In [4]:
from IPython.core import display
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from sklearn import svm, cross_validation
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestRegressor
from sklearn.grid_search import GridSearchCV

%matplotlib inline

In [17]:
def readCsv(name, nrows=6000000):
    df = pd.read_csv(
        parse_dates=["date_time", "srch_ci", "srch_co"])
    df = df[(df.is_booking == True) & (pd.DatetimeIndex(df['date_time']).year == 2014)].sample(100000)
    df["year"] = pd.DatetimeIndex(df['date_time']).year
    df["month"] = pd.DatetimeIndex(df['date_time']).month
    df["hour"] = pd.DatetimeIndex(df['date_time']).hour
    df["dayofweek"] = pd.DatetimeIndex(df['date_time']).dayofweek
    df["hour"] = pd.DatetimeIndex(df['date_time']).hour

    df["srch_ci_month"] = pd.DatetimeIndex(df['srch_ci']).month
    df["srch_ci_dayofweek"] = pd.DatetimeIndex(df['srch_ci']).dayofweek
    df["srch_co_month"] = pd.DatetimeIndex(df['srch_co']).month
    df["srch_co_dayofweek"] = pd.DatetimeIndex(df['srch_co']).dayofweek
    srch_ci_utime = pd.DatetimeIndex(df['srch_ci']).astype(np.int64) // 10**9 
    srch_co_utime = pd.DatetimeIndex(df['srch_co']).astype(np.int64) // 10**9 
    df["srch_days"] = (srch_co_utime - srch_ci_utime) / (3600 * 24)
    return df

#df = readCsv("train")
df = pd.read_csv("data/expedia/2014_bookings.csv")
print("shape: ", df.shape)

('shape: ', (200000, 34))
Unnamed: 0 date_time site_name posa_continent user_location_country user_location_region user_location_city orig_destination_distance user_id is_mobile ... hotel_cluster year month hour dayofweek srch_ci_month srch_ci_dayofweek srch_co_month srch_co_dayofweek srch_days
166397 650730 2014-07-17 10:10:29 13 1 46 347 22254 NaN 991404 0 ... 62 2014 7 10 3 7 6 7 6 7
128815 4176709 2014-11-24 11:26:08 2 3 66 363 14898 NaN 556 0 ... 16 2014 11 11 0 12 5 12 6 1
23124 4896682 2014-07-16 20:17:38 2 3 66 442 46296 933.2417 646444 1 ... 52 2014 7 20 2 8 5 8 2 4
89394 4749603 2014-06-18 06:02:52 2 3 66 226 42300 152.4633 263119 0 ... 59 2014 6 6 2 6 3 6 4 1
33491 922952 2014-02-22 10:06:39 2 3 66 442 35390 5461.4049 653311 0 ... 29 2014 2 10 5 3 6 3 5 6

5 rows × 34 columns

File descriptions

train.csv - the training set
test.csv - the test set
destinations.csv - hotel search latent attributes
sample_submission.csv - a sample submission file in the correct format

Data fields


Column name Description Data type
date_time   Timestamp   string
site_name   ID of the Expedia point of sale (i.e.,,, ...)   int
posa_continent  ID of continent associated with site_name   int
user_location_country   The ID of the country the customer is located   int
user_location_region    The ID of the region the customer is located    int
user_location_city  The ID of the city the customer is located  int
orig_destination_distance   Physical distance between a hotel and a customer at the time of search. A null means the distance could not be calculated   double
user_id ID of user  int
is_mobile   1 when a user connected from a mobile device, 0 otherwise   tinyint
is_package  1 if the click/booking was generated as a part of a package (i.e. combined with a flight), 0 otherwise  int
channel ID of a marketing channel   int
srch_ci Checkin date    string
srch_co Checkout date   string
srch_adults_cnt The number of adults specified in the hotel room    int
srch_children_cnt   The number of (extra occupancy) children specified in the hotel room    int
srch_rm_cnt The number of hotel rooms specified in the search   int
srch_destination_id ID of the destination where the hotel search was performed  int
srch_destination_type_id    Type of destination int
hotel_continent Hotel continent int
hotel_country   Hotel country   int
hotel_market    Hotel market    int
is_booking  1 if a booking, 0 if a click    tinyint
cnt Numer of similar events in the context of the same user session bigint
hotel_cluster   ID of a hotel cluster   int


Column name Description Data type
srch_destination_id ID of the destination where the hotel search was performed  int
d1-d149 latent description of search regions    double

In [18]:

<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
Int64Index: 200000 entries, 0 to 199999
Data columns (total 34 columns):
Unnamed: 0                   200000 non-null int64
date_time                    200000 non-null object
site_name                    200000 non-null int64
posa_continent               200000 non-null int64
user_location_country        200000 non-null int64
user_location_region         200000 non-null int64
user_location_city           200000 non-null int64
orig_destination_distance    133493 non-null float64
user_id                      200000 non-null int64
is_mobile                    200000 non-null int64
is_package                   200000 non-null int64
channel                      200000 non-null int64
srch_ci                      200000 non-null object
srch_co                      200000 non-null object
srch_adults_cnt              200000 non-null int64
srch_children_cnt            200000 non-null int64
srch_rm_cnt                  200000 non-null int64
srch_destination_id          200000 non-null int64
srch_destination_type_id     200000 non-null int64
is_booking                   200000 non-null int64
cnt                          200000 non-null int64
hotel_continent              200000 non-null int64
hotel_country                200000 non-null int64
hotel_market                 200000 non-null int64
hotel_cluster                200000 non-null int64
year                         200000 non-null int64
month                        200000 non-null int64
hour                         200000 non-null int64
dayofweek                    200000 non-null int64
srch_ci_month                200000 non-null int64
srch_ci_dayofweek            200000 non-null int64
srch_co_month                200000 non-null int64
srch_co_dayofweek            200000 non-null int64
srch_days                    200000 non-null int64
dtypes: float64(1), int64(30), object(3)
memory usage: 53.4+ MB

In [19]:

Unnamed: 0 site_name posa_continent user_location_country user_location_region user_location_city orig_destination_distance user_id is_mobile is_package ... hotel_cluster year month hour dayofweek srch_ci_month srch_ci_dayofweek srch_co_month srch_co_dayofweek srch_days
count 200000.000000 200000.00000 200000.000000 200000.000000 200000.000000 200000.000000 133493.000000 200000.000000 200000.000000 200000.000000 ... 200000.000000 200000 200000.00000 200000.000000 200000.000000 200000.000000 200000.000000 200000.000000 200000.000000 200000.00000
mean 2968980.380510 8.90200 2.710410 86.407160 310.592555 27742.208435 1680.915612 600921.967240 0.103080 0.124855 ... 47.672305 2014 7.21187 13.309285 2.721295 7.228360 3.109355 7.149140 3.297860 2.40495
std 1733152.575779 11.55783 0.727132 57.356216 201.268131 16744.860994 2178.921124 346603.687128 0.304064 0.330555 ... 28.963255 0 3.25968 5.461572 1.954934 3.328379 1.933203 3.353591 2.073702 2.02480
min 1.000000 2.00000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.005600 12.000000 0.000000 0.000000 ... 0.000000 2014 1.00000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 1.00000
25% 1464997.250000 2.00000 3.000000 66.000000 174.000000 13134.000000 213.091900 296765.000000 0.000000 0.000000 ... 22.000000 2014 5.00000 9.000000 1.000000 5.000000 1.000000 5.000000 1.000000 1.00000
50% 2952695.000000 2.00000 3.000000 66.000000 314.000000 27655.000000 765.762500 602792.500000 0.000000 0.000000 ... 46.000000 2014 7.00000 13.000000 3.000000 8.000000 3.000000 8.000000 3.000000 2.00000
75% 4467778.500000 11.00000 3.000000 69.000000 385.000000 42328.000000 2196.837900 906969.000000 0.000000 0.000000 ... 72.000000 2014 10.00000 18.000000 4.000000 10.000000 5.000000 10.000000 5.000000 3.00000
max 5999992.000000 53.00000 4.000000 239.000000 1025.000000 56507.000000 11917.844900 1198784.000000 1.000000 1.000000 ... 99.000000 2014 12.00000 23.000000 6.000000 12.000000 6.000000 12.000000 6.000000 28.00000

8 rows × 31 columns

Removing outliers

@TODO: explain what I am doing here.

In [20]:
print "before removing outliers :", df.shape
df = df[(df["srch_days"] < 18) & (df["srch_days"] > -1)]
print "after removing outliers :", df.shape

before removing outliers : (200000, 34)
after removing outliers : (199733, 34)

Treating Missing values

In [21]:
def removeMisingvalues(df):
    remove data rows associated with any missing value
    return df[
        df.orig_destination_distance.notnull() &

print "before removing missing values :", df.shape
df = removeMisingvalues(df)
print "after removing missing values :", df.shape

before removing missing values : (199733, 34)
after removing missing values : (133348, 34)

In [22]:

<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
Int64Index: 133348 entries, 1 to 199996
Data columns (total 34 columns):
Unnamed: 0                   133348 non-null int64
date_time                    133348 non-null object
site_name                    133348 non-null int64
posa_continent               133348 non-null int64
user_location_country        133348 non-null int64
user_location_region         133348 non-null int64
user_location_city           133348 non-null int64
orig_destination_distance    133348 non-null float64
user_id                      133348 non-null int64
is_mobile                    133348 non-null int64
is_package                   133348 non-null int64
channel                      133348 non-null int64
srch_ci                      133348 non-null object
srch_co                      133348 non-null object
srch_adults_cnt              133348 non-null int64
srch_children_cnt            133348 non-null int64
srch_rm_cnt                  133348 non-null int64
srch_destination_id          133348 non-null int64
srch_destination_type_id     133348 non-null int64
is_booking                   133348 non-null int64
cnt                          133348 non-null int64
hotel_continent              133348 non-null int64
hotel_country                133348 non-null int64
hotel_market                 133348 non-null int64
hotel_cluster                133348 non-null int64
year                         133348 non-null int64
month                        133348 non-null int64
hour                         133348 non-null int64
dayofweek                    133348 non-null int64
srch_ci_month                133348 non-null int64
srch_ci_dayofweek            133348 non-null int64
srch_co_month                133348 non-null int64
srch_co_dayofweek            133348 non-null int64
srch_days                    133348 non-null int64
dtypes: float64(1), int64(30), object(3)
memory usage: 35.6+ MB

Data exploration

In [23]:
def exploreUnivariate(column):
    print "\n-------------------------\nColumn: {}\n".format(
    print column.describe()
        print "cannot be plotted"
# exploreUnivariate(np.log(df["srch_days"]))  # less skewness

In [24]:
for i in df.drop(labels=["date_time"], axis=1).columns:

Column: Unnamed: 0

count     133348.000000
mean     2989668.830646
std      1734625.842782
min            1.000000
25%      1489196.000000
50%      2986229.500000
75%      4490017.750000
max      5999924.000000
Name: Unnamed: 0, dtype: float64
Column: site_name

count    133348.000000
mean          5.803147
std           8.618301
min           2.000000
25%           2.000000
50%           2.000000
75%           2.000000
max          53.000000
Name: site_name, dtype: float64
Column: posa_continent

count    133348.000000
mean          2.902391
std           0.526496
min           0.000000
25%           3.000000
50%           3.000000
75%           3.000000
max           4.000000
Name: posa_continent, dtype: float64
Column: user_location_country

count    133348.000000
mean         86.271905
std          52.505029
min           0.000000
25%          66.000000
50%          66.000000
75%          66.000000
max         215.000000
Name: user_location_country, dtype: float64
Column: user_location_region

count    133348.000000
mean        309.955927
std         141.006778
min         135.000000
25%         174.000000
50%         318.000000
75%         363.000000
max        1021.000000
Name: user_location_region, dtype: float64
Column: user_location_city

count    133348.000000
mean      27915.649781
std       16564.997453
min           0.000000
25%       14241.000000
50%       27407.000000
75%       42858.000000
max       56507.000000
Name: user_location_city, dtype: float64
Column: orig_destination_distance

count    133348.000000
mean       1678.780720
std        2177.158572
min           0.005600
25%         212.921850
50%         764.511700
75%        2192.560975
max       11917.844900
Name: orig_destination_distance, dtype: float64
Column: user_id

count     133348.000000
mean      592986.717806
std       343237.674331
min           12.000000
25%       294230.000000
50%       592270.500000
75%       895418.000000
max      1198784.000000
Name: user_id, dtype: float64
Column: is_mobile

count    133348.000000
mean          0.104688
std           0.306153
min           0.000000
25%           0.000000
50%           0.000000
75%           0.000000
max           1.000000
Name: is_mobile, dtype: float64
Column: is_package

count    133348.000000
mean          0.116552
std           0.320887
min           0.000000
25%           0.000000
50%           0.000000
75%           0.000000
max           1.000000
Name: is_package, dtype: float64
Column: channel

count    133348.000000
mean          6.153388
std           3.654032
min           0.000000
25%           2.000000
50%           9.000000
75%           9.000000
max          10.000000
Name: channel, dtype: float64
Column: srch_ci

count         133348
unique           696
top       2014-12-26
freq             812
Name: srch_ci, dtype: object
cannot be plotted
Column: srch_co

count         133348
unique           697
top       2014-12-28
freq             876
Name: srch_co, dtype: object
cannot be plotted
Column: srch_adults_cnt

count    133348.000000
mean          1.907693
std           0.918556
min           0.000000
25%           1.000000
50%           2.000000
75%           2.000000
max           9.000000
Name: srch_adults_cnt, dtype: float64
Column: srch_children_cnt

count    133348.000000
mean          0.250127
std           0.666351
min           0.000000
25%           0.000000
50%           0.000000
75%           0.000000
max           9.000000
Name: srch_children_cnt, dtype: float64
Column: srch_rm_cnt

count    133348.000000
mean          1.126586
std           0.479735
min           0.000000
25%           1.000000
50%           1.000000
75%           1.000000
max           8.000000
Name: srch_rm_cnt, dtype: float64
Column: srch_destination_id

count    133348.000000
mean      15512.437772
std       11750.533471
min           4.000000
25%        8266.000000
50%       11975.000000
75%       22648.000000
max       65102.000000
Name: srch_destination_id, dtype: float64
Column: srch_destination_type_id

count    133348.000000
mean          2.886545
std           2.213398
min           1.000000
25%           1.000000
50%           1.000000
75%           6.000000
max           9.000000
Name: srch_destination_type_id, dtype: float64
Column: is_booking

count    133348
mean          1
std           0
min           1
25%           1
50%           1
75%           1
max           1
Name: is_booking, dtype: float64
cannot be plotted
Column: cnt

count    133348.000000
mean          1.014406
std           0.140207
min           1.000000
25%           1.000000
50%           1.000000
75%           1.000000
max          11.000000
Name: cnt, dtype: float64
Column: hotel_continent

count    133348.000000
mean          2.675218
std           1.416807
min           0.000000
25%           2.000000
50%           2.000000
75%           2.000000
max           6.000000
Name: hotel_continent, dtype: float64
Column: hotel_country

count    133348.000000
mean         73.614722
std          51.778146
min           0.000000
25%          50.000000
50%          50.000000
75%          70.000000
max         212.000000
Name: hotel_country, dtype: float64
Column: hotel_market

count    133348.000000
mean        639.435222
std         441.062634
min           0.000000
25%         366.000000
50%         628.000000
75%         701.000000
max        2117.000000
Name: hotel_market, dtype: float64
Column: hotel_cluster

count    133348.000000
mean         47.493491
std          29.112451
min           0.000000
25%          21.000000
50%          46.000000
75%          72.000000
max          99.000000
Name: hotel_cluster, dtype: float64
Column: year

count    133348
mean       2014
std           0
min        2014
25%        2014
50%        2014
75%        2014
max        2014
Name: year, dtype: float64
cannot be plotted
Column: month

count    133348.000000
mean          7.197408
std           3.253623
min           1.000000
25%           5.000000
50%           7.000000
75%          10.000000
max          12.000000
Name: month, dtype: float64
Column: hour

count    133348.000000
mean         13.415949
std           5.188417
min           0.000000
25%          10.000000
50%          13.000000
75%          18.000000
max          23.000000
Name: hour, dtype: float64
Column: dayofweek

count    133348.000000
mean          2.695758
std           1.948024
min           0.000000
25%           1.000000
50%           3.000000
75%           4.000000
max           6.000000
Name: dayofweek, dtype: float64
Column: srch_ci_month

count    133348.000000
mean          7.229182
std           3.315456
min           1.000000
25%           5.000000
50%           8.000000
75%          10.000000
max          12.000000
Name: srch_ci_month, dtype: float64
Column: srch_ci_dayofweek

count    133348.000000
mean          3.126391
std           1.920803
min           0.000000
25%           2.000000
50%           3.000000
75%           5.000000
max           6.000000
Name: srch_ci_dayofweek, dtype: float64
Column: srch_co_month

count    133348.000000
mean          7.157933
std           3.338320
min           1.000000
25%           5.000000
50%           8.000000
75%          10.000000
max          12.000000
Name: srch_co_month, dtype: float64
Column: srch_co_dayofweek

count    133348.000000
mean          3.343095
std           2.081142
min           0.000000
25%           2.000000
50%           4.000000
75%           5.000000
max           6.000000
Name: srch_co_dayofweek, dtype: float64
Column: srch_days

count    133348.000000
mean          2.281197
std           1.804944
min           1.000000
25%           1.000000
50%           2.000000
75%           3.000000
max          17.000000
Name: srch_days, dtype: float64

In [11]:
# @TODO: plot bivariate charts

In [25]:
sns.stripplot(x="user_location_country", y="hotel_cluster", jitter=True, data=df[
            (df["hotel_country"] == 19) & (df["year"] == 2014)])
sns.stripplot(x="user_location_country", y="hotel_cluster", jitter=True ,data=df[
            (df["hotel_country"] == 20) & (df["year"] == 2014)])
sns.stripplot(x="user_location_country", y="hotel_cluster", jitter=True, data=df[
            (df["hotel_country"] == 21) & (df["year"] == 2014)])

In [34]:
cols = [u'site_name', u'posa_continent', u'user_location_country',
       u'channel', u'srch_adults_cnt',
       u'srch_children_cnt', u'srch_rm_cnt', u'srch_destination_id',
       u'is_booking', u'cnt', u'hotel_continent',
       u'hotel_country', u'hotel_market', u'hotel_cluster', u'year', u'month',
       u'hour', u'dayofweek', u'srch_ci_month', u'srch_ci_dayofweek',
       u'srch_co_month', u'srch_co_dayofweek', u'srch_days']

for i in cols:
    g = sns.FacetGrid(
                (df["hotel_country"] == 19) | 
                (df["hotel_country"] == 20) | 
                (df["hotel_country"] == 21) | 
                (df["hotel_country"] == 22) 
            & (df["year"] == 2014)
            & (df["srch_co_month"] == 8)
        ], col="hotel_country"), i, "hotel_cluster", jitter=True)
    #sns.boxplot(x=i, y="hotel_cluster", data=df[
    #        (df["hotel_country"] == 21) & (df["year"] == 2014)])

In [29]:
    x="hotel_market", y="hotel_cluster", 
    data=df[df["hotel_country"] == 48], jitter=True)

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x10fa02c10>

In [32]:
def biVariate(df):
    cols = [
        "hotel_continent", "hotel_country",
        "srch_adults_cnt", "srch_rm_cnt", "srch_children_cnt", 
        "srch_destination_type_id", "srch_destination_id",
        "month", "year", "hour", "dayofweek", "srch_ci_month", 
        "srch_ci_dayofweek", "srch_co_month", "srch_co_dayofweek", "srch_days"]
    for i in cols:
        sns.stripplot(x=i, y="hotel_cluster", data=df, jitter=True)
        sns.boxplot(x=i, y="hotel_cluster", data=df)

KeyboardInterrupt                         Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-32-19e7a8ba78c8> in <module>()
     12         sns.boxplot(x=i, y="hotel_cluster", data=df)
---> 14 biVariate(df.sample(50000))

<ipython-input-32-19e7a8ba78c8> in biVariate(df)
      8         "srch_ci_dayofweek", "srch_co_month", "srch_co_dayofweek", "srch_days"]
      9     for i in cols:
---> 10         sns.stripplot(x=i, y="hotel_cluster", data=df, jitter=True)
     12         sns.boxplot(x=i, y="hotel_cluster", data=df)

/Users/muatik/venv/lib/python2.7/site-packages/seaborn/categorical.pyc in stripplot(x, y, hue, data, order, hue_order, jitter, split, orient, color, palette, size, edgecolor, linewidth, ax, **kwargs)
   2513                        linewidth=linewidth))
-> 2515     plotter.plot(ax, kwargs)
   2516     return ax

/Users/muatik/venv/lib/python2.7/site-packages/seaborn/categorical.pyc in plot(self, ax, kws)
   1165     def plot(self, ax, kws):
   1166         """Make the plot."""
-> 1167         self.draw_stripplot(ax, kws)
   1168         self.add_legend_data(ax)
   1169         self.annotate_axes(ax)

/Users/muatik/venv/lib/python2.7/site-packages/seaborn/categorical.pyc in draw_stripplot(self, ax, kws)
   1141                 cat_pos = np.ones(strip_data.size) * i
   1142                 cat_pos += self.jitterer(len(strip_data))
-> 1143                 kws.update(c=self.point_colors[i][hue_mask])
   1144                 if self.orient == "v":
   1145                     ax.scatter(cat_pos, strip_data, **kws)

/Users/muatik/venv/lib/python2.7/site-packages/seaborn/categorical.pyc in point_colors(self)
   1077                 # Use the same color for all points at this level
   1078                 group_color = self.colors[i]
-> 1079                 group_colors[:] = group_color
   1081             else:


In [21]:
sns.stripplot(x="hotel_country", y="hotel_market", data=df, jitter=True)

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x1152dc3d0>

In [14]:
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.gca(projection='3d')
ax.scatter(df["hotel_cluster"], df["hotel_country"], df["srch_days"], c="b")

<mpl_toolkits.mplot3d.art3d.Patch3DCollection at 0x7f8ed62a5150>

In [53]:

<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
Int64Index: 50000 entries, 3833548 to 2732975
Data columns (total 33 columns):
date_time                    50000 non-null datetime64[ns]
site_name                    50000 non-null int64
posa_continent               50000 non-null int64
user_location_country        50000 non-null int64
user_location_region         50000 non-null int64
user_location_city           50000 non-null int64
orig_destination_distance    33080 non-null float64
user_id                      50000 non-null int64
is_mobile                    50000 non-null int64
is_package                   50000 non-null int64
channel                      50000 non-null int64
srch_ci                      50000 non-null object
srch_co                      50000 non-null object
srch_adults_cnt              50000 non-null int64
srch_children_cnt            50000 non-null int64
srch_rm_cnt                  50000 non-null int64
srch_destination_id          50000 non-null int64
srch_destination_type_id     50000 non-null int64
is_booking                   50000 non-null int64
cnt                          50000 non-null int64
hotel_continent              50000 non-null int64
hotel_country                50000 non-null int64
hotel_market                 50000 non-null int64
hotel_cluster                50000 non-null int64
year                         50000 non-null int32
month                        50000 non-null int32
hour                         50000 non-null int32
dayofweek                    50000 non-null int32
srch_ci_month                50000 non-null int32
srch_ci_dayofweek            50000 non-null int32
srch_co_month                50000 non-null int32
srch_co_dayofweek            50000 non-null int32
srch_days                    50000 non-null int64
dtypes: datetime64[ns](1), float64(1), int32(8), int64(21), object(2)
memory usage: 11.4+ MB

In [2]:
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier
from sklearn import cross_validation

In [11]:
clf = RandomForestClassifier(n_estimators=10)

a = df[[

X = a.drop(labels=["hotel_cluster"], axis=1)
y = a["hotel_cluster"]

X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = cross_validation.train_test_split(
    X, y, test_size=0.2, random_state=0), y_train)
clf.score(X_test, y_test)


In [ ]:
from sklearn.svm import SVC

clf = SVC(kernel="rbf", gamma=0.002)

a = df[[

X = a.drop(labels=["hotel_cluster"], axis=1)
y = a["hotel_cluster"]

X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = cross_validation.train_test_split(
    X, y, test_size=0.2, random_state=0), y_train)
clf.score(X_test, y_test)

In [2]:
dest = pd.read_csv("data/expedia/destinations.csv")

In [4]:

srch_destination_id d1 d2 d3 d4 d5 d6 d7 d8 d9 ... d140 d141 d142 d143 d144 d145 d146 d147 d148 d149
26231 27437 -2.207447 -2.213283 -2.213283 -2.184263 -2.042806 -2.158912 -2.213283 -2.213283 -2.213283 ... -2.213283 -2.183072 -2.177808 -2.213283 -2.114200 -2.213283 -2.181598 -2.213283 -2.213283 -2.152779
24091 25276 -2.180774 -2.180774 -2.180774 -2.180774 -2.180774 -2.149468 -2.180774 -2.180774 -2.180774 ... -2.180774 -2.180774 -2.180774 -2.180774 -2.180774 -2.180774 -2.180774 -2.180774 -2.180774 -2.180774
50521 52761 -2.311128 -2.300818 -2.313542 -2.208092 -1.889265 -1.681330 -2.313542 -2.313542 -2.253724 ... -2.312284 -2.313195 -2.313542 -2.268086 -2.268086 -2.313542 -2.313542 -2.313542 -2.313542 -2.201945
9479 9783 -2.181958 -2.181958 -2.181958 -2.181958 -2.181958 -2.172306 -2.181958 -2.181958 -2.172306 ... -2.172306 -2.181958 -2.181958 -2.181958 -2.181958 -2.181958 -2.181958 -2.181958 -2.181958 -2.181958
24922 26116 -2.192287 -2.192287 -2.192287 -2.192287 -2.192287 -2.155291 -2.192287 -2.192287 -2.192287 ... -2.185266 -2.192287 -2.192287 -2.192287 -2.192287 -2.192287 -2.192287 -2.192287 -2.192287 -2.192287

5 rows × 150 columns

In [11]:
import pymongo
from pprint import pprint as pp
from datetime import datetime

In [60]:
db = pymongo.MongoClient("")["expedia2"]

In [70]:
i = 0
with open("data/expedia/train.csv") as f:
    cache = []
    headers = f.readline().strip().split(",") # reading the header line, we do not need this.
    strptime_format1 = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"
    strptime_format2 = "%Y-%m-%d"
    def toInt(line):
        for h in headers:
            if h not in ["date_time", "srch_ci", "srch_co"]:
                line[h] = float(line[h])
        return line
    for line in f:
        i += 1
        line = line.strip().split(",")
        if line[18] == 0:

        line = dict(zip(headers, line))
        if line["orig_destination_distance"] == "":
        if line["srch_ci"] == "" or line["srch_co"] == "":

#         line["date_time"] = datetime.strptime(line["date_time"], strptime_format)
#         line["srch_ci"] = datetime.strptime(line["srch_ci"], strptime_format2)
#         line["srch_co"] = datetime.strptime(line["srch_co"], strptime_format2)
#         line = toInt(line)
#         pp(line)
        if len(cache) == 10000:
            # print "inserting , ", i, len(cache)
            cache = []

        if i % 40000 == 0:
            print i

KeyboardInterrupt                         Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-70-c4a60c6c5f4d> in <module>()
     34         if len(cache) == 10000:
     35             # print "inserting , ", i, len(cache)
---> 36             db["train2"].insert_many(cache)
     37             cache = []

/Users/muatik/venv/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pymongo/collection.pyc in insert_many(self, documents, ordered, bypass_document_validation)
    677         blk = _Bulk(self, ordered, bypass_document_validation)
    678         blk.ops = [doc for doc in gen()]
--> 679         blk.execute(self.write_concern.document)
    680         return InsertManyResult(inserted_ids, self.write_concern.acknowledged)

/Users/muatik/venv/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pymongo/bulk.pyc in execute(self, write_concern)
    468                 return self.execute_command(sock_info, generator, write_concern)
    469             else:
--> 470                 return self.execute_legacy(sock_info, generator, write_concern)

/Users/muatik/venv/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pymongo/bulk.pyc in execute_legacy(self, sock_info, generator, write_concern)
    391                                      self.ordered,
    392                                      write_concern=write_concern,
--> 393                                      op_id=op_id)
    394                         result = {}
    395                     elif run.op_type == _UPDATE:

/Users/muatik/venv/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pymongo/collection.pyc in _insert(self, sock_info, docs, ordered, check_keys, manipulate, write_concern, op_id, bypass_doc_val)
    528             return self._insert_one(
    529                 sock_info, docs, ordered,
--> 530                 check_keys, manipulate, write_concern, op_id, bypass_doc_val)
    532         ids = []

/Users/muatik/venv/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pymongo/collection.pyc in _insert_one(self, sock_info, doc, ordered, check_keys, manipulate, write_concern, op_id, bypass_doc_val)
    517                 sock_info, 'insert', command, acknowledged, op_id,
    518                 bypass_doc_val, message.insert, self.__full_name, [doc],
--> 519                 check_keys, acknowledged, concern, False, self.codec_options)
    520         if not isinstance(doc, RawBSONDocument):
    521             return doc.get('_id')

/Users/muatik/venv/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pymongo/collection.pyc in _legacy_write(self, sock_info, name, cmd, acknowledged, op_id, bypass_doc_val, func, *args)
    456         try:
    457             result = sock_info.legacy_write(
--> 458                 rqst_id, msg, max_size, acknowledged)
    459         except Exception as exc:
    460             if publish:

/Users/muatik/venv/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pymongo/pool.pyc in legacy_write(self, request_id, msg, max_doc_size, with_last_error)
    264         self.send_message(msg, max_doc_size)
    265         if with_last_error:
--> 266             response = self.receive_message(1, request_id)
    267             return helpers._check_gle_response(response)

/Users/muatik/venv/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pymongo/pool.pyc in receive_message(self, operation, request_id)
    244                 self.sock, operation, request_id, self.max_message_size)
    245         except BaseException as error:
--> 246             self._raise_connection_failure(error)
    248     def legacy_write(self, request_id, msg, max_doc_size, with_last_error):

/Users/muatik/venv/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pymongo/pool.pyc in _raise_connection_failure(self, error)
    344             _raise_connection_failure(self.address, error)
    345         else:
--> 346             raise error
    348     def __eq__(self, other):


In [71]:


In [ ]: