
Twitter has become a prominent tool for political communication. During the 2016 elections twitter was used extensively by politicians to speak directly to their political opponents and the American people. All of the 100 US senators have an official verified twitter account ( According to George Washington University all but 7 congresspersons have twitter accounts ( Many news companies and websites have been dedicated to analyzing political tweets. The BBC published 7 articles and 5 TV segments involving Donald Trump’s tweets between June and September 2017. USA Today published an opinion article on July 10th, 2017 suggesting President Trump’s twitter account may be against the law. is a website that provides information about all the tweets issued by members of congress. They also offer statistics about most followed and new followers for each congressperson. However, even with all of this monitoring and analysis of political tweets it is unclear if statements made via twitter are then translated into political action. This capstone project will analyze President Trump’s tweets. Some of the questions I will try to answer are:

  • What does President Trump tweet about?
  • Do his tweets translate into official actions of any kind?
    In [87]:
    # general imports
    import pandas as pd
    import numpy as np
    from datetime import datetime
    from collections import defaultdict
    import pickle
    # imports for webscraping and text manipulation
    import requests
    import re
    import io
    import urllib
    # imports to convert pdf to text
    from pdfminer.pdfinterp import PDFResourceManager, PDFPageInterpreter
    from pdfminer.converter import TextConverter
    from pdfminer.layout import LAParams
    from pdfminer.pdfpage import PDFPage
    # text cleaning imports
    import nltk'punkt')
    from nltk.tokenize import word_tokenize
    # imports for cosine similarity with NMF
    from sklearn.decomposition import NMF
    from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfVectorizer
    from sklearn.preprocessing import normalize
    from sklearn.feature_extraction import text
    from collections import namedtuple
    # imports for data visualization
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    import seaborn as sns
    # special matplotlib argument for in notebook improved plots
    from matplotlib import rcParams
    # import for data exploration'stopwords')
    from nltk.corpus import stopwords
    import itertools
    from collections import Counter
    import seaborn as sns'ggplot')
    [nltk_data] Downloading package punkt to
    [nltk_data]     C:\Users\aregel\AppData\Roaming\nltk_data...
    [nltk_data]   Package punkt is already up-to-date!
    [nltk_data] Downloading package stopwords to
    [nltk_data]     C:\Users\aregel\AppData\Roaming\nltk_data...
    [nltk_data]   Package stopwords is already up-to-date!

    Part 1: Data Wrangle

    Load and transform the data for analysis

    The first step in this analysis is to obtain and clean the data. The twitter data was obtained using the [Trump Twitter Archive](, the data is from 01/20/2017 - 03/02/2018 2:38 PM MST. I used the Federal Register's website to obtain all of the actions published by the Executive Office for the same time frame.

    Collect and Clean Twitter Data

    Convert json data to pandas dataframe

    In [11]:
    # load json twitter data
    twitter_json = r'data/twitter_01_20_17_to_3-2-18.json'
    # Convert to pandas dataframe
    tweet_data = pd.read_json(twitter_json)

    Clean-up data types and identify hashtags and @mentions

    In [13]:
    # helper functions
    # identify hash tags
    def hash_tag(text):
        return re.findall(r'(#[^\s]+)', text) 
    # identify @mentions
    def at_tag(text):
        return re.findall(r'(@[A-Za-z_]+)[^s]', text)
    In [14]:
    # set column 'created_at' to the index
    tweet_data.set_index('created_at', drop=True, inplace= True)
    # convert timestamp index to a datetime index
    DatetimeIndex(['2018-03-02 03:04:51', '2018-03-02 02:59:37',
                   '2018-03-02 02:58:35', '2018-03-02 00:52:43',
                   '2018-03-02 00:51:28', '2018-03-01 21:31:32',
                   '2018-03-01 20:40:52', '2018-03-01 18:26:55',
                   '2018-03-01 18:06:30', '2018-03-01 12:12:42',
                   '2017-01-20 18:00:43', '2017-01-20 17:58:24',
                   '2017-01-20 17:55:44', '2017-01-20 17:54:36',
                   '2017-01-20 17:54:00', '2017-01-20 17:53:17',
                   '2017-01-20 17:52:45', '2017-01-20 17:51:58',
                   '2017-01-20 17:51:25', '2017-01-20 12:31:53'],
                  dtype='datetime64[ns]', name='created_at', length=2792, freq=None)
    In [15]:
    # tokenize all the tweet's text
    tweet_data['text_tokenized'] = tweet_data['text'].apply(lambda x: word_tokenize(x.lower()))
    # apply hash tag function to text column
    tweet_data['hash_tags'] = tweet_data['text'].apply(lambda x: hash_tag(x))
    # apply at_tag function to text column
    tweet_data['@_tags'] = tweet_data['text'].apply(lambda x: at_tag(x))
    In [16]:
    favorite_count id_str is_retweet retweet_count source text text_tokenized hash_tags @_tags
    2018-03-02 03:04:51 72306 969408165308747776 False 14304 Twitter for iPhone Good (Great) meeting in the Oval Office tonigh... [good, (, great, ), meeting, in, the, oval, of... [] []
    2018-03-02 02:59:37 0 969406846602752000 True 4612 Twitter for iPhone RT @IvankaTrump: My OpEd on the importance of ... [rt, @, ivankatrump, :, my, oped, on, the, imp... [#YouthSports] [@IvankaTrump]
    2018-03-02 02:58:35 0 969406584534257664 True 7927 Twitter for iPhone RT @Scavino45: “Trump Comes Through — Save... [rt, @, scavino45, :, “trump, comes, through... [] [@Scavino]
    2018-03-02 00:52:43 60701 969374909209239552 False 12139 Twitter for iPhone Manufacturing growing at the fastest pace in a... [manufacturing, growing, at, the, fastest, pac... [] []
    2018-03-02 00:51:28 60380 969374597127778304 False 12339 Twitter for iPhone Jobless claims at a 49 year low! [jobless, claims, at, a, 49, year, low, !] [] []

    Save clean twitter data as pickle

    In [7]:
    # pickle data
    tweet_pickle_path = r'data/twitter_01_20_17_to_3-2-18.pickle'

    Scrape and format Data from Federal Register

    In [9]:
    # Define the 2017 url that contains all of the Executive Office of the President's published documents
    executive_office_url_2017 = r'' 
    executive_office_url_2018 = r'' 
    # scrape all urls for pdf documents published in 2017 and 2018 by the U.S.A. Executive Office
    pdf_urls= []
    for url in [executive_office_url_2017,executive_office_url_2018]:
        response = requests.get(url)
        pattern = re.compile(r'https:.*\.pdf')
        pdfs = re.findall(pattern, response.text)
    In [10]:
    # writes all of the pdfs to the data folder
    start = 'data/'
    end = '.pdf'
    num = 0
    for i in range(0,(len(pdf_urls))):
        for url in pdf_urls[i]:
            ver = str(num)
            pdf_path = start + ver + end
            r = requests.get(url)
            file = open(pdf_path, 'wb')
            num = num + 1

    Create a dataframe with the published date and text for each pdf

    In [2]:
    # helper functions
    # function to convert pdf to text from stack overflow (
    def convert_pdf_to_txt(path):
        rsrcmgr = PDFResourceManager()
        retstr = io.StringIO()
        codec = 'utf-8'
        laparams = LAParams()
        device = TextConverter(rsrcmgr, retstr, codec=codec, laparams=laparams)
        fp = open(path, 'rb')
        interpreter = PDFPageInterpreter(rsrcmgr, device)
        password = ""
        maxpages = 0
        caching = True
        pagenos = set()
        for page in PDFPage.get_pages(fp, pagenos, maxpages=maxpages,
        text = retstr.getvalue()
        return text
    # finds the first time the name of a day appears in the txt, and returns that name
    def find_day(word_generator):
        day_list = ['Monday,', 'Tuesday,', 'Wednesday,', 'Thursday,', 'Friday,', 'Saturday,', 'Sunday,']
        day_name_dict = {'Mon':'Monday,', 'Tue':'Tuesday,','Wed':'Wednesday,','Thu':'Thursday,','Fri':'Friday,','Sat':'Saturday,','Sun':'Sunday,'}
        day_name = []
        for val in word_generator:
            if val in day_list:
                num_position = txt.index(val)
                day_name.append(txt[num_position] + txt[num_position + 1] + txt[num_position +2])
        return day_name_dict[day_name[0]]
    # takes text and returns the first date in the document
    def extract_date(txt):
        word_generator = (word for word in txt.split())
        day_name = find_day(word_generator)
        txt_start = int(txt.index(day_name))
        txt_end = txt_start + 40
        date_txt = txt[txt_start:txt_end].replace('\n','')
        cleaned_txt = re.findall('.* \d{4}', date_txt)
        date_list = cleaned_txt[0].split()
        clean_date_list = map(lambda x:x.strip(","), date_list)
        clean_date_string = ", ".join(clean_date_list)
        date_obj = datetime.strptime(clean_date_string, '%A, %B, %d, %Y')
        return date_obj
    In [3]:
    # create dictionary where: publication date = key, text = value
    start_path = r'data/'
    end_path = '.pdf'
    data_dict = defaultdict(list)
    for i in range(0,312):
        file_path = start_path + str(i) + end_path
        txt = convert_pdf_to_txt(file_path)
        date_obj = extract_date(txt)
    In [4]:
    # create list of tuples where: (date, text)
    tuple_lst = []
    for k, v in data_dict.items():
        if v != None:
            for text in v:
                tuple_lst.append((k, text))
    In [5]:
    # create dataframe from list of tuples
    fed_reg_dataframe = pd.DataFrame.from_records(tuple_lst, columns=['date','str_text'], index = 'date')
    In [6]:
    # tokenize all the pdf text
    fed_reg_dataframe['token_text'] = fed_reg_dataframe['str_text'].apply(lambda x: word_tokenize(x.lower()))

    Save federal register data as a pickle file to use in later analysis

    In [7]:
    # final dataframe
    final_df = fed_reg_dataframe[fed_reg_dataframe.index > '2017-01-20']
    # pickle final data
    fed_reg_data = r'data/fed_reg_data.pickle'

    Part 2: Explore the Data

    1. Determine the most used hashtags
    2. Determine who President Trump tweeted at(@) the most
    3. Create a word frequency plot for the most used words in the twitter data and the presidental documents
    4. Find words that both data sets have in common, and determine those words document frequency (what percentage of documents those words appear in)

    In [2]:
    # load federal document data from pickle file
    fed_reg_data = r'data/fed_reg_data.pickle'
    fed_data = pd.read_pickle(fed_reg_data)
    # load twitter data from csv
    twitter_file_path = r'data/twitter_01_20_17_to_3-2-18.pickle'
    twitter_data = pd.read_pickle(twitter_file_path)
    In [3]:
    # find the most used hashtags
    hashtag_freq = Counter(list(itertools.chain(*(twitter_data.hash_tags))))
    hashtag_top20 = hashtag_freq.most_common(20)
    # find the most used @ tags
    at_tag_freq = Counter(list(itertools.chain(*(twitter_data['@_tags']))))
    at_tags_top20 = at_tag_freq.most_common(20)

    Most used hastags

    In [4]:
    # frequency plot for the most used hashtags
    df = pd.DataFrame(hashtag_top20, columns=['Hashtag', 'frequency'])
    ax = df.plot(kind='bar', x='Hashtag',legend=None,figsize=(14,10))
    # change tick markes
    plt.tick_params(top='off', bottom = 'on', left = 'on', right = 'off', labelleft = 'on', labelbottom = 'on')
    plt.ylabel('Frequency', fontsize=25)
    plt.xlabel('Hashtag', fontsize=25)

    Most used @tags

    In [5]:
    # frequency plot for the most used @ tags
    df = pd.DataFrame(at_tags_top20, columns=['@ Tag', 'frequency'])
    ax = df.plot(kind='bar', x='@ Tag',legend=None, figsize=(14,10))
    # change tick markes
    plt.tick_params(top='off', bottom = 'on', left = 'on', right = 'off', labelleft = 'on', labelbottom = 'on')
    plt.ylabel('Frequency', fontsize=25)
    plt.xlabel('@Tag', fontsize=25)

    Top used words for the twitter data and the federal document data

    In [6]:
    # use nltk's list of stopwords
    stop_words = set(stopwords.words('english'))
    # add puncuation to stopwords
    stop_words.update(['.', ',','get','going','one', 'amp','like' '"','...',"''", "'","n't", '?', '!', ':', ';', '#','@', '(', ')', 'https', '``',"'s", 'rt' ])
    # combine the hashtags and @ tags, flatten the list of lists, keep the unique items
    stop_twitter = set(list(itertools.chain(*(twitter_data.hash_tags + twitter_data['@_tags']))))
    # stop words for federal documents
    stop_fed_docs = ['united', 'states', '1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','10', '11','12','13','14','15',
                     '16','17','18','19','20','21','22','23','24','25','26','27','28','29','30','31','2016', '2015','2014',
                     'federal','shall','1.','2.','3.', '4790', 'national', '2017', 'order','president', 'presidential', 'sep',
                     'register','po','verdate', 'jkt','00000','frm','fmt','sfmt','vol','section','donald',
                     'act','america', 'executive','secretary', 'law', 'proclamation','81','day','including', 'code', 
                     '4705','authority', 'agencies', '241001', 'americans','238001','year', 'amp',
                     'nation', '82', 'sec', 'laws', 'policy','set','fr','appropriate','doc','new','filed',
                     'u.s.c','department','ii','also','office','country','within','memorandum', 'director', 'us', 
                     'sunday','monday', 'tuesday','wednesday','thursday', 'friday', 'saturday', 'title','upon',
                     'constitution','support', 'vested','part', 'month', 'subheading','foreign','general','january',
                     'february', 'march', 'april','may','june','july','august', 'september', 'october',
                     'november', 'december', 'council','provide','consistent','pursuant','thereof','00001','documents',
                     '11:15', 'area','management','following','house','white','week','therefore',
                     'amended', 'continue', 'chapter','must','years', '00002', 'use','make','date','one',
                     'many','12', 'commission','provisions', 'every','u.s.','functions','made','hand','necessary', 
                     'witness','time','otherwise', 'proclaim', 'follows','thousand', 'efforts','jan', 'trump','j.',
                     'applicable', '4717','whereof','hereunto', 'subject', 'report','3—', '3295–f7–p']
    In [7]:
    # helper functions
    def remove_from_fed_data(token_lst):
        # remove stopwords and one letter words
        filtered_lst = [word for word in token_lst if word.lower() not in stop_fed_docs and len(word) > 1 and word.lower() not in stop_words]
        return filtered_lst 
    def remove_from_twitter_data(token_lst):
        # remove stopwords and one letter words
        filtered_lst = [word for word in token_lst if word.lower() not in stop_words and len(word) > 1 and word.lower() not in stop_twitter]
        return filtered_lst
    In [8]:
    # apply the remove_stopwords function to all of the tokenized twitter text
    twitter_words = twitter_data.text_tokenized.apply(lambda x: remove_from_twitter_data(x))
    # apply the remove_stopwords function to all of the tokenized document text
    document_words = fed_data.token_text.apply(lambda x: remove_from_fed_data(x))
    # flatten each the word lists into one list
    all_twitter_words = list(itertools.chain(*twitter_words))
    all_document_words =list(itertools.chain(*document_words))
    In [9]:
    # create a dictionary using the Counter method, where the key is a word and the value is the number of time it was used
    twitter_freq = Counter(all_twitter_words)
    doc_freq = Counter(all_document_words)
    # determine the top 30 words used in the twitter data
    top_30_tweet = twitter_freq.most_common(30)
    top_30_fed = doc_freq.most_common(30)

    Frequency plots for most used words in the federal data and twitter data

    In [10]:
    # frequency plot for the most used Federal Data
    df = pd.DataFrame(top_30_fed, columns=['Federal Data', 'frequency'])
    ax = df.plot(kind='bar', x='Federal Data',legend=None, figsize=(14,10))
    # change tick markes
    plt.tick_params(top='off', bottom = 'on', left = 'on', right = 'off', labelleft = 'on', labelbottom = 'on')
    plt.ylabel('Frequency', fontsize=20)
    plt.xlabel('Top Federal Data Words', fontsize=20)
    In [69]:
    # frequency plot for the most used words in the twitter data
    df = pd.DataFrame(top_30_tweet, columns=['Twitter Data', 'frequency'])
    ax = df.plot(kind='bar', x='Twitter Data',legend=None, figsize=(14,10))
    # change tick markes
    plt.tick_params(top='off', bottom = 'on', left = 'on', right = 'off', labelleft = 'on', labelbottom = 'on')
    plt.ylabel('Frequency', fontsize=20)
    plt.xlabel('Top Twitter Words', fontsize=20)
    In [17]:
    # find the unique words in each dataset
    joint_words = list((set(all_document_words)).intersection(all_twitter_words))
    # make array of zeros
    values = np.zeros(len(joint_words))
    # create dictionary
    joint_words_dict = dict(zip(joint_words, values))
    # create a dictionary with a word as key, and a value = number of documents that contain the word for Twitter
    twitter_document_freq = joint_words_dict.copy()
    for word in joint_words:
        for lst in twitter_data.text_tokenized:
            if word in lst:
                twitter_document_freq[word]= twitter_document_freq[word] + 1
    # create a dictionary with a word as key, and a value = number of documents that contain the word for Fed Data
    fed_document_freq = joint_words_dict.copy()
    for word in joint_words:
        for lst in fed_data.token_text:
            if word in lst:
                fed_document_freq[word]= fed_document_freq[word] + 1
    df = pd.DataFrame([fed_document_freq, twitter_document_freq]).T
    df.columns = ['Fed', 'Tweet']
    df['% Fed'] = (df.Fed/len(df.Fed))*100
    df['% Tweet'] = (df.Tweet/len(df.Tweet))*100
    top_joint_fed = df[['% Fed','% Tweet']].sort_values(by='% Fed', ascending=False)[0:30] 
    top_joint_tweet = df[['% Fed','% Tweet']].sort_values(by='% Tweet', ascending=False)[0:30]
    In [18]:
    top_joint_fed = df[['% Fed','% Tweet']].sort_values(by='% Fed', ascending=False)[0:30] 
    top_joint_tweet = df[['% Fed','% Tweet']].sort_values(by='% Tweet', ascending=False)[0:30]
    In [36]:
    # plot the top words used in the fedaral data that are also in tweets
    ax =,9))
    # change tick markes
    plt.tick_params(top='off', bottom = 'on', left = 'on', right = 'off', labelleft = 'on', labelbottom = 'on')
    plt.ylabel('Word Document Frequency of Documents(Tweets)', fontsize=20)
    plt.xlabel('Top Words that Occur in Both Tweets and Federal Documents', fontsize=20)
    In [38]:
    # plot the top words used in tweets that are also in federal data
    ax =,9))
    # change tick markes
    plt.tick_params(top='off', bottom = 'on', left = 'on', right = 'off', labelleft = 'on', labelbottom = 'on')
    plt.ylabel('Word Document Frequency of Tweets(Documents)', fontsize=20)
    plt.xlabel('Top Words that Occur in Both Tweets and Federal Documents', fontsize=20)
    In [40]:
    # plot the words that are used with the same frequency in both the twitter and federal data
    df['diff %'] = df['% Fed'] - df['% Tweet']
    top_same = df[df['diff %'] == 0].sort_values(by='% Fed', ascending=False)[0:50]
    ax = top_same[['% Fed', '% Tweet']],8))
    # change tick markes
    plt.tick_params(top='off', bottom = 'on', left = 'on', right = 'off', labelleft = 'on', labelbottom = 'on')
    plt.ylabel('Document Frequency', fontsize=20)
    plt.xlabel('Top Words that Occur in Both Tweets and Federal Documents', fontsize=20)

    Part 2 Conclusions:

    The informal and non-regular grammar used in tweets makes a direct comparison with documents published by the Executive Office, which uses formal vocabulary and grammar, difficult. Thus, I will use two different methods to analyze the data, topic determination with non-zero matrix factorization (NMF) and document similarity using cosine similarity. The cosine similarity metric compares the distance between document vectors, instead of direct word comparison. Higher cosine similarities between two documents indicate greater topic similarity.

    Part 3: Analyze Twitter and Federal Data using NMF and Cosine Similarity

    Part 3A: Transform data for analysis

    In [42]:
    # load federal document data from pickle file
    fed_reg_data = r'data/fed_reg_data.pickle'
    fed_data = pd.read_pickle(fed_reg_data)
    # load twitter data from csv
    twitter_file_path = r'data\twitter_01_20_17_to_3-2-18.pickle'
    twitter_data = pd.read_pickle(twitter_file_path)
    # Change the index (date), to a column
    fed_data['date'] = fed_data.index
    twitter_data['date'] = twitter_data.index
    # keep text strings and rename columns
    fed = fed_data[['str_text', 'date']].rename({'str_text': 'texts'}, axis = 'columns')
    tweet = twitter_data[['text', 'date']].rename({'text': 'texts'}, axis = 'columns')
    # Add a label for the type of document (Tweet = 0, Fed = 1)
    tweet['label'] = 0
    fed['label'] = 1
    # concatinate the dataframes
    comb_text = pd.concat([fed,tweet])
    # Re_index so that each doc has a unique id_number
    comb_text = comb_text.reset_index()
    comb_text['ID'] = range(0,len(comb_text))
    # Look at the dataframe to make sure it works
    comb_text = comb_text[['texts','date','label', 'ID']]
    texts date label ID
    0 Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 161 / Tues... 2017-08-22 1 0
    1 Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 188 / Frid... 2017-09-29 1 1
    2 42706 \n\nFederal Register / Vol. 82, No. ... 2017-09-11 1 2

    Identify nonsense words for both twitter and federal data

    In [43]:
    # nonsense words, and standard words like proclimation and dates
    more_stop = set(['presidential', 'documents', 'therfore','i','donald', 'j', 'trump', 'president', 'order', 
                     'authority', 'vested', 'articles','january','february','march','april','may','june','july','august','september','october',
                     '2017','2018','act','agencies','agency','wh','rtlwanjjiq','pmgil08opp','blkgzkqemw','qcdljff3wn','erycjgj23r ','fzep1e9mo7','m0hmpbuz6c','rdo6jt2pip','kyv866prde','aql4jlvndh',
                 'tx5snacaas','t0eigo6lp8','jntoth0mol','8b8aya7v1s', 'x25t9tqani','q7air0bum2','ypfvhtq8te','ejxevz3a1r','1zo6zc2pxt',
                 'strciewuws','lhos4naagl','djlzvlq6tj', 'theplumlinegs', '3eyf3nir4b','cbewjsq1a3','lvmjz9ax0u',
                 'k2jakipfji','œthe ','p1fh8jmmfa','vhmv7qoutk','mkuhbegzqs','ajic3flnki','mvjbs44atr',
                 'cr4i8dvunc','bsp5f3pgbz','rlwst30gud','rlwst30gud','g4elhh9joh', '2017', 'January', 'kuqizdz4ra', 
                 'nvdvrrwls4','ymuqsvvtsb', 'rgdu9plvfk','bk7sdv9phu','b5qbn6llze','xgoqphywrt ','hscs4y9zjk ',
    # defines all stop words
    my_stop = text.ENGLISH_STOP_WORDS.union(more_stop)

    Part 3B: Create a matrix representation of the text

    Computers cannot understand a text like humans, so in order to analyze text data, I first need to make every word a feature (column) in an array, where each document (row) is represented by a weighted* frequency of each word (column) they contain. An example text and array are shown below.

    Using Scikit Learn to create a word-frequency array:

    • Define list of stop words (nonsense or non-meaninful words, such as 'the', 'a', 'of', 'q34fqwer3').
    • Instantiate a tf-idf object (term frequency-inverse document frequency reweighting), that removes the stop words, and filters any word that appears in 99% of the documents
    • Create a matrix representation of the documents
    • Create list of the words each feature(column) represents

    *Weighting the word frequencies lowers the importance of very frequently used, domain-specific, words

    In [45]:
    # Instantiate TfidfVectorizer to remove common english words, and any word used in 99% of the documents
    tfidf = TfidfVectorizer(stop_words = my_stop , max_df = 0.99)
    # create matrix representation of all documents
    text_mat = tfidf.fit_transform(comb_text.texts)
    # make a list of feature words
    words = tfidf.get_feature_names()

    Topic analysis using NMF

    Deconstruct the text matrix with non-zero matrix factorization (NMF) into discreet components:

    • Instantiate NMF model with 200 components and initialized with Nonnegative Double Singular Value Decomposition (NNDSVD, better for sparseness)
    • Fit(learn the NMF model for the tf-idf matrix) model
    • Transform the model, which applies the fit to the matirix
    • Make a dataframe with the NMF components for each word

    In [131]:
    # instantiate model
    NMF_model = NMF(n_components=200 , init = 'nndsvd')
    # fit the model
    # transform the text frequecy matrix using the fitted NMF model
    nmf_features = NMF_model.transform(text_mat)
    # create a dataframe with words as a columns, NMF components as rows
    components_df = pd.DataFrame(NMF_model.components_, columns = words)

    Find the top 5 topic words for each component

    Using the components dataframe create a dictionary with components as keys, and top words as values:

    • Make an empty dictionary and loop through each row of NMF components
    • Add to the dictionary where the key is the NMF component and the value is the topic words for that component (the column names with the largest component values)

    In [132]:
    # create dictionary with the key = component, value = top 5 words
    topic_dict = {}
    for i in range(0,160):
        component = components_df.iloc[i, :]
        topic_dict[i] = component.nlargest()
    In [133]:
    # look at a few of the component topics
    Index(['10', '00', '20', '90', 'section'], dtype='object')
    Index(['america', 'americafirstðÿ', 'encourages', 'prosperity', 'grow'], dtype='object')

    Results of part 3 A and B:

    Looking through the top words for each component, the top 5 words do seem to represent a topic.

    Part 3C: Cosine Similarity

    The informal and non-regular grammar used in tweets makes a direct comparison with documents published by the Executive Office, which uses formal vocabulary and grammar, difficult. Therefore, I will use the metric, cosine similarity, which compares the distance between feature vectors, instead of direct word comparison. Higher cosine similarities between two documents indicate greater topic similarity.

    Calculating cosine similarities of NMF features:

    • Normalize NMF features
    • Create dataframe where each row contains the normalized NMF features for a document and its ID number
    • Look at each row(decomposed article) and calculate its cosine similarity to all other document's normalized NMF features
    • Create a dictionary where the key is the document ID, and the value is a pandas series of the 5 most similar documents (including its self)

    In [134]:
    # normalize previouly found nmf features
    norm_features = normalize(nmf_features)
    #dataframe of document's NMF features, where rows are documents and columns are NMF components
    df_norms = pd.DataFrame(norm_features)
    # initialize empty dictionary
    similarity_dict= {}
    # loop through each row of the df_norms dataframe
    for i in range(len(norm_features)):
        # isolate one row, by ID number
        row = df_norms.loc[i]
        # calculate the top cosine similarities
        top_sim = (
        # append results to dictionary
        similarity_dict[i] = (top_sim.index, top_sim)

    Part 4: Use the cosine similarity results to explore how (or if) President Trump's tweets and official actions correlate

    Part 4A: Find Twitter documents that have at least one federal document in its top 5 cosine similarity scores (and vice versa)

    Using the results of part 3C, find the types of documents are the most similar, then sum the labels (0=twitter, 1= federal document). If similar documents are a mix of tweets and federal documents, then the sum of their value will be either 1,2,3 or 4.

    • Create a dataframe with the document ID number as the index and the document type label (tweet = 0, fed_doc = 1)
    • Loop through each document in the dataframe and use the similarity dictionary to find the list of most similar document ID numbers and the sum of the similarity scores
    • For each list of similar documents, sum the value of the document type labels. If the sum value is 1, 2, 3, or 4, that means there are both tweets and federal documents in the group

    In [135]:
    # dataframe with document ID and labels
    doc_label_df = comb_text[['label', 'ID']].copy().set_index('ID')
    # inialize list for the sum of all similar documents label
    label_sums =[]
    similarity_score_sum = []
    # loop through all of the documents
    for doc_num in doc_label_df.index:
        # sum the similarity scores
        similarity_sum = similarity_dict[doc_num][1].sum()
        #find the list of similar documents
        similar_doc_ID_list = list(similarity_dict[doc_num][0])    
        # loop through labels
        s_label = 0
        for ID_num in similar_doc_ID_list:
            # sum the label values for each similar document
            s_label = s_label + doc_label_df.loc[ID_num].label
        # append the sum of the labels for ONE document
    # add the similarity score sum to dataframe as separate column
    doc_label_df['similarity_score_sum'] = similarity_score_sum
    # add the similar document's summed label value to the dataframe as a separate column
    doc_label_df['sum_of_labels'] = label_sums

    Part 4b: Group tweets that have similar federal documents (and vice versa)

    Isolate documents with mixed types of similar documents and high similarity scores

    • Filter dataframe to include only top_similar_label_sums with a value of 1, 2, 3, or 4
    • Filter again to only include groups with high combinded similarity scores
    • Remove any duplicate groups

    In [136]:
    # Filter dataframe for federal documents with similar tweets, and vice versa
    df_filtered = doc_label_df[doc_label_df['sum_of_labels'] != 0][doc_label_df['sum_of_labels'] != 5].copy().reset_index()
    # Look at the ones that have all top 5 documents with a cosine similarity score of 0.9 or above.  
    #The sum of scores need to be 4.6 or higher
    similar_score_min = 4.6
    highly_similar = df_filtered[df_filtered.similarity_score_sum >= similar_score_min]
    # create a list of all the group lists
    doc_groups = []
    for doc_id in highly_similar.ID:
    # make the interior lists tuples, then make a set of them
    unique_groups = list(set([tuple(x) for x in doc_groups]))
    C:\Users\aregel\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\ UserWarning: Boolean Series key will be reindexed to match DataFrame index.

    Group Again

    Many of the unique groups are only different by one document. Those groups are similar to each other and should be combined.

    In [138]:
    # make a list of groups that are similar
    similar_groups = []
    for num1 in range(len(unique_groups)):
        for num2 in range(len(unique_groups)):
            crossover_count = len((set(unique_groups[num1]) & set(unique_groups[num2])))
            if crossover_count == 4:
                lst = [num1, num2]
                if lst not in similar_groups:
    In [149]:
    # create list of document ID's of similar documents
    similar_docs = []
    for group1, group2 in similar_groups:
        combo = list(set(unique_groups[group1]) & set(unique_groups[group2]))
        if combo not in similar_docs:
    In [150]:
    [[1471, 111, 2997, 2991],
     [148, 972, 973, 822],
     [20, 4, 3013, 2487],
     [2584, 20, 4, 3013],
     [922, 195, 236, 230],
     [20, 243, 4, 3013],
     [178, 349, 222, 2714]]

    Part 5: Manually look at some documents. Are they similar?

    In [151]:
    # print document IDs grouped together
    Iran just test-fired a Ballistic Missile capable of reaching Israel.They are also working with North Korea.Not much of an agreement we have!
    In [152]:
    Federal  Register 
    Vol.  82,  No.  119 
    Thursday,  June  22,  2017 
    Title  3— 
    The  President 
    Presidential Documents
    Presidential  Determination  No.  2017–06  of  May  17,  2017 
    Presidential  Determination  Pursuant  to  Section  1245(d)(4)(B) 
    and  (C)  of  the  National  Defense  Authorization  Act  for  Fiscal 
    Year  2012 
    Memorandum  for  the  Secretary  of  State[,]  the  Secretary  of  the  Treasury[, 
    and]  the  Secretary  of  Energy 
    By  the  authority  vested  in  me  as  President  by  the  Constitution  and  the 
    laws  of  the  United  States,  after  carefully  considering  the  reports  submitted 
    to  the  Congress  by  the  Energy  Information  Administration,  including  the 
    report  submitted  April  11,  2017,  and  other  relevant  factors  such  as  global 
    economic conditions, increased oil production by certain countries, the level 
    of  spare  petroleum  production  capacity,  and  the  availability  of  strategic 
    reserves, I determine, pursuant to section 1245(d)(4)(B) and (C) of the National 
    Defense  Authorization  Act  for  Fiscal  Year  2012,  Public  Law  112–81,  and 
    consistent  with  prior  determinations,  that  there  is  a  sufficient  supply  of 
    petroleum  and  petroleum  products  from  countries  other  than  Iran  to  permit 
    a  significant  reduction  in  the  volume  of  petroleum  and  petroleum  products 
    purchased  from  Iran  by  or  through  foreign  financial  institutions.  As  my 
    Administration  conducts  a  review  of  its  Iran  policy,  and  consistent  with 
    United  States  commitments  specified  in  the  Joint  Comprehensive  Plan  of 
    Action,  however,  the  United  States  is  not  pursuing  efforts  to  reduce  Iran’s 
    sales of crude oil at this time. 
    I will continue to monitor this situation closely. 
    The  Secretary  of  State  is  authorized  and  directed  to  publish  this  determina-
    tion in the Federal Register. 
    Washington,  May  17,  2017 
    [FR  Doc.  2017–13199 
    Filed  6–21–17;  8:45  am] 
    Billing  code  4710–10–P 
    VerDate Sep<11>2014  18:48 Jun 21, 2017 Jkt 241001 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4705 Sfmt 4790 E:\FR\FM\22JNO0.SGM 22JNO0
    In [153]:
    Iran was on its last legs and ready to collapse until the U.S. came along and gave it a life-line in the form of the Iran Deal: $150 billion
    In [154]:
    Iran is rapidly taking over more and more of Iraq even after the U.S. has squandered three trillion dollars there. Obvious long ago!


    All of the documents in the first group are about Iran, including 3 tweets and 1 federal document. However, only 7 unique groups were generated using this method. So although I did find tweets that are similar to official action taken by the president, I don't think there is enough evidence to support the theory that tweets are an indicator of official action.

    In [ ]: