\tableofcontents % These TeX commands run at the start to remove section numbering \renewcommand{\thesection}{\hspace*{-1.0em}} \renewcommand{\thesubsection}{\hspace*{-1.0em}} \renewcommand{\thesubsubsection}{\hspace*{-1.0em}}

In [1]:
%pylab inline
#%matplotlib qt
from __future__ import division # use so 1/2 = 0.5, etc.
import sk_dsp_comm.sigsys as ss
import sk_dsp_comm.pyaudio_helper as pah
import scipy.signal as signal
import time
import sys
import imp # for module development and reload()
from IPython.display import Audio, display
from IPython.display import Image, SVG

Populating the interactive namespace from numpy and matplotlib

In [2]:
pylab.rcParams['savefig.dpi'] = 100 # default 72
#pylab.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = (6.0, 4.0) # default (6,4)
#%config InlineBackend.figure_formats=['png'] # default for inline viewing
%config InlineBackend.figure_formats=['svg'] # SVG inline viewing
#%config InlineBackend.figure_formats=['pdf'] # render pdf figs for LaTeX


A simplified block diagram of PyAudio streaming-based (nonblocking) signal processing.

In [3]:


In [3]:

Index 0 device name = Built-in Microphone, inputs = 2, outputs = 0
Index 1 device name = Built-in Output, inputs = 0, outputs = 2
Index 2 device name = USB Audio Device, inputs = 1, outputs = 2

Real-Time Loop Through

Here we set up a simple callback function that passes the input samples directly to the output. The module pyaudio_support provides a class for managing a pyaudio stream object, capturing the samples processed by the callback function, and collection of performance metrics. Once the callback function is written/declared a DSP_io_stream object can be created and then the stream(Tsec) method can be executed to start the input/output processing, e.g.,

import pyaudio_helper as pah

DSP_IO = pah.DSP_io_stream(callback,in_idx, out_idx)

where in_idx is the index of the chosen input device found using available_devices() and similarly in_idx is the index of the chosen output device.

  • The callback function must be written first as the function name used by the object to call the callback.

In [4]:
# define a pass through, y = x, callback
def callback(in_data, frame_count, time_info, status):
    # convert byte data to ndarray
    in_data_nda = np.fromstring(in_data, dtype=np.int16)
    # DSP operations here
    # Here we apply a linear filter to the input
    x = in_data_nda.astype(float32)
    y = x
    # Typically more DSP code here     
    # Save data for later analysis
    # accumulate a new frame of samples
    # Convert from float back to int16
    y = y.astype(int16)
    # Convert ndarray back to bytes
    #return (in_data_nda.tobytes(), pyaudio.paContinue)
    return y.tobytes(), pah.pyaudio.paContinue

In [7]:
DSP_IO = pah.DSP_io_stream(callback,2,1,Tcapture=0)

In [8]:

Audio input/output streaming session complete!

Real-Time Filtering

Here we set up a callback function that filters the input samples and then sends them to the output.

import pyaudio_helper as pah

DSP_IO = pah.DSP_io_stream(callback,in_idx, out_idx)

where in_idx is the index of the chosen input device found using available_devices() and similarly in_idx is the index of the chosen output device.

  • The callback function must be written first as the function name is used by the object to call the callback
  • To demonstrate this we first design some filters that can be used in testing

In [10]:
import sk_dsp_comm.fir_design_helper as fir_d

In [11]:
b = fir_d.fir_remez_bpf(2500,3000,4500,5000,.5,60,44100,18)

Remez filter taps = 193.

In [21]:
# Design an IIR Notch
b, a = ss.fir_iir_notch(3000,44100,r= 0.9)

Create some global variables for the filter coefficients and the filter state array (recall that a filter has memory).

In [13]:
# For the FIR filter 'b' is defined above, but 'a' also needs to be declared
# For the IIR notch filter both 'b' and 'a' are declared above
a = [1]
zi = signal.lfiltic(b,a,[0])
#zi = signal.sosfilt_zi(sos)

In [14]:
# define callback (#2)
def callback2(in_data, frame_count, time_info, status):
    global b, a, zi
    # convert byte data to ndarray
    in_data_nda = np.fromstring(in_data, dtype=np.int16)
    # DSP operations here
    # Here we apply a linear filter to the input
    x = in_data_nda.astype(float32)
    #y = x
    # The filter state/(memory), zi, must be maintained from frame-to-frame 
    y, zi = signal.lfilter(b,a,x,zi=zi) # for FIR or simple IIR
    #y, zi = signal.sosfilt(sos,x,zi=zi) # for IIR use second-order sections    
    # Save data for later analysis
    # accumulate a new frame of samples
    # Convert from float back to int16
    y = y.astype(int16)
    return y.tobytes(), pah.pyaudio.paContinue

In [15]:
DSP_IO = pah.DSP_io_stream(callback2,2,1,Tcapture=0)

In [16]:

Audio input/output streaming session complete!

Real-Time Playback

The case of real-time playback sends an ndarray through the chosen audio output path with the array data either being truncated or looped depending upon the length of the array relative to Tsec supplied to stream(Tsec). To manage the potential looping aspect of the input array, we first make a loop_audio object from the input array. An example of this shown below:

In [19]:
# define callback (2)
# Here we configure the callback to play back a wav file                      
def callback3(in_data, frame_count, time_info, status):
    # Ignore in_data when generating output only
    global x
    # Note wav is scaled to [-1,1] so need to rescale to int16
    y = 32767*x.get_samples(frame_count)
    # Perform real-time DSP here if desired
    # Save data for later analysis
    # accumulate a new frame of samples
    # Convert from float back to int16
    y = y.astype(int16)
    return y.tobytes(), pah.pyaudio.paContinue

In [32]:
#fs, x_wav = ss.from_wav('OSR_us_000_0018_8k.wav')
fs, x_wav2 = ss.from_wav('Music_Test.wav')
x_wav = (x_wav2[:,0] + x_wav2[:,1])/2
#x_wav = x_wav[15000:90000]
x = pah.loop_audio(x_wav)
#DSP_IO = pah.DSP_io_stream(callback3,2,1,fs=8000,Tcapture=2)
DSP_IO = pah.DSP_io_stream(callback3,2,1,fs=44100,Tcapture=2)

Audio input/output streaming session complete!

Real-Time Audio Capture/Record

Here we use PyAudio to acquire or capture the signal present on the chosen input device, e.g., microphone or a line-in signal from some sensor or music source. The example captures from the built-in microphone found on most PCs.

In [ ]:
# define callback (2)
# Here we configure the callback to capture a one channel input
def callback4(in_data, frame_count, time_info, status):
    # convert byte data to ndarray
    in_data_nda = np.fromstring(in_data, dtype=np.int16)
    # DSP operations here
    # Here we apply a linear filter to the input
    x = in_data_nda.astype(float32)
    y = x 
    # Save data for later analysis
    # accumulate a new frame of samples
    # Convert from float back to int16
    y = 0*y.astype(int16)
    # Convert ndarray back to bytes
    #return (in_data_nda.tobytes(), pyaudio.paContinue)
    return y.tobytes(), pah.pyaudio.paContinue

In [ ]:
DSP_IO = pah.DSP_io_stream(callback4,0,1,fs=22050)

Capture Buffer Analysis

As each of the above real-time processing scenarios is run, move down here in the notebook to do some analysis of what happened.

  • The stream_stats() provides statistics related to the real-time performance
  • What is the period between callbacks, ideal not contention theory and measured
  • The average time spent in the callback
    • The frame-based processing approach taken by PyAudio allows for efficient processing at the expense of latency in getting the first input sample to the output
    • With a large frame_length and the corresponding latency, a lot of processing time is available to get DSP work done
  • The object DSP_IO also contains a capture buffer (an ndarray), data_capture
  • Post processing this buffer allows further study of what was passed to the output of the DSP IP itself
  • In the case of a capture only application, the array data_capture is fundamental interest, as this is what you were seeking

In [13]:

Ideal Callback period = 23.22 (ms)
Average Callback Period = 23.22 (ms)
Average Callback process time = 0.31 (ms)

Note for a attributes used in the above examples the frame_length is alsways 1024 samples and the sampling rate $f_s = 44.1$ ksps. The ideal callback period is this $$ T_{cb} = \frac{1024}{44100} = 23.22\ \text{(ms)} $$

In [30]:
T_cb = 1024/44100 * 1000 # times 1000 to get units of ms
print('Callback/Frame period = %1.4f (ms)' % T_cb)

Callback/Frame period = 23.2200 (ms)

Next consider what the captures tic and toc data revels about the processing. Calling the method cb_active_plot() produces a plot similar to what an electrical engineer would see what using a logic analyzer to show the time spent in an interrupt service routine of an embedded system. The latency is also evident. You expect to see a minimum latency of two frame lengths (input buffer fill and output buffer fill),e.g., $$ T_\text{latency} >= 2\times \frac{1024}{44100} \times 1000 = 56.44\ \text{(ms)} $$ The host processor is multitasking, so the latency can be even greater. A true real-time DSP system would give the signal processing high priority and hence much lower latency is expected.

In [32]:
DSP_IO.cb_active_plot(0,270) # enter start time (ms) and stop time (ms)

In [35]:
Npts = 1000
Nstart = 1000
title(r'A Portion of the capture buffer')
ylabel(r'Amplitude (int16)')
xlabel(r'Time (ms)')

Finally, the spectrum of the output signal. To apply custon scaling we use a variation of psd() found in the sigsys module. If we are plotting the spectrum of white noise sent through a filter, the output PSD will be of the form $\sigma_w^2|H(e^{j2\pi f/f_s})|^2$, where $\sigma_w^2$ is the variance of the noise driving the filter. You may choose to overlay a plot of

In [17]:
Pxx, F = ss.my_psd(DSP_IO.data_capture,2**13,44100);
plot(F,10*log10(Pxx/max(Pxx))+3,'g') # Normalize by the max PSD

In [ ]:
ylim([0, 5000])

What to Try Next?

In [ ]: