, T) + '{:.4f}'.format(log_loss)
sub_file = 'submission_' + info + '.csv'
submission.to_csv(sub_file, index=False)

logloss of train is 0.11326009097947366

In [22]:

count_test = {}
cnt = collections.Counter(np.argmax(test_preds, axis=1))
for key, value in cnt.items():
    count_test[FISH_CLASSES[key]] = value 
count_test = collections.OrderedDict(sorted(count_test.items()))

count_train = {}
cnt = collections.Counter(np.argmax(train_preds, axis=1))
for key, value in cnt.items():
    count_train[FISH_CLASSES[key]] = value 
count_train = collections.OrderedDict(sorted(count_train.items()))

count_gt = {}
for fish in FISH_CLASSES:
    count_gt[fish] = len(os.listdir('../data/train/'+fish))
count_gt = collections.OrderedDict(sorted(count_gt.items()))

OrderedDict([('ALB', 527), ('BET', 15), ('DOL', 13), ('LAG', 38), ('NoF', 179), ('OTHER', 73), ('SHARK', 15), ('YFT', 140)])
OrderedDict([('ALB', 1731), ('BET', 200), ('DOL', 116), ('LAG', 67), ('NoF', 453), ('OTHER', 299), ('SHARK', 175), ('YFT', 736)])
OrderedDict([('ALB', 1719), ('BET', 200), ('DOL', 117), ('LAG', 67), ('NoF', 465), ('OTHER', 299), ('SHARK', 176), ('YFT', 734)])

In [23]:
for key, value in count_test.items():
    count_test[key] = value*3.777 

OrderedDict([('ALB', 1990.479), ('BET', 56.655), ('DOL', 49.101), ('LAG', 143.526), ('NoF', 676.083), ('OTHER', 275.721), ('SHARK', 56.655), ('YFT', 528.78)])
#crop test images by detections_full_AGNOSTICnms.pkl FISH_CLASSES = ['NoF', 'ALB', 'BET', 'DOL', 'LAG', 'OTHER', 'SHARK', 'YFT'] import pickle with open('../data/RFCN_detections/detections_full_AGNOSTICnms_resnet101_rfcn_ohem_iter_30000.pkl','rb') as f: detections_full_AGNOSTICnms = pickle.load(f, encoding='latin1') CONF_THRESH = 0.5 outputs = [] count = np.zeros(len(detections_full_AGNOSTICnms)) for im in range(len(detections_full_AGNOSTICnms)): outputs_im = [] detects_im = detections_full_AGNOSTICnms[im] for i in range(len(detects_im)): if np.max(detects_im[i,5:]) >= CONF_THRESH: outputs_im.append(detects_im[i,:]) count[im] = len(outputs_im) if len(outputs_im) == 0: ind = np.argmax(np.max(detects_im[:,5:], axis=1)) outputs_im.append(detects_im[ind,:]) outputs_im = np.asarray(outputs_im) outputs.append(outputs_im) print(sum([outputs[i].shape[0] for i in range(len(outputs))]))
#submission from detections_full_AGNOSTICnms.pkl FISH_CLASSES = ['NoF', 'ALB', 'BET', 'DOL', 'LAG', 'OTHER', 'SHARK', 'YFT'] import pickle with open('../data/RFCN_detections/detections_full_AGNOSTICnms_resnet101_rfcn_ohem_iter_30000.pkl','rb') as f: detections_full_AGNOSTICnms = pickle.load(f, encoding='latin1') CONF_THRESH = 0.5 outputs = np.ndarray((len(detections_full_AGNOSTICnms), len(FISH_CLASSES)), dtype=np.float64) for im in range(len(detections_full_AGNOSTICnms)): outputs_im = [] detects_im = detections_full_AGNOSTICnms[im] for i in range(len(detects_im)): if np.max(detects_im[i,5:]) >= CONF_THRESH: outputs_im.append(detects_im[i,:]) if len(outputs_im) == 0: ind = np.argmax(np.max(detects_im[:,5:], axis=1)) l = [0,0,0,0] l.extend(np.ndarray.tolist(detects_im[ind,4:])) outputs_im.append(l) outputs_im = np.asarray(outputs_im) outputs[im] = np.mean(outputs_im, axis=0)[4:] CLIP_THRESH = 0.02 outputs_cliped = np.clip(outputs, CLIP_THRESH, 1, out=None) outputs_cliped = outputs_cliped/np.sum(outputs_cliped, axis=1, keepdims=True) test_preds = outputs_cliped[:1000] train_preds = outputs_cliped[1000:] with open("../RFCN/ImageSets/Main/test.txt","r") as f: ims = f.readlines() test_files = [im[:-1]+'.jpg' for im in ims[:1000]] train_files = [im[:-1] for im in ims[1000:]] with open("../RFCN/ImageSets/Main/train_test.txt","r") as f: train_file_labels = f.readlines() log_losses = [] for i in range(len(train_preds)): im = train_files[i] for im_label in train_file_labels: if im == im_label[:9]: label = im_label[10:-1] index = FISH_CLASSES.index(label) log_losses.append(-math.log(train_preds[i][index])) log_loss = sum(log_losses) / float(len(log_losses)) print('logloss of train is', log_loss ) import datetime submission = pd.DataFrame(test_preds, columns=FISH_CLASSES) #submission.loc[:, 'image'] = pd.Series(test_files, index=submission.index) submission.insert(0, 'image', test_files) now = info = 'RFCN_AGONOSTICnms_resnet101_conf{:.1f}_'.format(CONF_THRESH) + 'clip{:.2f}_'.format(CLIP_THRESH) + '{:.4f}'.format(log_loss) sub_file = 'submission_' + info + '_' + str(now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M")) + '.csv' submission.to_csv(sub_file, index=False)
#crop test images by detections_full.pkl FISH_CLASSES = ['NoF', 'ALB', 'BET', 'DOL', 'LAG', 'OTHER', 'SHARK', 'YFT'] import pickle with open('../data/RFCN_detections/detections_full_resnet101_rfcn_ohem_iter_30000.pkl','rb') as f: detections_full = pickle.load(f, encoding='latin1') CONF_THRESH = 0.5 outputs = [] count = np.zeros(len(detections_full[0])) for im in range(len(detections_full[0])): outputs_im = [] detects_im = [] for cls in range(1,len(FISH_CLASSES)): detects_im_cls = detections_full[cls][im] for i in range(len(detects_im_cls)): if np.max(detects_im_cls[i,4+cls]) >= CONF_THRESH: outputs_im.append(detects_im_cls[i,:]) count[im] = len(outputs_im) for cls in range(1,len(FISH_CLASSES)): detects_im.append(detections_full[cls][im]) detects_im = np.vstack(detects_im) if len(outputs_im) == 0: ind = np.argmax(np.max(detects_im[:,5:], axis=1)) outputs_im.append(detects_im[ind,:]) outputs_im = np.asarray(outputs_im) outputs.append(outputs_im) print(sum([outputs[i].shape[0] for i in range(len(outputs))]))
#submission from detections_full.pkl FISH_CLASSES = ['NoF', 'ALB', 'BET', 'DOL', 'LAG', 'OTHER', 'SHARK', 'YFT'] import pickle with open('../data/RFCN_detections/detections_full_resnet101_rfcn_ohem_iter_30000.pkl','rb') as f: detections_full = pickle.load(f, encoding='latin1') CONF_THRESH = 0.5 outputs = np.ndarray((len(detections_full[0]), len(FISH_CLASSES)), dtype=np.float64) for im in range(len(detections_full[0])): outputs_im = [] detects_im = [] for cls in range(1,len(FISH_CLASSES)): detects_im_cls = detections_full[cls][im] for i in range(len(detects_im_cls)): if np.max(detects_im_cls[i,4+cls]) >= CONF_THRESH: outputs_im.append(detects_im_cls[i,:]) for cls in range(1,len(FISH_CLASSES)): detects_im.append(detections_full[cls][im]) detects_im = np.vstack(detects_im) if len(outputs_im) == 0: ind = np.argmax(np.max(detects_im[:,5:], axis=1)) outputs_im.append(detects_im[ind,:]) outputs_im = np.asarray(outputs_im) outputs[im] = np.mean(outputs_im, axis=0)[4:] CLIP_THRESH = 0.02 outputs_cliped = np.clip(outputs, CLIP_THRESH, 1, out=None) outputs_cliped = outputs_cliped/np.sum(outputs_cliped, axis=1, keepdims=True) test_preds = outputs_cliped[:1000] train_preds = outputs_cliped[1000:] with open("../RFCN/ImageSets/Main/test.txt","r") as f: ims = f.readlines() test_files = [im[:-1]+'.jpg' for im in ims[:1000]] train_files = [im[:-1] for im in ims[1000:]] with open("../RFCN/ImageSets/Main/train_test.txt","r") as f: train_file_labels = f.readlines() log_losses = [] for i in range(len(train_preds)): im = train_files[i] for im_label in train_file_labels: if im == im_label[:9]: label = im_label[10:-1] index = FISH_CLASSES.index(label) log_losses.append(-math.log(train_preds[i][index])) log_loss = sum(log_losses) / float(len(log_losses)) print('logloss of train is', log_loss ) import datetime submission = pd.DataFrame(test_preds, columns=FISH_CLASSES) #submission.loc[:, 'image'] = pd.Series(test_files, index=submission.index) submission.insert(0, 'image', test_files) now = info = 'RFCN_resnet101_conf{:.2f}_'.format(CONF_THRESH) + 'clip{:.2f}_'.format(CLIP_THRESH) + '{:.4f}'.format(log_loss) sub_file = 'submission_' + info + '_' + str(now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M")) + '.csv' submission.to_csv(sub_file, index=False)