First project with Leap motion device

We will support gestures to control Linux desktop
Remember to have following directory structure: (I'm using Linux operating system) FirstProjectFolder | |------LeapSDK | |------src (this folder contains our code) Source code folder fo your program should also contain following files in the same directory: * * * Copy the above files from directory : path_to_LeapSDK-->lib-->x64_OR_x86-->, path_to_LeapSDK-->lib-->x64_OR_x86 (depending on version of python installed on your system) To check version of python installed on your system, open up terminal and type: python -V Now, the folder structure mentioned earlier has following structure: | |------LeapSDK | |------src-- | | | | |
First let's copy the sample code for reading input from Leap device:

In [2]:
# Copyright (C) 2012-2013 Leap Motion, Inc. All rights reserved.               #
# Leap Motion proprietary and confidential. Not for distribution.              #
# Use subject to the terms of the Leap Motion SDK Agreement available at       #
#, or another agreement         #
# between Leap Motion and you, your company or other organization.             #

import Leap, sys
from Leap import CircleGesture, KeyTapGesture, ScreenTapGesture, SwipeGesture

class SampleListener(Leap.Listener):
    def on_init(self, controller):
        print "Initialized"

    def on_connect(self, controller):
        print "Connected"

        # Enable gestures

    def on_disconnect(self, controller):
        # Note: not dispatched when running in a debugger.
        print "Disconnected"

    def on_exit(self, controller):
        print "Exited"

    def on_frame(self, controller):
        # Get the most recent frame and report some basic information
        frame = controller.frame()

        print "Frame id: %d, timestamp: %d, hands: %d, fingers: %d, tools: %d, gestures: %d" % (
    , frame.timestamp, len(frame.hands), len(frame.fingers), len(, len(frame.gestures()))

        if not frame.hands.is_empty:
            # Get the first hand
            hand = frame.hands[0]

            # Check if the hand has any fingers
            fingers = hand.fingers
            if not fingers.is_empty:
                # Calculate the hand's average finger tip position
                avg_pos = Leap.Vector()
                for finger in fingers:
                    avg_pos += finger.tip_position
                avg_pos /= len(fingers)
                print "Hand has %d fingers, average finger tip position: %s" % (
                      len(fingers), avg_pos)

            # Get the hand's sphere radius and palm position
            print "Hand sphere radius: %f mm, palm position: %s" % (
                  hand.sphere_radius, hand.palm_position)

            # Get the hand's normal vector and direction
            normal = hand.palm_normal
            direction = hand.direction

            # Calculate the hand's pitch, roll, and yaw angles
            print "Hand pitch: %f degrees, roll: %f degrees, yaw: %f degrees" % (
                direction.pitch * Leap.RAD_TO_DEG,
                normal.roll * Leap.RAD_TO_DEG,
                direction.yaw * Leap.RAD_TO_DEG)

            # Gestures
            for gesture in frame.gestures():
                if gesture.type == Leap.Gesture.TYPE_CIRCLE:
                    circle = CircleGesture(gesture)

                    # Determine clock direction using the angle between the pointable and the circle normal
                    if circle.pointable.direction.angle_to(circle.normal) <= Leap.PI/4:
                        clockwiseness = "clockwise"
                        clockwiseness = "counterclockwise"

                    # Calculate the angle swept since the last frame
                    swept_angle = 0
                    if circle.state != Leap.Gesture.STATE_START:
                        previous_update = CircleGesture(controller.frame(1).gesture(
                        swept_angle =  (circle.progress - previous_update.progress) * 2 * Leap.PI

                    print "Circle id: %d, %s, progress: %f, radius: %f, angle: %f degrees, %s" % (
                  , self.state_string(gesture.state),
                            circle.progress, circle.radius, swept_angle * Leap.RAD_TO_DEG, clockwiseness)

                if gesture.type == Leap.Gesture.TYPE_SWIPE:
                    swipe = SwipeGesture(gesture)
                    print "Swipe id: %d, state: %s, position: %s, direction: %s, speed: %f" % (
                  , self.state_string(gesture.state),
                            swipe.position, swipe.direction, swipe.speed)

                if gesture.type == Leap.Gesture.TYPE_KEY_TAP:
                    keytap = KeyTapGesture(gesture)
                    print "Key Tap id: %d, %s, position: %s, direction: %s" % (
                  , self.state_string(gesture.state),
                            keytap.position, keytap.direction )

                if gesture.type == Leap.Gesture.TYPE_SCREEN_TAP:
                    screentap = ScreenTapGesture(gesture)
                    print "Screen Tap id: %d, %s, position: %s, direction: %s" % (
                  , self.state_string(gesture.state),
                            screentap.position, screentap.direction )

        if not (frame.hands.is_empty and frame.gestures().is_empty):
            print ""

    def state_string(self, state):
        if state == Leap.Gesture.STATE_START:
            return "STATE_START"

        if state == Leap.Gesture.STATE_UPDATE:
            return "STATE_UPDATE"

        if state == Leap.Gesture.STATE_STOP:
            return "STATE_STOP"

        if state == Leap.Gesture.STATE_INVALID:
            return "STATE_INVALID"

def main():
    # Create a sample listener and controller
    listener = SampleListener()
    controller = Leap.Controller()

    # Have the sample listener receive events from the controller

    # Keep this process running until Enter is pressed
    print "Press Enter to quit..."

    # Remove the sample listener when done
Use xvkbd (virtual keyboard) to send virutal key strokes to X server Example in
To show all windows in current workspace : xvkbd -text '\A\[w]' To show all workspaces : xvkbd -text '\A\[q]' To go to next workspace : xvkbd -text '\C\A\[Right]' To go to previous workspace : xvkbd -text '\C\A\[Left]'
We just need to decide some gestures that we'll detect and dispatch above mentioned commands