Linear Spatial Autocorrelation Model

The two methodologies under study (i.e. Meta-analysis and distributed networks) share the assumption that the observations are independent between each other. In other words, if two plots (say p1 and p2 ) are from different studies, the covariance between p1 and p2 is zero. The assumption is reasonable because of the character of both methodologies. Data derived from meta-analysis and distributed networks is composed of experiments measured in different environmental conditions and geographical locations; using an assortment of experimental techniques and sample designs. It is therefore reasonable to expect that the residuals derived from a linear statistical model will be explained by a non structured error (e.g. $epsilon \sim N(0,\sigma^2)).

Data Used and computational challenges

The dataset used as reference was the FIA dataset. It comprises more than 36k plot records. Each with a different spatial coordinate. Analysing the data for spatial effects require to manage a 36k x 36k matrix and the parameter optimization through GLS requires to calculate the inverse as well.

Model specification The spatial model proposed follows a classical geostatistical approach. In other words, an empirical variogram was used to estimate a {\em valid} analytical model (Webster and Oliver, 2001). In accordance with the model simulations, the spatial model is as follows:

$$log Biomass = log(Spp Richness) + S_x + \epsilon$$

Where: $$E(log(biomass)) = \beta_0 log(Spp Richness)$ and $Var(y) = [\tau^2 \rho(|x,x’|) + \sigma^2] $$

$\tau$ is a variance parameter of the gaussian isotropic and stationary process S_x with spatial autocorrelation distance function $\rho$ given by:

$$\rho (h)=(s-n)\left(1-\exp \left(-{\frac {h^{2}}{r^{2}}}\right)\right)+n1_{{(0,\infty )}}(h)$$

Where $h$ is the distance $|x,x’|$ , $s$, $n$ and $r$ are the parameters for sill, nugget and range.

Exploratory analysis

To begin with, a linear model using OLS was fitted using a log-log transformation of Biomass and Species Richness as response variable and covariate (respectively). I.e.

$ (log(Biomass) | S) = \beta log(Spp Richness) + \epsilon $

A histogram of the residuals shows a symmetric distribution (see figure below).

The residuals show no significant spatial trend across latitude or longitude (see figures 2bis and 3bis). We decided to follow the principle of model parsimony by not including the spatial coordinates as covariates (fixed effect).

Empirical Variogram and model fit The residuals however, show variance dependent on the distance (autocorrelation). An empirical variogram was calculated to account for this effect (see figure below). The variogram was calculated using 50 lag distances of 13.5 km each (derived from dividing the data’s distance matrix range by 50). A Monte Carlo envelope method (blue region) at 0.25 and 0.975 quantiles was calculated to designate the region under the null hypothesis, i.e. with no spatial autocorrelation (Diggle and Ribeiro, 2003).

The resulting variogram (orange dots) show a typical spatial autocorrelation pattern, distinct from complete randomness and with an increasing variance as a function of distance. Using this pattern we fitted a gaussian model using non-linear least squares method implemented in Scipy.optimize.curve_fit (Jones, 2017). The results obtained were: Sill 0.341, Range 50318.763, Nugget 0.33 . The resulting function is overlapped in green.


The model: $log(Biomass) = \beta log(Spp_richness) + \epsilon$ presents non-explicative random effects with spatial autocorrelation. The variogram of its residuals shows a typical pattern for distance dependent heteroscedasticity. In other words, the correlation of distinct data points depends on the distance i.e. ($Cov(p_1,p_2) = \sigma^2 \rho(|p_1 - p_2|^2)$) where $\rho$ is a spatial auto-correlation function (derived from the empirical variogram under a gaussian model assumption).

The observations reject the assumptions of the linear model estimator obtained by OLS, those on independence and identically distributed errors. The Generalised Least Square (GLS) estimator would be a better approach for obtaining the linear parameters but more importantly a more reliable variance and consequently more reliable confidence interval.

Recommendations and future work The whole dataset unveiled a spatial structure that needs to be accounted for in both studies; distributed plots and independent studies. The GLS estimator is a more robust method for optimising the linear models. The covariance matrix (used in meta-analysis) can be extended to include a spatial effect and derive better estimators and their confidence interval.

In [5]:
# Load Biospytial modules and etc.
%matplotlib inline
import sys
import django
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pylab as plt
## Use the ggplot style'ggplot')

In [331]:
## check the matern
import scipy.special as special
#def MaternVariogram(h,range_a,nugget=40,sill=100,kappa=0.5):
def MaternVariogram(h,sill=1,range_a=100,nugget=40,kappa=0.5):    
    The Matern Variogram of order $\kappa$.
    $$ \gamma(h) = nugget + (sill (1 - (\farc{1}{2^{\kappa -1}} \Gamma(\kappa) (\frac{h}{r})^{\kappa} K_\kappa \Big(\frac{h}{r}\Big)$$
         a = $$ 
        b = $$
        K_v = Modified Bessel function of the second kind of real order v
    #a = np.power(2, 1 - kappa) / special.gamma(kappa)
    #b = (np.sqrt(2 * kappa) / range_a) * h
    a = 1 / np.power(2,kappa - 1 ) * special.gamma(kappa)
    b = (h / float(range_a))
    K_v = special.kv(kappa,b)
    #kh = sigma * a * np.power(b,kappa) * K_v
    #kh = (sill - nugget) * ( 1 - (a * np.power(b,kappa) * K_v))
    kh = nugget + (sill * ( 1 - (a * np.power(b,kappa) * K_v)))

    kh = np.nan_to_num(kh)

    return kh

cc = MaternVariogram(hx,range_a=100000,sill=100,nugget=300,kappa=0.5)

[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x7f19643bc1d0>]
$$ \gamma(h) = nugget + (sill (1 - (\frac{1}{2^{\kappa -1}} \Gamma(\kappa) (\frac{h}{r})^{\kappa} K_\kappa \Big(\frac{h}{r}\Big)$$

In [332]:
from external_plugins.spystats import tools
gx = tools.exponentialVariogram(hx,sill=100,nugget=0,range_a=100000)

[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x7f1967cacad0>]

In [333]:
def gaussianVariogram(h,sill=0,range_a=0,nugget=0):
    if isinstance(h,np.ndarray):
        Ih = np.array([1.0 if hx >= 0.0 else 0.0 for hx in h])
        Ih = 1.0 if h >= 0 else 0.0
    #Ih = 1.0 if h >= 0 else 0.0    
    g_h = ((sill - nugget)*(1 - np.exp(-(h**2 / range_a**2)))) + nugget*Ih
    return g_h
## Fitting model.
### Optimizing the empirical values
def theoreticalVariogram(model_function,sill,range_a,nugget,kappa=0):
    if kappa == 0:
        return lambda x : model_function(x,sill,range_a,nugget)
        return lambda x : model_function(x,sill,range_a,nugget,kappa)

Relating the Semivariogram with the correlation function

The variogram of a spatial stochastic process $S(x)$ is the function: $$ V(x,x') = \frac{1}{2} Var \{ S(x) - S(x') \} $$

Note that : $$V(x,x') = \frac{1}{2} \{ Var(S(x)) + Var(S(x') - 2Cov(S(x),S(x')) \} $$

For the stationary case: $$ 2 V(u) = 2\sigma^2 (1 - \rho(u)) $$ So: $$ \rho(u) = 1 - \frac{V(u)}{\sigma^2} $$

In [334]:
from external_plugins.spystats import tools
%run ../

In [335]:
## Remove duplications
withoutrep = new_data.drop_duplicates(subset=['newLon','newLat'])
new_data = withoutrep

(36845, 48)
(36844, 48)

newdata.residuals2.hist() plt.title('Residuals of $log(Biomass) \sim log(Spp{rich})$')


plt.scatter(new_data.newLon,new_data.residuals2) plt.xlabel('Longitude (meters)') plt.ylabel('Residuals: $log(Biomass) - \hat{Y}$')


plt.scatter(new_data.newLat,new_data.residuals2) plt.xlabel('Latitude (meters)') plt.ylabel('$Residuals: log(Biomass) - \hat{Y}$')

