In [4]:
%matplotlib notebook
import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import GWFrames
from scri.SpEC import read_metadata_into_object
from scri import m_sun_in_seconds as m_sun

data_dir = '/Users/boyle/Research/Data/SimulationAnnex/Incoming/BBH_SKS_d13.4_q1.23_sA_0_0_0.320_sB_0_0_-0.580/Lev5/'

/Users/boyle/.continuum/anaconda/envs/gwframes/lib/python2.7/site-packages/matplotlib/ UserWarning: Matplotlib is building the font cache using fc-list. This may take a moment.
  warnings.warn('Matplotlib is building the font cache using fc-list. This may take a moment.')

We need about 16.4 seconds of data, after we scale the system to (36+29=) $65\, M_{\odot}$. In terms of $M$ as we know it, that's about...

In [8]:
16.4 / ((36.+29.) * m_sun)


We can read in the metadata and establish some quantities. These may not be the same as the optimal parameters, but they need to be consistent between NR and PN.

In [9]:
metadata = read_metadata_into_object(data_dir + '/metadata.txt')

m1 = metadata.relaxed_mass1
m2 = metadata.relaxed_mass2
chi1 = np.array(metadata.relaxed_spin1) / m1**2
chi2 = np.array(metadata.relaxed_spin2) / m2**2

# I guess(...) that the units on the metadata quantity are just those of M*Omega, so I'll divide by M to get units of M=1
Omega_orb_i = np.linalg.norm(metadata.relaxed_orbital_frequency) / (m1+m2)

Now read the NR waveform and offset so that the "relaxed" measurement time is $0$.

In [10]:
nr = GWFrames.ReadFromNRAR(data_dir + 'rhOverM_Asymptotic_GeometricUnits_CoM.h5/Extrapolated_N4.dir')

In [11]:
approximant = 'TaylorT4'  # 'TaylorT1'|'TaylorT4'|'TaylorT5'
delta = (m1 - m2) / (m1 + m2)  # Normalized BH mass difference (M1-M2)/(M1+M2)
chi1_i = chi1  # Initial dimensionless spin vector of BH1
chi2_i = chi2  # Initial dimensionless spin vector of BH2
Omega_orb_i = Omega_orb_i  # Initial orbital angular frequency
Omega_orb_0 = Omega_orb_i/3.25  # Earliest orbital angular frequency to compute (default: Omega_orb_i)
# R_frame_i: Initial rotation of the binary (default: No rotation)
# MinStepsPerOrbit =   # Minimum number of time steps at which to evaluate (default: 32)
# PNWaveformModeOrder: PN order at which to compute waveform modes (default: 3.5)
# PNOrbitalEvolutionOrder: PN order at which to compute orbital evolution (default: 4.0)

pn = GWFrames.PNWaveform(approximant, delta, chi1_i, chi2_i, Omega_orb_i, Omega_orb_0)

In [12]:
plt.semilogy(pn.T(), np.abs(pn.Data(0)))
plt.semilogy(nr.T(), np.abs(nr.Data(0)))

[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x1131e2b50>]

In [73]:
! /Users/boyle/.continuum/anaconda/envs/gwframes/bin/python ~/Research/Code/misc/GWFrames/Code/Scripts/ {data_dir} \
  --Waveform=rhOverM_Asymptotic_GeometricUnits_CoM.h5/Extrapolated_N4.dir --t1={metadata.relaxed_measurement_time} --t2=2000.0 \
  --InitialOmega_orb={Omega_orb_0} --Approximant=TaylorT4

/Users/boyle/.continuum/anaconda/envs/gwframes/lib/python2.7/site-packages/matplotlib/ UserWarning: Matplotlib is building the font cache using fc-list. This may take a moment.
  warnings.warn('Matplotlib is building the font cache using fc-list. This may take a moment.')
Reading and transforming NR data
Reading and analyzing Horizons.h5 data
Constructing PN data:
GWFrames.PNWaveform(Approximant=TaylorT4, delta=0.119691724704,
    chia_0=[ -4.24964667e-09  -3.03541238e-08   3.19971939e-01], chib_0=[  2.52539105e-08  -3.41851370e-08  -5.79849124e-01],
    Omega_orb_0=0.0197375356884, InitialOmega_orb=0.00606708934586,
    R_frame_i=[0.296025629172694, -2.51512442762923e-08, -3.03234599732828e-08, 0.95517999710678],
    MinStepsPerOrbit=32, PNWaveformModeOrder=3.5, PNOrbitalEvolutionOrder=4.0)
PostNewtonian/C++/PNEvolution_Q.cpp:311:EvolvePN_Q: Velocity v has become greater than 1.0.  This is a nice way for PN to stop.
Aligning PN and NR waveforms
Waveforms.cpp:2655:AlignWaveforms: Objective function values:
Waveforms.cpp:2657:AlignWaveforms: 	Upsilon(deltat=7.94884, r_delta=[2.30734e-07,3.71096e-10,3.088]) = 0.00641614
Waveforms.cpp:2657:AlignWaveforms: 	Upsilon(deltat=74.3611, r_delta=[5.57759e-08,3.36357e-08,-0.823979]) = 15226.8
Waveforms.cpp:2657:AlignWaveforms: 	Upsilon(deltat=74.3611, r_delta=[-6.37582e-08,-3.10804e-08,0.746817]) = 39.1857
Waveforms.cpp:2657:AlignWaveforms: 	Upsilon(deltat=7.94884, r_delta=[1.25478e-07,6.70247e-08,-1.62439]) = 15188.3
Waveforms.cpp:2665:AlignWaveforms: First stage took 250.052 seconds.
Waveforms.cpp:2759:AlignWaveforms: Objective function value for branch_choice=0 after 135 iterations:
Waveforms.cpp:2761:AlignWaveforms: 	Upsilon(deltat=7.99907, r_delta=[2.16456e-07,2.27858e-09,3.08742]) = 0.00639509
Waveforms.cpp:2386:FindBestMinimizationWaveform: Norms[0]=0.514554
Waveforms.cpp:2386:FindBestMinimizationWaveform: Norms[1]=1e+300
Waveforms.cpp:2386:FindBestMinimizationWaveform: Norms[2]=1e+300
Waveforms.cpp:2386:FindBestMinimizationWaveform: Norms[3]=1e+300
Waveforms.cpp:2792:AlignWaveforms: Second stage took 2.79976 seconds with 135 iterations.
Constructing PN-NR hybrid
Plotting to /Users/boyle/Research/Data/SimulationAnnex/Incoming/BBH_SKS_d13.4_q1.23_sA_0_0_0.320_sB_0_0_-0.580/Lev5/Hybridization.pdf
Transforming hybrid to inertial frame and outputting to
All done

In [ ]:
--DirectAlignmentEvaluations 100

In [100]:
h = hybrid.EvaluateAtPoint(0.0, 0.0)[:-1]

In [ ]:

In [ ]:

In [46]:
hybrid = scri.SpEC.read_from_h5(data_dir + 'rhOverM_Inertial_Hybrid.h5')
hybrid = hybrid[:-1]

In [55]:
h = hybrid.SI_units(current_unit_mass_in_solar_masses=36.+29., distance_from_source_in_megaparsecs=410)

t_merger = 16.429
h.t = h.t - h.max_norm_time() + t_merger

In [57]:
plt.semilogy(h.t, np.abs([:, 0]))

[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x11b387950>]

In [67]:
sampling_rate = 4096.  # Hz
dt = 1 / sampling_rate  # sec
t = np.linspace(0, 32, num=int(32*sampling_rate))
h_discrete = h.interpolate(t)[np.argmax(t>16.4739):, :] = 1e-40j

In [84]:
from utilities import transition_function

In [90]:
h_trimmed = h_discrete.copy() = (1-transition_function(h_discrete.t, 16.445, 16.4737))[:, np.newaxis] *

In [91]:
plt.semilogy(h_discrete.t, np.abs([:, 0]))
plt.semilogy(h_trimmed.t, np.abs([:, 0]))

[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x15564ef90>]

In [ ]:

In [93]:
import quaternion
import spherical_functions as sf

In [100]:
sYlm = sf.SWSH(, h_discrete.spin_weight, h_discrete.LM)

(sYlm *

(131072, 77)

In [107]:
h_data = np.tensordot(sYlm,, axes=([0, 1]))

In [121]:
np.savetxt('../Data/NR_GW150914.txt', np.vstack((h_data.real, h_data.imag)).T)

In [122]:
! head -n 1 ../Data/NR_GW150914.txt

-1.759765731369246126e-22 1.818289868851032387e-22

In [ ]:

In [ ]:

In [ ]:

In [ ]:

In [ ]: