Polarimetric SAR Image Analysis with IPython and Docker

Mort Canty (mort.canty@gmail.com)

May 2016


The Docker container mort/sardocker provides easy access to Python scripts for analysis of polarimetric synthetic aperture radar (polSAR) imagery. Some of these scripts are described in Canty(2014), Image analysis, Classification and Change Detection in Remote Sensing, 3rd Revised Ed. The change detection scripts are based upon the work of Conradsen et al (2016). In addition to scripts for polSAR speckle filtering, ENL estimation and change detection, the container encapsulates the command line interface of the ASF MapReady software for terrain correction and geocoding of SAR images. The user interacts with the software in an IPython notebook served from within the Docker container.

Software Installation

  1. Install Docker
  2. In an X-terminal, run the command
    sudo docker run -d -p 433:8888 --name=sar -v your_image_directory:/home/imagery mort/sardocker
    where your_image_directory is the path to your SAR data. (For Windows or Mac OS. see the instructions for sharing volumes in the Docker documentation.)
  3. Point your browser to
  4. Click on this tutorial, or open a new notebook with New/Python 2.

Here is a listing of the main directory /home in the container. It contains the various Python and bash scripts required for preprocessing and change detection:

In [1]:
!cd /media/mort/Elements

In [2]:
!ls -l

insgesamt 83000
-rw-rw-r-- 1 mort mort      554 Sep 29 21:54 asf_mapready.defaults
drwxrwxr-x 2 mort mort     4096 Sep 29 21:54 auxil
drwxrwxr-x 3 mort mort     4096 Sep 29 21:54 build
-rw-rw-r-- 1 mort mort    16968 Sep 29 21:54 dispms.py
drwxrwxr-x 2 mort mort     4096 Sep 29 21:54 dist
-rw-rw-r-- 1 mort mort     3441 Sep 29 21:54 Dockerfile
-rw-rw-r-- 1 mort mort     3082 Sep 29 21:54 emisar.py
-rw-rw-r-- 1 mort mort     8467 Sep 29 21:54 enlml.py
-rw-rw-r-- 1 mort mort    10128 Sep 29 21:54 gamma_filter.py
-rw-rw-r-- 1 mort mort     8079 Sep 29 21:54 gamma_filter_sav.py
-rw-rw-r-- 1 mort mort     3562 Sep 29 21:54 header.py
-rw-rw-r-- 1 mort mort     3016 Sep 29 21:54 header.pyc
-rw-rw-r-- 1 mort mort     4968 Sep 29 21:54 ingest.py
-rw-rw-r-- 1 mort mort     5018 Sep 29 21:54 ingestsar.py
-rw-rw-r-- 1 mort mort     4733 Sep 29 21:54 ingestsars1.py
-rw-rw-r-- 1 mort mort     4187 Sep 29 21:54 ingestvnir.py
-rw-rw-r-- 1 mort mort      112 Sep 29 21:54 install_asf.sh
-rwxrwxr-x 1 mort mort     9528 Sep 29 21:54 libprov_means.so
-rw-rw-r-- 1 mort mort      172 Sep 29 21:54 MANIFEST
-rw-rw-r-- 1 mort mort 68663175 Sep 29 21:54 mapready-3.2.1-src.tar.gz
-rw-rw-r-- 1 mort mort     2933 Sep 29 21:54 mapready.sh
-rw-rw-r-- 1 mort mort     5873 Sep 29 21:54 mergemaps.py
-rw-rw-r-- 1 mort mort     5857 Sep 29 21:54 merge.py
-rw-rw-r-- 1 mort mort     4730 Sep 29 21:54 mergevvvh.py
-rw-rw-r-- 1 mort mort       47 Sep 29 21:54 notebook.sh
-rw-rw-r-- 1 mort mort    10623 Sep 29 21:54 omnibus.py
-rw-rw-r-- 1 mort mort     1312 Sep 29 21:54 omnibus_rs2.sh
-rw-rw-r-- 1 mort mort     1193 Sep 29 21:54 omnibus_s1.sh
-rw-rw-r-- 1 mort mort      693 Sep 29 21:54 prov_means.c
-rw-rw-r-- 1 mort mort     1133 Sep 29 21:54 radarsat2.cfg
-rw-rw-r-- 1 mort mort     1325 Sep 29 21:54 radarsat2quadpol.template
-rw-rw-r-- 1 mort mort     9257 Sep 29 21:54 register.py
-rw-rw-r-- 1 mort mort    12049 Sep 29 21:54 registersar.py
-rw-rw-r-- 1 mort mort    17201 Nov 22 15:56 sar_seq.py
-rw-rw-r-- 1 mort mort     1223 Sep 29 21:54 sar_seq_rs2.sh
-rw-rw-r-- 1 mort mort      872 Sep 29 21:54 sar_seq_s1.sh
-rw-rw-r-- 1 mort mort    13800 Sep 29 21:54 sar_seq_sav.py
-rw-rw-r-- 1 mort mort     1050 Sep 29 21:54 sar_seq.sh
-rw-rw-r-- 1 mort mort      833 Sep 29 21:54 sar_seq_tsx.sh
-rw-rw-r-- 1 mort mort      619 Sep 29 21:54 setup.py
-rw-rw-r-- 1 mort mort      236 Sep 29 21:54 start4engines.sh
-rw-rw-r-- 1 mort mort     4544 Sep 29 21:54 subset.py
-rw-rw-r-- 1 mort mort     3145 Okt 29 11:32 subset.pyc
-rw-rw-r-- 1 mort mort      829 Sep 29 21:54 terrasarxdualpol.template
-rw-rw-r-- 1 mort mort  5024484 Sep 29 21:54 tutorialsar.html
-rw-rw-r-- 1 mort mort  4824934 Sep 29 21:54 tutorialsar.ipynb
-rw-rw-r-- 1 mort mort       50 Sep 29 21:54 utm.prj
-rw-rw-r-- 1 mort mort  2864108 Sep 29 21:54 vortrag.html
-rw-rw-r-- 1 mort mort  2699882 Sep 29 21:54 vortrag.ipynb
-rw-rw-r-- 1 mort mort    11192 Sep 29 21:54 wishart.py
-rw-rw-r-- 1 mort mort      941 Sep 29 21:54 wishart_rs2.sh
-rw-rw-r-- 1 mort mort   571091 Sep 29 21:54 zlib-1.2.8.tar.gz

The /home/imagery directory contains the polarimetric SAR data and is shared with the host. In the present example there are 12 Radarsat-2 quadpol images in SLC (single-look complex) format along with a dem (digital elevation model). Acquistion times range from May 25, 2009 (20090525) to October 11, 2010 (20101011):

In [2]:
!ls -l /home/imagery | grep "_SLC$"

drwxrwxr-x 4 1000 1000      4096 Feb 17 14:41 RS2_OK5491_PK71074_DK68879_FQ21_20090525_172447_HH_VV_HV_VH_SLC
drwxrwxr-x 4 1000 1000      4096 Feb 17 14:16 RS2_OK5491_PK71074_DK68879_FQ21_20100426_172459_HH_VV_HV_VH_SLC
drwxrwxr-x 4 1000 1000      4096 Feb 17 14:17 RS2_OK5491_PK71074_DK68879_FQ21_20100520_172458_HH_VV_HV_VH_SLC
drwx------ 5 1000 1000      4096 Feb 13 09:24 RS2_OK5491_PK71074_DK68879_FQ21_20100707_172459_HH_VV_HV_VH_SLC
drwxrwxr-x 4 1000 1000      4096 Feb 17 14:19 RS2_OK5491_PK71074_DK68879_FQ21_20100731_172501_HH_VV_HV_VH_SLC
drwxrwxr-x 4 1000 1000      4096 Feb 17 14:20 RS2_OK5491_PK71074_DK68879_FQ21_20100824_172503_HH_VV_HV_VH_SLC
drwxrwxr-x 4 1000 1000      4096 Feb 17 14:21 RS2_OK5491_PK71074_DK68879_FQ21_20101011_172507_HH_VV_HV_VH_SLC
drwxrwxr-x 4 1000 1000      4096 Feb 17 14:22 RS2_OK5491_PK71075_DK68880_FQ21_20090618_172447_HH_VV_HV_VH_SLC
drwxrwxr-x 4 1000 1000      4096 Feb 17 14:24 RS2_OK5491_PK71077_DK68882_FQ21_20090805_172450_HH_VV_HV_VH_SLC
drwxrwxr-x 5 1000 1000      4096 Apr  8 15:25 RS2_OK5491_PK71078_DK68883_FQ21_20090829_172451_HH_VV_HV_VH_SLC
drwxrwxr-x 4 1000 1000      4096 Feb 17 14:27 RS2_OK5491_PK71079_DK68884_FQ21_20091016_172455_HH_VV_HV_VH_SLC
drwxrwxr-x 4 1000 1000      4096 Feb 17 14:28 RS2_OK5491_PK86811_DK84561_FQ21_20090712_172447_HH_VV_HV_VH_SLC

The images are level one SLC (single look complex format). For example, below are the contents of the image directory corresponding to acquistion date 20100426 (April 26, 2010). The four polarization combinations HH, HV,VH and VV are are stored as complex numbers in GeoTiff format:

In [3]:
ls -l /home/imagery/RS2_OK5491_PK71074_DK68879_FQ21_20100426_172459_HH_VV_HV_VH_SLC

total 336276
-rw-rw-r-- 1 1000 1000   741610 Apr 27  2010 BrowseImage.tif
-rw-rw-r-- 1 1000 1000    44218 Oct  2  2009 DFAIT_RS2 EULA_Single User License.pdf
-rw-rw-r-- 1 1000 1000      623 Aug 29  2013 GEARTH_POLY.kml
-rw-rw-r-- 1 1000 1000    89600 Apr 28  2010 Thumbs.db
-rw-rw-r-- 1 1000 1000 85731468 Apr 27  2010 imagery_HH.tif
-rw-rw-r-- 1 1000 1000 85731468 Apr 27  2010 imagery_HV.tif
-rw-rw-r-- 1 1000 1000 85731468 Apr 27  2010 imagery_VH.tif
-rw-rw-r-- 1 1000 1000 85731468 Apr 27  2010 imagery_VV.tif
-rw-rw-r-- 1 1000 1000    49475 Apr 27  2010 lutBeta.xml
-rw-rw-r-- 1 1000 1000    49475 Apr 27  2010 lutGamma.xml
-rw-rw-r-- 1 1000 1000    49475 Apr 27  2010 lutSigma.xml
drwxrwxr-x 3 1000 1000     4096 Feb 17 14:16 polsarpro/
-rw-rw-r-- 1 1000 1000   119099 Apr 27  2010 product.xml
-rw-rw-r-- 1 1000 1000   160314 Aug 29  2013 product_header.txt
-rw-rw-r-- 1 1000 1000    15152 Aug 29  2013 product_lut.bin
-rw-rw-r-- 1 1000 1000    49765 Aug 29  2013 product_lut.txt
-rw-rw-r-- 1 1000 1000      316 Mar 24  2010 readme.txt
drwxrwxr-x 2 1000 1000     4096 Sep 30  2013 schemas/

The subdirectory polsarpro/T3 contains the mult-looked polarimetric coherency matrix elements generated from the polarization combinations. This was done with the Sentinel-1 Toolbox provided as freeware by the European Space Agency (ESA). (See the discussion below in the Section on the processing chain.) The image files are in ENVI format:

In [4]:
ls -l /home/imagery/RS2_OK5491_PK71074_DK68879_FQ21_20100426_172459_HH_VV_HV_VH_SLC/polsarpro/T3

total 61476
-rw-rw-r-- 1 1000 1000 6986432 Feb 17 14:42 T11.bin
-rw-rw-r-- 1 1000 1000     245 Feb 17 15:07 T11.bin.hdr
-rw-rw-r-- 1 1000 1000 6986432 Feb 17 14:42 T12_imag.bin
-rw-rw-r-- 1 1000 1000     246 Feb 17 14:42 T12_imag.bin.hdr
-rw-rw-r-- 1 1000 1000 6986432 Feb 17 14:42 T12_real.bin
-rw-rw-r-- 1 1000 1000     241 Feb 17 14:42 T12_real.bin.hdr
-rw-rw-r-- 1 1000 1000 6986432 Feb 17 14:42 T13_imag.bin
-rw-rw-r-- 1 1000 1000     246 Feb 17 14:42 T13_imag.bin.hdr
-rw-rw-r-- 1 1000 1000 6986432 Feb 17 14:42 T13_real.bin
-rw-rw-r-- 1 1000 1000     241 Feb 17 14:42 T13_real.bin.hdr
-rw-rw-r-- 1 1000 1000 6986432 Feb 17 14:42 T22.bin
-rw-rw-r-- 1 1000 1000     241 Feb 17 14:42 T22.bin.hdr
-rw-rw-r-- 1 1000 1000 6986432 Feb 17 14:42 T23_imag.bin
-rw-rw-r-- 1 1000 1000     246 Feb 17 14:42 T23_imag.bin.hdr
-rw-rw-r-- 1 1000 1000 6986432 Feb 17 14:42 T23_real.bin
-rw-rw-r-- 1 1000 1000     241 Feb 17 14:42 T23_real.bin.hdr
-rw-rw-r-- 1 1000 1000 6986432 Feb 17 14:42 T33.bin
-rw-rw-r-- 1 1000 1000     241 Feb 17 14:42 T33.bin.hdr
-rw-rw-r-- 1 1000 1000      96 Apr 18 14:58 config.txt
-rw-rw-r-- 1 1000 1000   18773 Feb 17 14:42 metadata.xml

We will return to these images shortly, but first a little theory:

Statistical Properties of polSAR Images

Vector and matrix representations

A fully polarimetric SAR measures a $2\times 2$ scattering matrix $S$ at each resolution cell on the ground. The scattering matrix relates the incident and the backscattered electric fields $E^i$ and $E^b$ according to

$$ \pmatrix{E_h^b \cr E_v^b} =\pmatrix{S_{hh} & S_{hv}\cr S_{vh} & S_{vv}}\pmatrix{E_h^i \cr E_v^i}. $$

Here $E_h^{i(b)}$ and $E_v^{i(b)}$ denote the horizontal and vertical components of the incident (backscattered) oscillating electric fields directly at the target. These can be deduced from the transmitted and received radar signals via the so-called far field approximations. If both horizontally and vertically polarized radar pulses are emitted and discriminated then they determine, from the above Equation, the four complex scattering matrix elements. The per-pixel polarimetric information in the scattering matrix $S$, under the assumption of reciprocity ($S_{hv} = S_{vh}$), can then be expressed as a three-component complex vector

$$ s = \pmatrix{S_{hh}\cr \sqrt{2}S_{hv}\cr S_{vv}}, $$

where the $\sqrt{2}$ ensures that the total intensity (received signal power) is consistent. It is essentially these vectors which are provided in the SLC level one data discussed above. The total intensity is referred to as the span and is the complex inner product of the vector $s$,

$$ {\rm span} = s^\top s = |S_{hh}|^2 + 2|S_{hv}|^2 + |S_{vv}|^2. $$

This is a real number and the corresponding gray-scale image is called the span image. The observation vector $s$ can be shown to be a realization of a complex multivariate normal random variable. An equivalent and often preferred representation is in terms of the coherency vector

$$ k = {1\over\sqrt{2}}\pmatrix{S_{hh} + S_{vv}\cr S_{hh} - S_{vv} \cr 2S_{hv}}. $$

The polarimetric signal is can also be represented by taking the complex outer product of $s$ with itself:

$$ C = s s^\top = \pmatrix{ |S_{hh}|^2 & \sqrt{2}S_{hh}S_{hv}^* & S_{hh}S_{vv}^* \cr \sqrt{2}S_{hv}S_{hh}^* & 2|S_{hv}|^2 & \sqrt{2}S_{hv}S_{vv}^* \cr S_{vv}S_{hh}^* & \sqrt{2}S_{vv}S_{hv}^* & |S_{vv}|^2 }. $$

The diagonal elements of $C$ are real numbers, with span $= {\rm tr}(C)$, and the off-diagonal elements are complex. This matrix representation contains all of the information in the polarized signal.


The matrix $C$ can be averaged over the number of looks (number of adjacent cells used to average out the effect of speckle) to give an estimate of the covariance matrix of each multi-look pixel:

$$ \bar{C} ={1\over m}\sum_{\nu=1}^m s(\nu) s(\nu)^\top = \langle s s^\top \rangle = \pmatrix{ \langle |S_{hh}|^2\rangle & \langle\sqrt{2}S_{hh}S_{hv}^*\rangle & \langle S_{hh}S_{vv}^*\rangle \cr \langle\sqrt{2} S_{hv}S_{hh}^*\rangle & \langle 2|S_{hv}|^2\rangle & \langle\sqrt{2}S_{hv}S_{vv}^*\rangle \cr \langle S_{vv}S_{hh}^*\rangle & \langle\sqrt{2}S_{vv}S_{hv}^*\rangle & \langle |S_{vv}|^2\rangle }, $$

where $m$ is the number of looks. This matrix (or alternatively the equivalent coherency matrix $\langle k k^\top \rangle$) is generated with the Sentinel-1 Toolbox and stored in the subdirectory polsarpto/T3 which we listed in a cell above. Rewriting the first of the above equalities,

$$ m\bar{C} = \sum_{\nu=1}^m s(\nu) s(\nu)^\top =: x. $$

This quantity $x$ is a realization of a complex random matrix which is known to have a complex Wishart distribution with $N\times N$ covariance matrix $\Sigma$ (here $N=3$) and $m$ degrees of freedom:

$$ p_{W_c}( x) ={|x|^{(m-N)}\exp(-{\rm tr}(\Sigma^{-1} x)) \over \pi^{N(N-1)/2}|\Sigma|^{m}\prod_{i=1}^N\Gamma(m+1-i)},\quad m \ge N, $$

provided that the vectors $s(\nu)$ are independent and drawn from a complex multivariate normal distribution.

Dual and single polarimetric imagery

The scattering vector given above corresponds to so-called full, or quad polarimetric SAR. Satellite-based SAR sensors often operate in reduced, power-saving polarization modes, emitting only one polarization and receiving two (dual polarization) or one (single polarization). The look-averaged covariance matrices are reduced in dimension correspondingly. For instance for dual polarization with horizontal transmission and horizontal and vertical reception,

$$ \bar{C} = \pmatrix{ \langle |S_{hh}|^2\rangle & \langle S_{hh}S_{hv}^*\rangle \cr \langle S_{hv}S_{hh}^*\rangle & \langle |S_{hv}|^2\rangle }, $$

and, for single polarization and horizontal transmission/reception, we get simply the intensity image

$$ \bar{I} = \langle |S_{hh}|^2\rangle \quad {\rm or} \quad \bar{I} = \langle |S_{vv}|^2\rangle. $$

Equivalent number of looks

When multi-look averaging takes place, the observation vectors $s(\nu)$ are not completely independent; they will generally be correlated somewhat. In order to account for this, the complex Wishart distribution is often parameterized with ENL (rather than $m$) degrees of freedom, where ENL is the so-called equivalent number of looks. This quantity can be estimated from the image itself.

Returning to the Radarsat-2 image acquired April 26, 2010, we will geocode it with MapReady and then try to determine the equivalent number of looks.. The bash script /home/mapready.sh takes two arguments, the acquisition date in the format yyymmdd and the sensor (presently rs2quad or tsxdual):

In [6]:
!./mapready.sh 20100426 rs2quad

Geocoding polSARpro multilook polarimetric matrix image with mapready ...
dos2unix: converting file /home/imagery/RS2_OK5491_PK71074_DK68879_FQ21_20100426_172459_HH_VV_HV_VH_SLC/polsarpro/T3/config.txt to Unix format ...
Original SLC image dimensions:      rows 5539  cols 3788
After multi-looking with polSARpro: rows 1384  cols 1262
Azimuth looks: 4
Range looks:   3
***** processing polSARpro polarimetric matrix image:
***** /home/imagery/RS2_OK5491_PK71074_DK68879_FQ21_20100426_172459_HH_VV_HV_VH_SLC
***** ...
***** Done, see mapready.log
***** Combining into a single image file ...
Overwriting previous combined image
     Ingest SAR
Tue Mar 29 10:26:42 2016
Directory /home/imagery/RS2_OK5491_PK71074_DK68879_FQ21_20100426_172459_HH_VV_HV_VH_SLC_MapReady/T3/
writing band 1
writing band 2
writing band 3
writing band 4
writing band 5
writing band 6
writing band 7
writing band 8
writing band 9
elapsed time: 8.49227190018
Multiband image is /home/imagery/RS2_OK5491_PK71074_DK68879_FQ21_20100426_172459_HH_VV_HV_VH_SLC_MapReady/T3/polSAR.tif

We see that the multi-look images were created with the Sentinel-1 Toolbox with $4\times 3 = 12$ looks. This corresponds to a square pixel size of close to $20.5\times 20.5$ meters. The georeferenced coherency matrix image at this resolution is stored in a single 9-band image geotiff format.

Before we can display the image, we have to enable Matplotlib functionality within the notebook with the so-called magic command

In [1]:
%matplotlib inline

We will use the Python script /home/dispms.py for displaying. Here is the help:

In [5]:
run dispms -h

Usage: python dispms.py [-h] [-k] [-c][-C Classes] 

            [-l] [-L] [-o alpha] 

            [-e enhancementf] [-E enhancementF]

            [-p posf] [P posF [-d dimsf] [-D dimsF]

            [-f filename1] [-F filename2] 

            if -f is not specified it will be queried

            use -c  -C  for classification image
            use -k to generate a PNG of filename1 and associated KLM file to overlay (approximately) on Google Earth

            use -o alpha to overlay right onto left image with transparency alpha

            RGB bandPositions and spatialDimensions are lists, e.g., -p [1,4,3] -d [0,0,400,400] 

            enhancements: 1=linear255 2=linear 3=linear2pc 4=equalization 5=logarithmic

The command below will generate a $1000\times 1000$ pixel RGB color composite of the three diagonal elements:

In [2]:
run /home/dispms -p [1,6,9] -d [300,150,1000,1000] \
-f /home/imagery/RS2_OK5491_PK71074_DK68879_FQ21_20100426_172459_HH_VV_HV_VH_SLC_MapReady/T3/polSAR.tif

The scene above was acquired over the city of Bonn, Germany (upper right hand corner with the Rhine river). The blueish, featurless areas are mixed forest (in this coherency decomposition, volume scattering), the green-yellow areas are built-up (double-bounce) and the redish fields are single-bounce.

To check the number of looks, We will run the /home/enlml.py script on a spatial subset which includes a lot forested land cover. This script is mased on an multivariate estimation method due to Anfinsen et al. (2009).

The spatial subset is entered with the -d flag as in the /home/dispms script. Here we choose -d [800,400,500,500]:

In [11]:
run enlml -d [800,400,500,500] \

     ENL Estimation
Sat May  7 07:44:35 2016
infile:  /home/imagery/RS2_OK5491_PK71074_DK68879_FQ21_20100426_172459_HH_VV_HV_VH_SLC_MapReady/T3//polSAR.tif
Quad polarimetry
row:  100  200  300  400 
 ENL image written to: /home/imagery/RS2_OK5491_PK71074_DK68879_FQ21_20100426_172459_HH_VV_HV_VH_SLC_MapReady/T3/polSAR_enl.tif
elapsed time: 57.3923888206

There are two modes (maxima) at about 6 and 12 looks. Here is the ENL image

In [12]:
run dispms -e 2 -f \

The speckle statistics are most well-developed in the homogeneous forested areas (bright pixels) corresponding to the mode at ENL=12, so this value will be adopted in the sequel.

Speckle Filtering (The gamma-MAP filter)

Let us represent the $m$ look-averaged SAR intensity image by the random variable $G$ with mean $\langle G\rangle=x$, where $x$ is the underlying signal. Then ${\rm var}(G) = x^2/m$ and $G$ is gamma-distributed with density function

$$ p(g\mid x) = {1\over (x/m)^m\Gamma(m)}g^{m-1}e^{-gm/x}. $$

Let $G=xV$. Then it follows that $V$ has the density

$$ p(v) = {m^m\over\Gamma(m)}v^{m-1}e^{-vm}. $$

Therefore, in terms of the observed pixel intensities $g$ (realizations of $G$), we can write

$$ g = x v, $$

where v is distributed as above, and has mean 1 and variance $1/m$.

Because of this special multiplicative noise nature of speckle, conventional smoothing filters are not particularly suitable as an aid to SAR image interpretation.

The gamma maximum a posteriori (gamma MAP) de-speckling filter may be derived from Bayes' Theorem. The a posteriori conditional probability for $x$, given intensity measurement $g$ is

$$ {\rm pr}(x\mid g) = { p(g\mid x){\rm pr}(x)\over p(g) }, $$

where $p(g\mid x)$ is given above, ${\rm pr}(x)$ is the prior probability for $x$ and $p(g)$ is the total probability density for $g$. This formulation allows us to include prior knowledge of the signal statistics (or texture) if available. An empirical statistical model for $x$ is suggested by measurements of backscatter from ocean waves, namely

$$ {\rm pr}(x) \sim \left({\alpha\over\mu}\right)^\alpha {x^{\alpha-1}\over\Gamma(\alpha)}e^{-\alpha x/\mu}. $$

This is just the gamma probability density with $\beta=\mu/\alpha$, and hence with mean $\alpha\beta= \mu$ and variance

$$ {\rm var}(x) = \alpha\beta^2 = \mu^2/\alpha. $$

The parameters $\mu$ and $\alpha$ can be estimated as follows. By passing an $n\times n$ window over the image we can obtain $\bar g = \langle g\rangle$ and ${\rm var}(g)$. Then the estimates are

$$ \hat\mu = \bar g, $$

and $$ \hat\alpha = {\hat\mu^2\over {\rm var}(x)} = {\bar g^2\over {\rm var}(x)} ={1 + 1/m \over {{\rm var}(g)/\bar g^2 - 1/ m}}. $$

Hence the posterior probability for $x$ given measurement $g$ is

$$ {\rm pr}(x\mid g) \sim {1\over (x/m)^m\Gamma(m)}g^{m-1}e^{-gm/x}\left({\alpha\over\mu}\right)^\alpha {x^{\alpha-1}\over\Gamma(\alpha)}e^{-\alpha x/\mu} =: L $$

Taking the logarithm,

$$ \log L =\ m\log m -m\log x +(m-1)\log g - \log\Gamma(m)- mg/x +\alpha\log\alpha - \alpha\log\mu + (\alpha-1)\log x - \log\Gamma(\alpha) -\alpha x/\mu. $$

We now get the maximum a posteriori (MAP) value for $x$ given the observed pixel intensity $g$ by maximizing $\log L$ with respect to $x$:

$$ {d\over dx}\log L = -m/x + mg/ x^2 + (\alpha-1)/x - \alpha/\mu = 0. $$

This leads to a quadratic equation for the most probable signal intensity $x$,

$$ {\alpha\over\mu}x^2 + (m+1-\alpha)x - mg = 0, $$

where the parameters $\mu$ and $\alpha$ are estimated locally. Note that in homogeneous regions where $m\approx \bar g^2/{\rm var}(g)$, $\hat\alpha\to\infty$. In that case $x\approx \hat\mu = \bar g$.

The gamma MAP filter is not appropriate to the complex off-diagonal matrix elements as their {\it a priori} statistics are not well understood.

We will illustrate the Gamma-MAP speckle filter on the April 26 image. The Python script gamma_filter.py takes as input a polSAR image in covariance or coherency matrix form and filters the diagonal elements only:

In [13]:
run gamma_filter -h

    python gamma_filter.py [-h] [-d dims] filename enl
    Run a gamma MAP filter in the diagonal elements of a C or T matrix

Because of the use of $7\times 7$ directional filters to preserve detail, the the script is rather slow, and will attempt parallel execution on IPython engines if these are available. On a multi-core processor, IPython engines can be initiated with a Jupyter terminal command, e.g.,

ipcluster start -n 4

In [16]:
run gamma_filter -d [300,150,1000,1000] \
/home/imagery/RS2_OK5491_PK71074_DK68879_FQ21_20100426_172459_HH_VV_HV_VH_SLC_MapReady/T3/polSAR.tif 12

Sat May  7 08:03:21 2016
infile:  /home/imagery/RS2_OK5491_PK71074_DK68879_FQ21_20100426_172459_HH_VV_HV_VH_SLC_MapReady/T3/polSAR.tif
equivalent number of looks: 12.000000
Attempting parallel computation ...
available engines: [0, 1, 2, 3]
filtering 3 diagonal matrix element bands ...
result written to: /home/imagery/RS2_OK5491_PK71074_DK68879_FQ21_20100426_172459_HH_VV_HV_VH_SLC_MapReady/T3/polSAR_gamma.tif
elapsed time: 344.401278019
Here is a spatial subset of the resulting filtered image (left) compared with the unfiltered image:

In [21]:
run /home/dispms -p [1,2,3] -d [200,200,400,400] -P [1,6,9] -D [500,350,400,400] \
-f /home/imagery/RS2_OK5491_PK71074_DK68879_FQ21_20100426_172459_HH_VV_HV_VH_SLC_MapReady/T3/polSAR_gamma.tif \
-F /home/imagery/RS2_OK5491_PK71074_DK68879_FQ21_20100426_172459_HH_VV_HV_VH_SLC_MapReady/T3/polSAR.tif

Note the good preservation of detailed structure.

It should be noted that this kind of adaptive filter is not an acceptable pre-processing step for change detection, since the equivalent number of looks after filtering is no-longer a characteristic of the entire scene.

Change Detection

Bitemporal data

The following is discussion is based on Conradsen et al (2003).

As we have seen, we can represent a pixel vector in an $m$ look-averaged polSAR image in covariance matrix format by $\bar C$, where

$$ m\bar C = x = \sum_{\nu=1}^m s(\nu) s(\nu)^\top $$

is a realization of a random matrix $X$ with a complex Wishart distribution.

In order to derive a change detection procedure for two polarimetric SAR images, we formulate a statistical test. For each pixel in the two image, define the null (or no-change) simple hypothesis as

$$ H_0:\quad \Sigma_1 = \Sigma_2 = \Sigma, $$

and the alternative composite hypothesis as

$$ H_1:\quad \Sigma_1 \ne \Sigma_2. $$

Under $H_0$ the maximum likelihood for $\Sigma$ can be shown to be given by

$$ L(\hat\Sigma) = { |x_1|^{m-3}|x_2|^{m-3}\exp(-2m\cdot{\rm tr}(I)) \over \left({1\over 2m}\right)^{3\cdot 2m}| x_1+ x_2|^{2m}\Gamma_3(m)^2 }, $$

where $I$ is the $3\times 3$ identity matrix and ${\rm tr}(I)=3$. Under $H_1$ the maximum likelihood for $\Sigma_1$ and $\Sigma_2$ is

$$ L(\hat\Sigma_1,\hat\Sigma_2) = { |x_1|^{m-3}|x_2|^{m-3}\exp(-2m\cdot{\rm tr}(I)) \over \left({1\over m}\right)^{3m}\left({1\over m}\right)^{3m} |x_1|^m |x_2|^m\Gamma_3(m)^2 } $$