Read the data

In [336]:
### Read the data first
#hx = np.linspace(0,400000,100)
#spmodel = theoreticalVariogram(gaussianVariogram,sill,range_a,nugget)
#nt = 30 # num iterations
thrs_dist = 100000
empirical_semivariance_log_log = "../HEC_runs/results/logbiomas_logsppn_res.csv"
filename = "../HEC_runs/results/low_q/data_envelope.csv"

#### here put the hec calculated 
envelope_data = pd.read_csv(filename)
emp_var_log_log = pd.read_csv(empirical_semivariance_log_log)
gvg = tools.Variogram(new_data,'logBiomass',using_distance_threshold=thrs_dist)
gvg.envelope = emp_var_log_log
gvg.empirical = emp_var_log_log.variogram
gvg.lags = emp_var_log_log.lags
emp_var_log_log = emp_var_log_log.dropna()
vdata = gvg.envelope.dropna()
plt.title("Semivariogram of residuals $log(Biomass) ~ log(SppR)$")

<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x7f1949b9a650>

The best fitted values were:

(Processed by chunks see: http://localhost:8888/notebooks/external_plugins/spystats/notebooks/variogram_envelope_by_chunks.ipynb )

  • Sill 0.34122564947
  • Range 50318.763452
  • Nugget 0.329687351696

In [337]:
sill = 0.34122564947
range_a = 50318.763452
nugget = 0.329687351696

In [338]:
import matplotlib.pylab as plt
hx = np.linspace(0,600000,100)
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
s = 0.345
r = 50000.0
nugget = 0.33
kappa = 0.5
init_vals = [s,r,nugget] # for [amp, cen, wid]
init_matern = [s,r,nugget,kappa]
#bg, covar_gaussian = curve_fit(gaussianVariogram, xdata=emp_var_log_log.lags.values, ydata=emp_var_log_log.variogram.values, p0=init_vals)
bg, covar_gaussian = curve_fit(MaternVariogram, xdata=emp_var_log_log.lags.values, ydata=emp_var_log_log.variogram.values, p0=init_matern)
#vdata = gvg.envelope.dropna()
## The best parameters asre:
#gau_var = tools.gaussianVariogram(hx,bg[0],bg[1],bg[2])
gau_var = MaternVariogram(hx,bg[0],bg[1],bg[2],bg[3])

sill = bg[0]
range_a = bg[1]
nugget = bg[2]
kappa = bg[3]
spmodel = theoreticalVariogram(MaternVariogram,sill,range_a,nugget,kappa)
#spmodel = theoreticalVariogram(gaussianVariogram,sill,range_a,nugget)

In [339]:
results = "Sill %s , range_a %s , nugget %s, kappa %s"%(sill,range_a,nugget,kappa)

Sill 0.00921699922064 , range_a 23280.6168393 , nugget 0.331058893807, kappa 1.72403095525

In [340]:
#n_points = pd.DataFrame(map(lambda v : v.n_points,variograms2))
#points = n_points.transpose()
#ejem2 = pd.DataFrame(variogram2.values * points.values)
# Chunks (variograms) columns
# lag rows
#vempchunk2 = ejem2.sum(axis=1) / points.sum(axis=1)
plt.figure(num=None, figsize=(8, 6), dpi=80, facecolor='w', edgecolor='k')
thrs_dist = 1000000

plt.title("Empirical variogram for the residuals: $log(Biomass) \sim log(Spp_{rich}) $ ")

[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x7f195c072a90>]

Todo: Fit Matern

In [341]:
X = np.linspace(0,600000,50)
tvar = spmodel(X)
correlation_h = lambda h :  1 - (spmodel(h))

In [342]:


In [343]:

[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x7f1953eab350>]

In [344]:

[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x7f1953de7a50>]

GLS estimation.

It's not possible to do it all in the server or this computer because it requires massive computational capacity.

I'll do it with a geographical section or sample. Taken from: http://localhost:8888/notebooks/external_plugins/spystats/notebooks/Analysis_spatial_autocorrelation_with_empirical_variogram_using_GLS.ipynb

Re fit the $\beta$

Oke, first calculate the distances

In [345]:
def randomSelection(data,k):
    n = len(data)
    idxs = np.random.choice(n,k,replace=True)
    random_sample = data.iloc[idxs]
    return random_sample
#n = len(new_data)
#p = 3000 # The amount of samples taken (let's do it without replacement)

def systSelection(data,k):
    n = len(data)
    idxs = range(0,n,k)
    systematic_sample = data.iloc[idxs]
    return systematic_sample
n = len(new_data)
k = 10 # The k-th element to take as a sample

def subselectDataFrameByCoordinates(dataframe,namecolumnx,namecolumny,minx,maxx,miny,maxy):
    Returns a subselection by coordinates using the dataframe/
    minx = float(minx)
    maxx = float(maxx)
    miny = float(miny)
    maxy = float(maxy)
    section = dataframe[lambda x:  (x[namecolumnx] > minx) & (x[namecolumnx] < maxx) & (x[namecolumny] > miny) & (x[namecolumny] < maxy) ]
    return section

In [346]:
sample = systSelection(new_data,10)
sample = randomSelection(new_data,10)
minx = -85
maxx = -80
miny = 30
maxy = 35

section = subselectDataFrameByCoordinates(new_data,'LON','LAT',minx,maxx,miny,maxy)

In [347]:
vsamp = tools.Variogram(section,'logBiomass')
import statsmodels.regression.linear_model as lm
Mdist = vsamp.distance_coordinates.flatten()

print(section.shape) ss = section.drop_duplicates(subset=['newLon','newLat']) ss.shape

In [348]:
%time vars = np.array(correlation_h(Mdist))
MMdist = Mdist.reshape(len(section),len(section))
CovMat = vars.reshape(len(section),len(section))
X = section.logSppN.values
Y = section.logBiomass.values

CPU times: user 7.71 s, sys: 270 ms, total: 7.98 s
Wall time: 7.98 s

In [349]:

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x7f1953c8c6d0>

In [350]:
tt = section.geometry

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x7f1953c5f590>

In [351]:

<matplotlib.image.AxesImage at 0x7f1953a4c410>

In [352]:

<matplotlib.image.AxesImage at 0x7f1953947a10>

In [353]:
%time results_gls = lm.GLS(Y,X,sigma=CovMat)
#tt = np.linalg.cholesky(CovMat)

CPU times: user 38.6 s, sys: 810 ms, total: 39.4 s
Wall time: 20.4 s

In [354]:
modelillo =

In [355]:

GLS Regression Results
Dep. Variable: y R-squared: 0.174
Model: GLS Adj. R-squared: 0.174
Method: Least Squares F-statistic: 578.9
Date: Wed, 06 Dec 2017 Prob (F-statistic): 3.22e-116
Time: 00:21:58 Log-Likelihood: -2717.4
No. Observations: 2744 AIC: 5437.
Df Residuals: 2743 BIC: 5443.
Df Model: 1
Covariance Type: nonrobust
coef std err t P>|t| [95.0% Conf. Int.]
x1 0.4590 0.019 24.060 0.000 0.422 0.496
Omnibus: 172.000 Durbin-Watson: 1.962
Prob(Omnibus): 0.000 Jarque-Bera (JB): 368.715
Skew: -0.410 Prob(JB): 8.60e-81
Kurtosis: 4.598 Cond. No. 1.00

In [ ]:

In [ ]:

In [ ]:
## Experimental do not run in interactive mode
##But the data is massive and it consumes all my RAM (32 GB) I need to  do something clever.
covar = []
for i in range(len(Mdist)):
    x = Mdist.pop(i)
    g = gaussianVariogram(x,bg[0],bg[1],bg[2])