In [1]:
import random
import ja_helpers as ja_helpers; from ja_helpers import *
import stat_helpers as stat_helpers; from stat_helpers import *

In [2]:
HOME_DIR = 'd:/larc_projects/job_analytics/'
DATA_DIR = HOME_DIR + 'data/clean/'; RES_DIR = HOME_DIR + 'results/'

In [3]:
df = pd.read_csv(DATA_DIR + 'uniq_doc_index.csv')

(80464, 9)

In [4]:
n_topic=20; fname = DATA_DIR + 'doc_{}topic_distr.mtx'.format(n_topic)
with(open(fname, 'r')) as f:
    doc_topic_distr = mmread(f)

In [8]:
# df = df.set_index('index')

doc job_id title n_skill occur_skills employer_id employer_name industry
72585 must have own customer base develop new and pr... JOB-2015-0225927 Sales Executive 9 freight,logistics,routing,sop,following up,pro... 198701829Z "K" LINE LOGISTICS (SINGAPORE) PTE. LTD. Transportation and Storage
72209 perform ar and ap functions preparation of aud... JOB-2015-0196481 Accounts Executive 5 administrative,audit,gst,reconciliation,cash f... 198701829Z "K" LINE LOGISTICS (SINGAPORE) PTE. LTD. Transportation and Storage
97747 1 special cargo related check special cargo ap... JOB-2015-0242935 Executive 4 cargo,offices,parties,prevention 199902703D "K" LINE PTE LTD Transportation and Storage
91456 job description manage and supervise local off... JOB-2015-0190267 Operations Executive 8 contracts,efficiency,inform,offices,parties,pa... 199902703D "K" LINE PTE LTD Transportation and Storage
88536 monthly maintainence and repair cost monitorin... JOB-2015-0160717 Chief Engineer 4 audit,container,cost reporting,technical support 199902703D "K" LINE PTE LTD Transportation and Storage

Consistency of Job Posts

The consistency of job posts under the same job title let us know whether the title is a specialized or non-specialized job. For example Software Engineer vs. Manager....

Across industries

Given a job title, we compute its consistency score for all job posts under the title. Thus the score is computed across industries.

For a job title with more than 100 posts, computing the pairwise similarity scores of job posts will be time consuming, as we need to compute at least 5000 scores. To speed up, we use sampling strategy, e.g., for such a job title, we just compute similarity scores for a sample of 100 posts (each with at least x skills, where x is the first quartile of n_skill). Thus, we first need to set seed for reproducible results later on.

In [15]:

In [30]:
def cScore_all_industry(job_title, df):

    sub_df = df[df['title'] == job_title]
    # rm posts with too few skills
    lb = sub_df['n_skill'].quantile(.25) 
    sub_df = sub_df[(sub_df['n_skill'] >= lb)]
    n_post = sub_df.shape[0]
    posts_of_title = sub_df.sample(n=100) if n_post > 100 else sub_df
    sample_size = posts_of_title.shape[0]
    print('Job title {}:'.format(job_title))
    print('\t use {} posts, each post with at least {} skills...'.format(sample_size, int(lb)))
    t0 = time(); 
    res = calScore(posts_of_title, doc_topic_distr)
    print('\t done after %.1fs' %(time() - t0))
    score = round(res['sim_score'].mean(), 3)
    # score = round(res['sim_score'].median(), 3)
    print('\t consistency score: {}'.format(score))
    return score
    #     return res

def cScoreByIndustry(job_title='Research Fellow', industry='Education', df=df):
    print('Job title: {}, Industry: {}'.format(job_title, industry))
    sub_df = df[(df['title'] == job_title) & (df['industry'] == industry)]
    n_post = sub_df.shape[0] 
    print('\t total # posts: {}'.format(n_post))
    if not sub_df.empty:
        # rm posts with too few skills
        lb = sub_df['n_skill'].quantile(.25) 
        sub_df = sub_df[(sub_df['n_skill'] >= lb)]
        n_post = sub_df.shape[0]
        posts_of_title = sub_df.sample(n=100) if n_post > 100 else sub_df

        sample_size = posts_of_title.shape[0]
        print('\t use {} posts, each post with at least {} skills...'.format(sample_size, int(lb)))

        t0 = time(); 
        res = calScore(posts_of_title, doc_topic_distr)
        print('\t done after %.1fs' %(time() - t0))

        score = round(res['sim_score'].mean(), 3)
        # score = round(res['sim_score'].median(), 3)
        print('\t consistency score: {}'.format(score))
        return score
        #     return res

def calScore4Row(r):
    job_title, industry = r['title'], r['industry']
    return cScoreByIndustry(job_title, industry)

def aggByJobTitle(df):
    by_job_title = df.groupby('title')
    agg_df = by_job_title.agg({'job_id': 'nunique', 'industry': 'nunique'})
    agg_df = agg_df.add_prefix('n_').reset_index()

    agg_df.rename(columns={'n_job_id': 'n_post'}, inplace=True)
    return agg_df.sort_values('n_post', ascending=False)

In [21]:
agg_df = aggByJobTitle(df)

count    4954.0
mean       16.2
std        51.7
min         1.0
25%         1.0
50%         4.0
75%        12.0
max      1184.0
Name: n_post, dtype: float64

In [22]:
agg_df = agg_df.query('n_post >= 5')
titles = agg_df['title']; len(titles)


In [ ]:
agg_df['consistency_score'] = agg_df['title'].apply(cScore_all_industry, df=df)

In [358]:
agg_df.query('title == "Analyst"')

title n_industry n_post c_score_overall c_score_by_industry c_score_diff
202 Analyst 16 1283 0.799 0.876 0.077

Analyzing the result shows us that there are consistency scores that are unexpectedly high. In the above example, job title Analyst has a consistency score 0.799. What is the reason of this? To get to the root of this, we need to plot cluster distributions of job posts to check how similar they can be.

In [18]:
# Global settings for all cluster plots
abbv_clusters = ['FIN', 'HWR', 'SCI', 'PROD', 'CON', 'LEG', 'CUS', 'LOG', 'MKT', 'SWR', 'MAN', 'HOS', 'AUD', 'COM', 'HR']
x = range(1, 16); labels = abbv_clusters

In [19]:
def getPosts2Check(job_title, industry, n_pair=10):
    sub_df = df[(df['title'] == job_title) & (df['industry'] == industry)]
    # Drop duplicated posts due to reposting
    scores = calScore(sub_df, doc_topic_distr)
    scores = scores.query('sim_score < 1').sort_values('sim_score', ascending=False)

    k_pairs = scores.head(n_pair)
    ids2check = np.unique(list(k_pairs['job_id1']) + list(k_pairs['job_id2']))
    print('# posts to check: %d' %len(ids2check))

    posts2check = sub_df[sub_df['job_id'].isin(ids2check)]
    return posts2check.sort_values('employer_name')

#     return k_pairs

def plotClusterDists(posts, doc_topic_distr, figsize):
    n_post = posts.shape[0]
    fig, axarr = plt.subplots(n_post, sharex=True, figsize=figsize)

    for r in range(n_post):
        plt.subplot(n_post, 1, r+1)
        plotClusterDistAtRow(r, posts, doc_topic_distr)
        # Show ylabel at the middle
        if r==(n_post/2 - 1): 
            plt.ylabel('Probability', fontsize=24)

    ## Fine tune the fig    

    # Hide xticks on all subplots except the last one

    # Provide xtick labels only for the last subplot
    plt.xticks(x, labels, rotation=45)
    # Show xlabel only at the last subplot    
    plt.xlabel('Skill Clusters', fontsize=20)
    return fig

In [33]:
posts2check = getPosts2Check(job_title="Software Engineer", industry="Financial and Insurance Activities", n_pair=5)
fig = plotClusterDists(posts2check)
# plt.savefig(LDA_DIR + 'fig/se_in_fin.jpg'); plt.close()

Computing pair similarity scores among 31 job posts,
each post is compared with subseq posts...
	 0 posts and counting...
	 10 posts and counting...
	 20 posts and counting...
Done after 0.6s
# posts to check: 9

From the plot, we can see obvious duplications due to reposting jobs. We should have created these plots from the beginning to detect the duplication earlier.

Lesson learnt: Anytime needed, e.g. when there are sth not right, plot things out to get a clear picture.

Consistency scores after Duplication Filtering

In [38]:
from ja_helpers import *

In [ ]:
filter_df = pd.read_csv(DATA_DIR + 'filter_doc_index.csv')
filter_df.set_index('index', inplace=True)

In [25]:
# Simply removing exact dups
print cScore_all_industry('Analyst', df)
cScoreByIndustry('Analyst', industry='Financial and Insurance Activities', df=df)

Job title Analyst:
	 use 100 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
Computing pair similarity scores among 100 job posts,
each post is compared with subseq posts...
	 0 posts and counting...
	 10 posts and counting...
	 20 posts and counting...
	 30 posts and counting...
	 40 posts and counting...
	 50 posts and counting...
	 60 posts and counting...
	 70 posts and counting...
	 80 posts and counting...
	 90 posts and counting...
Done after 6.6s
	 done after 6.6s
	 consistency score: 0.957

In [32]:
# Filtering also similar posts
cScoreByIndustry('Analyst', industry='Financial and Insurance Activities', df=filter_df)

Job title: Analyst, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 525
	 use 100 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
Computing pair similarity scores among 100 job posts,
each post is compared with subseq posts...
	 0 posts and counting...
	 10 posts and counting...
	 20 posts and counting...
	 30 posts and counting...
	 40 posts and counting...
	 50 posts and counting...
	 60 posts and counting...
	 70 posts and counting...
	 80 posts and counting...
	 90 posts and counting...
Done after 6.6s
	 done after 6.7s
	 consistency score: 0.957

In [360]:
t0 = time()
agg_df['consistency_score_2'] = agg_df['title'].apply(cScore_all_industry)
print('Done after %.1fs' %(time() - t0))

Job title Administrative Assistant:
	 use 100 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
Computing pair similarity scores among 100 job posts,
each post is compared with subseq posts...
	 0 posts and counting...
	 10 posts and counting...
	 20 posts and counting...
	 30 posts and counting...
	 40 posts and counting...
	 50 posts and counting...
	 60 posts and counting...
	 70 posts and counting...
	 80 posts and counting...
	 90 posts and counting...
Done after 6.5s
	 done after 6.5s
	 consistency score: 0.987
Job title Analyst:
	 use 100 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
Computing pair similarity scores among 100 job posts,
each post is compared with subseq posts...
	 0 posts and counting...
	 10 posts and counting...
	 20 posts and counting...
	 30 posts and counting...
	 40 posts and counting...
	 50 posts and counting...
	 60 posts and counting...
	 70 posts and counting...
	 80 posts and counting...
	 90 posts and counting...
Done after 6.8s
	 done after 6.8s
	 consistency score: 0.964
Job title Business Analyst:
	 use 100 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
Computing pair similarity scores among 100 job posts,
each post is compared with subseq posts...
	 0 posts and counting...
	 10 posts and counting...
	 20 posts and counting...
	 30 posts and counting...
	 40 posts and counting...
	 50 posts and counting...
	 60 posts and counting...
	 70 posts and counting...
	 80 posts and counting...
	 90 posts and counting...
Done after 6.7s
	 done after 6.8s
	 consistency score: 0.974
Job title Manager:
	 use 100 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
Computing pair similarity scores among 100 job posts,
each post is compared with subseq posts...
	 0 posts and counting...
	 10 posts and counting...
	 20 posts and counting...
	 30 posts and counting...
	 40 posts and counting...
	 50 posts and counting...
	 60 posts and counting...
	 70 posts and counting...
	 80 posts and counting...
	 90 posts and counting...
Done after 6.8s
	 done after 6.8s
	 consistency score: 0.953
Job title Associate:
	 use 100 posts, each post with at least 14 skills...
Computing pair similarity scores among 100 job posts,
each post is compared with subseq posts...
	 0 posts and counting...
	 10 posts and counting...
	 20 posts and counting...
	 30 posts and counting...
	 40 posts and counting...
	 50 posts and counting...
	 60 posts and counting...
	 70 posts and counting...
	 80 posts and counting...
	 90 posts and counting...
Done after 6.7s
	 done after 6.7s
	 consistency score: 0.957
Job title Application Developer:
	 use 100 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
Computing pair similarity scores among 100 job posts,
each post is compared with subseq posts...
	 0 posts and counting...
	 10 posts and counting...
	 20 posts and counting...
KeyboardInterrupt                         Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-360-f9613605a1c9> in <module>()
      1 t0 = time()
----> 2 agg_df['consistency_score_2'] = agg_df['title'].apply(consistencyScore)
      3 print('Done after %.1fs' %(time() - t0))

C:\Users\mdluu.2011\AppData\Local\Continuum\Anaconda2\lib\site-packages\pandas\core\series.pyc in apply(self, func, convert_dtype, args, **kwds)
   2218         else:
   2219             values = self.asobject
-> 2220             mapped = lib.map_infer(values, f, convert=convert_dtype)
   2222         if len(mapped) and isinstance(mapped[0], Series):

pandas\src\inference.pyx in pandas.lib.map_infer (pandas\lib.c:62658)()

<ipython-input-359-d24facf773af> in consistencyScore(job_title)
     14     t0 = time();
---> 15     res = calScore(posts_of_title, doc_topic_distr)
     16     print('\t done after %.1fs' %(time() - t0))

c:\Users\mdluu.2011\Documents\job_analytics_src\ in calScore(posts, doc_topic_distr)
    450     df = posts; n_doc = df.shape[0]
    451     t0 = time()
--> 452     print('Computing pair similarity scores among {} job posts,'.format(n_doc))
    454     print('each post is compared with subseq posts...')

c:\Users\mdluu.2011\Documents\job_analytics_src\ in simScores2Others(i, df)
    441         if (i <= n_doc-2): # there exist subseq posts
    442             if (i % 10 == 0):
--> 443                 print('\t {} posts and counting...'.format(i))
    445             frames = [simScore(i, j, df) for j in range(i+1, n_doc)]

c:\Users\mdluu.2011\Documents\job_analytics_src\ in simScore(i, j, df)
    424     def simScore(i, j, df):
--> 425         idx1, idx2 = getIndex(i, df), getIndex(j, df)
    426         d1, d2 = doc_topic_distr[idx1, :], doc_topic_distr[idx2, :]
    427         sim_score = 1 - JSD(d1, d2);

c:\Users\mdluu.2011\Documents\job_analytics_src\ in getIndex(i, df)
    386 def getIndex(i, df):
--> 387     return df.iloc[i].name
    389 ## Helpers for topic modelling ====================================

C:\Users\mdluu.2011\AppData\Local\Continuum\Anaconda2\lib\site-packages\pandas\core\indexing.pyc in __getitem__(self, key)
   1294             return self._getitem_tuple(key)
   1295         else:
-> 1296             return self._getitem_axis(key, axis=0)
   1298     def _getitem_axis(self, key, axis=0):

C:\Users\mdluu.2011\AppData\Local\Continuum\Anaconda2\lib\site-packages\pandas\core\indexing.pyc in _getitem_axis(self, key, axis)
   1612                 self._is_valid_integer(key, axis)
-> 1614             return self._get_loc(key, axis=axis)
   1616     def _convert_to_indexer(self, obj, axis=0, is_setter=False):

C:\Users\mdluu.2011\AppData\Local\Continuum\Anaconda2\lib\site-packages\pandas\core\indexing.pyc in _get_loc(self, key, axis)
     95     def _get_loc(self, key, axis=0):
---> 96         return self.obj._ixs(key, axis=axis)
     98     def _slice(self, obj, axis=0, kind=None):

C:\Users\mdluu.2011\AppData\Local\Continuum\Anaconda2\lib\site-packages\pandas\core\frame.pyc in _ixs(self, i, axis)
   1912                     copy = True
   1913                 else:
-> 1914                     new_values = self._data.fast_xs(i)
   1915                     if lib.isscalar(new_values):
   1916                         return new_values

C:\Users\mdluu.2011\AppData\Local\Continuum\Anaconda2\lib\site-packages\pandas\core\internals.pyc in fast_xs(self, loc)
   3248         # unique
-> 3249         dtype = _interleaved_dtype(self.blocks)
   3250         n = len(items)
   3251         result = np.empty(n, dtype=dtype)

C:\Users\mdluu.2011\AppData\Local\Continuum\Anaconda2\lib\site-packages\pandas\core\internals.pyc in _interleaved_dtype(blocks)
   4195 def _interleaved_dtype(blocks):
-> 4196     if not len(blocks):
   4197         return None


In the first re-run, consistency score is still too high. There are still problems. Let us re-plot cluster distributions again to see if we really get rid of dups.

In [280]:
fig = plotClusterDists(posts2check)
# plt.savefig(LDA_DIR + 'fig/se_in_fin2.pdf'); plt.close()

Duplications seem still exist! Let us examine further.

  • Sample posts for SE:

In [41]:
sample_employers = ["Capital Match Holdings Pte. Ltd.", "Comfortdelgro Corporation Limited", "Fujitsu Asia Pte Ltd", 
             "Millennium Capital Management (Singapore) Pte. Ltd."]

sample_employers = map(str.upper, sample_employers)
sample_se_posts = df[(df.employer_name.isin(sample_employers)) & (df.title == "Software Engineer")]
se_fig = plotClusterDists(sample_se_posts); plt.close()

  • Sample posts for Administrative Assistant:

In [ ]:
posts = getPosts2Check(job_title="Administrative Assistant", industry="Financial and Insurance Activities", n_pair=5)

In [60]:
fig = plotClusterDists(posts, figsize=(6, 12))
# plt.savefig(LDA_DIR + 'fig/admin_in_fin.jpg'); plt.close()

In [61]:
# Manager
posts = getPosts2Check(job_title="Manager", industry="Financial and Insurance Activities", n_pair=5)

Computing pair similarity scores among 255 job posts,
each post is compared with subseq posts...
	 0 posts and counting...
	 10 posts and counting...
	 20 posts and counting...
	 30 posts and counting...
	 40 posts and counting...
	 50 posts and counting...
	 60 posts and counting...
	 70 posts and counting...
	 80 posts and counting...
	 90 posts and counting...
	 100 posts and counting...
	 110 posts and counting...
	 120 posts and counting...
	 130 posts and counting...
	 140 posts and counting...
	 150 posts and counting...
	 160 posts and counting...
	 170 posts and counting...
	 180 posts and counting...
	 190 posts and counting...
	 200 posts and counting...
	 210 posts and counting...
	 220 posts and counting...
	 230 posts and counting...
	 240 posts and counting...
	 250 posts and counting...
Done after 44.3s
# posts to check: 8

In [64]:
fig = plotClusterDists(posts, figsize=(6, 12))
plt.savefig(LDA_DIR + 'fig/man_in_fin.jpg')
plt.savefig(LDA_DIR + 'fig/man_in_fin.pdf'); plt.close()

In [24]:
agg_df = agg_df.sort_values('consistency_score', ascending=False)
agg_df.to_csv(JOB_PROF + 'c_score.csv', index=False)

Consistency score by industry

In this part, we look at consistency scores of job titles within each industry, e.g., given a job title, we examine if its job posts within a given industry are highly consistent or not. As we are looking at job posts in the same industry, we expect that they are more consistent than when the job posts are scattered across industry. Thus, the first intuition is that the score within industry should be higher than the score across industries.

In [9]:
by_job_and_industry = df.groupby(['title', 'industry'])
tmp = by_job_and_industry.agg({'job_id': 'nunique'})
tmp = tmp.add_prefix('n_').reset_index()

tmp.rename(columns={'n_job_id': 'n_post'}, inplace=True)
tmp = tmp.sort_values('n_post', ascending=False)

title industry n_post
1013 Analyst Financial and Insurance Activities 730
1970 Associate Financial and Insurance Activities 598
11418 Research Fellow Education 578
553 Administrative Assistant Administrative and Support Service Activities 501
11104 Recruitment Consultant Administrative and Support Service Activities 387

In [10]:

count    16541.0
mean         6.5
std         19.7
min          1.0
25%          1.0
50%          2.0
75%          5.0
max        730.0
Name: n_post, dtype: float64

In [11]:
industry_agg_df = tmp.query('n_post >= 5')

count    4548.0
mean       19.0
std        34.5
min         5.0
25%         6.0
50%         9.0
75%        18.0
max       730.0
Name: n_post, dtype: float64

In [ ]:
# rf_in_edu = cScoreByIndustry(job_title='Research Fellow', industry='Education')
# rf_in_edu = rf_in_edu.sort_values('sim_score')
# rf_in_edu.head()

In [69]:
# calScore4Row(industry_agg_df.iloc[0])
t0 = time()
industry_agg_df['consistency_score'] = industry_agg_df.apply(calScore4Row, 1)
print('Done after %.1fs' %(time() - t0))

Job title: Site Supervisor, Industry: Other Service Activities
	 total # posts: 17
	 use 13 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 1.0
Job title: Data Warehousing Consultant, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 15 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 1.0
Job title: Data Coordinator, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 1.0
Job title: Instrument Electrical Engineer, Industry: Transportation and Storage
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 13 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 1.0
Job title: Shop Manager, Industry: Accommodation and Food Service Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 14 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 1.0
Job title: Adviser, Service (Customer After-Sales Service), Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 1.0
Job title: Senior Structural Engineer (General), Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 1.0
Job title: Senior Human Resource Executive, Industry: Arts, Entertainment and Recreation
	 total # posts: 17
	 use 17 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 1.0
Job title: Inspection Engineer, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 3 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 1.0
Job title: Customer Support Representative, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 50 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 1.0
Job title: Senior Radio Frequency Engineer, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 1.0
Job title: Senior Business Manager, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 24 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 1.0
Job title: Senior Supply Chain Executive, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 14 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 1.0
Job title: Structural Designer, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 13 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 1.0
Job title: Kindergarten Teacher, Industry: Public Administration and Defence
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 1.0
Job title: Other Building and Fire Inspectors, Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 3 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 1.0
Job title: Senior Sales Team Leader, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 1.0
Job title: Senior Technician, Industry: Accommodation and Food Service Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 16 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 1.0
Job title: Accountant, Chartered, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 38 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 1.0
Job title: Other Assistant Engineers, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 1.0
Job title: Business Development Executive, Industry: Mining and Quarrying
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 1.0
Job title: Civil Supervisor, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 1.0
Job title: Policy Administration Professional (eg Policy Analyst), Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 1.0
Job title: Senior Executive Officer, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 1.0
Job title: Senior Bank Officer, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 18 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 1.0
Job title: Senior Hvac Engineer, Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 16 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 1.0
Job title: Senior Change Management Manager, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 32 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 1.0
Job title: Premises and Facilities Maintenance Officer, Industry: Unknown
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 16 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 1.0
Job title: Pastry Chef, Industry: Real Estate Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 43 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 1.0
Job title: Senior Infrastructure Engineer, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 32 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 1.0
Job title: Senior Human Resource Manager, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 29 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 1.0
Job title: Service Crew, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 10
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 1.0
Job title: Senior Events Manager, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 28 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 1.0
Job title: Assistant Engineer (Mechanical), Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 1.0
Job title: Operations Supervisor, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 16 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 1.0
Job title: Manager, Fast Food Restaurant, Industry: Accommodation and Food Service Activities
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 14 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 1.0
Job title: Senior Company Accountant, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 18 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 1.0
Job title: Information Technology (It) Marketing Representative, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 1.0
Job title: Associate Consultant (Medical Doctor), Industry: Health and Social Services
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 1.0
Job title: Kitchen Assistant (Restaurant), Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 1.0
Job title: Banker, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 18 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 1.0
Job title: Management Executive, Industry: Accommodation and Food Service Activities
	 total # posts: 18
	 use 13 posts, each post with at least 18 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 1.0
Job title: Engineer, Assistant (Mechanical), Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 1.0
Job title: Quality Assurance Engineer, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 1.0
Job title: Senior Materials Engineer, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 21 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 1.0
Job title: Retail Operations Executive, Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 1.0
Job title: Designer, Furniture, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 1.0
Job title: Network Manager, Industry: Transportation and Storage
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 27 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 1.0
Job title: Assistant Marketing Manager, Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 4 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 1.0
Job title: Passenger Service Agent, Industry: Transportation and Storage
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 9 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 1.0
Job title: Production Planning Clerk, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 18
	 use 13 posts, each post with at least 4 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 1.0
Job title: Guest Relations Executive, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 1.0
Job title: Lift Technician, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 22 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 1.0
Job title: Engineer, Mechanical (General), Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 32 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 1.0
Job title: Senior Information Technology Project Manager, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 23 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 1.0
Job title: Financial Services Consultant, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 1.0
Job title: Housekeeping Manager, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 24
	 use 22 posts, each post with at least 14 skills...
	 done after 0.3s
	 consistency score: 1.0
Job title: Area Sales Manager, Industry: Education
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 19 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 1.0
Job title: Senior Maintenance Planner, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 1.0
Job title: Finance Assistant, Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 4 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 1.0
Job title: Technician, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 1.0
Job title: Instrumentation Engineer, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 1.0
Job title: Sales Demonstrator, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 16
	 use 12 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 1.0
Job title: Martial Arts Instructor, Industry: Arts, Entertainment and Recreation
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 18 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 1.0
Job title: Systems Project Consultant, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 27 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 1.0
Job title: Engineer Scientist, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 1.0
Job title: Dance Instructor (Extracurriculum), Industry: Education
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 1.0
Job title: General Manager, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 17
	 use 13 posts, each post with at least 18 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 1.0
Job title: Fashion Merchandiser, Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 1.0
Job title: Fashion Designer, Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 1.0
Job title: Corporate Secretarial Assistant, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 9 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 1.0
Job title: Electrical Designer, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 13 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 1.0
Job title: Customer Service Consultant, Industry: Other Service Activities
	 total # posts: 12
	 use 12 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 1.0
Job title: Senior Relative Value Strategist, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 19 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 1.0
Job title: Catering Sales Manager, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 10
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 32 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 1.0
Job title: Accountant, Assistant, Industry: Other Service Activities
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 16 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 1.0
Job title: Corporate Sales Manager, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 13 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 1.0
Job title: Lease Management Executive, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 1.0
Job title: Officer, Industry: Public Administration and Defence
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 1.0
Job title: Architectural Designer, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 1.0
Job title: Senior Environmental Engineer, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 9 posts, each post with at least 14 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 1.0
Job title: Fashion Merchandiser, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 51
	 use 48 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 1.5s
	 consistency score: 1.0
Job title: Retail Associate, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 1.0
Job title: Information System Officer, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 1.0
Job title: Internal Audit Executive, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 16 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 1.0
Job title: Assistant Systems Engineer, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 24 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 1.0
Job title: Civil & Structural Designer, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 14 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 1.0
Job title: Lead Instrumentation Engineer, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 1.0
Job title: Chemical Engineering Assistant (General), Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 4 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 1.0
Job title: Software Quality Analyst, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 30
	 use 26 posts, each post with at least 42 skills...
	 done after 0.5s
	 consistency score: 1.0
Job title: Legal Consultant, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 21 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 1.0
Job title: Technical / Engineering Services Manager (eg Shipyard Manager), Industry: Transportation and Storage
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 69 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 1.0
Job title: Salesman, Outdoor, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 1.0
Job title: Milling Machine Setter-Operator (Metalworking), Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 1.0
Job title: Business Development Associate, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 10
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 1.0
Job title: Facade Designer, Industry: Other Service Activities
	 total # posts: 21
	 use 20 posts, each post with at least 26 skills...
	 done after 0.3s
	 consistency score: 1.0
Job title: Liaison Officer, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 42 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 1.0
Job title: Retail / Shop Sales Manager, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 1.0
Job title: Optometrist, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 10
	 use 10 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 1.0
Job title: Strategic Planner, Industry: Transportation and Storage
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 1.0
Job title: Design Draftsperson, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 1.0
Job title: Senior Manager, Training, Industry: Public Administration and Defence
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 1.0
Job title: Senior Project Director, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 12
	 use 9 posts, each post with at least 20 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 1.0
Job title: Senior Restaurant Manager, Industry: Real Estate Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 59 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 1.0
Job title: Senior Physiotherapist, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 13
	 use 11 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 1.0
Job title: Senior Maintenance Manager, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 1.0
Job title: Senior Account Manager, Industry: Transportation and Storage
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 26 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 1.0
Job title: Underwriting Manager, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 18 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 1.0
Job title: Cook, Hotel, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 1.0
Job title: Mechanical Engineer, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 21 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 1.0
Job title: Learning & Development Executive, Industry: Education
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 1.0
Job title: Quality Assurance Executive, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 1.0
Job title: Marine Electronic Engineer, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 35 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 1.0
Job title: Mechanical & Electrical (M&E) Technician, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 15 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 1.0
Job title: Accountant, Company, Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 18 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 1.0
Job title: Mechanical & Electrical (M&E) Technician, Industry: Real Estate Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 1.0
Job title: Sous Chef, Industry: Real Estate Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 41 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 1.0
Job title: Press Tool Maker, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 11
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 1.0
Job title: Software Support Specialist, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 11
	 use 9 posts, each post with at least 19 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 1.0
Job title: Accounts Payable (Or Receivable) Bookkeeper, Industry: Arts, Entertainment and Recreation
	 total # posts: 11
	 use 11 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 1.0
Job title: Computer Engineer, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 1.0
Job title: Senior Integration Technical Project Manager, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 34 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 1.0
Job title: Senior Accountant, Company, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 18 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 1.0
Job title: Head Bartender, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 14 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 1.0
Job title: Technical Superintendent, Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 16 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 1.0
Job title: Customer Service Coordinator, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 13
	 use 12 posts, each post with at least 23 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 1.0
Job title: Clerk, Inventory (Stock Control), Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 1.0
Job title: Makeup Artist, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 1.0
Job title: Assistant Project Manager, Industry: Other Service Activities
	 total # posts: 22
	 use 19 posts, each post with at least 23 skills...
	 done after 0.3s
	 consistency score: 1.0
Job title: Corporate Contracts Manager, Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 19 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 1.0
Job title: Senior Civil & Structural Designer, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 11
	 use 11 posts, each post with at least 14 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 1.0
Job title: Warehouse Clerk, Industry: Other Service Activities
	 total # posts: 10
	 use 10 posts, each post with at least 22 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 1.0
Job title: Product Consultant, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 11
	 use 10 posts, each post with at least 15 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 1.0
Job title: Landscape Architect, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 1.0
Job title: Agent, Insurance, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 30
	 use 26 posts, each post with at least 37 skills...
	 done after 0.5s
	 consistency score: 1.0
Job title: Shop Manager, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 13 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 1.0
Job title: Logistics Manager, Industry: Accommodation and Food Service Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 1.0
Job title: Senior Electrical Technician, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 1.0
Job title: Information Executive, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 4 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 1.0
Job title: Material Handler (Factory), Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 1.0
Job title: Concept Artist, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 16 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 1.0
Job title: Assistant Engineer (Civil), Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 20 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 1.0
Job title: Shift Leader, Industry: Electricity, Gas and Air-Conditioning Supply
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 22 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 1.0
Job title: Advanced Production Technician, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 34 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 1.0
Job title: Senior Customer Service Executive, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 1.0
Job title: General office Clerk, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.999
Job title: Cuisine Chef, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 11
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.999
Job title: Information Technology Master Data Management Head, Industry: Transportation and Storage
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 23 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.999
Job title: Physiotherapist, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 16
	 use 12 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.999
Job title: Account Director, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 17 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.999
Job title: Research Coordinator, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 43 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.999
Job title: Commercial Manager, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 22
	 use 18 posts, each post with at least 33 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.999
Job title: Senior Cook, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.999
Job title: Clinic Assistant, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.999
Job title: Instrument Designer, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.999
Job title: Senior Centre Manager, Industry: Education
	 total # posts: 14
	 use 14 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.999
Job title: Retail Associate, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 2 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.999
Job title: Retail Supervisor, Industry: Other Service Activities
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 9 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.999
Job title: Senior Software Analyst, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.999
Job title: Perfusionist, Industry: Health and Social Services
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 13 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.999
Job title: Building Engineer, Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.999
Job title: Telesales Executive, Industry: Education
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.999
Job title: Invoice Clerk, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.999
Job title: Senior Instrument Designer, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 12
	 use 11 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.999
Job title: Customer Service Clerk, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.999
Job title: Baker, Bread, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.999
Job title: Quality Engineer, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.998
Job title: Assistant Test Engineer, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.998
Job title: Assistant Restaurant Manager, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.998
Job title: Senior Materials Engineer, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 22 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.998
Job title: Product Design Engineer, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 4 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.998
Job title: Customer Service Officer, Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.998
Job title: Dermatologist, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 18 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.998
Job title: Chef, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.998
Job title: Air Stewardess, Industry: Transportation and Storage
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.998
Job title: Regional Program Manager, Industry: Transportation and Storage
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 22 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.998
Job title: Systems Designer / Analyst, Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.998
Job title: Electrical Technician, Industry: Real Estate Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.998
Job title: Production/Materials Planner, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 26
	 use 26 posts, each post with at least 4 skills...
	 done after 0.5s
	 consistency score: 0.998
Job title: Aged Care Services Manager, Industry: Education
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.998
Job title: Senior Copywriter, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 13 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.998
Job title: Operations Officer (Except Transport Operations), Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 10
	 use 10 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.998
Job title: Call Centre Supervisor, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 10
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.998
Job title: Finance Business Partner, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 25 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.998
Job title: Pharmacy Technician, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.998
Job title: Clinical Fellow (Medical Doctor), Industry: Health and Social Services
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.998
Job title: Events Executive, Industry: Public Administration and Defence
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 15 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.998
Job title: Learning Centre Manager, Industry: Education
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.997
Job title: Sports Development Officer, Industry: Arts, Entertainment and Recreation
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 14 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.997
Job title: Audit Semi-Senior, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.997
Job title: Senior Electrical Designer, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 12
	 use 12 posts, each post with at least 16 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.997
Job title: Dietitian, Industry: Health and Social Services
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.997
Job title: Security Guard (Private), Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 13
	 use 13 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.997
Job title: Network Administrator, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 25 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.997
Job title: Phlebotomist, Industry: Health and Social Services
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.997
Job title: Other Civil Engineers, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 3 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.997
Job title: Systems Analyst, Industry: Real Estate Activities
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.997
Job title: Purchaser, Industry: Transportation and Storage
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.997
Job title: Piping Designer, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.997
Job title: Private Security Officer, Industry: Accommodation and Food Service Activities
	 total # posts: 11
	 use 11 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.997
Job title: Mobile Engineer, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.997
Job title: Executive, Property Management, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.996
Job title: Quality Assurance & Quality Control Officer, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 16
	 use 16 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.996
Job title: Reservations Manager, Industry: Accommodation and Food Service Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.996
Job title: Administrative Coordinator, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.996
Job title: Site Supervisor, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.996
Job title: Website Administrator / Webmaster, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 14 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.996
Job title: Senior Information Technology Engineer, Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.996
Job title: Electrical and Instrument Technician, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.996
Job title: Corporate Planning Executive, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 2 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.996
Job title: Beauty Tutor, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.996
Job title: Dredging Engineer, Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 13
	 use 13 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.996
Job title: Conference Manager, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 3 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.996
Job title: Analyzer Technician, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 17
	 use 15 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.996
Job title: Systems Analyst, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 12
	 use 12 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.996
Job title: Container Controller, Industry: Transportation and Storage
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.996
Job title: Senior Product Manager, Industry: Education
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.996
Job title: Architectural Coordinator, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.996
Job title: Market Research Supervisor, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.996
Job title: Internal Auditor, Industry: Transportation and Storage
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 15 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.996
Job title: Junior Sous Chef, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.996
Job title: Teacher, Kindergarten, Industry: Education
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.996
Job title: Delivery Man, Motor-Cycle, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.996
Job title: Planning Assistant, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.996
Job title: Training Officer, Industry: Health and Social Services
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 9 posts, each post with at least 4 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.996
Job title: Packaging Engineer, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.996
Job title: Senior Instrumentation Engineer, Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 15 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.996
Job title: Product Sales Specialist, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.996
Job title: Environmental Control Officer, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.996
Job title: Computer Sales Representative, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 26 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.996
Job title: Creative Director, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 17 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.996
Job title: Retail Merchandiser, Beer (&/Or Other Alcoholic Drinks), Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.996
Job title: Senior Credit Administrative Officer, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 26 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.996
Job title: Operating Theatre Technician, Industry: Health and Social Services
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.995
Job title: Tunnel Supervisor, Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 4 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.995
Job title: Other Mechanical Engineers, Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.995
Job title: Personal Assistant, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.995
Job title: Journalist, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 28 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.995
Job title: Senior Human Resource Business Partner, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.995
Job title: Administrative Coordinator, Industry: Education
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.995
Job title: Barista, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 10
	 use 9 posts, each post with at least 17 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.995
Job title: Senior Application Engineer, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.995
Job title: Personnel / Human Resource Officer, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 14 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.995
Job title: Senior Process Safety Engineer, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 21 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.995
Job title: Software Technical Consultant, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.995
Job title: Senior Beauty Manager, Industry: Other Service Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.995
Job title: Maintenance Supervisor, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 11
	 use 10 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.995
Job title: Optician, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 44
	 use 35 posts, each post with at least 19 skills...
	 done after 0.8s
	 consistency score: 0.995
Job title: Marketing Communications Executive, Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.995
Job title: Machine Operator, Tunnelling (Construction), Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.995
Job title: Art Therapist, Industry: Health and Social Services
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.995
Job title: Workshop Supervisor, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 3 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.995
Job title: Advertising Designer, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 17 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.995
Job title: Quality Control Engineer, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 3 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.995
Job title: Other Assistant Engineers, Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.995
Job title: Draughtsman, Structural Engineering, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.995
Job title: Structural Engineer (General), Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 13 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.995
Job title: Assistant Field Service Engineer, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.995
Job title: Piping Supervisor, Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.995
Job title: Information Technology Specialist, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 32
	 use 25 posts, each post with at least 14 skills...
	 done after 0.4s
	 consistency score: 0.995
Job title: Assistant Analyst, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.995
Job title: Civil Engineer (Bridge Construction), Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.995
Job title: Shipyard Manager, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 33
	 use 33 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.7s
	 consistency score: 0.995
Job title: Quantity Surveyor, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.995
Job title: Restaurant Supervisor, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.995
Job title: Technical Support Officer, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.995
Job title: Software Testing Engineer, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 13 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.995
Job title: Feature Writer, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 15 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.995
Job title: Other Education Managers (Including Registrars and Deans of Education Institutions), Industry: Education
	 total # posts: 17
	 use 15 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.994
Job title: Senior Analyst, Systems, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.994
Job title: Production Operator, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.994
Job title: Project Services System Specialist, Industry: Transportation and Storage
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 22 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.994
Job title: Property Management Executive, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.994
Job title: Acmv Engineer, Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.994
Job title: Other Special Education Teachers, Industry: Health and Social Services
	 total # posts: 17
	 use 13 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.994
Job title: Web Developer, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.994
Job title: Senior Embedded Software Engineer, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.994
Job title: Dentist (General), Industry: Health and Social Services
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.994
Job title: Procurement Assistant, Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.994
Job title: Electronic Design Engineer, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.994
Job title: Corporate Sales Executive, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.994
Job title: General Manager, Industry: Other Service Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 14 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.994
Job title: Senior Architectural Coordinator, Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.994
Job title: Project Manager, Information Technology, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 22 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.994
Job title: Building Construction Engineer, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.994
Job title: Facility Manager, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 3 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.994
Job title: Auditor (Accounting), Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.994
Job title: Acmv Engineer, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 3 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.994
Job title: Software Development Manager, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.994
Job title: Pharmacy Technician, Industry: Health and Social Services
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.994
Job title: Agent, Insurance, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 4 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.994
Job title: Air-Conditioning / Refrigeration Engineering Technician, Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 4 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.994
Job title: Human Resource & Administrative Officer, Industry: Accommodation and Food Service Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.994
Job title: Other Administrative and Related Associate Professionals Nec, Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.994
Job title: Building Architect, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.994
Job title: Adviser, Technical Service, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 13 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.994
Job title: Accounting Consultant, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.994
Job title: Clinic Receptionist, Industry: Health and Social Services
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.994
Job title: Sales Supervisor, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.994
Job title: Art Teacher, Industry: Education
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.994
Job title: Administrative Accounts Assistant, Industry: Health and Social Services
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.994
Job title: Beauty Consultant, Industry: Other Service Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.993
Job title: Marketing Operations Manager, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.993
Job title: Investment Manager, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 14
	 use 14 posts, each post with at least 13 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.993
Job title: Contracts Officer, Industry: Real Estate Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.993
Job title: Research Engineer, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.993
Job title: Administrative Secretary, Industry: Transportation and Storage
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.993
Job title: Senior Geotechnical Engineer, Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.993
Job title: Quality Assurance & Quality Control Executive, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 16 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.993
Job title: Network Analyst, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.993
Job title: Retail Manager, Industry: Accommodation and Food Service Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.993
Job title: Network Systems Engineer, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 13
	 use 11 posts, each post with at least 16 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.993
Job title: Senior Information Technology Business Analyst, Industry: Education
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 13 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.993
Job title: Senior Instrumentation Engineer, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.993
Job title: Accounts Officer, Industry: Real Estate Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.993
Job title: Information Technology Engineer, Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.993
Job title: Commissioning Engineer, Industry: Other Service Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.993
Job title: Human Resource Manager, Industry: Public Administration and Defence
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.993
Job title: Senior Design Engineer, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 16 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.993
Job title: Account Executive, Industry: Health and Social Services
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 4 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.993
Job title: Procurement Assistant, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.993
Job title: Payroll Assistant, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.993
Job title: Personal Assistant, Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.993
Job title: Information Technology Executive, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.993
Job title: After Sales Adviser / Client Account Service Executive, Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.993
Job title: Sales Training Manager, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 29 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.993
Job title: Financial Consultant, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.993
Job title: Senior Research Engineer, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.993
Job title: Education Counsellor, Industry: Education
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 22 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.993
Job title: Marketing Coordinator, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 22 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.993
Job title: Building Construction Supervisor and General Foreman, Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.993
Job title: Outlet Manager, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.993
Job title: Quality Assurance & Quality Control Technician, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.993
Job title: Naval Architect, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 11
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.993
Job title: Resident Technical Officer, Industry: Real Estate Activities
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 4 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.993
Job title: Customer Service Officer, Industry: Real Estate Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.993
Job title: Sous Chef, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.993
Job title: Tax Executive, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.992
Job title: Helpdesk Consultant, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.992
Job title: Administration Clerk, Industry: Health and Social Services
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.992
Job title: Engineering Technician, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.992
Job title: Sales Consultant, Industry: Education
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.992
Job title: Assistant Marketing Manager, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 4 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.992
Job title: Proposal Engineer, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.992
Job title: Logistics Assistant, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.992
Job title: Director (Marine Industry), Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 10
	 use 9 posts, each post with at least 20 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.992
Job title: Student Teacher, Industry: Health and Social Services
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 18 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.992
Job title: Ticketing Executive, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.992
Job title: Production Control Planner, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 14 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.992
Job title: Assistant Cook, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 13 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.992
Job title: Senior Project Engineer/Manager (Engineering), Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.992
Job title: Sales Consultant, Industry: Other Service Activities
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 4 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.992
Job title: Senior Procurement Manager, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 17 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.992
Job title: Financial Services Consultant, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.992
Job title: Restaurant Manager, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 3 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.992
Job title: Other Civil Engineers, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.992
Job title: Copywriter, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.992
Job title: Accounts Administrative Assistant Manager, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.992
Job title: Senior Communication Manager, Industry: Public Administration and Defence
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.992
Job title: Junior Medical Technologist, Industry: Health and Social Services
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.992
Job title: Finance Officer, Industry: Health and Social Services
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.992
Job title: Finance Intern, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 23 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.992
Job title: Spa Manager, Industry: Other Service Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.992
Job title: Senior Software Quality Analyst, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 19
	 use 19 posts, each post with at least 4 skills...
	 done after 0.3s
	 consistency score: 0.992
Job title: Optometrist, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 38
	 use 37 posts, each post with at least 17 skills...
	 done after 0.9s
	 consistency score: 0.992
Job title: Project Estimator, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.992
Job title: Cleaner, Industry: Accommodation and Food Service Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.992
Job title: Property Officer, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.992
Job title: Guest Relations Officer, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.992
Job title: Research Associate, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.992
Job title: Medical Social Worker, Industry: Health and Social Services
	 total # posts: 16
	 use 13 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.992
Job title: Internal Auditor, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 10
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 13 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.992
Job title: Architectural Draughtsman, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.992
Job title: Graphic Web Designer, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 16
	 use 13 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.992
Job title: Service Technician, Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 3 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.992
Job title: Senior Product Marketing Manager, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 13
	 use 12 posts, each post with at least 30 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.992
Job title: Property Officer, Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 10
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.992
Job title: Business Executive, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 13 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.992
Job title: Analyst, Systems, Industry: Transportation and Storage
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.992
Job title: Beauty Adviser, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 10
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.992
Job title: Quality Assurance & Quality Control Technician, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.992
Job title: Planning Manager, Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 3 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.992
Job title: Electrical Maintenance Technician, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.992
Job title: Implementation Specialist, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.992
Job title: Safety Consultant, Industry: Education
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 4 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.992
Job title: Market Researcher, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.992
Job title: Senior Banking Operations Consultant, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 15 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.992
Job title: Senior Mechanical & Electrical (M&E) Engineer, Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 11
	 use 9 posts, each post with at least 4 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.991
Job title: Cost Control Manager, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.991
Job title: Draftsman, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.991
Job title: Area Manager, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.991
Job title: Remittance Officer, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 11
	 use 9 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.991
Job title: Engineering Officer, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 3 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.991
Job title: Assistant Training Officer, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 11
	 use 10 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.991
Job title: Assistant System Administrator, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 30 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.991
Job title: Clerk, Planning (Materials Supply), Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 15
	 use 15 posts, each post with at least 4 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.991
Job title: Senior Accounts Assistant, Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.991
Job title: Human Resource Manager, Industry: Health and Social Services
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.991
Job title: Senior Project Manager, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 33 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.991
Job title: Contract Manager, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 11
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.991
Job title: Sales Representative, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 3 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.991
Job title: Storekeeper, Industry: Transportation and Storage
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.991
Job title: Senior Sales Engineer, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.991
Job title: Marketing Representative, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.991
Job title: Technical Writer, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.991
Job title: Mechanical & Electrical (M&E) Coordinator, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 16
	 use 12 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.991
Job title: Senior Process Engineer, Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 15 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.991
Job title: Marketing and Sales Representative (Medical and Pharmaceutical Products), Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.991
Job title: Senior Nurse Manager, Industry: Health and Social Services
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.991
Job title: Education Officer, Industry: Public Administration and Defence
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.991
Job title: Quality Assurance & Quality Control Assistant, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.991
Job title: Special Education Teacher, Industry: Education
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.991
Job title: Horticulturist, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 4 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.991
Job title: Audit Executive, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 19
	 use 17 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.991
Job title: Telesales Executive, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.991
Job title: Geotechnical Engineer, Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 19
	 use 14 posts, each post with at least 4 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.991
Job title: Kindergarten Teacher, Industry: Health and Social Services
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.991
Job title: Project Sales Engineer, Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.991
Job title: Curriculum Developer, Industry: Education
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.991
Job title: Project Administrator, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.991
Job title: Logistics Administrator, Industry: Transportation and Storage
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.991
Job title: Accountant, Industry: Arts, Entertainment and Recreation
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.991
Job title: Security Guard (Private), Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.991
Job title: Assistant Engineer (Electrical), Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.991
Job title: Therapist Assistant, Industry: Health and Social Services
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.991
Job title: Resident Physician, Industry: Health and Social Services
	 total # posts: 11
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.991
Job title: Education Consultant, Industry: Education
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.991
Job title: Revenue Manager, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 21 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.991
Job title: Geotechnical Engineer, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 13
	 use 10 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.991
Job title: Cook, Industry: Education
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.991
Job title: Technician, Industry: Health and Social Services
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.991
Job title: Maintenance Manager, Industry: Accommodation and Food Service Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.99
Job title: Company Secretary (Executive), Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.99
Job title: Sales Engineer, Technical, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 15
	 use 12 posts, each post with at least 3 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.99
Job title: Investor Relations Manager, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.99
Job title: Accounts Clerk, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 4 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.99
Job title: Artist, Graphic, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.99
Job title: Autocad Operator, Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.99
Job title: Senior Software Localization Tester, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.99
Job title: Hypertext Preprocessor (PHP) Developer, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.99
Job title: Cashier, Store, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 19 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.99
Job title: Events Coordinator, Industry: Other Service Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.99
Job title: Operations Research Analyst, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.99
Job title: Regulatory Affairs Assistant, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.99
Job title: Nursing Aid, Industry: Health and Social Services
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.99
Job title: Supervisor / General Foreman (Building and Related Trades), Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.99
Job title: Software Quality Analyst, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 35
	 use 35 posts, each post with at least 4 skills...
	 done after 0.8s
	 consistency score: 0.99
Job title: Brand Executive, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.99
Job title: Account Development Executive, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.99
Job title: Assistant Process Engineer, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.99
Job title: Shop Sales Assistant, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 11
	 use 11 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.99
Job title: Civil & Structural Design Engineer, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 11
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.99
Job title: Senior Digital Manager, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 17 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.99
Job title: Assistant Operations Manager, Industry: Other Service Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 3 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.99
Job title: Draughtsman (General), Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 10
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.99
Job title: Mobile Engineer, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.99
Job title: Therapist Aide, Industry: Health and Social Services
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.99
Job title: Electrical Designer, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 10
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 13 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.99
Job title: Sales Consultant, Industry: Arts, Entertainment and Recreation
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.99
Job title: Workshop Manager, Industry: Other Service Activities
	 total # posts: 11
	 use 9 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.99
Job title: Civil Engineer (Tunnel Construction), Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.99
Job title: Product Test Engineer, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.99
Job title: Accounting Manager, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.99
Job title: School Principal, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.99
Job title: Sales and Marketing Director, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.99
Job title: Retail Supervisor, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.99
Job title: Senior Game Designer, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 16 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.99
Job title: Delivery Driver, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.99
Job title: Customer Service Clerk, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.99
Job title: Engineer, Tunnel Construction, Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.99
Job title: Corporate Brand Marketing Manager, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 32 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.99
Job title: Tooling Engineer, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.989
Job title: Financial Consultant, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 4 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.989
Job title: Construction Engineer, Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.989
Job title: Field Sales Manager, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 10
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 24 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.989
Job title: Assistant Project Manager, Industry: Real Estate Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.989
Job title: Customer Service Executive, Industry: Education
	 total # posts: 29
	 use 28 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.5s
	 consistency score: 0.989
Job title: Storage Administrator, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 11
	 use 9 posts, each post with at least 13 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.989
Job title: Logistics Administrator, Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.989
Job title: Receptionist (General), Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 10
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.989
Job title: Lighting Designer, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 10
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 15 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.989
Job title: Accounts Associate, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 3 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.989
Job title: Lead Engineer, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 10
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.989
Job title: Speech and Drama Teacher, Industry: Arts, Entertainment and Recreation
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.989
Job title: Lead Engineer, Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 15 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.989
Job title: Delivery Driver, Industry: Accommodation and Food Service Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 3 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.989
Job title: Sales & Marketing Executive, Industry: Accommodation and Food Service Activities
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.989
Job title: Food & Beverage Outlet Assistant, Industry: Accommodation and Food Service Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.989
Job title: Accounting Executive, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.989
Job title: Optics Engineer, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.989
Job title: Insurance Sales Agent / Broker (Including Independent Financial Planner), Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 19 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.989
Job title: Accounts Executive, Industry: Real Estate Activities
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 9 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.989
Job title: Food & Beverage Outlet Attendant, Industry: Accommodation and Food Service Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.989
Job title: Senior Software Testing Engineer, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.989
Job title: Sales Administration Coordinator, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 4 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.989
Job title: Autocad Draftsman, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 4 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.989
Job title: Patrolman, Security, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.989
Job title: Property Officer, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.989
Job title: Communication Manager, Industry: Public Administration and Defence
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 4 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.989
Job title: Customer Service Adviser, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 10
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.989
Job title: Payroll Manager, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.989
Job title: Secretary, Industry: Transportation and Storage
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.989
Job title: Senior Payroll Executive, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.989
Job title: Senior Reliability Engineer, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 14 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.989
Job title: Centre Manager, Industry: Public Administration and Defence
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 18 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.989
Job title: Account Assistant, Industry: Other Service Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.989
Job title: Senior Human Resource Manager, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 15 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.989
Job title: Purchaser, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.989
Job title: Sales & Marketing Executive, Industry: Other Service Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.989
Job title: Housekeeping Supervisor, Industry: Real Estate Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.989
Job title: Resident Technical Officer, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 19
	 use 14 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.989
Job title: Product Support Engineer, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.989
Job title: Senior Accountant (General), Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.989
Job title: Senior Marketing Executive, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 14 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.989
Job title: Service Engineer, Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.989
Job title: Premises and Facilities Maintenance Officer, Industry: Education
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.989
Job title: Supply Chain Analyst, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 23
	 use 18 posts, each post with at least 20 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.989
Job title: Credit Administrative Assistant, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.989
Job title: Manufacturing Technician, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 17 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.989
Job title: Company Secretary (Executive), Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.989
Job title: Senior Embedded Software Engineer, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 12
	 use 9 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.989
Job title: Checker, Mechanical Products (Quality Assurance), Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.989
Job title: Assistant System Administrator, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.989
Job title: Field Service Engineer, Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.989
Job title: Principal (Commercial School), Industry: Health and Social Services
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.989
Job title: Hotel Steward, Industry: Accommodation and Food Service Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.989
Job title: Condominium Manager, Industry: Real Estate Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.989
Job title: Consultant, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.989
Job title: Content Development Associate, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.989
Job title: Senior Design Engineer, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.989
Job title: Quantity Surveyor, Industry: Transportation and Storage
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.988
Job title: Waiter and Bartender Nec (eg Food Checker (Catering Services)), Industry: Accommodation and Food Service Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.988
Job title: Procurement Executive, Industry: Transportation and Storage
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.988
Job title: Events Coordinator, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.988
Job title: Sales Operations Executive, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 17 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.988
Job title: Designer, Industry: Other Service Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 4 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.988
Job title: Senior Site Engineer, Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 11
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.988
Job title: Technical Assistant, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 13 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.988
Job title: Customer Service Administrator, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.988
Job title: Trading Analyst, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.988
Job title: Public Relations / Corporate Communications Officer, Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.988
Job title: Radiographer, Diagnostic, Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.988
Job title: Cashier (General), Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.988
Job title: Production Engineering Technician, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.988
Job title: Internal Auditor, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.988
Job title: Advertising / Public Relations Manager, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 13 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.988
Job title: Accounts Coordinator, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.988
Job title: Senior Project Manager (Construction), Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.988
Job title: Procurement / Purchasing Manager, Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.988
Job title: Software and Applications Developer and Analyst Nec, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 4 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.988
Job title: Creative Group Head, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.988
Job title: Procurement Manager, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.988
Job title: Desktop Support Engineer, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.988
Job title: Strategy Consultant, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 18 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.988
Job title: Senior Construction Manager, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 14 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.988
Job title: Marketing Officer, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.988
Job title: Administrative Accounts Executive, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.988
Job title: Assembly and Quality Check Supervisor / General Foreman, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.988
Job title: Purchasing Clerk, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.988
Job title: Public Relations Executive, Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.988
Job title: Tunnelling Machine Operator (Construction), Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 15 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.988
Job title: Site Coordinator, Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.988
Job title: Research Coordinator, Industry: Health and Social Services
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.988
Job title: Storage Engineer, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 19 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.988
Job title: Marine Piping Engineer, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.988
Job title: Instrumentation Technician, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.988
Job title: Chemist, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.988
Job title: Administrative Operations Executive, Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.988
Job title: Hull Engineer, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.988
Job title: Facilities Maintenance Technician, Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 4 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.988
Job title: Web Designer, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.988
Job title: Senior Information Technology Analyst, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.988
Job title: Administrative Manager, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.988
Job title: Proposal Engineer, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.988
Job title: Language Teacher (Language School), Industry: Health and Social Services
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 18 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.988
Job title: Digital Manager, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.988
Job title: Education Consultant, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 12
	 use 12 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.988
Job title: Call Centre Agent, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 45
	 use 36 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.9s
	 consistency score: 0.988
Job title: Engineer, Marine, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.988
Job title: Senior Chef, Industry: Accommodation and Food Service Activities
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.988
Job title: Process Engineer, Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 17 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.988
Job title: Civil / Structural Engineering Draughtsman, Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.988
Job title: Auditor, Information Technology, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.988
Job title: Strategy Director, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 16 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.988
Job title: Designer, Interior, Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.988
Job title: Infrastructure Engineer, Industry: Real Estate Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 21 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.988
Job title: Cleaning Supervisor, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.988
Job title: Assistant, Audit, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.987
Job title: Manager, Industry: Accommodation and Food Service Activities
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.987
Job title: Assistant Operation Officer, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.987
Job title: Risk Analyst, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.987
Job title: Respiratory Therapist, Industry: Health and Social Services
	 total # posts: 10
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.987
Job title: Reservations Officer, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 13
	 use 12 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.987
Job title: Mechanical Designer, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.987
Job title: Occupational Therapist, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 27
	 use 27 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.5s
	 consistency score: 0.987
Job title: Controller, Financial, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 27 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.987
Job title: Financial Planning Manager, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 18 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.987
Job title: Senior Trading Manager, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.987
Job title: Marine Engineer, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 10
	 use 10 posts, each post with at least 4 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.987
Job title: Premises and Facilities Maintenance Officer, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.987
Job title: Administrator, Computer Systems, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 13 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.987
Job title: Assistant Manager (Administration), Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.987
Job title: Fitness Instructor, Industry: Arts, Entertainment and Recreation
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.987
Job title: Corporate Communications Manager, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.987
Job title: Firmware Engineer, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 13
	 use 10 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.987
Job title: Assistant Engineer (Civil), Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.987
Job title: Account Assistant, Industry: Health and Social Services
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.987
Job title: Assistant Editor, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.987
Job title: Government Executive Officer, Industry: Public Administration and Defence
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 4 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.987
Job title: Call Centre Agent, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.987
Job title: Reservations Officer, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.987
Job title: Senior Piping Engineer, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 15 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.987
Job title: Software Engineer, Industry: Transportation and Storage
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.987
Job title: Project Accountant, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 9 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.987
Job title: Engineer, Mechanical (General), Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.987
Job title: Accounts Payable Team Leader, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.987
Job title: Housekeeper (Hotels and Other Establishments), Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 23
	 use 23 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 0.4s
	 consistency score: 0.987
Job title: Housekeeping Supervisor, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 21
	 use 19 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.3s
	 consistency score: 0.987
Job title: Assistant Retail Supervisor, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 13
	 use 10 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.987
Job title: Trade Executive, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.987
Job title: Support Specialist, Information Technology, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.987
Job title: Human Resource Assistant, Industry: Education
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.987
Job title: Visual Merchandiser, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.987
Job title: Information Technology Security Specialist, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 14 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.987
Job title: Draftsperson, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 3 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.987
Job title: Security Systems Engineer, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.987
Job title: Customer Sales Executive, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.987
Job title: Assistant Process Engineer, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.987
Job title: Purchasing Assistant, Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 11
	 use 11 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.987
Job title: Customer Service Manager, Industry: Transportation and Storage
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.987
Job title: Manager, Public Relations, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 21 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.987
Job title: Planner, Industry: Transportation and Storage
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.987
Job title: Cook, Industry: Health and Social Services
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.987
Job title: Assistant Teacher, Industry: Health and Social Services
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.987
Job title: Accounts Trade Executive, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.987
Job title: Audit Supervisor, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.987
Job title: Computer Technician (Including IT User Helpdesk Technician), Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 22
	 use 19 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.3s
	 consistency score: 0.987
Job title: Senior Web Designer, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.987
Job title: Senior Facilities Maintenance Technician, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.987
Job title: Distribution Executive, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.987
Job title: Production Supervisor, Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 4 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.987
Job title: Project Administrator, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 11
	 use 9 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.987
Job title: Senior Geotechnical Engineer, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.986
Job title: Lease Management Executive, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 4 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.986
Job title: Hvac Engineer, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 13
	 use 12 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.986
Job title: Senior Project Engineer, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.986
Job title: Designer, Industrial Products, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 4 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.986
Job title: Clerk, Shipping (Freight), Industry: Transportation and Storage
	 total # posts: 10
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.986
Job title: Sales Operations Executive, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 16 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.986
Job title: Product Development Executive, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.986
Job title: Assistant Operations Manager, Industry: Health and Social Services
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 9 posts, each post with at least 3 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.986
Job title: Resident Engineer, Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.986
Job title: Business Relationship Manager, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.986
Job title: Administrative Secretary, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.986
Job title: Supply Chain Planner, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.986
Job title: Senior Infrastructure Technical Specialist, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 10
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.986
Job title: Operations Executive, Industry: Real Estate Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.986
Job title: Electrical Technician, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.986
Job title: Translator, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.986
Job title: Equipment Technician, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.986
Job title: Receptionist (General), Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 23
	 use 17 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.986
Job title: Internal Audit Manager, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.986
Job title: Media Executive, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 10
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.986
Job title: Electrical and Instrumentation Engineer, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.986
Job title: Social Work Assistant, Industry: Health and Social Services
	 total # posts: 10
	 use 10 posts, each post with at least 4 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.986
Job title: Campaign Manager, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 20 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.986
Job title: Operations Specialist, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.986
Job title: Quality Assurance & Quality Control Officer, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.986
Job title: Marketing and Sales Representative (ICT), Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.986
Job title: Quality Manager, Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.986
Job title: Kitchen Helper, Industry: Accommodation and Food Service Activities
	 total # posts: 12
	 use 11 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.986
Job title: Storekeeper, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.986
Job title: Technical Officer, Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 10
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.986
Job title: Other Administrative Clerks (eg Public Relations Clerk), Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.986
Job title: Production Operator, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 12
	 use 10 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.986
Job title: Retail Supervisor, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 4 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.986
Job title: Marine Superintendent, Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.986
Job title: Senior Electrical and Instrument Technician, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 3 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.986
Job title: Structural Supervisor, Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.986
Job title: Architectural Designer, Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.986
Job title: Material Controller, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.986
Job title: Floor Supervisor (Retail Trade), Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.986
Job title: Sous Chef, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 13 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.986
Job title: Customer Service Supervisor, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 4 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.986
Job title: Assistant Shop Manager, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 9 posts, each post with at least 4 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.986
Job title: Technical Writer, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.986
Job title: Bellboy / Hotel Porter, Industry: Accommodation and Food Service Activities
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.986
Job title: General Manager, Industry: Education
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 14 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.986
Job title: Senior Sales Engineer, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 12
	 use 11 posts, each post with at least 4 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.986
Job title: Design Consultant, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.986
Job title: Telesales Consultant, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.986
Job title: Information Technology System Support Specialist, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.986
Job title: Regulatory Affairs Assistant, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.986
Job title: Senior Supplier Quality Engineer, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 19 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.986
Job title: Executive Officer, Industry: Electricity, Gas and Air-Conditioning Supply
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.986
Job title: Associate Consultant, Industry: Other Service Activities
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.986
Job title: Trainee Solicitor (Foreign Law Firm/Singapore Law Firm/Joint Law Venture), Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.986
Job title: CNC Programmer, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 12
	 use 10 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.986
Job title: Customer Service Clerk, Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 9 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.986
Job title: Electronics Engineer (General), Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 3 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.986
Job title: Sales & Logistics Manager, Industry: Transportation and Storage
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.986
Job title: Assistant Sales Manager, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.986
Job title: Senior Buyer, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 16 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.986
Job title: Legal Consultant, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.986
Job title: Logistics Coordinator, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 9 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.985
Job title: Corporate Sales Executive, Industry: Transportation and Storage
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.985
Job title: Senior Design Engineer, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 27
	 use 22 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.4s
	 consistency score: 0.985
Job title: Quantity Surveyor, Industry: Real Estate Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.985
Job title: Proposal Engineer, Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.985
Job title: Retail Supervisor, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 10
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.985
Job title: Warehouse Supervisor, Industry: Transportation and Storage
	 total # posts: 10
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.985
Job title: Senior Marketing Communications Executive, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 10
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.985
Job title: Technical Executive, Industry: Real Estate Activities
	 total # posts: 15
	 use 15 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.985
Job title: Field Application Engineer, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.985
Job title: Accounts Executive, Industry: Education
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.985
Job title: Economist, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.985
Job title: Architectural Drafter, Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 13
	 use 10 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.985
Job title: Claims Officer, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.985
Job title: Account Assistant, Industry: Accommodation and Food Service Activities
	 total # posts: 15
	 use 13 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.985
Job title: Assistant Warehouse Manager, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.985
Job title: Product Executive, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.985
Job title: Engineer, Telecommunications, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 10
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.985
Job title: Senior Quantity Surveyor, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 31
	 use 26 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.5s
	 consistency score: 0.985
Job title: Store Supervisor, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.985
Job title: Assistant Engineer (Mechanical), Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 15
	 use 14 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.985
Job title: Customer Sales Support Engineer, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.985
Job title: Safety Engineer, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 14 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.985
Job title: Front office Agent, Industry: Accommodation and Food Service Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.985
Job title: Field Service Technician, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 9 posts, each post with at least 4 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.985
Job title: School Principal, Industry: Health and Social Services
	 total # posts: 12
	 use 9 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.985
Job title: Training Executive, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.985
Job title: Music Teacher (Other Than Secondary School), Industry: Education
	 total # posts: 10
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.985
Job title: Administrative Accounts Executive, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 15
	 use 12 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.985
Job title: Mechanical Supervisor, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.985
Job title: Telesales Executive, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.985
Job title: Senior Sales Engineer, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.985
Job title: Sales Support Engineer, Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.985
Job title: Customer Service Coordinator, Industry: Electricity, Gas and Air-Conditioning Supply
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 2 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.985
Job title: Driver, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.985
Job title: Billing Assistant, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 18
	 use 17 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.985
Job title: Personnel / Human Resource Manager, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 28 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.985
Job title: Application Support Engineer, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.985
Job title: Operations Assistant, Industry: Transportation and Storage
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.985
Job title: Food & Beverage Operations Manager, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.985
Job title: Electrical Instrument Engineer, Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 16 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.985
Job title: Engineering Assistant, Manufacturing (General), Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.985
Job title: Training Manager, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 14 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.985
Job title: Marine Engineer, Industry: Public Administration and Defence
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.985
Job title: Technical Support Executive, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 2 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.985
Job title: Operation Manager, Industry: Transportation and Storage
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.985
Job title: Warehouse Manager, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.985
Job title: Tax Consultant, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 11
	 use 9 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.985
Job title: Warehouse Supervisor, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.985
Job title: Purchasing Executive, Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 10
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.985
Job title: Claims Handler, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.985
Job title: Senior Staff Nurse, Industry: Health and Social Services
	 total # posts: 11
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.985
Job title: Client Manager, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.985
Job title: Electrical Engineer (Power Distribution and Transmission), Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.985
Job title: Information Development Lead, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.985
Job title: Financial Analyst, Industry: Other Service Activities
	 total # posts: 11
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 14 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.985
Job title: Information Technology Support Officer, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 11
	 use 9 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.985
Job title: Operations Manager, Industry: Accommodation and Food Service Activities
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.985
Job title: Technical Executive, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 25
	 use 20 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.3s
	 consistency score: 0.984
Job title: Payroll Assistant, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.984
Job title: Senior Application Engineer, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.984
Job title: Purchasing Executive, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.984
Job title: Electrical / Electronic Products Quality Checker and Tester, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.984
Job title: Procurement Coordinator, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.984
Job title: Infant Educarer, Industry: Health and Social Services
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 4 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.984
Job title: Design Engineer (Marine), Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.984
Job title: Health, Safety & Environmental Officer, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.984
Job title: Radio Frequency Engineer, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 21
	 use 19 posts, each post with at least 13 skills...
	 done after 0.3s
	 consistency score: 0.984
Job title: Trading Manager, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 23 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.984
Job title: Customer Service Officer, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 27
	 use 22 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.3s
	 consistency score: 0.984
Job title: Sales Administrator, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.984
Job title: Health, Safety & Environment Site Clerk, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 14 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.984
Job title: Credit Controller, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 13
	 use 11 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.984
Job title: Data Network Engineering Analyst, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.984
Job title: Structural Engineer (General), Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 16
	 use 14 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.984
Job title: Executive Officer, Industry: Other Service Activities
	 total # posts: 13
	 use 10 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.984
Job title: Human Resource & Administration Manager, Industry: Health and Social Services
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.984
Job title: Pastry Baker, Industry: Accommodation and Food Service Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.984
Job title: Information Technology Security Specialist, Industry: Education
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 18 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.984
Job title: Operations Manager, Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.984
Job title: Change Management Manager, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.984
Job title: Warehouse Manager, Industry: Transportation and Storage
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 17 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.984
Job title: Underwriter, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.984
Job title: Sales Engineer, Technical, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.984
Job title: Restaurant Manager, Industry: Real Estate Activities
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.984
Job title: Project Sales Engineer, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.984
Job title: Warehouse Assistant, Industry: Other Service Activities
	 total # posts: 12
	 use 9 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.984
Job title: Environmental Scientist, Industry: Education
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 28 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.984
Job title: Sales Executive, Industry: Arts, Entertainment and Recreation
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.984
Job title: Telemarketer, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 13
	 use 10 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.984
Job title: Client Relationship Officer, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 15 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.984
Job title: Clerk, Finance, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 11
	 use 10 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.984
Job title: Human Resource Officer, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.984
Job title: Document Specialist, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.984
Job title: Senior Test Engineer, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 15 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.984
Job title: Cashier (General), Industry: Accommodation and Food Service Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 4 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.984
Job title: Assistant Engineer (Electrical), Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.984
Job title: CNC Machinist, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 23
	 use 17 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.984
Job title: Counsellor, Industry: Health and Social Services
	 total # posts: 10
	 use 9 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.984
Job title: Assistant Pastry Chef, Industry: Accommodation and Food Service Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.984
Job title: Estate Manager, Industry: Real Estate Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.984
Job title: Administrative Accounts Assistant, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 13
	 use 11 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.984
Job title: Management Trainee, Industry: Education
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 2 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.984
Job title: Receptionist (General), Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 15
	 use 11 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.984
Job title: Copywriter, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.983
Job title: Sales Administrator, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 10
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.983
Job title: Product Designer, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.983
Job title: Customer Service Team Leader, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.983
Job title: Planning Clerk (Materials Supply), Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 4 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.983
Job title: Sales Merchandiser, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 10
	 use 9 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.983
Job title: Implementation Project Manager, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.983
Job title: Marketing Sales Executive, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.983
Job title: Assistant Finance Manager, Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 14 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.983
Job title: Administrative Assistant, Industry: Mining and Quarrying
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.983
Job title: User Interface Architect, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.983
Job title: Technician, Industry: Transportation and Storage
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.983
Job title: After Sales Adviser / Client Account Service Executive, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.983
Job title: Cafe Manager, Industry: Accommodation and Food Service Activities
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 9 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.983
Job title: Safety Supervisor, Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.983
Job title: Property Officer, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 34
	 use 27 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.5s
	 consistency score: 0.983
Job title: Chief Executive Chef, Industry: Accommodation and Food Service Activities
	 total # posts: 10
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.983
Job title: Computer Technician, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.983
Job title: Procurement Manager, Industry: Transportation and Storage
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 23 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.983
Job title: Business Project Manager, Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.983
Job title: Merchandising Manager, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 13 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.983
Job title: Trust Officer, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.983
Job title: Duty Manager, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.983
Job title: Information Technology Technician, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.983
Job title: Technical Specialist, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 10
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.983
Job title: Senior Support Specialist, Information Technology, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 17 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.983
Job title: Information Technology Support Executive, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.983
Job title: Public Relations Executive, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 15 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.983
Job title: Senior Software Testing Analyst, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.983
Job title: Sales & Marketing Executive, Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 4 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.983
Job title: Creative Designer, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 13 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.983
Job title: Information Technology Support Executive, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.983
Job title: Network Operations Engineer, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.983
Job title: Telemarketer, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 17
	 use 15 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.983
Job title: Research Engineer, Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.983
