Import KEGG Pathways from Web Service

This example demonstrates how to use external web services with Cytoscape. As an example, we will use KEGG REST API.


In addition to basic cyREST setup, you need to install the following Cytoscpae App to run this workflow:

Input and Output

  • Input - Disease name
  • Output - Cytoscape session file containing all KEGG pathways known to be related to the disease.

In [1]:
import requests
import json
import pandas as pd
import io
from IPython.display import Image

# Basic Setup
BASE = 'http://localhost:' + str(PORT_NUMBER) + '/v1/'


# Header for posting data to the server as JSON
HEADERS = {'Content-Type': 'application/json'}

# Delete all networks in current session
requests.delete(BASE + 'session')

<Response [200]>

Get list of entries from KEGG Disease database about cancer

In [2]:
# Find information about cancer from KEGG disease database.
query = 'cancer'

res = requests.get(KEGG_API_URL + '/find/disease/' + query)
pathway_list = res.content.decode('utf8')

disease_df = pd.read_csv(io.StringIO(pathway_list), delimiter='\t',  header=None, names=['id', 'name'])

id name
0 ds:H00013 Small cell lung cancer
1 ds:H00014 Non-small cell lung cancer
2 ds:H00016 Oral cancer
3 ds:H00017 Esophageal cancer
4 ds:H00018 Gastric cancer
5 ds:H00019 Pancreatic cancer
6 ds:H00020 Colorectal cancer
7 ds:H00022 Bladder cancer
8 ds:H00023 Testicular cancer
9 ds:H00024 Prostate cancer
10 ds:H00025 Penile cancer
11 ds:H00026 Endometrial Cancer
12 ds:H00027 Ovarian cancer
13 ds:H00029 Vulvar cancer
14 ds:H00030 Cervical cancer
15 ds:H00031 Breast cancer
16 ds:H00032 Thyroid cancer
17 ds:H00044 Cancer of the anal canal
18 ds:H00047 Gallbladder cancer
19 ds:H00054 Nasopharyngeal cancer
20 ds:H00055 Laryngeal cancer
21 ds:H00857 Oligodontia-colorectal cancer syndrome
22 ds:H00876 Mismatch repair deficiency, including: Heredit...

In [3]:
disease_ids = disease_df['id']
disease_urls = disease_ids.apply(lambda x: KEGG_API_URL + 'get/' + x)

def disease_parser(entry):
    lines = entry.split('\n')
    data = {}
    last_key = None
    for line in lines:
        if '///' in line:
            return data
        parts = line.split(' ')
        if parts[0] is not None and len(parts[0]) != 0:
            last_key = parts[0]
            data[parts[0]] = line.replace(parts[0], '').strip()
            last_val = data[last_key]
            data[last_key] = last_val + '|' + line.strip()
    return data   

result = []
for url in disease_urls:
        res = requests.get(url)
        rows = disease_parser(res.content.decode('utf8'))

In [4]:
disease_df = pd.DataFrame(result)
pathways = disease_df['PATHWAY'].dropna().unique()

p_urls = []
for pathway in pathways:
    entries = pathway.split('|')
    for en in entries:
        url = KEGG_API_URL + 'get/' + en.split(' ')[0].split('(')[0] + '/kgml'

Import all pathways directly into Cytoscape

In [5]:
def create_from_list(network_list):
    server_res = + 'networks?source=url&collection=' + query, data=json.dumps(network_list), headers=HEADERS)
    return server_res.json()

url_list = list(set(p_urls))
pathway_suids = create_from_list(url_list)


In your Cytoscape window, you can see the pathway diagrams as interactive Cytoscape view:

Embed the result as Cytoscape.js Widget

py2cytoscape has utility to visualize any Cytoscape network as an embedded widget. You can do it with few lines of code:

In [6]:
from py2cytoscape import cytoscapejs as cyjs

res1 = requests.get(BASE + 'styles/KEGG Style.json')
kegg_style = res1.json()

# Load local network files
kegg_url = BASE + 'networks/' + str(pathway_suids[5]['networkSUID'][0])
net1 =  requests.get(kegg_url + '/views/first')

# Render it!
cyjs.render(net1.json(), style=kegg_style[0]['style'], background='white')