Weighted covariance matrix

Calculate a weighted centered image $(y)_{ij}$ from image $(x)_{ij},\ \ i=1\dots N,\ \ j=1\dots n$, with weights $w_j,\ \ j=1\dots n$, where $N$ is the number of bands and $n$ is the number of pixels:

$$ \bar x_i = {1 \over \sum_{j=1}^n w_j} \sum_{j=1}^n w_j x_{ij},\quad i = 1\dots N $$$$ y_{ij} = x_{ij}-\bar x_i,\quad i = 1\dots N,\ j=1\dots n $$

Calculate the weighted covariance matrix $(c)_{k\ell},\ \ k,\ell = 1\dots N$, of a weighted centered image $(y)_{ij}$:

$$ c_{k,\ell} = {1\over \sum_{i=1}^n w_i}\sum_{j=1}^n w_j y_{kj}y_{\ell j} = {1\over \sum_{i=1}^n w_i}\sum_{j=1}^n \sqrt{w_j} y_{kj}\sqrt{w_j}y_{\ell j} $$

In [1]:
import ee

In [2]:
def covarw(image, weights, scale=30, maxPixels=1e9):
    '''Return the weighted centered image and its weighted covariance matrix'''  
    bandNames = image.bandNames()
    N = bandNames.length()
    weightsImage = image.multiply(ee.Image.constant(0)).add(weights)
    means = image.addBands(weightsImage) \
                 .reduceRegion(ee.Reducer.mean().repeat(N).splitWeights(),scale=scale,maxPixels=maxPixels) \
                 .toArray() \
    centered = image.toArray().subtract(means) 
    B1 = centered.bandNames().get(0)       
    b1 = weights.bandNames().get(0)     
    nPixels = ee.Number(centered.reduceRegion(ee.Reducer.count(), scale=scale, maxPixels=maxPixels).get(B1)) 
    sumWeights = ee.Number(weights.reduceRegion(ee.Reducer.sum(), scale=scale, maxPixels=maxPixels).get(b1))
    covw = centered.multiply(weights.sqrt()) \
                   .toArray() \
                   .reduceRegion(ee.Reducer.centeredCovariance(), scale=scale, maxPixels=maxPixels) \
    covw = ee.Array(covw).multiply(nPixels).divide(sumWeights)
    return (centered.arrayFlatten([bandNames]), covw)


In [4]:
import numpy as np

minlon = -116.117
minlat = 36.964
maxlon = -115.920
maxlat = 37.109
rect = ee.Geometry.Rectangle(minlon,minlat,maxlon,maxlat)
image = ee.Image('LT5_L1T/LT50400341985097XXX04') \
                  .select('B1','B2','B3','B4') \
npixels = ee.Number(image.select(0).reduceRegion(ee.Reducer.count(), scale=30, maxPixels=1e9).get('B1'))         
print 'number of pixels' 
print npixels.getInfo()

# equal weights
weights = image.select(0).multiply(0.0).add(1.0)
_, covw = covarw(image,weights)
print 'unweighted covariance matrix, covarw()'
print np.array(ee.Array(covw).getInfo())

# should be same as ordinary covariance
cov = image.toArray().reduceRegion(ee.Reducer.covariance(),scale=30,maxPixels=1e9)
print 'unweighted covariance matrix, ee.Reducer.covariance()'
print np.array(cov.get('array').getInfo())

# different weights (just the pixel values themselves)
weights = image.float().select(0)
_, covw = covarw(image,weights)
print 'weighted covariance matrix, covarw()'
print np.array(ee.Array(covw).getInfo())

number of pixels
unweighted covariance matrix, covarw()
[[ 259.33425543  177.14129922  244.4465118   210.37476321]
 [ 177.14129922  123.76729454  171.4784849   147.64151241]
 [ 244.4465118   171.4784849   240.47015783  207.079793  ]
 [ 210.37476321  147.64151241  207.079793    183.98393965]]
unweighted covariance matrix, ee.Reducer.covariance()
[[ 257.38355539  175.75911584  242.52176427  208.76011747]
 [ 175.75911584  122.77630875  170.09445611  146.4820375 ]
 [ 242.52176427  170.09445611  238.52687444  205.45357013]
 [ 208.76011747  146.4820375   205.45357013  182.60511107]]
weighted covariance matrix, covarw()
[[ 325.10108124  224.04869256  309.52084381  263.18813647]
 [ 224.04869256  157.41659351  218.24858615  185.65555082]
 [ 309.52084381  218.24858615  305.57113229  260.00265357]
 [ 263.18813647  185.65555082  260.00265357  226.90640376]]

Export images for validation

In [17]:
gdexport = ee.batch.Export.image.toDrive(image,
                                  folder = 'EarthEngineImages',
gdexport = ee.batch.Export.image.toDrive(weights,
                                  folder = 'EarthEngineImages',


In [5]:
import gdal,sys
from osgeo.gdalconst import GA_ReadOnly

inDataseti = gdal.Open('image.tif',GA_ReadOnly)                         
cols = inDataseti.RasterXSize
rows = inDataseti.RasterYSize    
bands = inDataseti.RasterCount

tmp = inDataseti.GetRasterBand(1).ReadAsArray(0,0,cols,rows).astype(float).ravel()
idx = np.where(tmp>0)
npixels = np.size(idx)

print 'number of pixels'
print npixels

print 'unweighted covariance matrix'
G = np.zeros((npixels,bands))
for b in range(bands):
    band = inDataseti.GetRasterBand(b+1)
    tmp = band.ReadAsArray(0,0,cols,rows).astype(float).ravel()
    tmp = tmp[idx]
    G[:,b] = tmp 
C = np.cov(G,rowvar=0)
print C

inDatasetw = gdal.Open('weights.tif',GA_ReadOnly)
cols = inDatasetw.RasterXSize
rows = inDatasetw.RasterYSize  
weights = inDatasetw.GetRasterBand(1).ReadAsArray(0,0,cols,rows).astype(float).ravel()
weights = weights[idx]

print 'weighted covariance matrix'
C = np.cov(G,rowvar=0,aweights=weights)
print C

number of pixels
unweighted covariance matrix
[[ 259.48222731  177.33938745  244.75679969  210.58590453]
 [ 177.33938745  123.96737257  171.78167129  147.86155463]
 [ 244.75679969  171.78167129  240.91928552  207.40979005]
 [ 210.58590453  147.86155463  207.40979005  184.20011058]]
weighted covariance matrix
[[ 325.33716977  224.35560692  310.00655909  263.53623923]
 [ 224.35560692  157.72498044  218.71960511  186.00813348]
 [ 310.00655909  218.71960511  306.27505544  260.53401914]
 [ 263.53623923  186.00813348  260.53401914  227.27566257]]

In [ ]: