Assignment 2

Before working on this assignment please read these instructions fully. In the submission area, you will notice that you can click the link to Preview the Grading for each step of the assignment. This is the criteria that will be used for peer grading. Please familiarize yourself with the criteria before beginning the assignment.

An NOAA dataset has been stored in the file data/C2A2_data/BinnedCsvs_d400/fb441e62df2d58994928907a91895ec62c2c42e6cd075c2700843b89.csv. The data for this assignment comes from a subset of The National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI) Daily Global Historical Climatology Network (GHCN-Daily). The GHCN-Daily is comprised of daily climate records from thousands of land surface stations across the globe.

Each row in the assignment datafile corresponds to a single observation.

The following variables are provided to you:

  • id : station identification code
  • date : date in YYYY-MM-DD format (e.g. 2012-01-24 = January 24, 2012)
  • element : indicator of element type
    • TMAX : Maximum temperature (tenths of degrees C)
    • TMIN : Minimum temperature (tenths of degrees C)
  • value : data value for element (tenths of degrees C)

For this assignment, you must:

  1. Read the documentation and familiarize yourself with the dataset, then write some python code which returns a line graph of the record high and record low temperatures by day of the year over the period 2005-2014. The area between the record high and record low temperatures for each day should be shaded.
  2. Overlay a scatter of the 2015 data for any points (highs and lows) for which the ten year record (2005-2014) record high or record low was broken in 2015.
  3. Watch out for leap days (i.e. February 29th), it is reasonable to remove these points from the dataset for the purpose of this visualization.
  4. Make the visual nice! Leverage principles from the first module in this course when developing your solution. Consider issues such as legends, labels, and chart junk.

The data you have been given is near Ann Arbor, Michigan, United States, and the stations the data comes from are shown on the map below.

In [1]:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import mplleaflet
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

def leaflet_plot_stations(binsize, hashid):

    df = pd.read_csv('BinSize_d{}.csv'.format(binsize))

    station_locations_by_hash = df[df['hash'] == hashid]

    lons = station_locations_by_hash['LONGITUDE'].tolist()
    lats = station_locations_by_hash['LATITUDE'].tolist()


    plt.scatter(lons, lats, c='r', alpha=0.7, s=200)

    return mplleaflet.display()



Inspecting the data

Let's start by inspecting what kind of data we have.

In [2]:
df = pd.read_csv("fb441e62df2d58994928907a91895ec62c2c42e6cd075c2700843b89.csv")

In [3]:

ID Date Element Data_Value
0 USW00094889 2014-11-12 TMAX 22
1 USC00208972 2009-04-29 TMIN 56
2 USC00200032 2008-05-26 TMAX 278
3 USC00205563 2005-11-11 TMAX 139
4 USC00200230 2014-02-27 TMAX -106

In [4]:
print("Unique days in the dataset: {}".format(len(df["Date"].unique())))

Unique days in the dataset: 4017

In [5]:
print("Observations in the dataset: {}".format(df.shape[0]))

Observations in the dataset: 165085

It seems that our data contains 165085 observations for 4017 days. So there are several observations per day. Let's see how the date looks if we sort it by the date.

In [6]:

ID Date Element Data_Value
60995 USW00004848 2005-01-01 TMIN 0
17153 USC00207320 2005-01-01 TMAX 150
17155 USC00207320 2005-01-01 TMIN -11
10079 USW00014833 2005-01-01 TMIN -44
10073 USW00014833 2005-01-01 TMAX 33

Preprocessing for the plot

We will be working on month and day basis so let's extract this information to own column.

In [7]:
# Add month-day column so we can find record breaking days from 2015
df["Month-Day"] = df.apply(lambda row: "-".join(row["Date"].split("-")[1:]), axis=1)

In [8]:
df[ df["Month-Day"] == "01-01" ].min()

ID            USC00200032
Date           2005-01-01
Element              TMAX
Data_Value           -160
Month-Day           01-01
dtype: object

Before going further drop leap day from the date set like instructed.

In [9]:
df = df[ df.Date.str.contains("-02-29") == False ]

Let's now convert dates from string to date object.

In [10]:

ID            object
Date          object
Element       object
Data_Value     int64
Month-Day     object
dtype: object

In [11]:
df["Date"] = pd.to_datetime(df["Date"])

In [12]:

ID                    object
Date          datetime64[ns]
Element               object
Data_Value             int64
Month-Day             object
dtype: object

Let's now separate min and max for easier handling.

In [13]:
tmax = df[ df["Element"] == "TMAX" ]
tmin = df[ df["Element"] == "TMIN" ]

In [14]:

ID Date Element Data_Value Month-Day
18232 USC00205050 2005-01-01 TMIN -17 01-01
24805 USW00094889 2005-01-01 TMIN -56 01-01
17155 USC00207320 2005-01-01 TMIN -11 01-01
35479 USC00201502 2005-01-01 TMIN -39 01-01
49827 USC00200228 2005-01-01 TMIN -39 01-01

In [15]:

ID Date Element Data_Value Month-Day
3058 USC00205822 2005-01-01 TMAX 128 01-01
55102 USC00200032 2005-01-01 TMAX 67 01-01
41334 USC00208080 2005-01-01 TMAX 33 01-01
17153 USC00207320 2005-01-01 TMAX 150 01-01
39569 USC00200842 2005-01-01 TMAX 144 01-01

Group to 2005-2014 and 2015 to own datasets.

We also need to find dates when record low and high were broken in 2015. Strategy here is to merge min/max and 2015 data frames on 'month-day', keep only high/low for each day and keep 2015 values only if they are lower or higher than day observation for period 2005-2014.

In [16]:
# Take year earlier than 2015
df_period_min = tmin[ tmin["Date"] < "2015-01-01" ]
df_period_max = tmax[ tmax["Date"] < "2015-01-01" ]

# Separate 2015
df_2015_min = tmin[ tmin["Date"] >= "2015-01-01" ]
df_2015_max = tmax[ tmax["Date"] >= "2015-01-01" ]

In [17]:
tmax_grouped = df_period_max.groupby("Month-Day").max()
tmin_grouped = df_period_min.groupby("Month-Day").min()

tmax_15_grouped = df_2015_max.groupby("Month-Day").max()
tmin_15_grouped = df_2015_min.groupby("Month-Day").min()

In [18]:
tmin_15_grouped = tmin_15_grouped.reset_index()
df_min= tmin_grouped.reset_index().merge(tmin_15_grouped, on="Month-Day").set_index("Month-Day")

tmax_15_grouped = tmax_15_grouped.reset_index()
df_max= tmax_grouped.reset_index().merge(tmax_15_grouped, on="Month-Day").set_index("Month-Day")

df_max.rename(columns={"Data_Value_y":"Data_Max_2015", "Data_Value_x" : "Data_Value"}, inplace=True)
df_min.rename(columns={"Data_Value_y":"Data_Min_2015", "Data_Value_x" : "Data_Value"}, inplace=True)

In [19]:

ID_x Date_x Element_x Data_Value ID_y Date_y Element_y Data_Max_2015
01-01 USW00094889 2014-01-01 TMAX 156 USW00094889 2015-01-01 TMAX 11
01-02 USW00094889 2014-01-02 TMAX 139 USW00094889 2015-01-02 TMAX 39
01-03 USW00094889 2014-01-03 TMAX 133 USW00014853 2015-01-03 TMAX 39
01-04 USW00094889 2014-01-04 TMAX 106 USW00094889 2015-01-04 TMAX 44
01-05 USW00094889 2014-01-05 TMAX 128 USW00094889 2015-01-05 TMAX 28

In [20]:

ID_x Date_x Element_x Data_Value ID_y Date_y Element_y Data_Min_2015
01-01 USC00200032 2005-01-01 TMIN -160 USC00200032 2015-01-01 TMIN -133
01-02 USC00200032 2005-01-02 TMIN -267 USC00200032 2015-01-02 TMIN -122
01-03 USC00200032 2005-01-03 TMIN -267 USC00200032 2015-01-03 TMIN -67
01-04 USC00200032 2005-01-04 TMIN -261 USC00200032 2015-01-04 TMIN -88
01-05 USC00200032 2005-01-05 TMIN -150 USC00200032 2015-01-05 TMIN -155

For 2015 columns keep values only if value is higher or lower than for 2005-2014 months. Setting values to np.NaN is a good way of setting value to none since NaN values are not included in plot or in possible calculations.

In [21]:
df_min["Data_Min_2015"] = df_min.apply(lambda row: row["Data_Min_2015"] if (row["Data_Min_2015"] < row["Data_Value"]) else np.NaN , axis=1)
df_max["Data_Max_2015"] = df_max.apply(lambda row: row["Data_Max_2015"] if (row["Data_Max_2015"] > row["Data_Value"]) else np.NaN , axis=1)

In [22]:
df_min = df_min.sort_index()
df_max = df_max.sort_index()

Plotting the data

In [23]:
%matplotlib notebook

In [24]:
# Reset indexes so plots can be drawn
df_min = df_min.reset_index()
df_max = df_max.reset_index()

In [25]:
import datetime
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.dates as mdates

days = mdates.DayLocator()   # every day
years = mdates.YearLocator()   # every year
months = mdates.MonthLocator()  # every month
fmt = mdates.DateFormatter('%m-%d')

fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.plot(df_min.index, df_min["Data_Value"], label="Low")
ax.plot(df_max.index, df_max["Data_Value"], label="High")

# format the ticks

ax.scatter(df_min.index, df_min["Data_Min_2015"], s=10, c="blue", alpha=0.5, label="Low (2015)", zorder=10)
ax.scatter(df_max.index, df_max["Data_Max_2015"], s=10, c="red", alpha=0.5, label="High (2015)", zorder=10)

ax.fill_between(df_min.index, df_min["Data_Value"], df_max["Data_Value"], facecolor='cyan')

# Simplify graph
plt.legend(loc=9, bbox_to_anchor=(0.5, -0.25), ncol=4, frameon = False)
ax.tick_params(top='off', bottom='on', left='off', right='off', labelleft='on', labelbottom='on')

# set labels and title
plt.ylabel("Temperature, Tenths of Degrees C")
plt.title("Daily Minimum and Maximum\nAnn Arbor, Michigan")

plt.xticks(np.arange(1, 365, 30), rotation=45)

# make some room for the legend