Skill Clustering by Matrix Factorization

Steps of skill clustering:

  • Obtain a representation of skills in a space of latent factors: this can be done by Matrix Factorization (MF) approach
  • Measure distance between skills in the latent space
  • Cluster skills based on their distance in the space

We can try MF on count matrix or tfidf matrix. However, on building these matrices, we need to take of "duplication" problem.

In [1]:
import my_util as my_util
import cluster_skill_helpers as cluster_skill_helpers
from cluster_skill_helpers import *

import random as rd

In [2]:
HOME_DIR = 'd:/larc_projects/job_analytics/'
SKILL_DAT = HOME_DIR + 'data/clean/skill_cluster/' 
SKILL_RES = HOME_DIR + 'results/' + 'skill_cluster/new/'

First, we try it on count matrix as the matrix is already avail.

NMF on count matrix

In [3]:
# Load count matrix
skill_df = pd.read_csv(SKILL_DAT + 'skill_index.csv')
skills = skill_df['skill']

doc_skill = mmread(SKILL_DAT + 'doc_skill.mtx')

There are various choices to initialize NMF including random and by SVD. We try random NMF, denoted as rnmf.

In [4]:
ks = range(10, 60, 10)

In [5]:
rnmf = {k: NMF(n_components=k, random_state=0) for k in ks}
print( "Fitting NMF using random initialization..." )
print('No. of factors, Error, Running time')
rnmf_error = []

for k in ks:
    t0 = time()
    elapsed = time() - t0
    err = rnmf[k].reconstruction_err_
    print('%d, %0.1f, %0.1fs' %(k, err, elapsed))
# end

Fitting NMF using random initialization...
No. of factors, Error, Running time
10, 1824.0, 7.9s
20, 1772.3, 11.7s
30, 1731.9, 43.3s
40, 1696.9, 106.4s
50, 1665.0, 160.1s

In [6]:
# Save learned factor-skill matrices
nmf_dir = SKILL_RES + 'nmf/'
for k in ks:
    fname = '{}factor_skill.csv'.format(k)
    pd.DataFrame(rnmf[k].components_).to_csv(nmf_dir + fname, index=False)
    print('saved {}factor-skill matrix'.format(k))

saved 10factor-skill matrix
saved 20factor-skill matrix
saved 30factor-skill matrix
saved 40factor-skill matrix
saved 50factor-skill matrix

NMF on TF-IDF matrix