In [319]:
def rev(s):
b, e = 0, 0
for i in range(len(s)):
c = s[i]
if c != " " and i+1 != len(s):
if i+1 == len(s):
e += 1
for j in range((e-b)//2):
s[b+j], s[e-1-j]=s[e-1-j], s[b+j]
e += 1
b = e
i = e
return s
rev(list("I love Cars"))
In [320]:
def leftRotate(A, d):
n = len(A)
B = list(range(n))
for i in range(n):
B[(i+n-d)%n] = A[i]
return B
A = [1,2,3,4,5]
leftRotate(A, 2)
In [321]:
def reverse_helper(prev, current):
if not current:
return prev
head = reverse_helper(current, = prev
return head
def Reverse(head):
n = reverse_helper(head, = None
return n
def printList(h):
if not h:
class Node(object):
def __init__(self, data=None, next_node=None): = data = next_node
h = Node(1, Node(2, Node(3, Node(4))))
In [ ]:
In [322]:
def flatten(array, output=None):
if output is None:
output = []
for i in array:
if isinstance(i, (list)):
flatten(i, output)
return output
In [323]:
r = []
In [324]:
a = [[1,2,[3]],4,[[[7,[9]]]]]
assert flatten(a) == [1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 9]
a = []
assert flatten(a) == []
a = [3]
assert flatten(a) == [3]
a = [{"name": "mustafa"}, [2, 3]]
assert flatten(a) == [{"name": "mustafa"}, 2, 3]
a = [[[[[[]]]]]]
assert flatten(a) == []
Given arrays for N (>= 2) users, each representing the IDs of hotels visited, find the common IDs of the hotels visited amongst the users.
Output: {3}
Assumptions: Arrays are unsorted.
In [325]:
def find_common_user_hotels(user_hotels):
common = user_hotels[0][:]
for i in range(1, len(user_hotels)):
uh = user_hotels[i]
for c in common:
if c not in uh: # lookup - uh can be converted to map for fast searching
return common
def find_common_user_hotels_2(user_hotels):
common = user_hotels[0][:]
for i in range(1, len(user_hotels)):
uh = dict((j, True) for j in user_hotels[i])
for c in common:
if c not in uh:
return common
[2, 3, 1],
[2, 5, 3],
[7, 3, 1]
public static void main(String[] args) {
List<List<Integer>> userHotels = new ArrayList<>();
userHotels.add(new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(2, 3, 1)));
userHotels.add(new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(2, 5, 3)));
userHotels.add(new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(7, 3, 1)));
private static List<Integer> findCommonUserHotels(List<List<Integer>> userHotels) {
List<Integer> common = userHotels.get(0);
List<Integer> uh;
for (int i = 1; i < userHotels.size(); i++) {
uh = userHotels.get(i);
for (int j = 0; j < common.size(); j++) {
if (!uh.contains(common.get(j))) {
return common;
private static List<Integer> findCommonUserHotels2(List<List<Integer>> userHotels) {
List<Integer> common = userHotels.get(0);
Set<Integer> uh;
for (int i = 1; i < userHotels.size(); i++) {
uh = new HashSet<>(userHotels.get(i));
for (int j = 0; j < common.size(); j++) {
if (!uh.contains(common.get(j))) {
return common;
Problem statement Given a set of hotels and its guests reviews, sort the hotels based on a list of words specified by a user. The criteria to sort the hotels should be how many times the words specified by the user is mentioned in the hotel reviews.
Input The first line contains a space-separated set of words which we want to find mentions in the hotel reviews. The second line contains one integer M, which is the number of reviews. This is followed by M+M lines, which alternates an hotel ID and a review belonging to that hotel.
Output A list of hotel IDs sorted, in descending order, by how many mentions they have of the words specified in the input. If the count is same, sort according to the hotel IDs in ascending order.
In [326]:
import operator
def search_hotesl(keywords, hotels):
results = []
for h in hotels:
h_words = dict((w, True) for w in h[1].split(" "))
count = sum(1 for k in keywords if k in h_words)
if count > 0:
"id": h[0],
"count": count
def compare(a, b):
if a["count"] == b["count"]:
return cmp(b["id"], a["id"])
return cmp(a["count"], b["count"])
return sorted(results, cmp=compare, reverse=True)
search_hotesl(keywords=["cheap", "center", "view"], hotels=[
(7, 'price is too expensive'),
(3, 'cheap in the city center'),
(8, 'cheap but far'),
(4, 'good view in the city center and cheap'),
(5, 'cheap in the heart of the city center'),
(2, 'not expensive in the city')
public static void main(String[] args) {
List<List> hotels = new ArrayList<>();
hotels.add(new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(7, "price is too expensive")));
hotels.add(new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(3, "cheap in the city center")));
hotels.add(new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(8, "cheap but far")));
hotels.add(new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(4, "good view in the city center and cheap")));
hotels.add(new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(5, "cheap in the heart of the city center")));
hotels.add(new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(2, "not expensive in the city")));
List<String> keywords = Arrays.asList("cheap", "center", "view");
searchHotels(hotels, keywords).forEach(System.out::println);
private static List<List> searchHotels(List<List> hotels, List<String> keywords) {
List<List> results = new ArrayList<>();
Integer id, count;
Set<String> hotelKeywords;
for (List hotel : hotels) {
id = (Integer) hotel.get(0);
count = 0;
hotelKeywords = new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList(hotel.get(1).toString().split(" ")));
for (String keyword : keywords) {
if (hotelKeywords.contains(keyword))
if (count > 0)
results.add(Arrays.asList(id, count));
results.sort((o1, o2) -> {
int c = Integer.valueOf((int) o2.get(1)).compareTo((int) o1.get(1));
if (c == 0)
return Integer.valueOf((int) o1.get(0)).compareTo((int) o2.get(0));
return c;
return results;
Consider a hotel where the guest is checked in and check out. Find a day when the maximum number of guests stay in a hotel.
Input : [
Output : 5
In [327]:
def findMaxStayingGuests(stayings):
days = {}
m = None
for s in stayings:
for i in range(s["check-in"], s["check-out"]+1):
days[i] = days.get(i, 0) + 1
if m is None or days[i] > days[m]:
m = i
return m
{"check-in" : 1, "check-out": 4},
{"check-in" : 2, "check-out": 5},
{"check-in" : 10, "check-out": 12},
{"check-in" : 5, "check-out": 9},
{"check-in" : 5, "check-out": 12}
public static void main(String[] args) {
List<List<Integer>> stayings = new ArrayList<>();
stayings.add(new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(1, 4)));
stayings.add(new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(2, 5)));
stayings.add(new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(10, 12)));
stayings.add(new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(5, 9)));
stayings.add(new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(5, 12)));
private static Integer findMaxDayOfGuests(List<List<Integer>> stayings) {
Map<Integer, Integer> days = new HashMap<>();
Integer day = null;
for (List<Integer> staying : stayings) {
for (int i = staying.get(0); i < staying.get(1)+1; i++) {
days.put(i, days.getOrDefault(i, 0) + 1);
if (day == null || days.get(i) > days.get(day))
day = i;
return day;
Given number N, Find the least number of perfect square number sum needed to get N.
Example :
In [328]:
import math
def least_perfect_squares(n):
numbers = []
while n:
i = int(math.sqrt(n))
n = n - (i**2)
return numbers
Given a stream of characters (e.g. acacabcatghhellomvnsdb) and a list of words (e.g. ["aca","cat","hello","world"] ) find and display count of each and every word once the stream ends.(Like : "aca" : 2 , "cat" : 1 , "hello" : 1 , "world" : 0 ).
In [329]:
def count_words(words, text):
words = dict((w, 0) for w in words)
for w in words:
p = -1
while True:
p = text.find(w, p+1)
if p != -1:
words[w] += 1;
return words
def count_words2(words, text):
s = max(len(w) for w in words)
words = dict((w, 0) for w in words)
for i in range(s, len(text)):
for j in range(s, 0, -1):
w = text[i-s:i-j+1]
if w in words:
words[w] += 1
return words
print(count_words2(["aca","cat","hello","world"], "acacabcatghhellomvnsdb"))
In [330]:
%timeit count_words2(["aca","cat","hello","world"], "acacabcatghhellomvnsdbacacabcatghhellomvnsdbacacabcatghhellomvnsdb")
In [331]:
%timeit count_words(["aca","cat","hello","world"], "acacabcatghhellomvnsdbacacabcatghhellomvnsdbacacabcatghhellomvnsdb")
Write a function to test if the given set of brackets are balanced or not. e.g.
In [332]:
def isBalanced(text):
symbols = {
"(": ")",
"[": "]",
"{": "}"}
stack = []
for c in text:
if c in symbols:
if len(stack) == 0 or symbols[stack.pop()] != c:
return False
return len(stack) == 0
There's a very simple compression algorithm that takes subsequent characters and just emits how often they were seen.
Example: aaabccddd
output: a3bc2d3
In [333]:
def compress(t):
s = t[0]
c = 1
i = 1
sb = []
while i < len(t):
if t[i] == s:
c += 1
if t[i] != s:
sb.append(s + str(c) if c > 1 else s)
s = t[i]
c = 1
if i == len(t):
sb.append(s + str(c) if c > 1 else s)
return "".join(sb)
def decompress(t):
sb = []
s = None
c = 0
j = 0
while j < len(t):
i = t[j]
if s is None:
s = i
elif s!=i or j+1==len(t):
if ord("1") <= ord(i) <= ord("9"):
if j < len(t):
s = t[j]
j += 1
if j == len(t):
return "".join(sb)
$a = [3, 1, 4, 5, 19, 6];
$b = [14, 9, 22, 36, 8, 0, 64, 25];
# Some elements in the second array are squares.
# Print elements that have a square root existing in the first array.
# $b[1] = 9, it’s square root is 3 ($a[0])
# $b[3] = 36, it’s square root is 6 ($a[5])
# $b[7] = 25, it’s square root is 5 ($a[3])
# Result:
# 9
# 36
# 25
In [334]:
def find_squares(a, b):
if len(a) > len(b):
aLonger = True
a = dict((i, True) for i in a)
c = b
aLonger = False
b = dict((i, True) for i in b)
c = a
result = []
for i in c:
if aLonger and math.sqrt(i) in a:
elif not aLonger and i**2 in b:
result.append(i ** 2)
return result
[3, 1, 4, 5, 19, 6],
[14, 9, 22, 36, 8, 0, 64, 25]
A multiset or a bag is a collection of elements that can be repeated. Contrast with a set, where elements cannot be repeated. Multisets can be intersected just like sets can be intersected.
Input :
A = [0,1,1,2,2,5]
B = [0,1,2,2,2,6]
Output :
A ∩ B = C = [0,1,2,2]
Input :
A = [0,1,1]
B = [0,1,2,3,4,5,6]
A ∩ B = C = [0,1]
Write a function to find the intersection of two integer arrays in that way ?
In [335]:
def multiset_intersect(a, b):
a_d = {}
b_d = {}
for i in a:
a_d[i] = a_d.get(i, 0) + 1
for i in b:
b_d[i] = b_d.get(i, 0) + 1
result = []
for i in a_d:
if i in b_d:
result.extend([i] * min(b_d[i], a_d[i]))
return result
In [336]:
a = []
In [337]:
"Smart substring"
Write a function that takes maximum 30 characters from a string but without cutting the words.
Full description:
"Featuring stylish rooms and moorings for recreation boats, Room Mate Aitana is a designer hotel built in 2013 on an island in the IJ River in Amsterdam."
First 30 characters:
"Featuring stylish rooms and mo"
Smarter approach (max 30 characters, no words are broken):
"Featuring stylish rooms and"
In [338]:
def smart_substring(text, count):
sb = text[:count].strip()
delimiters = [" ", "."]
if len(text) > count and text[count] not in delimiters:
for i in range(count - 1, 0, -1):
if text[i] in delimiters:
sb = sb[:i]
return sb, len(sb)
"Featuring stylish rooms and moorings for recreation boats, Room Mate Aitana is a designer ",
"Featuring stylish rooms. and moorings for recreation boats, Room Mate Aitana is a designer ",
In [339]:
def itos(n):
digits = []
while n >= 10:
n = n // 10
return "".join(digits[::-1])
You have the file with word at a single line.
In [340]:
def generate_histogram(texts, width):
letters = {}
m = None
for t in texts:
for c in t.lower():
letters[c] = letters.get(c, 0) + 1
if m is None or letters[c] > m:
m = letters[c]
for i in range(ord("a"), ord("z") + 1):
if chr(i) in letters:
n = int(letters[chr(i)] * width / m)
print("*" * n + chr(i))
generate_histogram(["aaaaaaaaaabbbbbcccdderrrkkkkk"], 80)
Random Selection LinkedIn Interview Question
Q1: How to uniformly random-select a number from an array A?
Follow-up: If an additional array F is given, where F[i] is the frequency of occurrence for A[i], how to randomly select a number from A based on the frequency? The probability of A[i] being chosen should be greater if F[i] is larger.
A = [A1, A2, A3]
F = [0, 5, 15]
P(A1 chosen) = 0%
P(A2 chosen) = 25%
P(A3 chosen) = 75%
Solution Two-pass solution:
The probability of each A[i] gets selected is
F[i] / sum(F[0] , F[1], ..., F[n - 1])
Let SUM be sum(F[0] , F[1], ..., F[n - 1]), randomly generate a number X between 0 to SUM - 1. For the given example,
if X falls between [0, 0), choose A1;
if X falls between [0, 5), choose A2;
if X falls between [5, 20), choose A3;
The solution needs to know SUM beforehand to generate the random number, so the first pass is needed to get the SUM.
Greedy single-pass solution:
An optimal way is to build up the selection incrementally.
To decide whether or not to choose A[i], up to the current step i, the total frequency of all the numbers before A[i], is SUM(F[0: i -1]), which represents the weight of A[i] not being chosen, while the weight of A[i] being chosen is F[i].
P(A[i] not chosen) = SUM(F[0: i - 1]) / SUM(F[0: i])
P(A[i] chosen) = F[i] / SUM(F[0: i])
Generate a random number between 0 and SUM(F[0: i]), if it falls in 0 to SUM(F[0: i - 1]), keep whatever has been chosen from before. Otherwise it falls in SUM(F[0: i - 1]) to SUM(F[0: i]), choose A[i].
No worries about whatever is after i at the moment, since the greedy solution only solves the subproblem up to the current i.
There are a few variants of this problem that the same model will apply.
Google Variant
Randomly select a point in a bunch of rectangles. (Here the frequency is like the areas of rectangles) Solution: Randomly select a rectangle based on the areas. Then it will be easy to get a random point from the one selected.
Linked List Variant
Random select a node in a linked list based on the weight of the nodes.
In [91]:
def rand_array(A, F):
import random
selected = None
total_f = 0
for a, f in zip(A, F):
r = random.randint(0, total_f + f)
if r >= total_f:
selected = a
total_f += f
return selected
def show_rand_array():
a = {}
for i in range(1000):
r = rand_array(
["A", "B", "C", "D"],
[1, 60, 9, 30]
a[r] = a.get(r, 0) + 1
LinkedIn Interview Tree DFS
A tournament tree is a binary tree in which the parent is the minimum of the two children. Given a tournament tree find the 2nd minimum value in the tree. A node in the tree will always have 2 or 0 children. All leaves have distinct and unique values.
Where is the 2nd MIN? Let’s start from drawing a tournament tree and observe.
Some features of a tournament tree:
I. Root always has the MIN value since the winner is the smaller number between the two participants.
II. An ancestous node is always greater or equal to a descendent one.
III. Based on II, we can tell that any nodes under the loser (root.right) of the final match (between root.left and root.right) will only be larger than or equal to loser. Since the loser (root.right.val) is greater than the winner (root.val), anything lower than the loser won’t be the second MIN value for sure. Loser by itself can be the potential second MIN value if the winner side of the subtree is empty or has large values. So take loser of root as a candidate for second MIN value and ignore the rest of the loser side tree.
IV. Having sorted out the loser side, now let’s look at the winner side (root.left in the example). Root.left by itself is a tournament tree with the same winner as the main tree. Based on III, any nodes under the loser side (root.left.left) of root.left will not be the second MIN. So take loser of root.left as a candidate for second MIN and ignore the rest of the loser side. So we again look at the winner side (root.left.right) which by itself is a tournament tree with the same winner as root. Therefore the root node on its loser side is a candidate as the second MIN, or the second MIN could reside in the winner side that takes further searching to be found.
Now it is clear that the same pattern applies to any layer of the subtrees.
Depth First Search Recursive function findSecondMIN(root) applies to ONLY the winner side of every subtree. When the second MIN of the winner side tree is figured out, compare it with the loser’s value and return the smaller one between the two. That will be the 2nd MIN of the root.
Base case: when to stop searching? At any leaf node, there is no second MIN value for a tree with no descendent. In this case return positive infinity or NULL to tell the upper layer of recursion, do not select the result from this side of the tree.