This is a notebook that is a starting point for QA against the couchdb database currently used for storing UCLDC harvested records. Can add cells for checking other data values. There must be a "_value" QA view in couchdb for the functions below to work.
In [12]:
#import some basic useful libraries and functions
from __future__ import print_function
import sys
import os
Connect to the couchdb database. The database name is 'ucldc' for our system.
In [13]:
import couchdb
Create functions for finding missing field data.
In [14]:
def get_missing_for_field(field_path, collection_id=None):
'''Calls the couchdb view corresponding to <field_path>_value, using start/end key values to get only
documents which are MISSING the field entirely.
If no collection_id is given, it will work on all documents in the DB and could be very slow.
viewname = 'qa_reports/{0}_value'.format(field_path)
start_key = ["__MISSING__"]
end_key = ["__MISSING__"]
if collection_id:
end_key.append({}) # empty dict
view=db.view(viewname, startkey=start_key, endkey=end_key,group_level=3)
missing_list = [r for r in view]
return missing_list
def get_missing_for_field_in_collections(field_path, collection_ids):
'''Get missings for a number of collections'''
missing_list = []
for cid in collection_ids:
missing_list.extend(get_missing_for_field(field_path, collection_id=cid))
return missing_list
Unfortunately, blank or "null" values need to be handled differently
In [15]:
def get_null_for_field(field_path, collection_id=None):
'''Calls the couchdb view corresponding to <field_path>_value, using start/end key values to get only
documents which have null or blank string values for the field.
If no collection_id is given, it will work on all documents in the DB and could be very slow.
viewname = 'qa_reports/{0}_value'.format(field_path)
start_key = []
end_key = [""]
if collection_id:
end_key.append({}) # empty dict
print("SKEY:{} EKEY:{}".format(start_key, end_key))
view=db.view(viewname, startkey=start_key, endkey=end_key, group_level=3)
null_list = [r for r in view]
return null_list
def get_null_for_field_in_collections(field_path, collection_ids):
'''Get null or blank for a number of collections'''
missing_list = []
for cid in collection_ids:
null_list.extend(get_missing_for_field(field_path, collection_id=cid))
return null_list
This will print out all the records found for the criteria. This could be a very long list.
In [16]:
#now flag problems, there are certain items that should never be missing
def report_missing_for_field(field, collection_id=None):
'''convenience function for reporting'''
missing = get_missing_for_field(field, collection_id=collection_id)
for row in missing:
print('Missing {0}: {1}'.format(field, row['key'][2]), file=sys.stderr) #outputting to stderr make red bkgnd
In [17]:
report_missing_for_field('dataProvider', collection_id=1675)
In [21]:
missing = get_missing_for_field('sourceResource.identifier')
print('Number missing identifier:{}'.format(len(missing)))
collection_ids = [row['key'][1] for row in missing]
collection_ids = set(collection_ids) # this will give unique collection ids for missing id docs
print('Collection ids:{}'.format(collection_ids))
print('First 10:{}'.format([row['key'][2] for row in missing[:10]]), file=sys.stderr)
In [22]:
In [23]:
report_missing_for_field('isShownBy', collection_id=1675)
In [24]:
In [25]:
missing = get_missing_for_field_in_collections('isShownBy', (1675, 1750))
for row in missing:
print('Missing "isShownBy" for {}'.format(row['key'][2]), file=sys.stderr)
In [26]:
### missing = get_missing_for_field('sourceResource.collection.description')
### print('MISSING collection descrip:{}'.format(len(missing)))
null = get_null_for_field('sourceResource.collection.description')
print('null collection descrip:{}'.format(len(null)))
for i in null[:10]:
In [ ]: