Charged Patchy Particle Model

Alexei Abrikossov and Mikael Lund, December 2016

In this Notebook we setup both MC and MD simulation to calculate the interaction free energy between a pair of CPPM's. The layout is as follows:

  1. MD using OpenMM - PMF from force integration.
  2. MC using Faunus - PMF from Boltzmann inversion

In [1]:
%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

import numpy as np
from scipy import integrate
import pandas as pd
import os.path, os, sys, json, shutil
from pathlib import Path
import pickle
from sys import stdout
from math import exp, sqrt
import mdtraj as md
import simtk.unit
from import *
from simtk.openmm import *
from simtk.unit import *

plt.rcParams.update({'font.size': 16, 'figure.figsize': [6.0, 5.0]})
except NameError:
    %cd $workdir

In [18]:
rho1 = 9.0/nanometer**2

Quantity(value=11.111111111111112, unit=angstrom**2)

In [25]:
rho2 = a/10

Quantity(value=0.35367765131532297, unit=/(nanometer**2))

Molecular Dynamics Simulation using OpenMM

In this section we use OpenMM to run a steered MD simulation where the two CPPM's are pulled towards each other using an external, harmonic potential. Done slowly, this enables us to sample the equilibrium force as a function of separation. We will lastly integrate the mean force to obtain the potential of mean force, PMF.

Some details:

  • Gromacs topology and gro files are used to set up the force field in OpenMM
  • One CPPM is fixed in the box origo using an external potential
  • The other CPPM is bound to the first by a harmonic potential with an equilibrium distance, $r_{eq}$ that varies over time.
  • Each CPPM has an atom in their COM named MP.

In [37]:
dr=0.1 # distance spacing in nm
param = pd.DataFrame({
    'Neutral' :
            L=15*simtk.unit.nanometer, sep=4*simtk.unit.nanometer,
            R=np.arange(4.2, 5.0, dr)*simtk.unit.nanometer, label=r'Neutral',
            ions = [ ]
    'P00' :
            L=15*simtk.unit.nanometer, sep=4*simtk.unit.nanometer,
            R=np.arange(4.2, 5.0, dr)*simtk.unit.nanometer, label=r'$P_0^0$',
            ions = [ dict(Na=100, Cl=100), dict(La=100, Cl=300) ]
    'P18' :
            L=15*simtk.unit.nanometer, sep=4*simtk.unit.nanometer,
            R=np.arange(4.2, 5.0, dr)*simtk.unit.nanometer, label=r'$P_8^1$',
            ions = [ dict(Na=100, Cl=100), dict(La=100, Cl=300) ]

L R charge ions label sep
Neutral 15 nm [4.2 nm, 4.3 nm, 4.4 nm, 4.5 nm, 4.6 nm, 4.7 n... 0 [] Neutral 4 nm
P00 15 nm [4.2 nm, 4.3 nm, 4.4 nm, 4.5 nm, 4.6 nm, 4.7 n... -8 [{'Cl': 100, 'Na': 100}, {'Cl': 300, 'La': 100}] $P_0^0$ 4 nm
P18 15 nm [4.2 nm, 4.3 nm, 4.4 nm, 4.5 nm, 4.6 nm, 4.7 n... -8 [{'Cl': 100, 'Na': 100}, {'Cl': 300, 'La': 100}] $P_8^1$ 4 nm

In [52]:
# Generate initial system with two CPPMs, one locked in the middle of the box, the other
# some distance away from it. The final file is called "system.gro".

%cd -q $workdir

def makeInitialConfiguration(pdbin, sep, L, ionlist={}):
    ''' Generate initial .gro file
    Two molecules of `pdbin` will be inserter, one in the box center, the
    other a distance `separation` from it, along x. If an ion list is given, these
    will be inserted such that they do not overlap with the two molecules.
    For each ion, a single line PDB with name `ionname.pdb` must exist.
    pdbin   - input structure. Two will be inserted, one in the box center (str)
    sep     - COM-COM separation (float)
    L       - Cube side length (float)
    ionlist - List of ions to insert, for example `dict(Na=10, Cl=10)`
    L = L.value_in_unit(simtk.unit.angstrom)
    sep = sep.value_in_unit(simtk.unit.angstrom)

    !echo "ATOM      1  Na  NA  X   1     149.529 134.999 136.634  0.00  0.00" > Na.pdb
    !echo "ATOM      1  Cl  CL  X   1     149.529 134.999 136.634  0.00  0.00" > Cl.pdb
    !echo "ATOM      1  La  LA  X   1     149.529 134.999 136.634  0.00  0.00" > La.pdb

    topol = '''
#include "amber99.ff/forcefield.itp"
[ atomtypes ]
; name1 name2   mass     charge  ptype   sigma   epsilon
UP     UP     	  1      0.0000   A      0.3       0.24746
NP     NP         1      0.0000   A      0.3       0.24746
MP     MP         1      0.0000   A      0.3       0.24746
PP     PP         1      0.0000   A      0.3       0.24746
Na     Na         1      1.0000   A      0.3       0.24746
Cl     Cl         1     -1.0000   A      0.3       0.24746
La     La         1     +3.0000   A      0.3       0.24746
;M1     M1	  1	 1.0000   A      0.3       0.24746	
;D2     D2	  1	 2.0000   A      0.3       0.24746
;T3     T3	  1	 3.0000   A      0.3       0.24746
;AM1    AM1	  1	-1.0000   A      0.3       0.24746	
;AD2    AD2	  1	-2.0000   A      0.3       0.24746
;AT3    AT3	  1	-3.0000   A      0.3       0.24746 
[ moleculetype ]
NA              1
[ atoms ]
1       Na              1       NA              NA       1      1.00000
[ moleculetype ]
CL              1
[ atoms ]
1       Cl              1       CL              CL       1      -1.00000
[ moleculetype ]
LA              1
[ atoms ]
1       La              1       LA              LA       1      +3.00000

#include "sphere.itp"

[ system ]
Patchy particles in water
[ molecules ]
SPH  1
SPH  1
sidemax {a}
tolerance 2.0
filetype pdb
output system.pdb

structure {pdbin}
  resnumbers 2
  number 1
  fixed 0 0 0 0. 0. 0.
end structure

structure {pdbin}
  resnumbers 2
  number 1
  fixed {sep} 0 0 0. 0. 0.
end structure
""".format( a=0.5*L, sep=sep, pdbin=pdbin)
    # add ions
    r=20 # radius
    for ion, N in ionlist.items():
        s = '''
        structure {ion}.pdb
          number {N}
          outside box {x1} {y1} {z1} {x2} {y2} {z2}
        end structure'''.format(ion=ion, N=N, x1=-r, y1=-r, z1=-r, x2=sep+r, y2=r, z2=r)
        PACKMOL_INPUT += s
        topol += ion.upper()+' '+str(N)+'\n'

    !echo '$PACKMOL_INPUT' > packmol.inp
    !~/Downloads/packmol/packmol sidemax $L < packmol.inp > /dev/null
    with open('', 'w') as f:
        f.write( topol )

    cryst = "CRYST1%9.3f%9.3f%9.3f%7.2f%7.2f%7.2f P 1           1" % (L,L,L,90,90,90)
    !sed '5s/.*/$cryst/' system.pdb > tmp.pdb ; mv tmp.pdb system.pdb # add box info

    md.load('system.pdb').save_gro('system.gro') # convert pdb -> gro
    #!rm -fR system.pdb

#makeInitialConfiguration('sphere.pdb', L=L, sep=5*simtk.unit.nanometer, ionlist=dict(Na=1000, Cl=1000) )

In [53]:
%cd -q $workdir
for particletype, d in param.items(): # 'P00', 'P18', ...
    if os.path.isdir( particletype ):
        %cd $particletype
        md.load('sphere.gro').save_pdb('sphere.pdb') # gro -> pdb

        for ionlist in d.ions: # loop over all salt conditions
            iondir = ''
            for ion, N in ionlist.items():
                iondir = ion+str(N) + iondir
            if not os.path.isdir(iondir):
                %mkdir $iondir
            if os.path.isdir(iondir):
                %cd -q $iondir
                makeInitialConfiguration('../sphere.pdb', L=d.L, sep=d.R[-1], ionlist=ionlist)
                %cd -q ..

        %cd -q ..


In [ ]:
def scaleCharges(system, scale=1.0):
    Scale charges in all appropriate force classes of system. This can
    be used to simulate a system with a different background dielectric
    by setting scale=1/sqrt(epsilon_r), for example.
    for force in system.getForces():
        if 'getParticleParameters' in dir(force):
            for i in range(force.getNumParticles()):
                charge, sigma, epsilon = force.getParticleParameters(i)
                force.setParticleParameters(i, scale*charge, sigma, epsilon)
                qsum += charge / elementary_charge
        if 'getExceptionParameters' in dir(force):
            for i in range(force.getNumExceptions()):
                p1, p2, chargeProd, sigma, epsilon = force.getExceptionParameters(i)
                force.setExceptionParameters(i, p1, p2, chargeProd*(scale**2), sigma, epsilon)
    print('Net charge before scaling =', qsum)

class MeanForceReporter(object):
    ''' Calculate mean force between two particle ranges
    This will calculate the mean force on particle index 1 and particle
    index 2 along the COM-COM distance between the two particle sets.
    Only forces in given OpenMM force is used to calculate
    the forces, hence the manual call to `getState()`. Periodic boundaries
    and minimum image distances are *not* considered, so make sure molecules
    are not wrapped, nor can the COM-COM distance be longer than half the
    box length.
    Keyword arguments:
    cm1    -- index of particle situated on mass center 1 (int)
    cm2    -- index of particle situated on mass center 1 (int)
    index1 -- particle index of group1 (list)
    index2 -- particle index of group1 (list)
    groups -- force groups to extract forces from (set)
    reportInterval -- Steps between each sample (int)
    def __init__(self, cm1, cm2, index1, index2, groups, reportInterval):
        self._reportInterval = reportInterval
        self._cm1 = cm1
        self._cm2 = cm2
        self._index1 = index1
        self._index2 = index2
        self.mf1 = 0 # mean force on cm1 (kJ/mol/nm)
        self.mf2 = 0 # mean force on cm2 (kj/mol/nm)
        self.mR  = 0 # mean COM-COM distance
        self.cnt = 0 # number of samples
        self.groups = groups

    def describeNextReport(self, simulation):
        steps = self._reportInterval - simulation.currentStep%self._reportInterval
        return (steps, False, False, False, False)
    def clear(self):
        '''Resets the mean force average'''
    def meanforce(self):
        '''Returns average meanforce along COM-COM vector (kJ/mol/nm)'''
        if self.cnt>0:
            return 0.5*(self.mf1+self.mf2) / self.cnt, self.mf1/self.cnt, self.mf2/self.cnt, self.mR/self.cnt
            print('no force samples')

    def report(self, simulation, state):
        s = simulation.context.getState(getPositions=True, getForces=True, groups={0}) # system
        f = s.getForces(asNumpy=True).value_in_unit(kilojoules/mole/nanometer) # forces
        r = s.getPositions(asNumpy=True).value_in_unit(nanometer) # distances
        R = r[ self._cm1 ] - r[ self._cm2 ] # COM-COM distance vector...
        Rhat = R / np.linalg.norm(R)        # ...and scalar
        self.mR  += np.linalg.norm(R)       # mean COM-COM distance
        self.mf1 += np.inner( f[ self._index1 ],  Rhat).sum() # Mean force 1 along R
        self.mf2 += np.inner( f[ self._index2 ], -Rhat).sum() # Mean force 2 along -R
        self.cnt += 1 # number of samples since last call to clear()

gro = GromacsGroFile('system.gro')
top = GromacsTopFile('', periodicBoxVectors=gro.getPeriodicBoxVectors(),

system     = top.createSystem( nonbondedCutoff=1.2*nanometer, nonbondedMethod=PME)
integrator = LangevinIntegrator( 300*kelvin, 1/picosecond, 0.002*picoseconds)
platform   = Platform.getPlatformByName( 'OpenCL' )
properties = {}#'OpenCLDeviceIndex': '0,1', 'OpenCLPrecision': 'mixed'}

# OpenMM does not allow to set the background dielectric. Instead we scale charges:
scaleCharges(system, scale=1/sqrt(78.44))

# modify automatically added forces
for i in range(0, system.getNumForces()):
    f = system.getForce(i)
    if (type(f) == CMMotionRemover):   # remove COM motion remover
    if type(f) == NonbondedForce:      # remove dispersion correction
        f.setEwaldErrorTolerance(0.05) # default=0.0005
    if type(f) == HarmonicBondForce:   # move constraints to another
        f.setForceGroup(1)             # force group

# add harmonic bond between COMs
t = md.load('system.gro')             # mdtraj trajectory
cm ='name MP').tolist() # particle index of the two COMs
harmonic = HarmonicBondForce()
harmonic.addBond( cm[0], cm[1], 5.0*nanometer, 10000*kilojoule_per_mole/nanometer**2 )
system.addForce( harmonic )

# fix COM of molecule 1 to middle of box
freezeforce = CustomExternalForce('8000*r^2; r=sqrt((x-L/2)^2 + (y-L/2)^2 + (z-L/2)^2); L=%f' % L.value_in_unit(nanometer) )
freezeforce.addParticle(cm[0], [])

simulation = Simulation(top.topology, system, integrator, platform)

nb = system.getForce(0)
print('PME parameters: ', nb.getPMEParametersInContext(simulation.context))

for f in system.getForces():
    print(type(f), 'force group =',f.getForceGroup())

In [ ]:
rho = 1000./(30*nanometer)**3 / (6.022e23/mole)

In [ ]:
# (de)serialize to/from XML files. Works for system, force, integrator, state, platform
with open("system.xml", "w") as f:
    f.write( XmlSerializer.serialize(system) )

with open('system.xml', 'r') as f:
    system = XmlSerializer.deserialize( )

In [ ]:
simulation.minimizeEnergy() # minization
pos = simulation.context.getState( getPositions=True ).getPositions()
PDBFile.writeFile(simulation.topology, pos, open( 'minimized.pdb', 'w'))

simulation.step(1000)       # pre-equilibration

res1 ='resid 0') # index of molecule 1
res2 ='resid 1') # index of molecule 2

meanforce = MeanForceReporter( cm[0], cm[1], res1, res2, {0}, 50 )
simulation.reporters.append( meanforce )
#simulation.reporters.append( DCDReporter('output.dcd', 100))
#simulation.reporters.append( StateDataReporter(stdout, 100, step=True, temperature=True) )

print('Distance scan...')

rinterval=[4.0, 4.6] # distance range (nm)
dr=0.1               # distance steps (nm)
nsteps=1000           # steps per distance, 2 fs each

_r = []
_f = []

if True:
    for req in np.arange(rinterval[1], rinterval[0], -dr):

        # update spring eq. distance in context
        harmonic.setBondParameters(0, cm[0], cm[1], req*nanometers, 10000*kilojoule_per_mole/nanometer**2)

        simulation.step( 1000 )    # equilibration for new distance
        meanforce.clear()          # clear mean force
        simulation.step( nsteps )  # propagate and sample mean force

        _r.append( req )
        _f.append( meanforce.meanforce()[1] )
        print(req, meanforce.meanforce())


In [ ]:
#rmc, g = np.loadtxt('mc/rdf.dat', unpack=True)
#rmc = 0.1*rmc
#w = -np.log( g / g[rmc>4.75].mean() )

pmf = integrate.cumtrapz( _f, _r, initial=0 ) # integrate force --> potential of mean force
plt.plot(_r, -(pmf/2.5), 'bo-', label='OpenMM (MD)')
#plt.plot(rmc, w, 'r-', label='Faunus (MC)', lw=2)
plt.legend(loc=0, frameon=False)
#plt.xlim(4.15, 4.6)

Perform analysis on Gromacs pulling output (experimental)

In [ ]:
t, r = np.loadtxt('pullx_old.xvg', skiprows=15, unpack=True) # distance (nm)
t, f = np.loadtxt('pullf_old.xvg', skiprows=15, unpack=True) # force (kJ/mol/nm)

sort = np.argsort(r) # sort w. respect to distance
r = r[sort]
f = f[sort]
t = t[sort]

In [ ]:
pmf = integrate.cumtrapz( f, r, initial=0 ) # integrate force
pmf = pmf - pmf[ (r>10) & (r<11)].mean()    # shift pmf to zero at long separations
pmf = pmf / 2.48                            # kJ/mol --> kT

plt.plot( r, pmf )
plt.xlabel('$R$ (nm)')
plt.ylabel('PMF ($k_BT$)')
plt.xlim(4.1, 5)

print('PMF minimum =', pmf[r<6].min(), 'kT')

Metropolis Monte Carlo: Potential of mean force between two neutral CPPM's

Here we simulate the PMF between two neutral CPPM's by fixing them to a line and sample the COM-COM distribution function. We firstly download and build the MC program.

In [ ]:
%%bash -s "$workdir"
cd $1
if [ ! -d "faunus" ]; then
  git clone
  cd faunus
  #git checkout dfdddf3
  cd faunus

# if different, copy custom .cpp file into faunus
if ! cmp ../mc/twobody.cpp src/examples/twobody.cpp >/dev/null 2>&1
    cp ../mc/twobody.cpp src/examples/

cmake . -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo -DENABLE_APPROXMATH=on &>/dev/null
make example_twobody -j
cd $1

In [ ]:
%cd $workdir/mc

def mkinput():
  d = {
      "energy" : {
        "nonbonded" : {
          "coulomb" : { "epsr" : 78.7, "ionicstrength" : 0.1 }
        "cmconstrain" : {
          "sphere1 sphere2" : { "mindist": 0, "maxdist": 50 }
      "atomlist" : {
        "UP":  dict(q=0, sigma=3.0, eps=0.2479, mw=1e-3),
        "NP":  dict(q=0, sigma=3.0, eps=0.2479, mw=1e-3),
        "PP":  dict(q=0, sigma=3.0, eps=0.2479, mw=1e-3),
        "MP":  dict(q=0, sigma=3.0, eps=0.2479, mw=1e6)
      "moleculelist": {
          "sphere1":  { "structure":"", "Ninit":1, "insdir":"0 0 1", "insoffset":"0 0 -20"},
          "sphere2":  { "structure":"", "Ninit":1, "insdir":"0 0 1", "insoffset":"0 0 20"}
      "moves" : {
          "moltransrot2body" : {
            "sphere1" : { "dp":30, "dprot":1, "prob":1.0 }, 
            "sphere2" : { "dp":30, "dprot":1, "prob":1.0 } 
      "analysis" : {
        "pqrfile" : { "file": "confout.pqr"  },
        "statefile" : { "file": "state" }
      "system" : {
          "temperature" : 298.15,
          "cylinder" : { "length" : 400, "radius" : 200 },
          "mcloop"   : { "macro" : 10, "micro" : 5000 }
  with open('twobody.json', 'w+') as f:
      f.write(json.dumps(d, indent=4))


#!rm -fR state

In [ ]:
%cd $workdir/mc
rmc, g = np.loadtxt('rdf.dat', unpack=True)
rmc = 0.1*rmc
w = -np.log( g / g[rmc>4.8].mean() )

plt.plot(rmc, w, label='faunus' )
plt.xlabel('$R$ (nm)')
plt.ylabel('PMF ($k_BT$)')
plt.xlim(4.1, 5)

print('PMF minimum =', w[rmc<6].min(), 'kT')