Job title: Product Development Executive, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.983
Job title: Product Marketing Engineer, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.983
Job title: Aircraft Maintenance Engineer, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 14 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.983
Job title: Master, Ship, Industry: Transportation and Storage
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.983
Job title: Cleaner, Industry: Health and Social Services
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.983
Job title: Human Resource Officer, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 17 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.983
Job title: Telesales Consultant, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.983
Job title: Property Officer, Industry: Real Estate Activities
	 total # posts: 17
	 use 14 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.983
Job title: Learning and Development Analyst, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.983
Job title: Senior Technician, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.983
Job title: Project Quantity Surveyor, Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 21
	 use 17 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.983
Job title: Restaurant Manager, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 16
	 use 13 posts, each post with at least 22 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.983
Job title: Build and Release Specialist, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.983
Job title: Cost Controller, Industry: Accommodation and Food Service Activities
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 18 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.983
Job title: Sales Consultant, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.983
Job title: Senior Structural Engineer (General), Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.983
Job title: Geophysicist, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 13 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.983
Job title: Office Cleaner, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.983
Job title: Senior Interior Designer, Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.983
Job title: Service Technician, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.983
Job title: Corporate Finance Executive, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 14
	 use 13 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.983
Job title: Senior Technical Helpdesk Specialist, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.983
Job title: Senior Site Manager, Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.983
Job title: Principal Officer, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 17
	 use 13 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.983
Job title: Accounting Associate Professional (eg Assistant Accountant, Audit (Accounting) Executive), Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 13 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.982
Job title: Secretary, Industry: Education
	 total # posts: 10
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.982
Job title: Cook, Industry: Arts, Entertainment and Recreation
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 4 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.982
Job title: Senior Operations Executive, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.982
Job title: Field Engineer, Information Technology (It), Industry: Other Service Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.982
Job title: Horticulturist / Arborist, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.982
Job title: Software Support Executive, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 2 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.982
Job title: Senior Internal Auditor, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.982
Job title: Call Centre Operator, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.982
Job title: Cashier, Restaurant, Industry: Accommodation and Food Service Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.982
Job title: Receptionist (General), Industry: Real Estate Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.982
Job title: Purchasing Executive, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 18
	 use 13 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.982
Job title: Construction Manager, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 10
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.982
Job title: Ship Broker, Industry: Transportation and Storage
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.982
Job title: Senior Finance Analyst, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.982
Job title: Facilities Manager, Industry: Real Estate Activities
	 total # posts: 12
	 use 9 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.982
Job title: Equipment Engineer, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 16
	 use 12 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.982
Job title: Assistant Accountant, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 11
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.982
Job title: Mechanical Engineer (General), Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 17
	 use 15 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.982
Job title: Insurance Broker, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.982
Job title: Dealer, Securities, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.982
Job title: Chartering Executive, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.982
Job title: Shipping Clerk, Industry: Transportation and Storage
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 4 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.982
Job title: Assistant Quantity Surveyor, Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.982
Job title: Tunnel Engineer, Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 11
	 use 10 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.982
Job title: Actuarial Manager, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.982
Job title: Project Executive, Industry: Education
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.982
Job title: Senior Human Resource Executive, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 10
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.982
Job title: Bank Teller, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 11
	 use 9 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.982
Job title: Senior Buyer, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 13 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.982
Job title: Test Analyst, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 10
	 use 10 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.982
Job title: Administrative Officer, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 13
	 use 13 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.982
Job title: Senior Business Solution Manager, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 13
	 use 12 posts, each post with at least 3 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.982
Job title: Treasury Analyst, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.982
Job title: Catering Executive, Industry: Accommodation and Food Service Activities
	 total # posts: 10
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.982
Job title: Radiographer, Diagnostic, Industry: Health and Social Services
	 total # posts: 21
	 use 18 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.982
Job title: Corporate Sales Executive, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.982
Job title: Guest Services Officer, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 12
	 use 10 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.982
Job title: Cost Accountant, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.982
Job title: Customer Sales Executive, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.982
Job title: Application Support Engineer, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.982
Job title: Assembly Technician, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.982
Job title: Account Sales Manager, Industry: Accommodation and Food Service Activities
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.982
Job title: Marketing Communications Executive, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.982
Job title: Teacher, Secondary School, Industry: Education
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 13 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.982
Job title: Site Engineer, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.982
Job title: Captain, Restaurant, Industry: Accommodation and Food Service Activities
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 4 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.982
Job title: Administration Clerk, Industry: Other Service Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 4 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.982
Job title: Officer, Industry: Education
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 3 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.982
Job title: Assistant Operation Manager, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.982
Job title: Assistant Outlet Manager, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 3 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.982
Job title: Room Steward / Chambermaid, Industry: Accommodation and Food Service Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.982
Job title: Production Manager (Manufacturing), Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 13
	 use 10 posts, each post with at least 13 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.982
Job title: Chef, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.982
Job title: Trainer, Industry: Education
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.982
Job title: Boiler Attendant, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 9 posts, each post with at least 4 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.982
Job title: Research Consultant, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 3 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.982
Job title: Administrative Accounts Assistant, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.982
Job title: Store Assistant, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.982
Job title: Purchasing Executive, Industry: Transportation and Storage
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 13 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.982
Job title: Senior Portfolio Manager, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.982
Job title: Administration Manager, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.982
Job title: Engineer, Industry: Real Estate Activities
	 total # posts: 14
	 use 10 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.982
Job title: Senior Graphic Designer, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.982
Job title: Laboratory Assistant, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.981
Job title: Marine Operations Executive, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.981
Job title: Senior Account Executive, Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 16
	 use 16 posts, each post with at least 4 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.981
Job title: Project Analyst, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 10
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 13 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.981
Job title: Cashier (General), Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 10
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.981
Job title: Administrative Accounts Executive, Industry: Transportation and Storage
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.981
Job title: Manufacturing Supervisor, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.981
Job title: Application Manager, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 11
	 use 9 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.981
Job title: Accounting Executive, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.981
Job title: Food & Beverage Team Leader, Industry: Accommodation and Food Service Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.981
Job title: Laboratory Analyst, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 17
	 use 13 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.981
Job title: Senior Admissions Officer, Industry: Education
	 total # posts: 10
	 use 10 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.981
Job title: Corporate Sales Executive, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 11
	 use 11 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.981
Job title: Client Service Assistant, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 16 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.981
Job title: Sales Promoter, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 10
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.981
Job title: Manager, Quality Assurance, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 14 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.981
Job title: System Analyst, Industry: Health and Social Services
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.981
Job title: Personal Assistant, Industry: Education
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.981
Job title: Senior Software Developer, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.981
Job title: Production Coordinator, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 13 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.981
Job title: Technical Sales Engineer, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.981
Job title: Design Manager, Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 15
	 use 13 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.981
Job title: Human Resource Manager, Industry: Real Estate Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.981
Job title: Internal Audit Manager, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 14 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.981
Job title: Accountant, Assistant, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.981
Job title: Airfreight Executive, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.981
Job title: Administrative Accounts Executive, Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 11
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.981
Job title: Sales Support Executive, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.981
Job title: Security Officer, Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 16
	 use 14 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.981
Job title: Marketing Communications Executive, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 13 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.981
Job title: Senior Loans Officer, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.981
Job title: Senior Software Architect, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 16 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.981
Job title: Service Manager, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.981
Job title: Planner, Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.981
Job title: Maintenance Engineer, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 18
	 use 13 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.981
Job title: Storekeeper, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.981
Job title: Special Education Teacher, Industry: Health and Social Services
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.981
Job title: Junior Sous Chef, Industry: Accommodation and Food Service Activities
	 total # posts: 22
	 use 17 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.981
Job title: Social Worker (General), Industry: Health and Social Services
	 total # posts: 18
	 use 14 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.981
Job title: Logistics Assistant, Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.981
Job title: Corporate Secretarial Assistant, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 36
	 use 32 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.7s
	 consistency score: 0.981
Job title: Underwriter, Insurance, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.981
Job title: Senior Operations Manager, Industry: Transportation and Storage
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.981
Job title: Human Resource Consultant (Excluding Executive Search Consultant), Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.981
Job title: In-House Counsel/Lawyer (Public or Private Corporation or Organisation), Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 10
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.981
Job title: Assistant Food & Beverage Manager, Industry: Accommodation and Food Service Activities
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 9 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.981
Job title: Bioinformatics Specialist, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.981
Job title: Finance Executive, Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.981
Job title: Cashier (General), Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 18
	 use 18 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.981
Job title: Scaffold Supervisor, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.981
Job title: Bank Operations Clerk, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 16 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.981
Job title: Media Director, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.981
Job title: Loans Officer, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.981
Job title: Pastry Chef, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.981
Job title: Logistics and Procurement Coordinator, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.981
Job title: Manager, Ocean Freight Strategy & Development, Industry: Transportation and Storage
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.981
Job title: Service Executive, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 20 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.981
Job title: Quality Engineer, Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.981
Job title: Safety Manager, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 10
	 use 10 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.981
Job title: Actuarial Associate, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.981
Job title: Civil Engineer (Building Construction), Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.981
Job title: Supply Chain Analyst, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 12
	 use 9 posts, each post with at least 14 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.981
Job title: Assistant Production Manager, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.981
Job title: Technical Purchaser, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.981
Job title: Programme Executive, Industry: Education
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 4 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.98
Job title: Purchasing Officer, Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 10
	 use 10 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.98
Job title: Audio and Video Equipment Technician, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.98
Job title: Senior Treasury Analyst, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 13 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.98
Job title: Product Executive, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 17 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.98
Job title: Accounting Associate Professional (eg Assistant Accountant, Audit (Accounting) Executive), Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.98
Job title: Customer Care Manager, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.98
Job title: Information Technology Support Engineer, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 10
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.98
Job title: Kitchen Assistant, Industry: Accommodation and Food Service Activities
	 total # posts: 17
	 use 15 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.98
Job title: Marketing Manager, Industry: Accommodation and Food Service Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.98
Job title: Import & Export Coordinator, Industry: Transportation and Storage
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.98
Job title: Administrative Accounts Assistant, Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 11
	 use 9 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.98
Job title: Internal Audit Manager, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.98
Job title: Information Technology Helpdesk Coordinator, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.98
Job title: Accounts Administrator, Industry: Transportation and Storage
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.98
Job title: Regional Key Account Manager, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 19 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.98
Job title: Category Finance Manager, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 14 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.98
Job title: Senior Desktop Support Engineer, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 13 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.98
Job title: Quality Assurance & Quality Control Manager, Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 15
	 use 12 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.98
Job title: Food & Beverage Supervisor, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 13
	 use 11 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.98
Job title: Field Application Engineer, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 10
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.98
Job title: Beauty Consultant, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.98
Job title: Accounting Executive, Industry: Other Service Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.98
Job title: Client Service Representative, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 4 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.98
Job title: Senior Civil & Structural Engineer, Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 16 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.98
Job title: Senior Hardware Engineer (Computer), Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.98
Job title: Technical Manager, Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 4 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.98
Job title: Property Underwriter, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.98
Job title: Legal Assistant, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.98
Job title: Building Supervisor, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.98
Job title: Visual Merchandiser, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 45
	 use 44 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 1.3s
	 consistency score: 0.98
Job title: General Manager (Restaurant), Industry: Accommodation and Food Service Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.98
Job title: Sales and Marketing Manager, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.98
Job title: Assistant Finance Manager, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.98
Job title: Department Head, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.98
Job title: Quality Assurance Manager, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.98
Job title: Internal Audit Manager, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 14
	 use 10 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.98
Job title: Document Controller, Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 24
	 use 24 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.4s
	 consistency score: 0.98
Job title: Logistics Assistant, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.98
Job title: Dishwasher (Restaurant), Industry: Accommodation and Food Service Activities
	 total # posts: 14
	 use 14 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.98
Job title: Senior Mechanical & Electrical (M&E) Engineer, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.98
Job title: Store Assistant, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.98
Job title: Physiotherapy Aide, Industry: Health and Social Services
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.98
Job title: Senior Finance Executive, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.98
Job title: Laboratory Analyst, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.98
Job title: Advanced Manufacturing Engineer, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.98
Job title: Project Procurement and Contracts Manager, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.98
Job title: Financial Consultant, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 4 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.98
Job title: Administrative Operations Assistant, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.98
Job title: Program Administrator, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.98
Job title: Accountant, Company, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 14
	 use 12 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.98
Job title: Public Relations Consultant and Related Professional, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.98
Job title: Credit Control Executive, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 29
	 use 25 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.4s
	 consistency score: 0.98
Job title: Supply Chain Analyst, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 13 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.98
Job title: Underwriting Assistant, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.98
Job title: System Analyst, Industry: Education
	 total # posts: 10
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 14 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.98
Job title: Client Relations Officer, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 9 posts, each post with at least 13 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.98
Job title: Assistant Restaurant Manager, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.98
Job title: Senior Quality Assurance Engineer, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.98
Job title: Senior Automation Engineer, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.98
Job title: Communications Executive, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 15 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.98
Job title: Premises and Facilities Maintenance Officer, Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 16
	 use 12 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.98
Job title: Test Analyst, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 14 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.979
Job title: Technical Superintendent, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 10
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 13 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.979
Job title: Senior Instrumentation Engineer, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 15 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.979
Job title: Research Executive, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.979
Job title: Bookkeeper, Accounts Payable (Or Receivable), Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.979
Job title: Kitchen Assistant (Restaurant), Industry: Accommodation and Food Service Activities
	 total # posts: 13
	 use 11 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.979
Job title: Warehouse Manager, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.979
Job title: Receptionist (General), Industry: Transportation and Storage
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.979
Job title: Business Development Engineer, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 13 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.979
Job title: Senior Payroll Executive, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.979
Job title: Accounts Assistant, Industry: Other Service Activities
	 total # posts: 10
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.979
Job title: Senior Manager, Industry: Public Administration and Defence
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.979
Job title: Shop Manager, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.979
Job title: Senior Test Analyst, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.979
Job title: Financial Analyst, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.979
Job title: Assembly Technician, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 20
	 use 19 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.3s
	 consistency score: 0.979
Job title: Compliance & Risk Management Officer, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 16 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.979
Job title: Security Officer, Industry: Real Estate Activities
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.979
Job title: Logistics Executive, Industry: Other Service Activities
	 total # posts: 12
	 use 12 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.979
Job title: Pricing Analyst, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.979
Job title: Scientific Officer, Industry: Education
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 22 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.979
Job title: Senior Digital Artist, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 9 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.979
Job title: Administrative Support Officer, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.979
Job title: SAP Consultant, Industry: Other Service Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 19 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.979
Job title: Material Planner, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 14 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.979
Job title: Assistant Maintenance Engineer, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.979
Job title: Quantity Surveyor, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.979
Job title: Legal Consultant, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 17 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.979
Job title: Account Delivery Manager, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.979
Job title: Chartering Executive, Industry: Transportation and Storage
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.979
Job title: Senior Legal Consultant, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.979
Job title: Technician, Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.979
Job title: Accounts Executive, Industry: Arts, Entertainment and Recreation
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.979
Job title: Sales Associate, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.979
Job title: Auditor, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 4 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.979
Job title: Automotive Engineer, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.979
Job title: Safety Manager, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 13 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.979
Job title: Tax Manager, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.979
Job title: Sales Administration Coordinator, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 15
	 use 14 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.979
Job title: Computer Programmer, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.979
Job title: Business Applications Manager, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 9 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.979
Job title: Digital Media Editor, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 17 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.979
Job title: Laboratory Engineer, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.979
Job title: Integrated Circuit Designer, Industry: Transportation and Storage
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.979
Job title: Chef Supervisor, Industry: Accommodation and Food Service Activities
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.979
Job title: Corporate Secretarial Executive, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 42
	 use 39 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 1.1s
	 consistency score: 0.979
Job title: Executive Secretary, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.979
Job title: Naval Architect, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.979
Job title: Senior Mobile Engineer, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.979
Job title: Audit Associate, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.979
Job title: Quality Assurance Manager, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.979
Job title: Accounts Assistant, Industry: Education
	 total # posts: 12
	 use 12 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.979
Job title: Assistant Production Officer, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.979
Job title: Information Security Manager, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 12
	 use 9 posts, each post with at least 17 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.979
Job title: In-House Counsel/Lawyer (Public or Private Corporation or Organisation), Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 13 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.979
Job title: Quantity Surveyor, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 22
	 use 17 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.979
Job title: Consultant, Industry: Other Service Activities
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.979
Job title: Finance Assistant, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.979
Job title: Assistant Accountant, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.979
Job title: Payroll Executive, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.979
Job title: Beauty Consultant, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 16
	 use 16 posts, each post with at least 4 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.979
Job title: Restaurant Captain, Industry: Accommodation and Food Service Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.978
Job title: Assistant Engineer, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 10
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.978
Job title: Assistant Finance Manager, Industry: Education
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.978
Job title: Senior Financial Analyst, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 13 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.978
Job title: Business Operations Manager, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 4 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.978
Job title: Multimedia Designer, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.978
Job title: Quality Assurance Inspector, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.978
Job title: Database Analyst, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.978
Job title: Quality Manager, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 15 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.978
Job title: Boutique Manager, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 15
	 use 15 posts, each post with at least 4 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.978
Job title: Marine Manager, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 15
	 use 11 posts, each post with at least 29 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.978
Job title: Claims Specialist, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 15
	 use 13 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.978
Job title: Research Assistant, Industry: Health and Social Services
	 total # posts: 15
	 use 11 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.978
Job title: Sales Promoter, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 9 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.978
Job title: Paralegal, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 14 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.978
Job title: Bank Teller, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.978
Job title: Management Accountant, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.978
Job title: Hair Consultant, Industry: Other Service Activities
	 total # posts: 14
	 use 14 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.978
Job title: Human Resource Executive, Industry: Health and Social Services
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.978
Job title: Equipment Manager, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.978
Job title: Safety, Health & Environment Coordinator, Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.978
Job title: Clerk, Shipping, Industry: Transportation and Storage
	 total # posts: 10
	 use 9 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.978
Job title: Corporate Sales Executive, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 32
	 use 27 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.5s
	 consistency score: 0.978
Job title: Software Analyst, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.978
Job title: Fund Accountant, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 20
	 use 16 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.978
Job title: Merchandiser, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 10
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.978
Job title: Finance Associate, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.978
Job title: Account Assistant, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 30
	 use 30 posts, each post with at least 3 skills...
	 done after 0.6s
	 consistency score: 0.978
Job title: Pharmaceutical Technician, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.978
Job title: Business Development Executive, Industry: Real Estate Activities
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.978
Job title: Executive Assistant, Industry: Transportation and Storage
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.978
Job title: Lease Management Executive, Industry: Real Estate Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.978
Job title: Machinist, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 18
	 use 15 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.978
Job title: Business Development Executive, Industry: Education
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.978
Job title: Chief Compliance Officer, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.978
Job title: Fast Food Restaurant Manager, Industry: Accommodation and Food Service Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.978
Job title: Radio Frequency Engineer, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 10
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.978
Job title: Change Management Manager, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.978
Job title: Information System Analyst, Industry: Education
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.978
Job title: Cuisine Chef, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.978
Job title: Workshop Supervisor, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.978
Job title: Microbiologist, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.978
Job title: Materials Procurement Representative, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 13 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.978
Job title: Architectural Designer, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.978
Job title: Audiologist, Industry: Health and Social Services
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.978
Job title: Bid Manager, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.978
Job title: Technical Architect, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.978
Job title: Customer Service Engineer, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.978
Job title: Administrator, Industry: Transportation and Storage
	 total # posts: 11
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.978
Job title: Academic Staff, Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.978
Job title: Finance Executive, Industry: Arts, Entertainment and Recreation
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.978
Job title: Embedded Software Engineer, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 11
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.978
Job title: Secretary, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 17
	 use 15 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.978
Job title: Accounting Assistant, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.978
Job title: Draftsman, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 12
	 use 12 posts, each post with at least 3 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.978
Job title: Human Resource Assistant, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.978
Job title: Administrative Executive, Industry: Arts, Entertainment and Recreation
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.978
Job title: Marketing Sales Executive, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 11
	 use 11 posts, each post with at least 4 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.978
Job title: Assistant Supply Chain Manager, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 20 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.978
Job title: Information Technology Analyst, Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 10
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.978
Job title: Project Engineer/Manager (Engineering), Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.978
Job title: Quality Assurance Executive, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.978
Job title: Website Designer, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.978
Job title: Technical Support Representative, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 23
	 use 19 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.3s
	 consistency score: 0.978
Job title: Senior Systems Analyst, Industry: Electricity, Gas and Air-Conditioning Supply
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.978
Job title: Purchasing Manager, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.978
Job title: Cost Estimating Manager, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.978
Job title: Information Technology Technician, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.978
Job title: Customer Care Officer, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.978
Job title: Electrical and Electronics Engineer, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 17
	 use 13 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.977
Job title: Housekeeping Attendant, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.977
Job title: Tax Associate, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 17
	 use 14 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.977
Job title: Business Development Director, Industry: Education
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 4 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.977
Job title: Biology Laboratory Technician, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.977
Job title: Assistant Service Engineer, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.977
Job title: Technical Assistant, Industry: Transportation and Storage
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.977
Job title: Claims Specialist, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 10
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.977
Job title: Events Coordinator, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 27
	 use 24 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.4s
	 consistency score: 0.977
Job title: Assistant Project Manager, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 14
	 use 12 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.977
Job title: Producer (Stage, Film, Television, Computer Games, Video and Radio), Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 9 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.977
Job title: Events Executive, Industry: Arts, Entertainment and Recreation
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.977
Job title: Corporate Secretarial Executive, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 11
	 use 9 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.977
Job title: Architect, Industry: Real Estate Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.977
Job title: Counsellor, Industry: Education
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.977
Job title: Corporate Finance Associate, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 17 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.977
Job title: Community Manager, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 15 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.977
Job title: Creative Designer, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 13 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.977
Job title: Regional Business Development Manager, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.977
Job title: Campaign Manager, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.977
Job title: Electrical Engineering Technician (General), Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.977
Job title: Delegate Sales Executive, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 18 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.977
Job title: Manager, Procurement, Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.977
Job title: Personal Assistant, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.977
Job title: Events Manager, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.977
Job title: Engineer, Procurement, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 13 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.977
Job title: Internal Auditor, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 26
	 use 19 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.3s
	 consistency score: 0.977
Job title: Senior Settlements Officer, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.977
Job title: Senior Compensation & Benefits Manager, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 14 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.977
Job title: Assistant Quality Manager, Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.977
Job title: Administration Clerk, Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 36
	 use 28 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.5s
	 consistency score: 0.977
Job title: Accounts Assistant, Industry: Health and Social Services
	 total # posts: 15
	 use 11 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.977
Job title: Quality Assurance Technician, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.977
Job title: Procurement Manager, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 18 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.977
Job title: Assistant Sales & Marketing Manager, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 11
	 use 11 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.977
Job title: Project Designer, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 11
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.977
Job title: Senior Executive, Industry: Other Service Activities
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 4 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.977
Job title: Desktop Support Engineer, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.977
Job title: Training Executive, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.977
Job title: Sales Representative, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 16
	 use 12 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.977
Job title: Information Technology Support Executive, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.977
Job title: Manager, Treasury, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 22 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.977
Job title: Customer Service Officer, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 11
	 use 10 posts, each post with at least 4 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.977
Job title: Accounts Manager, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.977
Job title: Front Desk Executive, Industry: Accommodation and Food Service Activities
	 total # posts: 13
	 use 11 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.977
Job title: Senior Facilities Maintenance Technician, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 11
	 use 10 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.977
Job title: Engineer, Industry: Transportation and Storage
	 total # posts: 11
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.977
Job title: Foreign Lawyer (Practising Foreign Law), Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 14
	 use 10 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.977
Job title: Psychologist, Industry: Health and Social Services
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 9 posts, each post with at least 4 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.977
Job title: Human Resource & Administration Manager, Industry: Accommodation and Food Service Activities
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 13 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.977
Job title: Network Consultant, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 12
	 use 10 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.977
Job title: Broker, Insurance, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.977
Job title: Property Management Executive, Industry: Real Estate Activities
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.977
Job title: Software Design Engineer, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 4 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.977
Job title: Director, Industry: Accommodation and Food Service Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.977
Job title: Piping Engineer, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.977
Job title: Facility Executive, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.977
Job title: Call Centre Supervisor, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 10
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 4 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.977
Job title: Club Manager, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.977
Job title: Accounts Officer, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.977
Job title: Senior Information Technology Coordinator, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.977
Job title: Senior Accountant (General), Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.977
Job title: Building Maintenance Supervisor, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.977
Job title: Sales Account Executive, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.977
Job title: Administrative Executive, Industry: Real Estate Activities
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.977
Job title: Piping Designer, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.977
Job title: Information Technology Business Solution Manager, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.976
Job title: Executive Engineer, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 38
	 use 34 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.8s
	 consistency score: 0.976
Job title: Warehouse Assistant, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 18 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.976
Job title: Management Support Executive, Industry: Education
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.976
Job title: Quality Manager, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.976
Job title: Actuary, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 11
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.976
Job title: Sales Executive, Industry: Accommodation and Food Service Activities
	 total # posts: 12
	 use 11 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.976
Job title: Mechanical Engineer (General), Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.976
Job title: Senior Media Executive, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.976
Job title: Assistant Project Executive, Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 4 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.976
Job title: Systems Developer, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 9 posts, each post with at least 4 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.976
Job title: Technical Support Manager, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 23 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.976
Job title: Telemarketer, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 36
	 use 31 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.6s
	 consistency score: 0.976
Job title: Quality Assurance Technician, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 12
	 use 11 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.976
Job title: Environmental Consultant, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 11
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.976
Job title: Electrical and Instrument Technician, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 21
	 use 18 posts, each post with at least 15 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.976
Job title: Executive, Property Management, Industry: Real Estate Activities
	 total # posts: 14
	 use 10 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.976
Job title: Administrative Sales Clerk, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 16
	 use 16 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.976
Job title: Human Resource Assistant Manager, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 15 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.976
Job title: Housekeeping Manager, Industry: Real Estate Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 4 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.976
Job title: Accounting Manager (Finance Department), Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.976
Job title: Customer Service Representative, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.976
Job title: Logistics Analyst, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.976
Job title: Air-Con Technician, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 9 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.976
Job title: Instrumentation Engineer, Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.976
Job title: Director, Industry: Education
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.976
Job title: Assistant Project Engineer, Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 12
	 use 10 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.976
Job title: Control and Instrumentation Engineer, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.976
Job title: Payroll Executive, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 11
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 14 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.976
Job title: Chief Editor, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.976
Job title: Advanced Software Engineer, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 13 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.976
Job title: Technical Officer, Industry: Transportation and Storage
	 total # posts: 17
	 use 13 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.976
Job title: Senior Analyst Programmer, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 27 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.976
Job title: Embedded Software Engineer, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.976
Job title: Front Desk Executive, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 29
	 use 24 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.4s
	 consistency score: 0.976
Job title: Assistant Warehouse Manager, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 10
	 use 9 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.976
Job title: Compensation & Benefits Manager, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 19 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.976
Job title: Marine Service Engineer, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.976
Job title: Procurement Assistant, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 13
	 use 10 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.976
Job title: Financial Accountant, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.976
Job title: Commissioning Engineer, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 10
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.976
Job title: Administrative Secretary, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 15
	 use 11 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.976
Job title: Coordinator, Industry: Transportation and Storage
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 9 posts, each post with at least 4 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.976
Job title: Accounting Associate Professional (eg Assistant Accountant, Audit (Accounting) Executive), Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.976
Job title: Marketing Manager, Industry: Real Estate Activities
	 total # posts: 10
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.976
Job title: Laboratory Technician, Industry: Education
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.976
Job title: Corporate Sales Representative, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.976
Job title: Electrical Engineer (Power Generation), Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 3 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.976
Job title: Senior Network Security Analyst, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.976
Job title: Customer Service Team Leader, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 3 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.976
Job title: Contract Manager, Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 24
	 use 21 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.3s
	 consistency score: 0.976
Job title: Import & Export Coordinator, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.976
Job title: Designer, Graphic, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 10
	 use 10 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.976
Job title: Environmental Control Officer, Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 37
	 use 28 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.5s
	 consistency score: 0.976
Job title: Paint Inspector, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 2 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.976
Job title: Audit Assistant, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 15
	 use 12 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.976
Job title: Warehouse Assistant, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 13
	 use 10 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.976
Job title: Senior Packaging Engineer, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.976
Job title: Public Relations Executive, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.976
Job title: Executive, Training, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 14 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.976
Job title: Application Designer, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 10
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.976
Job title: Business Consultant, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 12
	 use 9 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.976
Job title: Acmv Engineer, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.976
Job title: Translator, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.976
Job title: Sales Engineer, Computer, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 9 posts, each post with at least 18 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.976
Job title: Quality Inspector, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.976
Job title: Accountant, Industry: Real Estate Activities
	 total # posts: 10
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 13 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.976
Job title: Operation Manager, Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 12
	 use 9 posts, each post with at least 4 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.975
Job title: Account Manager, Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 10
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.975
Job title: Senior Pre-Sales Consultant, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.975
Job title: Hvac Engineer, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.975
Job title: Legal Assistant, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 14 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.975
Job title: Speech Therapist, Industry: Health and Social Services
	 total # posts: 22
	 use 19 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.3s
	 consistency score: 0.975
Job title: Engineer, Industry: Public Administration and Defence
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.975
Job title: Equipment Engineer, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 25 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.975
Job title: Operations Executive, Industry: Health and Social Services
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.975
Job title: General Manager (Restaurant), Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.975
Job title: Brand Executive, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 11
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.975
Job title: Fashion Designer, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 42
	 use 36 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.9s
	 consistency score: 0.975
Job title: Senior Management Consultant, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 15 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.975
Job title: Clerk, Warehouse, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.975
Job title: Assistant Electrical Engineer, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 10
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.975
Job title: Resident Technical Officer, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 60
	 use 48 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 1.6s
	 consistency score: 0.975
Job title: Failure Analysis Engineer, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.975
Job title: Draftsperson, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 13
	 use 12 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.975
Job title: Risk Manager, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.975
Job title: Assistant Software Engineer, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 16
	 use 16 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.975
Job title: Visiting Associate Professor, Industry: Education
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.975
Job title: Senior Telesales Executive, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 20 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.975
Job title: Assistant Business Development Manager, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.975
Job title: Data Entry Clerk, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.975
Job title: Senior Network Engineer/Manager, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 19 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.975
Job title: Assistant Software Engineer, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 15
	 use 13 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.975
Job title: Retail Operations Executive, Industry: Real Estate Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.975
Job title: Purchasing Assistant, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 11
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.975
Job title: Compliance Officer, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 10
	 use 9 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.975
Job title: Senior Restaurant Manager, Industry: Accommodation and Food Service Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.975
Job title: Marketing Manager, Industry: Education
	 total # posts: 10
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.975
Job title: Administrative Accounts Executive, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 12
	 use 9 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.975
Job title: Senior Technical Support Engineer, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 13 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.975
Job title: Marketing Executive, Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.975
Job title: Logistics and Procurement Coordinator, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.975
Job title: Accounts Administrator, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 11
	 use 10 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.975
Job title: Production Engineer, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.975
Job title: Software Testing Analyst, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 12
	 use 9 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.975
Job title: Application Specialist, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.975
Job title: Operator, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.975
Job title: Insurance Sales Representative, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 10
	 use 10 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.975
Job title: Human Resource Specialist, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 14 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.975
Job title: Licensing Operations Specialist, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 23 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.975
Job title: Sales Associate, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.975
Job title: Accounts Clerk, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 9 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.975
Job title: Credit Control Executive, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.975
Job title: Captain Waiter / Waiter Supervisor, Industry: Accommodation and Food Service Activities
	 total # posts: 25
	 use 22 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.3s
	 consistency score: 0.975
Job title: Senior R&D Engineer, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.975
Job title: Sales Director, Industry: Accommodation and Food Service Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 4 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.975
Job title: Quality Engineer, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 9 posts, each post with at least 4 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.975
Job title: Customer Retention Officer, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 27 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.975
Job title: Store Supervisor, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.975
Job title: Audit Manager, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 12
	 use 9 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.975
Job title: Investment Banker, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 10
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.975
Job title: Graphic Designer, Industry: Accommodation and Food Service Activities
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.975
Job title: Senior Marketing Executive, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.975
Job title: Boiler Technician, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 4 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.975
Job title: Shipping Coordinator, Industry: Transportation and Storage
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.975
Job title: Corporate Sales Representative, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 11
	 use 9 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.975
Job title: Senior Executive, Industry: Real Estate Activities
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.975
Job title: Events Designer, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.975
Job title: Accounting Officer, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.975
Job title: Store Manager, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 11
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.975
Job title: Finance Controller, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.975
Job title: Animator, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 13
	 use 11 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.975
Job title: Specialist Associate, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.975
Job title: Senior Analyst, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.975
Job title: Database Executive, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.974
Job title: Project Management Coordinator, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.974
Job title: Credit Control Assistant, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.974
Job title: Security Analyst, Information Technology, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.974
Job title: Relationship Manager, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.974
Job title: Human Resource & Administrative Manager, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 16 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.974
Job title: Security Officer, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.974
Job title: Marketing Communications Executive, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 42
	 use 40 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 1.1s
	 consistency score: 0.974
Job title: Finance Director, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 14 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.974
Job title: Assistant Operations Manager, Industry: Transportation and Storage
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.974
Job title: Warehouse Supervisor, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 27
	 use 21 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.3s
	 consistency score: 0.974
Job title: Marketing and Sales Representative (Institutional Sales of Financial Products), Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 20 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.974
Job title: Executive, Property Management, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.974
Job title: Product Manager, Industry: Transportation and Storage
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 15 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.974
Job title: Accounting Manager (Finance Department), Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 15
	 use 11 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.974
Job title: Tendering Manager, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 14 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.974
Job title: Artist, Graphic, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.974
Job title: Corporate Sales Representative, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.974
Job title: Assistant Planner, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 11
	 use 9 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.974
Job title: Business Control Manager, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 15 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.974
Job title: Assistant Accountant, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 14
	 use 10 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.974
Job title: Mechanical & Electrical (M&E) Engineer, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 20
	 use 18 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.974
Job title: Procurement Engineer, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.974
Job title: Administrative Officer, Industry: Education
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.974
Job title: Systems Analyst, Industry: Education
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.974
Job title: Senior Manager, Industry: Transportation and Storage
	 total # posts: 10
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.974
Job title: Visiting Fellow, Industry: Education
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.974
Job title: Accounting Analyst, Industry: Transportation and Storage
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 15 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.974
Job title: Other Personal Care Worker (eg Old Folks Home), Industry: Health and Social Services
	 total # posts: 12
	 use 9 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.974
Job title: Business Intelligence Archivist, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.974
Job title: Senior Information Technology Business Analyst, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.974
Job title: Safety Coordinator, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 11
	 use 10 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.974
Job title: Advertising Account Executive, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 15 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.974
Job title: Engineer, Software, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 19
	 use 14 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.974
Job title: Procurement Executive, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.974
Job title: Business Operations Manager, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.974
Job title: Senior Design Engineer, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 14 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.974
Job title: Senior Marketing Manager, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.974
Job title: Project Administrator, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.974
Job title: Purchasing Executive, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 11
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.974
Job title: Demand Planning Analyst, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.974
Job title: Accounts Officer, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 10
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.974
Job title: Production Operator, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 11
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.974
Job title: Administration Clerk, Industry: Education
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.974
Job title: Manufacturing Engineering Technician (General), Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.974
Job title: Logistics Coordinator, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 19
	 use 18 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.974
Job title: Project Procurement and Contracts Manager, Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 10
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.974
Job title: Business Development Consultant, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 11
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.974
Job title: Assistant Retail Manager, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 14
	 use 13 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.974
Job title: Health, Safety & Environmental Officer, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.974
Job title: Document Controller, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 10
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.974
Job title: Chemist, Quality Control, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.974
Job title: Civil Manager, Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.974
Job title: Business Analyst, Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.974
Job title: Project Coordinator, Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 43
	 use 38 posts, each post with at least 4 skills...
	 done after 1.0s
	 consistency score: 0.974
Job title: Cad Designer, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 23
	 use 17 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.974
Job title: Field Engineer, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.974
Job title: Sales Administrator, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 49
	 use 44 posts, each post with at least 4 skills...
	 done after 1.3s
	 consistency score: 0.974
Job title: Human Resource Business Partner, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 10
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.974
Job title: Assistant Business Development Manager, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.974
Job title: Accounting Analyst, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 20 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.974
Job title: Accountant, Industry: Accommodation and Food Service Activities
	 total # posts: 18
	 use 14 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.974
Job title: Instrumentation Technician, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.974
Job title: Site Engineer, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 10
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.974
Job title: Information Security Administrator, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 20 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.974
Job title: Civil & Structural Design Engineer, Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 13
	 use 12 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.974
Job title: Senior Manager, Marketing, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 13 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.974
Job title: Administrative Executive, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 14
	 use 10 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.974
Job title: Recruitment Consultant, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 16 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.974
Job title: Accounting Executive, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 10
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.974
Job title: Designer, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.974
Job title: Resident Technical Officer, Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 12
	 use 12 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.974
Job title: Account General Manager, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.974
Job title: Implementation Consultant, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 4 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.974
Job title: Private Security Officer, Industry: Real Estate Activities
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.974
Job title: Environmental Engineer, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.974
Job title: Delivery Driver, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 31
	 use 23 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.4s
	 consistency score: 0.974
Job title: SAP Project Manager, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 19 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.974
Job title: Senior Product Development Engineer, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.974
Job title: Senior Financial Analyst, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 17 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.974
Job title: Communications Executive, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 18 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.974
Job title: Analyst, Industry: Other Service Activities
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.974
Job title: Risk Analyst (Financial), Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 10
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.974
Job title: Customer Account Executive, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 9 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.974
Job title: Senior Project Manager (Construction), Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.973
Job title: Customer Service Representative, Industry: Transportation and Storage
	 total # posts: 12
	 use 10 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.973
Job title: Assembly Product Engineering Assistant, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.973
Job title: Project Management Manager, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.973
Job title: Manager, Procurement, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 19 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.973
Job title: Housekeeper (Hotels and Other Establishments), Industry: Arts, Entertainment and Recreation
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.973
Job title: Sales Account Manager, Industry: Transportation and Storage
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.973
Job title: Postdoctoral Fellow, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 15
	 use 11 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.973
Job title: Key Account Manager, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.973
Job title: Accounts Officer, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.973
Job title: Equipment Technician, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.973
Job title: Compensation & Benefits Manager, Industry: Transportation and Storage
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 25 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.973
Job title: Engineer, Industry: Education
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.973
Job title: Customer Support Representative, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 24
	 use 20 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.3s
	 consistency score: 0.973
Job title: Events Manager, Industry: Accommodation and Food Service Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.973
Job title: Product Development Manager, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.973
Job title: Market Research Analyst, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.973
Job title: Food and Beverage Department Manager (Hotel), Industry: Accommodation and Food Service Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.973
Job title: Information Technology Testing / Quality Assurance Specialist, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 21 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.973
Job title: Senior Media Manager, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 14 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.973
Job title: Senior Audit Associate, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 11
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.973
Job title: Administrative Officer, Industry: Health and Social Services
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.973
Job title: Mechanical Design Engineer, Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.973
Job title: Customer Service Executive, Industry: Other Service Activities
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.973
Job title: Application Support Engineer, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.973
Job title: Sales Assistant, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.973
Job title: Senior Mechanical Design Engineer, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.973
Job title: Graphic Designer, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 25
	 use 19 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.3s
	 consistency score: 0.973
Job title: Account Assistant, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 31
	 use 23 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.4s
	 consistency score: 0.973
Job title: Sales Engineer, Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 15
	 use 14 posts, each post with at least 3 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.973
Job title: Finance Business Partner, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 13 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.973
Job title: Account Executive, Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 23
	 use 20 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.3s
	 consistency score: 0.973
Job title: Senior Electrical Engineer (General), Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 17
	 use 13 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.973
Job title: Sales & Marketing Engineer, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.973
Job title: Supply and Distribution / Logistics / Warehousing Manager, Industry: Transportation and Storage
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.973
Job title: Information Technology Support Officer, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.973
Job title: Front office Manager (Hotel), Industry: Accommodation and Food Service Activities
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.973
Job title: Business Solutions Consultant, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 17 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.973
Job title: Materials Engineer, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.973
Job title: Executive Assistant, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.973
Job title: Business Development Executive, Industry: Other Service Activities
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.973
Job title: Product Sales Specialist, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.973
Job title: Assistant Operations Supervisor, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.973
Job title: Business Development Associate, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 12
	 use 9 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.973
Job title: Manager, Training, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.973
Job title: Health and Safety Advisor, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 16 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.973
Job title: Regional Marketing Manager, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 31 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.973
Job title: Engineering Coordinator, Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.973
Job title: Senior Legal Secretary, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 12
	 use 12 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.973
Job title: Mechanical & Electrical (M&E) Engineer, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 12
	 use 9 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.973
Job title: Teacher, Primary School, Industry: Education
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.973
Job title: Senior Art Director, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 12
	 use 9 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.973
Job title: Sales Executive, Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 15
	 use 12 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.973
Job title: Crewing Executive (Ship), Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 27 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.973
Job title: Infrastructure Support Specialist, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.972
Job title: Category Manager, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 20 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.972
Job title: Draftsperson, Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 14
	 use 11 posts, each post with at least 4 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.972
Job title: Business Development Analyst, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.972
Job title: Senior Software Engineer, Industry: Education
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 14 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.972
Job title: Senior Application Analyst, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.972
Job title: Project Director, Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.972
Job title: Events Manager, Industry: Education
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.972
Job title: Customer Care Officer, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 18
	 use 15 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.972
Job title: Accountant, Chartered, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.972
Job title: Assistant Business Development Manager, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 16
	 use 12 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.972
Job title: Test Analyst, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 10
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 14 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.972
Job title: Administrative Secretary, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.972
Job title: Senior Information Technology Business Analyst, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 18
	 use 13 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.972
Job title: Aircraft Engineer, Industry: Transportation and Storage
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 14 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.972
Job title: Information Technology Project Manager, Industry: Other Service Activities
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.972
Job title: Sales Coordinator, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 18
	 use 18 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.972
Job title: Corporate Communications Manager, Industry: Transportation and Storage
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 28 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.972
Job title: Draftsman, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.972
Job title: Commodities Trader, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 14
	 use 10 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.972
Job title: Account Executive, Industry: Transportation and Storage
	 total # posts: 18
	 use 13 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.972
Job title: Sales Coordinator, Industry: Accommodation and Food Service Activities
	 total # posts: 15
	 use 11 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.972
Job title: Administrative Secretary, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 18 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.972
Job title: Marketing Executive, Industry: Education
	 total # posts: 16
	 use 12 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.972
Job title: Customer Service Officer, Industry: Education
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.972
Job title: Quality Control Analyst, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.972
Job title: Customer Service Coordinator, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 28
	 use 21 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.3s
	 consistency score: 0.972
Job title: Operations Analyst, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.972
Job title: Control System Engineer, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.972
Job title: Executive, Property Management, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 16
	 use 16 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.972
Job title: Technical Specialist, Industry: Education
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 18 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.972
Job title: Information Technology Support Engineer, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 10
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.972
Job title: Dental Nurse, Industry: Health and Social Services
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.972
Job title: Assistant Supply Chain Manager, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 13 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.972
Job title: Technical Helpdesk Specialist, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.972
Job title: Information Technology Project Leader, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.972
Job title: Security Analyst, Information Technology, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.972
Job title: Customer Support Engineer, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 15
	 use 13 posts, each post with at least 4 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.972
Job title: Physiotherapist, Industry: Health and Social Services
	 total # posts: 42
	 use 31 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.7s
	 consistency score: 0.972
Job title: Cook, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 39
	 use 32 posts, each post with at least 13 skills...
	 done after 0.7s
	 consistency score: 0.972
Job title: Assistant Project Engineer, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.972
Job title: Media Executive, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 12
	 use 12 posts, each post with at least 14 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.972
Job title: Engineer, Quality Assurance, Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 20
	 use 20 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.3s
	 consistency score: 0.972
Job title: Autocad Draftsman, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.972
Job title: Purchaser, Technical, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.972
Job title: Administrative Accounts Officer, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 12
	 use 10 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.972
Job title: Marine Operations Executive, Industry: Transportation and Storage
	 total # posts: 22
	 use 16 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.972
Job title: Marketing and Sales Representative (Technical), Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 15 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.972
Job title: Merchandising Executive, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 12
	 use 12 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.972
Job title: Cook, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.972
Job title: Quality Assurance & Quality Control Technician, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.972
Job title: Enrolled / Assistant Nurse, Industry: Health and Social Services
	 total # posts: 22
	 use 18 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.3s
	 consistency score: 0.972
Job title: Laboratory Technician, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 39
	 use 31 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.7s
	 consistency score: 0.972
Job title: Service Crew, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 38
	 use 32 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.7s
	 consistency score: 0.972
Job title: Inventory Coordinator, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 13
	 use 13 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.972
Job title: Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 24
	 use 19 posts, each post with at least 25 skills...
	 done after 0.3s
	 consistency score: 0.972
Job title: Accountant, Industry: Education
	 total # posts: 11
	 use 11 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.972
Job title: Purchasing Officer, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.972
Job title: Project Executive, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 11
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.972
Job title: Assistant Project Manager, Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 33
	 use 27 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.5s
	 consistency score: 0.972
Job title: Account Development Manager, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.972
Job title: Senior Information System Engineer, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.972
Job title: Food & Beverage Outlet Supervisor, Industry: Accommodation and Food Service Activities
	 total # posts: 20
	 use 18 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.972
Job title: Senior Application Developer, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.972
Job title: Firmware Engineer, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.972
Job title: Sales Manager, Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.972
Job title: Product Consultant, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.972
Job title: Culinary Chef, Industry: Accommodation and Food Service Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.972
Job title: Mechanical & Electrical (M&E) Supervisor, Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.972
Job title: Chemist, Pharmaceutical, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 28 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.972
Job title: Marketing Sales Executive, Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.972
Job title: Administration Clerk, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.972
Job title: Administrative Executive, Industry: Transportation and Storage
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.972
Job title: Research Officer, Industry: Health and Social Services
	 total # posts: 27
	 use 21 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.3s
	 consistency score: 0.971
Job title: Laboratory Analyst, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 10
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.971
Job title: Environmental Engineer, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 9 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.971
Job title: Community Social Worker, Industry: Health and Social Services
	 total # posts: 11
	 use 9 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.971
Job title: Managing Director, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.971
Job title: Customer Support Engineer, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 10
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.971
Job title: Project Assistant, Industry: Education
	 total # posts: 11
	 use 9 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.971
Job title: Customer Service Assistant, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.971
Job title: Cost Controller, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 18 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.971
Job title: Senior Business Analyst, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 13 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.971
Job title: Customer Service Officer, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 23
	 use 22 posts, each post with at least 4 skills...
	 done after 0.4s
	 consistency score: 0.971
Job title: Account Assistant, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.971
Job title: Business Planning Manager, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.971
Job title: Education Officer, Industry: Education
	 total # posts: 26
	 use 21 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 0.3s
	 consistency score: 0.971
Job title: Database Developer, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.971
Job title: Air-Conditioning / Refrigeration Engineering Technician, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.971
Job title: Human Resource Executive, Industry: Accommodation and Food Service Activities
	 total # posts: 20
	 use 15 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.971
Job title: Logistics Supervisor, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.971
Job title: Human Resource & Administrative Officer, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 17
	 use 17 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.971
Job title: Chief Financial Officer, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 11
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.971
Job title: Corporate Secretarial Manager, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 13
	 use 10 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.971
Job title: Assistant Front office Manager, Industry: Accommodation and Food Service Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.971
Job title: Port Master / Dockmaster, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 19
	 use 19 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.3s
	 consistency score: 0.971
Job title: Account Assistant, Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 27
	 use 20 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.3s
	 consistency score: 0.971
Job title: Network / Infrastructure Architect and Engineer, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 4 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.971
Job title: Manufacturing Engineer (General), Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.971
Job title: Operation Manager, Industry: Accommodation and Food Service Activities
	 total # posts: 20
	 use 15 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.971
Job title: Contract Manager, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 18 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.971
Job title: Business Operation Planning Specialist, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 14 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.971
Job title: Architectural Associate, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.971
Job title: Field Service Technician, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.971
Job title: Technical Engineer, Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 10
	 use 10 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.971
Job title: Telemarketer, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 4 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.971
Job title: Logistics Officer, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.971
Job title: Business Planning Manager, Industry: Other Service Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 21 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.971
Job title: Public Relations Officer, Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 10
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 3 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.971
Job title: Software Manager, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.971
Job title: Production Coordinator, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 3 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.971
Job title: Technical Officer, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.971
Job title: Waitress, Industry: Accommodation and Food Service Activities
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.971
Job title: Artist, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.971
Job title: Customer Service Officer, Industry: Other Service Activities
	 total # posts: 16
	 use 12 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.971
Job title: Laboratory Manager, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.971
Job title: Autocad Draftsman, Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 18
	 use 17 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.971
Job title: Marketing Engineer, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.971
Job title: Principal Investigator, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 16
	 use 12 posts, each post with at least 31 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.971
Job title: Assistant Project Executive, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.971
Job title: Construction Manager, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 14
	 use 12 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.971
Job title: Graphic Web Designer, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.971
Job title: Commercial Executive, Industry: Transportation and Storage
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.971
Job title: Claims Officer, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 15
	 use 11 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.971
Job title: Software and Applications Manager, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.971
Job title: Content Development Associate, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.971
Job title: Boutique Assistant Manager, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.971
Job title: Assistant Mechanical Engineer, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 13
	 use 12 posts, each post with at least 4 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.97
Job title: Building Engineer, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.97
Job title: Workplace Safety Health Officer, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.97
Job title: Facility Manager, Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 13 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.97
Job title: Sales Team Leader, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.97
Job title: Administrative Assistant, Industry: Arts, Entertainment and Recreation
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.97
Job title: Project Management Manager, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 13
	 use 11 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.97
Job title: Technical Sales Engineer, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 20
	 use 18 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.97
Job title: Mechanical & Electrical (M&E) Coordinator, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 11
	 use 11 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.97
Job title: Senior Shipping Administrator, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 14
	 use 14 posts, each post with at least 13 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.97
Job title: Marketing Specialist, Technical Publications, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.97
Job title: Store Assistant, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 20
	 use 18 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.3s
	 consistency score: 0.97
Job title: Client Service Consultant, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.97
Job title: Environmental Control Officer, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 13
	 use 11 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.97
Job title: Marketing Director, Industry: Education
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.97
Job title: Administrator, Computer Systems, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.97
Job title: Project Executive, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 10
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.97
Job title: Expeditor, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.97
Job title: Fleet Manager, Industry: Transportation and Storage
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 13 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.97
Job title: Reporter, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.97
Job title: Commercial Executive, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.97
Job title: Software Engineer, Industry: Education
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.97
Job title: Senior Financial Analyst, Industry: Other Service Activities
	 total # posts: 21
	 use 16 posts, each post with at least 30 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.97
Job title: Librarian, Industry: Education
	 total # posts: 10
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 13 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.97
Job title: Data Center Operator, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 24
	 use 20 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.3s
	 consistency score: 0.97
Job title: Patient Relations Officer, Industry: Health and Social Services
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.97
Job title: Visiting Professor, Industry: Education
	 total # posts: 13
	 use 10 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.97
Job title: Pre-Primary Education Teacher, Industry: Health and Social Services
	 total # posts: 13
	 use 11 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.97
Job title: Accounts Manager, Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.97
Job title: Product Development Engineer, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 12
	 use 12 posts, each post with at least 2 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.97
Job title: Electronics Engineer (General), Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.97
Job title: Senior Project Manager, Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.97
Job title: Retail Sales Associate, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 51
	 use 48 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 1.5s
	 consistency score: 0.97
Job title: Catering Sales Manager, Industry: Accommodation and Food Service Activities
	 total # posts: 12
	 use 10 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.97
Job title: Community Manager, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.97
Job title: Mechanical & Electrical (M&E) Coordinator, Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 56
	 use 42 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 1.2s
	 consistency score: 0.97
Job title: Automation Engineer, Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.97
Job title: Senior Mechanical Design Engineer, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.97
Job title: Production Technician, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 28
	 use 23 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.4s
	 consistency score: 0.97
Job title: Account Executive, Advertising, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 18
	 use 13 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.97
Job title: Contracts Officer, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.97
Job title: Senior Embedded Software Engineer, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.97
Job title: Administrative Sales Clerk, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 15
	 use 11 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.97
Job title: Senior Application Consultant, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.97
Job title: Administrative Coordinator, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.97
Job title: Project Secretary, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.97
Job title: Technical Superintendent, Industry: Transportation and Storage
	 total # posts: 53
	 use 45 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 1.4s
	 consistency score: 0.97
Job title: Customer Service Executive, Industry: Transportation and Storage
	 total # posts: 33
	 use 31 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.7s
	 consistency score: 0.97
Job title: Administrative Assistant, Industry: Real Estate Activities
	 total # posts: 24
	 use 19 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.3s
	 consistency score: 0.97
Job title: Administrative Manager, Industry: Education
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 14 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.97
Job title: Information Security Manager, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 10
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 16 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.97
Job title: Shipping Coordinator, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 31
	 use 23 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.4s
	 consistency score: 0.97
Job title: Corporate Contracts Manager, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 10
	 use 9 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.97
Job title: Business Development Associate, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.97
Job title: Purchaser, Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 24
	 use 20 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.3s
	 consistency score: 0.97
Job title: Engineer, Procurement, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 13
	 use 10 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.97
Job title: Administrative Officer, Industry: Real Estate Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.97
Job title: Web Marketing Executive, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.97
Job title: Senior Purchaser, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 15
	 use 15 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.97
Job title: Conference Producer, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 14
	 use 10 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.97
Job title: Senior Risk Management Executive, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.97
Job title: Compensation & Benefits Manager, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.97
Job title: Production Supervisor, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 28
	 use 21 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.3s
	 consistency score: 0.97
Job title: Customer Support Manager, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 11
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.97
Job title: Production Executive, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.97
Job title: Supply Chain Assistant, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.97
Job title: Operations Director, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.97
Job title: Project Executive, Industry: Transportation and Storage
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.97
Job title: Application Specialist, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.97
Job title: Construction Site Engineer, Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 31
	 use 27 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.5s
	 consistency score: 0.97
Job title: Manager, Restaurant, Industry: Accommodation and Food Service Activities
	 total # posts: 15
	 use 12 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.97
Job title: Marketing Operations Manager, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.97
Job title: Legal Secretary, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 52
	 use 40 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 1.1s
	 consistency score: 0.97
Job title: Information Technology Testing / Quality Assurance Specialist, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.97
Job title: Electrical Design Engineer, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 12
	 use 9 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.97
Job title: Marketing Sales Executive, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 10
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.97
Job title: Information Technology Manager, Industry: Other Service Activities
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.969
Job title: Logistics Administrator, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.969
Job title: Corporate Secretarial Manager, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 11
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.969
Job title: Social Worker, Community, Industry: Health and Social Services
	 total # posts: 14
	 use 10 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.969
Job title: Analyst, Financial, Industry: Real Estate Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.969
Job title: Laboratory Technician, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 21
	 use 17 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.969
Job title: Aeronautical Engineer, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.969
Job title: Actuarial Executive, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 15
	 use 11 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.969
Job title: Pricing Analyst, Industry: Transportation and Storage
	 total # posts: 14
	 use 10 posts, each post with at least 15 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.969
Job title: Research Engineer, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.969
Job title: Engineer, Mechanical (General), Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.969
Job title: Human Resource Manager, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 10
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.969
Job title: Accounts Executive, Industry: Transportation and Storage
	 total # posts: 42
	 use 33 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.7s
	 consistency score: 0.969
Job title: Interior Designer, Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 13
	 use 11 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.969
Job title: Consulting Analyst, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 15 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.969
Job title: Network Administrator, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.969
Job title: Health, Safety & Environmental Specialist, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 14 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.969
Job title: Manager, Training, Industry: Accommodation and Food Service Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.969
Job title: Accounts Assistant, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 41
	 use 36 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.9s
	 consistency score: 0.969
Job title: Store Supervisor, Industry: Accommodation and Food Service Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.969
Job title: Financial Product Controller, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 18 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.969
Job title: Commodities Trader, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 13
	 use 10 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.969
Job title: Food & Beverage Director, Industry: Accommodation and Food Service Activities
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.969
Job title: Senior R&D Engineer, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 10
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.969
Job title: Information Technology Business Analyst, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 11
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.969
Job title: Operations Assistant, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 18
	 use 16 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.969
Job title: Coordinator, Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 19
	 use 14 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.969
Job title: Business Executive, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 15
	 use 12 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.969
Job title: Test Analyst, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 34
	 use 26 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.5s
	 consistency score: 0.969
Job title: Engineering Assistant, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.969
Job title: Finance Assistant, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 34
	 use 25 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.4s
	 consistency score: 0.969
Job title: IT Trainer, Industry: Education
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.969
Job title: Investment Consultant, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.969
Job title: Sponsorship Sales Manager, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 10
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.969
Job title: Engineer, Software, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 20
	 use 15 posts, each post with at least 3 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.969
Job title: Accounts Administrative Assistant Manager, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.969
Job title: Administrative Officer, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 16
	 use 13 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.969
Job title: Designer, Graphic, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 16
	 use 13 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.969
Job title: Compliance Assistant, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.969
Job title: Senior Accountant (General), Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 24
	 use 19 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.3s
	 consistency score: 0.969
Job title: Claims Administrator, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 11
	 use 10 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.969
Job title: Sales Support Executive, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.969
Job title: Concierge, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.969
Job title: Legal Consultant, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 17
	 use 14 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.969
Job title: Cost Accountant, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.969
Job title: Business Account Manager, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.969
Job title: Shipping Coordinator, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 11
	 use 9 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.969
Job title: Logistics Customer Service Centre Agent, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 22
	 use 18 posts, each post with at least 16 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.969
Job title: Sales Executive, Industry: Transportation and Storage
	 total # posts: 41
	 use 34 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.8s
	 consistency score: 0.969
Job title: Accounts Administrator, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 39
	 use 29 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.6s
	 consistency score: 0.969
Job title: Pharmacist, Industry: Health and Social Services
	 total # posts: 12
	 use 11 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.969
Job title: Business Director, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 15 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.969
Job title: Clinic Manager, Industry: Health and Social Services
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.969
Job title: Senior Analyst, Systems, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.969
Job title: Manager, Retail Trade, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 11
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.969
Job title: Business Systems Developer, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.969
Job title: Branch Manager, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.969
Job title: Shipping Executive, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 37
	 use 30 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.7s
	 consistency score: 0.969
Job title: Security Specialist, Information Technology, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.969
Job title: Assistant Marketing Manager, Industry: Accommodation and Food Service Activities
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 22 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.969
Job title: Manager, Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 12
	 use 10 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.969
Job title: System Support Specialist, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.969
Job title: Retail Assistant, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 54
	 use 46 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 1.4s
	 consistency score: 0.969
Job title: Administrator, Industry: Health and Social Services
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.969
Job title: Associate Engineer, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 34
	 use 26 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.5s
	 consistency score: 0.969
Job title: Procurement Executive, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.969
Job title: Management Associate, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.968
Job title: Operations Manager, Industry: Other Service Activities
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.968
Job title: Events Marketing Executive, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.968
Job title: Assistant Warehouse Manager, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.968
Job title: Financial Controller, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.968
Job title: Test Engineer, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.968
Job title: Computer Operator, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 10
	 use 10 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.968
Job title: Manager, Quality Assurance, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 12
	 use 9 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.968
Job title: Field Support Engineer, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 22
	 use 18 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.968
Job title: SAP Specialist, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 15
	 use 12 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.968
Job title: Accounts Executive, Industry: Accommodation and Food Service Activities
	 total # posts: 15
	 use 11 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.968
Job title: Mechanical Supervisor, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 16 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.968
Job title: Category Finance Assistant, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.968
Job title: Legal Manager, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 11
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 18 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.968
Job title: Advertising Sales Manager, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.968
Job title: Risk Management Executive, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 10
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.968
Job title: Senior Sales Coordinator, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 11
	 use 9 posts, each post with at least 15 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.968
Job title: Senior Technical Support Engineer, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 18 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.968
Job title: Corporate Account Manager, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 13 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.968
Job title: Environment Health Officer, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 36 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.968
Job title: Field Application Engineer, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 12
	 use 12 posts, each post with at least 3 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.968
Job title: Client Relationship Executive, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.968
Job title: Supplier Quality Engineer, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 14 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.968
Job title: Analyst, Financial, Industry: Transportation and Storage
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 20 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.968
Job title: Security Officer, Industry: Education
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.968
Job title: Investor Relations Manager, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 18 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.968
Job title: Legal Consultant, Industry: Transportation and Storage
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 21 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.968
Job title: Broadcast Engineer, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.968
Job title: Customer Service Assistant, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 13
	 use 11 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.968
Job title: Senior SAP Consultant, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.968
Job title: Site Supervisor, Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 39
	 use 35 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.8s
	 consistency score: 0.968
Job title: Senior Quantity Surveyor, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 48
	 use 37 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.9s
	 consistency score: 0.968
Job title: Manager, Retail Trade, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 18 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.968
Job title: Assistant Sales & Marketing Manager, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.968
Job title: Supply Chain Manager, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 10
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.968
Job title: Accounting Executive, Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.968
Job title: Health Safety Executive, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.968
Job title: Senior Administrative Assistant, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 19
	 use 18 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.968
Job title: Project Supervisor, Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 4 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.968
Job title: Assistant Designer, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.968
Job title: Quality Assurance Engineer, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 30
	 use 22 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.3s
	 consistency score: 0.968
Job title: Retail Sales Associate, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 38
	 use 31 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.7s
	 consistency score: 0.968
Job title: Sales Coordinator, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 74
	 use 56 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 2.0s
	 consistency score: 0.968
Job title: Administrative Accounts Assistant, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 23
	 use 17 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.968
Job title: Senior Consultant, Industry: Other Service Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.967
Job title: Service Technician, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 55
	 use 55 posts, each post with at least 3 skills...
	 done after 2.0s
	 consistency score: 0.967
Job title: Information Technology Consultant, Industry: Other Service Activities
	 total # posts: 16
	 use 13 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.967
Job title: Other Quality Checkers and Testers, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.967
Job title: Storekeeper, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 14
	 use 10 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.967
Job title: Architectural Assistant, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 18
	 use 15 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.967
Job title: Project Manager (Construction), Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 12
	 use 12 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.967
Job title: Manager, Industry: Public Administration and Defence
	 total # posts: 13
	 use 11 posts, each post with at least 4 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.967
Job title: Engineer, Quality Assurance, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.967
Job title: Buyer, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 14
	 use 10 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.967
Job title: Sales Executive, Industry: Education
	 total # posts: 15
	 use 11 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.967
Job title: Logistics Manager, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.967
Job title: Client Service Consultant, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.967
Job title: Solutions Manager, Industry: Transportation and Storage
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.967
Job title: Control Engineer, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 16
	 use 12 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.967
Job title: Corporate Account Manager, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.967
Job title: Senior Purchasing Executive, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 14 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.967
Job title: Sales Account Manager, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.967
Job title: Project Executive, Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 15
	 use 12 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.967
Job title: Administrative Executive, Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 23
	 use 19 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.3s
	 consistency score: 0.967
Job title: Beauty Manager, Industry: Other Service Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.967
Job title: Human Resource Executive, Industry: Real Estate Activities
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.967
Job title: Cuisine Chef, Industry: Accommodation and Food Service Activities
	 total # posts: 21
	 use 20 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.3s
	 consistency score: 0.967
Job title: Senior Supply Chain Planner, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.967
Job title: Process Technician, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 40
	 use 31 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.7s
	 consistency score: 0.967
Job title: Legal Secretary, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 38
	 use 35 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.8s
	 consistency score: 0.967
Job title: Field Engineer, Information Technology (It), Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.967
Job title: Administrative Assistant, Industry: Other Service Activities
	 total # posts: 21
	 use 16 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.967
Job title: Senior System Analyst, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 10
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.967
Job title: Sales Consultant, Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.967
Job title: Senior Compliance Officer, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 10
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 15 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.967
Job title: Creative Consultant, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.967
Job title: Field Engineer, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.967
Job title: Application Developer, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 10
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.967
Job title: Health, Safety & Environmental Manager, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 15 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.967
Job title: Planning Engineer, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.967
Job title: Safety Coordinator, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 10
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.967
Job title: Mechanical Engineer, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 11
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.967
Job title: Accounts Officer, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 4 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.967
Job title: Finance Manager, Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 20
	 use 15 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.967
Job title: Sales Executive, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 57
	 use 48 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 1.7s
	 consistency score: 0.967
Job title: Country Manager, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.967
Job title: Housekeeping Attendant, Industry: Accommodation and Food Service Activities
	 total # posts: 14
	 use 13 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.967
Job title: Purchaser, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 17
	 use 14 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.967
Job title: Marketing Communications Manager, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 17 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.967
Job title: Design Engineer (Marine), Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.967
Job title: Senior Auditor, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 37
	 use 37 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.9s
	 consistency score: 0.967
Job title: Accounts Assistant, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 35
	 use 28 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.5s
	 consistency score: 0.967
Job title: Senior Buyer, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 15 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.966
Job title: Maintenance Supervisor, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.966
Job title: Human Resource Executive, Industry: Arts, Entertainment and Recreation
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.966
Job title: Regional Sales Manager, Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.966
Job title: Personal Assistant, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 18
	 use 14 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.966
Job title: Human Resource & Administrative Manager, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 16 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.966
Job title: Retail Manager, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 18
	 use 13 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.966
Job title: Application Specialist, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.966
Job title: Application Administrator - Information Technology, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 15
	 use 12 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.966
Job title: Accounting Manager (Finance Department), Industry: Transportation and Storage
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.966
Job title: General Manager, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 17
	 use 14 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.966
Job title: Human Resource Manager, Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 12
	 use 10 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.966
Job title: Regional Marketing Manager, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 17 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.966
Job title: Purchasing Assistant, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 29
	 use 27 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.5s
	 consistency score: 0.966
Job title: Information Security Consultant, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 11
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 16 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.966
Job title: Application Programmer, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.966
Job title: Assistant Director, Industry: Public Administration and Defence
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 9 posts, each post with at least 3 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.966
Job title: Marketing Assistant, Industry: Accommodation and Food Service Activities
	 total # posts: 10
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 17 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.966
Job title: Building Construction Engineer, Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 22
	 use 20 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.3s
	 consistency score: 0.966
Job title: Senior Mechanical Engineer, Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.966
Job title: Health, Safety & Environmental Manager, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.966
Job title: Senior Sales Operations Executive, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 31 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.966
Job title: Application Architect, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 14 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.966
Job title: Financial Planning Manager, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 16 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.966
Job title: Store Manager, Industry: Accommodation and Food Service Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.966
Job title: Logistics Analyst, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 10
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.966
Job title: Housekeeper (Hotels and Other Establishments), Industry: Accommodation and Food Service Activities
	 total # posts: 16
	 use 16 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.966
Job title: Human Resource Assistant, Industry: Health and Social Services
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 4 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.966
Job title: Marketing Project Manager, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.966
Job title: Accounts Officer, Industry: Transportation and Storage
	 total # posts: 22
	 use 18 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.966
Job title: Talent Management Manager, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 21 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.966
Job title: Chef, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 15
	 use 11 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.966
Job title: Buyer, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 14 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.966
Job title: Call Centre Agent, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 19
	 use 18 posts, each post with at least 4 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.966
Job title: Talent Manager, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.966
Job title: Safety Officer, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 12
	 use 9 posts, each post with at least 4 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.966
Job title: Restaurant Manager, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 17
	 use 13 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.966
Job title: Business Executive, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.966
Job title: Clerk, Finance, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.966
Job title: Academic Staff, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.966
Job title: Sales Specialist, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 17
	 use 16 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.966
Job title: Hardware Engineer (Computer), Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 15
	 use 11 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.966
Job title: Assistant Producer, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.966
Job title: Building Technician, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 21
	 use 16 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.966
Job title: Derivatives Analyst, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 18 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.966
Job title: Procurement Executive, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 27
	 use 21 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.3s
	 consistency score: 0.966
Job title: Other Electrical Engineers, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.966
Job title: Communications Executive, Industry: Education
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 16 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.966
Job title: Management Associate, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 13 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.966
Job title: Aerospace Technician, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 10
	 use 9 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.966
Job title: Chief Engineer, Industry: Accommodation and Food Service Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.966
Job title: Corporate Communications Manager, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.966
Job title: Supply Chain Executive, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 10
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.966
Job title: Production Planner, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 25
	 use 20 posts, each post with at least 4 skills...
	 done after 0.3s
	 consistency score: 0.966
Job title: General Manager, Industry: Arts, Entertainment and Recreation
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.966
Job title: Payroll Assistant, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 43
	 use 38 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 1.0s
	 consistency score: 0.966
Job title: Academic Consultant, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.966
Job title: Digital Manager, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 21 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.966
Job title: Quality Manager, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 16
	 use 15 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.966
Job title: Quantitative Analyst, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 16
	 use 12 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.966
Job title: Instrumentation Engineer, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 11
	 use 10 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.966
Job title: Supplier Quality Engineer, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 15
	 use 14 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.966
Job title: Helpdesk Engineer, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.966
Job title: Administrative Support Officer, Industry: Education
	 total # posts: 11
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 13 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.966
Job title: Aerospace Technician, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.966
Job title: System Analyst, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 20
	 use 16 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.966
Job title: Retail Executive, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 31
	 use 24 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.4s
	 consistency score: 0.966
Job title: Promoter, Sales, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.966
Job title: Project Administrator, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.965
Job title: Brand Manager, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.965
Job title: Information Technology Auditor, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.965
Job title: Research Executive, Industry: Education
	 total # posts: 14
	 use 10 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.965
Job title: Systems Administrator, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 11
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.965
Job title: Operations Supervisor, Industry: Transportation and Storage
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.965
Job title: Registered Nurse, Industry: Health and Social Services
	 total # posts: 24
	 use 19 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.3s
	 consistency score: 0.965
Job title: Regional Sales Manager, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.965
Job title: Merchandiser, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.965
Job title: Customer Care Officer, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.965
Job title: Marketing Assistant, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 12
	 use 12 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.965
Job title: Material Planner, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 37
	 use 37 posts, each post with at least 4 skills...
	 done after 0.9s
	 consistency score: 0.965
Job title: Financial Accountant, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 17 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.965
Job title: Solutions Consultant, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.965
Job title: Quality Control Technician, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.965
Job title: Embedded Software Engineer, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 12
	 use 9 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.965
Job title: Graphic Designer, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 39
	 use 29 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.6s
	 consistency score: 0.965
Job title: Project Coordinator, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 24
	 use 18 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.965
Job title: Senior Tax Manager, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.965
Job title: Project Manager, Information Technology, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.965
Job title: Administration Clerk, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 11
	 use 11 posts, each post with at least 3 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.965
Job title: Sales Engineer, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.965
Job title: Warehouse Executive, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 13 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.965
Job title: Swimming Coach, Industry: Education
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.965
Job title: Laundry Worker (Hotel), Industry: Accommodation and Food Service Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.965
Job title: Information System Analyst, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.965
Job title: Helpdesk Consultant, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 11
	 use 9 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.965
Job title: Human Resource & Administration Manager, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 15
	 use 11 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.965
Job title: Systems Administrator, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 4 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.965
Job title: Senior Product Manager, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.965
Job title: Infrastructure Technical Specialist, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 29 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.965
Job title: Build and Release Specialist, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.965
Job title: Premises and Facilities Maintenance Officer, Industry: Real Estate Activities
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.965
Job title: Quantity Surveyor, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 78
	 use 67 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 3.1s
	 consistency score: 0.965
Job title: Designer, Interior, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 14 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.965
Job title: Buyer, Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 15 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.965
Job title: Information Technology Quality Assurance Specialist, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.965
Job title: Senior Mechanical Technician, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.965
Job title: Analog Design Engineer, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.965
Job title: Engineer, Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 44
	 use 40 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 1.1s
	 consistency score: 0.965
Job title: Senior Systems Analyst, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.965
Job title: Chef de Partie (Restaurant), Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 17
	 use 17 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.965
Job title: Marketing Sales Executive, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 14
	 use 11 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.965
Job title: Senior Sales Manager, Industry: Accommodation and Food Service Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.965
Job title: Application System Manager, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 18 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.965
Job title: Compliance Analyst, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 14 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.965
Job title: Senior Java Developer, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 19
	 use 16 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.965
Job title: Pre-Sales Consultant, Industry: Other Service Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 18 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.965
Job title: Software Architect, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 15
	 use 11 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.965
Job title: Senior Software Support Specialist, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 19 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.965
Job title: Recruitment Consultant, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 14
	 use 10 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.965
Job title: Accountant, Industry: Other Service Activities
	 total # posts: 10
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.965
Job title: Service Executive, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 14
	 use 11 posts, each post with at least 13 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.965
Job title: Customer Service Coordinator, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 23
	 use 19 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.3s
	 consistency score: 0.964
Job title: Procurement Manager, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 19 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.964
Job title: Assembly Operator, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 13 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.964
Job title: Investigator, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 18 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.964
Job title: Senior Marketing Executive, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 16
	 use 12 posts, each post with at least 14 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.964
Job title: Administrative Executive, Industry: Other Service Activities
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.964
Job title: Audit Associate, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 39
	 use 32 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.7s
	 consistency score: 0.964
Job title: Training Coordinator, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.964
Job title: Logistics Assistant, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 15
	 use 11 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.964
Job title: Operations Coordinator, Industry: Transportation and Storage
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.964
Job title: Resident Engineer, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 37
	 use 29 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.6s
	 consistency score: 0.964
Job title: Aeronautical Engineer, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.964
Job title: Mechanical Technician, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 17
	 use 13 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.964
Job title: General Manager, Industry: Transportation and Storage
	 total # posts: 10
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.964
Job title: Shipping Assistant, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 20
	 use 16 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.964
Job title: Customer Service Engineer, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.964
Job title: Assistant Engineer (Production), Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.964
Job title: Service Crew, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 13
	 use 11 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.964
Job title: Landscape Architect, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 10
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 4 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.964
Job title: Project Manager (Marine), Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.964
Job title: Senior Designer, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 15
	 use 12 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.964
Job title: Nurse, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 17
	 use 17 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.964
Job title: Technical Architect, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.964
Job title: Finance Manager, Industry: Accommodation and Food Service Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.964
Job title: Customer Relations Officer, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.964
Job title: Risk Analyst, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 20
	 use 20 posts, each post with at least 27 skills...
	 done after 0.3s
	 consistency score: 0.964
Job title: Industrial Engineer, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 25
	 use 19 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.3s
	 consistency score: 0.964
Job title: Research Manager, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 18 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.964
Job title: Receptionist (General), Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 30
	 use 24 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.4s
	 consistency score: 0.964
Job title: Senior Financial Analyst, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 18 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.964
Job title: Finance Officer, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 14
	 use 10 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.964
Job title: Customer Account Executive, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 90
	 use 88 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 5.1s
	 consistency score: 0.964
Job title: Senior Human Resource Executive, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.964
Job title: Guest Relations Manager, Industry: Accommodation and Food Service Activities
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.964
Job title: Human Resource Analyst, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.964
Job title: Advertising / Public Relations Manager, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.964
Job title: Finance Analyst, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 14
	 use 10 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.964
Job title: Category Finance Manager, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.964
Job title: Corporate Sales Manager, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.964
Job title: Account Delivery Manager, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.964
Job title: Travel Consultant, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 40
	 use 38 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 1.0s
	 consistency score: 0.964
Job title: Finance Executive, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 13
	 use 10 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.964
Job title: Design Manager, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.964
Job title: Civil & Structural Engineer, Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 19
	 use 16 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.964
Job title: Lead Electrical Engineer, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 9 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.964
Job title: Airfreight Branch Manager, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.964
Job title: Insurance Underwriter, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.964
Job title: Mechanical Engineer, Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 32
	 use 28 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.6s
	 consistency score: 0.964
Job title: Management Assistant Officer, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 10
	 use 10 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.964
Job title: Purchaser, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 40
	 use 32 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.7s
	 consistency score: 0.964
Job title: Nurse, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.964
Job title: Assistant Systems Engineer, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 10
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.964
Job title: Account Assistant, Industry: Transportation and Storage
	 total # posts: 17
	 use 16 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.964
Job title: Pre-Sales Consultant, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 10
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.964
Job title: Accounts Supervisor, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.964
Job title: Senior Recruitment Executive, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 18 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.964
Job title: Executive Search Consultant, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 28
	 use 25 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.4s
	 consistency score: 0.964
Job title: Administrative Accounts Officer, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.964
Job title: Audit Consultant, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.964
Job title: Project Executive, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 13
	 use 10 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.963
Job title: Urban Planner, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.963
Job title: Autocad Draftsman, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 20
	 use 18 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.963
Job title: Quality Assurance Auditor, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.963
Job title: Accountant, Cost, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 13
	 use 12 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.963
Job title: Bank Associate, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 13
	 use 10 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.963
Job title: Investment Advisor, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 17
	 use 13 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.963
Job title: Adviser, Service (Customer After-Sales Service), Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.963
Job title: Marketing Engineer, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.963
Job title: SAP Consultant, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.963
Job title: Technical Engineer, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 17
	 use 13 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.963
Job title: Cleaner, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 19
	 use 14 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.963
Job title: Graphic Designer, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 35
	 use 28 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.5s
	 consistency score: 0.963
Job title: Senior Human Resource Executive, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 12
	 use 11 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.963
Job title: Technical Leader, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 15 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.963
Job title: Bank Operations Clerk, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 14
	 use 10 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.963
Job title: Regional Business Development Manager, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 13 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.963
Job title: Contracts Officer, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 13
	 use 10 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.963
Job title: Waiter, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 41
	 use 33 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.8s
	 consistency score: 0.963
Job title: Civil & Structural Engineer, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 48
	 use 39 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 1.0s
	 consistency score: 0.963
Job title: Marketing Director, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 15 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.963
Job title: Administrative Accounts Assistant, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 35
	 use 32 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.7s
	 consistency score: 0.963
Job title: Administrator, Industry: Real Estate Activities
	 total # posts: 10
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 13 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.963
Job title: Field Technical Specialist, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.963
Job title: Visual Effects Artist, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 10
	 use 10 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.963
Job title: Finance Director, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 19 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.963
Job title: Supply Chain Planner, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 14
	 use 10 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.963
Job title: Supply Chain Executive, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.963
Job title: Multimedia Artist and Animator, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 11
	 use 10 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.963
Job title: Senior Tax Associate, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 17 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.963
Job title: Child Care Teacher, Industry: Health and Social Services
	 total # posts: 47
	 use 37 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.9s
	 consistency score: 0.963
Job title: Quality Assurance & Quality Control Engineer, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.963
Job title: Management Trainee, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 18
	 use 14 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.963
Job title: Financial Trader, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.963
Job title: Accounts Assistant, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 77
	 use 68 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 3.0s
	 consistency score: 0.963
Job title: Automotive Engineering Technician, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.963
Job title: Embedded System Engineer, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 14
	 use 10 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.963
Job title: Information Technology Project Manager, Industry: Real Estate Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.963
Job title: Specialist, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.963
Job title: Retail Associate, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 61
	 use 46 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 1.4s
	 consistency score: 0.963
Job title: Building Services Engineer, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.963
Job title: Autocad Draftsman, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.963
Job title: Technical Support Associate, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.963
Job title: Insurance Underwriter, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 17
	 use 13 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.963
Job title: Electrical Instrument Engineer, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 10
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.963
Job title: Sales Support Engineer, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.963
Job title: Database Developer, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 10
	 use 10 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.963
Job title: Accounts Associate, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.963
Job title: Accounting Manager (Finance Department), Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.963
Job title: Management Trainee, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 15 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.963
Job title: Relationship Manager, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.963
Job title: Information Technology Technician, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 10
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.963
Job title: Implementation Consultant, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 13
	 use 10 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.963
Job title: Sales Representative, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.963
Job title: Sales Executive, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 20
	 use 19 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.3s
	 consistency score: 0.963
Job title: Change Management Manager, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 10
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.963
Job title: Automation Engineer, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 13
	 use 10 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.963
Job title: Senior Research Engineer, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.963
Job title: Administrative Officer, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.963
Job title: Architectural Coordinator, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 25
	 use 21 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.3s
	 consistency score: 0.962
Job title: Civil Engineer (Building Construction), Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 52
	 use 41 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 1.1s
	 consistency score: 0.962
Job title: Computer Technician (Including IT User Helpdesk Technician), Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 11
	 use 9 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.962
Job title: Web Developer, Industry: Education
	 total # posts: 10
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.962
Job title: Advertising Copywriter, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.962
Job title: Technician, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 41
	 use 34 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.8s
	 consistency score: 0.962
Job title: Underwriting Manager, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.962
Job title: Customer Service Administrator, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 20
	 use 18 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.962
Job title: Human Resource Assistant, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 13
	 use 11 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.962
Job title: Customer Service Administrator, Industry: Transportation and Storage
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 3 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.962
Job title: Associate Account Director, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.962
Job title: Accounts Clerk, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.962
Job title: Senior Manager, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 13
	 use 13 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.962
Job title: Primary School Teacher, Industry: Education
	 total # posts: 21
	 use 17 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.962
Job title: After Sales Adviser / Client Account Service Executive, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 12
	 use 9 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.962
Job title: Financial / Investment Adviser, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 18
	 use 14 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.962
Job title: Human Resource Consultant, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 22
	 use 19 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.3s
	 consistency score: 0.962
Job title: Project Quantity Surveyor, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 11
	 use 10 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.962
Job title: Assistant Operations Manager, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.962
Job title: Commodity Trader (Financial), Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 15 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.962
Job title: Outlet Manager, Industry: Accommodation and Food Service Activities
	 total # posts: 24
	 use 18 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.962
Job title: Mechanical Design Engineer, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 15
	 use 14 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.962
Job title: Maintenance Technician, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.962
Job title: Reliability Engineer, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.962
Job title: Personal Assistant, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 23
	 use 19 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.3s
	 consistency score: 0.962
Job title: Manufacturing Manager, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 12
	 use 9 posts, each post with at least 15 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.962
Job title: Information Technology Business Solution Manager, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 9 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.962
Job title: Finance Director, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 10
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 13 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.962
Job title: Content Development Associate, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.962
Job title: Administrative Assistant, Industry: Unknown
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.962
Job title: Quality Assurance & Quality Control Assistant, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.962
Job title: Senior Account Executive, Advertising, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 13
	 use 10 posts, each post with at least 13 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.962
Job title: Senior Web Developer, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 12
	 use 9 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.962
Job title: Patient Service Associate, Industry: Health and Social Services
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 4 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.962
Job title: Academic Consultant, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.962
Job title: Web Marketing Executive, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.962
Job title: Research Scientist, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 14 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.962
Job title: Advertising Sales Director, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 22 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.962
Job title: Senior Electrical Engineer (General), Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 9 posts, each post with at least 13 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.962
Job title: Customer Service Representative, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.962
Job title: Assistant Engineer, Industry: Transportation and Storage
	 total # posts: 17
	 use 13 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.962
Job title: Reservations Officer, Industry: Accommodation and Food Service Activities
	 total # posts: 15
	 use 12 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.962
Job title: SAP Specialist, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.962
Job title: Language Teacher, Industry: Health and Social Services
	 total # posts: 16
	 use 14 posts, each post with at least 20 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.962
Job title: Datawarehouse Consultant, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 10
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 14 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.962
Job title: Production Engineer, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 32
	 use 26 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.5s
	 consistency score: 0.962
Job title: Structural Designer, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.962
Job title: Senior Storage Engineer, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 14 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.962
Job title: Human Resource & Administration Manager, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.962
Job title: Trade Manager, Industry: Transportation and Storage
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.962
Job title: Analyst, Systems, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.962
Job title: Personal Assistant, Industry: Transportation and Storage
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.962
Job title: Senior Unix Engineer, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.962
Job title: Internal Auditor, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 24
	 use 18 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.962
Job title: Senior Lease Management Executive, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.962
Job title: Corporate Brand Marketing Manager, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.962
Job title: Client Service Representative, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 12
	 use 9 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.962
Job title: Senior Scientist, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 13 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.962
Job title: Contracts Officer, Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.962
Job title: Information System Engineer, Industry: Transportation and Storage
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.962
Job title: Business Operations Manager, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 14 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.962
Job title: Accountant, Industry: Health and Social Services
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.962
Job title: Sales Coordinator, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 4 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.962
Job title: Payroll Specialist, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.962
Job title: Senior Technical Consultant, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.962
Job title: Junior Art Director, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 13 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.962
Job title: Senior Analytics Manager, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 19 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.962
Job title: Senior Project Engineer, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 14
	 use 10 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.961
Job title: Business Analyst, Industry: Real Estate Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.961
Job title: Corporate Trainer, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.961
Job title: Sales Account Executive, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 10
	 use 9 posts, each post with at least 18 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.961
Job title: Human Resource Assistant, Industry: Transportation and Storage
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.961
Job title: Electrical Engineer (General), Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.961
Job title: Product Executive, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 15
	 use 11 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.961
Job title: Health Care Assistant, Industry: Health and Social Services
	 total # posts: 14
	 use 12 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.961
Job title: Management Trainee, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.961
Job title: Software Localization Tester, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.961
Job title: Customer Service Coordinator, Industry: Transportation and Storage
	 total # posts: 14
	 use 14 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.961
Job title: Inspection Engineer, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.961
Job title: Service Technician, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 14
	 use 11 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.961
Job title: Application Developer, Industry: Transportation and Storage
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.961
Job title: Construction Supervisor, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.961
Job title: Software Developer, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 13
	 use 10 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.961
Job title: Business Development Manager, Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 16
	 use 13 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.961
Job title: Business Process Analyst, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.961
Job title: Applications / Systems Programmer, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 17
	 use 13 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.961
Job title: Maintenance Technician, Industry: Real Estate Activities
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 16 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.961
Job title: Programme Coordinator, Industry: Health and Social Services
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.961
Job title: Administrative Accounts Executive, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 13
	 use 10 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.961
Job title: Analyst, Credit, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.961
Job title: Senior Application Architect, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.961
Job title: Customer Support Representative, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 17 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.961
Job title: Investment Sales Specialist, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.961
Job title: Technical Officer, Industry: Electricity, Gas and Air-Conditioning Supply
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.961
Job title: Occupational Therapist, Industry: Health and Social Services
	 total # posts: 47
	 use 39 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 1.0s
	 consistency score: 0.961
Job title: Auditor, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 48
	 use 45 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 1.3s
	 consistency score: 0.961
Job title: Sales Consultant, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 13
	 use 10 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.961
Job title: Finance Manager, Industry: Health and Social Services
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.961
Job title: Broker, Ship, Industry: Transportation and Storage
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.961
Job title: Housekeeping Manager, Industry: Accommodation and Food Service Activities
	 total # posts: 10
	 use 10 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.961
Job title: Senior Lecturer, Industry: Education
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.961
Job title: Information Technology Helpdesk Coordinator, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 28
	 use 21 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.3s
	 consistency score: 0.961
Job title: Senior Business Development Manager, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 12
	 use 9 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.961
Job title: Head Chef, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.961
Job title: Senior Planner, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 24 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.961
Job title: Senior Analyst, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.961
Job title: Senior Finance Analyst, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 9 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.961
Job title: Engineer, Quality Assurance, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 13
	 use 10 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.961
Job title: Commercial Executive, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 23 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.961
Job title: Chemist, Quality Control, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 14 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.961
Job title: Marine Systems Engineer, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.961
Job title: Sales Engineer, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 32
	 use 25 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.4s
	 consistency score: 0.961
Job title: Senior Sales Manager, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.961
Job title: Retail Associate, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 11
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.961
Job title: Marketing Communications Manager, Industry: Accommodation and Food Service Activities
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.961
Job title: Information Security Administrator, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 13
	 use 12 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.961
Job title: Sales Executive, Industry: Other Service Activities
	 total # posts: 16
	 use 12 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.961
Job title: Category Manager, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 13
	 use 12 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.961
Job title: Marketing Operations Manager, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 24 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.961
Job title: Accountant, Industry: Transportation and Storage
	 total # posts: 36
	 use 31 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.7s
	 consistency score: 0.961
Job title: Information Technology Business Analyst, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 14
	 use 10 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.961
Job title: Quality Control Inspector, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.961
Job title: Senior Information Technology Security Specialist, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.961
Job title: Technical Project Manager, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 3 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.961
Job title: Senior Sales Specialist, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.961
Job title: Trainer, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.961
Job title: Design Manager, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 13 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.961
Job title: Consultant, Industry: Transportation and Storage
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.961
Job title: Human Resource Assistant, Industry: Accommodation and Food Service Activities
	 total # posts: 24
	 use 22 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.4s
	 consistency score: 0.961
Job title: Chemical Engineering Technician (General), Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.961
Job title: Project Assistant, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.96
Job title: Administrative Operations Assistant, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 17
	 use 13 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.96
Job title: Sales Manager, Industry: Transportation and Storage
	 total # posts: 21
	 use 16 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.96
Job title: Delivery Driver, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 11
	 use 9 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.96
Job title: Distribution Manager, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.96
Job title: Application Support Analyst, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 24
	 use 18 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.96
Job title: Accounting Executive, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.96
Job title: Technical Sales Executive, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.96
Job title: Technical Director, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 19
	 use 14 posts, each post with at least 14 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.96
Job title: Analyst, Credit, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 17
	 use 15 posts, each post with at least 13 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.96
Job title: Service Quality Analyst, Industry: Transportation and Storage
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 24 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.96
Job title: Assistant Information Technology Manager, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.96
Job title: Security Supervisor, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 18
	 use 18 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.96
Job title: Senior Government official, Industry: Public Administration and Defence
	 total # posts: 15
	 use 11 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.96
Job title: Interior Designer, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 24
	 use 18 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.96
Job title: Secretary, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 16
	 use 12 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.96
Job title: Purchasing Assistant, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 16
	 use 12 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.96
Job title: Network Engineer/Manager, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 28
	 use 21 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.3s
	 consistency score: 0.96
Job title: Crew Manager, Industry: Transportation and Storage
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 22 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.96
Job title: Credit Research Analyst, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.96
Job title: Accounts Executive, Industry: Health and Social Services
	 total # posts: 17
	 use 15 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.96
Job title: Material Handler, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.96
Job title: Senior R&D Engineer, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 14
	 use 10 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.96
Job title: Learning Designer, Industry: Education
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.96
Job title: Validation Engineer, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 12
	 use 10 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.96
Job title: Writer, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.96
Job title: IT Service Manager, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.96
Job title: Chemical Engineer (General), Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 13 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.96
Job title: Accounting Assistant, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.96
Job title: Purchasing Officer, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.96
Job title: Supply Chain Analyst, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.96
Job title: Administrative Support Officer, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 10
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.96
Job title: Accounts Payable (Or Receivable) Bookkeeper, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 12
	 use 9 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.96
Job title: Procurement Analyst, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 18 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.96
Job title: Software Programmer, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 9 posts, each post with at least 4 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.96
Job title: Project Management Coordinator, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 25
	 use 21 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.3s
	 consistency score: 0.96
Job title: Project Manager (Marine), Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 16 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.96
Job title: Category Supply Chain Assistant, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 17 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.96
Job title: Building and Construction Project Manager, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 57
	 use 53 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 1.9s
	 consistency score: 0.96
Job title: Other Commercial and Marketing Sales Representatives, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.96
Job title: Marketing Director, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.96
Job title: Product Marketing Manager, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.96
Job title: Sales Coordinator, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 40
	 use 38 posts, each post with at least 4 skills...
	 done after 1.0s
	 consistency score: 0.96
Job title: Senior Internal Audit Manager, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.96
Job title: Information Technology Quality Assurance Specialist, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.96
Job title: Senior Technical Manager, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.96
Job title: Senior Information Security Consultant, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.96
Job title: Chemist, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.96
Job title: Clinical Research Coordinator, Industry: Health and Social Services
	 total # posts: 50
	 use 38 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 1.0s
	 consistency score: 0.96
Job title: Sales Support Executive, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 3 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.96
Job title: Account Assistant, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 44
	 use 37 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.9s
	 consistency score: 0.96
Job title: Chemical Engineer (General), Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.96
Job title: Child Care Teacher, Industry: Education
	 total # posts: 11
	 use 9 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.96
Job title: Senior Analyst, Industry: Real Estate Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 16 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.96
Job title: CNC Machinist, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 21
	 use 17 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.96
Job title: Assistant Operation Officer, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.96
Job title: Information Technology Specialist, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 10
	 use 9 posts, each post with at least 18 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.96
Job title: Site Manager, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.96
Job title: Kindergarten Teacher, Industry: Education
	 total # posts: 13
	 use 10 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.96
Job title: Risk Analyst, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.96
Job title: Unix Engineer, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 15 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.96
Job title: Business Development Manager, Industry: Health and Social Services
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.96
Job title: Application Developer, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 14
	 use 10 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.96
Job title: Chef de Cuisine (Restaurant), Industry: Accommodation and Food Service Activities
	 total # posts: 22
	 use 16 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.96
Job title: Financial Consultant, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 11
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.96
Job title: Food & Beverage Supervisor, Industry: Accommodation and Food Service Activities
	 total # posts: 16
	 use 13 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.959
Job title: Architect, Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.959
Job title: Senior Finance Manager, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 14 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.959
Job title: Principal Consultant, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 18
	 use 14 posts, each post with at least 20 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.959
Job title: Other Assistant Engineers, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 18
	 use 17 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.959
Job title: Accounting Executive, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.959
Job title: Associate Editor, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.959
Job title: Events Marketing Executive, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.959
Job title: Tax Manager, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 32
	 use 30 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.7s
	 consistency score: 0.959
Job title: Underwriter, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 15
	 use 11 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.959
Job title: Banker, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 14
	 use 14 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.959
Job title: Associate Creative Director, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.959
Job title: Customer Service Assistant, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 49
	 use 42 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 1.2s
	 consistency score: 0.959
Job title: Graphic Web Designer, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 14
	 use 10 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.959
Job title: Analyst Programmer, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 14
	 use 12 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.959
Job title: Retail Operations Executive, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 48
	 use 47 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 1.5s
	 consistency score: 0.959
Job title: Scheduler, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.959
Job title: Application Engineer, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 17
	 use 13 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.959
Job title: Contract Manager, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 19
	 use 18 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.959
Job title: Receptionist (General), Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 32
	 use 24 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.4s
	 consistency score: 0.959
Job title: Associate Engineer, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.959
Job title: Electrical and Electronics Engineer, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.959
Job title: Project Management Coordinator, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.959
Job title: Sales Engineer, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 75
	 use 63 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 2.8s
	 consistency score: 0.959
Job title: Professor, Industry: Education
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 14 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.959
Job title: Planning Engineer, Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 31
	 use 26 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.5s
	 consistency score: 0.959
Job title: Management Associate, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.959
Job title: Service Manager, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 17
	 use 13 posts, each post with at least 14 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.959
Job title: Brand Manager, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 31
	 use 24 posts, each post with at least 19 skills...
	 done after 0.5s
	 consistency score: 0.959
Job title: Information Technology (It) Field Engineer, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.959
Job title: Maintenance Technician, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 22
	 use 21 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.4s
	 consistency score: 0.959
Job title: Management Trainee, Industry: Transportation and Storage
	 total # posts: 16
	 use 14 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.959
Job title: Cargo Superintendent, Ship's, Industry: Transportation and Storage
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 15 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.959
Job title: General Manager, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 20
	 use 18 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.3s
	 consistency score: 0.959
Job title: Client Relationship Executive, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.959
Job title: Web Marketing Executive, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.959
Job title: Content Development Associate, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 13
	 use 10 posts, each post with at least 14 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.959
Job title: Planning Engineer, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 12
	 use 9 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.959
Job title: Logistics Administrator, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 39
	 use 39 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 1.0s
	 consistency score: 0.959
Job title: Product Designer, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.959
Job title: Administrative Coordinator, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 15 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.959
Job title: Communication Manager, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 22 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.959
Job title: Senior Financial Analyst, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.959
Job title: Treasury Manager, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 11
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.959
Job title: Recruitment Executive, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.959
Job title: Driver, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 22
	 use 16 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.959
Job title: Product Test Engineer, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 10
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.959
Job title: Technical Officer, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 26
	 use 20 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.3s
	 consistency score: 0.959
Job title: Group Account Director, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.959
Job title: Welding Inspector, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.959
Job title: Medical Technologist, Industry: Health and Social Services
	 total # posts: 28
	 use 25 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.5s
	 consistency score: 0.959
Job title: Administrator, Network, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 10
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.959
Job title: Research Fellow, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 86
	 use 64 posts, each post with at least 27 skills...
	 done after 2.9s
	 consistency score: 0.959
Job title: Assistant Vice President, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.959
Job title: Field Engineer, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 11
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.959
Job title: Marketing Consultant, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 10
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 17 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.959
Job title: Compliance Specialist, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 12
	 use 9 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.959
Job title: Claims Manager, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 12
	 use 12 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.958
Job title: Claims Clerk, Insurance, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.958
Job title: Production Manager, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.958
Job title: Medical Doctor, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.958
Job title: Events Marketing Executive, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.958
Job title: Business Consultant, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 12
	 use 9 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.958
Job title: Sales Engineer, Technical, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 33
	 use 25 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.5s
	 consistency score: 0.958
Job title: Category Finance Director, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 20 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.958
Job title: Technical Support Executive, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.958
Job title: Administrator, Database, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.958
Job title: Assistant Supply Chain Manager, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.958
Job title: Reservations Executive, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.958
Job title: Accounts Administrator, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.958
Job title: Embedded Software Engineer, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 32
	 use 25 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.5s
	 consistency score: 0.958
Job title: Logistics Assistant, Industry: Transportation and Storage
	 total # posts: 10
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.958
Job title: Warehouse Assistant, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 36
	 use 28 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.6s
	 consistency score: 0.958
Job title: Shipping Executive, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.958
Job title: System Administrator, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.958
Job title: Electrical Design Engineer, Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.958
Job title: Technical Support Officer, Industry: Education
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.958
Job title: Senior Finance Executive, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 9 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.958
Job title: Human Resource Advisor, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.958
Job title: Lecturer, Polytechnic, Industry: Education
	 total # posts: 71
	 use 62 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 2.6s
	 consistency score: 0.958
Job title: Health, Safety & Environmental Officer, Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 16 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.958
Job title: Actuarial Analyst, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.958
Job title: Senior Accountant (General), Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 14 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.958
Job title: Security Analyst, Information Technology, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 12
	 use 10 posts, each post with at least 20 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.958
Job title: Controller, Financial, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 12
	 use 10 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.958
Job title: Retail / Shop Sales Manager, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.958
Job title: Specialist, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.958
Job title: Branch Manager, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 13
	 use 12 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.958
Job title: Finance Executive, Industry: Education
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.958
Job title: Network Consultant, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.958
Job title: Sales & Marketing Executive, Industry: Education
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.958
Job title: Vice President, Human Resources, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.958
Job title: Engineer, Quality Assurance, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 9 posts, each post with at least 4 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.958
Job title: Business Analyst, Industry: Other Service Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 16 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.958
Job title: Account Executive, Industry: Accommodation and Food Service Activities
	 total # posts: 11
	 use 11 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.958
Job title: Music Instructor (Extracurriculum), Industry: Education
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.958
Job title: Chief Engineer, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 15 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.958
Job title: IT Trainer, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 13 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.958
Job title: Sales & Marketing Executive, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 19
	 use 16 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.958
Job title: Revenue Manager, Industry: Accommodation and Food Service Activities
	 total # posts: 19
	 use 19 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.3s
	 consistency score: 0.958
Job title: Customer Sales Executive, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 17
	 use 14 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.958
Job title: Designer, Interior, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 13
	 use 10 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.958
Job title: Embedded Systems Engineer, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.958
Job title: Safety Officer, Industry: Transportation and Storage
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.958
Job title: Project Manager (Construction), Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 12
	 use 11 posts, each post with at least 3 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.958
Job title: Proposal Engineer, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.958
Job title: IT Business Process Consultant / Business Analyst, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 12
	 use 9 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.958
Job title: Internal Auditor, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 21
	 use 16 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.958
Job title: Designer, Graphic, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 14
	 use 10 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.958
Job title: Warehouse Assistant, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 48
	 use 41 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 1.2s
	 consistency score: 0.958
Job title: Accounts Executive, Industry: Other Service Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.958
Job title: Assistant Director, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.958
Job title: Game Designer, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 21
	 use 16 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.958
Job title: Executive, Industry: Other Service Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.958
Job title: Marketing Assistant, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 11
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.957
Job title: Logistics Officer, Industry: Transportation and Storage
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.957
Job title: Account Manager, Industry: Transportation and Storage
	 total # posts: 14
	 use 10 posts, each post with at least 21 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.957
Job title: Treasury Analyst, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 13
	 use 10 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.957
Job title: Settlements Officer, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.957
Job title: Visiting Research Fellow, Industry: Education
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.957
Job title: Support Engineer, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.957
Job title: Advertising Sales Executive, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 17
	 use 13 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.957
Job title: Land Surveyor, Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 18
	 use 16 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.957
Job title: Telesales Executive, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 12
	 use 9 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.957
Job title: Teaching Assistant, Industry: Education
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 13 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.957
Job title: Visual Merchandising Executive, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.957
Job title: Advanced Software Engineer, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 16
	 use 14 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.957
Job title: Technical Consultant, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 12
	 use 9 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.957
Job title: Site Engineer, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 32
	 use 24 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.5s
	 consistency score: 0.957
Job title: Company Secretary (Executive), Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.957
Job title: Material Handler, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.957
Job title: Logistics Coordinator, Industry: Transportation and Storage
	 total # posts: 16
	 use 16 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.957
Job title: System Administrator, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 15
	 use 12 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.957
Job title: Game Producer, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.957
Job title: Security Officer, Industry: Accommodation and Food Service Activities
	 total # posts: 24
	 use 20 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.3s
	 consistency score: 0.957
Job title: Systems Analyst, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.957
Job title: Electrical Design Engineer, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 20
	 use 15 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.957
Job title: Java Developer, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 12
	 use 10 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.957
Job title: Finance Executive, Industry: Health and Social Services
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.957
Job title: Senior Revenue Manager, Industry: Accommodation and Food Service Activities
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.957
Job title: Architectural Drafter, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 21
	 use 16 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.957
Job title: Manager, Consulting, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 9 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.957
Job title: Executive, Training, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 12
	 use 10 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.957
Job title: Analyst Programmer, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 15
	 use 12 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.957
Job title: Planning Analyst, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.957
Job title: Key Account Manager, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.957
Job title: Electrical Engineer (Power Distribution and Transmission), Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 14
	 use 11 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.957
Job title: Solutions Engineer, Industry: Transportation and Storage
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.957
Job title: Product Design Engineer, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.957
Job title: Senior Software Developer, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.957
Job title: Programme Executive, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 4 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.957
Job title: Project Director, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 13
	 use 10 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.957
Job title: Customer Service Coordinator, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 44
	 use 37 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 1.0s
	 consistency score: 0.957
Job title: Concierge, Industry: Accommodation and Food Service Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 14 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.957
Job title: Information Technology Business Partnering Manager, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 21 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.957
Job title: Senior Account Manager, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 17 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.957
Job title: Staff Software Engineer, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 49 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.957
Job title: Computer Engineer, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 12
	 use 10 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.957
Job title: Sales & Marketing Executive, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 13
	 use 10 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.957
Job title: Accounting Manager, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 14
	 use 10 posts, each post with at least 14 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.957
Job title: Software Developer, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 14
	 use 14 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.957
Job title: Advertising Designer, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 13
	 use 10 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.957
Job title: R&D Engineer, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 28
	 use 24 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.5s
	 consistency score: 0.956
Job title: Research Officer, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 89
	 use 68 posts, each post with at least 29 skills...
	 done after 3.3s
	 consistency score: 0.956
Job title: Executive Assistant, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 49
	 use 45 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 1.5s
	 consistency score: 0.956
Job title: Logistics Coordinator, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 12
	 use 10 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.956
Job title: Information System Analyst, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.956
Job title: Manager, Marketing, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 13 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.956
Job title: Game Developer, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 11
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.956
Job title: Accountant, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 72
	 use 57 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 2.3s
	 consistency score: 0.956
Job title: Sales Support Executive, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 18
	 use 14 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.956
Job title: In-House Counsel/Lawyer (Public or Private Corporation or Organisation), Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 74
	 use 63 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 2.8s
	 consistency score: 0.956
Job title: Helpdesk Consultant, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 19
	 use 15 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.956
Job title: Chef de Partie (Restaurant), Industry: Accommodation and Food Service Activities
	 total # posts: 68
	 use 56 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 2.1s
	 consistency score: 0.956
Job title: Legal Assistant, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.956
Job title: Contracts Officer, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 18
	 use 14 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.956
Job title: Risk Analyst (Financial), Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 14 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.956
Job title: Human Resource Business Partner, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 27 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.956
Job title: Client Support Analyst, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.956
Job title: Legal Executive (Public or Private Corporation or Organisation), Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.956
Job title: Welder, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 9 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.956
Job title: Senior Sales Operations Executive, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 13 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.956
Job title: Assistant Accountant, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 12
	 use 12 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.956
Job title: Banking Consultant, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.956
Job title: Art Designer, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 12
	 use 9 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.956
Job title: Senior Technical Support Engineer, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 19 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.956
Job title: Senior Software Consultant, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.956
Job title: IT Trainer, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.956
Job title: Administrative Executive, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 32
	 use 25 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.5s
	 consistency score: 0.956
Job title: Administrator, Industry: Education
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.956
Job title: Program Manager, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 13
	 use 11 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.956
Job title: Engineering Technician, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.955
Job title: Human Resource Executive, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 12
	 use 9 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.955
Job title: Human Resource Manager, Industry: Accommodation and Food Service Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 14 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.955
Job title: Senior Technology Architect, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.955
Job title: Clerk, Shipping, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 12
	 use 9 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.955
Job title: Executive Engineer, Industry: Transportation and Storage
	 total # posts: 12
	 use 9 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.955
Job title: Procurement / Purchasing Manager, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.955
Job title: Designer, Graphic, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 24
	 use 24 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.5s
	 consistency score: 0.955
Job title: Clerk, Order (Material Planning), Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.955
Job title: Sales Support Executive, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.955
Job title: Customer Service Team Leader, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 12
	 use 9 posts, each post with at least 4 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.955
Job title: Deputy Editor, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.955
Job title: Sourcing Executive, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.955
Job title: Insurance Specialist, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 21
	 use 16 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.955
Job title: Contract Manager, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 26
	 use 25 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.4s
	 consistency score: 0.955
Job title: Senior Sales Manager, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 16 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.955
Job title: Desktop Support Engineer, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 21
	 use 16 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.955
Job title: Legal Executive (Public or Private Corporation or Organisation), Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 24
	 use 22 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.4s
	 consistency score: 0.955
Job title: Compliance Manager, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.955
Job title: Sales Coordinator, Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 13
	 use 10 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.955
Job title: Community Manager, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 15 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.955
Job title: Learning & Development Manager, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 20 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.955
Job title: Storage Engineer, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 11
	 use 9 posts, each post with at least 13 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.955
Job title: Senior Test Engineer, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 10
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.955
Job title: Microbiologist, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.955
Job title: Regional Sales Manager, Industry: Other Service Activities
	 total # posts: 12
	 use 9 posts, each post with at least 24 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.955
Job title: Department Head, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 25 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.955
Job title: Senior Architect, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 13
	 use 11 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.955
Job title: Architectural Coordinator, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 16
	 use 16 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.955
Job title: Project Director, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 13
	 use 10 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.955
Job title: Customer Service Representative, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 19
	 use 14 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.955
Job title: Assistant Sales Manager, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 15
	 use 12 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.955
Job title: Information Technology (It) Field Engineer, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.955
Job title: Technical Manager, Industry: Transportation and Storage
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.955
Job title: Project Engineer/Manager (Engineering), Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 14
	 use 11 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.955
Job title: SAP Consultant, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 33
	 use 26 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.5s
	 consistency score: 0.955
Job title: Senior Warehouse Executive, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.955
Job title: Public Relations Officer, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.955
Job title: Account Delivery Manager, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.955
Job title: Electrical Engineering Technician (General), Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.955
Job title: Marketing Communications Manager, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 23 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.955
Job title: Food & Beverage Executive, Industry: Accommodation and Food Service Activities
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.955
Job title: Clinic Assistant, Industry: Health and Social Services
	 total # posts: 31
	 use 23 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.4s
	 consistency score: 0.955
Job title: Buyer, Merchandise (Wholesale or Retail Trade), Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 16
	 use 13 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.955
Job title: Senior Recruitment Consultant, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 10
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.955
Job title: Senior Project Manager, Information Technology, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.955
Job title: Technical Analyst, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 10
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.955
Job title: Logistics Manager, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.955
Job title: Regional Manager, Industry: Transportation and Storage
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 13 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.955
Job title: Sales Representative, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.955
Job title: Geospatial Consultant, Industry: Real Estate Activities
	 total # posts: 18
	 use 16 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.955
Job title: Sales Assistant, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.955
Job title: Legal Executive (Public or Private Corporation or Organisation), Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 16
	 use 13 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.955
Job title: Management Trainee, Industry: Accommodation and Food Service Activities
	 total # posts: 31
	 use 25 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.4s
	 consistency score: 0.955
Job title: Receptionist (General), Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 13
	 use 12 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.954
Job title: Human Resource Officer, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 14
	 use 10 posts, each post with at least 4 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.954
Job title: Senior Executive, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.954
Job title: Senior Application Support Analyst, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.954
Job title: Technical Manager, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 20
	 use 16 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.954
Job title: Controller, Financial, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.954
Job title: Accounts Assistant, Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 53
	 use 45 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 1.4s
	 consistency score: 0.954
Job title: Service Delivery Manager, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 46
	 use 35 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.8s
	 consistency score: 0.954
Job title: Human Resource Analyst, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.954
Job title: Project Procurement and Contracts Manager, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.954
Job title: Creative Director, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 17 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.954
Job title: Engineer, Marine, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 15
	 use 15 posts, each post with at least 3 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.954
Job title: Audit Executive, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 4 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.954
Job title: Human Resource Advisor, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 10
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 13 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.954
Job title: Technician, Industry: Real Estate Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.954
Job title: Senior Quantity Surveyor, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 10
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.954
Job title: Product Development Manager, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.954
Job title: Product Specialist, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 21 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.954
Job title: Electrical Instrument Engineer, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.954
Job title: Customer Service Assistant, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 50
	 use 39 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 1.0s
	 consistency score: 0.954
Job title: Quantity Surveyor, Industry: Other Service Activities
	 total # posts: 30
	 use 30 posts, each post with at least 19 skills...
	 done after 0.7s
	 consistency score: 0.954
Job title: Barista, Industry: Accommodation and Food Service Activities
	 total # posts: 18
	 use 16 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.954
Job title: Electrical Supervisor, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.954
Job title: Regional Marketing Manager, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 14
	 use 10 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.954
Job title: Document Controller, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 15
	 use 13 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.954
Job title: Senior Interior Designer, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 29
	 use 27 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.5s
	 consistency score: 0.954
Job title: Web Developer, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 14
	 use 13 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.954
Job title: Receptionist (General), Industry: Education
	 total # posts: 24
	 use 24 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.4s
	 consistency score: 0.954
Job title: Project Director, Industry: Other Service Activities
	 total # posts: 16
	 use 15 posts, each post with at least 24 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.954
Job title: Construction Site Engineer, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.954
Job title: Laboratory Engineer, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.954
Job title: Other Teaching Professionals Nec, Industry: Education
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.954
Job title: Senior Advanced Software Engineer, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 15
	 use 12 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.954
Job title: Crew Coordinator, Industry: Transportation and Storage
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.954
Job title: Regional Marketing Manager, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 11
	 use 9 posts, each post with at least 20 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.954
Job title: Sales Manager, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 28
	 use 22 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.4s
	 consistency score: 0.954
Job title: Finance Analyst, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 19 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.954
Job title: Lecturer, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 11
	 use 9 posts, each post with at least 19 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.954
Job title: Logistics and Procurement Coordinator, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.954
Job title: Assistant Engineer (Mechanical), Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 23
	 use 17 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.954
Job title: Service Quality Analyst, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.954
Job title: Design Manager, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 12
	 use 10 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.954
Job title: Assistant Information Technology Manager, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 15 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.954
Job title: Accounts Officer, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.954
Job title: Production Planner, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 24
	 use 21 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.3s
	 consistency score: 0.954
Job title: Customer Service Representative, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.954
Job title: Technical Specialist, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 16 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.954
Job title: Senior Engineer, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.954
Job title: Logistics Assistant, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 38
	 use 29 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.6s
	 consistency score: 0.954
Job title: Chief Executive Officer, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.954
Job title: Accounting Manager, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 16
	 use 12 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.954
Job title: Food & Beverage Operations Manager, Industry: Accommodation and Food Service Activities
	 total # posts: 22
	 use 17 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.954
Job title: Technical Analyst, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.954
Job title: Cad Designer, Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.954
Job title: Infrastructure Engineer, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 17 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.954
Job title: Technical Support Engineer, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.954
Job title: Computer Scientist, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.954
Job title: Marketing Strategy Manager, Industry: Other Service Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 27 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.954
Job title: Project Coordinator, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 17
	 use 14 posts, each post with at least 4 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.954
Job title: Business Solutions Consultant, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 15 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.953
Job title: Senior Electrical Engineer (General), Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.953
Job title: Analyst, Systems, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.953
Job title: Customer Service Consultant, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 51
	 use 38 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 1.0s
	 consistency score: 0.953
Job title: Chief Compliance Officer, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.953
Job title: Senior Application Support Analyst, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 12
	 use 9 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.953
Job title: Client Manager, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.953
Job title: Design Engineer, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 10
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.953
Job title: Implementation Manager, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 11
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 15 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.953
Job title: Purchasing Coordinator, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 21
	 use 16 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.953
Job title: Senior SAP Consultant, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 27
	 use 24 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.4s
	 consistency score: 0.953
Job title: Lead Engineer, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 12
	 use 10 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.953
Job title: Finance Manager, Industry: Education
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.953
Job title: Manager, Industry: Arts, Entertainment and Recreation
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 9 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.953
Job title: Audit Executive, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.953
Job title: Deputy Manager, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 10
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.953
Job title: Compliance Officer, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 14 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.953
Job title: Engineer, Industry: Other Service Activities
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.953
Job title: Admissions Officer, Industry: Education
	 total # posts: 12
	 use 11 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.953
Job title: Applications / Systems Programmer, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 4 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.953
Job title: Payroll Specialist, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.953
Job title: Administrative Secretary, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 24
	 use 19 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.3s
	 consistency score: 0.953
Job title: Guest Services Officer, Industry: Accommodation and Food Service Activities
	 total # posts: 28
	 use 24 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.4s
	 consistency score: 0.953
Job title: Risk Management Executive, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.953
Job title: Administrative Executive, Industry: Education
	 total # posts: 58
	 use 47 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 1.5s
	 consistency score: 0.953
Job title: Shipping Executive, Industry: Transportation and Storage
	 total # posts: 19
	 use 17 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.953
Job title: Accounts Administrator, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 23
	 use 19 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.3s
	 consistency score: 0.953
Job title: Art Director, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.953
Job title: Operations Manager, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.953
Job title: Marketing Executive, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 31
	 use 26 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.5s
	 consistency score: 0.953
Job title: Civil & Structural Engineer, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 4 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.953
Job title: Administrative Executive, Industry: Health and Social Services
	 total # posts: 17
	 use 13 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.953
Job title: Operation Manager, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.953
Job title: Designer, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 13
	 use 10 posts, each post with at least 14 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.953
Job title: Quality Assurance & Quality Control Inspector, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.953
Job title: Information Technology Security Specialist, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.953
Job title: Software Programmer, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 11
	 use 9 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.953
Job title: Technical Manager, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 14
	 use 10 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.953
Job title: Engineering Officer, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 13 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.953
Job title: Technical Specialist, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.953
Job title: Software Testing Analyst, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 17
	 use 13 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.953
Job title: Billing Executive, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 4 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.953
Job title: Secondary School Teacher, Industry: Education
	 total # posts: 33
	 use 33 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.7s
	 consistency score: 0.953
Job title: Legal Assistant, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.953
Job title: Administrative Assistant, Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 94
	 use 75 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 3.7s
	 consistency score: 0.953
Job title: Banking Operations Consultant, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 16
	 use 12 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.953
Job title: Computer Systems Engineer, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 17 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.953
Job title: Call Centre Agent, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.952
Job title: Crewing Executive (Ship), Industry: Transportation and Storage
	 total # posts: 27
	 use 22 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.4s
	 consistency score: 0.952
Job title: Senior Risk Analyst, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.952
Job title: Chief Chef, Industry: Accommodation and Food Service Activities
	 total # posts: 11
	 use 10 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.952
Job title: Human Resource & Administrative Officer, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 15
	 use 11 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.952
Job title: Marketing Communications Executive, Industry: Accommodation and Food Service Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.952
Job title: Building and Construction Project Manager, Industry: Other Service Activities
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 29 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.952
Job title: Business Project Manager, Industry: Transportation and Storage
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 15 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.952
Job title: Mechanical Design Engineer, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.952
Job title: Site Manager, Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 45
	 use 36 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.9s
	 consistency score: 0.952
Job title: Commercial Manager, Industry: Transportation and Storage
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 20 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.952
Job title: Technical Sales Manager, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 15
	 use 11 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.952
Job title: Research Fellow, Industry: Health and Social Services
	 total # posts: 18
	 use 14 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.952
Job title: Procurement Manager, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 17 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.952
Job title: Broker, Insurance, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 20
	 use 15 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.952
Job title: Senior SAP Specialist, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 17 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.952
Job title: Case Management Officer, Industry: Health and Social Services
	 total # posts: 26
	 use 20 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.3s
	 consistency score: 0.952
Job title: Paralegal, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 17
	 use 13 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.952
Job title: Key Account Manager, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.952
Job title: Audit Consultant, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 13
	 use 13 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.952
Job title: Procurement Officer, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 13
	 use 13 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.952
Job title: Software Engineer, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 48
	 use 36 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.9s
	 consistency score: 0.952
Job title: Sales Representative, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 16
	 use 16 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.952
Job title: Bar Manager, Industry: Accommodation and Food Service Activities
	 total # posts: 34
	 use 25 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.5s
	 consistency score: 0.952
Job title: Administration Clerk, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 32
	 use 29 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.6s
	 consistency score: 0.952
Job title: Supply Chain Planner, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 16
	 use 12 posts, each post with at least 21 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.952
Job title: Paralegal, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 32
	 use 26 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.5s
	 consistency score: 0.952
Job title: Corporate Sales Manager, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.952
Job title: Team Manager, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.952
Job title: Building and Construction Project Manager, Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 132
	 use 100 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 6.5s
	 consistency score: 0.952
Job title: Project Manager, Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 80
	 use 69 posts, each post with at least 4 skills...
	 done after 3.1s
	 consistency score: 0.952
Job title: Senior System Analyst, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.952
Job title: Client Relationship Manager, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 16 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.952
Job title: Regulatory Affairs Executive, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.952
Job title: Service Crew, Industry: Accommodation and Food Service Activities
	 total # posts: 70
	 use 61 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 2.5s
	 consistency score: 0.952
Job title: Health, Safety & Environmental Manager, Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 17 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.952
Job title: Information Technology Support Officer, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 10
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.952
Job title: Operations Director, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.952
Job title: Human Resource Executive, Industry: Other Service Activities
	 total # posts: 17
	 use 15 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.952
Job title: Applications / Systems Programmer, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.952
Job title: Customer Service Representative, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.952
Job title: Administrator, Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 37
	 use 28 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.5s
	 consistency score: 0.952
Job title: Advanced Software Engineer, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 40
	 use 37 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.9s
	 consistency score: 0.952
Job title: Database Administrator, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 13 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.952
Job title: Civil Engineer (General), Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.952
Job title: Researcher, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 17
	 use 13 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.952
Job title: Assistant Engineer, Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 18
	 use 16 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.952
Job title: Pharmacist, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.952
Job title: Art Director, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 15
	 use 11 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.952
Job title: Management Associate, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 14
	 use 11 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.952
Job title: Technical Support Engineer, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 22
	 use 16 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.952
Job title: Payroll Executive, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 16 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.951
Job title: Executive Assistant, Industry: Electricity, Gas and Air-Conditioning Supply
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.951
Job title: Operations Executive, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.951
Job title: Instructor, Industry: Education
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.951
Job title: Housekeeping Supervisor, Industry: Accommodation and Food Service Activities
	 total # posts: 20
	 use 17 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.951
Job title: System Analyst, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 16
	 use 14 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.951
Job title: Software Manager, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.951
Job title: Information Technology Executive, Industry: Accommodation and Food Service Activities
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.951
Job title: Recruitment Executive, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 17
	 use 13 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.951
Job title: Supervisor, Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.951
Job title: Information Technology Consultant, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 15
	 use 11 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.951
Job title: Business Development Manager, Industry: Education
	 total # posts: 22
	 use 16 posts, each post with at least 13 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.951
Job title: Senior Business Analyst, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 15
	 use 11 posts, each post with at least 14 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.951
Job title: System Analyst, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 22
	 use 16 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.951
Job title: Assistant, Library, Industry: Education
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 15 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.951
Job title: Banking Operations Consultant, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 15 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.951
Job title: Senior Web Developer, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.951
Job title: Information Technology Manager, Industry: Education
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 18 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.951
Job title: Manager, Industry: Real Estate Activities
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.951
Job title: Treasury Analyst, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 17
	 use 14 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.951
Job title: SAP Consultant, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 16
	 use 16 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.951
Job title: Project Coordinator, Industry: Other Service Activities
	 total # posts: 20
	 use 18 posts, each post with at least 17 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.951
Job title: Senior Sales Manager, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 17 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.951
Job title: Demand Planning Analyst, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.951
Job title: Assistant Project Manager, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 16
	 use 16 posts, each post with at least 4 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.951
Job title: Account General Manager, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.951
Job title: Technical Support Engineer, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 10
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.951
Job title: Regulatory Affairs Manager, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 32 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.951
Job title: Program Manager, Industry: Transportation and Storage
	 total # posts: 10
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.951
Job title: Regional Marketing Manager, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 10
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.951
Job title: Public Relations / Corporate Communications Officer, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 10
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.951
Job title: Area Manager, Industry: Accommodation and Food Service Activities
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.951
Job title: Business Executive, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.951
Job title: Administrator, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 26
	 use 19 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.3s
	 consistency score: 0.951
Job title: Corporate Finance Executive, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.951
Job title: Customer Service Executive, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 30
	 use 23 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.4s
	 consistency score: 0.951
Job title: Customer Service Administrator, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.951
Job title: Data Entry Clerk, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 25
	 use 20 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.3s
	 consistency score: 0.951
Job title: Advertising Sales Director, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 15 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.951
Job title: Project Manager (Construction), Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 30
	 use 26 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.5s
	 consistency score: 0.951
Job title: Sales Engineer, Technical, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 23
	 use 17 posts, each post with at least 4 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.951
Job title: Assistant Service Engineer, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 20
	 use 18 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.951
Job title: Digital Artist, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 30
	 use 22 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.3s
	 consistency score: 0.951
Job title: Assistant Finance Manager, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 48
	 use 37 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.9s
	 consistency score: 0.95
Job title: Researcher, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.95
Job title: Project Management Manager, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 15
	 use 11 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.95
Job title: Electrical and Instrumentation Engineer, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 18 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.95
Job title: Operations Supervisor, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.95
Job title: Accountant, Audit, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.95
Job title: Recruitment Assistant, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 21 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.95
Job title: Senior Quantity Surveyor, Industry: Other Service Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 20 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.95
Job title: Product Manager, Industry: Other Service Activities
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 19 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.95
Job title: Secretary, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 74
	 use 59 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 2.3s
	 consistency score: 0.95
Job title: Senior Test Engineer, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 10
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 3 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.95
Job title: Advertising Executive, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 16
	 use 12 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.95
Job title: Programme Manager, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.95
Job title: Telesales Executive, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 28
	 use 24 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.4s
	 consistency score: 0.95
Job title: Training Executive, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 13 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.95
Job title: Customer Service Executive, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 36
	 use 27 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.5s
	 consistency score: 0.95
Job title: Senior Electrical Design Engineer, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.95
Job title: Credit Analyst, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 10
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.95
Job title: Logistics Manager, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 16
	 use 13 posts, each post with at least 13 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.95
Job title: Accountant, Audit, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 10
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.95
Job title: Technician, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 29
	 use 23 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.4s
	 consistency score: 0.95
Job title: IT Business Process Consultant / Business Analyst, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 12
	 use 10 posts, each post with at least 15 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.95
Job title: Accounts Analyst, Industry: Transportation and Storage
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.95
Job title: Information Technology Manager, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 23
	 use 17 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.95
Job title: Regulatory Affairs Executive, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 14
	 use 10 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.95
Job title: Floor Manager, Industry: Accommodation and Food Service Activities
	 total # posts: 10
	 use 10 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.95
Job title: Commercial Finance Advisor, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.95
Job title: Senior Finance Manager, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.95
Job title: Compliance & Risk Management Officer, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.95
Job title: SAP Specialist, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 20
	 use 16 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.95
Job title: Assistant Manager, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 27
	 use 20 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.3s
	 consistency score: 0.95
Job title: Client Manager, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 15
	 use 11 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.95
Job title: Information Technology Support Engineer, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 21
	 use 17 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.95
Job title: Sales Support Manager, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 18 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.95
Job title: Information Technology Executive, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.95
Job title: Systems Engineer, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 11
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.95
Job title: Software Developer, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 11
	 use 10 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.95
Job title: Product Marketing Manager, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 14
	 use 11 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.95
Job title: Product Engineer, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 12
	 use 10 posts, each post with at least 13 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.95
Job title: Quality Assurance & Quality Control Engineer, Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 21
	 use 17 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.95
Job title: Business Systems Developer, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 14
	 use 10 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.95
Job title: Bank Executive, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 14
	 use 12 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.95
Job title: Field Engineer, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 4 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.95
Job title: Energy Engineer, Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 3 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.949
Job title: Mechanical Technician, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 14
	 use 11 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.949
Job title: Customer Support Engineer, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.949
Job title: Accounts Assistant, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 31
	 use 28 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.6s
	 consistency score: 0.949
Job title: Quality Assurance Engineer, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 11
	 use 9 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.949
Job title: Construction Site Supervisor, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 10
	 use 9 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.949
Job title: Sales & Marketing Executive, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 29
	 use 26 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.5s
	 consistency score: 0.949
Job title: Security Officer, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 20
	 use 15 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.949
Job title: Application Developer, Industry: Education
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 13 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.949
Job title: Senior Computer Engineer, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 10
	 use 9 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.949
Job title: Senior Network Engineer/Manager, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 23
	 use 19 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.3s
	 consistency score: 0.949
Job title: Site Manager, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 3 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.949
Job title: Administration Clerk, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 28
	 use 22 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.4s
	 consistency score: 0.949
Job title: Sales Manager, Industry: Accommodation and Food Service Activities
	 total # posts: 11
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.949
Job title: Accounts Executive, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 29
	 use 22 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.4s
	 consistency score: 0.949
Job title: Human Resource Business Partner, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 32
	 use 26 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.5s
	 consistency score: 0.949
Job title: Key Account Manager, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 14 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.949
Job title: Human Resource Executive, Industry: Education
	 total # posts: 15
	 use 11 posts, each post with at least 14 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.949
Job title: System Administrator, Industry: Transportation and Storage
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.949
Job title: Account Assistant, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 11
	 use 9 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.949
Job title: Recruitment Consultant, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 34
	 use 27 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.5s
	 consistency score: 0.949
Job title: Research Scientist, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.949
Job title: Corporate Finance Manager, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 20 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.949
Job title: Finance Executive, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 24
	 use 18 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.949
Job title: Human Resource Executive, Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 27
	 use 22 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.4s
	 consistency score: 0.949
Job title: Network Engineer/Manager, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 34
	 use 27 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.5s
	 consistency score: 0.949
Job title: Supervisor, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 13 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.949
Job title: Sales Support Specialist, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.949
Job title: Document Controller, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 16
	 use 14 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.949
Job title: Human Resource Assistant Manager, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.949
Job title: Senior Technical Leader, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 15 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.949
Job title: Executive, Training, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 15 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.949
Job title: Financial Analyst, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 16
	 use 12 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.949
Job title: Supply Chain Manager, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 12
	 use 9 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.949
Job title: Bank Operations Clerk, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.949
Job title: Senior Application Manager, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 13 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.949
Job title: Senior Human Resource Manager, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 18 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.949
Job title: Assistant Research Officer, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 13
	 use 10 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.949
Job title: Project Lead, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 4 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.949
Job title: Analyst, Financial, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 14
	 use 10 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.949
Job title: Medical Doctor, Industry: Health and Social Services
	 total # posts: 13
	 use 13 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.949
Job title: Cook, Industry: Accommodation and Food Service Activities
	 total # posts: 105
	 use 100 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 6.5s
	 consistency score: 0.949
Job title: Area Manager, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 12
	 use 10 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.949
Job title: Financial Accountant, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 22
	 use 16 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.949
Job title: Account Management Executive, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.949
Job title: Technician, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 13
	 use 10 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.949
Job title: Senior Compliance Manager, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 13
	 use 10 posts, each post with at least 22 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.949
Job title: Site Supervisor, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 21
	 use 18 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.949
Job title: After Sales Service Engineer, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 13
	 use 11 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.949
Job title: Automation Engineer, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 21
	 use 19 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.3s
	 consistency score: 0.949
Job title: Administrative Operations Executive, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 21
	 use 16 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.949
Job title: Administrator, Database, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.949
Job title: Electronics Service Engineer, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.948
Job title: Retail / Shop Sales Manager, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 11
	 use 10 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.948
Job title: Electrical and Instrumentation Technician, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 4 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.948
Job title: Market Research Analyst, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.948
Job title: Information Technology Executive, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 12
	 use 9 posts, each post with at least 4 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.948
Job title: Application Manager, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 31
	 use 24 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.4s
	 consistency score: 0.948
Job title: Credit Manager, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 14 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.948
Job title: Senior Audit Manager, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 33
	 use 25 posts, each post with at least 16 skills...
	 done after 0.4s
	 consistency score: 0.948
Job title: Senior Accounts Assistant, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 52
	 use 40 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 1.1s
	 consistency score: 0.948
Job title: Senior Product Development Manager, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 36 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.948
Job title: Construction Manager, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 12
	 use 11 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.948
Job title: Designer, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.948
Job title: Logistics Executive, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 45
	 use 34 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.8s
	 consistency score: 0.948
Job title: Operations Executive, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.948
Job title: Accounts Analyst, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 12
	 use 9 posts, each post with at least 14 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.948
Job title: Equipment Engineer, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.948
Job title: Payroll Specialist, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 22
	 use 17 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.948
Job title: Purchasing Clerk, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.948
Job title: Research Scientist, Industry: Education
	 total # posts: 27
	 use 21 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.3s
	 consistency score: 0.948
Job title: Web Programmer, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 11
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.948
Job title: Warehouse Assistant, Industry: Transportation and Storage
	 total # posts: 23
	 use 18 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.948
Job title: Human Resource Specialist, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 11
	 use 9 posts, each post with at least 14 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.948
Job title: Compliance & Risk Management Officer, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.948
Job title: Business Planning Manager, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 17
	 use 16 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.948
Job title: Administrative Executive, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 19
	 use 14 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.948
Job title: Marketing Manager, Industry: Other Service Activities
	 total # posts: 11
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.948
Job title: Technical Support Associate, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.948
Job title: Analyst, Financial, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 16
	 use 14 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.948
Job title: Advertising Sales Manager, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 15
	 use 11 posts, each post with at least 15 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.948
Job title: Personal Assistant, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 15
	 use 12 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.948
Job title: Regional Supply Chain Manager, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 20 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.948
Job title: Safety Officer, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 19
	 use 15 posts, each post with at least 13 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.948
Job title: Application Administrator - Information Technology, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 14
	 use 10 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.948
Job title: System Analyst, Industry: Transportation and Storage
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.948
Job title: Architectural Coordinator, Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 80
	 use 64 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 2.7s
	 consistency score: 0.948
Job title: After Sales Service Engineer, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 29
	 use 22 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.3s
	 consistency score: 0.948
Job title: Market Analyst, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.948
Job title: Auditor, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 10
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.948
Job title: Duty Manager, Industry: Accommodation and Food Service Activities
	 total # posts: 26
	 use 19 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.3s
	 consistency score: 0.948
Job title: Underwriter, Insurance, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 25
	 use 20 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.3s
	 consistency score: 0.948
Job title: Assistant Restaurant Manager, Industry: Accommodation and Food Service Activities
	 total # posts: 68
	 use 61 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 2.4s
	 consistency score: 0.948
Job title: Application Analyst, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 27
	 use 21 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 0.3s
	 consistency score: 0.948
Job title: Construction Site Supervisor, Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 32
	 use 27 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.6s
	 consistency score: 0.947
Job title: Information Technology Infrastructure Analyst, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 11
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.947
Job title: Administrative Operations Executive, Industry: Transportation and Storage
	 total # posts: 23
	 use 18 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.947
Job title: Senior Recruitment Executive, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 21
	 use 17 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.947
Job title: Process Engineer, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 19
	 use 14 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.947
Job title: Administrative Accounts Executive, Industry: Other Service Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.947
Job title: Client Support Analyst, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 11
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 15 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.947
Job title: Business Support Executive, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.947
Job title: Sales Account Manager, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 30
	 use 22 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.4s
	 consistency score: 0.947
Job title: Human Resource Specialist, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 15 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.947
Job title: Information Technology Support Engineer, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 27
	 use 22 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.4s
	 consistency score: 0.947
Job title: Maintenance Technician, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 32
	 use 26 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.5s
	 consistency score: 0.947
Job title: Workplace Safety Health Officer, Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 32
	 use 26 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.5s
	 consistency score: 0.947
Job title: Senior Risk Management Executive, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 14 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.947
Job title: Sales and Marketing Manager, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.947
Job title: Telephone Operator, Industry: Accommodation and Food Service Activities
	 total # posts: 10
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.947
Job title: Shipping Officer, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 12
	 use 9 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.947
Job title: Financial / Insurance Services Manager (eg Financial Institution Branch Manager), Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 12
	 use 12 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.947
Job title: Electrical Technician, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 35
	 use 26 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.5s
	 consistency score: 0.947
Job title: Mechanical & Electrical (M&E) Engineer, Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 20
	 use 18 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.947
Job title: Computer Programmer, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.947
Job title: Clinical Research Associate, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.947
Job title: Games Programmer, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 15
	 use 14 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.947
Job title: Service Manager, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.947
Job title: Sales Account Executive, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 13
	 use 10 posts, each post with at least 4 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.947
Job title: Semi-Conductor Engineer, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 15
	 use 13 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.947
Job title: Events Coordinator, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 14 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.947
Job title: Design Engineer, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 37
	 use 35 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.8s
	 consistency score: 0.947
Job title: Health, Safety & Environmental Officer, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 16
	 use 14 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.947
Job title: Finance Executive, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 39
	 use 31 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.7s
	 consistency score: 0.947
Job title: Regional Learning & Development Manager, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.947
Job title: Payroll Executive, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 55
	 use 48 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 1.6s
	 consistency score: 0.947
Job title: Senior Mechanical Engineer, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.947
Job title: Manufacturing Engineer (General), Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.947
Job title: Account Director, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 9 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.947
Job title: Senior Unix Engineer, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.947
Job title: Senior Application Analyst, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 13 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.947
Job title: Strategic Planning Director, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 13 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.946
Job title: Manager, Marketing, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.946
Job title: Adviser, Customer Service, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 13 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.946
Job title: Business Development Executive, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 22
	 use 16 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.946
Job title: Human Resource Manager, Industry: Education
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 16 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.946
Job title: Administrative Operations Assistant, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 20
	 use 18 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.946
Job title: Operations Officer, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 22
	 use 16 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.946
Job title: Technical Leader, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.946
Job title: Manager, Training, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.946
Job title: Marketing Manager, Industry: Transportation and Storage
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.946
Job title: Legal Consultant, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 16 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.946
Job title: Procurement / Purchasing Manager, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 18
	 use 13 posts, each post with at least 18 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.946
Job title: Application Administrator - Information Technology, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 12
	 use 9 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.946
Job title: Technical Sales Manager, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.946
Job title: Application Team Leader, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 15
	 use 15 posts, each post with at least 4 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.946
Job title: Marketing Executive, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 36
	 use 32 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.7s
	 consistency score: 0.946
Job title: Business Development Executive, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 34
	 use 28 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.5s
	 consistency score: 0.946
Job title: Private Banker, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 17
	 use 14 posts, each post with at least 15 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.946
Job title: Administrator, Computer Systems, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 15
	 use 11 posts, each post with at least 13 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.946
Job title: Senior Accountant (General), Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 13
	 use 10 posts, each post with at least 16 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.946
Job title: Sales and Marketing Manager, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.946
Job title: Field Technical Specialist, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 12
	 use 9 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.946
Job title: Compliance & Risk Management Officer, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.946
Job title: Client Advisor, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 12
	 use 9 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.946
Job title: Academic Assistant, Industry: Education
	 total # posts: 15
	 use 11 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.946
Job title: Information System Engineer, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 10
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.946
Job title: Piping Engineer, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.946
Job title: Customer Care Officer, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 19
	 use 18 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.946
Job title: Compliance Specialist, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 19 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.946
Job title: Assistant Sales & Marketing Manager, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.946
Job title: R&D Engineer, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.946
Job title: Application Engineer, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.946
Job title: Information Technology Program Manager, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 13 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.946
Job title: Academic Coordinator, Industry: Education
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.946
Job title: Audio and Video Equipment Technician, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.946
Job title: Operations Technician, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.946
Job title: Control System Engineer, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.946
Job title: Data Architect Manager, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.946
Job title: Senior Research Engineer, Industry: Education
	 total # posts: 12
	 use 10 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.946
Job title: Senior Systems Administrator, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.946
Job title: Regional Sales Manager, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.946
Job title: Business Solution Manager, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 10
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.946
Job title: Engineer, Quality Assurance, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 10
	 use 10 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.946
Job title: Senior Principal Engineer, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 10
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.946
Job title: Creative Director, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 11
	 use 11 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.946
Job title: Senior Software Engineer, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 22
	 use 18 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.3s
	 consistency score: 0.946
Job title: Food & Beverage Manager, Industry: Accommodation and Food Service Activities
	 total # posts: 10
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.946
Job title: Draftsman, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 19
	 use 14 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.946
Job title: Information Technology (It) Field Engineer, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.946
Job title: Product Marketing Manager, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.946
Job title: Corporate Sales Manager, Industry: Accommodation and Food Service Activities
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.946
Job title: Human Resource & Administrative Officer, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 14
	 use 10 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.945
Job title: Corporate Support Officer, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 12
	 use 9 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.945
Job title: Corporate Brand Marketing Manager, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 11
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.945
Job title: Customer Care Officer, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 30
	 use 22 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.3s
	 consistency score: 0.945
Job title: Documentation Assistant, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 11
	 use 10 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.945
Job title: Programme Manager, Industry: Education
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 19 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.945
Job title: Implementation Specialist, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 33 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.945
Job title: Manager, Industry: Health and Social Services
	 total # posts: 13
	 use 11 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.945
Job title: Production Executive, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.945
Job title: Sales & Marketing Executive, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 36
	 use 27 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.5s
	 consistency score: 0.945
Job title: Senior Technical Consultant, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 18
	 use 14 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.945
Job title: Project Coordinator, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 20
	 use 15 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.945
Job title: Customer Business Executive, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 4 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.945
Job title: Learning & Development Manager, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 17 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.945
Job title: Associate Engineer, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 16
	 use 13 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.945
Job title: Assistant Engineer (Production), Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 13 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.945
Job title: Interactive and Digital Media Production Manager, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 14 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.945
Job title: Brand Innovation Manager, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 18 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.945
Job title: Human Resource Analyst, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.945
Job title: Accounts Executive, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 48
	 use 39 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 1.0s
	 consistency score: 0.945
Job title: Design Engineer, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 18 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.945
Job title: Design Engineer, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 46
	 use 35 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.8s
	 consistency score: 0.945
Job title: Site Engineer, Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 96
	 use 80 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 4.1s
	 consistency score: 0.945
Job title: Bartender, Industry: Accommodation and Food Service Activities
	 total # posts: 45
	 use 36 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.9s
	 consistency score: 0.945
Job title: Product Specialist, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 16
	 use 13 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.945
Job title: Advanced Production Technician, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.945
Job title: Manufacturing Engineer (General), Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 83
	 use 69 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 3.1s
	 consistency score: 0.945
Job title: Acquisition Manager, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 16
	 use 14 posts, each post with at least 14 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.945
Job title: Coordinator, Industry: Health and Social Services
	 total # posts: 21
	 use 16 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.945
Job title: Merchandising Assistant, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.945
Job title: Facilities Maintenance Technician, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 20
	 use 16 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.945
Job title: Marine Service Engineer, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.945
Job title: Administration Manager, Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.945
Job title: Quantity Surveyor, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 89
	 use 71 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 3.3s
	 consistency score: 0.945
Job title: Project Management Manager, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 22 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.945
Job title: Client Data Management Executive, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.945
Job title: Electrical and Electronics Engineer, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 17
	 use 13 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.945
Job title: Client Relationship Manager, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 12
	 use 9 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.945
Job title: Construction Manager, Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 53
	 use 44 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 1.3s
	 consistency score: 0.945
Job title: Supervisor, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 4 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.945
Job title: Helpdesk Engineer, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 15
	 use 14 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.945
Job title: Systems Developer, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 15
	 use 11 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.945
Job title: Senior Researcher, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 14
	 use 10 posts, each post with at least 13 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.944
Job title: Supplier Quality Engineer, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 12
	 use 9 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.944
Job title: Bank Officer, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 49
	 use 39 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 1.0s
	 consistency score: 0.944
Job title: Network Engineer/Manager, Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.944
Job title: Sales Administrator, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 71
	 use 59 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 2.3s
	 consistency score: 0.944
Job title: After Sales Service Engineer, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.944
Job title: Network / Infrastructure Architect and Engineer, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.944
Job title: Senior Quality Engineer, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 12
	 use 9 posts, each post with at least 13 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.944
Job title: Department Head, Industry: Education
	 total # posts: 13
	 use 11 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.944
Job title: Test Engineer, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 32
	 use 30 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.6s
	 consistency score: 0.944
Job title: Embedded Software Engineer, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 39
	 use 29 posts, each post with at least 4 skills...
	 done after 0.6s
	 consistency score: 0.944
Job title: Language Teacher, Industry: Education
	 total # posts: 25
	 use 20 posts, each post with at least 13 skills...
	 done after 0.3s
	 consistency score: 0.944
Job title: Process Technician, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 19
	 use 16 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.944
Job title: Regional Marketing Manager, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 15
	 use 11 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.944
Job title: Senior Digital Manager, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 18 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.944
Job title: Implementation Project Manager, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 17
	 use 13 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.944
Job title: Safety Coordinator, Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 47
	 use 42 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 1.2s
	 consistency score: 0.944
Job title: Account Sales Manager, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 16
	 use 12 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.944
Job title: Retail Manager, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.944
Job title: Senior Business Analyst, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.944
Job title: Executive Secretary, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 12
	 use 9 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.944
Job title: Advertising / Public Relations Manager, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 18 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.944
Job title: Financial Analyst, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 16
	 use 13 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.944
Job title: Customer Service Clerk, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 17
	 use 13 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.944
Job title: R&D Engineer, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 24
	 use 24 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.4s
	 consistency score: 0.944
Job title: Software Technical Consultant, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 11
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.944
Job title: Draftsman, Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 19
	 use 17 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.944
Job title: Accounting Manager, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.944
Job title: Events Manager, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 30
	 use 29 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.6s
	 consistency score: 0.944
Job title: Recruitment Manager, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.944
Job title: Compliance Specialist, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 10
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.944
Job title: Personal Assistant, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 36
	 use 29 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.6s
	 consistency score: 0.944
Job title: Assistant Outlet Manager, Industry: Accommodation and Food Service Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.944
Job title: Compliance Specialist, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 13 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.944
Job title: Logistics Officer, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.944
Job title: Hair Stylist / Hairdresser, Industry: Other Service Activities
	 total # posts: 17
	 use 13 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.944
Job title: Finance Executive, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 16
	 use 14 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.944
Job title: Information Technology Engineer, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 10
	 use 10 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.944
Job title: Senior Business Consultant, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 12
	 use 10 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.944
Job title: Production Supervisor, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 34
	 use 29 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.6s
	 consistency score: 0.944
Job title: Senior Fund Accountant, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 17
	 use 13 posts, each post with at least 13 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.944
Job title: Sales Consultant, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 11
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.944
Job title: Electrical Engineering Assistant (General), Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.943
Job title: Principal Consultant, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 26
	 use 21 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.3s
	 consistency score: 0.943
Job title: Web Application Developer, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.943
Job title: Graphic Web Designer, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 14 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.943
Job title: Premises and Facilities Maintenance Officer, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 28
	 use 22 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.3s
	 consistency score: 0.943
Job title: Product Development Manager, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.943
Job title: Information Technology Manager, Industry: Accommodation and Food Service Activities
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.943
Job title: Financial Accountant, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 14 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.943
Job title: Project Manager, Industry: Other Service Activities
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 19 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.943
Job title: Software Testing Engineer, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 15
	 use 13 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.943
Job title: Risk Management Executive, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 11
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.943
Job title: Senior Project Engineer, Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 33
	 use 29 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.6s
	 consistency score: 0.943
Job title: Service Engineer, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 25
	 use 19 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.3s
	 consistency score: 0.943
Job title: Adviser, Service (Customer After-Sales Service), Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 10
	 use 10 posts, each post with at least 4 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.943
Job title: Retail Assistant, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 42
	 use 31 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.7s
	 consistency score: 0.943
Job title: Key Account Manager, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.943
Job title: Artist, Graphic, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 14
	 use 10 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.943
Job title: Senior Quality Assurance Engineer, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.943
Job title: Information Security Consultant, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 18 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.943
Job title: Compliance Analyst, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 15
	 use 12 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.943
Job title: Account Sales Manager, Industry: Transportation and Storage
	 total # posts: 12
	 use 12 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.943
Job title: Project Engineer, Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 205
	 use 100 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 6.5s
	 consistency score: 0.964
Job title: R&D Engineer, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 21
	 use 19 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.3s
	 consistency score: 0.943
Job title: Senior Desktop Support Engineer, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 14 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.943
Job title: Human Resource Advisor, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 10
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 13 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.943
Job title: Compensation & Benefits Manager, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 16 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.943
Job title: SAP Project Manager, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 10
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.943
Job title: Business Development Manager, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 37
	 use 28 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.6s
	 consistency score: 0.943
Job title: Designer, Graphic, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 14
	 use 10 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.943
Job title: Engineering Assistant, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 30
	 use 25 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.4s
	 consistency score: 0.943
Job title: Engineering Assistant, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 18
	 use 14 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.943
Job title: Integration Technical Project Manager, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.943
Job title: Business Administrator, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 10
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.943
Job title: Infrastructure Technical Specialist, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 17 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.942
Job title: Actuary, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 13
	 use 10 posts, each post with at least 13 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.942
Job title: Business Process Manager, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 35 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.942
Job title: Human Resource Manager, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 13
	 use 10 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.942
Job title: Information Technology Program Manager, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.942
Job title: Finance Analyst, Industry: Health and Social Services
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 13 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.942
Job title: Consulting Manager, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 18
	 use 13 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.942
Job title: Application Analyst, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 15
	 use 12 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.942
Job title: Senior Quantity Surveyor, Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 60
	 use 45 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 1.4s
	 consistency score: 0.942
Job title: Accounts Associate, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.942
Job title: Senior Project Manager, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 15
	 use 11 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.942
Job title: Solutions Engineer, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 21
	 use 16 posts, each post with at least 18 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.942
Job title: Executive Assistant, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 22
	 use 16 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.942
Job title: Area Sales Manager, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 17 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.942
Job title: Principal Engineer, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 12
	 use 11 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.942
Job title: Senior Information Technology Consultant, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 19
	 use 14 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.942
Job title: Technical Analyst, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.942
Job title: Warehouse Supervisor, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 11
	 use 9 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.942
Job title: Facilities Manager, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 31 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.942
Job title: Technical Sales Engineer, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.942
Job title: Maintenance Engineer, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 20
	 use 15 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.942
Job title: Executive, Marketing (Planning), Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.942
Job title: Accountant, Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 25
	 use 20 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.3s
	 consistency score: 0.942
Job title: Executive Secretary, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.942
Job title: Teacher (International School), Industry: Education
	 total # posts: 54
	 use 41 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 1.1s
	 consistency score: 0.942
Job title: Safety Officer, Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 36
	 use 27 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.5s
	 consistency score: 0.942
Job title: Procurement Executive, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.942
Job title: Secretary, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 27
	 use 20 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.3s
	 consistency score: 0.942
Job title: Marketing Officer, Industry: Education
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.942
Job title: Senior Test Analyst, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 19
	 use 17 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.942
Job title: Network Security Analyst, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 16
	 use 12 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.942
Job title: Engineer, Procurement, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 17
	 use 13 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.942
Job title: Senior Finance Analyst, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 13 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.942
Job title: Solutions Consultant, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.942
Job title: Administrator, Industry: Accommodation and Food Service Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.942
Job title: Business Manager, Industry: Transportation and Storage
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 19 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.942
Job title: Information Technology Support Officer, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.942
Job title: Pastry Chef, Industry: Accommodation and Food Service Activities
	 total # posts: 20
	 use 15 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.942
Job title: Information Technology (It) Marketing Representative, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.942
Job title: Assistant Vice President, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 16 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.942
Job title: Senior Software Testing Analyst, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 13 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.941
Job title: Sales Coordinator, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 169
	 use 100 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 6.4s
	 consistency score: 0.943
Job title: Coordinator, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 10
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 13 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.941
Job title: Human Resource Specialist, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 18 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.941
Job title: Application Programmer, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 27
	 use 20 posts, each post with at least 4 skills...
	 done after 0.3s
	 consistency score: 0.941
Job title: Executive, Training, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.941
Job title: Art Director, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 30
	 use 24 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.4s
	 consistency score: 0.941
Job title: Sales Manager, Industry: Other Service Activities
	 total # posts: 11
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 21 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.941
Job title: Human Resource Executive, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 33
	 use 26 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.5s
	 consistency score: 0.941
Job title: Electronic Design Engineer, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 12
	 use 9 posts, each post with at least 3 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.941
Job title: Technician, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 10
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.941
Job title: Senior Information Technology Consultant, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 20 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.941
Job title: Finance Analyst, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 10
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.941
Job title: Java Developer, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.941
Job title: Senior Information Technology Analyst, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 16
	 use 16 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.941
Job title: Lead Engineer, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.941
Job title: Senior System Administrator, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 30
	 use 22 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.3s
	 consistency score: 0.941
Job title: Accounting Manager, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.941
Job title: Key Account Manager, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 41
	 use 39 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 1.0s
	 consistency score: 0.941
Job title: Interior Designer, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 82
	 use 64 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 2.7s
	 consistency score: 0.941
Job title: Senior Application Support Analyst, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 19
	 use 14 posts, each post with at least 19 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.941
Job title: Administrative Assistant, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 133
	 use 100 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 6.4s
	 consistency score: 0.941
Job title: Account Relationship Manager, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 3 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.941
Job title: Quality Manager, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 20 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.941
Job title: Technical Manager, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 16
	 use 13 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.94
Job title: Shipping Administrator, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 16
	 use 12 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.94
Job title: Supply Chain Executive, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 33
	 use 27 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.5s
	 consistency score: 0.94
Job title: Audit Manager, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 25
	 use 20 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.3s
	 consistency score: 0.94
Job title: Compensation & Benefits Manager, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 14 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.94
Job title: Executive Chef, Industry: Accommodation and Food Service Activities
	 total # posts: 33
	 use 26 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 0.5s
	 consistency score: 0.94
Job title: Finance Manager, Industry: Transportation and Storage
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 18 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.94
Job title: Analytics Manager, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 14 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.94
Job title: Business Operations Manager, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.94
Job title: Engineer, Mechanical (General), Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.94
Job title: Senior Software Consultant, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 33
	 use 25 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.4s
	 consistency score: 0.94
Job title: Administrative Operations Assistant, Industry: Transportation and Storage
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.94
Job title: Accounting Analyst, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 16
	 use 12 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.94
Job title: Pre-Sales Consultant, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 30
	 use 24 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.4s
	 consistency score: 0.94
Job title: Human Resource Assistant, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 97
	 use 77 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 3.8s
	 consistency score: 0.94
Job title: Building Technician, Industry: Real Estate Activities
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.94
Job title: Executive, Industry: Arts, Entertainment and Recreation
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.94
Job title: Financial Analyst, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 14
	 use 10 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.94
Job title: Project Engineer, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 40
	 use 32 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.7s
	 consistency score: 0.94
Job title: Analyst, Systems, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 20 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.94
Job title: IT Service Manager, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 18
	 use 14 posts, each post with at least 15 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.94
Job title: Manager, Industry: Electricity, Gas and Air-Conditioning Supply
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 15 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.94
Job title: Accounting Executive, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 15
	 use 11 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.94
Job title: Network Operations Engineer, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 15
	 use 13 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.94
Job title: Portfolio Manager, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 20
	 use 16 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.94
Job title: Accounting Associate Professional (eg Assistant Accountant, Audit (Accounting) Executive), Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 11
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.94
Job title: Assistant Planner, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 12
	 use 9 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.94
Job title: Sommelier, Industry: Accommodation and Food Service Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.94
Job title: Human Resource & Administrative Officer, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 43
	 use 35 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.8s
	 consistency score: 0.94
Job title: Program Manager, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 27
	 use 20 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.3s
	 consistency score: 0.94
Job title: Business Development Director, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 10
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 13 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.94
Job title: Logistics Coordinator, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 46
	 use 34 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.8s
	 consistency score: 0.94
Job title: Electrical Technician, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 19
	 use 14 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.94
Job title: Electrical Engineer (General), Industry: Transportation and Storage
	 total # posts: 11
	 use 9 posts, each post with at least 4 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.94
Job title: Senior Naval Architect, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.94
Job title: Regional Sales Manager, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 12
	 use 9 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.94
Job title: Research Assistant, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 10
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 13 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.94
Job title: Network Systems Engineer, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 2 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.94
Job title: Public Relations Manager, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.94
Job title: Beautician, Industry: Other Service Activities
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.94
Job title: Pricing Manager, Industry: Transportation and Storage
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 16 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.94
Job title: Human Resource Specialist, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.94
Job title: Sales Associate, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 37
	 use 36 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.9s
	 consistency score: 0.94
Job title: Education Development Trainer, Industry: Education
	 total # posts: 20
	 use 15 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.94
Job title: Accounts Administrator, Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.94
Job title: Technical Specialist, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 14 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.94
Job title: Nurse, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 32 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.94
Job title: Procurement / Purchasing Manager, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.939
Job title: Senior Information Technology Business Analyst, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 25
	 use 20 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.3s
	 consistency score: 0.939
Job title: Assistant Finance Manager, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 20
	 use 17 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.939
Job title: Auditor, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 10
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.939
Job title: Corporate Finance Associate, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.939
Job title: Finance Manager, Industry: Other Service Activities
	 total # posts: 10
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.939
Job title: Business Account Manager, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 10
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.939
Job title: Human Resource Executive, Industry: Transportation and Storage
	 total # posts: 17
	 use 13 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.939
Job title: Network Systems Engineer, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 16
	 use 14 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.939
Job title: Application Consultant, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 35
	 use 26 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.5s
	 consistency score: 0.939
Job title: Corporate Brand Marketing Manager, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 10
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 21 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.939
Job title: Purchasing Officer, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 34
	 use 26 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 0.5s
	 consistency score: 0.939
Job title: Senior System Analyst, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 22
	 use 19 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.3s
	 consistency score: 0.939
Job title: Application Consultant, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 11
	 use 9 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.939
Job title: Senior Systems Specialist, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 13 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.939
Job title: Information Security Consultant, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 35
	 use 27 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.5s
	 consistency score: 0.939
Job title: After Sales Adviser / Client Account Service Executive, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 11
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.939
Job title: Information Technology Manager, Industry: Transportation and Storage
	 total # posts: 12
	 use 9 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.939
Job title: Operations Analyst, Industry: Transportation and Storage
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 16 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.939
Job title: Associate Consultant, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 15
	 use 13 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.939
Job title: Regional Supply Chain Manager, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 14 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.939
Job title: Laboratory Technologist, Industry: Education
	 total # posts: 31
	 use 23 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.4s
	 consistency score: 0.939
Job title: Commissioning Engineer, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 13
	 use 11 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.939
Job title: Chief Financial Officer, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.939
Job title: Buyer, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.939
Job title: Information Technology Specialist, Industry: Transportation and Storage
	 total # posts: 16
	 use 14 posts, each post with at least 27 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.939
Job title: Regional Head, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.939
Job title: Information Security Manager, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 15 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.939
Job title: Postdoctoral Researcher, Industry: Education
	 total # posts: 23
	 use 18 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.939
Job title: Assistant Training Manager, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 15
	 use 15 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.939
Job title: Researcher, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 17
	 use 14 posts, each post with at least 18 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.939
Job title: Communication Manager, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 11
	 use 9 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.939
Job title: Engineering Technician, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 21
	 use 16 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.938
Job title: Quality Assurance & Quality Control Engineer, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 14
	 use 11 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.938
Job title: Business Development Manager, Industry: Accommodation and Food Service Activities
	 total # posts: 13
	 use 10 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.938
Job title: Operation Manager, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 17
	 use 15 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.938
Job title: Information Technology Engineer, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.938
Job title: Mechanical Supervisor, Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.938
Job title: Marketing Assistant, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 47
	 use 35 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.9s
	 consistency score: 0.938
Job title: Senior Datawarehouse Consultant, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 11
	 use 10 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.938
Job title: Accounts Assistant, Industry: Accommodation and Food Service Activities
	 total # posts: 17
	 use 14 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.938
Job title: Premises and Facilities Maintenance Officer, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 19
	 use 15 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.938
Job title: Service Engineer, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 42
	 use 33 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.7s
	 consistency score: 0.938
Job title: Accounts Assistant, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 105
	 use 84 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 4.6s
	 consistency score: 0.938
Job title: Marine Mechanical Engineer, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 40
	 use 39 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 1.0s
	 consistency score: 0.938
Job title: Engineer, Telecommunications, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.938
Job title: Human Resource & Administrative Officer, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 66
	 use 49 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 1.6s
	 consistency score: 0.938
Job title: Application Administrator - Information Technology, Industry: Education
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 19 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.938
Job title: Art Designer, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.938
Job title: Administrative Operations Executive, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 12
	 use 10 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.938
Job title: Regional Supply Chain Manager, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 14 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.938
Job title: Senior Risk Manager, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 11
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 17 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.938
Job title: Business Intelligence Archivist, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 9 posts, each post with at least 4 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.938
Job title: Product Development Manager, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.938
Job title: Information Technology Consultant, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.938
Job title: Analyst Programmer, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 138
	 use 100 posts, each post with at least 2 skills...
	 done after 6.4s
	 consistency score: 0.938
Job title: Guest Relations Officer, Industry: Accommodation and Food Service Activities
	 total # posts: 19
	 use 14 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.938
Job title: Accounts Trade Executive, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.938
Job title: Category Finance Assistant, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 10
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.938
Job title: Proposal Engineer, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 16
	 use 12 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.938
Job title: Technology Manager, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 17 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.938
Job title: Waiter, Industry: Accommodation and Food Service Activities
	 total # posts: 71
	 use 59 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 2.3s
	 consistency score: 0.938
Job title: Vice President, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 10
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.938
Job title: Academic Consultant, Industry: Education
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.938
Job title: Accounts Executive, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 97
	 use 75 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 3.7s
	 consistency score: 0.937
Job title: Maintenance Engineer, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.937
Job title: Building and Construction Project Manager, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 20
	 use 18 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.937
Job title: Engineering Manager, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 20
	 use 16 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.937
Job title: Customer Service Officer, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 114
	 use 94 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 5.7s
	 consistency score: 0.937
Job title: Operation Manager, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 10
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.937
Job title: Engineering Manager, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.937
Job title: Human Resource & Administrative Officer, Industry: Other Service Activities
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.937
Job title: Administrative Assistant, Industry: Accommodation and Food Service Activities
	 total # posts: 25
	 use 20 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.3s
	 consistency score: 0.937
Job title: Senior Vice President, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 10
	 use 9 posts, each post with at least 13 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.937
Job title: Senior Information Technology Specialist, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 13 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.937
Job title: Director, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 17 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.937
Job title: Infocomm Executive, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.937
Job title: Electrical Engineer (General), Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 61
	 use 47 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 1.5s
	 consistency score: 0.937
Job title: Sales and Marketing Manager, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 20
	 use 17 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.937
Job title: Events Executive, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 87
	 use 67 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 3.0s
	 consistency score: 0.937
Job title: Planner, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 15
	 use 11 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.937
Job title: Process Engineer Manager, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 35
	 use 35 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.8s
	 consistency score: 0.937
Job title: Events Executive, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 13
	 use 10 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.937
Job title: Business Development Consultant, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 15
	 use 14 posts, each post with at least 16 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.937
Job title: Software Consultant, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 47
	 use 36 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.9s
	 consistency score: 0.937
Job title: Business Development Director, Industry: Transportation and Storage
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.937
Job title: Data Architect Manager, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 14 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.937
Job title: Buyer, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 47
	 use 36 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.9s
	 consistency score: 0.937
Job title: Graphic Designer, Industry: Education
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 14 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.937
Job title: Field Engineer, Information Technology (It), Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.937
Job title: Scientist, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 11
	 use 9 posts, each post with at least 13 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.937
Job title: Editor, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 30
	 use 23 posts, each post with at least 30 skills...
	 done after 0.4s
	 consistency score: 0.937
Job title: Senior Advanced Software Engineer, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 16 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.937
Job title: Senior Hvac Engineer, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 10
	 use 10 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.936
Job title: Consulting Analyst, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 12
	 use 10 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.936
Job title: Trainer, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.936
Job title: Category Finance Manager, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 18
	 use 14 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.936
Job title: Assistant Teacher, Industry: Education
	 total # posts: 19
	 use 18 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.936
Job title: Product Manager, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 21
	 use 16 posts, each post with at least 13 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.936
Job title: Assistant Manager, Industry: Health and Social Services
	 total # posts: 16
	 use 15 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.936
Job title: Project Assistant, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 12
	 use 9 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.936
Job title: Security Analyst, Information Technology, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 12
	 use 9 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.936
Job title: Senior Product Manager, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 12
	 use 10 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.936
Job title: Architect, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 19
	 use 15 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.936
Job title: Marketing Assistant, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 30
	 use 22 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.3s
	 consistency score: 0.936
Job title: Investment Analyst, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 13
	 use 11 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.936
Job title: Researcher, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.936
Job title: Mechanical Engineer (General), Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 19
	 use 14 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.936
Job title: Operations Manager, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 20
	 use 15 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.936
Job title: Process Manager, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 23 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.936
Job title: Treasury Analyst, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 15 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.936
Job title: Sales Administrator, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 12
	 use 9 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.936
Job title: Manufacturing Engineer (General), Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 10
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 16 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.936
Job title: Pre-School Teacher, Industry: Education
	 total # posts: 20
	 use 19 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.3s
	 consistency score: 0.936
Job title: Centre Manager, Industry: Health and Social Services
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.936
Job title: Senior Auditor, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 12
	 use 9 posts, each post with at least 24 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.936
Job title: Client Executive, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 20 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.936
Job title: Assembly and Quality Check Supervisor / General Foreman, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 9 posts, each post with at least 4 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.936
Job title: Account Development Manager, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.936
Job title: Associate Professor, Industry: Education
	 total # posts: 11
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.936
Job title: Financial Product Controller, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 51
	 use 38 posts, each post with at least 23 skills...
	 done after 1.0s
	 consistency score: 0.936
Job title: Business Consultant, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 15
	 use 12 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.936
Job title: Sales Director, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 13 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.936
Job title: Network Manager, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.936
Job title: Engineer, Manufacturing (General), Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 23
	 use 21 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.3s
	 consistency score: 0.936
Job title: Mechanical Design Engineer, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 53
	 use 48 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 1.5s
	 consistency score: 0.935
Job title: Information Technology Manager, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 12
	 use 9 posts, each post with at least 14 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.935
Job title: Marketing Assistant, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 11
	 use 9 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.935
Job title: Marketing Consultant, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.935
Job title: Change Management Manager, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 17 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.935
Job title: Senior Visual Effects Artist, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 28
	 use 28 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 0.6s
	 consistency score: 0.935
Job title: Application Specialist, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.935
Job title: Business System Analyst, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 22 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.935
Job title: Head Chef, Industry: Accommodation and Food Service Activities
	 total # posts: 43
	 use 32 posts, each post with at least 13 skills...
	 done after 0.7s
	 consistency score: 0.935
Job title: Finance Executive, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 85
	 use 66 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 2.8s
	 consistency score: 0.935
Job title: Application Team Leader, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.935
Job title: Senior Manager, Human Resource, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.935
Job title: Adjunct Lecturer, Industry: Education
	 total # posts: 35
	 use 28 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.5s
	 consistency score: 0.935
Job title: Management Trainee, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 11
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 15 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.935
Job title: Account Sales Manager, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 47
	 use 35 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.8s
	 consistency score: 0.935
Job title: Facilities Manager, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 32
	 use 25 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.5s
	 consistency score: 0.935
Job title: Accounts Officer, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 43
	 use 36 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.9s
	 consistency score: 0.935
Job title: Adviser, Customer Service, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 15
	 use 11 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.935
Job title: Technical Developer, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 26
	 use 19 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.3s
	 consistency score: 0.935
Job title: Project Executive, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 12
	 use 10 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.935
Job title: Data Architect Manager, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 13 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.935
Job title: Research Engineer, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 15
	 use 11 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.935
Job title: Sales Support Specialist, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 14 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.935
Job title: Human Resource Officer, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 45
	 use 36 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.9s
	 consistency score: 0.935
Job title: Producer, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.935
Job title: System Analyst, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 30
	 use 22 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.3s
	 consistency score: 0.935
Job title: Production Engineer, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 37
	 use 28 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.6s
	 consistency score: 0.935
Job title: Project Management Coordinator, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 17
	 use 14 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.935
Job title: Application Administrator - Information Technology, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 13
	 use 12 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.935
Job title: Operations Officer, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.935
Job title: Business Development Director, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.935
Job title: Copywriter, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 15
	 use 11 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.935
Job title: Senior Sales Executive, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 10
	 use 9 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.935
Job title: Logistics Administrator, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.935
Job title: Legal Manager, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 13 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.935
Job title: Chemist, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 23
	 use 18 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.935
Job title: Senior Analytics Manager, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.935
Job title: Technical Leader, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 13
	 use 10 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.935
Job title: Analyst, Market Research, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 29
	 use 23 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.4s
	 consistency score: 0.935
Job title: Application Support Engineer, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 32
	 use 24 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.4s
	 consistency score: 0.934
Job title: Sales Support Executive, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 43
	 use 34 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.8s
	 consistency score: 0.934
Job title: Application Specialist, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.934
Job title: Procurement Associate, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 19 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.934
Job title: Ebusiness Manager, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 10
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.934
Job title: Business Development Executive, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 13
	 use 11 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.934
Job title: Operations Director, Industry: Accommodation and Food Service Activities
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.934
Job title: Product Quality Engineer, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 14
	 use 13 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.934
Job title: Information Technology Project Manager, Industry: Transportation and Storage
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 27 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.934
Job title: Sales & Marketing Executive, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 17
	 use 15 posts, each post with at least 4 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.934
Job title: Copywriter, Advertising, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 14 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.934
Job title: Administrative Operations Executive, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 4 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.934
Job title: Administration Manager, Industry: Education
	 total # posts: 19
	 use 15 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.934
Job title: Quality Control / Assurance Engineer, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 10
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.934
Job title: Operations Executive, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 16
	 use 12 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.934
Job title: Civil & Structural Engineer, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 28
	 use 22 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.4s
	 consistency score: 0.934
Job title: Designer, Industry: Education
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.934
Job title: Product Development Engineer, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.934
Job title: Assistant Sales & Marketing Manager, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 11
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.934
Job title: Senior Recruitment Manager, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 20
	 use 15 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.934
Job title: Market Research Analyst, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 4 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.934
Job title: Information & Communication Technology Manager, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 23 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.934
Job title: Field Service Engineer, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 27
	 use 23 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.4s
	 consistency score: 0.934
Job title: Customer Service Executive, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 33
	 use 30 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.6s
	 consistency score: 0.934
Job title: Application Engineer, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 33
	 use 28 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.6s
	 consistency score: 0.934
Job title: Customer Service Manager, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.934
Job title: Database Administrator, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 10
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 22 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.933
Job title: Administrative Assistant, Industry: Transportation and Storage
	 total # posts: 48
	 use 37 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.9s
	 consistency score: 0.933
Job title: Application Engineer, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 10
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.933
Job title: Accountant, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 51
	 use 39 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 1.0s
	 consistency score: 0.933
Job title: Administrative Executive, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 17
	 use 13 posts, each post with at least 13 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.933
Job title: Production Manager, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.933
Job title: Database Developer, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.933
Job title: Staff Software Engineer, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 16
	 use 13 posts, each post with at least 18 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.933
Job title: Technical Helpdesk Specialist, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 11
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.933
Job title: Accounts Supervisor, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 15
	 use 11 posts, each post with at least 14 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.933
Job title: Technical Support Specialist, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 25 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.933
Job title: Human Resource Executive, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 33
	 use 26 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.5s
	 consistency score: 0.933
Job title: Storekeeper, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 28
	 use 22 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.3s
	 consistency score: 0.933
Job title: Logistics Administrator, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 27
	 use 22 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.4s
	 consistency score: 0.933
Job title: Administration Manager, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 15
	 use 11 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.933
Job title: Business Development Manager, Industry: Transportation and Storage
	 total # posts: 26
	 use 19 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.3s
	 consistency score: 0.933
Job title: Executive Officer, Industry: Education
	 total # posts: 19
	 use 18 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.933
Job title: Assistant Engineer, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 40
	 use 37 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 1.0s
	 consistency score: 0.933
Job title: Quantity Surveyor, Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 319
	 use 100 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 6.4s
	 consistency score: 0.942
Job title: Analyst Programmer, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 35
	 use 33 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.7s
	 consistency score: 0.933
Job title: Accountant, Cost, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 10
	 use 9 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.933
Job title: Executive Assistant, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 35
	 use 26 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.5s
	 consistency score: 0.933
Job title: Senior SAP Consultant, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 40
	 use 40 posts, each post with at least 2 skills...
	 done after 1.1s
	 consistency score: 0.933
Job title: Assistant Project Manager, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 13
	 use 11 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.933
Job title: Computer Systems Administrator, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 15
	 use 11 posts, each post with at least 13 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.933
Job title: Editor, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 13
	 use 11 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.933
Job title: Technical Engineer, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.933
Job title: Customer Service Engineer, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 11
	 use 9 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.933
Job title: Client Services Manager, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 17 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.932
Job title: Operations Analyst, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.932
Job title: Risk Analyst, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 24
	 use 20 posts, each post with at least 15 skills...
	 done after 0.3s
	 consistency score: 0.932
Job title: Senior SAP Consultant, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 32
	 use 24 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.4s
	 consistency score: 0.932
Job title: Recruitment Executive, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 13
	 use 11 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.932
Job title: Controller, Financial, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 15
	 use 11 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.932
Job title: Media Executive, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 30
	 use 22 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.4s
	 consistency score: 0.932
Job title: Solutions Consultant, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 18 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.932
Job title: Client Relationship Executive, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 4 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.932
Job title: Customer Service Executive, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 26
	 use 21 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.3s
	 consistency score: 0.932
Job title: Deputy Manager, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 88
	 use 78 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 3.9s
	 consistency score: 0.932
Job title: User Interface Architect, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 12
	 use 11 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.932
Job title: Senior Project Manager, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.932
Job title: Financial Controller, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 16
	 use 12 posts, each post with at least 15 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.932
Job title: Sales and Related Associate Professional Nec, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 15
	 use 13 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.932
Job title: Compliance Manager, Industry: Transportation and Storage
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 20 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.932
Job title: Commissioning Engineer, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 12
	 use 12 posts, each post with at least 4 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.932
Job title: Senior Engineer, Quality Assurance, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.932
Job title: Senior Database Administrator, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.932
Job title: Events Manager, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 17
	 use 14 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.932
Job title: Computer Systems Engineer, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 10
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.932
Job title: Sales Account Manager, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.932
Job title: Senior Account Executive, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 10
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.932
Job title: Sales Manager, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 35
	 use 28 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.6s
	 consistency score: 0.932
Job title: Administrative Officer, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 19
	 use 14 posts, each post with at least 4 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.932
Job title: Account Development Manager, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 11
	 use 10 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.932
Job title: Procurement Analyst, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 11
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 18 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.932
Job title: Information Technology Project Manager, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 26
	 use 19 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.3s
	 consistency score: 0.932
Job title: Senior Information Technology Business Analyst, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 29 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.932
Job title: Staff Nurse, Industry: Health and Social Services
	 total # posts: 51
	 use 49 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 1.6s
	 consistency score: 0.932
Job title: Pre-Sales Consultant, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 39
	 use 30 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.6s
	 consistency score: 0.932
Job title: Engineering Director, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 33
	 use 33 posts, each post with at least 17 skills...
	 done after 0.8s
	 consistency score: 0.932
Job title: Sales Director, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 25
	 use 19 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.3s
	 consistency score: 0.931
Job title: Analyst, Credit, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 9 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.931
Job title: Process Analyst, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 15
	 use 13 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.931
Job title: Senior Mechanical Engineer, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.931
Job title: Customer Account Executive, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.931
Job title: Solutions Architect, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 12
	 use 9 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.931
Job title: Operations Manager, Industry: Transportation and Storage
	 total # posts: 18
	 use 13 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.931
Job title: Administrative Accounts Executive, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 26
	 use 21 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.3s
	 consistency score: 0.931
Job title: Senior Finance Analyst, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.931
Job title: Account Assistant, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 72
	 use 60 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 2.4s
	 consistency score: 0.931
Job title: Principal Consultant, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 11
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.931
Job title: Area Sales Manager, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 23
	 use 21 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.3s
	 consistency score: 0.931
Job title: Human Resource Business Partner, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 19
	 use 14 posts, each post with at least 18 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.931
Job title: Human Resource Specialist, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 22
	 use 17 posts, each post with at least 13 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.931
Job title: Legal Executive (Public or Private Corporation or Organisation), Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.931
Job title: Embedded Systems Engineer, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 18 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.931
Job title: Logistics Analyst, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 15
	 use 11 posts, each post with at least 21 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.931
Job title: Accounts Executive, Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 57
	 use 44 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 1.3s
	 consistency score: 0.931
Job title: Assistant Finance Manager, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 20
	 use 16 posts, each post with at least 18 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.931
Job title: Assistant Project Manager, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 17 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.931
Job title: Product Manager, Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.931
Job title: Corporate Strategy Planner, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 17 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.931
Job title: Administrative Coordinator, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.931
Job title: Technology Analyst, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 25
	 use 20 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.3s
	 consistency score: 0.931
Job title: Accounting Associate Professional (eg Assistant Accountant, Audit (Accounting) Executive), Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.931
Job title: Regional Manager, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 14
	 use 14 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.931
Job title: Civil Engineer (General), Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 25
	 use 21 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.3s
	 consistency score: 0.931
Job title: Director, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.931
Job title: Tax Manager, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.931
Job title: Project Manager, Information Technology, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 19
	 use 14 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.931
Job title: Estimator, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 13
	 use 12 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.93
Job title: Customer Service Operations Manager, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 16 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.93
Job title: Java Developer, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 84
	 use 66 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 2.9s
	 consistency score: 0.93
Job title: Supply Chain Manager, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 12
	 use 9 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.93
Job title: Implementation Project Manager, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 11
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.93
Job title: Assistant Research Officer, Industry: Education
	 total # posts: 17
	 use 13 posts, each post with at least 18 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.93
Job title: Quality Assurance & Quality Control Administrator, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 12
	 use 9 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.93
Job title: Senior Project Engineer, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.93
Job title: Marketing Director, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.93
Job title: Performance Analyst, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 24 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.93
Job title: Customer Service Manager, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 13
	 use 10 posts, each post with at least 13 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.93
Job title: Senior Actuarial Executive, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 18 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.93
Job title: Executive Assistant, Industry: Health and Social Services
	 total # posts: 10
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.93
Job title: Service Manager, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 14 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.93
Job title: Application Support Analyst, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 31
	 use 24 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 0.4s
	 consistency score: 0.93
Job title: Associate, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.93
Job title: Business Analyst, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 21
	 use 17 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.93
Job title: Product Specialist, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 33
	 use 27 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.5s
	 consistency score: 0.93
Job title: Accounts Payable (Or Receivable) Bookkeeper, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 35
	 use 27 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.5s
	 consistency score: 0.93
Job title: Customer Service Manager, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 25
	 use 19 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.3s
	 consistency score: 0.93
Job title: Property Management Executive, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 32
	 use 32 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.7s
	 consistency score: 0.93
Job title: Technical Leader, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 16 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.93
Job title: Senior Civil & Structural Engineer, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.93
Job title: Regional Manager, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 14 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.93
Job title: Technical Executive, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 26
	 use 20 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.3s
	 consistency score: 0.929
Job title: Human Resource Analyst, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 29
	 use 23 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.4s
	 consistency score: 0.929
Job title: Administrative Coordinator, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 23
	 use 20 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.3s
	 consistency score: 0.929
Job title: Commercial Manager, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.929
Job title: Laboratory Executive, Industry: Education
	 total # posts: 24
	 use 21 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.3s
	 consistency score: 0.929
Job title: Piping Engineer, Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.929
Job title: Corporate Strategy Planner, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 13
	 use 10 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.929
Job title: Legal Manager, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 20 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.929
Job title: Business Support Executive, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 11
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.929
Job title: Operations Manager, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 14
	 use 10 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.929
Job title: Web Designer, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 25
	 use 23 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.4s
	 consistency score: 0.929
Job title: Accounts Manager, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 25
	 use 20 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.3s
	 consistency score: 0.929
Job title: Business Support Executive, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.929
Job title: Advertising Sales Manager, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 10
	 use 9 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.929
Job title: Technical Support Executive, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.929
Job title: Workshop Manager, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.929
Job title: Application Manager, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.929
Job title: Business Manager, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 10
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.929
Job title: Project Management Manager, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 19
	 use 15 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.929
Job title: Business Development Director, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 10
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.929
Job title: Engineering Manager, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 22
	 use 16 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.929
Job title: Mechanical Engineer, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 61
	 use 48 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 1.6s
	 consistency score: 0.929
Job title: Senior Maintenance Technician, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.929
Job title: Account Manager, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 43
	 use 34 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.8s
	 consistency score: 0.929
Job title: Logistics Assistant, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.929
Job title: Product Quality Engineer, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.929
Job title: Systems Engineer (Computer), Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.929
Job title: Web Designer, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 16
	 use 12 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.929
Job title: Operations Officer, Industry: Transportation and Storage
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.929
Job title: Engineer, Mechanical (General), Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.928
Job title: Procurement / Purchasing Manager, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 11
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.928
Job title: Senior Marketing Executive, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 18
	 use 15 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.928
Job title: Data Center Operator, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 26
	 use 26 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.5s
	 consistency score: 0.928
Job title: Corporate Finance Executive, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 22 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.928
Job title: Equipment Engineer, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 41
	 use 32 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.7s
	 consistency score: 0.928
Job title: Technical Support Engineer, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 29
	 use 23 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.4s
	 consistency score: 0.928
Job title: Senior Account Manager, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 30
	 use 22 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.3s
	 consistency score: 0.928
Job title: Operations Executive, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 62
	 use 46 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 1.4s
	 consistency score: 0.928
Job title: Senior Recruitment Consultant, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 68
	 use 58 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 2.2s
	 consistency score: 0.928
Job title: Portfolio Analyst, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 20
	 use 17 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.928
Job title: Product Development Manager, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 15 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.928
Job title: Client Services Manager, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 14
	 use 10 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.928
Job title: IT Business Process Consultant / Business Analyst, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 24
	 use 18 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.928
Job title: Electrical Technician, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.928
Job title: Executive, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 11
	 use 9 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.928
Job title: Sales Engineer, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 18
	 use 13 posts, each post with at least 14 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.928
Job title: Supply Chain Planner, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 12
	 use 9 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.928
Job title: Sales Director, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 10
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.928
Job title: Information Systems Architect, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 11
	 use 9 posts, each post with at least 13 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.928
Job title: Assistant Project Manager, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 10
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.928
Job title: Executive, Industry: Health and Social Services
	 total # posts: 47
	 use 37 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.9s
	 consistency score: 0.928
Job title: Operations Engineer, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 13 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.927
Job title: Nurse, Industry: Education
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.927
Job title: Technical Officer, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 20
	 use 18 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.927
Job title: Account Sales Manager, Industry: Other Service Activities
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 16 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.927
Job title: Researcher, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 21
	 use 16 posts, each post with at least 15 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.927
Job title: Information Technology Analyst, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 20
	 use 15 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.927
Job title: Logistics Executive, Industry: Transportation and Storage
	 total # posts: 18
	 use 14 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.927
Job title: Finance Manager, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 30
	 use 28 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.6s
	 consistency score: 0.927
Job title: Finance Director, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 10
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 16 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.927
Job title: Assistant Engineer, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 29
	 use 23 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.4s
	 consistency score: 0.927
Job title: Assistant Manager, Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.927
Job title: IT Audit Executive, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.927
Job title: Technology Architect, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 16
	 use 15 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.927
Job title: Senior Associate Consultant, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 16
	 use 12 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.927
Job title: Administration Clerk, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 17
	 use 14 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.927
Job title: Senior Technical Leader, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 14
	 use 10 posts, each post with at least 15 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.927
Job title: Marketing Consultant, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 15 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.927
Job title: Account Executive, Advertising, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 14
	 use 10 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.927
Job title: Relationship Manager, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 206
	 use 100 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 6.5s
	 consistency score: 0.927
Job title: Accounts Executive, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 115
	 use 100 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 6.4s
	 consistency score: 0.927
Job title: Security Manager, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 26 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.927
Job title: Maintenance Planner, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 14
	 use 11 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.927
Job title: Engineer, Computer Systems, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 13 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.927
Job title: Computer Engineer, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.927
Job title: IT Business Process Consultant / Business Analyst, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 19
	 use 18 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.927
Job title: Engineer, Marine, Industry: Transportation and Storage
	 total # posts: 10
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.927
Job title: Area Sales Manager, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 33
	 use 26 posts, each post with at least 14 skills...
	 done after 0.5s
	 consistency score: 0.927
Job title: Database Analyst, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 28 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.926
Job title: Validation Engineer, Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.926
Job title: Business Development Consultant, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.926
Job title: Business Support Executive, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 10
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.926
Job title: Regional Business Development Manager, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.926
Job title: Information Technology Coordinator, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.926
Job title: Network / Infrastructure Architect and Engineer, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.926
Job title: Electrician, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.926
Job title: Implementation Project Manager, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.926
Job title: Automation Engineer, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.926
Job title: Accounts Manager, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.926
Job title: Compliance Analyst, Industry: Transportation and Storage
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 14 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.926
Job title: Senior Software Testing Engineer, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 16
	 use 16 posts, each post with at least 4 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.926
Job title: Security Software Engineer, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 16
	 use 16 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.926
Job title: Information Technology Business Analyst, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 47
	 use 41 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 1.2s
	 consistency score: 0.926
Job title: Manager, Industry: Other Service Activities
	 total # posts: 11
	 use 10 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.926
Job title: Senior Information Security Consultant, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.926
Job title: Operations Specialist, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.926
Job title: Infrastructure Support Specialist, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.926
Job title: Human Resource & Administrative Officer, Industry: Health and Social Services
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.926
Job title: Pricing Analyst, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 20
	 use 17 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.926
Job title: Analyst, Systems, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 30
	 use 26 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.5s
	 consistency score: 0.926
Job title: SAP Specialist, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 19
	 use 15 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.926
Job title: Customer Service Officer, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 24
	 use 21 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.3s
	 consistency score: 0.926
Job title: Senior Relationship Manager, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 32
	 use 24 posts, each post with at least 21 skills...
	 done after 0.4s
	 consistency score: 0.926
Job title: Senior Operations Analyst, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 17
	 use 13 posts, each post with at least 13 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.926
Job title: Electrical Engineer (General), Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 22
	 use 16 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.926
Job title: Vice President, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 19
	 use 19 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.3s
	 consistency score: 0.926
Job title: Network Engineer/Manager, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 18
	 use 13 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.926
Job title: Assistant Marketing Manager, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 20
	 use 15 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.926
Job title: Child Care Teacher, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 18
	 use 18 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.926
Job title: Test Engineer, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 15
	 use 11 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.925
Job title: Senior Application Developer, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 22
	 use 16 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.925
Job title: Service Delivery Manager, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.925
Job title: Senior System Analyst, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 20
	 use 18 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.925
Job title: SAP Project Manager, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.925
Job title: Research Engineer, Industry: Education
	 total # posts: 106
	 use 90 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 5.2s
	 consistency score: 0.925
Job title: Learning & Development Executive, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 15
	 use 13 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.925
Job title: Assistant Marketing Manager, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.925
Job title: Account Manager, Industry: Other Service Activities
	 total # posts: 12
	 use 9 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.925
Job title: Receptionist (General), Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 79
	 use 64 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 2.7s
	 consistency score: 0.925
Job title: Technical Project Manager, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 11
	 use 9 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.925
Job title: Infrastructure Technical Specialist, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.925
Job title: Senior Tax Associate, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 49
	 use 39 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 1.0s
	 consistency score: 0.925
Job title: Application Manager, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.925
Job title: Business Manager, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 13
	 use 10 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.925
Job title: Information Technology Support Executive, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 21
	 use 18 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.925
Job title: Helpdesk Engineer, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 58
	 use 43 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 1.2s
	 consistency score: 0.925
Job title: Advanced Systems Engineer, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 23
	 use 17 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.925
Job title: Team Manager, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 15
	 use 11 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.925
Job title: Financial Controller, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 26
	 use 19 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.3s
	 consistency score: 0.925
Job title: Restaurant Supervisor, Industry: Accommodation and Food Service Activities
	 total # posts: 32
	 use 24 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.5s
	 consistency score: 0.925
Job title: Sales Manager, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 44
	 use 33 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.7s
	 consistency score: 0.925
Job title: Client Relationship Manager, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 23
	 use 17 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.924
Job title: Human Resource & Administration Manager, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.924
Job title: Customer Service Manager, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 24
	 use 19 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.3s
	 consistency score: 0.924
Job title: Analyst Programmer, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 55
	 use 41 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 1.1s
	 consistency score: 0.924
Job title: Network / Infrastructure Architect and Engineer, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 19
	 use 14 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.924
Job title: Technical Consultant, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.924
Job title: Financial Product Controller, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 15 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.924
Job title: Cook, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 12
	 use 9 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.924
Job title: Technical Engineer, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 13
	 use 10 posts, each post with at least 13 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.924
Job title: Information Technology Testing / Quality Assurance Specialist, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 44
	 use 35 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.9s
	 consistency score: 0.924
Job title: Project Administrator, Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 15
	 use 12 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.924
Job title: Senior Executive, Industry: Health and Social Services
	 total # posts: 14
	 use 11 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.924
Job title: Brand Manager, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 16
	 use 12 posts, each post with at least 13 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.924
Job title: Sales Analyst, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 13
	 use 10 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.924
Job title: Advertising Designer, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 15
	 use 12 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.924
Job title: Information System Engineer, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 17
	 use 15 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.924
Job title: Senior Finance Analyst, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 20 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.924
Job title: Assistant Operations Manager, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 12
	 use 10 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.924
Job title: Account Executive, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 54
	 use 45 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 1.4s
	 consistency score: 0.924
Job title: Marketing and Sales Representative (Medical and Pharmaceutical Products), Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.924
Job title: Architect, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 51
	 use 45 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 1.4s
	 consistency score: 0.924
Job title: Treasury Analyst, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.924
Job title: Sales Team Leader, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.924
Job title: Assistant Operations Manager, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 15 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.924
Job title: IT Business Process Consultant / Business Analyst, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 19
	 use 14 posts, each post with at least 13 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.924
Job title: System Analyst, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 48
	 use 38 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 1.0s
	 consistency score: 0.924
Job title: Learning Support Assistant, Industry: Education
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.924
Job title: Implementation Manager, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 16 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.924
Job title: Web Developer, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 98
	 use 74 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 3.6s
	 consistency score: 0.924
Job title: Trainer, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.924
Job title: Administrative Assistant, Industry: Health and Social Services
	 total # posts: 58
	 use 44 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 1.4s
	 consistency score: 0.924
Job title: Electrical and Electronics Engineer, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 12
	 use 10 posts, each post with at least 16 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.923
Job title: Piping Inspector, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.923
Job title: Risk Manager, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 14
	 use 11 posts, each post with at least 14 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.923
Job title: Corporate Strategy Planner, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 14 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.923
Job title: Application Sales Specialist, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 11
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 14 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.923
Job title: Corporate Trainer, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 10
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.923
Job title: Operation Manager, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 13
	 use 13 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.923
Job title: Operations Manager, Industry: Education
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.923
Job title: Engineer, Materials, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 9 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.923
Job title: Information Technology Program Manager, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 14 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.923
Job title: Field Service Engineer, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 22
	 use 17 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.923
Job title: Senior Operations Manager, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 16 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.923
Job title: Communications Executive, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.923
Job title: Facility Manager, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 25
	 use 19 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 0.3s
	 consistency score: 0.923
Job title: Account Executive, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 46
	 use 38 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 1.0s
	 consistency score: 0.923
Job title: Finance Manager, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 48
	 use 38 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 1.0s
	 consistency score: 0.923
Job title: Hardware Engineer (Computer), Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 10
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.923
Job title: Customer Service Administrator, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 35
	 use 33 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.7s
	 consistency score: 0.923
Job title: Administrative Assistant, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 90
	 use 77 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 3.9s
	 consistency score: 0.923
Job title: Senior Financial Analyst, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 22
	 use 17 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.923
Job title: Administrative Assistant, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 501
	 use 100 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 6.4s
	 consistency score: 0.94
Job title: Project Engineer/Manager (Engineering), Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 11
	 use 11 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.923
Job title: Solutions Architect, Industry: Transportation and Storage
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 17 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.923
Job title: Executive, Industry: Real Estate Activities
	 total # posts: 11
	 use 9 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.923
Job title: Administrative Officer, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 52
	 use 40 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 1.1s
	 consistency score: 0.923
Job title: Painting Supervisor, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 23
	 use 23 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.4s
	 consistency score: 0.923
Job title: Design Engineer, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 67
	 use 51 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 1.7s
	 consistency score: 0.923
Job title: Tax Manager, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 28
	 use 23 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.4s
	 consistency score: 0.923
Job title: Human Resource & Administration Manager, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 13
	 use 11 posts, each post with at least 18 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.923
Job title: Engineering Manager, Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 13
	 use 10 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.923
Job title: Senior System Administrator, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 10
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.923
Job title: Technical Analyst, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 10
	 use 10 posts, each post with at least 14 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.922
Job title: Senior Recruitment Executive, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 15 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.922
Job title: Solutions Architect, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 21
	 use 19 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.3s
	 consistency score: 0.922
Job title: Senior Planner, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 15
	 use 11 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.922
Job title: Application Designer, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.922
Job title: Business Project Manager, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.922
Job title: Compliance Analyst, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 44
	 use 35 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 0.8s
	 consistency score: 0.922
Job title: Unix Engineer, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.922
Job title: Regulatory Compliance Engineer, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 15 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.922
Job title: Business Director, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.922
Job title: Administration Manager, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 13
	 use 10 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.922
Job title: Administrator, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 18
	 use 15 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.922
Job title: Warehouse Assistant, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 125
	 use 100 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 6.4s
	 consistency score: 0.922
Job title: Sales Manager, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 21
	 use 17 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.922
Job title: Senior Marketing Manager, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 10
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 13 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.922
Job title: Service Quality Analyst, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.922
Job title: Producer, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 14
	 use 10 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.922
Job title: Sous Chef, Industry: Accommodation and Food Service Activities
	 total # posts: 88
	 use 70 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 3.2s
	 consistency score: 0.922
Job title: Project Engineer, Industry: Transportation and Storage
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.922
Job title: Application Programmer, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 30
	 use 22 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.3s
	 consistency score: 0.922
Job title: Senior Human Resource Executive, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 32
	 use 24 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.4s
	 consistency score: 0.922
Job title: Analyst, Market Research, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 14
	 use 10 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.922
Job title: Management Assistant Officer, Industry: Education
	 total # posts: 127
	 use 100 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 6.4s
	 consistency score: 0.922
Job title: Sales Executive, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 174
	 use 100 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 6.4s
	 consistency score: 0.926
Job title: Senior Application Developer, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 16
	 use 12 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.922
Job title: Senior Visiting Fellow, Industry: Education
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.921
Job title: Sales Manager, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 76
	 use 59 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 2.3s
	 consistency score: 0.921
Job title: Sales Consultant, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 13
	 use 10 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.921
Job title: Information Technology Manager, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 20
	 use 17 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.921
Job title: Field Service Engineer, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.921
Job title: Technical Architect, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 22
	 use 17 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.921
Job title: Associate Engineer, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 30
	 use 23 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.4s
	 consistency score: 0.921
Job title: Executive Assistant, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 21
	 use 17 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.921
Job title: Business Project Manager, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 31
	 use 23 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.4s
	 consistency score: 0.921
Job title: Piping Supervisor, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.921
Job title: Advanced Production Technician, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 12
	 use 10 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.921
Job title: Information Technology Engineer, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 21
	 use 18 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.921
Job title: Audit Manager, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 57
	 use 44 posts, each post with at least 16 skills...
	 done after 1.3s
	 consistency score: 0.921
Job title: Senior Project Manager, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 15
	 use 12 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.921
Job title: Senior Manufacturing Engineer (General), Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.921
Job title: Business Consultant, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 45
	 use 34 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.8s
	 consistency score: 0.921
Job title: Other Graphic and Multimedia Designers and Artists, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.921
Job title: Senior Game Developer, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 13
	 use 12 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.921
Job title: Administrative Executive, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 18
	 use 13 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.921
Job title: Research Scientist, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 11
	 use 9 posts, each post with at least 31 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.921
Job title: Research Manager, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.921
Job title: Digital Manager, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 29
	 use 23 posts, each post with at least 17 skills...
	 done after 0.4s
	 consistency score: 0.921
Job title: Administrative Assistant, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 68
	 use 55 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 2.0s
	 consistency score: 0.92
Job title: Senior System Administrator, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 21
	 use 17 posts, each post with at least 14 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.92
Job title: Manager, Consulting, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 13 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.92
Job title: Business Development Director, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.92
Job title: Category Finance Manager, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 10
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 14 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.92
Job title: Information System Engineer, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 14
	 use 10 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.92
Job title: Process Engineer, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 34
	 use 25 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.4s
	 consistency score: 0.92
Job title: Strategy Consultant, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.92
Job title: Logistics Manager, Industry: Transportation and Storage
	 total # posts: 20
	 use 15 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.92
Job title: Executive, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 21
	 use 17 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.92
Job title: Scientist, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 35
	 use 29 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.6s
	 consistency score: 0.92
Job title: Human Resource Assistant, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 34
	 use 27 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.5s
	 consistency score: 0.92
Job title: Human Resource Assistant, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 47
	 use 42 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 1.2s
	 consistency score: 0.92
Job title: Commercial Executive, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.92
Job title: Administrative Executive, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 96
	 use 83 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 4.5s
	 consistency score: 0.92
Job title: Assistant Marketing Manager, Industry: Real Estate Activities
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.92
Job title: Client Services Manager, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 24
	 use 20 posts, each post with at least 16 skills...
	 done after 0.4s
	 consistency score: 0.919
Job title: Quality Engineer, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 22
	 use 17 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.919
Job title: Superintendent, Industry: Transportation and Storage
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.919
Job title: Accounting Manager, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 11
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.919
Job title: Manager, Procurement, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 21 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.919
Job title: Senior Software Developer, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 55
	 use 47 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 1.5s
	 consistency score: 0.919
Job title: Validation Engineer, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 11
	 use 9 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.919
Job title: Principal Engineer, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 17 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.919
Job title: Web Designer, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 19
	 use 14 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.919
Job title: Engineer, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 26
	 use 19 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.3s
	 consistency score: 0.919
Job title: Business Project Manager, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 18
	 use 13 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.919
Job title: Human Resource Analyst, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 16
	 use 12 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.919
Job title: Technology Specialist, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 16
	 use 13 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.919
Job title: Business Development Executive, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 69
	 use 59 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 2.3s
	 consistency score: 0.919
Job title: Senior Solutions Architect, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 15
	 use 11 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.919
Job title: Systems Administrator, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 18 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.919
Job title: Assistant Director, Industry: Education
	 total # posts: 19
	 use 14 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.919
Job title: Safety Officer, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 17
	 use 14 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.919
Job title: Senior Information Technology Manager, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 23 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.919
Job title: Academic Instructor, Industry: Education
	 total # posts: 12
	 use 9 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.919
Job title: General Manager, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 17
	 use 13 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.918
Job title: Assistant Information Technology Manager, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.918
Job title: Sales Engineer, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 89
	 use 71 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 3.3s
	 consistency score: 0.918
Job title: Network Manager, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.918
Job title: Sales Executive, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 74
	 use 58 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 2.2s
	 consistency score: 0.918
Job title: Engineer, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 44
	 use 33 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.7s
	 consistency score: 0.918
Job title: Marketing Project Manager, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.918
Job title: Recruitment Manager, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.918
Job title: Desktop Support Engineer, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 102
	 use 90 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 5.2s
	 consistency score: 0.918
Job title: Engineering Manager, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.918
Job title: Assistant Engineer, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 13
	 use 11 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.918
Job title: Account Executive, Industry: Other Service Activities
	 total # posts: 20
	 use 17 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.918
Job title: Accounts Associate, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 12
	 use 10 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.918
Job title: Senior Marketing Executive, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.918
Job title: Administrative Operations Executive, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 10
	 use 9 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.918
Job title: Senior Information Technology Specialist, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 13
	 use 13 posts, each post with at least 13 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.918
Job title: Accounts Executive, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 249
	 use 100 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 6.4s
	 consistency score: 0.918
Job title: Product Specialist, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.917
Job title: Infrastructure Support Specialist, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 10
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.917
Job title: Health, Safety & Environmental Manager, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.917
Job title: Business Process Manager, Industry: Transportation and Storage
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.917
Job title: Building and Construction Project Manager, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 29
	 use 25 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.5s
	 consistency score: 0.917
Job title: Brand Executive, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 17
	 use 15 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.917
Job title: Executive, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 19
	 use 15 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.917
Job title: Senior Executive, Industry: Transportation and Storage
	 total # posts: 10
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.917
Job title: Project Manager, Information Technology, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 21
	 use 16 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.917
Job title: Marine Superintendent, Industry: Transportation and Storage
	 total # posts: 36
	 use 31 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.7s
	 consistency score: 0.917
Job title: Manager, Procurement, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 19 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.917
Job title: Business Planning Manager, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 18 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.917
Job title: Senior Process Engineer, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 11
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.917
Job title: Assistant Sales Manager, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 26
	 use 22 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.3s
	 consistency score: 0.917
Job title: Marketing Executive, Industry: Accommodation and Food Service Activities
	 total # posts: 16
	 use 13 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.917
Job title: Credit Risk Officer, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 15 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.917
Job title: Architectural Designer, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 23
	 use 19 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.3s
	 consistency score: 0.917
Job title: Sales Engineer, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 188
	 use 100 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 6.4s
	 consistency score: 0.917
Job title: Web Application Developer, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 23
	 use 17 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.917
Job title: Learning & Development Executive, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.917
Job title: Marketing Assistant, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 12
	 use 11 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.917
Job title: Human Resource & Administrative Officer, Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 22
	 use 16 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.916
Job title: Risk Controller, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 26
	 use 19 posts, each post with at least 14 skills...
	 done after 0.3s
	 consistency score: 0.916
Job title: Commercial Manager, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 17 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.916
Job title: Human Resource & Administrative Officer, Industry: Transportation and Storage
	 total # posts: 16
	 use 15 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.916
Job title: Human Resource Manager, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 112
	 use 90 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 5.3s
	 consistency score: 0.916
Job title: Software Architect, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 27
	 use 20 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.3s
	 consistency score: 0.916
Job title: Electrical Design Engineer, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.916
Job title: Administrative Assistant, Industry: Education
	 total # posts: 86
	 use 66 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 2.8s
	 consistency score: 0.916
Job title: Information System Analyst, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 13 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.916
Job title: Software Development Manager, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 22
	 use 16 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.916
Job title: Human Resource Business Partner, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 61
	 use 48 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 1.6s
	 consistency score: 0.916
Job title: Project Administrator, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 25
	 use 20 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.3s
	 consistency score: 0.916
Job title: Logistics Executive, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.916
Job title: Information Technology Testing / Quality Assurance Specialist, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 37
	 use 30 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.6s
	 consistency score: 0.916
Job title: Senior Specialist, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 15
	 use 11 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.916
Job title: Project Coordinator, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 57
	 use 47 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 1.5s
	 consistency score: 0.916
Job title: Information Technology (It) Field Engineer, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.916
Job title: Supervisor, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 19
	 use 18 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.916
Job title: Network Security Analyst, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 18
	 use 13 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.916
Job title: Senior Architect, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 24 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.916
Job title: General Manager, Industry: Accommodation and Food Service Activities
	 total # posts: 45
	 use 34 posts, each post with at least 18 skills...
	 done after 0.8s
	 consistency score: 0.916
Job title: Operations Analyst, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.916
Job title: Executive, Industry: Transportation and Storage
	 total # posts: 19
	 use 15 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.916
Job title: SAP Consultant, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 190
	 use 100 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 6.5s
	 consistency score: 0.916
Job title: Web Programmer, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.915
Job title: Financial Product Controller, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 22
	 use 19 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.3s
	 consistency score: 0.915
Job title: Information Technology Executive, Industry: Education
	 total # posts: 20
	 use 18 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.915
Job title: Senior Process Engineer, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 13
	 use 10 posts, each post with at least 17 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.915
Job title: Security Software Engineer, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.915
Job title: Finance Executive, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 20
	 use 15 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.915
Job title: Client Data Management Executive, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.915
Job title: Administrator, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 10
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.915
Job title: Marketing Coordinator, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 15
	 use 12 posts, each post with at least 15 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.915
Job title: Analyst, Systems, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 17
	 use 13 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.915
Job title: Senior Buyer, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.915
Job title: Development Engineer, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.915
Job title: Recruitment Executive, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 62
	 use 51 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 1.7s
	 consistency score: 0.915
Job title: Technical Support Engineer, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 24
	 use 20 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.3s
	 consistency score: 0.915
Job title: Postdoctoral Fellow, Industry: Education
	 total # posts: 26
	 use 19 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.3s
	 consistency score: 0.915
Job title: Associate, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 92
	 use 72 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 3.5s
	 consistency score: 0.915
Job title: Senior Executive, Industry: Education
	 total # posts: 90
	 use 69 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 3.2s
	 consistency score: 0.915
Job title: Application Engineer, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 24
	 use 21 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.3s
	 consistency score: 0.915
Job title: Customer Service Adviser, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 71
	 use 58 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 2.2s
	 consistency score: 0.914
Job title: Budgeting and Financial Accounting Manager (Including Financial Controller), Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.914
Job title: Business System Analyst, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 19
	 use 17 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.914
Job title: Business Project Manager, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 32
	 use 24 posts, each post with at least 15 skills...
	 done after 0.4s
	 consistency score: 0.914
Job title: Human Resource Manager, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 18
	 use 13 posts, each post with at least 18 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.914
Job title: Customer Service Officer, Industry: Transportation and Storage
	 total # posts: 31
	 use 29 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.6s
	 consistency score: 0.914
Job title: In-House Counsel/Lawyer (Public or Private Corporation or Organisation), Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 30
	 use 25 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 0.4s
	 consistency score: 0.914
Job title: Design Engineer, Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 24
	 use 20 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.3s
	 consistency score: 0.914
Job title: Administration Clerk, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 101
	 use 81 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 4.2s
	 consistency score: 0.914
Job title: Analytics Manager, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 19 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.914
Job title: Assistant Manager, Industry: Transportation and Storage
	 total # posts: 12
	 use 10 posts, each post with at least 15 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.914
Job title: Mechanical Engineer, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 61
	 use 48 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 1.6s
	 consistency score: 0.914
Job title: Senior Executive, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.914
Job title: Quality Assurance & Quality Control Manager, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.914
Job title: Human Resource Manager, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 23
	 use 17 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.914
Job title: Senior Technology Analyst, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.914
Job title: Senior Business Analyst, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 56
	 use 46 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 1.5s
	 consistency score: 0.914
Job title: Senior Java Developer, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 34
	 use 25 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.4s
	 consistency score: 0.914
Job title: Information Technology (It) Field Engineer, Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.914
Job title: Finance Manager, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 50
	 use 38 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 1.0s
	 consistency score: 0.914
Job title: Recruitment Assistant, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 35
	 use 27 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.5s
	 consistency score: 0.914
Job title: Bank Officer, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 37
	 use 30 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.7s
	 consistency score: 0.914
Job title: Instrumentation Technician, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 24 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.914
Job title: Accounts Assistant, Industry: Transportation and Storage
	 total # posts: 38
	 use 30 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.6s
	 consistency score: 0.914
Job title: Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Industry: Education
	 total # posts: 118
	 use 91 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 5.3s
	 consistency score: 0.914
Job title: Mechanical Designer, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 14
	 use 14 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.914
Job title: Information Technology Project Manager, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 119
	 use 90 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 5.3s
	 consistency score: 0.914
Job title: Senior Web Developer, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 20
	 use 15 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.914
Job title: Senior Systems Engineer, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 17
	 use 13 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.913
Job title: Project Lead, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 15
	 use 11 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.913
Job title: Lecturer, University, Industry: Education
	 total # posts: 19
	 use 14 posts, each post with at least 13 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.913
Job title: Account Director, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 50
	 use 40 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 1.1s
	 consistency score: 0.913
Job title: Accounts Consultant, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.913
Job title: Service Engineer, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 44
	 use 34 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.8s
	 consistency score: 0.913
Job title: Commercial School Teacher, Industry: Education
	 total # posts: 39
	 use 30 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.6s
	 consistency score: 0.913
Job title: Adviser, Technical Service, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 18 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.913
Job title: Risk Consultant, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 14 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.913
Job title: Analyst, Industry: Real Estate Activities
	 total # posts: 22
	 use 16 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.913
Job title: Operations Specialist, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.913
Job title: Senior Assistant Director, Industry: Education
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.913
Job title: Technician, Industry: Accommodation and Food Service Activities
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.913
Job title: Project Coordinator, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.913
Job title: Administrative Support Officer, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 21
	 use 17 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.912
Job title: Events Marketing Executive, Industry: Education
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.912
Job title: Senior Engineer, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 136
	 use 100 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 6.5s
	 consistency score: 0.912
Job title: Senior Credit Analyst, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 12
	 use 11 posts, each post with at least 13 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.912
Job title: Assistant Information Technology Manager, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 14 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.912
Job title: Laboratory Manager, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 10
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 21 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.912
Job title: Information Technology Business Analyst, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 32
	 use 32 posts, each post with at least 3 skills...
	 done after 0.7s
	 consistency score: 0.912
Job title: Senior Application Consultant, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 52
	 use 41 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 1.1s
	 consistency score: 0.912
Job title: Network Specialist, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.912
Job title: Product Manager, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 52
	 use 39 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 1.0s
	 consistency score: 0.912
Job title: Integration Engineer, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 10
	 use 10 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.912
Job title: Human Resource Assistant, Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 19
	 use 14 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.912
Job title: Nurse Manager, Industry: Health and Social Services
	 total # posts: 31
	 use 24 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.4s
	 consistency score: 0.911
Job title: Laboratory Assistant, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 11
	 use 9 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.911
Job title: Associate Research Fellow, Industry: Education
	 total # posts: 14
	 use 11 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.911
Job title: Technology Manager, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 19 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.911
Job title: Service Delivery Manager, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 14
	 use 10 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.911
Job title: Design Director, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 11
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 13 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.911
Job title: Information Technology Executive, Industry: Transportation and Storage
	 total # posts: 10
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.911
Job title: Architectural Consultant, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 13 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.911
Job title: Logistics Executive, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 64
	 use 60 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 2.3s
	 consistency score: 0.911
Job title: Advanced Software Engineer, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.911
Job title: Senior Information System Engineer, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 17
	 use 13 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.911
Job title: Business Process Manager, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 17 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.911
Job title: Assistant Electrical Engineer, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 22
	 use 22 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.4s
	 consistency score: 0.911
Job title: Senior Project Manager, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 20
	 use 15 posts, each post with at least 14 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.911
Job title: Business Development Director, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 17
	 use 16 posts, each post with at least 4 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.911
Job title: Manager, Marketing, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 17 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.91
Job title: Corporate Trainer, Industry: Education
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 13 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.91
Job title: Marketing Executive, Industry: Transportation and Storage
	 total # posts: 27
	 use 20 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.3s
	 consistency score: 0.91
Job title: Systems Specialist, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.91
Job title: Java Developer, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 46
	 use 35 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.8s
	 consistency score: 0.91
Job title: Communication Manager, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 19 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.91
Job title: Administrative Operations Executive, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 30
	 use 22 posts, each post with at least 3 skills...
	 done after 0.3s
	 consistency score: 0.91
Job title: Mechanical Technician, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 23
	 use 19 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.3s
	 consistency score: 0.91
Job title: Assistant Business Development Manager, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.91
Job title: Production Technician, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 34
	 use 33 posts, each post with at least 4 skills...
	 done after 0.7s
	 consistency score: 0.91
Job title: Project Manager, Industry: Transportation and Storage
	 total # posts: 19
	 use 17 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.91
Job title: Product Specialist, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.91
Job title: Business Project Manager, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 45
	 use 37 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 1.0s
	 consistency score: 0.909
Job title: Analyst Programmer, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 18
	 use 13 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.909
Job title: Compliance Manager, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 36
	 use 27 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.5s
	 consistency score: 0.909
Job title: Regional Sales Manager, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 26
	 use 20 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.3s
	 consistency score: 0.909
Job title: Application Designer, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 40
	 use 30 posts, each post with at least 13 skills...
	 done after 0.6s
	 consistency score: 0.909
Job title: Regional Manager, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 16
	 use 14 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.909
Job title: SAP Consultant, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 25
	 use 24 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.4s
	 consistency score: 0.909
Job title: Media Manager, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 25
	 use 20 posts, each post with at least 13 skills...
	 done after 0.3s
	 consistency score: 0.909
Job title: Business Development Consultant, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 12
	 use 9 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.909
Job title: Centre Manager, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 15 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.909
Job title: Systems Analyst, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 63
	 use 50 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 1.7s
	 consistency score: 0.909
Job title: Project Analyst, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 12
	 use 11 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.909
Job title: Finance Analyst, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 21
	 use 16 posts, each post with at least 17 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.909
Job title: Project Executive, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 33
	 use 31 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.7s
	 consistency score: 0.909
Job title: Accountant, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 104
	 use 81 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 4.3s
	 consistency score: 0.909
Job title: Lecturer, Industry: Education
	 total # posts: 80
	 use 61 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 2.5s
	 consistency score: 0.909
Job title: Information Technology Specialist, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.909
Job title: Business Account Manager, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.908
Job title: Assistant Operations Manager, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 15
	 use 11 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.908
Job title: Commercial Manager, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 16
	 use 12 posts, each post with at least 16 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.908
Job title: Software Developer, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 127
	 use 100 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 6.5s
	 consistency score: 0.908
Job title: Senior Project Manager, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.908
Job title: Commissioning Engineer, Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 13
	 use 13 posts, each post with at least 3 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.908
Job title: Business Operations Manager, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 15
	 use 12 posts, each post with at least 13 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.908
Job title: Quality Assurance & Quality Control Manager, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.908
Job title: Systems Manager, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 23 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.908
Job title: Information Technology Support Manager, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 10
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 20 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.908
Job title: Senior Software Development Engineer, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 37
	 use 29 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.6s
	 consistency score: 0.908
Job title: Logistics Executive, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 16
	 use 13 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.908
Job title: Customer Service Executive, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 72
	 use 55 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 2.0s
	 consistency score: 0.908
Job title: Network Support Engineer, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 18
	 use 15 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.908
Job title: Management Trainee, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 62
	 use 49 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 1.6s
	 consistency score: 0.908
Job title: Operations Specialist, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 23 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.908
Job title: Marketing Executive, Industry: Real Estate Activities
	 total # posts: 12
	 use 9 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.907
Job title: Project Analyst, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 11
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.907
Job title: Human Resource Assistant, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 16
	 use 13 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.907
Job title: Events Marketing Executive, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 38
	 use 31 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.7s
	 consistency score: 0.907
Job title: Senior Software Engineer, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 36
	 use 29 posts, each post with at least 13 skills...
	 done after 0.6s
	 consistency score: 0.907
Job title: Corporate Sales Manager, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 60
	 use 48 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 1.5s
	 consistency score: 0.907
Job title: Accounts Executive, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 21
	 use 16 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.907
Job title: Business Development Executive, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 44
	 use 36 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.9s
	 consistency score: 0.907
Job title: Mobile Engineer, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 11
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.907
Job title: Customer Service Manager, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 17 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.907
Job title: Application Support Engineer, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 31
	 use 24 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.4s
	 consistency score: 0.907
Job title: Operations Manager, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.907
Job title: Human Resource Business Partner, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 22
	 use 16 posts, each post with at least 15 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.907
Job title: Senior Property Management Executive, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 23
	 use 17 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.907
Job title: Specialist, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.907
Job title: Database Administrator, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 50
	 use 47 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 1.5s
	 consistency score: 0.906
Job title: Advisor, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.906
Job title: Program Manager, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 24
	 use 18 posts, each post with at least 15 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.906
Job title: Quality Assurance Engineer, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 40
	 use 31 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.7s
	 consistency score: 0.906
Job title: Infrastructure Engineer, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 21
	 use 16 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.906
Job title: Sales Director, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 52
	 use 50 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 1.7s
	 consistency score: 0.906
Job title: Application Architect, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 18
	 use 13 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.906
Job title: Senior R&D Engineer, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 64
	 use 50 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 1.7s
	 consistency score: 0.906
Job title: Senior Technical Support Engineer, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 10
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 17 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.906
Job title: Coordinator, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 23
	 use 19 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.3s
	 consistency score: 0.906
Job title: Researcher, Industry: Education
	 total # posts: 251
	 use 100 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 6.5s
	 consistency score: 0.909
Job title: Chef, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.905
Job title: Advanced Manufacturing Engineer, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 15 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.905
Job title: Senior Executive, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 28
	 use 24 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.4s
	 consistency score: 0.905
Job title: Assistant Information Technology Manager, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 10
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.905
Job title: Quality Assurance & Quality Control Inspector, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 13
	 use 12 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.905
Job title: Senior Executive, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 13
	 use 10 posts, each post with at least 13 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.905
Job title: Senior Research Engineer, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.905
Job title: Manager, Industry: Transportation and Storage
	 total # posts: 20
	 use 15 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.905
Job title: Resident Engineer, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 11
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.905
Job title: Human Resource Executive, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 29
	 use 24 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.4s
	 consistency score: 0.905
Job title: Advisory Software Engineer, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 17 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.904
Job title: Designer, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 18
	 use 13 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.904
Job title: Management Consultant, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 24
	 use 20 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.3s
	 consistency score: 0.904
Job title: Program Manager, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 15 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.904
Job title: Systems Engineer, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 25
	 use 20 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 0.3s
	 consistency score: 0.904
Job title: Engineer, Software, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 177
	 use 100 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 6.5s
	 consistency score: 0.904
Job title: Assistant Retail Supervisor, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 11
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.904
Job title: Application Architect, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 18 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.904
Job title: Regional Manager, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 19 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.904
Job title: Information Technology Executive, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 18
	 use 13 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.904
Job title: Project Lead, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 15
	 use 11 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.904
Job title: Application Consultant, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 24
	 use 20 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.3s
	 consistency score: 0.904
Job title: Product Manager, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 61
	 use 47 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 1.5s
	 consistency score: 0.904
Job title: Senior Business Analyst, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 64
	 use 50 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 1.7s
	 consistency score: 0.904
Job title: Investment Analyst, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 28
	 use 23 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.4s
	 consistency score: 0.904
Job title: Information Technology Business Analyst, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 51
	 use 39 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 1.0s
	 consistency score: 0.904
Job title: Information Technology Director, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 13
	 use 10 posts, each post with at least 16 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.904
Job title: Senior Technical Specialist, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 16 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.904
Job title: Shipping Administrator, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 58
	 use 52 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 1.8s
	 consistency score: 0.903
Job title: Operations Specialist, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 11
	 use 9 posts, each post with at least 17 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.903
Job title: Senior Analyst, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 29
	 use 23 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.4s
	 consistency score: 0.903
Job title: Human Resource Executive, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 183
	 use 100 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 6.4s
	 consistency score: 0.903
Job title: Web Developer, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 41
	 use 34 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.8s
	 consistency score: 0.903
Job title: Assistant Project Manager, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 25
	 use 19 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.3s
	 consistency score: 0.903
Job title: General Manager, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 44
	 use 33 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.8s
	 consistency score: 0.903
Job title: Data Network Engineering Analyst, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.903
Job title: Specialist, Industry: Transportation and Storage
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 18 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.903
Job title: Quality Assurance Manager, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 14
	 use 14 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.903
Job title: Account Sales Manager, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 22
	 use 17 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.903
Job title: Technical Helpdesk Specialist, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 16
	 use 15 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.903
Job title: Business Analyst, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 60
	 use 46 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 1.5s
	 consistency score: 0.903
Job title: Accountant, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 89
	 use 75 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 3.8s
	 consistency score: 0.903
Job title: Software Testing Engineer, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.902
Job title: Department Head, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 24
	 use 18 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.902
Job title: Business Development Manager, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 55
	 use 43 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 1.3s
	 consistency score: 0.902
Job title: Test Engineer, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 33
	 use 27 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.5s
	 consistency score: 0.902
Job title: Application Support Analyst, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 39
	 use 31 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.7s
	 consistency score: 0.902
Job title: Operations Executive, Industry: Transportation and Storage
	 total # posts: 60
	 use 48 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 1.5s
	 consistency score: 0.902
Job title: Information Technology Pre-Sales Consultant, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 27
	 use 20 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.3s
	 consistency score: 0.902
Job title: Head of Sales, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.902
Job title: Pricing Manager, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 20 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.902
Job title: Graphic Designer, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 30
	 use 23 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.4s
	 consistency score: 0.902
Job title: Research Associate, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 15
	 use 11 posts, each post with at least 13 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.902
Job title: Accounts Assistant, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 270
	 use 100 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 6.5s
	 consistency score: 0.944
Job title: Information Security Consultant, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 49
	 use 38 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 1.0s
	 consistency score: 0.902
Job title: Director, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 16
	 use 13 posts, each post with at least 15 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.901
Job title: Corporate Finance Executive, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 2 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.901
Job title: Customer Service Supervisor, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 9 posts, each post with at least 14 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.901
Job title: Quality Engineer, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 19 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.901
Job title: Project Engineer, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 138
	 use 100 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 6.4s
	 consistency score: 0.901
Job title: Manager, Quality Assurance, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 18
	 use 13 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.901
Job title: Senior Specialist, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 10
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 19 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.901
Job title: Business Development Manager, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 63
	 use 47 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 1.5s
	 consistency score: 0.901
Job title: Information Technology Security Specialist, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 16
	 use 13 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.901
Job title: Operations Manager, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 23
	 use 18 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.901
Job title: Investment Manager, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 14 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.901
Job title: Digital Manager, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 14
	 use 11 posts, each post with at least 13 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.9
Job title: Customer Relations Officer, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 25
	 use 22 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.3s
	 consistency score: 0.9
Job title: Information Technology Manager, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 27
	 use 20 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.3s
	 consistency score: 0.9
Job title: Design Engineer, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 20
	 use 15 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.9
Job title: Customer Support Representative, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.9
Job title: Senior Product Manager, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 26 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.9
Job title: Information Technology Consultant, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 13
	 use 10 posts, each post with at least 17 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.9
Job title: Human Resource Manager, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 12
	 use 10 posts, each post with at least 14 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.9
Job title: Marketing Executive, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 75
	 use 56 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 2.1s
	 consistency score: 0.9
Job title: Administrator, Network, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 19
	 use 15 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.9
Job title: Consultant, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 104
	 use 80 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 4.2s
	 consistency score: 0.9
Job title: Assistant Manager, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 52
	 use 40 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 1.1s
	 consistency score: 0.9
Job title: Systems Engineer, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.899
Job title: Application Analyst, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 30
	 use 22 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.3s
	 consistency score: 0.899
Job title: Advertising Sales Executive, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 20
	 use 16 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.899
Job title: Compliance Manager, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 17
	 use 13 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.899
Job title: Technical Service Engineer, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.899
Job title: Regional Sales Manager, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 38
	 use 29 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.6s
	 consistency score: 0.899
Job title: Procurement Engineer, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 10
	 use 9 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.899
Job title: Bank Executive, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 42
	 use 36 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.9s
	 consistency score: 0.899
Job title: Engineer, Telecommunications, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 12
	 use 9 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.899
Job title: Consulting Analyst, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 30
	 use 23 posts, each post with at least 16 skills...
	 done after 0.4s
	 consistency score: 0.899
Job title: Project Manager, Industry: Education
	 total # posts: 20
	 use 16 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.899
Job title: Information Technology Analyst, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 15
	 use 14 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.899
Job title: Marketing and Sales Representative (Technical), Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.899
Job title: Coordinator, Industry: Education
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 15 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.898
Job title: Sales Executive, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 41
	 use 33 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.8s
	 consistency score: 0.898
Job title: Business Project Manager, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 27
	 use 21 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.3s
	 consistency score: 0.898
Job title: Analyst, Financial, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 20
	 use 15 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.898
Job title: Business Systems Developer, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.898
Job title: Senior Systems Analyst, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 29
	 use 24 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.4s
	 consistency score: 0.898
Job title: Account Executive, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 16
	 use 12 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.898
Job title: Claims Manager, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 11
	 use 9 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.898
Job title: Associate Director, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 63
	 use 49 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 1.6s
	 consistency score: 0.898
Job title: Product Engineer, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 42
	 use 31 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.7s
	 consistency score: 0.898
Job title: Corporate Vice President, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 14 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.898
Job title: Senior Process Engineer, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 27
	 use 27 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.5s
	 consistency score: 0.898
Job title: Research Manager, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 22 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.898
Job title: Service Delivery Manager, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 26
	 use 21 posts, each post with at least 13 skills...
	 done after 0.3s
	 consistency score: 0.897
Job title: Electrical Engineer (General), Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 54
	 use 40 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 1.1s
	 consistency score: 0.897
Job title: Restaurant Manager, Industry: Accommodation and Food Service Activities
	 total # posts: 138
	 use 100 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 6.5s
	 consistency score: 0.897
Job title: Coordinator, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 56
	 use 42 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 1.2s
	 consistency score: 0.897
Job title: Software Development Engineer, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 31
	 use 25 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.4s
	 consistency score: 0.897
Job title: Account Manager, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 26
	 use 19 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.3s
	 consistency score: 0.897
Job title: Project Manager, Industry: Real Estate Activities
	 total # posts: 10
	 use 9 posts, each post with at least 15 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.897
Job title: Marketing Executive, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 98
	 use 79 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 4.1s
	 consistency score: 0.897
Job title: Coordinator, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 22
	 use 17 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.897
Job title: Engineer, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 89
	 use 75 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 3.7s
	 consistency score: 0.897
Job title: Manager, Quality Assurance, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 12
	 use 10 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.897
Job title: Assistant Planner, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.897
Job title: Senior Consultant, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 32
	 use 29 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.6s
	 consistency score: 0.897
Job title: Technical Consultant, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 90
	 use 74 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 3.5s
	 consistency score: 0.897
Job title: Application Architect, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 52
	 use 40 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 1.1s
	 consistency score: 0.896
Job title: Technical Manager, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 20
	 use 16 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.896
Job title: Risk Consultant, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 13
	 use 10 posts, each post with at least 21 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.896
Job title: Senior Account Manager, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 16 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.896
Job title: Application Sales Specialist, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 19 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.896
Job title: Project Engineer, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 103
	 use 79 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 4.1s
	 consistency score: 0.896
Job title: Associate, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 19
	 use 15 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.896
Job title: Finance Manager, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 29
	 use 22 posts, each post with at least 13 skills...
	 done after 0.4s
	 consistency score: 0.895
Job title: Project Engineer, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 129
	 use 100 posts, each post with at least 4 skills...
	 done after 6.4s
	 consistency score: 0.895
Job title: Senior Executive, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.895
Job title: Nurse, Industry: Health and Social Services
	 total # posts: 36
	 use 29 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.6s
	 consistency score: 0.895
Job title: Sales Account Manager, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 23
	 use 17 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.895
Job title: Executive, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 47
	 use 41 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 1.1s
	 consistency score: 0.895
Job title: Planner, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 38
	 use 29 posts, each post with at least 16 skills...
	 done after 0.6s
	 consistency score: 0.895
Job title: Supply Chain Assistant, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 11
	 use 9 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.895
Job title: Academic Staff, Industry: Education
	 total # posts: 88
	 use 72 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 3.3s
	 consistency score: 0.894
Job title: Application Programmer, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 12
	 use 9 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.894
Job title: Associate Director, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.894
Job title: Information Technology Project Manager, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 57
	 use 46 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 1.4s
	 consistency score: 0.894
Job title: Business Solution Manager, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.894
Job title: Information Security Manager, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.894
Job title: Engineer, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 179
	 use 100 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 6.5s
	 consistency score: 0.893
Job title: Technical Consultant, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 24
	 use 18 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.893
Job title: Human Resource Executive, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 45
	 use 38 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 1.0s
	 consistency score: 0.893
Job title: Demand Planning Analyst, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 10
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 21 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.893
Job title: Senior Business Analyst, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 39
	 use 30 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.6s
	 consistency score: 0.893
Job title: Planner, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 26
	 use 19 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.3s
	 consistency score: 0.893
Job title: Business Solutions Consultant, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.893
Job title: Business Analyst, Industry: Transportation and Storage
	 total # posts: 27
	 use 20 posts, each post with at least 14 skills...
	 done after 0.3s
	 consistency score: 0.893
Job title: Learning & Development Executive, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 13 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.893
Job title: Supervisor, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 16 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.893
Job title: Advisor, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.893
Job title: Deputy Director, Industry: Education
	 total # posts: 12
	 use 10 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.893
Job title: Technical Specialist, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 14
	 use 11 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.892
Job title: Planning Manager, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 15
	 use 14 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.892
Job title: Assistant Manager, Industry: Real Estate Activities
	 total # posts: 22
	 use 16 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.892
Job title: Advanced Software Engineer, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 105
	 use 88 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 5.0s
	 consistency score: 0.892
Job title: Applications / Systems Programmer, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 55
	 use 45 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 1.3s
	 consistency score: 0.892
Job title: Accounting Manager (Finance Department), Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 19 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.892
Job title: Coordinator, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 14 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.892
Job title: Senior Information Technology Infrastructure Analyst, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 10
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.892
Job title: Control System Engineer, Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 14 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.892
Job title: Contractor, Employment, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.892
Job title: Executive, Industry: Education
	 total # posts: 138
	 use 100 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 6.5s
	 consistency score: 0.892
Job title: Senior Software Analyst, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.891
Job title: Software Developer, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 54
	 use 43 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 1.2s
	 consistency score: 0.891
Job title: Department Head, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 28
	 use 21 posts, each post with at least 16 skills...
	 done after 0.3s
	 consistency score: 0.891
Job title: Sales Specialist, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 14
	 use 10 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.891
Job title: Operations Manager, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 27
	 use 20 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.3s
	 consistency score: 0.891
Job title: SAP Consultant, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 186
	 use 100 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 6.4s
	 consistency score: 0.891
Job title: Finance Manager, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 50
	 use 40 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 1.1s
	 consistency score: 0.891
Job title: Product Manager, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 42
	 use 32 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.7s
	 consistency score: 0.891
Job title: Manager, Industry: Education
	 total # posts: 136
	 use 100 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 6.4s
	 consistency score: 0.891
Job title: Information Technology Analyst, Industry: Education
	 total # posts: 11
	 use 9 posts, each post with at least 14 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.89
Job title: Product Manager, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 95
	 use 75 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 3.7s
	 consistency score: 0.89
Job title: Pre-University (Including Junior College) and Secondary School Teacher, Industry: Education
	 total # posts: 17
	 use 14 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.89
Job title: Analyst, Financial, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 30
	 use 22 posts, each post with at least 13 skills...
	 done after 0.3s
	 consistency score: 0.89
Job title: Planner, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 31
	 use 25 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.4s
	 consistency score: 0.89
Job title: Account Sales Manager, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 84
	 use 69 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 3.1s
	 consistency score: 0.89
Job title: Database Administrator, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 62
	 use 46 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 1.5s
	 consistency score: 0.89
Job title: Account Manager, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 23
	 use 18 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.89
Job title: Coordinator, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 20
	 use 15 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.89
Job title: Digital Manager, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 20
	 use 15 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.89
Job title: Accountant, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 250
	 use 100 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 6.5s
	 consistency score: 0.89
Job title: Compliance Officer, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 54
	 use 41 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 1.1s
	 consistency score: 0.89
Job title: Recruitment Consultant, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 387
	 use 100 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 6.4s
	 consistency score: 0.921
Job title: Manager, Marketing, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 13
	 use 10 posts, each post with at least 19 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.89
Job title: Business Development Executive, Industry: Transportation and Storage
	 total # posts: 16
	 use 12 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.89
Job title: Process Engineer, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 141
	 use 100 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 6.5s
	 consistency score: 0.89
Job title: Information Technology Pre-Sales Consultant, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 15
	 use 11 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.889
Job title: Account Manager, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 67
	 use 54 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 1.9s
	 consistency score: 0.889
Job title: Associate, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 118
	 use 88 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 5.0s
	 consistency score: 0.889
Job title: Advanced Systems Engineer, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 42
	 use 33 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.7s
	 consistency score: 0.889
Job title: Senior Infrastructure Engineer, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 20
	 use 16 posts, each post with at least 15 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.889
Job title: Senior Information Technology Analyst, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 17
	 use 13 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.889
Job title: Advertising Sales Executive, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 16
	 use 12 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.888
Job title: Senior System Analyst, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.888
Job title: System Analyst, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 122
	 use 97 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 6.1s
	 consistency score: 0.888
Job title: Account Sales Manager, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 124
	 use 97 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 6.1s
	 consistency score: 0.888
Job title: Field Service Engineer, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 40
	 use 33 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.7s
	 consistency score: 0.888
Job title: Marketing Director, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 12
	 use 9 posts, each post with at least 14 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.888
Job title: Senior Associate, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 62
	 use 46 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 1.4s
	 consistency score: 0.888
Job title: Senior Executive, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 36
	 use 29 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.6s
	 consistency score: 0.887
Job title: Application Consultant, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 31
	 use 25 posts, each post with at least 13 skills...
	 done after 0.4s
	 consistency score: 0.887
Job title: Relationship Manager, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 33
	 use 28 posts, each post with at least 18 skills...
	 done after 0.6s
	 consistency score: 0.887
Job title: Test Engineer, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 18
	 use 13 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.887
Job title: Quality Assurance & Quality Control Engineer, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 13 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.887
Job title: Marketing Communications Manager, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 13
	 use 11 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.887
Job title: Accountant, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 59
	 use 45 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 1.3s
	 consistency score: 0.887
Job title: Programme Manager, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 22 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.887
Job title: Vice President, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 18 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.887
Job title: Senior Engineer, Industry: Construction
	 total # posts: 19
	 use 15 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.886
Job title: Business Manager, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 15
	 use 11 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.886
Job title: Network Administrator, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 43
	 use 37 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 1.0s
	 consistency score: 0.886
Job title: Support Engineer, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 10
	 use 10 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.886
Job title: Marketing Manager, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 44
	 use 33 posts, each post with at least 15 skills...
	 done after 0.7s
	 consistency score: 0.886
Job title: Project Consultant, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 10
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.886
Job title: Senior Software Engineer, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 98
	 use 73 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 3.4s
	 consistency score: 0.886
Job title: Marketing Communications Manager, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 13
	 use 13 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.886
Job title: Assistant Marketing Manager, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 23
	 use 19 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.3s
	 consistency score: 0.886
Job title: Application Support Analyst, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 44
	 use 35 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.8s
	 consistency score: 0.886
Job title: Logistics Manager, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 24
	 use 20 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.3s
	 consistency score: 0.886
Job title: Executive, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 40
	 use 33 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.7s
	 consistency score: 0.886
Job title: Analyst, Financial, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 34
	 use 25 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.4s
	 consistency score: 0.886
Job title: Information Technology Project Leader, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 27
	 use 20 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.3s
	 consistency score: 0.886
Job title: Software Engineer, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 62
	 use 46 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 1.4s
	 consistency score: 0.886
Job title: Web Developer, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 46
	 use 36 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.9s
	 consistency score: 0.886
Job title: Business Manager, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 19
	 use 15 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.886
Job title: Software Engineer, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 160
	 use 100 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 6.6s
	 consistency score: 0.919
Job title: Information Technology Specialist, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 36
	 use 29 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.6s
	 consistency score: 0.886
Job title: Consultant, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 17
	 use 15 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.885
Job title: User Interface Architect, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 19 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.885
Job title: Controller, Financial, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 26 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.885
Job title: Desktop Support Engineer, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 56
	 use 42 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 1.2s
	 consistency score: 0.885
Job title: Senior Manager, Industry: Education
	 total # posts: 68
	 use 53 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 1.9s
	 consistency score: 0.885
Job title: Sales Operations Executive, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.885
Job title: Product Marketing Manager, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 26
	 use 20 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 0.3s
	 consistency score: 0.885
Job title: Information Technology Engineer, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 48
	 use 37 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 1.0s
	 consistency score: 0.885
Job title: Assistant Finance Manager, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 26
	 use 20 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.3s
	 consistency score: 0.885
Job title: Quality Assurance Engineer, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.885
Job title: Database Administrator, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.885
Job title: System Administrator, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 26
	 use 19 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.3s
	 consistency score: 0.885
Job title: Analyst, Industry: Transportation and Storage
	 total # posts: 14
	 use 11 posts, each post with at least 16 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.885
Job title: Analytics Manager, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 27
	 use 20 posts, each post with at least 16 skills...
	 done after 0.3s
	 consistency score: 0.884
Job title: Engineer, Quality Assurance, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 34
	 use 27 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.5s
	 consistency score: 0.884
Job title: Senior Accountant (General), Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 13
	 use 10 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.884
Job title: Financial Analyst, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 19
	 use 14 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.884
Job title: Associate Director, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 18 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.884
Job title: Analyst, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 42
	 use 31 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.7s
	 consistency score: 0.884
Job title: Solutions Architect, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 14
	 use 14 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.884
Job title: Engineer, Software, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 187
	 use 100 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 6.4s
	 consistency score: 0.924
Job title: Senior Network Engineer/Manager, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 48
	 use 36 posts, each post with at least 13 skills...
	 done after 0.9s
	 consistency score: 0.883
Job title: Operation Manager, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 25
	 use 19 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.3s
	 consistency score: 0.883
Job title: Network / Infrastructure Architect and Engineer, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 61
	 use 46 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 1.4s
	 consistency score: 0.883
Job title: Application Specialist, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.883
Job title: Senior Application Developer, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 23
	 use 17 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.883
Job title: Quality Assurance & Quality Control Engineer, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 19
	 use 16 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.883
Job title: Project Engineer, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 29
	 use 25 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.4s
	 consistency score: 0.883
Job title: Other Information Professionals, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 32
	 use 24 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.4s
	 consistency score: 0.883
Job title: Information Technology Analyst, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 19
	 use 16 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.883
Job title: Manager, Procurement, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 13
	 use 10 posts, each post with at least 19 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.883
Job title: Information Technology Specialist, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 321
	 use 100 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 6.5s
	 consistency score: 0.897
Job title: Senior Account Executive, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 21
	 use 18 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.882
Job title: Associate Consultant, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 25
	 use 20 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.3s
	 consistency score: 0.882
Job title: Assistant Manager, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 23
	 use 17 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.881
Job title: Information Technology Project Manager, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 184
	 use 100 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 6.6s
	 consistency score: 0.881
Job title: Compliance Officer, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 76
	 use 59 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 2.3s
	 consistency score: 0.881
Job title: Project Manager, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 61
	 use 46 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 1.4s
	 consistency score: 0.881
Job title: Assistant Manager, Industry: Accommodation and Food Service Activities
	 total # posts: 57
	 use 47 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 1.5s
	 consistency score: 0.881
Job title: Associate Director, Industry: Education
	 total # posts: 25
	 use 19 posts, each post with at least 15 skills...
	 done after 0.3s
	 consistency score: 0.881
Job title: Process Engineer, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 55
	 use 45 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 1.4s
	 consistency score: 0.881
Job title: Graphic Designer, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 18
	 use 14 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.881
Job title: Assistant Manager, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 40
	 use 30 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.6s
	 consistency score: 0.881
Job title: Operations Analyst, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 104
	 use 82 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 4.3s
	 consistency score: 0.88
Job title: Director, Industry: Arts, Entertainment and Recreation
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 19 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.88
Job title: Senior Information System Engineer, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.88
Job title: Analyst, Market Research, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 41
	 use 31 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.7s
	 consistency score: 0.88
Job title: Database Developer, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 14 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.88
Job title: Information Technology Analyst, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 66
	 use 53 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 1.8s
	 consistency score: 0.879
Job title: Business Operation Planning Specialist, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.879
Job title: Quality Engineer, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 53
	 use 42 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 1.2s
	 consistency score: 0.879
Job title: Specialist Associate, Industry: Education
	 total # posts: 19
	 use 15 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.879
Job title: Account Sales Manager, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 105
	 use 81 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 4.2s
	 consistency score: 0.879
Job title: Program Manager, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 29
	 use 22 posts, each post with at least 13 skills...
	 done after 0.3s
	 consistency score: 0.879
Job title: Business Development Manager, Industry: Other Service Activities
	 total # posts: 55
	 use 45 posts, each post with at least 20 skills...
	 done after 1.4s
	 consistency score: 0.879
Job title: Senior Information System Engineer, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 10
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.878
Job title: Software Engineer, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 85
	 use 64 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 2.7s
	 consistency score: 0.878
Job title: Product Marketing Engineer, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 17 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.878
Job title: Marketing Communications Executive, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 52
	 use 41 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 1.1s
	 consistency score: 0.878
Job title: Computer Engineer, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 69
	 use 59 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 2.4s
	 consistency score: 0.878
Job title: Operations Engineer, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 13
	 use 13 posts, each post with at least 4 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.878
Job title: Information Technology Engineer, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 147
	 use 100 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 6.4s
	 consistency score: 0.878
Job title: Information Technology Infrastructure Analyst, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 12
	 use 9 posts, each post with at least 18 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.878
Job title: Systems Engineer, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 31
	 use 23 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.4s
	 consistency score: 0.877
Job title: Marketing Executive, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 183
	 use 100 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 6.4s
	 consistency score: 0.89
Job title: Guard, Security (Private), Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 10
	 use 10 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.877
Job title: Executive Officer, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 67
	 use 57 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 2.2s
	 consistency score: 0.877
Job title: Human Resource & Administrative Officer, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 30
	 use 24 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.4s
	 consistency score: 0.877
Job title: Account Executive, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 80
	 use 68 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 3.0s
	 consistency score: 0.877
Job title: Business Analyst, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 282
	 use 100 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 6.4s
	 consistency score: 0.903
Job title: Business Analyst, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 121
	 use 92 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 5.5s
	 consistency score: 0.876
Job title: Project Executive, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 35
	 use 30 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.6s
	 consistency score: 0.876
Job title: Assistant Professor, Industry: Education
	 total # posts: 124
	 use 100 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 6.5s
	 consistency score: 0.876
Job title: Secretary, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 17
	 use 14 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.876
Job title: System Administrator, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 98
	 use 80 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 4.2s
	 consistency score: 0.876
Job title: Manufacturing Technician, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 22
	 use 16 posts, each post with at least 14 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.876
Job title: Senior Software Engineer, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 150
	 use 100 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 6.4s
	 consistency score: 0.875
Job title: Associate Director, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 41
	 use 31 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.7s
	 consistency score: 0.875
Job title: Credit Risk Officer, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 18
	 use 14 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.875
Job title: Application Administrator - Information Technology, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 30
	 use 22 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.3s
	 consistency score: 0.875
Job title: Marketing Manager, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 14
	 use 10 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.875
Job title: Senior Associate, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 70
	 use 54 posts, each post with at least 13 skills...
	 done after 1.9s
	 consistency score: 0.875
Job title: Information Technology Security Specialist, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 37
	 use 35 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.8s
	 consistency score: 0.875
Job title: Application Developer, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 87
	 use 67 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 3.0s
	 consistency score: 0.875
Job title: Manager, Quality Assurance, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.874
Job title: Lead Engineer, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 12
	 use 9 posts, each post with at least 14 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.874
Job title: Marketing Manager, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 58
	 use 43 posts, each post with at least 13 skills...
	 done after 1.3s
	 consistency score: 0.873
Job title: Senior Business Solutions Consultant, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 14
	 use 10 posts, each post with at least 14 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.873
Job title: Application Engineer, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 42
	 use 34 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.8s
	 consistency score: 0.873
Job title: Safety Engineer, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 11
	 use 10 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.873
Job title: Associate Consultant, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 47
	 use 37 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 1.0s
	 consistency score: 0.873
Job title: Senior Account Executive, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 13
	 use 11 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.873
Job title: Consulting Manager, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 18
	 use 13 posts, each post with at least 16 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.873
Job title: Senior Consultant, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 20
	 use 16 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.873
Job title: Assistant Marketing Manager, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 35
	 use 26 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.5s
	 consistency score: 0.872
Job title: Senior Manager, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 21
	 use 16 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.872
Job title: Laboratory Technician, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 14
	 use 10 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.872
Job title: Project Manager, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 136
	 use 100 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 6.6s
	 consistency score: 0.872
Job title: Senior Software Engineer, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 47
	 use 35 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.9s
	 consistency score: 0.872
Job title: Engineering Officer, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 143
	 use 100 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 6.4s
	 consistency score: 0.871
Job title: Associate Director, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 16
	 use 14 posts, each post with at least 13 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.871
Job title: Information Technology Specialist, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 92
	 use 84 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 4.6s
	 consistency score: 0.871
Job title: Technical Services Manager, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 18 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.871
Job title: Information Technology Manager, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 25
	 use 21 posts, each post with at least 13 skills...
	 done after 0.3s
	 consistency score: 0.871
Job title: Senior Systems Engineer, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 39
	 use 32 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.7s
	 consistency score: 0.871
Job title: Senior Financial Analyst, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.871
Job title: Analytics Manager, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 15
	 use 12 posts, each post with at least 18 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.871
Job title: Project Manager, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 68
	 use 52 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 1.8s
	 consistency score: 0.87
Job title: Market Analyst, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 18 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.87
Job title: Senior Manager, Industry: Real Estate Activities
	 total # posts: 12
	 use 9 posts, each post with at least 16 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.87
Job title: Assistant Vice President, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 29
	 use 22 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.3s
	 consistency score: 0.87
Job title: Systems Administrator, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 18
	 use 14 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.87
Job title: Manager, Marketing, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 15
	 use 11 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.87
Job title: Private Security Officer, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 31
	 use 30 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.6s
	 consistency score: 0.87
Job title: Finance Analyst, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 22
	 use 16 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.869
Job title: Financial Controller, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 19
	 use 14 posts, each post with at least 20 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.869
Job title: Trader, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 19
	 use 14 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.869
Job title: Business Development Manager, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 97
	 use 77 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 3.9s
	 consistency score: 0.869
Job title: Consultant, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 99
	 use 76 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 3.7s
	 consistency score: 0.869
Job title: Sales Administration Coordinator, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 52
	 use 41 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 1.2s
	 consistency score: 0.869
Job title: Customer Service Executive, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 194
	 use 100 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 6.4s
	 consistency score: 0.869
Job title: Research Assistant, Industry: Education
	 total # posts: 326
	 use 100 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 6.4s
	 consistency score: 0.908
Job title: Network Engineer/Manager, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 113
	 use 85 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 4.7s
	 consistency score: 0.868
Job title: Project Engineer, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.868
Job title: Administrator, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 52
	 use 43 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 1.2s
	 consistency score: 0.868
Job title: Project Manager, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 102
	 use 84 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 4.6s
	 consistency score: 0.868
Job title: Consultant, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 49
	 use 41 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 1.1s
	 consistency score: 0.868
Job title: Senior Manager, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 32
	 use 24 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.4s
	 consistency score: 0.868
Job title: Deployment Project Manager, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.868
Job title: Executive Assistant, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 30
	 use 22 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.4s
	 consistency score: 0.868
Job title: Planning Manager, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 22
	 use 19 posts, each post with at least 25 skills...
	 done after 0.3s
	 consistency score: 0.867
Job title: Information Technology Executive, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 34
	 use 29 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.6s
	 consistency score: 0.867
Job title: Officer, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 24
	 use 20 posts, each post with at least 19 skills...
	 done after 0.3s
	 consistency score: 0.867
Job title: Product Manager, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 13
	 use 10 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.867
Job title: Administrator, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 108
	 use 83 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 4.5s
	 consistency score: 0.867
Job title: Sales Manager, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 91
	 use 78 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 4.0s
	 consistency score: 0.867
Job title: Application Administrator - Information Technology, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 16
	 use 12 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.867
Job title: Research Fellow, Industry: Education
	 total # posts: 578
	 use 100 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 6.4s
	 consistency score: 0.884
Job title: Analyst, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 133
	 use 100 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 6.5s
	 consistency score: 0.866
Job title: Network Administrator, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 30
	 use 23 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 0.4s
	 consistency score: 0.866
Job title: Chef, Industry: Accommodation and Food Service Activities
	 total # posts: 108
	 use 82 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 4.4s
	 consistency score: 0.866
Job title: Solutions Manager, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 36 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.866
Job title: Manager, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 59
	 use 46 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 1.4s
	 consistency score: 0.866
Job title: Senior Systems Engineer, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 24 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.866
Job title: Senior Software Engineer, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 239
	 use 100 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 6.5s
	 consistency score: 0.87
Job title: Analyst, Financial, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 11
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 18 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.866
Job title: Legal Consultant, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 12
	 use 9 posts, each post with at least 17 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.865
Job title: Marketing Executive, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 61
	 use 47 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 1.5s
	 consistency score: 0.865
Job title: Director, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 41
	 use 33 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.8s
	 consistency score: 0.865
Job title: Information System Engineer, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 22
	 use 16 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.865
Job title: Information Technology Analyst, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 63
	 use 47 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 1.5s
	 consistency score: 0.865
Job title: General Manager, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 17 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.865
Job title: Computer Systems Engineer, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 19
	 use 14 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.864
Job title: Recruitment Manager, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 37
	 use 29 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.6s
	 consistency score: 0.864
Job title: Application Architect, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 44
	 use 33 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.7s
	 consistency score: 0.863
Job title: Administrator, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 18
	 use 17 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.863
Job title: Mechanical Engineer, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 53
	 use 44 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 1.3s
	 consistency score: 0.863
Job title: Operations Executive, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 31
	 use 23 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.4s
	 consistency score: 0.863
Job title: Technical Specialist, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 38
	 use 28 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.6s
	 consistency score: 0.862
Job title: Information Technology Engineer, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 14
	 use 12 posts, each post with at least 19 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.862
Job title: Corporate Communications Manager, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.861
Job title: Business System Analyst, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 29
	 use 23 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 0.4s
	 consistency score: 0.861
Job title: Electrical Engineer (General), Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 54
	 use 44 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 1.3s
	 consistency score: 0.861
Job title: Team Manager, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 10
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.861
Job title: Marketing Manager, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 81
	 use 61 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 2.5s
	 consistency score: 0.86
Job title: Senior Finance Analyst, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 11
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 13 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.86
Job title: Innovation Planner, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 15
	 use 11 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.86
Job title: Senior Software Consultant, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 37
	 use 29 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.6s
	 consistency score: 0.86
Job title: Finance Analyst, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 30
	 use 25 posts, each post with at least 13 skills...
	 done after 0.4s
	 consistency score: 0.86
Job title: Corporate Vice President, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 36
	 use 29 posts, each post with at least 20 skills...
	 done after 0.6s
	 consistency score: 0.859
Job title: Accounting Manager (Finance Department), Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 12
	 use 10 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.859
Job title: Engineer, Software, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 11
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.859
Job title: Financial Analyst, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 53
	 use 44 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 1.3s
	 consistency score: 0.859
Job title: Executive, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 126
	 use 100 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 6.5s
	 consistency score: 0.859
Job title: Marketing Executive, Industry: Other Service Activities
	 total # posts: 15
	 use 13 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.859
Job title: Senior Test Engineer, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.859
Job title: Systems Engineer, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 10
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 14 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.859
Job title: Senior Manager, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 40
	 use 30 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.6s
	 consistency score: 0.858
Job title: Marketing Manager, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 51
	 use 40 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 1.1s
	 consistency score: 0.858
Job title: Marketing Communications Executive, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 17
	 use 15 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.858
Job title: Specialist, Industry: Other Service Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 17 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.858
Job title: Project Lead, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 34
	 use 25 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.4s
	 consistency score: 0.858
Job title: Research Scientist, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 73
	 use 55 posts, each post with at least 22 skills...
	 done after 2.0s
	 consistency score: 0.858
Job title: Systems Analyst, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 11
	 use 9 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.857
Job title: Senior Finance Manager, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 15
	 use 11 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.857
Job title: Vice President, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 19
	 use 14 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.857
Job title: Risk Management Executive, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 25
	 use 19 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.3s
	 consistency score: 0.857
Job title: Marketing Supervisor, Industry: Transportation and Storage
	 total # posts: 13
	 use 11 posts, each post with at least 13 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.856
Job title: Accounts Analyst, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 12
	 use 9 posts, each post with at least 14 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.856
Job title: System Administrator, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 84
	 use 63 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 2.6s
	 consistency score: 0.856
Job title: Senior Consultant, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 97
	 use 73 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 3.5s
	 consistency score: 0.856
Job title: Technical Manager, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 23
	 use 21 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.3s
	 consistency score: 0.855
Job title: Account Executive, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 140
	 use 100 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 6.5s
	 consistency score: 0.855
Job title: Country Manager, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.854
Job title: Corporate Sales Executive, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 125
	 use 100 posts, each post with at least 5 skills...
	 done after 6.4s
	 consistency score: 0.876
Job title: Manager, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 23
	 use 18 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.854
Job title: Program Manager, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 77
	 use 61 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 2.5s
	 consistency score: 0.854
Job title: Account Executive, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 53
	 use 47 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 1.5s
	 consistency score: 0.854
Job title: Technical Manager, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 13 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.854
Job title: Senior Engineer, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 36
	 use 28 posts, each post with at least 17 skills...
	 done after 0.6s
	 consistency score: 0.854
Job title: Compliance Manager, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 54
	 use 40 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 1.1s
	 consistency score: 0.853
Job title: Senior Consultant, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 75
	 use 57 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 2.1s
	 consistency score: 0.853
Job title: Project Manager, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 156
	 use 100 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 6.5s
	 consistency score: 0.853
Job title: Buyer, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 51
	 use 44 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 1.3s
	 consistency score: 0.853
Job title: Risk Analyst, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 53
	 use 40 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 1.1s
	 consistency score: 0.853
Job title: Senior Associate, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 26
	 use 20 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.3s
	 consistency score: 0.853
Job title: Senior Engineer, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 45
	 use 39 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 1.1s
	 consistency score: 0.853
Job title: Senior Electrical Engineer (General), Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 11
	 use 9 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.852
Job title: Application Developer, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 215
	 use 100 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 6.4s
	 consistency score: 0.852
Job title: Manager, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 46
	 use 35 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.8s
	 consistency score: 0.851
Job title: Information System Engineer, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 72
	 use 62 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 2.5s
	 consistency score: 0.851
Job title: Deputy Director, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 23
	 use 21 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.3s
	 consistency score: 0.851
Job title: Senior Analyst, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 38
	 use 28 posts, each post with at least 15 skills...
	 done after 0.6s
	 consistency score: 0.85
Job title: Human Resource Assistant Manager, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 26
	 use 20 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 0.3s
	 consistency score: 0.85
Job title: Assistant Manager, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 151
	 use 100 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 6.5s
	 consistency score: 0.849
Job title: Adviser, Technical Service, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.848
Job title: Software Engineer, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 77
	 use 58 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 2.3s
	 consistency score: 0.847
Job title: Account Specialist, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 5
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.847
Job title: Business Manager, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 31
	 use 24 posts, each post with at least 15 skills...
	 done after 0.4s
	 consistency score: 0.846
Job title: Network Engineer/Manager, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 23
	 use 18 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.846
Job title: Information Technology Executive, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 17
	 use 13 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.846
Job title: Software Developer, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 313
	 use 100 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 6.7s
	 consistency score: 0.872
Job title: Marketing Manager, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 43
	 use 33 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.8s
	 consistency score: 0.845
Job title: Principal Engineer, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 23
	 use 19 posts, each post with at least 17 skills...
	 done after 0.3s
	 consistency score: 0.844
Job title: Senior Software Developer, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 104
	 use 85 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 4.7s
	 consistency score: 0.844
Job title: Application Team Leader, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 35
	 use 28 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.5s
	 consistency score: 0.844
Job title: Technical Leader, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 116
	 use 87 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 4.9s
	 consistency score: 0.843
Job title: Software Consultant, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 136
	 use 100 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 6.5s
	 consistency score: 0.843
Job title: Technical Engineer, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 24
	 use 19 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.3s
	 consistency score: 0.842
Job title: Infrastructure Engineer, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 34
	 use 25 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.4s
	 consistency score: 0.842
Job title: Business Development Manager, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 96
	 use 79 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 4.1s
	 consistency score: 0.841
Job title: Regional Head, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 5 posts, each post with at least 15 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.841
Job title: Engineer, Software, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 79
	 use 59 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 2.3s
	 consistency score: 0.841
Job title: Business Development Executive, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 96
	 use 75 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 3.7s
	 consistency score: 0.841
Job title: Credit Analyst, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 43
	 use 34 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 0.8s
	 consistency score: 0.84
Job title: Application Consultant, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 234
	 use 100 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 6.4s
	 consistency score: 0.854
Job title: Analyst, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 26
	 use 19 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.3s
	 consistency score: 0.839
Job title: Sales Support Specialist, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 14
	 use 10 posts, each post with at least 14 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.839
Job title: Laboratory Assistant, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 14
	 use 11 posts, each post with at least 13 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.839
Job title: Management Trainee, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 67
	 use 53 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 1.9s
	 consistency score: 0.838
Job title: Application Developer, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 361
	 use 100 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 6.4s
	 consistency score: 0.862
Job title: Senior Research Fellow, Industry: Education
	 total # posts: 57
	 use 45 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 1.4s
	 consistency score: 0.838
Job title: Autocad Engineer, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 35
	 use 29 posts, each post with at least 19 skills...
	 done after 0.6s
	 consistency score: 0.837
Job title: Electrical Engineer (General), Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 60
	 use 47 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 1.5s
	 consistency score: 0.837
Job title: Assistant Manager, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 132
	 use 100 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 6.5s
	 consistency score: 0.837
Job title: Department Head, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 9
	 use 8 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.835
Job title: Analyst, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 173
	 use 100 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 6.5s
	 consistency score: 0.876
Job title: Chemist, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 14
	 use 10 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.834
Job title: Network Specialist, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 8
	 use 7 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.834
Job title: Network Engineer/Manager, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 128
	 use 100 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 6.5s
	 consistency score: 0.834
Job title: Senior Analyst, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 31
	 use 30 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.7s
	 consistency score: 0.833
Job title: Engineer, Quality Assurance, Industry: Manufacturing
	 total # posts: 46
	 use 36 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.9s
	 consistency score: 0.832
Job title: Analyst, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 123
	 use 99 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 6.3s
	 consistency score: 0.831
Job title: Software Engineer, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 334
	 use 100 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 6.4s
	 consistency score: 0.861
Job title: Senior Engineer, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 34
	 use 27 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.5s
	 consistency score: 0.83
Job title: Business Development Manager, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 177
	 use 100 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 6.5s
	 consistency score: 0.83
Job title: Risk Manager, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 68
	 use 52 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 1.8s
	 consistency score: 0.828
Job title: Research Engineer, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 55
	 use 42 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 1.2s
	 consistency score: 0.827
Job title: Administrative Assistant, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 198
	 use 100 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 6.5s
	 consistency score: 0.827
Job title: Specialist, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 42
	 use 37 posts, each post with at least 13 skills...
	 done after 1.0s
	 consistency score: 0.824
Job title: Assistant Manager, Industry: Education
	 total # posts: 164
	 use 100 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 6.5s
	 consistency score: 0.842
Job title: Network Support Engineer, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 18
	 use 15 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.823
Job title: Engineer, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 100
	 use 75 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 3.7s
	 consistency score: 0.823
Job title: Senior Manager, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 92
	 use 73 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 3.5s
	 consistency score: 0.822
Job title: Finance Manager, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 122
	 use 94 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 5.7s
	 consistency score: 0.822
Job title: Customer Relations Manager, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 7
	 use 6 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.819
Job title: Information Technology Project Manager, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 43
	 use 38 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 1.0s
	 consistency score: 0.819
Job title: Information Technology Consultant, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 172
	 use 100 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 6.4s
	 consistency score: 0.865
Job title: Business Analyst, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 252
	 use 100 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 6.7s
	 consistency score: 0.818
Job title: Research Associate, Industry: Education
	 total # posts: 316
	 use 100 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 6.4s
	 consistency score: 0.847
Job title: Manager, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 192
	 use 100 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 6.5s
	 consistency score: 0.842
Job title: Officer, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 74
	 use 55 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 2.0s
	 consistency score: 0.818
Job title: Operations Executive, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 20
	 use 16 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 0.2s
	 consistency score: 0.818
Job title: Project Manager, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 82
	 use 65 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 2.8s
	 consistency score: 0.815
Job title: Senior Technical Architect, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 6
	 use 4 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.0s
	 consistency score: 0.813
Job title: Sales Executive, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 300
	 use 100 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 6.4s
	 consistency score: 0.835
Job title: Application Developer, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 99
	 use 80 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 4.2s
	 consistency score: 0.811
Job title: Architect, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 38
	 use 30 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 0.6s
	 consistency score: 0.81
Job title: Solutions Architect, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 39
	 use 29 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 0.6s
	 consistency score: 0.809
Job title: Engineer, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 69
	 use 53 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 1.8s
	 consistency score: 0.808
Job title: Business Analyst, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 220
	 use 100 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 6.4s
	 consistency score: 0.818
Job title: Account Manager, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 124
	 use 98 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 6.2s
	 consistency score: 0.805
Job title: Specialist, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 16
	 use 12 posts, each post with at least 16 skills...
	 done after 0.1s
	 consistency score: 0.801
Job title: Director, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 59
	 use 44 posts, each post with at least 14 skills...
	 done after 1.4s
	 consistency score: 0.8
Job title: Senior Manager, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 127
	 use 98 posts, each post with at least 15 skills...
	 done after 6.3s
	 consistency score: 0.799
Job title: Application Analyst, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 25
	 use 20 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 0.3s
	 consistency score: 0.796
Job title: Senior Vice President, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 36
	 use 27 posts, each post with at least 15 skills...
	 done after 0.5s
	 consistency score: 0.794
Job title: Information Technology Consultant, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 77
	 use 62 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 2.6s
	 consistency score: 0.794
Job title: Information System Engineer, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 167
	 use 100 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 6.9s
	 consistency score: 0.793
Job title: Consultant, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 165
	 use 100 posts, each post with at least 9 skills...
	 done after 6.9s
	 consistency score: 0.801
Job title: Information Technology Manager, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 98
	 use 77 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 4.1s
	 consistency score: 0.79
Job title: Senior Engineer, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 39
	 use 29 posts, each post with at least 8 skills...
	 done after 0.7s
	 consistency score: 0.785
Job title: Administrative Assistant, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 266
	 use 100 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 6.8s
	 consistency score: 0.783
Job title: Manager, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 332
	 use 100 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 6.8s
	 consistency score: 0.79
Job title: Technical Leader, Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade
	 total # posts: 50
	 use 37 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 1.0s
	 consistency score: 0.77
Job title: Account Manager, Industry: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
	 total # posts: 98
	 use 76 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 3.9s
	 consistency score: 0.766
Job title: Manager, Industry: Information and Communications
	 total # posts: 96
	 use 76 posts, each post with at least 11 skills...
	 done after 4.0s
	 consistency score: 0.755
Job title: Vice President, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 294
	 use 100 posts, each post with at least 16 skills...
	 done after 6.7s
	 consistency score: 0.78
Job title: Assistant Vice President, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 244
	 use 100 posts, each post with at least 12 skills...
	 done after 6.5s
	 consistency score: 0.743
Job title: Information Technology Analyst, Industry: Administrative and Support Service Activities
	 total # posts: 68
	 use 62 posts, each post with at least 6 skills...
	 done after 2.5s
	 consistency score: 0.733
Job title: Analyst, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 730
	 use 100 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
	 done after 6.5s
	 consistency score: 0.816
Job title: Associate, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 598
	 use 100 posts, each post with at least 17 skills...
	 done after 6.7s
	 consistency score: 0.716
Done after 1623.4s

In [70]:
industry_agg_df = industry_agg_df.sort_values('consistency_score', ascending=False)
industry_agg_df.to_csv(JOB_PROF + 'c_score_by_industry.csv', index=False)

In [25]:
industries = industry_agg_df['industry'].unique()

array(['Other Service Activities', 'Wholesale and Retail Trade',
       'Administrative and Support Service Activities',
       'Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities',
       'Transportation and Storage', 'Manufacturing',
       'Information and Communications',
       'Public Administration and Defence', 'Real Estate Activities',
       'Financial and Insurance Activities', 'Education',
       'Accommodation and Food Service Activities',
       'Electricity, Gas and Air-Conditioning Supply', 'Construction',
       'Arts, Entertainment and Recreation', 'Mining and Quarrying',
       'Unknown', 'Health and Social Services'], dtype=object)

Is within-industry score higher than across-industry score?

In [111]:
def avgIndustryScore(job_title):
    score = industry_agg_df.query('title == "{}"'.format(job_title))['consistency_score'].mean()
    return round(score, 3)

In [112]:
avgIndustryScore('Software Engineer')


In [113]:
%time agg_df['score_by_industry'] = agg_df['title'].apply(avgIndustryScore)

Wall time: 3.44 s

In [ ]:
agg_df.rename(columns={'consistency_score': 'c_score_overall', 'score_by_industry': 'c_score_by_industry'}, inplace=True)
agg_df['c_score_overall'] = map(lambda x:round(x,3), agg_df['c_score_overall'])

In [118]:
agg_df['c_score_diff'] = agg_df['c_score_by_industry'] - agg_df['c_score_overall']

title n_industry n_post c_score_overall c_score_by_industry c_score_diff
82 Administrative Assistant 18 1634 0.937 0.928 -0.009
202 Analyst 16 1283 0.799 0.876 0.077
623 Business Analyst 14 1009 0.862 0.903 0.041
2237 Manager 16 983 0.757 0.900 0.143
437 Associate 11 845 0.790 0.869 0.079

In [124]:
# agg_df['c_score_by_industry'].notnull()
res = agg_df[agg_df['c_score_by_industry'].notnull() ]

(1849, 6)

In [125]:

count    1849.000
mean        0.033
std         0.031
min        -0.022
25%         0.007
50%         0.028
75%         0.051
max         0.221
Name: c_score_diff, dtype: float64

In [126]:
res = res.sort_values('c_score_diff', ascending=False)

title n_industry n_post c_score_overall c_score_by_industry c_score_diff
113 Advertising Account Executive 3 14 0.753 0.974 0.221
1066 Corporate Communications Manager 13 49 0.774 0.946 0.172
20 Account Manager 11 424 0.731 0.893 0.162
3156 Research Fellow 5 688 0.775 0.932 0.157
1962 Information Technology Manager 15 249 0.772 0.917 0.145

In [129]:
# res.n_post.describe().round(1)
res.query('n_post >= 200')

title n_industry n_post c_score_overall c_score_by_industry c_score_diff
20 Account Manager 11 424 0.731 0.893 0.162
3156 Research Fellow 5 688 0.775 0.932 0.157
1962 Information Technology Manager 15 249 0.772 0.917 0.145
2237 Manager 16 983 0.757 0.900 0.143
1410 Electrical Engineer (General) 14 280 0.777 0.908 0.131
3154 Research Engineer 7 202 0.814 0.939 0.125
1941 Information System Engineer 12 319 0.782 0.894 0.112
2345 Marketing Manager 13 343 0.803 0.911 0.108
1749 General Manager 15 202 0.841 0.949 0.108
1643 Finance Manager 16 397 0.822 0.925 0.103
1972 Information Technology Specialist 8 515 0.820 0.922 0.102
2850 Product Manager 11 307 0.818 0.917 0.099
418 Assistant Vice President 8 291 0.788 0.878 0.090
4937 Vice President 9 357 0.789 0.878 0.089
99 Administrator 16 321 0.841 0.929 0.088
636 Business Development Executive 17 334 0.850 0.937 0.087
3151 Research Associate 7 347 0.827 0.914 0.087
2236 Management Trainee 14 237 0.855 0.941 0.086
437 Associate 11 845 0.790 0.869 0.079
1084 Corporate Sales Executive 11 201 0.888 0.966 0.078
1885 Human Resource Manager 15 236 0.872 0.949 0.077
202 Analyst 16 1283 0.799 0.876 0.077
1465 Engineer 17 605 0.849 0.924 0.075
637 Business Development Manager 18 675 0.835 0.909 0.074
1057 Coordinator 15 204 0.848 0.921 0.073
3917 Senior Manager 16 435 0.817 0.889 0.072
203 Analyst Programmer 11 285 0.866 0.937 0.071
2924 Project Engineer 11 664 0.839 0.909 0.070
3258 Sales Executive 15 776 0.875 0.945 0.070
1190 Customer Service Executive 14 474 0.874 0.942 0.068
... ... ... ... ... ... ...
2811 Process Engineer 8 266 0.882 0.925 0.043
221 Application Developer 11 805 0.862 0.905 0.043
348 Assistant Manager 16 713 0.848 0.891 0.043
3255 Sales Engineer 11 429 0.903 0.946 0.043
4533 Software Engineer 11 788 0.871 0.912 0.041
623 Business Analyst 14 1009 0.862 0.903 0.041
3562 Senior Consultant 10 238 0.849 0.889 0.040
3036 Quantity Surveyor 12 570 0.931 0.970 0.039
88 Administrative Executive 16 331 0.916 0.955 0.039
2343 Marketing Executive 15 586 0.878 0.916 0.038
2934 Project Manager 14 746 0.851 0.887 0.036
1641 Finance Executive 14 230 0.917 0.953 0.036
1947 Information Technology Analyst 12 279 0.849 0.882 0.033
1559 Executive 14 496 0.880 0.913 0.033
1968 Information Technology Project Manager 10 453 0.881 0.914 0.033
22 Account Sales Manager 13 437 0.888 0.921 0.033
3251 Sales Coordinator 12 351 0.930 0.962 0.032
3050 Receptionist (General) 15 245 0.938 0.968 0.030
4971 Warehouse Assistant 8 265 0.930 0.960 0.030
49 Accounts Assistant 14 707 0.928 0.956 0.028
25 Accountant 17 758 0.918 0.944 0.026
4688 System Administrator 11 245 0.889 0.913 0.024
1953 Information Technology Consultant 9 305 0.879 0.902 0.023
55 Accounts Executive 18 724 0.931 0.952 0.021
3218 SAP Consultant 10 464 0.920 0.938 0.018
4277 Senior Software Engineer 10 602 0.888 0.904 0.016
3056 Recruitment Consultant 8 447 0.939 0.952 0.013
9 Account Assistant 12 266 0.957 0.969 0.012
617 Building and Construction Project Manager 10 257 0.941 0.944 0.003
82 Administrative Assistant 18 1634 0.937 0.928 -0.009

83 rows × 6 columns

Consistency Scores of Tech Jobs

In [132]:
it_res = industry_agg_df.query('industry == "Information and Communications"').query('n_post >= 10')
it_res = it_res.sort_values('consistency_score', ascending=False)

In [133]:

count    270.0
mean      38.5
std       51.0
min       10.0
25%       13.0
50%       20.0
75%       35.8
max      361.0
Name: n_post, dtype: float64

In [139]:
# SE consistency_score by industry
se_by_industry = industry_agg_df.query('title == "Software Engineer"')
round(se_by_industry.consistency_score.mean(), 3)


In [140]:
# SE consistency_score across industry
cScore_all_industry('Software Engineer')

Job title Software Engineer:
	 use 100 posts, each post with at least 7 skills...
	 done after 6.5s
	 consistency score: 0.868

In [141]:

title industry n_post consistency_score
15069 Software Engineer Transportation and Storage 5 0.987
15062 Software Engineer Education 7 0.970
15063 Software Engineer Financial and Insurance Activities 48 0.952
15060 Software Engineer Administrative and Support Service Activities 160 0.919
15070 Software Engineer Wholesale and Retail Trade 62 0.886
15067 Software Engineer Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities 85 0.878
15064 Software Engineer Information and Communications 334 0.861
15065 Software Engineer Manufacturing 77 0.847

In [136]:
round(it_res['consistency_score'].mean(), 3)


Consistency Scores of Jobs in Education

In [137]:
edu_res = industry_agg_df.query('industry == "Education"').query('n_post >= 10')
round(edu_res['consistency_score'].mean(), 3)
# edu_res['n_post'].describe().round(1)


Consistency Scores of Jobs in Finance

In [138]:
fin_res = industry_agg_df.query('industry == "Financial and Insurance Activities"')
round(fin_res['consistency_score'].mean(), 3)


Consistency Scores of Jobs in Others

In [56]:
other_res = industry_agg_df.query('industry == "Other Service Activities"')
other_res.query('n_post >= 10')['consistency_score'].describe().round(3)

count    77.0
mean     10.6
std       7.3
min       5.0
25%       6.0
50%       8.0
75%      12.0
max      55.0
Name: n_post, dtype: float64

Specific jobs

In [64]:
agg_df = agg_df.sort_values('n_post', ascending=False)

title n_industry n_post consistency_score
82 Administrative Assistant 18 1634 0.937367
202 Analyst 16 1283 0.798897
623 Business Analyst 14 1009 0.862132
2237 Manager 16 983 0.756782
437 Associate 11 845 0.790210

In [142]:
agg_df.query('title == "Administrative Assistant"')

title n_industry n_post c_score_overall c_score_by_industry c_score_diff
82 Administrative Assistant 18 1634 0.937 0.928 -0.009
  • Administrative Assistant:

In [65]:
admin_assist = industry_agg_df.query('title == "Administrative Assistant"')

title industry n_post consistency_score
562 Administrative Assistant Mining and Quarrying 5 0.983
555 Administrative Assistant Arts, Entertainment and Recreation 5 0.970
566 Administrative Assistant Real Estate Activities 24 0.970
563 Administrative Assistant Other Service Activities 21 0.967
568 Administrative Assistant Unknown 7 0.962
556 Administrative Assistant Construction 94 0.953
561 Administrative Assistant Manufacturing 133 0.941
552 Administrative Assistant Accommodation and Food Service Activities 25 0.937
567 Administrative Assistant Transportation and Storage 48 0.933
559 Administrative Assistant Health and Social Services 58 0.924
558 Administrative Assistant Financial and Insurance Activities 90 0.923
553 Administrative Assistant Administrative and Support Service Activities 501 0.923
560 Administrative Assistant Information and Communications 68 0.920
557 Administrative Assistant Education 86 0.916
569 Administrative Assistant Wholesale and Retail Trade 198 0.827
564 Administrative Assistant Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities 266 0.783
  • Analyst:

In [62]:
analyst_by_industry = industry_agg_df.query('title == "Analyst"')

title industry n_post consistency_score
1017 Analyst Other Service Activities 9 0.974
1020 Analyst Real Estate Activities 22 0.913
1021 Analyst Transportation and Storage 14 0.885
1022 Analyst Wholesale and Retail Trade 42 0.884
1015 Analyst Information and Communications 133 0.866
1016 Analyst Manufacturing 26 0.839
1008 Analyst Administrative and Support Service Activities 173 0.834
1018 Analyst Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities 123 0.831
1013 Analyst Financial and Insurance Activities 730 0.721

In [351]:
cScoreByIndustry(job_title='Analyst', industry='Financial and Insurance Activities')

Job title: Analyst, Industry: Financial and Insurance Activities
	 total # posts: 558
	 use 100 posts, each post with at least 10 skills...
Computing pair similarity scores among 100 job posts,
each post is compared with subseq posts...
	 0 posts and counting...
	 10 posts and counting...
	 20 posts and counting...
	 30 posts and counting...
	 40 posts and counting...
	 50 posts and counting...
	 60 posts and counting...
	 70 posts and counting...
	 80 posts and counting...
	 90 posts and counting...
Done after 6.9s
	 done after 6.9s
	 consistency score: 0.809

In [45]:
agg_df.query('title == "Analyst"')

title n_industry n_post consistency_score
202 Analyst 16 1283 0.798897

Comparing Industries on Consistency Score

In [60]:
res = [it_res, edu_res, fin_res, other_res]
c_score_by_industry = map(lambda df: df['consistency_score'], res)

In [61]:

plt.xlabel('Industry'); plt.ylabel('Consistency Score')
xt = [1,2,3,4]; labels = ['IT', 'EDU', 'FIN', 'OTHER']
plt.xticks(xt, labels); plt.close()

Specialized Jobs

In [250]:

title industry n_post consistency_score
15069 Software Engineer Transportation and Storage 5 0.987
15062 Software Engineer Education 7 0.970
15063 Software Engineer Financial and Insurance Activities 48 0.952
15060 Software Engineer Administrative and Support Service Activities 160 0.919
15070 Software Engineer Wholesale and Retail Trade 62 0.886
15067 Software Engineer Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities 85 0.878
15064 Software Engineer Information and Communications 334 0.861
15065 Software Engineer Manufacturing 77 0.847

In [231]:
# se_in_fin['top_topics'] = se_in_fin.apply(getTopClusters_GT, axis=1, doc_topic_distr=doc_topic_distr, thres=.4)
# se_in_fin.head()

Detect "synonym" job titles based on similarity in job posts

Compare with results from MALLET

In this part, we compare our Python results with the results returned by the LDA from MALLET library implemented by UMASS. It is noteworthy that the MALLET's LDA is trained using all words in job descriptions, not just skill terms as ours. Thus, topics returned by MALLET's LDA are not just skill clusters but also include other topics such as work conditions & requirements, skill-knowledge-ability (SKA). We now compare topics assigned to JDs by MALLET's LDA with topics assigned to JDs by our implementation.

Topics assigned to JDs by MALLET's LDA

In [ ]:
skill_df = pd.read_csv(DATA_DIR + 'skill_index.csv')
skills = skill_df['skill']
# check if skills contain stop-words
# any(skills == 'etc')

In [ ]:
jd_docs = df['doc']; n_doc = len(jd_docs)
print('# job descriptions in the dataset: %d' %n_doc)

In [104]:
%run -p

risk management(0.246);project management(0.21);maintenance(0.173)

In [ ]:
t0 = time()
tmp = np.apply_along_axis(getTopTopics, 1, mallet_doc_topic, topics=topics)
print('Done after %.1fs' %(time() - t0))

In [ ]:
df['top_topics_by_mallet_lda'] = tmp

In [ ]:
df.to_csv(MALLET_LDA + 'topic_assign.csv', index=False)

LDA on Job Descriptions w/o skills as vocabulary

  • Build document-term matrix whose each entry $e[d, t]$ is the count of occurrence of term $t$ in document $d$.

In [ ]:
LDA_DIR = RES_DIR + 'lda_all_terms/'

In [ ]:
# XXX: the following only considers unigram, thus it will lose bi-gram and tri-gram skills
count_vec = text_manip.CountVectorizer(stop_words='english')
t0 = time()
doc_term_mat = count_vec.fit_transform(jd_docs)
print('Finished counting term occurrence in %d docs after %.1fs' %(n_doc, (time() - t0)))

In [ ]:
with(open(LDA_DIR + 'doc_term_mat.mtx', 'w')) as f:
    mmwrite(f, doc_term_mat)

In [ ]:
terms = count_vec.get_feature_names()

In [ ]:
# sanity check
first_doc = jd_docs.iat[0]; 
occur_terms = getTermsInDoc(row=0, doc_term_mat=doc_term_mat, vocab=terms)
all(occur_terms[i] in first_doc for i in range(len(occur_terms)))
  • Training LDA:

In [ ]:
n_feat = doc_term_mat.shape[1]
in_train, in_test = mkPartition(n_doc, p=80)

doc_term_mat = doc_term_mat.tocsr()
X_train, X_test = doc_term_mat[in_train, :], doc_term_mat[in_test, :]

In [ ]:
print('# JDs: %d' %n_doc); print('# terms: %d' %n_feat)

In [ ]:
beta = 0.1 # or 200/W
ks  = range(25, 55, 5)

In [ ]:
lda = trainLDA(beta, ks, trainning_set=X_train)
  • Save trained LDA models:

In [ ]:
for k in ks:
    lda_topics = top_words_df(n_top_words=20, model=lda[k], feature_names=terms) 
    lda_topics.to_csv(LDA_DIR + '{}topics.csv'.format(k), index=False)

In [ ]:
# Statistics check

In [13]:
posts = pd.read_csv(DATA_DIR + 'full_job_posts.csv')
print posts.shape

(249386, 17)
employer_id job_id no_of_applications job_posting_date_history job_expiry_date_history job_expiry_year job_ssoc_code_list title no_of_vacancies job_monthly_min_sal job_monthly_max_sal no_of_times_job_posting_reopened job_posting_status job_employment_type_list job_experience_required_years job_level employer_name
0 002 JOB-2015-0145758 1.0 2015-01-13 2015-02-12 2015 31275 Architectural Assistant 2 4000.0 6000.0 0 Closed Full Time, Permanent 3.0 Manager HDA Architects
1 002 JOB-2015-0145763 3.0 2015-01-13 2015-02-12 2015 31271 Draftsman 3 3500.0 4500.0 0 Closed Full Time, Permanent 3.0 Executive HDA Architects
2 002 JOB-2015-0195158 2.0 2015-03-24 2015-04-23 2015 31275 Architectural Assistant 2 4000.0 6000.0 0 Closed Full Time, Permanent 3.0 Manager HDA Architects
3 002 JOB-2015-0195159 1.0 2015-03-24 2015-04-23 2015 31271 Draftsman 3 3500.0 4500.0 0 Closed Full Time, Permanent 3.0 Executive HDA Architects
4 002 JOB-2015-0227675 8.0 2015-05-06 2015-06-05 2015 31275 Architectural Assistant 2 4000.0 6000.0 0 Closed Full Time, Permanent 3.0 Manager HDA Architects

In [16]:
jd_df = pd.read_csv('d:/larc_projects/job_analytics/data/raw/jd.csv')
print jd_df.shape

(264214, 4)
job_id job_description_clob job_other_requirements_clob month_year
0 JOB-2014-0000006 Able to do installation, maintenance &amp; ser... NaN Jun-14
1 JOB-2014-0000093 supervise a team of cleaners No Formal Education-Secondary or equivalent Jun-14
2 JOB-2014-0000095 Basic housekeeping tasks (manual or with the u... NaN Jun-14
3 JOB-2014-0000098 <p>\r\r\n\tHandle incoming and outgoing items ... NaN Jun-14
4 JOB-2014-0000101 Conduct maintenance and repair work for ground... NaN Jun-14

In [17]:
tmp = pd.merge(posts, jd_df)
tmp = tmp.drop_duplicates()

(176732, 20)

In [18]:
tmp = tmp.drop_duplicates(['employer_name', 'job_description_clob'])

(106723, 20)

In [20]:
with(open(DATA_DIR + 'doc_skill.mtx', 'r')) as f:
    doc_skill_mat = mmread(f)

# doc_skill_mat is used in training LDA

Consistency of Job Posts (Old version)

In [ ]:
def consistencyScore(job_title):
    df = doc_index[doc_index['title'] == job_title]
    # rm outliers: posts with too few
    lb = df['n_skill'].quantile(.25) 
    df = df[(df['n_skill'] >= lb)]
    n_post = df.shape[0]
    posts_of_title = df.sample(n=100) if n_post > 100 else df
    sample_size = posts_of_title.shape[0]
    print('Job title {}:'.format(job_title))
    print('\t use a sample of {} posts, each post with at least {} skills...'.format(sample_size, int(lb)))
    t0 = time(); 
    res = calScore(job_title, posts_of_title, doc_topic_distr)
    print('\t done after %.1fs' %(time() - t0))
    # score = res['sim_score'].median(); score = res['sim_score'].mean()
    score = res['sim_score'].min()
    print('\t consistency score: {}'.format(round(score, 3)))
    return score
    #     return res

In [ ]:
JOB_PROF = LDA_DIR + 'job_prof/'

Investigate suspicious jobs among the jobs with high consistency score

By suspicious, we mean jobs that naturally should not have high consistency score but turn out to be so in data. Looking at the top-50 jobs, we found the following set of suspicious jobs.

{Lecturer Polytechnic, Test Analyst, Retail Associate, Delivery Driver, Administrative Executive, Production Planner}

  • Lecturer, Polytechnic:

In [ ]:
pl_posts = df.query('job_title == "Lecturer, Polytechnic"')
# pl_posts.head(10)

The posts are consistent because they come from just 2 polytechs!

  • Test Analyst:

In [ ]:
ta_posts = df.query('job_title == "Test Analyst"')

Correlation between consistency score and number of industries

Note: the code below can have bugs. Need to obtain for each job title the number of industries where the job title appear.

In [ ]:
cor_df = res.groupby('n_industry')['consistency_score'].mean().round(3)
cor_df = cor_df.to_frame().reset_index()
  • Scatter Plot for the correlation :

In [ ]:
import seaborn as sns

In [ ]:
g = sns.lmplot(data=cor_df, x='n_industry', y='consistency_score', fit_reg=True)

g.set_axis_labels('# industry', 'Consistency score')

g.savefig(RES_DIR + 'fig/cscore_industry_cor.pdf')

In [ ]:
# plt.figure()
# plt.plot(cor_df['n_industry'], cor_df['consistency_score'], 'bo')
# plt.xlabel('# industry'); plt.ylabel('Consistency score')

# # add regression line
# x, y = cor_df['n_industry'], cor_df['consistency_score']
# y_hat = np.poly1d(np.polyfit(x, y, 1))(x)
# plt.plot(x, y_hat, '--k')

#; plt.close()
Previous results

In [ ]:
se_res = consistencyScore('Software Engineer')
rf_res = consistencyScore('Research Fellow')
man_res = consistencyScore('Manager')

dir_res = consistencyScore('Director')
sec_res = consistencyScore('Secretary')
assoc_res = consistencyScore('Associate')

analyst_res = consistencyScore('Analyst')

se_res.to_csv(JOB_PROF + 'se_res.csv', index=False); rf_res.to_csv(JOB_PROF + 'rf_res.csv', index=False)
man_res.to_csv(JOB_PROF + 'man_res.csv', index=False); dir_res.to_csv(JOB_PROF + 'dir_res.csv', index=False)
sec_res.to_csv(JOB_PROF + 'sec_res.csv', index=False); assoc_res.to_csv(JOB_PROF + 'assoc_res.csv', index=False)
analyst_res.to_csv(JOB_PROF + 'analyst_res.csv', index=False)

fm_res = consistencyScore('Facilities Manager'); am_res = consistencyScore('Assistant Manager')
md_res = consistencyScore('Marketing Director'); lm_res = consistencyScore('Logistics Manager')
nurse_res = consistencyScore('Nurse')

In [ ]:
res = [se_res['sim_score'], rf_res['sim_score'], sec_res['sim_score'], 
       man_res['sim_score'], analyst_res['sim_score'], assoc_res['sim_score']]

plt.xlabel('Jobs'); plt.ylabel('Similarity scores')
xt = [1,2,3,4,5,6]; 
labels = ['Software Engineer', 'Research Fellow', 'Secretary', 'Manager', 'Analyst', 'Associate']
plt.xticks(xt, labels)

plt.savefig(LDA_DIR + 'fig/sim_scores2.jpg'); plt.close()

Investigate the (suspected) outliers in the box plots

In [ ]:
se_outliers = analyzeOutliers(se_res)
se_outliers.to_csv(JOB_PROF + 'se_outliers.csv', index=False)

man_outliers = analyzeOutliers(man_res)
man_outliers.to_csv(JOB_PROF + 'man_outliers.csv', index=False)

assoc_outliers = analyzeOutliers(assoc_res)
assoc_outliers.to_csv(JOB_PROF + 'assoc_outliers.csv', index=False)

analyst_outliers = analyzeOutliers(analyst_res)
analyst_outliers.to_csv(JOB_PROF + 'analyst_outliers.csv', index=False)

