In this notebook I am going to learn about BitArrays (i.e. arrays of booleans) and image indexing in general.

I am going to create an artistic representation of the original image in the following way:

  1. For an input image, create an "edge map" of the edges.
  2. Blur the edge map to add some thickness
  3. Create a binary mask on the blurred edge map
  4. Save the binary mask into a new image with a random color value

The end result will be an abstract representation of the original image, rendered with the edges at various colors.

There are a number of ways to generate edge maps, so I am going to try generating two of them:

  1. Using the "Image energy", or the square of the high frequency component of the image
  2. Using the gradient magnitude of the Sobel image kernel applied horizontally and vertically.

The final painting will be evocative of Andy Warhol, but only a little ;)

Setting up, loading images, converting to Grayscale

In [356]:
using Images, FileIO, Colors;

The test image is going to be our former president, Barack Obama.

In [357]:
img = load("obama.jpg")


And it's an RGB image, as we can see:

In [358]:


But I want to manipulate the grayscale image, since to compute things like image gradients (to find edges), it is easier to define on grayscale images. The same . casting notation can be used with the Gray color type.

In [359]:
gray_img = Gray.(img)


And we can see the image is now of type Gray.

In [360]:


You access the gray value with .val, since if you just try to index an image to see its value, the actual color pixel will get rendered.

In [362]:
gray_img[1, 1].val


In [363]:
gray_img[1, 1]


Find the edges

Two ways of computing sharpness map:

Image gray = color2gray(im);
Image blurred_gray = gaussianBlur_seperable(gray, sigma);
Image high_freq = gray - blurred_gray;
Image sharpness_map = gaussianBlur_seperable(high_freq * high_freq, 4 * sigma);
sharpness_map = sharpness_map / sharpness_map.max();
return sharpness_map;

Image gradientMagnitude(const Image &im, bool clamp){

// sobel filtering in x direction
Filter sobelX(3, 3);
sobelX(0,0) = -1.0; sobelX(1,0) = 0.0; sobelX(2,0) = 1.0;
sobelX(0,1) = -2.0; sobelX(1,1) = 0.0; sobelX(2,1) = 2.0;
sobelX(0,2) = -1.0; sobelX(1,2) = 0.0; sobelX(2,2) = 1.0;

Image imSobelX = sobelX.Convolve(im, clamp);

// sobel filtering in y direction
Filter sobelY(3, 3);
sobelY(0,0) = -1.0; sobelY(1,0) = -2.0; sobelY(2,0) = -1.0;
sobelY(0,1) = 0.0; sobelY(1,1) = 0.0; sobelY(2,1) = 0.0;
sobelY(0,2) = 1.0; sobelY(1,2) = 2.0; sobelY(2,2) = 1.0;

Image imSobelY = sobelY.Convolve(im, clamp);

// squared magnitude
Image magnitude = imSobelX*imSobelX + imSobelY*imSobelY;

// take the square root
for(int i=0; i<magnitude.number_of_elements(); i++ ){
    magnitude(i) = sqrt(magnitude(i));

return magnitude;


In [7]:

search: reduce reducedim mapreduce mapreducedim

reduce(op, v0, itr)

Reduce the given collection ìtr with the given binary operator op. v0 must be a neutral element for op that will be returned for empty collections. It is unspecified whether v0 is used for non-empty collections.

Reductions for certain commonly-used operators have special implementations which should be used instead: maximum(itr), minimum(itr), sum(itr), prod(itr), any(itr), all(itr).

The associativity of the reduction is implementation dependent. This means that you can't use non-associative operations like - because it is undefined whether reduce(-,[1,2,3]) should be evaluated as (1-2)-3 or 1-(2-3). Use foldl or foldr instead for guaranteed left or right associativity.

Some operations accumulate error, and parallelism will also be easier if the reduction can be executed in groups. Future versions of Julia might change the algorithm. Note that the elements are not reordered if you use an ordered collection.

reduce(op, itr)

Like reduce(op, v0, itr). This cannot be used with empty collections, except for some special cases (e.g. when op is one of +, *, max, min, &, |) when Julia can determine the neutral element of op.

In [8]:
reduce(max, [x.val for x in high_energy])

UndefVarError: high_energy not defined

In [9]:
reduce(min, [x.val for x in high_energy])

UndefVarError: high_energy not defined

In [10]:

search: imfilter imfilter! imfilter_fft imfilter_LoG imfilter_gaussian

imfilter([T], img, kernel, [border="replicate"], [alg]) --> imgfilt
imfilter([r], img, kernel, [border="replicate"], [alg]) --> imgfilt
imfilter(r, T, img, kernel, [border="replicate"], [alg]) --> imgfilt

Filter an array img with kernel kernel by computing their correlation.

kernel[0,0,..] corresponds to the origin (zero displacement) of the kernel; you can use centered to place the origin at the array center, or use the OffsetArrays package to set kernel's indices manually. For example, to filter with a random centered 3x3 kernel, you could use either of the following:

kernel = centered(rand(3,3))
kernel = OffsetArray(rand(3,3), -1:1, -1:1)

kernel can be specified as an array or as a "factored kernel," a tuple (filt1, filt2, ...) of filters to apply along each axis of the image. In cases where you know your kernel is separable, this format can speed processing. Each of these should have the same dimensionality as the image itself, and be shaped in a manner that indicates the filtering axis, e.g., a 3x1 filter for filtering the first dimension and a 1x3 filter for filtering the second dimension. In two dimensions, any kernel passed as a single matrix is checked for separability; if you want to eliminate that check, pass the kernel as a single-element tuple, (kernel,).

Optionally specify the border, as one of Fill(value), "replicate", "circular", "symmetric", "reflect", NA(), or Inner(). The default is "replicate". These choices specify the boundary conditions, and therefore affect the result at the edges of the image. See padarray for more information.

alg allows you to choose the particular algorithm: FIR() (finite impulse response, aka traditional digital filtering) or FFT() (Fourier-based filtering). If no choice is specified, one will be chosen based on the size of the image and kernel in a way that strives to deliver good performance. Alternatively you can use a custom filter type, like KernelFactors.IIRGaussian.

Optionally, you can control the element type of the output image by passing in a type T as the first argument.

You can also dispatch to different implementations by passing in a resource r as defined by the ComputationalResources package. For example,

imfilter(ArrayFire(), img, kernel)

would request that the computation be performed on the GPU using the ArrayFire libraries.

See also: imfilter!, centered, padarray, Pad, Fill, Inner, KernelFactors.IIRGaussian.

In [11]:


In [22]:
σ = 3;
img_blurred = imfilter(gray_img, Kernel.gaussian(σ))


is in Python, and you get a "syntax: use "^" instead of """ error if you use it =)

In [36]:
high_freq = gray_img - img_blurred


In [53]:
image_sharpness = imfilter(high_freq .^ 1, Kernel.gaussian(2 * σ));
# normalize sharpness map
image_sharpness ./= maximum(image_sharpness)


In [116]:
threshed = RGB.(Gray.(image_sharpness .> 0.25))


In [133]:
painting = zeros(threshed);

In [134]:
painting[threshed .== RGB(1, 1, 1)] = RGB(1, 0, 0);


In [135]:


In [136]:
n = fill(false, size(threshed));
start_x = 10;
start_y = 10;
n[start_x:end, start_y:end] = (threshed .== RGB(1, 1, 1))[1:end-start_x+1, 1:end-start_y+1];
painting[n] = RGB(0, 1, 0);


Painting algorithm:

  1. Generate a thresholded mask at some randomly-selected value of sigma
  2. Randomly pick a subimage height and width
  3. Randomly pick a color
  4. Randomly pick a starting position in the image
  5. Put it into the original painting

The entire input to the collection is how many iterations of the above steps we want to do

In [229]:
function sharpness_map(img, σ, thresh)
    g = Gray.(img);
    high_freq = g - imfilter(g, Kernel.gaussian(σ));
    sharpness_map = imfilter(high_freq .^ 2, Kernel.gaussian(2 * σ));
    # normalize sharpness map
    sharpness_map ./ reduce(max, [x.val for x in sharpness_map]);
    threshed = image_sharpness .> thresh;

WARNING: Method definition sharpness_map(Any, Any, Any) in module Main at In[196]:2 overwritten at In[229]:2.
sharpness_map (generic function with 2 methods)

In [230]:
function painting_map(s_map)
    size_x, size_y = size(s_map);
    n = fill(false, (size_x, size_y));
    x_start = rand(1:size_x);
    y_start = rand(1:size_y);
    x_end = rand(x_start:size_x);
    y_end = rand(y_start:size_y);
    n[x_start:x_end, y_start:y_end] = s_map[x_start:x_end, y_start:y_end];
    return n;

WARNING: Method definition painting_map(Any) in module Main at In[222]:2 overwritten at In[230]:2.
painting_map (generic function with 1 method)

In [299]:
reference = load("obama.jpg");
size_x = size(reference, 1);
size_y = size(reference, 2);

In [301]:
painting = zeros(reference);
for i in 1:100
    s_map = sharpness_map(reference, 2 * rand() + 0.5, rand() / 2);
    n = painting_map(s_map);
    painting[n] = rand(RGB);


In [339]:
function compute_dst_range(offset, max_val)
    if offset > 0
        return offset+1:max_val;
        return 1:max_val+offset;

WARNING: Method definition compute_dst_range(Any, Any) in module Main at In[338]:2 overwritten at In[339]:2.
compute_dst_range (generic function with 1 method)

In [340]:
function compute_src_range(offset, max_val)
    return 1:max_val-abs(offset);

WARNING: Method definition compute_src_range(Any, Any) in module Main at In[331]:2 overwritten at In[340]:2.
compute_src_range (generic function with 1 method)

In [348]:
function painting_map_offset(s_map)
    size_x, size_y = size(s_map);
    n = fill(false, (size_x, size_y));
    multiplier = 10;
    x_start = Int(round(rand(-1*size_x / multiplier:size_x / multiplier)));
    y_start = Int(round(rand(-1*size_y / multiplier:size_y / multiplier)));
    n[compute_dst_range(x_start, size_x),
      compute_dst_range(y_start, size_y)] = 
        s_map[compute_src_range(x_start, size_x),
              compute_src_range(y_start, size_y)];
    return n;

WARNING: Method definition painting_map_offset(Any) in module Main at In[346]:2 overwritten at In[348]:2.
painting_map_offset (generic function with 1 method)

In [355]:
painting = zeros(reference);
for i in 1:3
    s_map = sharpness_map(reference, 1.5, 0.2);
    n = painting_map_offset(s_map);
    painting[n] = rand(RGB);