Then the likelihood ratio test has the critical region for rejection of the no-change hypothesis

$$ Q = {L(\hat\Sigma) \over L(\hat\Sigma_1,\hat\Sigma_2) } = 2^{6m}{ |x_1|^m |x_2|^m \over |x_1 + x_2|^{2m} } \le k. $$

Finally, one can derive (Conradsen et al (2003)) the following approximation for the statistical distribution of the test statistic $Q$:

$$ {\rm prob}(-2\rho\log Q\le z) \simeq P_{\chi^2;N^2}(z) + \omega_2\left[ P_{\chi^2;N^2+4}(z) - P_{\chi^2;N^2}(z) \right], $$

where $P_{\chi^2;m}(z)$ is the chi square distribution wth m degrees of freedom, $$ \rho = 1 - {2N^2-1\over 6N}\cdot{3\over 2 m}, $$


$$ \omega_2 = - {N^2\over 4}\cdot\left(1-{1\over \rho}\right)^2 + {N^2(N^2-1)\over 24 \rho^2}\cdot{7\over 4m^2}. $$

In practice we choose a significance level $\alpha$, e.g., $\alpha = 0.01$, and decision threshold $z$ such that

$$ {\rm prob}(-2\rho\log Q\le z) = 1-\alpha $$

and interpret all pixels with larger values of $-2\rho\log Q$ as change.

Multitemporal data

The preceding discussion generalizes in a straightforward way to a time series of $k$ images (Conradsen et al (2016)). In the equation for the test statistic $Q$ above, the numerator consists of a product $k$ determinants $|x_1|\cdot|x_2|\cdot\dots|x_k|$ and the denominator similarly the determinant of the sum of the $k$ observations $|x_1+x_2+\dots x_k|$. The multitemporal test is referred to as the omnibus test will in general be more powerful (have a higher detection probability) for the same significance level than a bitemporal test just involving the first and last images. Furthermore, the test statistic can be factored into a product of test statistics that can be used to ascertain the time or times at which significant changes occur in the series.

A Processing Chain

The change detection method implies the following processing sequence in order to generate a change map from a time series of polarimetric SAR images provided at the single look complex (SLC) processing level:

  1. First of all the multi-look polarimetric SAR images in covariance or coherency matrix format are generated from from the Sentinel 1 Toolbox available from the European Space agency. Presently this must be done outside of the Docker container (and IPython). Geocoding and terrain correction can optionally be applied within the Sentinel toolbox, or deferred to the next step. The coherenecy matrix has the same eigenvalues and hence the same determinant as the covariance matrix, so that the hypothesis test described above can be applied unchanged to either format. The rest of the processing takes place in the IPython notebook.

  2. The matrix images can then be processed by MapReady for georeferencing and terrain correction if this has not yet been carried out (see above). The bash script /home/mapready.sh automates the procedure. MapReady will output the geocoded covariance/coherency matrix image in the form of co-registered GeoTiff files, one for each diagonal matrix element and two (real and imaginary parts) for each off-diagonal component. A python script /home/ingest.py is called automatically to combine these files to a single, multi-band image in floating point format.

  3. The ENL (equivalent number of looks) can (optionally) be estimated with the script enlml.py. A multivariate estimator is used to accomplish this as described by Anfinsen et al. (2009).

  4. The non-sequential multitemporal change detection algorithm for the Radarst-2 images is invoked with the bash script /home/omnibus_rs2.sh. This script calls the Python programs /home/register.py to co-register the sequence of $k$ images to the first in the series and then /home/omnibus.py to perform the pixel-wise hypothesis tests. The test statistics $-2\rho\log Q$ and change probabilities ${\rm prob}(-2\rho\log Q\le z)$ are written to a two-band GeoTiff file. Additionally a change map showing changes at the chosen significance level (default 0.01) in red overlayed onto the span image is writen to a three-band (RGB) GeoTiff file. The sequential algorithm is run by the bash script /home/sar_seq_rs2.sh which calls the routines /home/register.py and /home/sar_seq.py. At present it generates four change image files: three -single-band images showing, per pixel, the the period in which the first change occured (smap), the last change occurrence (cmap), and the change frequency (fmap) and a $k-1$-band file showing where changes occured in each of the $k-1$ intervals.

Change detection with Radarsat-2 Quadpol Images

We can illustrate with the sequential algorithm applied to all 12 Radarsat-2 images:

In [4]:
!/home/sar_seq_rs2.sh 20090525 20090618 20090712 20090805 20090829 20091016 \
                  20100426 20100520 20100707 20100731 20100824 20101011 [300,150,1000,1000] 12 0.01

***** Multitemporal PolSAR Change Detection **********
***** Radarsat2 quad or dualpol imagery **************
***** Pre-processed with MapReady ********************
number of images    12
ENL                 12
spatial subset      [300,150,1000,1000]
significance level  0.01
     Multi-temporal SAR Change Detection
Mon May 16 18:04:55 2016
Spatial/spectral subsetting
Mon May 16 18:04:55 2016
Input /home/imagery/RS2_OK5491_PK71074_DK68879_FQ21_20090525_172447_HH_VV_HV_VH_SLC_MapReady/T3/polSAR.tif
elapsed time: 3.7111530304
Attempting parallel execution of co-registration ...
available engines [0, 1, 2, 3]
elapsed time for co-registration: 238.560785055
First (reference) filename:  /home/imagery/RS2_OK5491_PK71074_DK68879_FQ21_20090525_172447_HH_VV_HV_VH_SLC_MapReady/T3/polSAR_sub.tif
number of images: 12
equivalent number of looks: 12.000000
significance level: 0.010000
pre-calculating R and p-values ...
R(l=1,j=2)  R(l=1,j=3)  R(l=1,j=4)  R(l=1,j=5)  R(l=1,j=6)  R(l=1,j=7)  R(l=1,j=8)  R(l=1,j=9)  R(l=1,j=10)  R(l=1,j=11)  R(l=1,j=12)  
R(l=2,j=2)  R(l=2,j=3)  R(l=2,j=4)  R(l=2,j=5)  R(l=2,j=6)  R(l=2,j=7)  R(l=2,j=8)  R(l=2,j=9)  R(l=2,j=10)  R(l=2,j=11)  
R(l=3,j=2)  R(l=3,j=3)  R(l=3,j=4)  R(l=3,j=5)  R(l=3,j=6)  R(l=3,j=7)  R(l=3,j=8)  R(l=3,j=9)  R(l=3,j=10)  
R(l=4,j=2)  R(l=4,j=3)  R(l=4,j=4)  R(l=4,j=5)  R(l=4,j=6)  R(l=4,j=7)  R(l=4,j=8)  R(l=4,j=9)  
R(l=5,j=2)  R(l=5,j=3)  R(l=5,j=4)  R(l=5,j=5)  R(l=5,j=6)  R(l=5,j=7)  R(l=5,j=8)  
R(l=6,j=2)  R(l=6,j=3)  R(l=6,j=4)  R(l=6,j=5)  R(l=6,j=6)  R(l=6,j=7)  
R(l=7,j=2)  R(l=7,j=3)  R(l=7,j=4)  R(l=7,j=5)  R(l=7,j=6)  
R(l=8,j=2)  R(l=8,j=3)  R(l=8,j=4)  R(l=8,j=5)  
R(l=9,j=2)  R(l=9,j=3)  R(l=9,j=4)  
R(l=10,j=2)  R(l=10,j=3)  
most recent change map written to: /home/imagery/RS2_OK5491_PK71074_DK68879_FQ21_20090525_172447_HH_VV_HV_VH_SLC_MapReady/T3/sarseq(20090525-10-20101011)_cmap.tif
frequency map written to: /home/imagery/RS2_OK5491_PK71074_DK68879_FQ21_20090525_172447_HH_VV_HV_VH_SLC_MapReady/T3/sarseq(20090525-10-20101011)_fmap.tif
bitemporal map image written to: /home/imagery/RS2_OK5491_PK71074_DK68879_FQ21_20090525_172447_HH_VV_HV_VH_SLC_MapReady/T3/sarseq(20090525-10-20101011)_bmap.tif
first change map written to: /home/imagery/RS2_OK5491_PK71074_DK68879_FQ21_20090525_172447_HH_VV_HV_VH_SLC_MapReady/T3/sarseq(20090525-10-20101011)_smap.tif
total elapsed time: 412.049801111

Here is a subset of the change map showing the time of the first change:

In [5]:
run /home/dispms  -c -d [400,400,400,400] \
-f /home/imagery/RS2_OK5491_PK71074_DK68879_FQ21_20090525_172447_HH_VV_HV_VH_SLC_MapReady/T3/sarseq(20090525-10-20101011)_smap.tif

Here is the frequency of change map overlayed onto the 20090525 image, showing a "hotspot" at the moving dredges in the flooded sand quarry:

In [6]:
run /home/dispms  -c -d [200,200,400,400] \
-f /home/imagery/RS2_OK5491_PK71074_DK68879_FQ21_20090525_172447_HH_VV_HV_VH_SLC_MapReady/T3/sarseq(20090525-10-20101011)_fmap.tif \
-D [200,200,400,400] -o 0.5 \
-F  /home/imagery/RS2_OK5491_PK71074_DK68879_FQ21_20090525_172447_HH_VV_HV_VH_SLC_MapReady/T3/polSAR_sub.tif

There are several "hotspots" in the urban area of Bonn. The one along the Rhine (upper middle, near the central Kennedy bridge) corresponds to the docking of excusion boats.

In [7]:
run /home/dispms  -c -d [600,0,400,400] \
-f /home/imagery/RS2_OK5491_PK71074_DK68879_FQ21_20090525_172447_HH_VV_HV_VH_SLC_MapReady/T3/sarseq(20090525-10-20101011)_fmap.tif \
-D [600,0,400,400] -o 0.5 \
-F  /home/imagery/RS2_OK5491_PK71074_DK68879_FQ21_20090525_172447_HH_VV_HV_VH_SLC_MapReady/T3/polSAR_sub.tif

In [ ]: