In [1]:
#-*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
Copyright (c) 2015 @myuuuuun
This software is released under the MIT License.
%matplotlib inline
from __future__ import division, print_function
import math
import numpy as np
import functools
import sys
import types
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
EPSIRON = 1.0e-8
係数行列[a_0, a_1, ..., a_n] から、n次多項式 a_0 + a_1 * x + ... + a_n * x^n
def make_polynomial(a_matrix):
def __func__(x):
f = 0
for n, a_i in enumerate(a_matrix):
f += a_i * pow(x, n)
return f
return __func__
points: 与えられた点列のリスト[[x_0, f_0], [x_1, f_1], ..., [x_n, f_n]]
x_list: 近似曲線を描写するxの範囲・密度
f_list: 上のxに対応するfの値
def points_on_func(points, x_list, f_list, **kwargs):
title = kwargs.get('title', "Given Points and Interpolation Curve")
xlim = kwargs.get('xlim', False)
ylim = kwargs.get('ylim', False)
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
plt.plot(x_list, f_list, color='b', linewidth=1, label="Interpolation Curve")
points_x = [point[0] for point in points]
points_y = [point[1] for point in points]
plt.plot(points_x, points_y, 'o', color='r', label="Given Points")
if xlim:
if ylim:
In [5]:
def lagrange(points):
# 次元数
dim = len(points) - 1
# matrix Xをもとめる(ヴァンデルモンドの行列式)
x_matrix = np.array([[pow(point[0], j) for j in range(dim + 1)] for point in points])
# matrix Fをもとめる
f_matrix = np.array([point[1] for point in points])
# 線形方程式 X * A = F を解く
a_matrix = np.linalg.solve(x_matrix, f_matrix)
return a_matrix
In [6]:
# lagrange()で求めた補間多項式と、元の点列をプロットしてみる
# 与えられた点列のリスト
points = [[1, 1], [2, 2], [3, 1], [4, 1], [5, 3]]
# ラグランジュの補間多項式の係数行列を求める
a_matrix = lagrange(points)
# 係数行列を多項式に変換
func_lagrange = make_polynomial(a_matrix)
# 0から8まで、0.1刻みでxとfの値のセットを求める
x_list = np.arange(0, 8, 0.1)
f_list = func_lagrange(x_list)
# プロットする
points_on_func(points, x_list, f_list)
In [7]:
def lagrange2(points, x_list=np.arange(-5, 5, 0.1)):
dim = len(points) - 1
f_list = []
for x in x_list:
L = 0
for i in range(dim + 1):
Li = 1
for j in range(dim + 1):
if j != i:
Li *= (x - points[j][0]) / (points[i][0] - points[j][0])
Li *= points[i][1]
L += Li
return f_list
In [11]:
points = [[1, 1], [2, 2], [3, 1], [4, 1], [5, 3]]
a_matrix = lagrange2(points, np.arange(0, 8, 0.1))
points_on_func(points, np.arange(0, 8, 0.1), a_matrix)
In [ ]: