In this notebook the predictor will be used to estimate the new states and rewards for the dyna (hallucinated) iterations, of the Q-learning agent.

In [1]:
# Basic imports
import os
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import datetime as dt
import scipy.optimize as spo
import sys
from time import time
from sklearn.metrics import r2_score, median_absolute_error

%matplotlib inline

%pylab inline
pylab.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = (20.0, 10.0)

%load_ext autoreload
%autoreload 2


from sklearn.externals import joblib

Populating the interactive namespace from numpy and matplotlib

First, let's try to instantiate the best predictor that was found

In [2]:
best_params_df = pd.read_pickle('../../data/best_params_final_df.pkl')

GOOD_DATA_RATIO SAMPLES_GOOD_DATA_RATIO ahead_days base_days model mre r2 step_days train_days train_val_time x_filename y_filename
1.0 0.99 0.9 1.0 112.0 linear 0.015856 0.986599 7.0 504.0 -1.0 x_base112_ahead1.pkl y_base112_ahead1.pkl
7.0 0.99 0.9 7.0 112.0 linear 0.042367 0.923348 7.0 756.0 -1.0 x_base112_ahead7.pkl y_base112_ahead7.pkl
14.0 0.99 0.9 14.0 112.0 linear 0.060167 0.865259 7.0 756.0 -1.0 x_base112_ahead14.pkl y_base112_ahead14.pkl
28.0 0.99 0.9 28.0 112.0 linear 0.091966 0.758046 7.0 756.0 -1.0 x_base112_ahead28.pkl y_base112_ahead28.pkl
56.0 0.99 0.9 56.0 112.0 linear 0.127913 0.590426 7.0 756.0 -1.0 x_base112_ahead56.pkl y_base112_ahead56.pkl

In [3]:
import predictor.feature_extraction as fe
from predictor.linear_predictor import LinearPredictor
import utils.misc as misc
import predictor.evaluation as ev

ahead_days = 1

# Get some parameters
train_days = int(best_params_df.loc[ahead_days, 'train_days'])
train_val_time, \
base_days, \
step_days, \
ahead_days, \
x_filename, \
y_filename = misc.unpack_params(best_params_df.loc[ahead_days,:])

pid = 'base{}_ahead{}'.format(base_days, ahead_days)

# Get the datasets
x_train = pd.read_pickle('../../data/x_{}.pkl'.format(pid))
y_train = pd.read_pickle('../../data/y_{}.pkl'.format(pid))
x_test = pd.read_pickle('../../data/x_{}_test.pkl'.format(pid)).sort_index()
y_test = pd.DataFrame(pd.read_pickle('../../data/y_{}_test.pkl'.format(pid))).sort_index()

# Let's cut the training set to use only the required number of samples
end_date = x_train.index.levels[0][-1]
start_date = fe.add_market_days(end_date, -train_days)
x_sub_df = x_train.loc[(slice(start_date,None),slice(None)),:]
y_sub_df = pd.DataFrame(y_train.loc[(slice(start_date,None),slice(None))])

# Create the estimator and train
estimator = LinearPredictor(), y_sub_df)

# Get the training and test predictions
y_train_pred = estimator.predict(x_sub_df)
y_test_pred = estimator.predict(x_test)

# Get the training and test metrics for each symbol
metrics_train = ev.get_metrics_df(y_sub_df, y_train_pred)
metrics_test = ev.get_metrics_df(y_test, y_test_pred)

# Show the mean metrics
metrics_df = pd.DataFrame(columns=['train', 'test'])
metrics_df['train'] = metrics_train.mean()
metrics_df['test'] = metrics_test.mean()
print('Mean metrics: \n{}\n{}'.format(metrics_df,'-'*70))

# Plot the metrics in time
metrics_train_time = ev.get_metrics_in_time(y_sub_df, y_train_pred, base_days + ahead_days)
metrics_test_time = ev.get_metrics_in_time(y_test, y_test_pred, base_days + ahead_days)
plt.plot(metrics_train_time[2], metrics_train_time[0], label='train', marker='.')
plt.plot(metrics_test_time[2], metrics_test_time[0], label='test', marker='.')
plt.title('$r^2$ metrics')
plt.plot(metrics_train_time[2], metrics_train_time[1], label='train', marker='.')
plt.plot(metrics_test_time[2], metrics_test_time[1], label='test', marker='.')
plt.title('MRE metrics')

Mean metrics: 
        train      test
r2   0.983486  0.976241
mre  0.008762  0.013906
<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x7f8529da1438>

Let's see the range of the test set (to check that no data from the recommender test set is in the training set for the predictor)

In [4]:
print('The first training day for the predictor is: {}.'.format(start_date))

The first training day for the predictor is: 2012-07-16 00:00:00.

In [5]:
print('The last training day for the predictor is: {}.'.format(fe.add_market_days(end_date, base_days)))

The last training day for the predictor is: 2014-12-26 00:00:00.

In [6]:
print('The testing data for the recommender')
total_data_test_df = pd.read_pickle('../../data/data_test_df.pkl').stack(level='feature')

The testing data for the recommender
date feature
2015-01-02 Close 40.56 53.91 158.56 109.33 65.89 90.46 44.90 88.84 72.34 55.54 ... 43.60 92.83 51.93 13.75 38.08 50.17 72.35 112.59 28.29 43.31
High 41.31 54.60 162.50 111.44 66.40 91.32 45.45 90.09 73.20 56.25 ... 43.93 93.05 53.12 14.02 38.59 50.78 73.51 114.61 28.72 43.70
Low 40.37 53.07 157.47 107.35 65.49 89.82 44.64 88.43 71.89 54.97 ... 43.11 91.81 51.88 13.66 37.50 49.47 72.00 111.78 28.06 43.06
Open 41.18 54.28 160.85 111.39 65.62 90.61 45.25 89.67 72.70 55.68 ... 43.51 92.25 52.13 13.88 38.40 50.66 73.44 114.21 28.67 43.46
Volume 1530798.00 10756705.00 509983.00 53204626.00 5087291.00 1124780.00 3217165.00 2021565.00 2356405.00 1329619.00 ... 2402443.00 10220410.00 1829006.00 3912022.00 606118.00 11924473.00 1641557.00 909491.00 2299118.00 1784851.00

5 rows × 499 columns

In [7]:
print('The first TEST day for the recommender is: {}'.format(total_data_test_df.index[-0]))

The first TEST day for the recommender is: (Timestamp('2015-01-02 00:00:00'), 'Close')


The predictor will be used as it is, without retraining, for simplicity and computational performance

In [8]:
joblib.dump(estimator, '../../data/best_predictor.pkl')


Let's test the saved predictor... just in case.

In [9]:
estimator_reloaded = joblib.load('../../data/best_predictor.pkl')

# Get the training and test predictions
y_train_pred = estimator_reloaded.predict(x_sub_df)
y_test_pred = estimator_reloaded.predict(x_test)

# Get the training and test metrics for each symbol
metrics_train = ev.get_metrics_df(y_sub_df, y_train_pred)
metrics_test = ev.get_metrics_df(y_test, y_test_pred)

# Show the mean metrics
metrics_df = pd.DataFrame(columns=['train', 'test'])
metrics_df['train'] = metrics_train.mean()
metrics_df['test'] = metrics_test.mean()
print('Mean metrics: \n{}\n{}'.format(metrics_df,'-'*70))

# Plot the metrics in time
metrics_train_time = ev.get_metrics_in_time(y_sub_df, y_train_pred, base_days + ahead_days)
metrics_test_time = ev.get_metrics_in_time(y_test, y_test_pred, base_days + ahead_days)
plt.plot(metrics_train_time[2], metrics_train_time[0], label='train', marker='.')
plt.plot(metrics_test_time[2], metrics_test_time[0], label='test', marker='.')
plt.title('$r^2$ metrics')
plt.plot(metrics_train_time[2], metrics_train_time[1], label='train', marker='.')
plt.plot(metrics_test_time[2], metrics_test_time[1], label='test', marker='.')
plt.title('MRE metrics')

Mean metrics: 
        train      test
r2   0.983486  0.976241
mre  0.008762  0.013906
<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x7f8529b37f60>

Looks good to me.

Let's assume that the data comes as real values for one ticker

In [17]:
# Get the data
total_data_train_df = pd.read_pickle('../../data/data_train_val_df.pkl').stack(level='feature')
data_train_df = total_data_train_df[SYMBOL].unstack()[['Close', 'Volume']]

In [18]:

feature Close Volume
1993-01-29 43.94 1003200.0
1993-02-01 44.25 480500.0
1993-02-02 44.34 201300.0
1993-02-03 44.81 529400.0
1993-02-04 45.00 531500.0

In [41]:
def generate_samples(data_df):
    start_date = data_df.index[0]
    close_sample = pd.DataFrame(data_df['Close'].values, columns=[start_date]).T
    close_sample = close_sample / close_sample.iloc[0,0]
    volume_sample = pd.DataFrame(data_df['Volume'].values, columns=[start_date]).T
    volume_sample = volume_sample / volume_sample.iloc[0,0]
    return close_sample, volume_sample

In [42]:
data_df = data_train_df[:112]

In [43]:
start_date = data_df.index[0]
close_sample = pd.DataFrame(data_df['Close'].values, columns=[start_date]).T
close_sample = close_sample / close_sample.iloc[0,0]
volume_sample = pd.DataFrame(data_df['Volume'].values, columns=[start_date]).T
volume_sample = volume_sample / volume_sample.iloc[0,0]

In [44]:

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ... 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111
1993-01-29 1.0 1.007055 1.009103 1.0198 1.024124 1.023441 1.023441 1.016386 1.017751 1.022758 ... 1.019117 1.030496 1.025489 1.025489 1.022758 1.017069 1.006372 1.009103 1.020482 1.023441

1 rows × 112 columns

In [45]:
close_sample, volume_sample = generate_samples(data_df)

In [46]:

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ... 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111
1993-01-29 1.0 1.007055 1.009103 1.0198 1.024124 1.023441 1.023441 1.016386 1.017751 1.022758 ... 1.019117 1.030496 1.025489 1.025489 1.022758 1.017069 1.006372 1.009103 1.020482 1.023441

1 rows × 112 columns

In [47]:

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ... 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111
1993-01-29 1.0 0.478967 0.200658 0.527711 0.529805 0.49053 0.594199 0.121711 0.378389 0.019438 ... 0.044657 0.438497 0.206838 0.436204 0.603768 0.28449 0.245614 0.342604 0.247408 0.376994

1 rows × 112 columns

Now, let's predict one step

In [155]:
history_df = data_train_df[:112]

In [156]:
estimator_close = joblib.load('../../data/best_predictor.pkl')
estimator_volume = joblib.load('../../data/best_volume_predictor.pkl')

In [157]:
h_history_df = history_df.copy()

In [167]:
def predict_one_step(h_history_df, keep=False):
    close_sample, volume_sample = generate_samples(h_history_df)
    estimated_close = estimator_close.predict(close_sample).iloc[0,0] * h_history_df['Close'].iloc[0]
    estimated_volume = estimator_volume.predict(volume_sample).iloc[0,0] * h_history_df['Volume'].iloc[0]
    predicted_date = fe.add_market_days(h_history_df.index[-1], 1)
    h_history_df = h_history_df.drop(h_history_df.index[0])
    h_history_df.loc[predicted_date,:] = {'Close': estimated_close,'Volume': estimated_volume}
    return h_history_df

In [159]:
close_sample, volume_sample = generate_samples(h_history_df)
estimated_close = estimator_close.predict(close_sample).iloc[0,0] * h_history_df['Close'].iloc[0]
estimated_volume = estimator_volume.predict(volume_sample).iloc[0,0] * h_history_df['Volume'].iloc[0]

In [160]:


In [161]:
predicted_date = fe.add_market_days(h_history_df.index[-1], 1)

Timestamp('1993-07-12 00:00:00')

In [162]:

feature Close Volume
1993-01-29 43.94 1003200.0
1993-02-01 44.25 480500.0
1993-02-02 44.34 201300.0
1993-02-03 44.81 529400.0
1993-02-04 45.00 531500.0
1993-02-05 44.97 492100.0
1993-02-08 44.97 596100.0
1993-02-09 44.66 122100.0
1993-02-10 44.72 379600.0
1993-02-11 44.94 19500.0
1993-02-12 44.59 42500.0
1993-02-16 43.47 374800.0
1993-02-17 43.44 210900.0
1993-02-18 43.41 378100.0
1993-02-19 43.56 34900.0
1993-02-22 43.72 513600.0
1993-02-23 43.69 373700.0
1993-02-24 44.25 26300.0
1993-02-25 44.34 44500.0
1993-02-26 44.41 66200.0
1993-03-01 44.28 66500.0
1993-03-02 44.94 182400.0
1993-03-03 45.12 280100.0
1993-03-04 44.88 89500.0
1993-03-05 44.75 40000.0
1993-03-08 45.75 50800.0
1993-03-09 45.59 169300.0
1993-03-10 45.69 194400.0
1993-03-11 45.56 70900.0
1993-03-12 45.09 643600.0
... ... ...
1993-05-27 45.44 53800.0
1993-05-28 45.22 79100.0
1993-06-01 45.66 28300.0
1993-06-02 45.59 20300.0
1993-06-03 45.44 21600.0
1993-06-04 45.28 32000.0
1993-06-07 45.12 121400.0
1993-06-08 44.72 104500.0
1993-06-09 44.88 43300.0
1993-06-10 44.91 17900.0
1993-06-11 45.09 647400.0
1993-06-14 45.03 64200.0
1993-06-15 44.94 142400.0
1993-06-16 45.03 330900.0
1993-06-17 45.19 37400.0
1993-06-18 44.50 58500.0
1993-06-21 44.59 29300.0
1993-06-22 44.62 137500.0
1993-06-23 44.22 227600.0
1993-06-24 44.81 243700.0
1993-06-25 44.78 44800.0
1993-06-28 45.28 439900.0
1993-06-29 45.06 207500.0
1993-06-30 45.06 437600.0
1993-07-01 44.94 605700.0
1993-07-02 44.69 285400.0
1993-07-06 44.22 246400.0
1993-07-07 44.34 343700.0
1993-07-08 44.84 248200.0
1993-07-09 44.97 378200.0

112 rows × 2 columns

In [163]:
h_history_df = h_history_df.drop(h_history_df.index[0])
h_history_df.loc[predicted_date,:] = {'Close': estimated_close,'Volume': estimated_volume}

feature Close Volume
1993-02-01 44.250000 480500.000000
1993-02-02 44.340000 201300.000000
1993-02-03 44.810000 529400.000000
1993-02-04 45.000000 531500.000000
1993-02-05 44.970000 492100.000000
1993-02-08 44.970000 596100.000000
1993-02-09 44.660000 122100.000000
1993-02-10 44.720000 379600.000000
1993-02-11 44.940000 19500.000000
1993-02-12 44.590000 42500.000000
1993-02-16 43.470000 374800.000000
1993-02-17 43.440000 210900.000000
1993-02-18 43.410000 378100.000000
1993-02-19 43.560000 34900.000000
1993-02-22 43.720000 513600.000000
1993-02-23 43.690000 373700.000000
1993-02-24 44.250000 26300.000000
1993-02-25 44.340000 44500.000000
1993-02-26 44.410000 66200.000000
1993-03-01 44.280000 66500.000000
1993-03-02 44.940000 182400.000000
1993-03-03 45.120000 280100.000000
1993-03-04 44.880000 89500.000000
1993-03-05 44.750000 40000.000000
1993-03-08 45.750000 50800.000000
1993-03-09 45.590000 169300.000000
1993-03-10 45.690000 194400.000000
1993-03-11 45.560000 70900.000000
1993-03-12 45.090000 643600.000000
1993-03-15 45.310000 310800.000000
... ... ...
1993-05-28 45.220000 79100.000000
1993-06-01 45.660000 28300.000000
1993-06-02 45.590000 20300.000000
1993-06-03 45.440000 21600.000000
1993-06-04 45.280000 32000.000000
1993-06-07 45.120000 121400.000000
1993-06-08 44.720000 104500.000000
1993-06-09 44.880000 43300.000000
1993-06-10 44.910000 17900.000000
1993-06-11 45.090000 647400.000000
1993-06-14 45.030000 64200.000000
1993-06-15 44.940000 142400.000000
1993-06-16 45.030000 330900.000000
1993-06-17 45.190000 37400.000000
1993-06-18 44.500000 58500.000000
1993-06-21 44.590000 29300.000000
1993-06-22 44.620000 137500.000000
1993-06-23 44.220000 227600.000000
1993-06-24 44.810000 243700.000000
1993-06-25 44.780000 44800.000000
1993-06-28 45.280000 439900.000000
1993-06-29 45.060000 207500.000000
1993-06-30 45.060000 437600.000000
1993-07-01 44.940000 605700.000000
1993-07-02 44.690000 285400.000000
1993-07-06 44.220000 246400.000000
1993-07-07 44.340000 343700.000000
1993-07-08 44.840000 248200.000000
1993-07-09 44.970000 378200.000000
1993-07-12 45.096931 317005.444336

112 rows × 2 columns

In [164]:
h_history_df = history_df.copy()

for i in range(20):
    h_history_df = predict_one_step(h_history_df.copy())

Just for fun, let's see some predictions...

In [177]:
h_history_df = history_df.copy()
predicted_df = pd.DataFrame()

for i in range(112):
    h_history_df = predict_one_step(h_history_df.copy())
    predicted_df = predicted_df.append(h_history_df.iloc[-1])

In [178]:

Close Volume
1993-07-12 45.096931 317005.444336
1993-07-13 45.272855 234663.131714
1993-07-14 45.352824 214566.215515
1993-07-15 45.394431 221401.904297
1993-07-16 45.528650 214040.344238
1993-07-19 45.531005 225595.892334
1993-07-20 45.584072 202098.783875
1993-07-21 45.672890 176303.114319
1993-07-22 45.680850 190819.433594
1993-07-23 45.593667 159563.713074
1993-07-26 45.715988 205371.704102
1993-07-27 45.832896 194119.818115
1993-07-28 45.977559 166442.243958
1993-07-29 46.106970 188824.995422
1993-07-30 46.025468 177809.684753
1993-08-02 46.132740 157451.440430
1993-08-03 46.226434 163128.808594
1993-08-04 46.340224 168103.535461
1993-08-05 46.380099 159743.972778
1993-08-06 46.412681 174360.876465
1993-08-09 46.569444 134458.137512
1993-08-10 46.657768 157866.064453
1993-08-11 46.764914 161390.016174
1993-08-12 46.899871 161131.683350
1993-08-13 46.843561 168693.847656
1993-08-16 46.917006 153741.778564
1993-08-17 46.908179 145202.856445
1993-08-18 46.957220 163674.975586
1993-08-19 47.179815 156884.208679
1993-08-20 47.193003 174177.392578
... ... ...
1993-11-04 50.929699 156432.595825
1993-11-05 50.940004 150538.153076
1993-11-08 51.015914 156254.121399
1993-11-09 51.037842 151454.243469
1993-11-10 51.226688 156661.633301
1993-11-11 51.266941 162682.617188
1993-11-12 51.362671 156605.184937
1993-11-15 51.450026 152773.208618
1993-11-16 51.535433 160660.469055
1993-11-17 51.582946 152807.156372
1993-11-18 51.620447 173595.584106
1993-11-19 51.739458 176346.240234
1993-11-22 51.773475 176841.870117
1993-11-23 51.815487 177174.087524
1993-11-24 51.931993 168392.449951
1993-11-26 52.041623 165126.640320
1993-11-29 52.150271 168954.719543
1993-11-30 52.288375 168614.578247
1993-12-01 52.279436 169158.032227
1993-12-02 52.379620 165528.286743
1993-12-03 52.437111 153546.093750
1993-12-06 52.454606 165083.322144
1993-12-07 52.541034 164385.871887
1993-12-08 52.627165 169782.336426
1993-12-09 52.645518 173587.911987
1993-12-10 52.763918 166172.686768
1993-12-13 52.897331 160526.953125
1993-12-14 53.000237 163752.575684
1993-12-15 53.074286 164596.865845
1993-12-16 53.126134 167482.305908

112 rows × 2 columns

In [180]:
real_df = history_df.append(data_train_df[112:224])
plt.plot(real_df.index, real_df['Close'], 'b', label='real')
plt.plot(predicted_df.index, predicted_df['Close'], 'r', label='predicted')

In [ ]:

In [ ]:

In [ ]: