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Creating MNE objects from data arrays

In this simple example, the creation of MNE objects from numpy arrays is demonstrated. In the last example case, a NEO file format is used as a source for the data.

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# Author: Jaakko Leppakangas <>
# License: BSD (3-clause)

import numpy as np
import neo

import mne


Create arbitrary data

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sfreq = 1000  # Sampling frequency
times = np.arange(0, 10, 0.001)  # Use 10000 samples (10s)

sin = np.sin(times * 10)  # Multiplied by 10 for shorter cycles
cos = np.cos(times * 10)
sinX2 = sin * 2
cosX2 = cos * 2

# Numpy array of size 4 X 10000.
data = np.array([sin, cos, sinX2, cosX2])

# Definition of channel types and names.
ch_types = ['mag', 'mag', 'grad', 'grad']
ch_names = ['sin', 'cos', 'sinX2', 'cosX2']

Creation of info dictionary.

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# It is also possible to use info from another raw object.
info = mne.create_info(ch_names=ch_names, sfreq=sfreq, ch_types=ch_types)

raw =, info)

# Scaling of the figure.
# For actual EEG/MEG data different scaling factors should be used.
scalings = {'mag': 2, 'grad': 2}

raw.plot(n_channels=4, scalings=scalings, title='Data from arrays',
         show=True, block=True)

# It is also possible to auto-compute scalings
scalings = 'auto'  # Could also pass a dictionary with some value == 'auto'
raw.plot(n_channels=4, scalings=scalings, title='Auto-scaled Data from arrays',
         show=True, block=True)


In [ ]:
event_id = 1
events = np.array([[200, 0, event_id],
                   [1200, 0, event_id],
                   [2000, 0, event_id]])  # List of three arbitrary events

# Here a data set of 700 ms epochs from 2 channels is
# created from sin and cos data.
# Any data in shape (n_epochs, n_channels, n_times) can be used.
epochs_data = np.array([[sin[:700], cos[:700]],
                        [sin[1000:1700], cos[1000:1700]],
                        [sin[1800:2500], cos[1800:2500]]])

ch_names = ['sin', 'cos']
ch_types = ['mag', 'mag']
info = mne.create_info(ch_names=ch_names, sfreq=sfreq, ch_types=ch_types)

epochs = mne.EpochsArray(epochs_data, info=info, events=events,
                         event_id={'arbitrary': 1})

picks = mne.pick_types(info, meg=True, eeg=False, misc=False)

epochs.plot(picks=picks, scalings='auto', show=True, block=True)


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nave = len(epochs_data)  # Number of averaged epochs
evoked_data = np.mean(epochs_data, axis=0)

evokeds = mne.EvokedArray(evoked_data, info=info, tmin=-0.2,
                          comment='Arbitrary', nave=nave)
evokeds.plot(picks=picks, show=True, units={'mag': '-'},
             titles={'mag': 'sin and cos averaged'})

Extracting data from NEO file

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# The example here uses the ExampleIO object for creating fake data.
# For actual data and different file formats, consult the NEO documentation.
reader ='fakedata.nof')
bl =, lazy=False)[0]

# Get data from first (and only) segment
seg = bl.segments[0]
title = seg.file_origin

ch_names = list()
data = list()
for asig in seg.analogsignals:
    # Since the data does not contain channel names, channel indices are used.
    asig = asig.rescale('V').magnitude

sfreq = int(seg.analogsignals[0].sampling_rate.magnitude)

# By default, the channel types are assumed to be 'misc'.
info = mne.create_info(ch_names=ch_names, sfreq=sfreq)

raw =, info)
raw.plot(n_channels=4, scalings={'misc': 1}, title='Data from NEO',
         show=True, block=True, clipping='clamp')